I was happy to read this morning that Leah has filed an amended complaint, adding the most recent harassment from scientology:
Included (and featured in the Deadline story) was the recent PI harassment of me I documented NEW Fair Game PI Activity Caught on Video.
This updating of the complaint helps educate the court (and others) — there is a real and urgent need to stop these ongoing abuses. It is also important for it to be clearly understood that while scientology denies they have ever done anything wrong, they continued to commit the same wrongs. Documenting these things makes the point. They will lie without compunction when confronted with their wrongdoing as I noted in another recent post: Scientology Always Lies About Fair Game. You can see here again, they simply regurgitated their response — it’s all just ludicrous lies — even in the face of this new evidence. Just like they did in 1978.
This battle has just begun. So far, Leah and her legal team are making all the right moves.
Leah wow bigger than good, jesus and all the rest, scientologists included.
Good for Leah. They have been messing with the wrong people. You and Leah make one hell of a team.
Hope all is going well with your health Mike.
I applaud Leah for the amendment. I sincerely hope that it encourages more victims of fair game practices to come forward. Now is definitely the time to do so!
I know there’s a long road ahead, but could a win for Leah lead to a class action suit for all who have been fair gamed?
Look at the last page of the lawsuit — if she wins scientology will be under judicial order preventing them from continuing their abuses. Class action lawsuits sound good but are rarely useful other than making money for lawyers…
I didn’t think about/know the negative outcomes of class action either. Thanks for pointing it out. Unfortunately, It makes sense. Nevertheless, kudos to Leah for continuing to document additional abuses in her suit.
Spitting in the wind here, but when I worked for the postal service, the postmaster broke the rules all the time. The union would fine her pennies, she’d carry on and do it again. Obviously, we are not talking pennies here. But they seem to have no concern how much money they throw out the door.
I think that once her case has been won, it would pave the way for anyone else who has proof of being fair gamed to file suit as well. To try to say it’s part of the “religion” and therefore can’t be infringed on would mean they are admitting the practice, just thinking out loud. I can’t wait to see what unfolds.
Leah is such a fighter. The fair game policy needs to be called out and documented like this. These practices are disgusting and Scientology needs to be held accountable for what they have done. Thanks for posting this, Mike.