See the story posted this morning on Tony Ortega’s blog Scientology Celebrity Rebellion.
I have heard a lot of the same things Ortega reports. The drama surrounding Leah has been ongoing for some time, and in what has become typical Miscavige, he has now turned her into an avowed enemy of his squirreling and heavy-handed efforts to force her into line, including attempts to control her by working over her immediate family.
I have known Leah for many years. She is one of the most down-to-earth, honest and truly caring celebrities I came across in Scientology. Funny, endearing and abrasive all at once, she does not sit quietly when she knows something is wrong. And she is unwilling to keep her mouth shut when she knows injustices are being perpetrated on those who have no voice to speak for themselves. She is acutely aware that if things are a bit “off” in how she is being “handled” then it is probably WAY worse for those who are not accorded “VIP treatment.”
I cannot imagine her not speaking out at some point, given what has transpired. But I am not walking in her shoes. I am sure when the time is right she will come out swinging for the fence.
Perhaps underplayed in Ortega’s piece is the role that Tommy Davis and Jessica Feshbach played in opening Leah’s eyes to the political and vindictive organization the church has become. According to what I have been told, Tomica were the designated “hatchet-men” for Miscavige following events at the Cruise/Holmes wedding. They spearheaded a campaign to “dead-agent” Leah, and Jessica was the driving force behind the squirrel Truth Rundown Leah was forced to undergo at Flag. I heard they were more than happy to try to put Leah in her place because she has dared call them out on their blossoming 2D when they were both still married.
When Tomica were no longer in favor, they were then made the scapegoats as if everything was done on their origination and they were “off the rails.” This is a typical Miscavige ploy — there is a scapegoat for EVERYTHING, whether its the SP transcriptionist or Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder or other “unnamed SP’s” that he can blame and then he is the “hero” by simply announcing they are to blame. But I can 100% guarantee there is no handling of a celebrity of the stature of Leah that is not personally overseen by Miscavige himself. Every step of it. Especially not a “handling” so intimately connected to events relating to Tom Cruise. The Cruise/Holmes wedding was apparently more akin to the Red Wedding in Game of Thrones than the Disney fairytale it was supposed to be. Minister, the Reverend Norman Starkey, got drunk and hit on Brooke Shields until her husband complained about his behavior to Miscavige, Dave and Lou acted inappropriately in public and Leah stirred the pot about Shelly, not to mention the bride not turning out to be what Dave and Tom had planned. It is little wonder that the hatchets came out.
Reportedly at this time Tommy let fly with a classic. He told Leah: “You don’t have the fucking rank to ask about Shelly.” And that about sums up the RCS. One of the most prominent people in the church suddenly disappears — a no-show at an event she should have attended – and because its about “COB” it is forbidden to even inquire about her.
Leah remains convinced of the value of L. Ron Hubbard’s work, but will no longer tolerate the squirreling and human rights abuses perpetrated in the church. Nor will she allow anyone to tell her who she can and cannot talk to or associate with. As a result, the church has lost one of its most effective supporters – both in the public relations arena and their bank balances. They have also lost a 30 year member of the church and the rest of her family including her mother who has been a Scientologist since the 70’s.
But most important: Leah is now free to think for herself, choose her friends and no longer lives in the shadow of Big Brother.
Update – The Church Responds!
So what can we do to shut scientology down and get the legal system to quit ignoring the proof former scientologists have brought against them?
It blows my mind there seems to be very little compensation and justice for former scientologists and there families?
I’m c9nfused if you guys want to show that Scientology is a fraud why don’t you guys focus on the originator of the movement Hubbard. The best way to expose Scientology for its abuse it’s lies it’s manipulation is to focus on the man who started the movement.
Hubbard was a crook himself. He was a sci fi writer and a bad one at tha5 , that didn’t sell well so he was looking for ways to make mone6 and not pay tax. He decided to base his religious movement on his made up sci fi stories which in itself is such a deceitful thing to do.
You would be surprised just how many people out there still do t know that Hubbard was a drug taker, a bad sci fi writer, a manipulator that socialised with people like Crowley who was into some kind of satanic movement.
Instead of 5alking about how evil Scientology is now and how bad Miscavige is why not talk about the originator show him for what he was an evil person who was into drugs, wrote bad stories couldn’t sell them then used them to create a religion he fooled the world with. I mean in some ways that’s almost genius to have managed to do that but none the less criminal in itself.
There is no way any intelligent person could have been convinced to join that movement if they knew the Hubbard background because no fool would follow some guy who wrote a bad story that didn’t sell well then used it to create a religion
Unless born into that movement any celebrity must have been offered fame and fortune and huge PR in order to join because no person in their right mind would join knowing Hubbard’s history.
So why doesn’t the series mike and Leah have produced focus on Hubbard to show what a horridly clever man he was to deceive the public so spectacularly
Focus on Hubbard and miscavige will c9me to his demise. That’s the problem every bit of coverage they get is always about what miscavige is doing and how peop,e ge5 abused but no one is bothering to do the obvious and show that Hubbard was a clever liar who indulged in drugs and satanic movements then fooled the public using his sci fi novels as the basis for his religion.
Change the narrative and you guys will have a better chance at bringing them down but cont8nue with your stories of abuse and it gets you no where because the problem is with the originator show him for what he was or are you afraid you may look silly if you admit you were promised &age and fortune to join or that perhaps you didn’t do your homework and didn’t realise the leader the orig8nator was a clever fraud
I’ve watched the series you and Leah have produced and I do commend you for trying to get out there and make people aware tha5 Scientology is not a religion it’s not a church. It’s entire mission is about taking control of people and using Them to enrich the top tier of leaders and follows within Scientology. It’s just about control power and wealth it has nothing to do with religion of any kind. But what perplexes me is that neither you nor Leah go to the heart of the issue to the original man beh8nd scientology Hubbard himself.
Let’s face it the guy was a scammer, a drug taker and b grade sci fi writer and that’s being kind saying it was b grade. Scientology was a scam he put together just to avoid paying tax. I’ve read most of his work and basically his so called Scientology bible is identical to his sci fi novels. He has made a joke of the people that joined Scientology. And sadly tha5 includes you and Leah b7t thankfully you guys wised up and left.
I’m just surprised you don’t 5alk about what a fraud the man was and how celebrities such cruise, Travolta and the like could ever have jo8ned such a group know8ng that Hubbard just used his sci fi novels as the basis for the Scientology bible so to speak.
I mean instead of constantly 5ry8ng to show that the current leaders of Scientology are cruel, and horrid people that can’t be trusted surely it would make more sense to approach this by exposing Hubbard for using his fictitious sci fi books and turning them into a so called religion. It would ma’e more sense to point out what a scammer he was and how utterly stupid people were back then to enter his so called movement.
The reason I was never taken in by this movement is because when I first heard about them, and although some of their philosophies may have appeared interesting and positive on the surface, I bothered to take time to research who the hell hubbard was.
Whilst researching him I discovered that the guy was a lazy, b grade sci fi writer indulging in drugs of the time and he was socalis8ng with Crawley who was into some satanic shit back then so it didn’t take a brain surgeon to determine the guy was cheating the system and the people just to further himself and make money
It was the research into Hubbard himself that convinced me he was just a little evil man trick8ng people into believing he had some great religious movement when in fact he just used his fictitious work that wasn’t selling and turned it into a bible of his own.
What troubles me is that I’m certainly no brain surgeon or genius of any sort I’m just a women that bothered to research the guy before heading into a movement that I knew nothing about and in doing so it was obvious the guy was a fraud a drug taker a manipulator and a lazy man looking for power control and wealth.
So how is it that so many celebrities and people in general went into this movement and still do knowing this guy was a freak a liar.
I just don’t understand do these celebrities go into the movement because they are promised fame and fortune or because they really believe that Hubbard’s fictitious sci fi novels are truly a form of religion. For goodness sakes he made it all up it isn’t even real so why are people buying 8nto it.
I mean why did you and Leah were you promised fame and fortune or truly believed his fictitious work was real?
It just doesn’t make any sense to me because you all appear to be intelligent human beings so I can only ass7me you knew his work was fictitious but had other reasons for selling his beliefs to people as being real?
Why not change the direction of your series to focus on Hubbard and the fact that his work is fictitious derived from th8ngs he made up in his novels that none of it was true. Why not focus on asking why celebrities and people in general choose to believe in this fictitious story he wrote after all it is all just made up sci fi crap
Surely you would get more traction and more authorities on your side to take this organisation down if you just bothered to call it wha5 it is and talk about Hubbard being a criminal for making up stories and manipulating people into either believing the stories or promis8ng them fame and fortune if they pushed his movement for him
I just don’t understand why you are focusing on Miscavige because although he is now the guy that is manipulating people you still need to go back to the source of the movement which was Hubbard and expose him for being a crook and using his made up stories and selling them off as a religion which in turn would serve to expose Miscavige and every celebrity such as Cruise and Travolta who have benefited the most financially from this movement. These guys can’t be there because they believe Hubbard was a visionary they can’t be there because they actually believe his work is factual and true they all know it’s made up stories taken directly from his made up sci fi novels.
Hubbard’s past is riddled with deception and drugs so make that the focus of your series show that Hubbard just wanted a business tha5 was tax free and had n9 shame in using his made up sci fi novels as the bases for his so called religious movement.
The more you focus on the fact that no intelligent being could be persuaded to join such a movement when the originator is such a crook the more cared you will gain both in society and with the authorities. The authorities are partly to blame for allowing him to register as a churc( but focus on hubbard and you will gain more ground. I understand some peo0le are easily led and some would not do their due diligence to discover that Hubbard was a crook and some people would vulnerable but generally speak8ng mos5 people are smart enough to do their due diligence as I’m sure most celebrities do so the only reason they are there is the promise of exposure fame and wealth.
It’s a sad world we live in when no one is prepared to expose people such as Hubbard. Why bother with miscavige at this po8nt focus on the orig8nal leader and the fact his work is just made up stories he couldn’t sell so he was brazen enough to use as the basis for his movement and scam the authorities to pass it off as a religi9n.
Focus on that and your series will have more cred and gain more followers
We focus on exposing the abuses to bring them to an end.
Hi Mike, I really applaud you and Leah and am praying your efforts are successful in taking down this pseudo religion. I just had a thought–if Dave Miscavige’s wife can be found or if she was murdered and this could be linked definitely to her husband or to the church in some way–THAT WOULD BE THE SCANDAL. that would tear that organization down. Leah is right to keep up the investigation for his wife and if you all could do a GOfund me or something to hire a forensic team or high powdered team of detectives to track what happened to her–that’s your link. Of course you all are helping and assisting many individuals–more than you know to be free–but the entire Goliath needs to be brought down. I pray.
I have a serious question. Have no association with any religion or cult.
childhood to present. Thankfully!
BUT…I have ascertained that many/most Scientologists appear to be educated, intelligent, sensitive etc. SO…HOW do these people get so taken in, scammed so to speak??? Allow physical and financial abuses? UNLESS they were raised to “believe”…that they “needed” an outside “spiritual” source to exist? How many CoS came from strong religious or cult backgrounds growing up?
Are there many who grew up atheistic or agnostic? Just very curious. And do not intend to offend!
Thanks! LD
LD — there is no easy answer to this obvious question. I suggest you read Marty Rathbun’s books. They will probably answer this for you.
Thank you! I will do just that!
How can it call itself a religion or church? Religions have deities-was/-is L.Ron Hubbard scientologists’ “God”? Is he worshipped in the sense you see done in a Christian church?
I knew Leah briefly decades ago when she first moved to LA (she wouldn’t remember me). I was a WISE consultant to the company she worked for (before she became famous). She was indeed a “daughter of Brooklyn”, feisty, sarcastic, funny and outspoken.
Hey, what do you guys make of this? An enforced Liability formula? “Deliver an effective blow…”
Notice that he never says, the “Church of Scientology”. Only Scientology and LRH. There’s hope yet.
This oughtta be the theme song for John Travolta AND Leah. Welcome Back, Broooooklyyyyyyn! In the house!
This is the link I refer to in my post as to what the Truth R/D is. Very much a must see link to Bruce Hines explaining it. And it is for public as well as staff. Another Black Scientology example of reversal of tech. And after that much introspection looking for your own evil, when really the evil is “out there” and “what you saw,” they can always patch you up with the Introspection R/D for a mere $20,000 more. It never ends. They key you in, mess up your case, bring you to your knees, break you, and then either send you home to audit yourself and pay for it, or they sell you more auditing to handle the mistakes they made on your case.
I met Leah years ago and was immediately impressed with her straight shooting, no bullshit approach to things. She also had an incredible warmth, almost a light. Other celebs are aloof and superior but Leah does not have any of that going on. She is just there, as herself. This is incredibly unusual. The only other celebrity I have ever heard of that had this no bullshit approach to things was Lisa Marie.
Personally I am not holding my breath for any of the other important celebs to step up and try and help Scientology get back onto the rails. The other celebs like JT and Jenna and Kirstie and Catherine Bell and Ribisi are all about me me me. They really could not give a shit about what is happening to the rank and file. If Scientology gets driven into the dust it’s of little importance to them as long as they are getting the best auditor and best CS on the planet and they have RTC kissing their ass and and making sure they don’t get the same treatment the riff raff get.
Leah is a Queen. Queen of integrity, honesty and courage.
Go Leah! 😀 <3
Good for Leah.
Her “rank” by the way, was issued to her (and any other Scientologist) by LRH.
Part of the definition of Responsibility is: “The non-recognition and denial of the right of intervention between oneself and any being…”
Despite what you may think Tom, you do not supersede LRH and Leah has every right to ignore your intervention and write a Knowledge Report.
I can tell…she is free now…that is Integrity! well done Leah!
Mike, can you explain to me why a grown ass person would OBEY an order to report for thought modification? Im not a scientologist and just dont understand why anyone would do this. And none of your indie commentators seem to think this is unusual.
” And none of your indie commentators seem to think this is unusual.”
“Im not a scientologist and just dont understand”
Better take a run down to your local org and get some first hand experience! The staff will help you understand…..they specialize in it.
There’s a different answer for every person involved. But let me take a crack at this. Scientology isn’t just a book, or tape or a single moment in an auditing session. It’s Pandora’s Box, but with none of the negative connotations. I believe every person that “connects” with SCN believes there is greatness within that box and it could be there’s. Incrementally a Scientologist has wins, small segments of their lives that become less weird, less troublesome, less of a continuous upset for them. This sense of relief and the potential that it will continue and grow, is fundamental to why “we willingly” go to get modified. There is no desire to be modified or changed or adjusted in any way. There’s only a desire to stay connected and continue that journey of discovery. But as many of us have discovered, simply having the tech available is no guarantee that it will be delivered standardly or with a pure heart.
I don’t believe any of us willingly accept abuse. It’s simply a byproduct of our belief system and our desire to see things through to an honest conclusion. It’s the “down” side to wanting SCN to work like it was intended to and an abiding sense that it still can – some how. The abuse that is documented on this blog and others has absolutely nothing to do with Scientology. This abuse and suppression is to Scientology, what suicide bombers and other forms of violence is to Islam. In the end, it’s crazy people doing crazy things and feeling justified in their actions. They’re not.
That’s what I think.
Jeb, I worked in Scientology for over 35 years and I’m not sure I understand it completely myself. Of course, it’s not CALLED “thought modification.” It’s all in the guise of “helping” you to understand yourself better and be more aware. Just like Scientology policies are said to be there to build a stronger and more coordinated team. What happens is that over time an individual’s ability and even ideas about BEING an individual who has ANY control over their own life is slowly but surely beaten down by disapproval, threats and punishments until the individual has given up to a large degree, and so you simply do what you are told. Until ….. for some individuals ……as myself, Mike Rinder, Leah Remini and many others ….. a line is crossed and you are hit hard enough or get your reality assaulted enough to wake up and walk out.
Well, Jeb, not speaking for Mike, but it’s not like they come to you and say, “we are going to brainwash you now.”
Jeb — a few have already tried to respond. There is no short answer, or easy answer. Any more than there is an easy answer to explain why someone would sacrifice themselves to strap on a bomb and blow up a bus in Israel, or “agree” to be burned at the stake because they refused to renounce their faith, or set themselves on fire in the streets of Saigon. Obviously, these are extreme examples. But they serve to illustrate that people will do things that are not self interested and appear completely not understandable to those who are not involved.
Hey Jeb,
You go because you want to get to the truth … but over the years the process turned into the CoS “distorting the truth”. When all involved were/are sincerely interested in the truth, the system can work great. But when those in charge of the system start dealing in lies, the system breaks down.
Oh Yes, the adventures of “Captain Morgan Starkey”, how could we forget! Arrgh, me matey, the booty has been besmirched!
Glad to see another Scientology celebrity stand up and show some integrity. Because Leah is so closely connected to several other A-List Scientology celebrities, more-so than some other departed Scn celebrities, this could perhaps be the beginning of a domino effect of other high profile departures. We can only hope.
And the hits just keep on coming… (for Mista Miscavige.) To borrow from Ross Perot, I think the parishioners are wondering what that “Giant sucking sound is…” as the momentum of key departures picks up. Thanks to Mike for keeping us informed. It’s like watching a Train Wreck in slow motion.
I’m very happy for Leah and for her family. It’s quite a feat to go through the COS experience and remain together.
It sounds like she’s my kind of girl… call it the way it is!
She will help a lot of people wake up when she goes public.
Mike Rinder says :
Minister, the Reverend Norman Starkey, got drunk and hit on Brooke Shields until her husband complained about his behavior to Miscavige,
Drunken “Executor” of Hubbard’s will Norman Starkey hits on Brooke Shields !
What a donkey !
Leah has always been a person with intention. She was while her mother was on staff in NY org, and she is still. Tomica really don’t have the ability to understand a person – when the other person is one of very high integrity and the ability and willingness to observe what is in front of them. As stated so well above she didn’t need “rank” as she already has all of the SO members at the wedding OUTCLASSED!
In her own way she has fulfilled a statement by Ralph Waldo Emerson when he stated:
“The world is his,
who can see through its pretension…
See it to be a lie, and you have already dealt it
it’s mortal blow.”
Great news!!!!!
Sounds just like the cob.
Tommy boy said she “doesn’t have the rank to ask about Shelley?” Well guess what Tommy, you have zero rank now boy. You are just a little greedy snake who likes to kiss up to the cob.
Welcome to freedom Leah!! I met her at Flag once and thought she was very nice.
Congratulations and High Fives Leah Remini !
Leah,is a beautiful strong women with back bone,
This is how I see the church at the moment,The church is hanging in a balance for its very existence ,I believe once John travolta comes out ,that would be the signal,the end of the church.
Brisbane ,Australia
I wouldn’t wait on John Travolta to do much of anything. The cult will fall without him. He’s had more than enough opportunity to speak and has turned a blind eye every single time.
John Travolta did leave once. I remember an article I read in 1982 or 85 – thereabouts – where he specifically said, “I have no problem with the philosophy, but I don’t like the management.” I think this was a Good Housekeeping or Redbook type of magazine. DM worked hard to get him back in, as I understand.
When Leah was 14, she was a babysitter for a close friend of mine. Yep. That girl is from Broooklyn. You go, girl. Glad to see you out.
Indie8million wrote: DM worked hard to get him (John Travolta) back in, as I understand.
In other words … DM has the goods on JT and has tightened the noose on him until he had little choice but to acquiesce to DM’s “leverage?” I can imagine the treasure trove of spittle that DM has on John and all celebs. John should just spit it back in DM’s face. Hey John, consider taking the cue from Leah. That is what integrity is about. Leah has it and she’ll be just fine.
They have blackmail material on John which is why he doesn’t leave probably. All the material gathered in confessionals.
Like I said on Tony’s blog, I have been an admirer of Leah for a long time now. She’s my kind of gal.
I find her to be a brilliant comedic actor who is WAY underrated as far as I can see. She should have been in many comedy movies so far among other things. In other words, her potential is far greater than how she has been utilized thus far. I really wish for that to be remedied — they have a winner on their hands.
I am hoping that she speaks out and uses the public forum to forward her career as she has most likely been held down by not only being under the suppression of the C of S but also the unwitting victim of public ridicule (as were all of us) because the public saw her as someone duped by cult. Well, NO MORE!
Leah, I always knew and have said it to my friends many times, that you would come through, that you would speak out, that you had integrity. You are way to fiery to be controlled. Go get ’em girl! Love ya.
Nice to see a family value their family unity over the obviously divisive practices of a church.
Leah was a messenger. She, of all the celebrities, has to know how the cult sausage is made and it’s not pretty. I’m surprised it took her this long, given her unique insight and not always being a VIP celebrity.
I always wondered how she was able to get back in good graces after leaving the SO/CMO? Probably took getting famous I figured. I also wondered what made her blow/ leave CMO, which isn’t exactly an easy task and is highly frowned upon. Any background on this Mike?
I’m happy for her as well as the thousands of others who will follow her footsteps!!! Once you walk out you will NEVER go back.. Why? Its so damn liberating!!!!
Flee my friends FLEE!!!! Why wait? There is only misery, suffering and sorrow if you stay connected to the church. It will not CHANGE for the better as long as DM is at the helm!!!
Leah is on “king of queens” which reruns constantly . She gives a performance that equals such great as Lucille Ball. Wonderful , genuine no BS person.
Go Brooklyn!!!!! i knew Vicki back in the day when she was DED NY Day. Well done Leah for being willing to notice the elephant in the room and ask the question! Hugs to Vicki and family. NO DISCONNECTION! i love it. Miscavige has nothing to hang over their heads. I guess I didn’t have The Rank either when I typed into my search engine “where is Ray Mithoff?” And found all you great people.
Good for her. I really hope she has the courage to stand up and say what she has observed. Her words alone could help thousands. That her family are also behind her is a beautiful thing. To those c**ts who ditched their loved ones to play Tantalus in DM’s pool, take note.
“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family.” — Anthony Brandt.
Leah is obviously one ballsy lady – excuse the expression.
One fact in this story leapt out as having immense comedy potential – “Reverend” Norman Starkey hit on Brooke Shields??? This is priceless. Rev, mate, she’s out of your league.
Reminder: here is Rev Starkey squeaking in that clipped South African accent that Marty is “defocked – he’s an apostate!”
Those who know Norman, know he has a SERIOUS long term problem with alcohol. The same can be said for Davey boy. Davey likes the scotch. The “Reverend” will take what he can get….
Holy cow! Awesome. Leah is a great girl and a big enough celeb to cause waves everywhere. Anyone that doesn’t know her can see her as the lead on King of Queens which she co starred in for many years. Great news. Thanks Mike. I met her at CC a few times when I was on course there.
Leah Remini KR’ed Miscavige. She showed support for Paul Haggis (when she probably knew she would attract some flak for that). Her complaint is about how others are being badly treated (rather than only her own upsets). Her family are leaving the church with her to avoid disconnection from one another (and no doubt because they all thoroughly agree with leaving).
I’m a new fan! Well done Leah Remini and her family!!
Me too. I’m not familiar with her work but I will now make it my business to find out about her. Well done, Leah, and thank you for standing against what your common sense tells you is just plain wrong. You rock, gal!!
Wendy, I’m with you!
I was in the S.O. with her. She’ll shred Miss Cabbage. A real in your face honest gal.
I knew Leah, her Mom and sister from my time in NY and watched her grow up. Her Mom and her both worked for me during the Ball Room Call to Arms at the FLB in ’83. I have a lot of respect for her for not putting up with any BS from anyone, and I know she will not be silenced. She is a tough and loveable person and I would never want her to change who she is!
Not have the “fucking rank” to enquire about something that goes on in the Church of Scientology, especially as it concerns the possibility of a fellow Scientologist who by all accounts has gone “missing” is something to be VERY concerned about.
So I guess we don’t have “fucking rank” to ask about Heber Jenzscht? Or Norman Starkey? Or Guillame Lesevere? Or any of our other exec strata that are missing? Richard Reiss, Class XII auditor and Flag Sr. CS was right to escape the game by dropping the body. RIP Richard and don’t get back into Scn in your new lifetime. Just look for the Indies.
An admirable courage and integrity! VWD to Leah. Thanks Mike, for these great news.
I wish Leah the best.
Leaving the Church these days reminds me of the movie “Escape from New York”.
A truly harrowing experience.
I see she suffered through the “Truth Rundown” as well.
This is where they tell you that any off policy and out tech perpetrated by management you might have noticed and reported to RTC using their handy dandy Scientologist fly trap known as their Reports Line are now considered quote Black PR unquote and that you must have committed some overt or overts prior to reporting your concerns.
Because as we all know the reason that management who basically squirrel tech and policy is for the greatest good of all concerned and those that write these nasty reports are just too ignorant to grasp this concept.
Yeah, whatever.
Anyway after receiving the “rundown” myself which probably ranks right up there with water boarding I came to my own personal truth on the matter and that is that the current government approved Church of Scientology is totally willing to use Black Dianetics to keep its public in line short of using drugs ,physical torture and forced confinement which they only reserve for luckless Sea Org members who have no means of escaping their depredations.
I’m pretty sure it is not quite the “truth” they wanted me to achieve.
Sorry to hear that.
Where you able to keep yourself together after the No-Truths Rnd?
What was their intended product, a totally overwhelmed being?
Wow, Scientology has really turned into a dangerous mind control operation.
Thanks for your concern.
I was pretty able to destimulate from the whole scene and handle much of the By Passed Charge with Standard Tech, enough now to view it as an educational experience 😉
Their intended product?
That I can only speculate on.
But I doubt if it had anything to do with me achieving total freedom.
Yes true the Church of Scientology in my opinion has turned into a dangerous mind control operation of some kind. Some of us feel an extension of Bluebird, Artichoke, Mk Ultra (ironically the name of their new meter) and other Mind Control initiatives started back in the late 40’s early 50’s the same ones Ron warned us about in Science of Survival, in the PDC (of which those sections have been mysteriously redacted or edited out in later RTC approved revisions) and the PABs on Black Dianetics.
Some of us also suspect that Miscavige let that camel under the tent in order to secure his own position and power.
How far will it go?
As far as the parasites who have infected the body politic of the organization have effectively killed its host.
GAG i (as Mike calls it) almost did especially if you look at the international stats for training and processing which basically flat lined put the organization on life support requiring a transfusion of fund through scams like the Super Power building, “Ideal Orgs” and various “call to arms” and other “crusades” engineered by the IAS.
I doubt if they’ll be that lucky on GAG II.
Do you think for one minute that any of these status hungry fat cats who belong to the IAS are going to meekly give up whatever status they had as an “OT VIII” and willingly redo their objectives and purifs.
Maybe a few.
But I predict a general revolt. Just as what happened with the auditors who were forced to “retrain”.
Why it isn’t happening right now is because there is too much PR and group agreement that this unusual solution will actually work much like first time they tried it.
Excellent analysis, Robin. I think you’re right!
While this was not public, don’t be so sure about the drugs…. see at 4:20 mark.
Thanks for posting this vid Lurkness.
Actually I realized while watching that section about chloral hydrate and valium that this is what they gave Lisa McPherson to “calm her down” at the Squirrel Land Base.
So I’ll revise what I wrote on that since they have used drugs on public as well.
Glad to hear her folks stood by her as in many cases Scn Inc turns families against each other and a bigger mess and sadder stories ensue.
Hey Tommy Boy, I’ll tell you what’s rank – your attitude of smug superiority. That goes for your ass-hat out-2D boss, too. As for Leah, she doesn’t need rank. She’s got Class.
“she doesn’t need rank – she’s got class” +100
Very nice word turns and awesome analysis!
Happy to see another bright face coming free from the oppression. Do hope that she makes a personal statement of her position and the story.
I got the treatment of the Truth Rundown after I made comments related to DM and TC. I wasn’t smart enough to figure out what they wanted me to say as an EP so I would finish one batch of tailor-made questions, end ruds, think I was done and be sent back for more. Went thru 5 cycles. When I was a broken-down quivering mess, the c/s sent me home with my OT VII materials to patch myself up. The light started to dawn on me at that point. Let’s see, they beat the shit out of me spiritually and emotionally, then I fix myself – and I’m paying them for this???? Not the final blow, but definitely put me on the path out.
They really know how to get rid of intelligent, independently thinking, people.
SKM: Really, there is no WTF about this these days.
The square peg of people who can and do think for themselves just does not fit into the round hole of corporate scientology.
I think you meant round *black* hole of RCS.
Wow Yvonne, I only had one of those and it was really horrible. The auditor was totally incompetent too, with gross comm cycle additives and I had to correct his L&N errors while was in session paying for the auditing!!! I’m so glad you recovered and btw…..I have followed your posts for a few years now and I think you’re a very special, smart, OT lady! You’ve been a voice of reason when I was down so thank you!
Yvonne, Mike,
Is there a literal “Truth Rundown” at Flag? I thought it was something made up by the St Pete Times … but now it sounds like something that was literally delivered in the CoS. If it’s real, what does it consist of? And who gets it?
Margaret — this is “rundown” that involves locating all “black PR” a person has and running overts on the terminal they have “black PR” on. It is for SO members only — at least it was supposed to be. Of course, “black PR” is in the eye of the beholder. Within the RCS any thought at all that is less than complementary about “COB” is “black PR” even if it is a true statement. ANd that is where things go horribly astray….
Mike, I know that “roll back” was used for this in the early 80s, but I thought it was just used to gather the data and then a DA pack or something similar was supposed to handle the criticisms. Of course, that approach doesn’t work when the criticisms are valid, and the DA pack is filled with lies and propanda/half-truths. I hadn’t heard about an actual auditing “rundown” — but if it was just for SO, that would explain it.
The whole approach of pinning any criticism (valid or not) on purely overts, really became one of Scientology’s slipperiest slopes, didn’t it?
Grade II is a brilliant tech, but boy is it open to abuse in a cultish setting.
Regarding Rollback…a while back I was being heavily recruited to rejoin staff at my local Ideal Org, despite numerous out-quals. I was then tricked into a Rollback session. That session sought to root out the sources of “enemy lines” which were the basis of my legitimate objection. I was clearly not qualified for staff, but this truth was ignored. My observations about the org and staff were not acknowledged, but were treated as lies invented to harm the church. When asked the source of these “lies” I openly said “I did, based on my observations”. My “auditor” then coyly explained that the source of the “lies” is an SP, so I’d better start fingering someone. When I insisted that no one told me these things, it was rejected. She continued until I named someone.
This was something straight out of the Stasi playbook – horrible stuff. That session removed all doubts that the church was interested in truth. Slippery slope indeed.
Scientology’s “Truth Rundown” – explained by Bruce Hines:
(excerpt):“…and after it’s all done, you have to realize that you are deluded, that’s part of the, they call it the end phenomena of the procedure. It goes on usually for months, every day, and you are constantly looking for the evil in you… ”
The ultimate of mind control!
Orwell’s “1984″ – “Thoughtcrime”, “Thought Police“ and “Crimestop”
Wow, Yvonne, what a fiasco and hardship you went through at their hands! I’m so sorry you had to go through all that. But I am glad that it was the catalyst that got you out. We are so enriched by your presence in the Indie world. I wish you the best!
And as an aside, I saw one of the links on either Mike or Tony O’s site last night where a Scn was interviewed and he described what happens in the Truth R/D and if this isn’t the worst Squirrel of the FPRD tech I have ever heard, it just makes me sick! What he described was taking something that actually happened in the physical universe, that you saw with your own eyes and knew what you saw, and then they try to beat that knowingness and truth out of you using FPRD tech. I was amazed that they would so blatantly alter and squirrel the FPRD auditing tech and that no one knows this is what happened! I guess you’d have to have studied the FPRD course as an auditor to know it was being squirreled to get you to the “EP” that you didn’t see what you saw, you don’t know what you know, and that the truth of what happened was all in your evil imagination and you were to blame for the horrific overts you saw with your own eyes another commit on another. Unbelievable!
Wow Yvonne! That was cruel of them. You had to “fix” their mess and pay for it!
I am very grateful I paid for and did my bridge from the 70’s to the early 90’s BEFORE the golden age of tech. Made it to OT5 but didn’t like the results I was seeing coming out of Flag on the level.
If this is 100% correct than I wonder what Kirstie will think………
Last I saw Leah was at a Pilot Kirstie did for Disney in 2003 where she was interviewing people at her house and a bunch of other funny stuff.
Leah was one of the celeb K was interviewing, me and Renata were the “friends from Italy” cooking ….
John Travolta came “on his jet” and landed in her backyard…we sung together “Tu vo’ fa l’ammericano” a popular italian song that basically says to an italian to quit pretending is american since … he was born in Italy….
The description you give of Leah is exactly as I perceived her.
So I am really, really and must say really happy this is happening!!!!
the balls of this fucking people
Mike, I am a never-in and was hoping that you would clarify something. You state that Tomica “spearheaded a campaign to ‘dead-agent’ Leah.” Do you mean that they created a dead-agent pack FOR Leah to convince her that she was in the wrong –or was it ABOUT Leah, showing what an SP she is? Thanks!
I mean they tried to besmirch Leah’s reputation…
Also close friends with Jennifer Lopez don’t forget….
I do actually think, because she thinks for herself and communicates what she observes, that she was then able to put all together and make a decision.
This shows courage and care.
Leah you have the support of the many that share truths as yours, specifically the evilness of DM and his abuses and distortion s of truths…which, though fought, will at the end prevail.
Well done and carry on..
This girl is AWESOME! Just a shame for her this had to happen before she got to experience the earth quaking, mind blowing, and life shattering thing that is GAG II.
Who’s next to fly the chicken coop?