Tony Ortega posted something written by Leah to put the recent Tom Cruise rant into context. I think it is important information that should be shared as widely as possible. Perhaps there are some readers who come to this blog but don’t visit Ortega’s.
Here is Tony’s posting with Leah’s statement in full.
Leah Remini sent us this statement about Tom Cruise’s on-set rant that was caught on tape and released by the Sun yesterday…
Tom Cruise claimed he does not get so much as a cold because of Scientology. All Scientologists believe that if they aren’t connected to what they label “suppressive persons” they will not get sick.
According to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, “All illnesses to a greater or lesser degree stem from a PTS situation.” PTS stands for “Potential Trouble Source.”
A “PTS” is a person who is connected to a suppressive person or a suppressive group. They are so screwed up by their connection to the “SP” they have potential to be trouble to themselves and more importantly, to Scientology. When you are sick in Scientology, you are sent to the Ethics Department. You are in fact in trouble for being sick. If you have anything from a cold to cancer in Scientology it means you must be connected to an SP. You are immediately interrogated to see if you have read or seen anything that exposes Scientology, you are interrogated to see if you are connected to anyone or anything that is anti-Scientology. That could mean speaking to your own child who spoke out against the abuses he or she received in Scientology. And after they find “the why,” which is the reason for your illness, they then make you handle the situation, which means disconnecting from the person or group who they label an enemy.
Who is a suppressive person or group? Anyone who exposes Scientology. And anyone connected to that person or group are all either suppressive or PTS. If one is PTS, they are considered “victims” of the real suppressive, and susceptible to illness. Groups that are considered suppressive to Tom and to Scientologists are government agencies, the police, the mental health field, any news organization or publications that exposes Scientology. The list goes on.
For example, Scientology teaches that children are PTS to their parents who have left Scientology. Someone like Suri is considered by her father and other Scientologists to be PTS because she has the unfortunate luck to be connected to an SP mother like Katie Holmes. So Suri may not be considered a full-blown suppressive herself, just connected to a suppressive. And Tom believes — like all Scientologists — that PTS people can be “potential trouble” to the “pure Scientologist,” and all Scientologists are taught to stay clear of the PTS folks and especially the suppressives.
But if you are highly trained and part of the elite beings of the planet like Tom is, you can “fight” the PTS-ness rubbing off. So Tom can be around a PTS for a short time without being affected too much. But you are not allowed to be PTS in Scientology or connected to someone who is PTS. You may have limited connection to the PTS if you must for public relations reasons, but Scientologists are required to cut ties with PTS people and SPs.
Tom does not believe in illness unless one is connected to suppressive persons, and Tom isn’t connected to SPs. Scientology makes sure that Tom is always surrounded by Scientologists, and Tom is so well versed in Scientology that he can “confront & shatter” SPs and suppressive groups.
David Miscavige called COVID “a planetary bullbait.” Bullbaiting in Scientology is a drill where Scientologists are taught to hold perfectly still while being “baited” into a reaction. This drill is taught in one of the most basic of mandatory courses in Scientology called Success Through Communications, or “the Comm Course.” All Scientologists, including children, are required to do this course and this drill as part of their training to be Scientologists. The drill is done by two Scientologists, one is assigned to be the coach and the other assigned the student.
The coach and student sit facing each other, the coach says “start.” The student can only sit there with their hands on their lap, saying nothing. The student cannot react in any way. The coach then tries to find the “buttons” that will make the student react. It usually starts with ridiculing the student’s looks to see if that warrants a reaction. If the student cries, laughs, winces, or shows anger, the coach says “flunk” and repeats the words that the student reacted to until the student no longer reacts to those words. If there is no reaction, the coach digs more and more until the coach finds the buttons that make the student react. There are no limits to this drill, and it usually goes into sexual and abusive content.
And then it is turned around, the student becomes the coach and then returns the favor. So the statement from leader of the Church of Scientology that COVID is a bullbait means it’s only a drill invented to make us all react, and Scientologists shouldn’t be reacting to a global pandemic but rather just going on with life as normal in their dedication to Scientology and their daily activities.
Anything you see coming from Scientology and Scientologists, such as mask wearing and supposedly humanitarian efforts, is just a show. It’s for public relations reasons only.
Tom’s reaction that was released yesterday shows his true personality. He is an abusive person. I witnessed it, I’ve been a recipient of it on a small level, and I’ve been told of similar abuse by his former girlfriend, his employees, and his friends. This is the real Tom. This was the same reaction Tom gave his household staff when they did not have the right ingredients for him to make chocolate chip cookies. This is the same type of tirade Tom launched into when an assistant had the audacity to serve him a drink in a chipped mug.
Tom does not care of the abuse that employees of the Sea Organization receive, Tom does not care that Shelly Miscavige is being held prisoner by her husband David Miscavige, Tom does not care because Tom subscribes to the abusive culture of Scientology. If you are a Scientologist and work for Tom, if you step out of line with Tom, if you want to work fewer hours to raise your children, Tom will send reports to his church on you. And reports like that end up causing an employee to pay for interrogations costing thousands of dollars. Did Tom care about his poor employees not seeing their children when they were required to work inhumane hours? Does Tom care that they did not have money for their children’s education because they were being security-checked for him? How about the Scientology assistant who asked to leave working for him to raise her family? This person was sent to Scientology for interrogations for months accusing her of having “evil undisclosed intentions towards Tom” for wanting to leave. This became so costly that she lost her home. Did Tom care about her feeding her family? Anyone who is a Scientologist who works for Tom is working for Scientology and they are sent to Scientology to be “handled” for Tom, costing that person thousands and thousands of dollars.
Tom does not care about the families of his crew; this is all for publicity. Tom does not believe in family values. I mean, how anyone is falling for this is just mindblowing. I would bet that Tom had this rant written for him and had his Scientology assistant record and release it. Hearing a rich actor with enormous power address his crew in this way is a sign of weakness and a deeply troubled person. This is not just a rant of another asshole actor. Tom Cruise pretending that he cares is why a few have called him out. They know this is a publicity stunt, they know what Tom really is and what Tom really believes. Tom believes in the destruction of family if a member decides to leave Scientology. Tom belongs to a cult that forbids victims of pedophiles to report to the police, Tom belongs to a cult that forbids victims of rape report their crimes or abuse… and if they do, his cult says their lives should be destroyed for doing so.
Tom has a history of being abusive to his inner circle, including the abuse of neglecting his own daughter, Suri.
His mental state is showing. Tom seems to think that Hollywood is incapable of making films without his help. Saying such a thing indicates the godlike figure Tom believes he is, and what he is told by Scientology. The reality is, anyone who is working in Hollywood today is working under strict COVID guidelines. Anyone who is working knows this. Tom Cruise is not dictating how films are being made, even if he seems to think so. This psychotic rant only proves what many who know Tom or have worked for Tom knows: He is an abusive dictator just as he was taught by his guru David Miscavige.
To commend this behavior only signifies that those who find this behavior normal or brave were probably abused or are abusers themselves. This is an actor with enormous power on the set of his film, this is not just a guy in the middle of a public place standing up to someone for not wearing a mask. This is Tom friggin’ Cruise wielding his power and threatening and degrading his crew.
As a producer and the lead of a film, Tom addressing his crew in this manner is a clear indication that he is used to abusing his power. He thinks this is normal behavior and, to be clear, this is “normal” behavior coming from a Scientologist. In fact, this is tame coming from a Scientologist. Abuse is not only taught in Scientology, but also commended. Hearing Tom abuse his crew while others are praising him for showing that he cares is a farce.
No one needs to be “addressed” by Tom about safety codes. There are producers who could have and should have handled the situation privately and professionally. What more likely happened was, two crew members who were in the same zone were talking to each other and Tom saw this as an opportunity to appear as the epitome of strength; of a leader who is taking this pandemic very seriously. This behavior is not normal or appropriate. No one can respond to his outburst without being fired. And again, this is not a pandemic that Tom and Scientology believe in.
In addition, Scientologists are so manipulative and abusive that they believe that this “tone” is the “winning tone” of the country right now and therefore can only help Tom’s reputation to have this leaked.
Imagine if this were a woman. She would be called a lunatic.
On a movie set there are COVID officers who monitor mask wearing. Crews are separated into groups and zones and are not allowed to step into zones they are not assigned to. The camera crew is in its own zones, and they are only allowed to be with each other. The wardrobe department is in their own zones and must eat together. They cannot mix in other zones, they must wear wrist bands that show what zones they are. The set is taped off to show where the zones are, and people know not to walk in a zone they don’t belong in. All cast and crew are tested every other day, temperatures are taken every day upon arrival to set, new masks are given upon their arrival, anyone from out of town must stay in their hotels and are monitored, they are driven to set from those in their zones. They are not being monitored by Tom Cruise; they are being monitored by the COVID officers assigned to the movie. There are strict guidelines that are being required to be on set.
So, my short answer to how I feel about yet another one of Tom’s psychotic rants being exposed? I am getting “small dick energy” from Tom and men like him.
And I only wish someone had stepped in and had done something about it. We have enough of the types who stand by and allow this kind of behavior to go on.
— Leah Remini
An aspect of this charade that may have been over looked is this:
Looks to me like he is trying to establish for himself “ethics presence” amongst the crew there.
In reality “ethics presence” is just how well you can dominate and threaten others.
I understood the foundation of Scientoligy was supposed to be communication. Sounds like Tom needs to spend some quality time with the cans auditing until his inner thetans can be released. Probably wouldn’t cost him more than $500.000. But I am sure his best bud, the COB, could get him a discount.
Didn’t Hubbard say, you become what you oppose, or some such nonsense. Seems Tom has made that go right, or wrong depending if you’re on his payroll. Geezers, image working for that prick?
Imagine being able to say to Tom: “You’re a dick(a tiny one).”?
I want to add something to my previous comment after listening to the audio of Cruise’s rant.
I’m semi retired now but for decades I was an ad agency writer who occasionally went on photo shoots and tv shoots for ad campaigns. I even produced some radio spots working with actors.
Keep in mind going over budget is considered a sin. Heads roll. Projects are lost. And business is lost. I’ve heard rants just as bad (and a couple worse) when someone screwed up in a way that required an extra half day of shooting pushing the project over budget. In those days the budget was perhaps 10s of thousands of dollars.
The average budget for a Mission Impossible movie hovers at $150 million. A big part of it is investors’ money. The film industry needs that investor money to keep making movies.
If COVID frightens investors away, Hollywood will go down the tubes. This is why I have no doubt Cruise is probably on the phone every night assuring the suits all is well.
I keep myself informed on the film industry because I’ve dabbled in writing screenplays on the side. There is an old saying: Hollywood is run on fear. With COVID, that fear is through the stratosphere right now. Fear makes people do a lot of crazy things.
As someone who never joined scientology, and only knows what ex-scientologists have shared with the public, what I see in Cruise is another man thoroughly brainwashed by the cult for over 30 years. Yes, he gets different treatment because he’s a celebrity, yet his brainwashing is still evident.
Like Cruise, many ex-scientologists were aware of the abuse, Fair Play, family disconnection and even physical abuse, yet stayed in for years and years before they said no more.
Ex members consistently reported the psychological struggle of coming to the realization they had dedicated their lives to a lie. Isn’t it possible Cruise is struggling with the same?
Why are ex members forgiven as victims of the CoS yet Cruise is held to a higher standard and expected to know better when it’s clear he’s been deeply programmed and handled by DM’s agents every moment of his life.
Yeah, he’s lashing out like an a-hole but other ex members posting here have admitted they turned into a-holes as well while deep in the cult.
In Aftermath, other ex members reported believing Hubbard’s teachings about children and in many ways abandoned their own kids as a result of that belief. Why is Cruise held to a higher standard for abandoning Suri when it’s likely he believes Hubbard’s teachings on kids, too?
How old was Cruise when the cult got their hooks into him thru Mimi Rogers? 21? 22? Everyone who knew him then reported he was an insecure guy suddenly rocketed to super stardom after Risky Business. Other young, overnight super stars in his situation turned to drugs. Cruise got hooked on scientology.
He was a perfect target at that age. From a broken family. Raised by a financially strapped single mom. No father figure. Then suddenly a super star at a young age. He fit the profile of person vulnerable to the cult.
Something I would hope other ex members could understand because they were vulnerable, got hooked, and remained hooked on scientology themselves for many years.
I’m not defending Cruise. What I’m questioning is comments like “small penis syndrome” ignores the fact that he’s just as much a victim of brainwashing as everyone else seduced by CoS. Perhaps even worse because they’ll do anything to hold onto him.
“Why is Cruise held to a higher standard for abandoning Suri when it’s likely he believes Hubbard’s teachings on kids, too?”
I don’t think anyone was holding TC to higher standards at all. I think the whole point was that TC has many problems and it is ALL because of the cult’s teachings. He is yet another parent that abandoned his child because that is what the cult told him to do.
I don’t know TC so I don’t know if he suffers from any syndromes, lol. But if I knew him well enough to conclude he was a major asshole, I’m sure I would want to “express” that opinion.
I’m sure he is brainwashed. In addition he has spent decades in the alternate reality of an A list celebrity. But regardless of how he got this way, he needs to know that screaming at your employees like that is not ok!
When I heard this rant online all I could think is one thing. The way it sounded would have been the way cob said it. I bet it was how dm treats his staff. It looks like the apprentice has been taking notes. The only thing missing is tc slapping his staff
He’s jumped on Oprah’s couch in glee and plummets into to anger. Hmmm, was there out tech or tech that doesn’t work? Hmmm, could we be seeing someone who is bi-polar and in need of those drugs that the cult bans?!?!?
He acts like a crazy person and then they say “he’s just really uptone!” No, he’s having a manic episode (bcuz his brain chemicals dont have the right amounts). Thats why meds for certain psych problems are needed. In all honesty, I’d be a total knucklehead if I weren’t on my medications. I know bcuz when i was younger I repeatedly tried to go without them. Id be okay for a few months or even a couple years, then lose my damn mind again! Yes, the psychiatric community used to overmedicate people, but like all medicines, its a practice. And the more one practices and learns, the better one becomes. In this case, they’ve gotten a whole lot better with medication management. Its not the bad old days anymore!
Don’t worry that most of the general public will fall for this. Tom Cruise appears to have a tight control of his public image which makes a leaked video that contains the entire event from start to finish highly suspect. (Oh no, Tom was caught being an awesome defender of the film making industry.) Tom Cruise is an actor. It sounded like an over the top scene from a movie. Virtue signalling and gaining free publicity for his movie in an abusive manner. Regardless of it being spontaneous or planned, it shows that he thinks this is acceptable behavior. It supports all the consisitent stories that have been shated about the verbal abuse in scientology of which he is a champion. FYI someone put the audio on a clip of the classic Rudolph which makes him Santa screaming at all the sweet chatacters. Feels like this rant might be a foot bullet. No one should be treated this way.
Between Hollyweird and $cientology, no wonder the little fella is so screwed up.
Tom Cruis probably has his Head on his shoulders WAY better than you !!
I hope you’re trolling. But I assume you’re a $cientologist. Pity.
If you’re such a big fan of the child-abandoning actor, you might want to spell his name correctly.
When you are being *PUNISHED* while on SCN staff or Sea Org,. you are not disciplined towards education to make you better…
Example :
You don’t just get a cleaning assignment.
You are forced to clean toilets or a dumpster with a TOOTHBRUSH.
In this Tom Cruise rant he is humiliating the staff in junior positions than him, the Super Star by using the FUCK word and M……..r Fuc*ker at them.
Here is the transcript of his rant.::::
Tom Cruise’s Covid rant
We want the gold standard. They’re back there in Hollywood making movies right now because of us! Because they believe in us and what we’re doing!
I’m on the phone with every f***ing studio at night, insurance companies, producers, and they’re looking at us and using us to make their movies. We are creating thousands of jobs you motherf***ers.
I don’t ever want to see it again, ever! And if you don’t do it you’re fired, if I see you do it again you’re f***ing gone. And if anyone in this crew does it – that’s it, and you too and you too. And you, don’t you ever f***ing do it again.
That’s it! No apologies. You can tell it to the people that are losing their *f’****ing* homes because our industry is shut down. It’s not going to put food on their table or pay for their college education.
That’s what I sleep with every night. The future of this f***ing industry! So I’m sorry I am beyond your apologies. I have told you and now I want it and if you don’t do it you’re out. We are not shutting this f***ing movie down! Is it understood?
If I see it again you’re f***ing gone — and you are — so you’re going to cost him his job, if I see it on the set you’re gone and you’re gone.
That’s it. Am I clear?
Do you understand what I want? Do you understand the responsibility that you have? Because I will deal with your reason. And if you can’t be reasonable and I can’t deal with your logic, you’re fired. That’s it. That is it.
I trust you guys to be here. That’s it. That’s it guys. Have a little think about it. . .[inaudible].
That’s what I think of Universal and Paramount. Warner Brothers. Movies are going because of us. If we shut down it’s going to cost people f***ing jobs, their home, their family. That’s what’s happening.
All the way down the line. And I care about you guys, but if you’re not going to help me you’re gone. OK? Do you see that stick? How many metres is that?
When people are standing around a f***ing computer and hanging out around here, what are you doing? And if they don’t comply then send their names to Matt Spooner. That’s it.
David Miscavige is being channeled !
Miscavige’s screaming and vulgar language always carried threats, threats you would lose your job. Just like Cruise screams veiled threats…
Wow. It seems someone on the edge of a ‘psych break’.
Sometimes it’s better “to unload” then to carry feelings deep inside At least, here, one can express their inner most thoughts, bare their souls, unload their pain, get it all out before it eats you from the inside out where held internally these feelings can cost you great harm emotionally & physically. Sometimes it does take a SERIOUS RANT to unburden what one feels.
At least within the confines of the safety net on the blog……it’s a good thing! Someone new to the blog can get some knowledge out of everything written here….like myself….a “never in” (thank goodness)……I’ve learned so much!
My OWN post is a rant as well……I will never understand how one so called religion can spew forth so much hate & animosity towards former member who simply wanted OUT….how these same people are harshly punished.
How a religion can more or less promise super power protection from illness, yet we’ve seen what’s happened to MANY on the inside….Travolta, McPherson etc.
So much for my own opinion.
After reading your comment, Im looking for a ‘like’ button to click! Since there isn’t one, Hear Hear!
Yea, Cruise is PTS to himself. He thinks ranting and raving and acting like an asshole is some kind of high and mighty tone 40. “Intention without reservation”. Yea right. Yea, he’s on the tone scale alright. How about around anger and hostility. Fuckin asshole. I’d tell him to fuck off if he talked to me like that.
I actually used to have that type of mentality to a certain degree after being in the Sea Org and then working for a Scientology company. A lot of people I’d like to apologize to.
You nailed it as we’ve come to expect you to, Leah.
Best wishes to you, Mike and others, for your brave work and the subsequent harassment you’ve all endured for daring to only speak the truth.
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
Southwest Ohioan
Just now, I literally finished binge-watching all three seasons of the Aftermath over the last couple of weeks. It happened to culminate with this TC episode. I am so bummed. I grew up with Cruise and Travolta and had no idea of the abuse that goes on in Scientology. I just thought it was some strange religion. I even was curious about Dianetics but never did pick up the book, which is a strange omen since I have read everything from T. Robbins to learning TM when I was a kid. However, this cannot be unseen or unheard and my hurt for all the victims of this horrible cult is never going to be forgotten or go away. As an average Joe, I never held anything against anyone getting rich or powerful or practicing any faith they felt was in their heart but as a rational man, I cannot condone these folks who know what is going on and do nothing about it. In the case of this rant even try to promote their narcissistic and delusional notion that they are superior. It is sad to know that human beings treat others this way.
Leah and Mike thank you so much for bringing this to the forefront. I am blessed that all I have ever had to deal with is Catholic guilt haha and never was I tought anything but to love my neighbor, family, and think of the other person first. Because of that upbringing, I have been blessed with two wonderful children and a granddaughter who adores me and who I adore.
I wish there was something I could do but hopefully spreading the word about this series will be enough of a part. Believe me, I have done that and will continue to do this. I can’t even fathom the pain and abuse you and all of the Scientology victims have suffered. I pray for them all. I have lost all respect for Cruise and Travolta for not even having the courage to take this head-on. What cowards. But really they are just sick people like all the other brainwashed folks. I am a recovered alcoholic, 4 years sober this Christmas. A disease I have fought with for 32 years. I would fight it another 100 years than ever subject myself to what you all have been through. Keep up the good fight.
This is a great time for TC to act up! If he thought acting this way would endear him to the public he really must be delusional.
The merits of his message don’t matter. There is no excuse for how he delivered that message. Pointing at specific crew members and threatening to fire them in front of everyone is just plain abusive. Talk about creating a hostile working environment!
Now my question is this. When a celebrity makes the slightest politically incorrect statement, he has to publicly apologize. His apology will always include the words, “It was unprofessional.” TC was unprofessional. When is he going to apologize for talking to his employees like they are dogs?
If he had been screaming at a group that was all female, all black, or any other minority group, there would be a huge uprising over it. Where is the outrage for the way he treated these human beings?
It doesn’t count because they were not all minorities?
You were very, very wrong TC. It is not ok. You need to apologize. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?
Another very informative article.I read Ms.Remini’s book a couple of years ago and that is what intrigued me to discover more about the cult of Scientology.And I distinctly remember the section about Tom’s rant over baking some chocolate chip cookies.He is a total narcissist with,in my own opinion,extremely low self esteem.I never particularly cared for him or his films but now he just disgusts me.If he is so concerned about the people working on the current film he is making,I invite him to spend a week working with my husband at his job in a nursing home.I will even supply the masks and gloves for him.Then he can go back to the film set and continue berating the crew for not taking proper precautions against the virus.Oh,I forgot.In Scientology,you made yourself get sick.I must remember to tell my doctor that at the end of the month when I see her to make arrangements for surgery for a problem I had surgery for last January.Seems it came back again.I guess I must like making myself sick.Not.
“”We want the gold standard. They’re back there in Hollywood making movies right now because of us! Because they believe in us and what we’re doing! I’m on the phone with every f***ing studio at night, insurance companies, producers, and they’re looking at us and using us to make their movies. We are creating thousands of jobs you motherf***ers. I don’t ever want to see it again, ever! And if you don’t do it you’re fired, if I see you do it again you’re f***ing gone. And if anyone on this crew does it – that’s it, and you too and you too. And you, don’t you ever f***ing do it again. That’s it! No apologies. You can tell it to the people that are losing their f***ing homes because our industry is shut down. It’s not going to put food on their table or pay for their college education. That’s what I sleep with every night. The future of this f***ing industry!”
virtue signalling
noun [U]
UK (US virtue signaling)
/ˈvɜː.tʃuː ˌsɪɡ.nəl.ɪŋ/
An attempt to show other people that you are a good person, e.g., by expressing opinions that will be acceptable to them — Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus
To take a conspicuous but essentially useless action ostensibly to support a good cause but actually to show off how much more moral you are than everybody else — Urban Dictionary
Recent research by Ekin Ok, Yi Qian, Brendan Strejcek and Karl Aquin (University of British Columbia) suggests that those who frequently engage in virtue and victim signalling are more likely to have “Dark Triad” personality traits: narcissism (entitled self-importance), machiavellianism (strategic exploitation, duplicity) and psychopathy (callousness, cynicism).
TLDR: those who openly crow about their moral superiority and/or fake victimhood are far more likely to have sociopathic traits. They are more inclined to lie, cheat and manipulate others in their quest for social status/dominance.
“To take a conspicuous but essentially useless action ostensibly to support a good cause but actually to show off how much more moral you are than everybody else — Urban Dictionary“
Amen that’s Scientology PR in a nutshell
My “Something Can Be Done About It” Mike Rinder blog family: This is a post that well demonstrates, at every turn in our collective journey, how much U N P A C K I N G must be done to tease out and fully comprehend what is goin’ down.
Leah does a great job of that.
So many remarks in this post exchange take the floor out from under me; the observed real-life COST to others, tricked and unwittingly condemned to prop up this machinery.
Many of us recall the early days of Tom Cruise’s career: he was uniformly known to be one of the most genuine guys around. Famously, Rosie O’Donnell had a “crush” on him. When he came on her daytime talk show, this was endearing “must-see” television for Rosie fans to see her gush and the two of them banter. Including about how much Tom valued and adored his mom and three sisters. All of this was off-putting to no one. People were like, “I’m with Rosie. I have a crush on him, too!”
People were positive concerning Tom owing to his many times reported sincere and caring persona. (Anyone remember Tom diving into a river while boating to help save a family whose boat had capsized?) Tom seemed like everybody’s kid brother, reliably known for being friendly, extremely hardworking and talented, never arrogant. A person you would be glad to be around.
It was the combination of those traits that, at the time, for public made Tom Cruise such a catch for C of S. I see now, instead at a management level, the victory was because he was a whale—a huge name. For those of us with stars in our eyes for the “We are the good guys” attributes of the group, it was Tom’s innate friendliness and humility that made him a prized (new) Scientology icon.
Frankly (going out on a limb here), I could offer similar positives about Tommy Davis. As a young man, Tommy was an affable and driven Columbia University student, working his way through the Student Hat course at the Celebrity Centre on East 82nd Street in New York. He was positive and helpful, attentive and interested in others. Like anyone in the Academy, he paired up to participate in drills and checkouts, being a productive and helpful part of the course room. Few would know or suspect he was a bona fide “celebrity” in C of S because of his mom being Oscar-nominated actress, Anne Archer.
Returning to our present—relative to what C of S claims to cultivate and instill, the drumming out of a person’s friendliness and interest to help their fellow human, to PERSONALLY ensure that a person’s life is not just momentarily improved, but stably so and for the long-term…. the beating of this out becomes the eternal head scratcher. Also, a crater-size revealer of the lies at play. Makes me think of the story, “Citizen Kane,” a fable about power, also about what truly matters.
So exactly what DID John Travolta & Kelly Preston DO to “PULL IT IN”….to bring onto themselves the untimely death of their teen son Jett (let alone the young man HAD supposedly Autism)….and THEN the death from breast cancer of Kelly????
High level Scientologist, BIG $$$$ donors & WHAT did Scientology DO for them? How & what was explained to John & Kelly about the death of their son Jett……yes we know it was from a Seizure….so is it possible COS blamed Jett himself…that he wasn’t high enough on the bridge…..yet….hadn’t paid his “dues”…($$$$$$) to make it to OT 8…..
The fact that Jett was born with a health issue is mind boggling… does COS explain THAT? The son of two mega donors & believers in COS have a son born with “a problem that can’t be fixed” by COS or anyone else? What did John & Kelly DO to “pull that in”?
Then the miraculous birth of their youngest child…son Benjamin…..who got the love of his mother for a few years….& now she’s gone. Left to pick up the pieces of ALL this Wreckage are John, Ella & Ben. How did ANY of this happen to such lovely people?
Cruise doesn’t “get so much as a cold”….but managed to foolishly break his ankle performing a movie stunt……..he’s abandoned his ONLY BIOLOGICAL child Suri because his former wife Katie Holmes was given the Blessed Chance to ESCAPE with Suri from the clutches of COS “auditing tactics” at 5/6 year old…..before “they got her” under their control.
A little girl who does not KNOW her own biological father & hasn’t had any face to face contact with her for YEARS & Tom Cruise THINKS that’s ok? He thinks ANY of the aforementioned is ok? He’s seen it all, lived it all, knows it all & seen the elderly DIE within the confines of COS & yet…NOT ONE OF THEM….not even Lron Hubbard has managed to COME BACK in a brand spanking new “meat body” where they REMEMBER just WHO they were in their previous life…ALL THE DETAILS….so that person can CLAIM the money PAID IN ADVANCE & supposedly HELD for them for their continued education within the realm of the bubble.
Well, seems to me that Tom will also be one of those who continues to pay pay pay……be used by David M for all he’s worthy FINANCIALLY…..maybe UNTIL there is no more $$$ to make that Mega Donation to “the cause to clear the planet”…& THEN Tom gets DECLARED as an SP or PTS because we ALL realize Tom is a huge THREAT to COS…Tom KNOWS TO MUCH. Tom’s popularity is fading as he ages, he better be looking over his shoulders because it sure as shit is coming to bite him in the ass when he is no longer useful to anyone in COS.
Hmmmm….I won’t live long enough to see THAT happen….but we can only hope it does. Excuse me while I go grab a crying towel, this has all broken my heart.
This is beside the point of Remini’s statement, but I can’t help but notice that Cruise has a vented mask on, which is to say he is wearing a mask with a big hole in it right by his nose and mouth. No vented masks have been tested that are leak proof–all of them release air, even when the vent is closed. For this reason, grocery stores around the Bay Area will not allow patrons inside with vented masks.
Cruise yelling at the guy with no mask was basically mask-less himself–and expelling a LOT of air because yelling does that.
Anyway, this was a powerful–and heartbreaking–statement. Thank you for standing up for film crews.
The way I understand Tom was yelling at two crew that had their masks on.
Problem was they were not 6′ apart.
Also per report Tom himself was seen at a theater with a mask but not himself properly distancing.
Tom just wanted to tone 40 compliance and perhaps use the server reality adjustment as an example to the rest of the crew.
Tom and DM both rule with fear of repercussions. (LRH too)
A sad way to live and becoming more and more unacceptable in society.
More evolved thinking would be striving for cooperation based on education and understanding for the good of the people not for the good of himself and how he looks to others I would think.
I saw on news that 5 people from Mission Impossible set quit after his rant.
Cindy. Well 5 have left the set after his rant?
It looks like this movie could become a impossible mission.
Perhaps TM will get some great acknowledged from DM for putting ethics in on those damned wogs. They are just two big balloons full of nothing.
I hope some of the supermarket tabloids pick up on this. Remini nails the TC feces to the church door. The only question should be, did $cientology train TC to be an asshole, or did he come by it naturally?
Zee, I don’t know if TC is a natural asshole or a scientology created asshole.
What I experienced when I was in the cult was the latter. There were several occasions where I found myself going into total asshole mode. This is not how I am naturally, it just arose sort of spontaneously, kind of like I was being taken over and not being myself. I didn’t receive any training to do this, it just sort of happened. Afterwards, I just shook my head wondering what the hell that was all about.
Reflecting on that now, I think I was just emulating other, more senior ranking, scientologists. Going into asshole mode is sort of a default for just about any staff member to handle any ‘reasonableness’ in their environment. Often, in the cult, this is known as ‘tone 40’ or serenity of beingness. Wonderful people these scientologists.
Tom ” I can’t catch a cold but I can break my ankle” Cruise is a sad example of what it is to be a top $cientologist. With all his success as an actor and financially he has given 10s of millions to $ci, had 3 failed marriages, has abondoned his daughter, has succeeded in alienating his adopted kids from their adopted mother, revels in being DMs best buddy and could give a sh*t that DM has banished his wife away for well over a decade. He overlooks all the abuses in $ci and is an expert on Phsycs. I hope one day soon he sees the light. Although I am a fan of his as an actor I will never spend even a penny to see any of his movies as long as he is in $ci.
Scientology is clearly wrong. I’ve would have declared a SP for the “Dead Prophet Sketch”
Additionally, one thing that really strikes me is that he has accepted (certainly imposed by scn) not to see his daughter for all these years.
But what man is such a father?!?
I would have turned my whole life upside down (and even those who wanted to stop me) to see her and be there while she grew up. These are truly special moments in life that will never come back.
Tom Cruise is not described as the type of person I would want to associate with as a friend. His recent rant was a big hit with the Karen’s of the world. These are the meticulous people who enforce the mask policy with overt aggression. I think Scientology scored an enormous amount of points with this market segment;
Will knowing about Cruise’s rant persuade his fellow Scientologists to wear a mask, or will they continue to believe they are special?
My opinion is that most Scientologists will do what Miscavige says. His rant will impact the “Karens” of the world.
Please! I’m a Karen from this world. I’m a nice person, not a racist, or a bigot. I hate Trump, and admire Anthony Fauci. Please stop referring to us Karens so negatively😉
Agreed. I get so sick of the “Karen” expressions. It’s frankly sexist and ageist. If a name was chosen to denigrate middle aged black men, it would never be tolerated.
Great post Leah.
I always had the idea of Tom more like a puppet of DM.
Instead he is just a xerox of his cult leader.
Reaching higher spiritual levels should get a person into a natural state of kindness.
Here we have the exact opposite.
Scn doesn’t elevate people to any higher consciousness.
It is just an evil kind of self-convincing indoctrination that makes them to believe being someone else who’s better than the others.
Pathetic. One can’t go more far from his real essence than in Scn.
Yup. Third Biggest Being on the planet thinks he has a right to verbally abuse the lesser beings, low lifes, degenerates, and DB’s of the world.
He’s an asshole. I love what Leah said about his “little dick syndrome” 😂
Just so. TC got just enough out of his auditing/training to bolster his ego (self-determinism) without going all the way to Harmony (pan-determinism). He feels good about himself, but the loneliness will catch up some day..
Jim right, in my opinion when one strengthen his ego as scn can do, he is already into loneliness. As you say Harmony isn’t something one can reach this way. Harmony is quite opposite to ego.
To me, it seemed like Cruise was trying to show off for Miscavige. It’s so gross that Miscavige has fooled the useful idiot Tom Cruise into thinking that the little shit COB is some kind of superior being.
It certainly makes one wonder if this was staged or if Cruise is so far gone into the Dark Side of the cult that he is in the valence (it’s term) of David Miscavige cuz this sounds like a David Miscavige melt down.
I do think the church of scientology has been suffering from attrition for a long time and the pandemic has exacerbated that, especially its mother ship called The FLAG LAND BASE which is empty (and a source of funds for the ship and other orgs) of not only local scientologists, but domestic and international members. So I do think something is up with this church doing weird things to get attention.
One thing I do not think, is that Tom Cruise is worried about the ability of others to put food on the table.
I believe that everything that Cruise does is for show. I have to admit that I’ve wondered about his state of mind for quite some time. I also agree with you that he couldn’t care less about the ability of others to put food on the table (any more than I think his best buddy, David Miscavige, gives a crap, and, frankly, I’ve been worried about Miscavige’s state of mind for quite a long time as well). Both dangerous people, in my humble opinion.
I would like to make a couple of small comments about Leah’s statement. I might normally call these comments “corrections”. But I don’t know a tiny fraction as much about this cult as does Leah and so I’m not sure just what to call my remarks. Maybe some of you might be able to let me know if I am mistaken about these two comments.
First comment concerns this part of Leah’s statement. She said, “And after they find “the why,” which is the reason for your illness, they then make you handle the situation, which means disconnecting from the person or group who they label an enemy.”
I think it’s only fair – especially for people who don’t know much about this cult – to say that “handling the situation” usually also means being pressured to “donate” thousands of dollars to pay for the time that cult members called “auditors” spend to listen to you. IMHO, this kind of “handling” is usually just another way for the cult to squeeze people into donating more money – always more money.
My second comment concerns this part of Leah’s statement. She said, “And Tom believes – like all Scientologists – that PTS people can be “potential trouble” to the “pure Scientologist,” and all Scientologists are taught to stay clear of the PTS folks and especially the suppressives.”
I would just like to add to this … Ain’t it remarkable how all these people believe the same things? In truth, these are really “orders” – not “beliefs”. Cult members have been ordered or told what to believe. They may have had one set of beliefs before being indoctrinated into the cult. But once they are in, their beliefs all change to fall in line with the beliefs of the cult. In other words, there is only one mind set for this cult. Everyone believes exactly what they were told to believe.
I just wanted to add my two cents. I think Leah may have been being just a little too nice to these people and I do not have any similar feelings towards them. I have seen enough to no longer worry about being nice or polite to these monsters.
After having finished reading Leah’s statement, I want to say it is an extremely powerful expose of the abuses of this cult. For anyone who has only known Tom Cruise as a “movie star”, this statement should provide some good insight into how this cult twists the character of its members and just how that causes them to become little more than mindless robots for the cult whose primary purpose is to see the wealth of the cult increase through any number of ways that more money is collected and deposited into the coffers of the cult.
For anyone who may have any doubts, this cult is a horribly toxic environment that turns out human assholes and gives zero importance to things that it considers to be worthless – including kindness and respect to others, good hearted treatment of neighbors, etc.
If you ask a member of this cult what they think of the principle that one should, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself”, I think there is a real good chance they would call that “bullbaiting”. This cult is a sick and twisted thing and it produces nothing of any value for this world. It only serves to enrich one single person at the head of the cult.
I would like to make a couple of small comments about Leah’s statement. I might normally call these comments “corrections”. But I don’t know a tiny fraction as much about this cult as does Leah and so I’m not sure just what to call my remarks. Maybe some of you might be able to let me know if I am mistaken about these two comments.
First comment concerns this part of Leah’s statement. She said, “And after they find “the why,” which is the reason for your illness, they then make you handle the situation, which means disconnecting from the person or group who they label an enemy.”
I think it’s only fair – especially for people who don’t know much about this cult – to say that “handling the situation” usually also means being pressured to “donate” thousands of dollars to pay for the time that cult members called “auditors” spend to listen to you. IMHO, this kind of “handling” is usually just another way for the cult to squeeze people into donating more money – always more money.
My second comment concerns this part of Leah’s statement. She said, “And Tom believes – like all Scientologists – that PTS people can be “potential trouble” to the “pure Scientologist,” and all Scientologists are taught to stay clear of the PTS folks and especially the suppressives.”
I would just like to add to this … Ain’t it remarkable how all these people believe the same things? In truth, these are really “orders” – not “beliefs”. Cult members have been ordered or told what to believe. They may have had one set of beliefs before being indoctrinated into the cult. But once they are in, their beliefs all change to fall in line with the beliefs of the cult. In other words, there is only one mind set for this cult. Everyone believes exactly what they were told to believe.
I just wanted to add my two cents. I think Leah may have been being just a little too nice to these people and I do not have any similar feelings towards them. I have seen enough to no longer worry about being nice or polite to these monsters.
I have just finished reading Leah’s statement now and overall, I want to say it is an extremely powerful expose of the abuses of this cult. For anyone who has only known Tom Cruise as a “movie star”, this statement should provide some good insight into how this cult twists the character of its members and just how that causes them to become little more than mindless robots for the cult whose primary purpose is to see the wealth of the cult increase through any number of ways that more money is collected and deposited into the coffers of the cult.
For anyone who may have any doubts, this cult is a horribly toxic environment that turns out human assholes and gives zero importance to things that it considers to be worthless – including kindness and respect to others, good hearted treatment of neighbors, etc.
If you ask a member of this cult what they think of the principle that one should, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself”, I think there is a real good chance they would call that “bullbaiting”. This cult is a sick and twisted thing and it produces nothing of any value for this world. It only serves to enrich one single person at the head of the cult.
I fear that I may have made a duplicate entry. Please delete any duplicates of this comment.
I would like to make a couple of small comments about Leah’s statement. I might normally call these comments “corrections”. But I don’t know a tiny fraction as much about this cult as does Leah and so I’m not sure just what to call my remarks. Maybe some of you might be able to let me know if I am mistaken about these two comments.
First comment concerns this part of Leah’s statement. She said, “And after they find “the why,” which is the reason for your illness, they then make you handle the situation, which means disconnecting from the person or group who they label an enemy.”
I think it’s only fair – especially for people who don’t know much about this cult – to say that “handling the situation” usually also means being pressured to “donate” thousands of dollars to pay for the time that cult members called “auditors” spend to listen to you. IMHO, this kind of “handling” is usually just another way for the cult to squeeze people into donating more money – always more money.
My second comment concerns this part of Leah’s statement. She said, “And Tom believes – like all Scientologists – that PTS people can be “potential trouble” to the “pure Scientologist,” and all Scientologists are taught to stay clear of the PTS folks and especially the suppressives.”
I would just like to add to this … Ain’t it remarkable how all these people believe the same things? In truth, these are really “orders” – not “beliefs”. Cult members have been ordered or told what to believe. They may have had one set of beliefs before being indoctrinated into the cult. But once they are in, their beliefs all change to fall in line with the beliefs of the cult. In other words, there is only one mind set for this cult. Everyone believes exactly what they were told to believe.
I just wanted to add my two cents. I think Leah may have been being just a little too nice to these people and I do not have any similar feelings towards them. I have seen enough to no longer worry about being nice or polite to these monsters.
After haing finished reading Leah’s statement now and overall, I want to say it is an extremely powerful expose of the abuses of this cult. For anyone who has only known Tom Cruise as a “movie star”, this statement should provide some good insight into how this cult twists the character of its members and just how that causes them to become little more than mindless robots for the cult whose primary purpose is to see the wealth of the cult increase through any number of ways that more money is collected and deposited into the coffers of the cult.
For anyone who may have any doubts, this cult is a horribly toxic environment that turns out human assholes and gives zero importance to things that it considers to be worthless – including kindness and respect to others, good hearted treatment of neighbors, etc.
If you ask a member of this cult what they think of the principle that one should, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself”, I think there is a real good chance they would call that “bullbaiting”. This cult is a sick and twisted thing and it produces nothing of any value for this world. It only serves to enrich one single person at the head of the cult.
Leah Remini,
With this commentary you have just made my day and my week and possibly my month. And I am still laughing.
For your experience and knowledge of the film industry which informed your long answer, and for your own brave and compassionate, “won’t suffer fools gladly” nature infusing your very funny short answer, thank you very much.