What can Miscavige do to respond to Hurricane Leah? She is blowing his house down and it is a storm that comes on top of severe damage already inflicted on the once apparently impregnable fortress of scientology.
It has been building throughout the year — Going Clear at Sundance got the ball rolling.
Followed by the revelations from the PI’s tailing his father which thrust scientology back into the headlines. Losing tax exemption in the Netherlands. Tony Ortega’s Unbreakable Miss Lovely, a never ending stream of Narconon bad news. And much more.
And now Troublemaker has stepped it up to whole new levels with a better educated and far more receptive media.
Scientology has tried to deal with the unwanted attention by following it’s very well worn playbook:
- Sending threatening letters to the production companies/publishers
- Sending threatening letters to the media
- Dumping piles of “D/A” materials on the doorstep of the media — rehashing the same tired old ad hominem attacks
- Getting a few low level “celebrities” to make some lame comments about how they are being targeted by “bigots”
Here is what they have not done:
- Addressed a single specific other than to say things are “provable bullshit”
- Agreed to be interviewed by anyone in the media
The problem is that the old tactics no longer work. Filmmakers and publishers no longer buy into the empty threats. Neither do the media.
There have been occasional random outliers in the press who have taken contrarian positions that scientology is being singled out for improper exposure of its abuses. Or they manage to get a tabloid to print their “Alex Gibney is a government spy,” “Paul Haggis is desperate and appearing in a documentary is the only way he can get attention” or “Leah Remini is broke, so she HAD to write a book to make money” stories.
A few, increasingly isolated media are still foolish enough to buy these scientology bs lines and run with them, but these days they are truly the fringe. It is an untenable, and frankly ridiculous, position to take that those who are exposing scientology are all liars with hidden agendas. In this new golden age of scientology media coverage, anyone carrying scientology’s water today is either:
a) on scientology’s payroll,
b) too lazy to bother doing a Google search before printing an article
or c) has a very low IQ.
And while are on the subject Scientology has slanderous stories and videos about everyone who has ever said things they don’t like. They have invested a lot of time, effort and money to putting together these very childish websites, videos and press packs. You only need glance at their Freedom magazine website to note the lurid titles of their pieces and the wild allegations about Jason Beghe, Alex Gibney, Paul Haggis, Marty Rathbun, Marc Headley, Tom DeVocht, me and many others to wonder whether you have stumbled into a Mad magazine page of parodies. Put them all together and a quick glance tells you all you need to know.
So, what options does Miscavige have, other than to add another trash video to the his collection?
He is bound by the POLICY of scientology. And in this regard, the direction is pretty clear:
“If attacked on some vulnerable point by anyone or anything or any organization, always find or manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue for peace.”
“Don’t ever defend. Always attack.”
“The DEFENSE of anything is UNTENABLE. The only way to defend anything is to ATTACK, and if you ever forget that then you will lose every battle you are ever engaged in, whether it is in terms of personal conversation, public debate, or a court of law. NEVER BE INTERESTED IN CHARGES. DO, yourself much MORE CHARGING and you will WIN.”
“Our first target should be removing the suppressives (anyone who disagrees with Scientology or any aspect of it) or paralyzing them or immobilizing them – those who are immediately and directly attacking (making any critical comment) Scientology orgs (organizations)…
“…So, our usual one-two is to find out who is giving the orders then find out what his criminal past is. And then we do it rather noisily so that it becomes known that we know and he shuts up. That is usually the modus operandi.”
All scientology policy on dealing with public relations assumes that scientology is doing no wrong and has nothing to hide. And the foundation of everything is that what is good for scientology is what is right. Attacking an “enemy” (anyone who dares to say anything scientology doesn’t like) by any means possible, whether it is lying about them or using information told to the church in confidence is justified.
And this is clearly what they have been attempting to do.
But sending letters and copy-pasted “press releases” aren’t cutting it. And these websites and videos are only seen by scientologists.
More “attack” website and editions of Freedom mag are not going to provide any respite in this 100 year storm.
So, he is left pondering: what would possibly get the attention of the media and get anything he wants said covered in the press?
A spokesman?
David Miscavige doesn’t trust anyone else to appear before the media to speak on behalf of the church other than himself. His last spokesperson, Tommy Davis, blew the Sea Org. And when he was there left a trail of destruction in his wake — very public lies, meltdowns on camera and soured relationships with virtually everyone he came in contact with in the media.
Nobody replaced him. They still have names of spokespeople (Karin Pouw, Bob Adams) but nobody from the media can even speak with them, let alone interview them. Ever media interaction is in the form of letters, ostensibly signed by Karin Pouw, but not in fact written by her.
But this leaves only one option — Miscavige himself fronts up.
But this will never happen as no respectable media would ever agree to his conditions: he would have to provide the questions and there would be many subjects off limits. He could not possibly afford to respond to a real interview or a press conference as there are too many questions he cannot answer.
It probably comes as a shock to him, but he is not a big enough name to dictate terms of this sort of interview — he thinks he has the same status as the Pope, but outside of his mind, he is a nobody.
So, this option is pretty much out of the question.
A Shelly Miscavige appearance
I mocked him for not having had Shelly make an appearance. It would get media coverage and it might at least do something to put an end to the negative publicity about disappearing his wife.
It would be relatively easy to do this in a controlled environment, or for her to make a pre-recorded video statement.
But his problem is that this is a no-win:
a) if it is totally controlled everyone will compare her to Patty Hearst speaking on behalf of the SLA or one of those POWs from the Vietnam War. It might blow up worse than silence.
b) if it were NOT totally controlled who knows what she might say – even if she was cooperative, she has been out of the loop for YEARS and would not know how to address questions. It would be too risky.
So, on balance this is probably not a viable option.
Tom Cruise
It leaves just one option and the one I consider most likely. Bring in “Top Gun.”
After all, he has been the focus of so much of the attention. Alex Gibney and Lawrence Wright began calling him out with Going Clear, challenging him to speak up about the abuses. Troublemaker ups the ante even further. His silence is becoming more and more an embarrassment to Miscavige and scientology (let alone to himself).
Tom Cruise prides himself on being “the best scientologist there is” and as such he has a “duty” to keep the press properly informed about scientology and to protect the “power” of scientology embodied by David Miscavige.
Just last week he made a public appearance at the annual IAS convention in the UK. He is apparently not distancing himself from the abuses or speaking out against them, he is doubling down on his infamous “it’s a privilege to call yourself a scientologist” craziness and making a point of publicly supporting his BFF and best man, David Miscavige.
Unlike Miscavige, Cruise can bargain his name and its ability to sell viewing eyeballs, in exchange for control over the content of an interview. Witness the recent press junket for Mission Impossible.
But to speak out about scientology at this point it would have to be VERY controlled. Cruise cannot afford to be asked about why he doesn’t see Suri and the only time he does they are “PR” visits (she is an “SP” or at the least “PTS”). He would not know what to say if a reporter asked him “is it true you asked Leah Remini to invite JLo and Marc Anthony to your wedding” — or many of the other facts detailed in the book — because if he denies them he cannot be sure that JLo, Marc Anthony or even Katie will not respond and prove him a liar. And if he confirms this is true, it gives credence to Leah’s book. And oh, what if they asked him about Nazanin Boniadi being an “arranged marriage” and he lied about the facts of what happened? That would open a whole can of worms as I think she would then be within her rights to speak out in response — even if she did sign an NDA at the time… There are just too many booby-traps. It’s why the incredible level of control over the media that was exerted for MI press.
But given all that, in my estimation it is not unrealistic that CAA or his publicist can find a willing media outlet who would take the “Tom Cruise exclusive responding to Leah Remini” if they agree to ask only certain, scripted questions and contract not to ask about anything else. This could even be a very prominent person who conducts the “interview” — a Barbara Walters or an Oprah Winfrey.
It’s perhaps the ONLY play that Miscavige has. Use Cruise’s celebrity to try and bail him out. People would tune in to see what he has to say and if he is going to make a fool of himself again. TV audiences tune in when they think they might witness some sort of freak show — look at the viewership of the Republican Presidential debates. Or Caitlyn Jenner’s interview. It could be an appealing pitch.
And what would such a “response” piece look like?
You don’t have to wonder. Just look at the scientology letters that are posted on media sites (most recently ABC News).
It would likely contain the following:
- Dismiss the criticism of scientology as being based on bigotry and hatred and how it “all lies” and a few anecdotes of “this is not my experience.”
- Offer up some glowing testimonials about what a wonderful guy David Miscavige is, how kind, and brilliant and caring etc etc
- Trash the sources — claim that Leah Remini is just “trying to remain relevant” and “trying to get rich off scientology because people are so interested in it” and a selection of the same old ad hominem attacks
- Praise the wonders of scientology and how it “cured his dyslexia” and has helped him in his life
- Explain that the real story is that scientology is expanding faster than ever under the brilliant leadership of Miscavige (with visuals of ideal orgs to “prove” it)
- Add a little charm and some jokes at his own expense, flash a few grins and smiles and hey presto….
What he will NOT discuss are specifics about abuses in scientology. Or his marriages. Or relationship with his ex-wives. Or if he has ever witnessed Miscavige hitting anyone. Or if he has hit anyone. Or if he has been the beneficiary of limos, house designs, stereo set ups etc etc., anything about Nazanin, how much money he has given to scientology, where is Shelly, any of the details in Leah’s book, anything in Going Clear and a whole lot more.
Don’t be surprised to see an interview with him. I don’t think he has any real choice. His silence is deafening. And he wants to be a “good scientologist.”
If and when you seem him responding, analyze it against this posting. It may even have the trappings of being a “real” interview and be presented as something “unscripted” and “off-the-cuff.” Unless the really important questions are asked you will know that it is totally controlled and completely scripted. It will be the scientology party line lifted out of the Miscavige letters to the media dressed up as a “candid” conversation with Tom Cruise.
And whatever media runs it, if the tough questions are not there (and that doesn’t mean “why is scientology controversial” or “what do you think about the negative publicity scientology has been receiving” bs questions) — know they agreed to be emasculated in order to “get the exclusive” and some ratings.
And remember. Not once have Leah Remini, Larry Wright, Alex Gibney, Paul Haggis, Marty Rathbun, me or anyone else that scientology tries to trash EVER sought to put ANY limitation on what we could be asked by the media.
Then ask yourself — who is telling the truth.
For new readers, here are links to some other recent blog posts: Scientology “Dead Agents” Itself, Some Random Thoughts on Leah Remini and Scientology “responds” to Leah Remini.
I’ve moved on from Troublemaker (read in 3 1/2 hours) to Going Clear and another WOW!!! Just spent 3 hours reading it and finally needed to make food!
In reading the story of LHR and the Eight Dynamics it suddenly occurred to me that he created a hierarchical system which is not spiritual.
I presume he also didn’t see the irony of writing about negative behaviors and actions and that he continued to be engaged in those self same behaviors!
Also everything in those 8 Dynamics are in other systems I’ve seen around the world. They are certainly all parts of Astrology (that I use for psychological and spiritual growth of my clients).
I don’t believe that LHR would have been able to get away with getting his cult sanctioned by the IRS as a Church if this saga was only beginning in 2000.
Those of us who have never dabbled or even been involved with Scientology have done our own growth over the years.
I remember buying the book Dianetics, but I don’t remember when and I don’t remember reading it. I think it was just the thing that was “in” at the time. By the time I did get around to opening the first few pages, the writing was not attractive for my spirit to want to be attached too and i put it in a yard sale!
It’s very interesting to read that he only had to experiment once and something to work for him to decide that it would work again and again and the reasons for the experiment to have worked.
We also have a lot more choices in terms of dealing with what might be ailing us. Obviously the field of therapy and psychology has flourished and we also have EMDR and Tapping and NLP techniques along with psychological tests we can take such as Myers Briggs or DISC to inform us more about who we are. And of course for those that are metaphysical in nature and drawn to that arena we have a lot to choose from there as well.
As a Business Coach it’s not unusual to ask the client lots of questions (no “why” though), only who, what, when, where and how to move you forward. So some of the ideas around the e-meter are translatable into other industries. The difference is we are not looking for the “right” answer from the client that will satisfy us. We are looking for the “correct” answer for the client and that that feel within their being it is the “correct” answer and/or direction for them. They decide!
The more I read of Going Clear the more I see LHR for what he was; a cult leader, a charismatic cult leader and that’s what you have to be in order to get people to follow you for any length of time.
Off to eat and start on “Part II Hollywood.” Can’t wait to see the documentary next!
It’s official, #1 on the NY Times best-seller list! Not just in the “celeb” category, in non-fiction period! I’ve never met Leah but I feel so proud.
Poor Leah almost had a heart attack here… https://vine.co/v/elUw96iqgXP
Holy crap. I would’ve had a heart attack and I’m not even a coulrophobe.
Taking advantage of this post on “Attack the critics and dissenters” as it relates to Scientology , I wanted to show others here the depths that fundamentalism is capable of reaching to.
In the past , I had written about , and attacked the subject of fundamentalism as it applied to strict KSW adherents. My dissertation on that can be found here :
That article of mine had a double effect : it woke up many KSW adherents, and made them observe realities about Scn and LRH that they had never observed before ; and it made many strict KSW supporters VERY, VERY upset including the MS2 group (Milestone Two).
I had been an habitual poster at MS2 for quite some time before I was “Dead-filed” by Lana Mitchell as apparently my disgust for convenient status-quo, and my never-ending questioning of things that just didn’t add up , made me a persona non grata and a rebel to the “cause”.
I found BIC’s (“Scientologists Back in Comm” , the South African blog) moderation policies resembling more what a blog truly fostering the Freedom of Speech right should look like. So I begun to post at BIC with a lot of frequency, and dare say (and I know that I sound presumptuous here) that I changed quite a few viewpoints for the better.
MS2 was well known at the time for its frequent attacks towards blogs that allowed anti-Scn/anti-LRH comments to get posted, including attacks for other alternative versions of Scn such at CBR’s Bridge, of which “Excalibur” (a modified NOTs version) is the most well known step. These attacks were concentrated mostly towards Rinder’s , Rathbun’s , Ortega’s, and Back in Comm (BIC). Specifically two posters (besides Lana Mitchell and Jim Logan , the heads of MS2) , “Formost” and “Remoteviewer” (Aka Robin Adair) were the most ferocious ones in their misguided attack.
Several months ago, an upset was created between BIC and MS2 because of an article published at MS2 titled, “South Africa , anyone ?” , in which Lana inferred that she couldn’t find any “standard” Scientology delivery terminals or groups at South Africa as the majority of the ones existing were Ron’s Org terminals following CBR’s Bridge (Captain Bill Robertson, former captain of the Apollo under LRH and a class VIII C/S who deserted the CofS in the early ’80s). MS2 were attempting to be the “Qual depart for the Indie sector” according to BIC, which upset them a lot.
In private e-mails, I alerted Lana to ease off the attacks and so did BIC’s admin. I also privately alerted Lana to get MS2’s posters, specifically the two above mentioned terminals, to stop the attacks towards groups and individuals who didn’t share their same viewpoint regarding LRH/Scn.
I did my own contribution to ease the tension between the different groups that post about Scn related subjects , by writing another article for BIC :
I knew that I was partly responsible for the upset as I had publicly called the KSW adherents , “fundamentalists”. So , I attempted to correct it with the article. As time went by , I noticed that the attacks at MS2 diminished until they disappear altogether. MS2’s articles and posts became just about wins and gains with the application of the Tech. It all became about “Good roads , good weather” , and Lana adopted a kinder and more sensible attitude towards critics of Scn and LRH.
It have been quite a few times , that I have defended MS2 and other Indie groups here at this blog. Even though , that I believe now (something I DIDN’T when I wrote those articles) that Scientology is the most destructive cult of the 20th century , that LRH was nothing more than a cult leader with no humanitarian traits whatsoever ; I FULLY support Freedom of Religion. I am perfectly in ARC with others practicing whatever the hell they wish to practice as long as , I repeat , AS LONG AS Human Rights violations , including the suppression of the Freedom of Speech right , are not messed with. Indies are well known for suppressing Human Rights when it comes to defending LRH and Scn.
That said , read and analyze by yourselves , dear posters here , what cultism and being under the insidious and hypnotic power of fundamentalism can do to a group of individuals :
Jim Logan , I think that you was better off staying with “wins and gains” , and a “Good Roads , Good Weather” approach to criticism. Now you forced me to bring the subject up. It is incredible indeed that a man with your erudition , can become so blind to reality.
Here are some quotes from Logan’s article :
“It is from this viewpoint that I am observing the destructive and fully dramatized game and GPM between Dave’s Church of Scientology versus Mark Rathbun, Mike Rinder et al., the “ex” and “anti” Scientology camp as it has certainly turned out to become.”
“Presently, the organs for these two camps include Mike Rinder’s blog tied closely to one Tony Ortega’s vehemently anti-Scientology site and the Freedom Mag site for the DM side of the dramatizations.”
“Today I read on Rinder’s blog of how bad the DM side is, including in that, generous slurs and chops of Ron Hubbard and Scientology as well as supplying the list of articles on the Freedom Mag site.”
“What is apparent when viewing BOTH sides of this game in wild dramo, is the lack of responsibility on either side, for the game (all members agreed at some point to similar goals and purposes, and the playing field, the football they are tossing around – Scientology) for the actions of each side in its own dishonesties, its rampant commissions and omissions against agreed upon codes of conduct, and denial of the initial CO-ACTION necessary as a prime condition for the now wanton perpetuation of destructive acts by one to the other and each to themselves. Both sides are egregiously false in their “reportage”.”
“Scientology will persist after all of this theater of these valences because it is true.”
“There are enough beings that see that truth and reach and learn and apply the legacy of L. Ron Hubbard to make it available to all these “players”, eventually.”
“Someday they’ll forget enough to approach a Scientologist and ask “what is Scientology?” and because of actual Scientologists and Scientology, they’ll have a chance to find their basic agreements to co-action with the subject, their very own violations of those agreements, their very own overts, and thanks to that Scientologist, they’ll have another chance at the freedom that exists with this subject.”
Be the judges yourselves ; I rest my case.
Peter Torres
Correction : The first article at BIC that I was referring to is this :
Leah made Newsweek!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um, not because she isn’t relevant.
I just read this……Newsweek to be ‘flooded’ with calls from Bodhi Elfman and Danny Masterson canceling their subscriptions in 3……2…..1
There was some chatter about the possibility of Tom blowing the COS; as you said, “The silence has been deafening”. I think you’re right: he’s the only one with the Hollywood gravity to dictate terms to do some PR to help quell some of the Remini damage. Her coming out on the onset of the book and confessing every dark sin, big & small, was genius! This should become the M.O. for every exiting Scientologist — get it all out! You do it before they do it. You weaken their strength against you, and by doing so, you give credibility to your word when you become self-depreciating in a genuine way. The only thing that Leah has up on some other “SP’s” who left the church is she took her family with her; this is not usually the norm. I watched Mike’s family say difficult things about him on national TV. You almost feel like the Empire is holding your family hostage. I guess people have to follow their consciences, but Leah had the perfect storm to write this “tell-all” narrative. As I have thought for years, “They live by the words of the Hollywood whales, and they will die by them too”. Going Clear and this text are proving it.
I wish Leah well. She grew up in the church and obviously sympathizes with the kids who have no choice. I empathize with Mike, Marty R., and others. I would never want anything bad to happen to David Miscavige, but if he did melt like the Wicked Witch did in that dreadful castle, I wonder if the membership would be like those Winkies? (those tall, green guards who march around chanting “Oh-ee-oh”). When she was finally dead, they looked at Dorothy and said, “You killed her! Long live Dorothy!”. No love-loss for the witch, and I bet no love-loss for the Great Leader. I wonder will the text “Troublemaker” be the water that melts the Witch, or is their yet another bucket-chucker to come? (Come on JT: you’re a great actor, you can play Dorothy Gale of Kansas!!!!).
**(Mike R, if you want to stretch this “water on Miscavige from Leah” metaphor in an article, I would be tickled!) Chip
Is it official….did Priscilla Presley blow too?
After Jett Travolta died, Tommy Davis appeared on two morning news shows to discuss Scientology’s policies re medication, seeing a doctor, etc. He was asked the same 10 questions, in exactly the same order, and gave exactly the same answers to each one, word for word. Was that scripted?
All the cherch accomplishes with their hateful letters and creepy videos is confirmation of how mean-spirited and nasty they really are. They are the school yard bully who uses low-blows in an attempt to defeat their opponent, then spout lies to the authorities to garner sympathy.
Uniformly they despised by the public at-large.
Exactly Statpush, their videos do come across as mean-spirited and nasty, and turn people against them, as they are really distasteful and make one question what kind of group would do this to ex-members. If they disagree with what ex-members have said, address those statements, don’t say rude things about the ex-members. I mean, really.
I understand that this is what LRH said to do, and perhaps it worked in the 50’s and 60’s (although it’s never been a good policy, effective maybe, but good, no) but it’s not going to work in today’s age of internet. Info is too readily available now. – T.J.
Hey Mike, a bit off-topic but there is one common link to ALL the still-in celebs, and that is Dave Petit, the captain at CCI. What is his story/ I do not believe I’ve ever read about him on the blogs but he seems from all my readings of CC mags and grapevine stories to be a very dynamic link that all these celeb’s could be woken by. Any word on what glue keeps his eyes so tightly shut? He steps out and writes a book and the sales could trump all former books, it would seem…
He’s no dynamic link to anything.
You can read about him in Leah’s book.
He just happens to be the head of CC.
My auditor back in the very early 80s in Orange County. Mike, do you know if he’s still married to Diane? At least I think that’s her name.
I just finished reading Leah Remini’s book. I was impressed by her honesty, I was touched by her story. I admire Leah for taking her stand publicly, especially in light of the type of retaliation the church takes against those who speak out, as noted here by the examples on Mike Rinder’s blog. I think this actually works against the church though, as when I first viewed their webpages about Mike Rinder, Marc Headley, Amy Scobee, etc., I came away with the feeling that the church of Scientology is not very professional, but rather petty, vindictive, and mean-spirited in their retaliation against members who chose to leave. Before I viewed their own sites, I was open-minded, a clean slate, willing to hear their side, but afterwards, I felt they were a childish group run by incompetent people, and wanted nothing more to do with them. Kudos to Leah, loved your book! Thank you for speaking out.
Very nice comment.. I have not read Leah’s book yet, but I will… Anyway, these character assassinations that the cherch puts on the internet (Mike Rinder, Marc Headley, Amy Scobee, etc.),are paid for with US tax exempt dollars. It’s a real tragedy.
Anyway, as you say they are “rather petty, vindictive, and mean-spirited in their retaliation against members who chose to leave.” This is spot on T.J..
They are Smarmy. Def “ingratiating and wheedling in a way that is perceived as insincere or excessive.” and
Urban dictionary “A certain attitude often accompanied by a squinty look and a superior smile that makes you instantly hate a person….
Thank you, Robert Almblad. You have a good point, it IS paid for by tax exempt dollars! Another reason to re-visit the tax exemption question, eh? Will their use of funds hold up under close scrutiny?
I want to hear more about “Cookie Doughgate”
Sea Org staff living with Tom around the clock
is it any wonder what a zoo this is.
Mike, I’m very sorry for that Freedom mag video. It’s really sad and disturbing how far the church will go to denigrate people. This is a prime example of how the church turns family against each other too. And then think about who pays attention to their slander and actually believes it. Very, very sad.
Hear it for yourself if you haven’t already.
I agree, Bea. However, it does shows to what depths they will actually sink to in attempting to slander someone. I mean, all it’s going to do is reinforce in everyone’s minds that this really is one fucked cult. And becomes more so with every passing day…
The videos are real rock slamming issue. It takes a rock slammer to mock that stuff up, and to author some these press releases. Those people can get really evil on your ass real fast. “Harm attack or suppress” are rock slamming purposes. And it is in the “ethics” book to mock this stuff up or restimulate these purposes on people. .
If you read Leah’s book, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Jessica F.R.D. was rock slamming all over Leah Remini. “Leah tore it all down and I built it all back up”. Barf.
What about the exec that called Leah a Fkn bitch? This is twisted injustice that keeps recoiling on these people and they can’t manage it. All abuse upon their fellow human beings, is justified because they are “Sea Org” or ” K.S.W. Scientologists”. Well, what is so Scientologogical about running around rock slamming on people and trying to degrade and unmock them?
Sorry, Leah Remini is putting ethics in on the planet. So is anyone else that forwards valuable information. If you are being asked to call yourself a Scientologist, you have a right to know what is going on in the game. If you are a “member”, you are part of the group and you have a right to know. If Scientology is knowing how to know, you have been guaranteed these rights. If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any.
Anyone who smacks you down for forwarding valuable information, is rock slamming on you. I mean, these are Hubbard’s attitudes about it. Don’t they work both ways?
The fat lady is singing Davey boy, but apparently you’re the only one who can’t hear her.
Dave doesn’t care for Opera Thetans.
Well there’s singing and then there is singing…
And then there’s Sing Sing.
What about Fat Lady Thetans? Does he like those? Of course he’d get squished like a bug…
I’ve seen Krusty dance…but she sings too?
Sings, dances and vilifies – a triple threat.
Hi Just me,Good to meet you,Oh yes Krusty has always reminded me of the Red Queen in Alice even when she first came to Hollywood.She knows she is such a Big Rich Being armed with all the Tech all the time…Laughter!Always,Ann.
Nice to meet you Ann B… She sure is one Big Being! Her “religious bigot” line and middle finger waggling is getting so old. Krusty needs some new Schtick!
As in the clown?
Ah! Got it!
Leah talked in her book about the ego stroking from all the awards and certificates and how people gave more and more of money for this instant gratification and how that doesn’t happen in the real world, that out here, more often than not, you do good simply for the sake of doing good.
Its humorous that she’s being attacked by her former religion for writing a book in an attempt to be relevant when her former religion spends every possible second stroking the egos and putting the names and photos out there of the people who give it What they Want (which is always the mighty $, no matter how they disguise the request).
Leah’s Revenge: Her and her husband’s 10,000 sq ft home overlooking L.A. With an incredible pool. She’s doing great and her face is EVERYWHERE!
Now, I’m going to let you posters be the judge, Judy & Executioner:
With her face everywhere you look, with her book selling out in some places, with her name on everyone’s lips, my question to you is this: Did she just bitch slap the coward who wants his dad dead? I’m not not talkin’ an ordinary bitch slap. Oh, hell no! I’m talkin’ ’bout the Bitch Slap Heard Around The World AND BACK AGAIN. That’s what I’M talkin’ ’bout.
Let me know how you feel…
Sounds bitchin’ to me.
It was heard in every corner of Teegeeack! Even his on-stage make-up can’t cover the welt from Leah’s hand. I think tomorrow the NYTimes Bestseller list is updated and Troublemaker will be in top spot!
“Judge, Judy & Executioner”… Stayed me!
Yep! Hurricane Leah’s path leads straight to number 1 on the NY Times Bestseller list.
And, glad you had a stay of execution! Probably would have ruined your day…..
Jeez you’re good! Even turned my typo entertaining! Good work 🙂
Thanks, Just me.
No, I don’t think she bitch slapped him. She just spoke truth. She just related events. If it put him in a bad light, that is on HIM and he bought it on himself. There was not a shred of meanness in her memoir. It was a sincere and intelligent appeal to reason. It is that appeal to reason, BRINGS ONE TO UNDERSTANDING. She is gifted with an ability to bring people to understanding. That is holy.
For years people have put themselves at risk to criticize the church of scientology. They did this out of the compelling drive to speak the truth against perceived injustice. Who will do the same for the church? Nobody apparently. Why? I would say guilt and shame are the compelling forces behind an absence of righteous indignation. Embarrassment. Kirsty tweeted a couple things but that was just a little bit of pissing and moaning.
Poor TC, it looks like it’s up to him to come forward but I’m sure he’d rather drink his own urine that have to dredge up memories of Tom Cruise, the ridiculous scientologist, as seen in leaked video tapes and prime time television. Doesn’t he want to be Tom Cruise, movie star who plays guys who stand up to forces of evil? Understandably, he would want to be known for the characters he portrays on film, not the character he is in real life.
Outstanding post, Roger. Bravo!
“He is bound by the POLICY of scientology.” Mike if he were bound by the policy, he would have booted himself out a long time ago. He doesnt know policy, except those that abuse others, he doesnt apply it in context, he doesnt know that ultimately, its only use is to assist others to get up the Bridge, (whether you belief in that or not). Why this insistence on linking him with LRH policy, it would be more correct to link him with Mein Kampf.
Well said Penny. Really, anything LRH ever wrote one way or another was aimed in the end at making well trained auditors or happy PC’s. Those were the final two products that were the point of all of the materials in the Admin. and Tech. volumes.
Miscavige is not bound by policy to go after Leah. Leah is not an SP, she is a social personality. He is wrong aiming any “policy” at her at all in order to damage her. The situation with Leah was remedial and Miscavige was off-policy when he didn’t take the time to bring a proper solution to it rather than simply make room under his boot heel for yet one more decent person/Scientologist.
There are plenty of things that LRH wrote that have little or nothing to do with making well trained auditors -such as his affirmations -and you know he wrote them because the church acknowledged it and fought to get them back in court.
Then there are the whole track stories and “incidents” he goes on and on about in his lectures where he steers the audience on what to run on the “whole track”. He drops some really heavy ideas on the history of the galaxy. He’s just selling the whole concept through suggestion -and naturally people “confirm” they have related incidents. He could say there is and “invader force” of a race of unicorns that shit rainbows to propel them across the galaxy and people would run similar incidents in session.
These aren’t aimed in the end at making well trained auditors and happy PCs.
He writes this stuff to keep people in session and keep the machine going.
The ideas the OT levels are based on are very far-flung and seem to be written as an excuse to keep auditing relevant in the upper levels of the bridge. He even goes back on his concept that you shouldn’t self-audit because Auditor + PC is > Bank. He introduces solo auditing. I guess that’s explained by BTs being little PCs stuck all over you -and YOU are the auditor. An excellent excuse to keep solo auditing -fueled by your own imagination.
Cameron did you miss that I specifically listed the Admin. and the Tech. Volumes as source for Scientology?
LRH may very well have written affirmations and had a daily diary as well, that’s his personal business and has nothing to do with Scientology as a subject. He also may have written a thank you note to the gardener at one time for trimming the roses or left a written request with the nanny to pick up Diana after school one day as well. Those are not part of Scientology either. Do you have to be so literal?
Also Cameron, those whole track incidents, BT’s, OT Levels etc… have everything to do with auditor training. You will find them each of them and more on the Class 8 auditor course.
If you aren’t buying Scientology and have no use for it that’s fine. You may remember that LRH gave you an out when he said if it isn’t real for you then it isn’t real. No pressure…..no one is forcing you to believe anything.
No, you didn’t say that. Here’s what you said: ” Really, anything LRH ever wrote one way or another was aimed in the end at making well trained auditors or happy PC’s. Those were the final two products that were the point of all of the materials in the Admin. and Tech. volumes.” The key quote here is “anything LRH ever wrote”. You then add a qualification later on. So guess what? You’re a typical Ronbot and Scilon, wanting to have things your way regardless of what’s in print. You learned from your dread master L. Fraud quite well.
Well let me amend it for you then.
“Really anything LRH every wrote that appeared as an HCOPL or and HCOB one way or another was aimed in the end at making well trained auditors or happy PC’s.”
Ok…were good then?
How does Pain and Sex make for happy PCs?
Works for m
Well ask your peeps Espe…..I am sure they can tell you all about how it makes them happy.
Don’t waste your breath with Kfrancis , dear Espiando ; she is from MS2 , and that says it all.
Here take a look at what I meant :
Pain AND sex? Well, that was awhile back for me, but, yeah, I’m good with that.
I’m going to chime in my agreement here. Of course, Mike was referring to the Never Defend Always Attack policy but Miscavige is even squirrelling this because he’s using it as justification for fabricated, vicious ad homs against whistleblowers who are telling the TRUTH about him and the Church of Scientology. Also Miscavige has no problem jettisoning any LRH tech that’s unprofitable and/or inconvenient.
Aquamarine : “I’m going to chime in my agreement here. Of course, Mike was referring to the Never Defend Always Attack policy but Miscavige is even squirrelling this because he’s using it as justification for fabricated, vicious ad homs against whistleblowers who are telling the TRUTH about him and the Church of Scientology. Also Miscavige has no problem jettisoning any LRH tech that’s unprofitable and/or inconvenient.”
No , dear Aqua , DM is not “squirreling” that HCO PL , I am afraid. I suggest you read the history of Scn by reading the “Anderson Report” (about the Victoria’s inquire into Scn in 1965) , the “Foster Report” (about UK’s inquire into Scn in 1971) , and such other reports.
You’ll find , if you DO research them , very interesting stories. Then read what LRH himself thought about such inquires , and the orders he gave to the HASI and later on ,to the GO , to attack the authors of such inquires. Then and ONLY then , you can offer a competent opinion about it. Otherwise , you are being , let’s just say , a little biased here , dear.
Read well the quoted LRH reference at the beginning of Mike’s article. Clear your words well , then state whether or not it says what it clearly says. LRH’s tactic for ANY , ANY ”attack” or criticism of SCN has always been “find their hidden ‘crimes’ , expose them , and finish them off” ; there has never been any other handling , and thinking it did exist , is to be heavily divorced from reality.
Best regards ,
Tom Cruise may be the poster boy for CoS, but he’s a selfish, self-serving person. He ignores the abuses, just wants all the free stuff and ass kissing that comes his way. His ego is as out of control as Miscavige’s, it’s all about him. I don’t see him risking his movie star status to defend the very damaged public image of the cherch.
Oh, he wouldn’t risk shit for anybody! He’s a self centered clam safe in the knowledge of scientology.
Mike, I am just wondering what do you think stops the FBI from investigation the “church” or at least Shelly’s questionable situation?
The precedents under the First Amendment and the difficulty of getting irrefutable evidence of the abuses.
Mike, very nice article. If there was a slight chance that Tom Cruise was going to speak up in the face of Hurricane Leah, then you changed it to a very, very slight chance.
In any case, Tom cannot stop the shrinking cherch. He cannot push back the tide. It’s too late. He can contribute to it’s shrinking by talking or by not talking. Either way, it keeps shrinking. Both Miscavige and Cruise have discredited themselves by being “kooks” or “nuts” and so they can’t stop the shrinking by talking to the public to get new people to join. Goofy, slappy, black turtle neck, couch jumping etc… join what? Ha.
The death knell is sounding.
Way back in 1971, ears had to strain to hear the first beautiful salvo as Paulette Cooper began the music, there was a long pause until Russell Miller and John Atack added their chords in 1987 and 1990. The orchestra has gained so much strength in the last 10 years with Jefferson Hawkins, Marc Headley, Jenna Hill, Nancy Many, Janet Reitman, Amy Scobee, Marty Rathbun, John Sweeney, Tony Ortega, Lawrence Wright and Alex Gibney. The booming bass recently added by Leah Remini makes CLEAR…
The death knell is sounding.
Even if they take this good advice you’ve given them here Mike and trot TC before the cameras, it will only briefly turn the music down.
The death knell is sounding.
Speaking of muzak, how about redoing ‘We Stand Tall’ with the remaining Int staff spiced up with Cruise, Travolta, Alley, et al. front and center belting it out with Dave to show solidarity and broadcast from KCOB and leaked to Fox to show the world the real face of Scientology? This would be applying the LRH datum: ‘The wrong thing to do is nothing.’ I don’t think Mike would mind being replaced in the choir. ?
SNL’s version was so much more apt.
Can’t top the SNL version.
Loved that brief caption next to one of the guys singing “left Neurology and joined Scientology”!
We stand Taaaaaaaaaallll
No Goin’ back, we lost our way!!!!!
We stand Taaaaaaaaaaallll
It’s gettin’ bad, I think i’ve caved!!!
Hey la da la Hey la da we are fucked
We stand tall, except for Dave who’s rather small
We stand tall, we turn our backs on traitors all
Hey mommy ma, mommy it’s Leah’s fault
Hey mommy ma, mommy it’s Leah’s fault
Weeeee willlllll fallllllllll
Not going back, I’ll make a call
Weeeee willllll fallllllllll
I’m out of here, now where that Mall?
Hey la de da Hey la de we took the fallllllllll.
I’m tired. Your awesome. Going to watch Monday Night Football…..
Not going on course tonight?
Nah. Got wasted on some sitiva and a good bottle of red wine. But, you should have heard my sup over the phone! I’ve never heard a woman scream that loud for that long. She’s going to hurt herself someday….
That was my ex. I once asked her if she wanted to have sex and told me to CSW.
Laughter!! Hilarious!!
Do they still have those boxes in orgs where you can send stuff to RTC? Here’s what I’d write: Dear COB, thanks for providing so much good comedy in our lives. I realize it’s not intentional, but what the hell, you’re still one heck of a funny guy! Thanks for the yucks!
ML = B. O.
No boxes to send mail or have a line to anyone at Int. The Scientologists living off the Int base don’t have the rank to write to them.
Once you could write to Ron, no matter your rank. Did you know he has tried to “come back” and keeps getting turned away at the front gate with the same r factor, he doesn’t have the rank to come back.
Giggling like the little girl I am!
As sand passes through the hour glass, so goes the days of David Miscavige.
I can hear the music. 🙂
He and all who still listen to Him ……… are TOAST! The lights are out and the water is cold.
The similarities to the Titanic are everywhere. Leahs book is the death knell as His ship breaks apart and the stern section disappears under the waves of public opinion.
Expect some screaming as those true believers face the truth but the voices will die out soon. The life boats will pick up a few lost souls that remain in the bubble of eternal salvation and total freedom.
Yo Dave,
IT IS OVER good buddy. No one is listening to You.
The true believers are not going to “face the truth”. Not right away.
Instead, at first, they’re going to believe what they are being told by their EOs, MAAs and in “closed door briefings”, i.e, that the Church of Scientology has horrendous BPR due to vicious SPs of all types (bitter apostates, media, Big Pharma, etc) along with the people PTS to these SPs, all of whom are in terror of the tremendous “expansion” of Scientology that has been occurring, and so these SPs and their PTSs are doing their utmost to stamp out Scientology because they don’t want man “to go free”.
Pretty much right out of Regraded Being’s last comic strip, THIS is the bullshit they’re being told; THIS is the go to excuse, and it its what the stupid still ins not on the Internet are going to believe. This convenient, False Why, also “opens the door to a handling” which is More Money, natch. Plus its guaranteed to make Whales and ordinary still ins feel compelled to step up to the plate, and guilty as hell if he’s not on board with the More Money Solution.
A radio talk show or night time t.v. show with Leah and David Spade would be killer!!!
David Spade is seriously funny in an honest way. if you haven’t read his book.
It was a good read up until the dicks/chicks part then listening to a man in his 50’s talk like that was just icky.
It is sad that the bubble dwellers do not see that the cos has the brand new broad dissemination studio, paid for once again by their dollars, which, in theory, they could use to produce their own highly controlled interview with the devoutest of the devout and “flood the airways”, only the airways would refuse to use their interview.
So, that being the case, how are their studios going to be used to disseminate ANYthing.
Seems to me that Cruise could actually do his career a huge favor by leaving the “church” and going public as a kind of victim and now, truthteller. Anything Miscarriage could toss at him at that point would just make the whole thing look petty.
I’m a never-in, so I may not understand all this. But Mike, what’s the flaw in my thinking above?
Thanks for all you’ve done.
Well, its the flaw in Cruise’s “thinking” that is the issue.
He cannot see anything. He believes David Miscavige and scientology hold the keys to his “eternity.”
Keys to seeing cookie dough included.
( TC puts hand above his head) “You see, this is LRH!”
(TC puts hand to his forehead) “This is Dave!”
(TC puts hand to eye level) “And this is me! LRH, Dave and me…were big beings! You understand me? You need to leave (to the Persian girl he was living with for a very short time).
Yeee Dogggies! You gotta give credit for crazy! There really do crazy well….
And by the way … Shelly? …SHELLY? …. REALLY????!!!!!
She was her husband’s chief enabler and supporter in his evil deeds.
If she’s getting a bed and three meals a day, she’s getting more than she deserves.
Ditto Heber.
This sort of comment does not reflect well on you. I have no idea if you know either of these people personally. I do. They are human beings and have been discarded and so do nobody any harm currently.
You are entitled to your opinion of course. But I find it rather distasteful.
Agreed. I have known Shelly since she was around 10 year old and watched her grow into her 20s. If anything, one should feel sorry for her. I wish somehow people could communicate to her and make her aware that there are 1000s that care about her. Someone should send a drone over that place and drop 100s of flyers letting her know of her support.
Thanks for saying that, Mike. I always thought that to be married to DM would be nothing short of a true nightmare in living daylight. Taken and discarded, and then stuck inside the prison ever so deeply. She can not get out, any way I see, not while the leader still has a heartbeat anyway.
Too deep and close to the creep. Was Shelly a messenger, too? Tough luck, if you ask me.
If I read the story of Underground Bunker correctly Shelly is being punished for simply being Human. So what is it to be Human? Being Human is to see things as they are and act on the information that’s available. Shelly saw a problem to be solved and went ahead and solved it. That is normal out here in the private sector but in the bubble of Official Scientology independent thought and action is apparently forbidden.
From where I’m standing what Shelly is being subjected to is simply wrong.
Pure speculation on my part, but I would bet money that her unauthorized org board appointment actions in her husband’s absence was the official excuse for her offload and the real reason was he that he simply wanted another 2D. In wog language, he had a mid-live crisis and wanted a change. Yes, that is my entirely uninformed opinion.
I just assumed that that was the reason. I think, at the time, it was for another 2D though. But, yeah, he wanted out and the new, unauthorized org board was his out. A bit over the top, I’d say, but, hey…he’s Corn of the COB.
Hey Aquamarine you may be right but I tend to believe the official version to be the correct one.
What Shelly did was openly point out that things could get done without Dave directly on the line. That was not her intention of course but by taking action while he was away showed that others are capable and the world could go on without him.
The last thing Dave wants is anyone being “cause” around him. If his wife or Sea Org members start getting all uppity and cause then the next thing you know they might get the idea of getting causative in his direction and give him the boot
No…the best thing to do is put your boot heel on anyone who starts taking responsibility for getting things done and make an example out of them-Wife or not she had to be fair-gamed.
Definition of self-abuse: marrying David Miscavige.
Another definition of self abuse:
Mea Culpa. Certainly Shelly, Heber, Tom Cruise and even Miscavige himself should not be condemned to a future with no redemption, pleasure and survival. Anyone who has been harmed by others or an evil system deserves a chance for forgiveness and life.
I will just note that not one major sociopath – Hitler, Stalin, Mao – you name him – has EVER been able to accomplish his evil deeds without a GREAT amount of cooperation and assistance from many other people. All it would have taken is for enough people to have said “no”, especially those closest to the sociopath. Sorry if I did not express this well enough.
Thank you for saying this Mike and thank you for backing down Joe.
I could have easily been one of those imprisoned people. HEBER was instrumental in my escape. When you diss Heber, those are fighting words. Who he was and what David Miscavige turned him into are two different people.
Mike was one of those imprisoned people. What would things be like had he not been able to escape?
I still hope some day Heber and Shelly are freed. People do what they need to do when faced with an untenable situation.
I am glad I am not in Heber or Shelly’s shoes.
Scientology teaches you that you are totally responsible for the condition you are in. How would you like to believe that you were a horrible enough person to deserve lifetime imprisonment for making decisions another person did not like?
Hi Valerie, Soar on ! A true and beautiful post.Love,Ann.
Yes, beautiful, Valerie. Anyone can wake up and LOOK and see the truth and begin to out-create in present time the harm one has done in the past. Anyone. Yes, even Miscavige. After all, how would this theory be applied, if there were exceptions to it? There are no exceptions.
Ummmmmm…yeah. A little out of line.
My gut feeling is that Miscavige will just ride this latest crisis out as he has done the others. He must already know that there will be virtually no new publc coming in (in the West) as for anyone who uses the internet, Scientology’s PR is the total shits.
I think Miscavige is aiming for another ten years or so of milking this game. He’ll be about 65 then and then he’ll move on to whatever retirement he has planned as the church of scientology finally collapses. And judging by the brain dead condition of onlines scientologists, I think he’ll make it.
I don’t think there’s a snowball’s chance in hell of Tom Cruise making any public pronouncements or doing any interviews in defense of Scientology. Why? Answer is simple. There’s no gain for him career and money wise and only big time risk in these areas as well as his personal PR. Never happen.
Well, you may be right. It IS what he has done up to now.
We shall see what happens.
Of course, in many respects, the “easiest” course for him is to say nothing. But believe me, it is killing Miscavige that nobody is listening to anything he is saying.
Dave, you gotta ask yourself the question, ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya, punk?
Yeah, Dave! Make our day!
Bill O’Reilly could interview Dave for his new book, “Killing Miscavige”.
Laughter! Nice!
Tom, per his performance in the turtleneck,
must now be fuming at all the negativity about
Scientology (even if he gets just a trickle of it
as a bubble dweller) so it not farfetched at all
that he would speak up. There is only one thing;
now DM must follow Mike Rinder’s advice/prediction.
“Damn, why did you have to say it?!”
OMG, Mike! No one is listening to him? How utterly sad is that! Do you think I should take my guitar over to Int and serenade him outside his window? I hope he likes the Beach Boys. Po’ little feller…
Wow, so many comments, so many good ideas. Mike, what is it like to get some internet loving?
There is only one ‘journalist’ that can interview Tom Cruise, Oprah Winfrey. She’ll bite in to the pretend ‘spontaneousness’ of the script and paint his ‘Clamstine Chapel’ too.
I can see Jimmy Fallon doing the same thing. I do have to wonder if Steve Colbert would, but I suspect that he would prove his fealty to the Hollywood mafia and keep the Late Show in clebs for 10 years. I doubt that Jimmy Kimmel would do it, but the network could easily twist his arm and get their way.
No other venue, at least on TV, can give TC enough exposure to proclaim his fealty to Lron. And nothing else will do. DM’s second longest nightmare is TC leading a revolt. His first nightmare is Bob Duggan and Grant Cardone leading the coup.
Is it just me or does DM really resemble the King in the ‘Wizard of Id’?
Wazir of the Wanabees.
DM is definitely a fink!
He’s a fink in a funk with flack coming at him.
It would be par for the course for Miscavige to send Tom Cruise to what would be a Public Relations Suicide Mission. Perhaps Tom thinks of himself as a Kamikaze pilot.
He did do a movie about an American Samurai. I don’t see TC as the suicide bomber type. He’s more of lone wolf who saves the planet from alien invaders. TC is all about his ego.
Well…he should have a huge ego! I mean, he is God, isn’t he?
Hi Karen #1, Always enjoy your posts. The one on TC perfect! Thank you. Always,Ann.
Hoisted by their own petards.
Axiom 38 1. Stupidity is the unknownness of consideration.
2. Mechanical definition: Stupidity is the unknownness of time, place, form and event.
1. Truth is the exact consideration.
2. Truth is the exact time, place, form and event.
Thus we see that failure to discover truth brings about stupidity.
Thus we see that the discovery of truth would bring about an as-isness by actual experiment.
Thus we see that an ultimate truth would have no time, place, form or event.
Thus, then, we perceive that we can achieve a persistence only when we mask a truth.
Lying is an alteration of time, place, event or form.
Lying becomes alter-isness, becomes stupidity.
(The blackness of cases is an accumulation of the case’s own or another’s lies.)
Anything which persists must avoid as-isness. Thus, anything, to persist, must contain a lie.
Thus, he is hoist on his own petard…as is DM.
What nonsense is that shit? LOL. That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever read.
Mike, great analysis! But I don’t think Cruise will do that. He’ll keep silent, that’s the best he can do. To show he is with the “party line” would be deadful for him. Anyway, from the PR series it says that a good PR man cannot lie. Gosh they now have so many things they can’t answer.
Now, on another subject, maybe you have a clue, do you know why Marty withdraw the “31 factors” from his blog? And by the way, do you have any idea why the south african blog has no new article since august? That’s weird…
No idea on the 31 factors, though if you actually read his blog I think you will see his views have shifted and he may not feel it is appropriate to try and “reform” scientology.
As for the SA blog — perhaps they got tired of posting stuff? (and writing it).
It’s a time consuming activity.
Often felt that way myself.
As much as I can understand your feelings about having to keep up this blog with no or little financial gain, you are our hero and I feel I speak for so many in saying how much we appreciate your work and dedication to end this criminal cult. It gives so many of us hope and also has a crippling effect on this cult.
I agree, Mike you are amazing for what you have done and are doing.
Hi Mike, You are not alone.Sometimes I feel I am tired of my viewpoints and certainly do not want to hog space here for all who are here and many who may look here.Be that as it may,you are my hero for all you do year after year and live your life as well.When I get frustrated with stuff I just recall my last years in SO and I know in my heart and siprit I will keep on as long as I am needed to help shine the universe spotlight of truth on The Cult of the Church of Scientology,Always Ann.
Yes I liked the 31 factors and the SA blog! I am a reforming scientologist (and absolute antimiscavige).
Having SA not posting, and the 31 factors away can only give Miscavige a win. Having more Hubbard’s hater give him also a win, make him right, he can even reg more money from the sheeple and he is sure they will not leave the church like at the time of the 31 factors. Miscavige has again the monopoly of scientology.
If you really believe these sort of things are hat Miscavige needs to make him right you have a very different view of him than me. Everything in his world makes him right. The pattern of his tea leaves proves him right. So too the weather. How someone looked at him. You have no idea what it is like to be 100% right 100% of the time.
“Everythig in his world makes him right”.
Which I’m thinking is just another way of saying he’s insane.
Then why won’t he do an Audit? If he is so sure he is right, what has he to fear?
Aye, there’s the rub.
That would be the avenue I would go down with current CoS members, why won’t David Miscavige, the Astounding Leader of our Awesome Epic Religion undertake it’s most basic, and MANDATED BY LRH HIMSELF, type of course?
Aaarrrrgggg! Tis the rub that matters.
“It’s a time consuming activity.
Often felt that way myself.”
Gee , I don’t even know how can you do it ; It most be extremely overwhelming and mentally strenuous at times.
“Here is what they have not done:
1.Addressed a single specific other than to say things are “provable bullshit”
2.Agreed to be interviewed by anyone in the media”
I would not give them credence unless (a) Davey showed up for an interview, and (b) they explain where Shelly is.
Realy a masterpiece article!
I think the deciding factor could be whether Tom watched Going Clear, in particular the parts about him.
Mike ( and other senior guys), do you think Miscavige would have moderated his behaviour since you left, with specific regard to the physical violence?
And on that, if there are other witnesses can you not press charges?
Yes, I do. He fears others leaving and knows there was a serious FBI investigation.
Statute of limitations has run on everyone I know. And because nobody called law enforcement AT THE TIME, it would be virtually impossible to prove “beyond all reasonable doubt” as the church would get 50 or 100 people to file perjured affidavits “it never happened” “I was there and this is a lie” and there would be no way of making it stick.
And this does not even get into the “First Amendment” type arguments that internal “ecclesiastical” punishment is beyond the scope of government to oversee, is this worse than priests agreeing to sleep on straw beds? Or not being allowed to talk? Or whatever other punishments people could dig up that other religions do…
Thanks Mike. Keep up the great work!
Oprah has always considered John Travolta her “soulmate” and so we could expect to see a flanking interview where Oprah interviews Travolta about he and Kelly’s toddler. For many years critics and former members have written to Oprah’s staff about Scientology’s abuses only to have Oprah turn a deaf ear.
Oprah is a willing accomplice and she could interview Tom as she did at his place in Telluride a few years ago. That interview was a turning point for Tom as Oprah acted as his priest confessor. The media began backing off Tom after that “mea culpa” Oprah interview.
Tom Cruise was also forced to back off promoting Scientology by the studios financing his movies. After his hijacking of the PR tour for War of the World’s Speilberg was furious and Sumner Redstone, CEO of Paramount parent Viacom, fired Cruise and threw him off the Paramount lot.
IMO, Tom Cruise is not up to transiting this horrendous Scientology PR terrain in 2015 and 2016. My argument is this: Tom Cruise has to chose between being a movie star and being a Scientologist PR. He can only have one or the other. When Cruise broke the fourth wall in 2005 he violated his contract with the public to not allow his private life to intrude into his movies. Tom Cruise failed for years and his film “Lions Among Lambs” was an utter failure.
Studios will not financially back Tom Cruise Scientology zealot. Cruise is painted in a corner. Of course, The tolerance of the media for Scientology’s heavy-handed ways and lies is not what it was in 2005. Worse, Scientology got very dark after the stories of Miscavige’s abuse emerged, Debbie Cook’s story, the death of Alexander Jentzsch, Jason Beghe, Katie;’s escape from Cruise, Going Clear, and now Leah Remini.
Cruise got a free pass recently when he was selling Mission Impossible. My argument is that he will not get the same free pass when he is defending the Church of Scientology. There is no upside for the media to coddle Cruise in a Scientology apologia. Worse, studio bosses will let Cruise and his people know that Cruise must choose. Defending Scientology is box office poison for Cruise.
The intermediate positions are: Travolta on Oprah; Kirstie Alley on Howard Stern; and Anne Archer in AARP’s magazine.
BTW, Scientologist Danny Masterson’s recent profanity-laden debacle of an interview with Papermag was an embarrassment: http://www.papermag.com/danny-masterson-tells-us-about-his-life-in-the-church-of-scientology-1427506335.html
Question to MastersonL: Do you foresee a time when conversations like this will be moot and Scientology will be folded into the larger religions of the world as something that just is?
Masterson’s answer: I think next week, it begins. [laughs] I mean, to me it already is. I haven’t had a conversation like this about my philosophy — I don’t think ever. But I love doing it and have no problem doing it. I work, I have a family and I’m a spiritual being who likes to understand why things happen in the world and want to learn more so that I can have them not affect me adversely. So if that’s weird, then, well, you can go fuck yourself.
Please stop being logical. You need to read postings by OTVIIIisGrrrr8 to get properly hatted. Hope this helps ML = BO
What im wondering is who is going to take over once COB “drops his body”. Its not like they have kids or a COB training course lol. I think thats when things are going to get really interesting!
I think it will be a similar transition of power. Whoever is the most obnoxious, disgusting, egotistical little prick, wins the prize.
Grant Cardone might have the inside track.
Sorry to inval you all, but, you’re all WRONG! Remember Chan going around saying “you can create your own Avatar” (or something like that). Well, fellow posters, I got some REAL bad news for you. According to my sources, David Miscavige has, to date, over 1,200 DM Avatars in storage! Upon his death, they will be released upon an unsuspecting world! May God have mercy on our souls…
And I wanna watch the power struggle. It’ll be positively Byzantine…literally!
Watching current events, Leah, outing everyone, is kind of like watching that O.J. Simpson car chase.
It’s interesting to see the reasoning from someone who was very high up in CoS. TBH I didn’t have a clue how the media gets played and then the audience in turn.
Man, I learn a hell of a lot from this blog. Understanding the behind the scenes manipulations to placate the masses. Just fascinating and thanks again Mike.
I take it you’ve never watched FOX news or ANY political interview on FOX? It’s painfully obvious when watching them that whole set up is to play the audience!
Or ANY political interview on ANY major news show. They are two sides of the same coin and are identical in intent.
Hardly. No other current major news organization has the history Fox does of intentionally inventing facts to support their own narrative, and scripting interviews to serve an agenda. Check out their Politifact ratings. CNN and MSNBC are both getting more reliable, while Fox is becoming even more blatant in their lies – not even MSNBC has ever come close to the level of intentional dishonesty of Fox.
Saying Fox is the same as every other news outlet in their behavior or intent, is like saying Scientology is like every other religious organization in its behavior or intent – it’s simply, factually, wrong. And never forget that Fox is run by Murdoch, who is the moral and egomaniacal equivalent to DM. He’s the guy who thought it was within the journalistic purview of the NotW to hack the voicemail of a murdered girl, UK soldiers who were killed in action and victims of the 2005 London bombings.
Hi Mike. The day I met you I thanked you putting out communication that helped me clear up some confusions in regards to what might still be worth holding on to and what can be discarded as far as scientology is concerned. Your insight and analysis has proved itself to be accurate day after day after day. Thank you again for speaking out. Thank you for providing many of us a means through which we can also speak out.
Today’s blog”……. well, I imagined you and COB playing a game of chess. It’s his move. He’s suddenly realised that no matter what he does, you’re putting him in check. He can extend the life of his king for a few more moves by sacrificing some of his other players but there is no other possible outcome than him positioning his king into a checkmate. You are one cool dude Mike. I really enjoy watching you play.
If they were playing chess, one would have to make sure DM wasn’t hiding queens up his sleeve or beating up Mike’s pawns. Plus he would have to be on a high-chair.
Kind of like the best chess player in Hemet taking on Bobby Fischer.
The other option is to just hunker down and hope it all blows over. Inevitably the media attention will decrease unless there is another high level celebrity that defects.
For Scientology, the damage is already done – the Internet never forgets. But for Miscavige, it’s the members that are still in that count and he may still be able to make them believe the lies.
But…David Miscavige and Tom Cruise are, respectively, the 2nd and 3rd most important thetans in the history of the universe and the 2nd and 3rd biggest beings ever…so of course they don’t have to lower themselves to interact with all the DB thetans that are trying to drag them down, like every former SO member, every member of the media..everybody else. Of course they do not need to be accountable to the unwashed masses. Of course they do not need to specifically disprove statements made about them. All they need to say it is that it’s all provable bullshit and because they said it, that’s the reality of it.
So you say “It is an untenable, and frankly ridiculous, position to take that those who are exposing scientology are all liars with hidden agendas.”
Well, for all you bitter, defrocked apostates, the Truth Rundown can clear that all up. You see, you imagined the RPF and the RPF’s RPF was a doubly fake memory, you dubbed in memories of Miscavige hitting people, you mocked up false memories about disconnection, you still cannot correctly read that Fair Game meant to play the game fairly, you concocted The Hole out of your own sordid overts, you took on an at-effect valence to hide your crimes from yourselves, and you all only imagined the pain and misery you thought you saw. The Truth Rundown can help you take responsibility for your lies and bring you back to reality so that you can see COB for the shining light and 6-foot-tall prince/Big Thetan that he really is.
Contact your registrar and pay up to get scheduled. If you do, you can skip A-E. The future of all your eternities depends on it, not to mention the whole agonized future of every man, woman and child in this universe, and the impending fate of this guh-LAX-ee. Never regret the past. Life is in you today, and you create your own tomorrow. Start!
Love, Ron
(writing remotely from Target 2)
Comical, but also I think I just vommitted in my mouth a little.
Dear Ron – I’ll pass. Hope you’re enjoying your vacation. Don’t forget you’re still in the Sea Org. Hey, by the way, did you ever sign that billion year contract? That’s what I thought.
Yet another FACT filled statement. Love it – ordered Leah’s book can’t wait to read. Anyone who reads your blog is definitely well informed and can definitely see through the “truths” that Scientology claims. Well done I applaud you yet again.
Thank you for this great post, Mike. Your knowledge of how Miscavige (and crew, if there is any crew left) thinks about public relations is second to none. I’m wondering: among the recent avalanche of “entheta,” is there a hierarchy of enemies in Miscavige’s mind? In other words, which of the many sources of public criticism does he see as most important, threatening or in need of suppression? Leah Remini? Tony O’s online community? The ongoing coverage by the Tampa Bay times? Going Clear potentially winning an Oscar? His father’s upcoming tell-all book? I suspect that I’m not the only reader who would be interested in your thoughts about how Miscavige picks his targets, and why.
Mike Rinder. “I should have hit him harder when I had the chance.” David Miscavige
Judging by the “freedommag” smear videos, that’s true: Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun top the charts. But I’d still love to read Mike’s comments on how and why Miscavige sets his priorities.
I think he responds to emergencies.
I think the problem Scientology has is that the public are not in doubt about what Scientology is and who is lying. Toms reputation has crashed the more he has publicly tied himself to Miscavige and the abuses of Scientology. Tom has become a public freak show that sells tabloid magazines . If he speaks out at this time he will A.) Lower his own crashing repute even further B.) Use the interest in his freak show to up the interest in the Miscavige/Scientology freak show C.) Speed up the crashing, straight down and vertical, repute of Miscavige and Scientology. Check mate, bitches. I think the storm is going to get FAR, FAR, WORSE.
“When a liar becomes too skilled at deception he could lose the ability to discern the truth, and could himself be more easily deceived.” Dean Koontz in Velocity
Hmmm, who would interview Cruise? How about that guy John Sweeney. Oh, wait ….
Anderson Cooper should interview Tom Cruise
ABSOLUTELY! No bout a doubt it! He is a fantastic interviewer! And, boy, does he control his show! You don’t want to mess with him….
Won’t happen since Anderson Cooper is gay and therefore 1.1
(face plant). Ah! I totally forgot! Who’s going to break the news to Anderson?
Mario Feninger.
I think Karin Pouw would do a fine job.
Yeah, but, ummmmm…I mean, you gotta find her first. But, hey, I think she’d do a bang up job!
Stephen Colbert.
Despite Mike’s efforts to keep you in the loop on the scientology freak show, have you decided to retreat to your compound in Southern France? Once the subpoenas and depositions start, all of those NDAs will become irrelevant.
I think he’s too busy registering Internet domains in his dad’s name. (That boy has some issues there!)
Stalker sites
I did a comparison:
Search for keywords* “marty rathbun”: Matched 24 domain names
Search for keywords “mike rinder”: Matched 25 domain names
Search for keywords “shelly miscavige”: Matched 64 domain names
Search for keywords “ron miscavige”: Matched over 500 domain names**
Search for keywords “ronald miscavige”: Matched 276 domain names
* any order.
** includes domains with “L. Ron Hubbard’s Greatest Friend Dave Miscavige”
Oh yeah…
Search for keywords “dave miscavige”: Matched 436 domain names
Search for keywords “david miscavige”: Matched over 500 domain names
Who says that David Miscavige never thinks about his father?
I think the fact that TC is selling off some or all of his real estate here in the U.S. is very telling. I see both he & DM hightailing it out of the U.S. sooner than later. They know the shitstorm has arrived and it’s going to be a doozy.
Well, he may be selling it off in LA and Telluride, but he is buying in Clearwater…
What’s your take on that, Mike? Isn’t COP’s primary residence in Hemet, California?
I can’t imagine TC or COP living in quiet, slower paced Clearwater.
(Personally, I love the Gulf side of FLA).
If TC is not a famous movie star then is worthless to COP
It’s safer being your neighboor than COB’s. “The Thetan knows.”
Subconcious and unacknowledged wiggle-room and head-fake maneuver. Possible wake-up call pending. Only way out for Cruise. Would be good to see Mark undo the Gordian knot.
Mike, does this move for Cruise portend an even more active roll in the cult? I mean, it looks like he’s buggin’ out of several homes, so, It’ll be full time at FLAP? And does all of this together portend the permanent office for the tiny boy who wants his dad dead?
Hey…just wonderin’
Sounds like the Celebs are hunkering down together in Clearwater to fight the good fight. TC, JT and KA – his 3 Top Guns, all living in the Clearwater area and “flowing strength and power” to Flag. Could be the pressure is on for Celebs, who for work reasons need not live in CA, to base themselves near Flag. Just a wild guess.
It just might be, Aqua…it just might be. Keep in mind the word ‘exponential’ in regards to the cults remaining lifespan.
Have you seen “Going Clear”? Have you read “Troublemaker”?
3FB, you hit on a strong point here: Was it not Big Being # 3, aka Toothy Tommy, that said something a few years back in Vanity Fair like; “Read a fuckin “book!”, when commenting on people who shun Dianetics/ Scientology? The concept being that they are simply operating off of hearsay UNTIl they’ve actually ead a book?
Seems it is time for the toothy one to heed his own advice and help bring Leah’s book sales to # 1 ,no…?
The problem with that advice is that if you as an outsider do read this particular f*cking book from cover to cover, you will see that the whole thing is even more batshit insane than you ever thought. And then you’ll conclude that the person who recommended it to you is either loopy or stupid, perhaps both. Or perhaps, if you’re a bit more charitable, that they’ve never even read that rambling piece word salad for themselves.
At least that’s what it did for me.
That’s the problem when you insist on living in your own comfortable little bubble instead of reality : you will always be puzzled with how the world repeatedly fails to conform to your conception of it.
“Don’t need to. You see, I already know. KSW man. Get a life” – Tom
Threefeet, I’m sorry to dis you like this but, YOU DON’T HAVE THE FUCKING RANK TO ASK ABOUT GOING CLEAR AND TROUBLEMAKER!!!!!
Hey, I call ’em as I see ’em…..
Ok, Ok, just keep the Bar-B-Ques at the beach ready for the Victory Party.
My wife and I were born to party. We’ve had so many ragers in our backyard, I’ve actually lost count. We’d have 80 or so people with my band playing and everyone having one hellava time.
Has your friend Dave called to say that your leave form the Sea Org is over?
Cruise may agree to be interviewed by some spineless press outlet, but a huge sh*t storm will dog that interview, globally. He is aging out of leading man roles fast and young girls are no longer joining scientology because he is a member. If he does decide to become the spokeman for scientology in the middle of Hurricaine Leah and as the Oscar nominations approach, it will mean that he has been pressured to put his career second to Miscavige’s needs and that he has agreed to sacrifice the few remaining years (if that) he has as a star. If he has decided to do that, then this interview or round of interviews will be the last time the media sees Cruise as a “catch.” A year after this interview, Cruise will be as interesting to the media as Mel Gibson, another one-time star who tanked his career. Cruise should also bear in mind that becoming Miscavige’s spokesman puts him in the crosshairs of any congressional or FBI investigation of Miscavige.
If he’s beating his male AND female assistants and using free slave labor I’m under the impression he thinks he’s invisible. And he’s always going to be a “catch”, particularly when he goes to trial and they throw him in jail where he belongs, but his days of dictating what will or won’t be asked are coming to a close, thank god.
If Tom Cruise had any brains he would start to direct, as Handsome Leading Man Who Did Plenty of His Own Stunts Clint Eastwood did when he hit his 40s. Cruise is in his mid-50s and he keeps himself looking cute and boyish with all that tousled hair over his forehead and the botox, but one day he’s not going to pull this macho man stuff off anymore. As Eastwood did, he could become a director and a producer and let other, younger actors be the stars in his films sometimes, if he had a brain.
Of course, that’s a big “if”.
One doesn’t just “become” a director. It requires an entirely different and far more difficult talent. Just one bad film and he’d be done. He can milk the star thing for quite awhile as his international box office is still very strong. And as long as he keeps that up, the big studios will continue backing him.
@LeahRemini just retweeted a link to this post to her 381,000 Twitter followers.
Apparently, Leah is no shrinking violet when it comes to Scientology’s black propaganda tactics.
I don’t think the girl is going to be quiet.
She’s applying scientology – when in doubt communicate.
And one Tweet from Leah is worth far more that 10,000 dictated tweets by dave. LOL
If I were crafting DM’s strategy, I would assemble a ‘rebuttal panel’, with six of the top ranked scientology celebrities (Prepon, Cruise, Travolta, Elfman, etc.). Much like the Stepford wives TV ‘handling’ after Anderson Cooper’s show. (My god, wasn’t that pathetic?)
That way tiny fists, let him die Miskey (miscavige) could show a united power front without any one celebrity taking all the heat – or getting fried on a pointed question without anyone else there to step in and support them. Plus it would be irresistible to some big network program.
But, as sure as the sun setting on this evil little cult, LHDM would fuck it up by micromanaging and scripting of the most absurd key messages that have the complete opposite effect on the audience.
I think they should collectively adopt Anne Archer’s strategy, viz. “Do we look hypnotized to you?”
You forgot the: HOW DARE YOU!
You’re right OSD. I always liked that feigned outrage.
What happened to that Juggernaut of the 80’s? Would LRH reiterate the “new management” is doing a great job?
Your blog is a marvelous tool to keep so many informed and motivated. Thank you for hanging in there.
“Don’t ever defend. Always attack.”
“The DEFENSE of anything is UNTENABLE. The only way to defend anything is to ATTACK, and if you ever forget that then you will lose every battle you are ever engaged in, whether it is in terms of personal conversation, public debate, or a court of law. NEVER BE INTERESTED IN CHARGES. DO, yourself much MORE CHARGING and you will WIN.”
This is a key point in abusive domestic relationships. Your quote just brought me to my knees! What an eye opener! Thank you.
Time for Dave to attack that nasty reflection in the mirror.
Laughter laughter! 2FF!
I saw him kissing is image in the mirror once….the image didn’t look too happy about it…
Miscavige’s love of celebrity has back fired miserably. He is in deep shit.
But you know with his great knowledge of the tech, one would think that he would realize
he has a PTP. Surely he knows how to handle a PTP as a solo auditor. And I’m sure he
knows an L1C can’t hurt. I think he should look into a having a PTS R/D run on him. Surely he can C/S himself for that. Quad ruds should clear him up enough to confront an interview. Come on David use “your” tech to get yourself outta this mess.
Where, oh where did Miscavige get ‘his’ love of celebrity from?
Boy, that’s a head-scratcher alright!
Too bad LRH isn’t here to show how much he doesn’t give a damn about famous folks, and would never centre anything around them… Is there nothing DM cannot mess-up?
I saw Leah’s interview on 20/20. Something I found very interesting: She was a very devout, productive Scientologist and she thought TC was a possible SP who was hurting her religion.
Hurricane Leah is Category 5.
Building 50 at Int.Base is made of straw.
Run Piggies Run.
I guess Leah does “have the fucking rank” after all!
Yeah, baby! She certainly does now! She kicks ass and takes names…
Dave is indeed rank.
It’s tough to get within 30 yards of him…
I found it a little odd in her book that she doesn’t use that exact statement—no EFF BOMB when she’ relating that story about Tommy Davis at the wedding. No shortage of well-placed EFF BOMBS in the rest of the book though! Love that Leah!
omg, you’re right!
Of course Leah’s book would wind up putting the spotlight, and the microscope, on Tom Cruise. The guy has to be getting more than the usual pressure to SAY SOMETHING since his name was so prominently displayed in Going Clear…
But Leah Remini, this girl comes straight from the inner circle. Now the human interest story becomes quite personal. The two pillars holding up The Church of Scientology are these two silent talking heads, every day made more and more guilty by virtue of their silence AND THEY KNOW IT, this David Miscavige and this Tom Cruise. Now everyone knows, and these specific two are the only two people we want answers from now or the world just cries BALOGNA. The swirling winds gather strength until the ocean begins to rise and threaten to swallow…
two little men. Hurricane Leah, indeed.
It’s not wise to fool with Mother Nature.
Great article Mike. On the subject of PR, there is another one in the PR Series (couldn’t be bothered to look it up now) which states “spitting venom stains one with venom”.
Miscavige & the church are so thoroughly coated in venom that the rest of world has recoiled utterly.
I get the distinct impression the tabloids are only too happy to publish the church’s venomous foot-bullet responses as it solidifies the message that this is one seriously whacked-out, insane cult.
Asking Tom to tell the controlled media that: “Offer up some glowing testimonials about what a wonderful guy David Miscavige is, how kind, and brilliant and caring etc etc” IS basically asking him to lie, lie, lie and sooner or later will backfire on him.
The miscavige’s 100% application of the sociopathic advices to attack, attack only portrays to the media and public what Gibney, you, Marty, Mark, Leah and many, many others have been saying about the church. Ain’t not working anymore.
Miscavige has not wining propositions: either way he goes his criminal empire is, and will keep crumbling.
And Mike this is a great, great posting-thank you!!
Gosh, even the Mormon Church trotted out an apostle when word of a new policy regarding legally married gay and lesbian Mormons and their children leaked on Thursday afternoon. The head of Mormon church PR, Mike Otterson, interviewed apostle D. Todd Christenson and the video was posted late Friday night. It’s entirely too bad that D. Todd decided to double down on the crazy, but at least they responded.
DM has the TV studio, but he has nobody who can sit there an interview him for a video which can be released to the masses, oops, scratch that, handful of Scientologists remaining. Seriously, DM, if the Mormon church can do it, why can’t you?
Mirele, that hit me like a ton of bricks: the extreme irony of a guy who just bought, restored, and announced a TV production facility for the ages (KCOB, formerly KCET) in the heart of the entertainment capital of the planet, Hollywood, can not even step up for an interview! And he has his own studio facility, even named (by me, but even so…) after him!
Great insight Mike-as always! Grab that Scientology crystal ball ….
1. Seems TC has lost all credibility w/the media as well as fans….He can’t do even a scripted interview at this point, can he?
2. Any prediction on which celebrity is next to jump ship? Other then TC-who would do the most damage? (DM and everyone else really seems to have really underestimated Leah–big, Big, mistake!)
3. How long til the church loses its tax-exempt status here-or elsewhere for that matter?
4. How long til they all realize they should have been bailing water out of this sinking boat w/buckets instated of shot glasses?
Oh this is going to be fun to watch!
Though I posted earlier, I pondered further and thought that this Rinder article here…read by many and already boosted by Ortega on The Bunker, might just have stopped Miscavige from proceeding down this path. Should he do it, he will be hit hard by many “we told you so” posts. Getting one or two steps ahead of the little guy – and doing it repeatedly – might just well bring on a major breakdown. And who knows where *that* might lead?
Ha Ha! Love this! Yes, if Miscavige does decide that TC has to be dusted off and trotted out, we should all send a congratulatory note to Int Base: “Very well done, COB Sir, on taking Mike Rinder’s advice! Loved Tom’s interview! Much love, the Rinderites”. Whoo, that would be funny.
Lisa Marie? Cmon in the water’s fine.
There was a blind item revealed on CDAN a couple of days ago that said that Pricilla Presley pulled a gun on a Scientology goon trying to take down her license plate number. I thought that was kinda cool.
It may be a little off topic, but tax exemption varies from country to country, and from one tax law to another. I’ll give an example.
In the Netherlands, explained simple, ANBI is tax exempt status which works 2 ways:
– If an organisation has ANBI-status it doesn’t have to pay tax on donations that are given to it, but it may not make a profit.
– If you donate to an organisation that has ANBI status you are entitled to subtract the donation from your income. There are restrictions though.
AFAIK the Amsterdam Org never had ANBI-status. The last couple of years they tried to get ANBI status, and just recently the court denied that to them. However, COS can still appeal.
Again: AFAIK the Amsterdam Org is tax exempt for the Dutch VAT.
A year ago or so there was a small scandal with the Nabesa foundation. They had ANBI status but the Dutch IRS retracted that retroactively.
Apart from this there are the Dutch Way to Happiness and CCHR which do have ANBI-status but have laughable income (like about € 1,000 per year). I posted a few things about that on WWP.
All in all I think it is fair to say Dutch COS never had tax exemption of any significance. (I’m not a tax consultant though… 🙂 )
Would be nice to find additional info for other countries all in one place together.
Nothing short of a full confession of Miscavige’s crimes and his removal from the organization (cult) will stop the Hurricane from obliterating it.
If Miscavige cared about the organization more than his own self-aggrandizement and sociopathic craving to win at all costs, he would remove himself.
Fat chance of that.
Great analysis, Mike.
Perfectly said.
Agreed! Nice post, LDW.
OSD, I am a big fan, thank you for so many laughs from so many posts! I hope you don’t mind my replying under your post to LDW above, the reply button there was not “working” for me somehow!
I am no CS, BUT I will CS the crap outta this one:
1. Tiny Boots does a full OW write up of all crimes he is lording over. Full time, place, form and event.
2. Per LRH , this will cause all problems to as-is, so long as Slappy includes FULL time, place, form, event.
3. All will be well and the cult can go back to clearing the planet.
So you see, it is as easy as 1-2-3!
-Sneaky Little Phuq
Finally! Hey, SLP, thanks for the heads up! Reading number 3, I know now that I can get back to clearing the planet! Now…which org should I choose……
The only problem I can see with your solution, SLP, is that there is probably not enough time left in Petite Choufleur’s lifetime to ever complete your #1 above. As well, his capacity for truth – nil – would require many years of rewrites. 🙂
“If Miscavige cared about the organization more than his own self-aggrandizement and sociopathic craving to win at all costs, he would remove himself.”
While I don’t necessarily disagree with your comment, it goes against the actual hidden PURPOSE of Scientology…which is to provide a complex corporate vehicle for the personal enrichment and legal protection of the person in the top leadership position. It was structured and run this this way during Hubbard’s time and served well, as even though Hubbard was a convicted felon (in France) he was never arrested or jailed for his criminal conduct. Hubbard also managed to avoid personal culpability for his most horrendous crime, which was the orchestrating of the Snow White capers. Scientology now serves the same purpose for Miscavige.
The irony is that Miscavige cannot EVER leave Scientology. Even if he were to come up with some fake and heroic “retirement” story and flee…he would be hunted down for the rest of his life by those that he has been defrauding for the past 30 years. Many of those folks are wealthy and many are pissed off. Even more would be pissed off once the true depravity of Miscavige’s activities became known were he to leave and folks gain free access to the left behind records. Without the church’s money for lawyers and the charade of religious cloaking, Miscavige would be a sitting duck as a private person…anywhere on earth.
Even if Miscavige left with tens of millions, that money would be depleted in just a few years (possibly just a few months) if he spent it the same way he today spends the “church’s” money on lawyers. My estimate is that the church’s legal bill is NEVER less than $3 million a month and probably closer to $30 million a month in crunch time with active litigation happening on a global scale. Miscavige could not leave with that kind of money as it is simply too easy to trace large cash flows today.
Without the disguise of being the “ecclesiastical leader” of a church, Miscavige would be jailed within months of formally leaving Scientology. Like most criminals, he is trapped by his prior decisions / actions and will never achieve “total freedom”…even by fleeing. LOL.
Well said LDW.
How’s scientology working out for ya dm? Some days are just tougher than others I guess but what the heck… they all sux now hey?
I know. I know!! A birthday party on the good ship Lolly Pop… always makes for a good ol sing along. TC and his all star band might be a lit late though… there’s a hurricane getting real close, called Leah.
Batten the hatches and drown the parrot, geezers it’s getting rough out there.
Tom Cruise is no recluse. He does plenty of publicity (controlled it may be). So, him being in public talking is no big media event, on its own. I think that if he does an interview to address Leah Remini or anything to do with Scientology, it will have the same pitfalls as Mike describes for a Shelly Miscavige appearance. Depending on the restrictions, he will be caught between the interview looking ridiculous for being an obvious set-up and TC looking ridiculous for not being able to answer real questions.
No, as usual, David Miscavige’s best option is total radio silence. It’s not a good option, only the best option.
I think the reason he can’t let Shelly be seen publicly is that she looks worse than Jenny Linson at LAX, worse even than you in your “Auschwitz Survivor” picture when you were fresh out of the Hole. Over on one of the People magazine threads, a poster who lives near the Twin Peaks compound says they shut down the road for a couple days last December, to transport Shelly to a clinic and then back: I have no idea whether that information was reliable or if so how one of the locals would know that was what was happening; but it is certainly plausible that her health is very poor by now. What happens if she dies in his custody? How long can he conceal that?
Can anyone look worse than Jenny Linson at LAX? I know absolutes are unobtainable, but she might be an exception.
Laughter! On the floor!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Well, Jenny did look pretty gruesome, but with her upcoming roll on “The Walking Dead,” I believe, she’ll hit out of the park. I mean, c’mon! She’s perfect for the roll…
I’m not too sure about Cruise staging a blitzkrieg interview. The GENERAL PUBLIC hasn’t warmed up to ANY interview from Cruise regarding Scientology EVER!! I think the bowling ball has crested, and it’s now rolling through COS, COB, RTF, over the bridge, etc.
Mike thank-you for your heartfelt message today. I worked with DLHDM and his ego is a lot bigger than he will ever be. His reign is coming to an end and those close to him now can feel it in their bones. I’m sure there are positioning end games being considered very,very secretly of course of,” What post will I have when he goes”. These secret comm lines are sucking the venom out of his ego and winding DLHDM around a pole.
Any compassion left in Scientology is in the independent field and those intelligent enough to leave the cult of DLHDM!!!
The acronym DLHDM might not be referring to his dad but himself.
TC could do the right thing and admit to making multiple mistakes or he could move to Mars.
(And I photosopped this right after the South Park thing:https://www.flickr.com/photos/72813079@N00/114517002/in/dateposted-public/)
Leslie, I don’t think TC can do the right thing at this point. I would invalidate everything he’s done in the cult. So…I guess…Mars it is? Maybe he can start a mission there….
You know, It would be actual progress in clearing the universe.
Oh, absolutely! I can just see it now: Welcome to Mars’ new Model, Ideal Org! Bring your own oxygen….
Edge of Tomorrow strategy OSD: Live, die, repeat.
Loved the film! Not so much the actor…
Best thing about the movie: you get to watch Tom Cruise killed gruesomely, over and over
True that…
The other day, I watched this interview that was conducted in France that had pretty extensive coverage of what is going on on the other side of the pond (thanks to a wonderful reader who shared it on Tony’s site). In this interview, the PR rep for Belgium sat down for an interview with the French journalist. Have you watched this interview (I know it’s in french, if you want, I can script it out for you)? What do you think of his style of responses? Do you think he got permission from Miscavige to sit down for this interview? If so, why there but not here?
The journalist asked some pretty hard hitting questions, and clearly saw through the guy’s bullshit, but I’m disappointed that she wouldn’t go further in her confrontations with him…
I would love your insight! Again, if you’d like this translated, I will gladly do it
The problem is that everything LRH wrote in Policy, he contradicted somewhere else in policy. On the other hand one such as dm could use that to do whatever he wants. You always both right and wrong according to LRH.
There is a book that LRH recommended for PR. I read that book and it actually makes sense. DM violates ti all the time. In the book the author recommends in the case of disaster PR, total honesty. Obviously, dm would not understand what honesty is.
But even looking at LRH himself. In his article: “HOW TO HANDLE BLACK PROPAGANDA” the first think he says is:
1. Fill the vacuum of omitted data with factual data.
2. Prove all false utterances heard are lies.
Call me naive, but this is not what dm does. It it?
“The real problem with scientology is that it’s filled with broken people. Fix them and scientology works real good!”
There is a false logic about the application of policy, first being it doesn’t work when people try to use it. So, the problem must originate with the people – a scientology executive’s think, but to anyone else it’s never worked.
I think perhaps something else has always been missing, especially with miscavige at the helm. The tech doesn’t work in the church either. The scientology (dream) bus has finally broken down. Better to scrap the whole thing now, all the mechanics were declared anyway.
I think your prediction is david miscavige’s only play at this point (other than fessing up and throwing in the towel). Tom Cruise is david miscavige’s – the pope of scientology – alter boy and is being played and falling for “third biggest beings on the planet” bullshit so hard, that I think he will actually do what you predict. His mind is so far up his own ass that he can’t see the bull for the “provable bullshit.”
Imagine what would happen to Tom Cruise if he looked at his life since becoming (best) friends with david miscavige.
DLHDM is such a raging narcissistic I not sure he could ever throw in the towel. As far as TC goes, I do like his movies, however, DLHDM has his hand so far up TC’s ass, it’s like Tom is a manikin while dwarf boy talks for him. And he really doesn’t know he’s being played for a fool.
You mean a fools fool?
And to think, this party is only getting started.
And I have been at times, that fool’s fool! And I’m just getting started…..
OSD you are now required to go,stand in a corner. You can’t say you like TC’s movies and post here. Oh wait! People here are allowed to think whatever thoughts they want. Never mind. Carry on.
🙂 Nice visual OSD.
Again, I knew you would like it!
Great analysis of the current available options, Mike (you’re good).
IMO, Cruise might be able to bail the “church” out for a while, but it’s hard to imagine he’d fully turn the tide. Another “big name” will eventually leave and speak out. At some point, Miscavige might opt to simply take the money and run. When/if that happens, I can see Cruise coming to the rescue as scientology’s new supreme leader … and that will be as nutty to watch as the recent Republican debates.
Seriously, Mike, are you still working for the church? You have just done a thorough analysis and handling for DM’s “well, this is another nice mess I’ve gotten myself into.” If the over/under for these three options is “at some point” being the under and “when Hell freezes over” being the over, I am taking the over. Like a baby who believes something scary disappears if it closes its eyes, DM will say nothing. Maybe it will take something truly horrific like his father writing a book. Oh, wait . . .
Good one, Dan Koon, and of course, Mike. When is the estimated arrival of David’s Dad’s book coming out? It can’t be soon enough for me! And read Leah’s book. Great job, Leah.
Here’s a title Ron Sr. could use: Dave, I Hardly Knew Ye.
I read that Kennedy book. Laughter!
The other title of Ron Sr. book: “You Were An Asshole As a Kid And Still Are.”
Excellent analysis as usual Mike. Hurricane Leah is a milestone for a new reaction and the cult of greed will not come out unscathed. It made me so happy to read about Monique in Texas. Things are definitely becoming down and vertical for the bubble leader.
I meant chain reaction
I agree!!! Mike, this is an excellent post!!! Thank you!
Captain Midget must be soiling his under roos seeing his playbook laid open like this.
I sure hope so!
No worries. He wears Huggies.
I knew it! Thanks for the confirmation, Blinders!
As said yesterday .. LRH had possibly never done the failures David Miscavige did .. he had known what redos will cause .. what rewriting books will cause ..
David Miscavige runs himself in the dark .. runs the whole scientology idea in the dark, and he as a big being (the idea of be one) is what LRH called a failure .. it is you and me who makes scientology .. not a leader who founds out about whatever he want to find ..
Scientology will never bring up an OT. The definition of an OT includes that you should not be adviced from or connected to the meaning or ideas of others .. it would make an other beingness to OT .. but not you ..
Once I met an OT V who told me: I am fighting against weather, bad weather, and that he goes up in the sky and the clouds .. and fight the evil purpose of another ..
I asked him why he does that as a solution for nothing. He felt very evaluated about my comment. Very. He asked me what I would do (I was around as a person promoted who is able to handle weather) .. I told him, that I would make a picture of better environment and if done it would be changed per my wish ..
This guy was shocked about my simplicity .. his purpose was to fight .. his purpose was not to create something else instead of that which was there for him .. so now you will never become an OT in scientology .. impossible .. a scientoloist is drilled in fighting the enemy .. which is not in the heart of an real OT ..
For my example with the OT V .. it was a cloudy rainy day in East Grindstead .. and after my talk with him the sky did clear up .. and the sun came out .. he did hate me since, it was to much for him .. he checked that he has a complete wrong idea about OT .. but he had no other way for him .. he had to follow scientology or LRH .. but he checked that I was much more able to OT than he ..
I am able to get my wish into reality .. bad or good .. but oviously scientology put only the bad statement (as in my example) .. fighting against enemies is going low tone .. it will never be something else .. an real OT would never do that .. an real OT would only create a new vision .. and make it true ..
Hi Friend, I don’t know what you’re in your post, but I think you once caused a rainy day to turn out sunny. That’s pretty amazing stuff. I, for one, have never understood what caused the sky to clear up. Now I’ll think of you whenever it happens. Thanks.
Hey! I made a cat run away from me when I said, “Boo” once!
Too funny!
Well, it’s all because of the Super Powers I attained in Scientology!
Hi, Jerry. Good to know you’re up and posting. You’ve been missed. 🙂
Aw, that’s not all that OT. Cats are self determined fir balls. That cat just had somewhere else to be… you know, sort out the weather or some such.
No OSD, he got distracted by a mouse. Keep working on it.
You two ( I Yawn & Blinders) just don’t know the extent of my Super Powers that I attained at the Super Power Building. I can even make food disappear! I can tell when it’s daylight and nighttime! I still surf at my age! You know what? I just think you two are haters! If I didn’t have to work today, I’d leave me body and buzz around each of your faces! And there wouldn’t be damn thing you two could do about it.
I can turn beans into gas without raising a sweat.
Been lots of sharks off the east coast of Aussie lately so surfing/swimming is getting more and more exciting to say the least. I live near a fishing village and know some of the pros. The amount of great whites in the bay has increased dramatically over the last 5 years, they are in after the seals. They make a hell of a mess of the fisherman’s nets = expensive. What the inside take on it is the super trawlers are now in our waters plus the demand for tuna has seen the Japanese do almost anything to satiate their taste for sushi and sovereign waters means nothing to a long liner. The sharks have had their natural food source removed out to sea and in they come. I kayak fish a bit and I’ve been towed around by some BIG things before being busted off.
I ain’t that OT! but if ya want to buzz around beware of “OFF” insect repellent – I always keep a tin handy.
Laughter! Pufff…I spit at your OFF! I’ve been to Melbourne. Loved that city. Also, Perth has some Great White problems of its own.
I would check the BBC weather forecast. It will usually tell you when it’s going to be sunny after rain. Maybe OT V would have the same effect, but I’m not sure. Best take an umbrella in case the postulate isn’t in alignment with the BBC. Tends to rain quite a lot in East Grinstead despite all the OT-ness around. Even at IAS events.
Brilliant piece Mike. The church suffered a tremendous loss when you walked out the door; for they no longer possess the intellect to guide them out of this morass.
What is fascinating about this, is this situation was brought about by immoral/criminal behavior, habitual lying and strict adherence to LRH policy. The product of which has the cherch backed into a corner.
One other option…do nothing and let this blow over. But this option will include collateral damage, more members leaving, potential new members reaching for the barge pole.
Effectively, they’re screwed. It’s not just Leah, it’s what lies ahead…Ron Miscavige’s book, My Scientology Movie, Knowledge Report, more defectors, more lawsuits.
Statpush just took the words out of my mouth. Marvelous article and analysis, thank you, MIke.
Excellent Post Mike.. I came running over from Tony’s.. You nailed it. Tom Cruise and Miscavige DESERVE each other. I continue to boycott all projects involving ANY celebrity associated with this Abusive ” Chirch.”
TC’s reluctance to talk about his time in Scientology or his personal life, speaks volumes. How hard would it be for him to say, “Hey, I made some mistakes. We all do.”? To carry on with the nuttiness and damage to his relationship with his daughter, really makes him look bad. But hey, just create a different reality!
A very different reality. TC lives in the world of science fiction…
Interesting idea about TC giving an interview, it would get a lot of attention. But it seems very unlikely that any prominent media person, especially someone like Oprah or Barbara Walters, would agree to ask only approved questions. The public image of Scientology is so badly damaged now, and Tom looked so terrible in Going Clear…if any well known person asked only softball questions in an interview they would hurt their own reputation in the process.
I also don’t think Oprah would agree to pre approved questions, but Oprah has a history of being friendly to Scibots.
Oprah has listed Krusty Alley, JT and TC among her ‘favorite celebs’. In fact, Oprah interviewed TC at his home on Telluride and they joked about how TC never tried to ‘convert’ Oprah into Scientology. What Oprah did not realize (or maybe she did not want to go down that road) was that TC, JT and Krusty had been love bombing Oprah for years.
(My other favorite part of that interview was when Katie Holmes just ‘popped in to say hi’ as she (Katie) was on her way out to the store or some place, with TC’s kids). It was so contrived and I believe most people saw through that as an orchestrated event to show how happy and normal everything was in the TC household.)
Both Cruise and the Beckhams denied there was anything more than friendship going on, so Mike’s revelations the other day about a professional soccer pitch being built at Gold was very interesting.
We need more revelations like that because that is what the world tends to notice (at first)….the celebrity gossip…….but then as more is exposed, this cult becomes more of a laughingstock which people avoid and blow from.
I could totally see an interview with TC with the ‘tearing up’ and the ‘we just want to help people’ bs. Hopefully that station would allow at least a rebuttal.
So, if any former members out there have any information….
(Esp about Oprah… It’s my personal opinion that Oprah was a big Scientology target. Can you imagine how many housewives she could have brought into the cult had she bought into it?)
Social media has changed people’s perceptions, any nonsense is met with instant derision online. Oprah doesn’t have the clout she used to, and if she chose to do a one-sided, puff piece interview, allowing TC to control things, she would be a social media joke!! I don’t think TC would be willing to even do a pro-CoS interview anyway, after the disastrous public reaction to his old Matt Lauer interview, talking about the evils of psychiatry, plus his attacks on Brooke Shields, Tom stopped talking about any of this stuff publicly. He still wants to be a big ole movie star, doesn’t want the public to turn on him…
That was my point – and it doesn’t just apply to Oprah. Most people who would have the clout to disseminate the interview would take a serious hit to that clout if they did so – Winfrey included.
While we all know it has it’s downsides, this is another way in which Social Media may help better the world – it’s making it even harder for the CoS to control the information, and it’s going to bring a lot more accountability to those who support the church through indifference and celebrity pandering.
I don’t agree. ABC interviewed Michael Jackson way back when. Diane Sawyer did the interview which essentially was a “fluff piece” with no hard hitting questions. It was clear that Jackson and his representatives at the time controlled the interview and that all of the questions were pre approved. This was shown as a “special” during prime time. Tom Cruise is a BIG celebrity who could command and get this same control. I bet we’ll see it!
You’re sadly probably rightestestest….Tom’s still money in the bank for a while in the industry, no desire to try to squeeze Tom into Mr. KSW Reformer of His Cult,
Maybe more billboards along Tom’s driving routes, so he glances at some sensible comments relating to his unique elite Scientology celebrity Truman Show.
What’d be interesting in the history of free speech in USA would be for our freeways to have more of those new billboards, the ones with video images that replace themselves every 3-5 seconds with a big new ad, and sub hire out messages that are timed to the driving habits of people we wish to influence so when they drive by the billboards the billboards speak messages about their lives, to them.
Tom Cruise video custom billboard messages to Tom to wake up, or similar, as he drives past.
That was in Minority Report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8peq0gSR90M
All the more convincing to Tom were this done! Thanks.
Things have changed since those days, thanks largely to the internet. Any contrived interview now, especially given Scientology’s laughable public image, would be met with overwhelming scorn on social media, and any gullible interviewer would be mocked.
Mike: a brilliant analysis of the PR pickle our little friend seems to have found himself in.
Now that Mike has suggested the best option is for TC to be the man on the spot all that remains is to pick the most suitable interviewer. I’m not familiar with the US TV interviewers and the ones that would do the best job would likely already be SPs. VETO!
How about someone who has never heard of scientology and would go weak at the knees and slack at the jaw at the thought of interviewing the sexy top gunner himself? Maybe one of the beauty pageant hopefuls that can’t string two thoughts together comes to mind to launch a post beauty new career. Hell why not someone who’s done it — the tried and trusted Sarah Palin? She knows how to organize a good PR opportunity. She announces she sympathetic to creatures great and small like TC and DM. She knows how to read the scripted part and not bat an eyelid in the midst of a bloodbath such as her famous turkey pardon/slaughter interview.
WOW — it’s 4:15AM and there is THIS masterpiece — what a nice early morning Sunday treat.
Sounds right to me. To have to watch TC is going to make me gag — but I’ll do it — of course I already know who is telling the truth I’ve spent the last 15 years (since my last service at Flag) – decompressing.
FINALLY my nightmares are at least manageable.
Sadly I have to still walk a narrow line with some family not in but not out. UTR at best.
I spent last night sobbing reading Leah’s book. Her bravery and what she endured.
I rejoiced at Monique’s recent win. Not yet a settlement but I’m ever hopeful. I love that family.
Thanks to this blog and Going Clear — I’ve reconnected with some old friends — one of whom is someone I speak to ALMOST everyday — she’s become a lifeline as I continue to navigate through what I continue to call — the GLASS SHARDS —
Unlike shrapnel that embeds into your brain but is visible with an MRI and can be extracted much of the time — GLASS SHARDS are NOT visible and are only extracted by working HARD at seeing within yourself — how ARE you mis-thinking — how ARE you mis-feeling …
AND our community who points out — hey, wait — perhaps you’ve got a way of THINKING that YOU cannot see —
Let me show you — as Mike has done in this terrific blog post.
It takes a willingness to TRY to think differently and they by shifting your view ever so slightly you can actually SEE the light reflect off the glass shard and you can day — DAMN I never noticed that before.
And another GLASS SHARD is gently lifted out of your mind and body.
Windhorse, learning to love YOURSELF first is a gentle way to the truth of it all. I wish you the very best in your full journey out.
It’s been my experience that “loving yourself” is a pretty GD hard thing to do AFTER years and years of abusive practices while BEING a SEA ORG member OR as a scientologist.
So much WRONG information is imparted by LRH — like this ONE JEWEL found in the ART SERIES:
The physical universe AND apathy are the same.
WOW — how do you then LOVE yourself fully? Since we are made up of the physical AND the spiritual.
OR how about this one —
The “theta” (spiritual body) isn’t even OF this universe …
WOW — try working with that deeply for awhile.
The current “du jour” platitudes rampant in the Oprah/buddhist/yoga/Tolle/Dr. Oz doctrine is all about LOVING YOURSELF FIRST …
Never ever seen that truly WORK.
Unless you are fortunate enough to have been born and raised in a complete bubble — you ARE going to have “issues” — whether foisted by a cult such as Scientology OR other religions OR parents who aren’t perfect or or or or
I’ve suggested it before but it’s really awesome — “spiritual bypass” by John Welwood — googling it will bring up the PDF
Don’t mean to be so harsh sounding but seriously — loving yourself IS probably more towards the END of the journey — rather than the beginning — IMHO
I wish you well, as well.
What I’ve learned from my dilettante study of Buddhism, ‘self’ is an illusion that separates us all.
Oh, I like that a lot! Here’s how I always framed it: We are apart of everything and separate from nothing. What you wish for others, you wish for yourself…
Nice post, Good People!
“loving yourself IS probably more towards the END of the journey”
I’ve said this for years. Most people have some issues with believing in yourself and being happy with who you are and the choices you’ve made. Frankly I think the whole “love yourself” thing is not just naive it’s barely relevant. Self-esteem is placed on this lofty pedestal without it having as much real benefit to your life as most people think.
I prefer to focus on self-respect. You don’t have to think you’re hunky-dorie in order to respect yourself – you just have to acknowledge that, while you’ve certainly made mistakes, you’ve done the best you could in most situations, and you’ve tried to own up to and make up for your mistakes when you made them. While I am not a CoS survivor, I am a survivor of a person who tried to strip any self-esteem and self-worth I had, to bolster his own fragile ego. And after a few years of that, I didn’t just dislike myself, it felt inconceivable anyone would or should like me – mostly because I lost a large part of myself in the struggle to break free of him.
But over the years I came to realize, that I didn’t care as much about not liking myself anymore, as I cared about how little respect I had for myself after what I’d allowed him to do to me. Healing, for me, came when I learned to that I could respect myself again, when I acknowledged both my responsibility for letting that person destroy me like that, and put responsibility on him, for the ways he manipulated and degraded me.
Windhorse, I have come to the conclusion that we are, indeed, from the unmanifested world. That is, we are timeless beings. We’ve always been and always will be. We are unconditioned consciousnesses. You are the prize that you were seeking while in the cult.
But, now you’re out and living life on your terms again! How great is that? We have a choice every day: We can either CHOOSE to be happy, OR choose not to. Is as simple as that. That will be $50,000. Cash or check?
OSD — I’ve come to the conclusion that we might not be from the unmanifested world —
LRH led us to believe that we were TIMELESS, INDEPENDENT, PERMANENT BEINGS residing IN a MEST body — that the MEST body dies but THIS PERMANENT INDEPENDENT being lives on and on and on and on — AS HIMSELF — with his added time track —
Hmmmm — really?
I honestly don’t know where we are from — IF we are even FROM anyplace and where we go — IF we go anyplace when we die.
And this is after years of scientology through OTVIII AND THEN intense buddhist studies and meditation.
I know that yes — we can CHOOSE to be happy every day — might not BE happy but we can at least try.
HOWEVER — based on trauma — which would include BEING IN the SO or completely indoctrinated as a Scientologist and trapped — it’s a hell of a lot easier said than done.
Perhaps my biggest “mantra” these days is to be try every day to be kind – to others and myself.
Very nice post, windhorse. I also think we’re supposed to be of service to each without expecting a reward.
And being kind to yourself will lead you out, my friend. I know it seems hard and long, but the daily application can work wonders. It’s the path I *finally* found. And I work at it every day and, in doing so, it’s amazing how much more I’ve been able to help others. I won’t get into the apparency of a body/spirit split. I’m simply delighted that you’re on your way out of the debacle. Always nice to find a fellow traveler.
Wow, Windhorse! I am moved by your comment, on many levels. Thanks for posting.
That’s just lovely, WindHorse. Beautiful.
WOW! It is time to relax for a sec and take a deep breath. Your pre-emption Mike is probably the clearest crystal ball reading of the present scientology scenario ever put to print. However, in any battle the future can be altered by the simplest and in particular the boldest (unexpected) thing. It takes a calm mind to take this all in… but it sure is interesting to see life unfold in the scientology world.
One thing that is assumed, especially by scientology is that the people ‘out there’ are ignorant at best, or idiots by nature. Catch 22 situations seem to be accumulating one after with scientology which I believe the media is finally waking up to especially concerning the celebrities of scientology. Shit meet fan.
Truth (wow), used in the same sentence as scientology… even the courts haven’t been able to do that!
Bring it on media, your canvas is waiting… paint the picture.
Hubbard was right about one thing – scientology is new news… it’s in the media every day now.
Ron Miscavige’s future book is an unknown quantity, but from CoS domain registrations starting in 2013, Dave is shitting Diamond Meritorious bricks.
That should be a chapter in Ron Miscavige’s book….’Domain Registrations Reserved by the Co$ That Have Nothing To Do With Them, But Everything To Do With This Book’
Very nicely put.
Mike, the “hate video coming soon” was F’n hysterical!!!! On the floor!!
“Hurricane Leah” was TOO witty!
It has been great to have so much laughter down here on the streets lately!! Truth, I have read Leah’s book 3 times, still hysterically funny!
It is great to be having FUN!
“Fun is the one thing that money can’t buy.” Lennon and McCartney
She’s leaving Sci… bye, bye…
This is a very powerful and timely piece, Mike. I think you are right on the money with your predictions.
Somehow I don’t think that Walters or Oprah would be willing to risk what professional integrity they have, limited though it may be, to take that interview. It was one thing for Oprah to let Tom gush about the new love of his life, back when too many people still thought the CoS was just another church, slightly odd but mostly benign. Plus back then she was only running a hugely popular talk show – now she’s running a whole network and a magazine. But by your argument, it would have to be a public interview focusing on Scientology. And if anyone with even the slightest level of journalistic integrity were to agree to have an ‘all punches pulled’ interview, they’d be laughed at as absolute mouth-pieces of the CoS. And they know it.
I don’t think even Cruise’s celebrity is going to be enough at this stage. It’s one thing to let him promote MI without asking tough questions – an entertainment reporter can just say it’s not their job to ask Cruise about his personal life, their job is to report on the movie. But they’d be hard-pressed to find any actual journalist, talk-show host or anyone else, willing to be labeled as the butt-boy of Miscavige, with all the heat on the church at present time.
Which is a lovely warm thought in the cockles of my heart. 🙂
Maybe Dan Rather, he has credibility.
I think Greta Van Susteran would be GREAT!
Wait…what? Another cult member interviewing a cult member?
I think Dave called it the blind leading the blind!
Yo Dave,
Call Greta. Have her stop by Your new KCET studio and do an interview with You and Tom. Set the record straight good buddy!
Raindog, KCET is now simply a faded memory from a by-gone era; KCOB is the new place to BE!!!!
He’d have better luck with Brian Williams – his credibility is already tanked enough he might be willing to risk sinking further.
Hell, lets bring Johnny Carson back from his previous life. He for sure would get Cruise’s TR 0 Bullbait to go to hell.
Dwarfe Malignante is never going to produce Shelly. He paid back $300 thousand to Leah Remini to get her to stop asking “Where’s Shelly?” It didn’t work. A simple call to Leah “Hi Leah, it’s me, Shelly. I’m working hard but all right” would have done the trick. Didn’t happen. That was one EXPENSIVE non-phone call. Because Shelly wouldn’t make it. Figure this out: Shelly is being held against her will. There is another Co$ “Hole” and Shelly is in it. DM’s tame LAPD officer Andre Dawson will someday get nailed by the Feebies (FBI) for lying. M/W phenomena, anyone?
Forget EVERYTHING else. Get the question “Where’s Shelly?” answered, and the Dwarfe will fall.
WHERE’S SHELLY? WHERE’S SHELLY? WHERE’S SHELLY? WHERE’S SHELLY? WHERE’S SHELLY? Your foot has gangrene and 4 toes will be amputated? That’s too bad. WHERE’S SHELLY? Your dog got run over this morning? Wow, OSA finally chose the right target. WHERE’S SHELLY? Someone put strycnine in your Macallans? That only slightly reduces the time that stuff takes to kill you. WHERE’S SHELLY? WHERE THE FUCK IS SHELLY, NEEDLE-DICK? YOU HEAR ME? WHERE IS SHELLY………….?
ROTFLMAO!!! What was that you asked???
This made my morning! Following those crumbs will lead outta my he forest.
James, calling him Needle Dick, is an insult to all needle dicks everywhere….
I’m confused. What is it you want to know here? 😉
Where’s Heber while we are at it.
Heber never existed. Please do your Truth Rundown.
Valerie, what crime did you commit right before you asked where Heber is? As Blinders said, PLEASE do your Truth RD! Do it for yourself. Do for your family. Do it to stay in good graces. We all don’t want to KR you, but…….
A phone call from Shelly might make her feel “relevant”, or suggest to others that she is relevant, and I think it is against DMCOPL for anyone to even ponder for a fleeting moment, that they could possibly be relevant.
Dave has the starring role in this theater, and he has cast Cruise in a supporting role. Everyone else are “extras”. Irrelevant. And he works to reduce their relevance by cancelling certs world wide on a timely schedule. Yes, he holds events during which he announces golden ages and during which all certs are cancelled and everyone else is suddenly irrelevant.
You can strive to be relevant, through a cash donation. In fact, per DM’s own new Scientology glossary of terms that have come to be under his “management”, a “Humanitarian” is now someone who has cut a check to him. Yes folks, you can be declared a humanitarian if you can sign a check.
And really, who better to recognize humanitarian beings and issue these declares, than a world class pimp from Philadelphia? After all, he has a collection on Monte Blanc pens, assorted “stewards” , his own Scotland yard and MI6, His own little James Bonds, his own Royal Yacht, his own stylists and make up, chefs, and his own Parliament.
And the fact that as far as we know, he still cleans himself after toilet, as opposed to having a chamber attendant, illustrates how down to earth, human and compassionate he is really is.
It would not surprise me in the least to see a photo of Will and Kate photo shopped into his next stage event. Because since CC INT has crashed, Tom and Dave have figured out that Hollywood sorts are all DB’s. The REAL celebrities are Will and Kate. George and Amal, the Beckhams, And, assorted British Royalty and celebrity.
Cruise is on mission to conquer the British Crown for Dave. He has offloaded all U.S. assets and parked his tribe and assets in the U.K.. Why do you think St. Hill was just remodeled?
His next wife is not going to be a DB Hollywood staffer for films and television. The daughters of powerful and influential British men, are being culled now for Tom.
Pimping Tom around the U.K. is Dave’s newest humanitarian effort.
Everytime I read this, I get the “where’s Wallace!” chills from when the Wire was on.
You’re so right.
If only Hubbard had not written up such tight rules that the followers are obliged to enforce against the world and against themselves.
Poor Tom Cruise, the long range suckered and groomed and manipulated Scientology Elite Celebrity Prisoner of Belief inmate of the century.
Leah’s book covers so many things the Scientology celebrities would benefit learning.
Worse yet, Chuck, Hubbard constantly wrote up CONFLICTING tight rules. “Never lie to the media.” “Always lie to the media.”
There’s also a policy somewhere that says never talk to the media.
That’s old, historical and background data. Oh, wait…
Oracle, I’m happy to provide levity in the deadly serious world of Scientology. ?
Something amazing has happened to me since I have started to laugh about it all. Especially, being able to laugh at myself in it.
In fact, I’m not sure I have anything left to say. Leah Remini can speak for both of us.
Laughter is good for the soul. Yo Dave, you listening?
I can’t believe what a good and insightful writer you are. Your blog is always full of the truth. Cangratulations
Captain David ” let him die” Miscavige digging yet another hole for himself. A one trick pony tell the very bitter end.
Everything I have thought and more. Continue to be impressed with your writings Mike and your taking a stand. Continue the great work.
What I particularly appreciate about Mike’s blogs are the thoughtfulness and caring which goes into them.