For anyone who has just emerged from an isolation chamber, or if you don’t read ANY media or look at Facebook or Twitter and rely on finding out what is happening in the world here (you really need to do something about that…) I republish the statement Leah gave to the press last night.
It is to the point, sweet and classy — just like her.
“I wish to share my sincere and heartfelt appreciation for the overwhelming positive response I have received from the media, my colleagues, and from fans around the world. I am truly grateful and thankful for all your support.”
All one need do is look at Leah’s Facebook page to see comment after comment of support and encouragement.
The only people in the world who cannot see themselves for what they are are those stuck in the bubble of unreality within the “church” of Scientology. They believe they are above the unwashed masses of homo sapiens who are too ignorant to understand — their arrogance has earned them ridicule, if not outright hostility. Like he French aristocracy before the Revolution, they do not believe anything can shake the pedestal they so firmly and certainly stand upon. Even when it is shaken they convince themselves it was a meaningless and temporary annoyance and they will be ascending to the next level very soon, even further removed from the unenlightened who unfortunately don’t have the knowledge, intellect and foresight that they possess.
How wrong they are.
[Earlier Article: Leah Remini Has Left The Building]
In South Africa the biggest movie house web site, Ster Kinekor, has a banner running saying “Leah Remini threatened to call police over Scientology abuse”.
When are the big chiefs going to wake up?!?
This is OUR Church that these idiots are wasting!
So little is ever published about Scientology in SA, despite the millions upon millions of dollars for the IAS, that all the public ever sees is bad news like this.
Andy thank God you are being there and communicating. Please email me at [email protected].
This really blew me away. Just about a month ago she came to my mind and I remember having the thought, “I bet she’ll get out soon. She seems like she’s got good head on her shoulders. She’ll see what’s going on.”
Well done Leah! Enjoy your freedom. And the bridge, without all that nonsense.
I actually think Tom will get it soon and set himself free. Though he won’t be the next actor to do so. Probably John will. Just as soon as his 1D settles down a bit.
Leah Remini has never seemed to me to be the type to remain silent. I watched her years ago when she was a guest on the Howard Stern show and she just doesn’t get pushed around. She really is, as Mike said, “sweet and classy”. She has way too much class to be involved with the current church of radical Scientology and the floodgates are opening wider now for the smart people in Hollywood to get the hell out of the church.
I think at some trial somewhere in the future, someone ought to just ask straight out, “What has the Church of Scientology ever admitted to?”
Just bring out all the statements and show them to the jury. “The Church denies” “the Church denies” “The church denies” and indicate that this is policy! SO how can they be trusted in a courtroom!!!!!!!! It goes against their religion!!!!!!!!!!!
Not kidding! It is right there in the Ethics book!, about “turning someone over to to the justice system or police” being a suppressive act! All anyone has to do is point out to the Judge and Jury it is AGAINST their religion to tell the truth to cops or jurys!
“Delivering up the person of a Scientologist without justifiable defense or lawful protest to the demands of civil or criminal law”.
Do I need to walk the attorneys by the hand through this? It IS this SIMPLE! It is against the religion to tell the truth in court!
Scientologists have pledged NOT to coordinate thereby and therewith “to the demands of civil or criminal law”.
What more can you say in a courtroom? It is against our religion to be cooperative. We are drilled to lie.
Mike, thanks again for having provided your one-of-a-kind perspective here on Leah’s exit from der Fueher’s Mind-F*ck Machine. One simple move. One simple attitude. One word: —GUTS!
Hey, all you “scientologists” still hiding under the bed covers, reading this. I have one question for you — Please answer it — for the sake of “your eternity” —- you understand?
Is the prospect of diving into an ice cold swimming pool – more likely to kill you– or make you STRONGER??? Oh! Of course_ I get it! You need to see enough “others” testing their little
trembling tootsies first, to see if it’s safe to actually follow suit” — Dip your tootsie?
Give me a break.
By the way, you have the Biggest of “big brothers” standing by ( just in case your little tootsie get’s into trouble in the “pool” ) — THE ‘NET! — The one thing that has De Man
quivering in HIS boots!
David is taking some hits from the ladies. Perhaps it is his karma? What we DO know is that David Miscavige will NOT file for divorce because then he would be forced to disclose his FINANCIALS. He will NEVER DISCLOSE his financials! WHY? You figure it out! What we DO know is that Debbie Cook confronted him. What we do know is that Karen confronts him. What we do know is that Leah confronted him. Katie Holmes and Lisa Presley have no use for him whatsoever. His sister finds that weed handles some problem her brother can’t. His wife can’t tolerate being in the same space with him.
It seems if they aren’t in uniform in the valence of men, or on payroll as attorneys, they have no use for him.
Just think about this, can you imagine him coming out here and finding someone who actually wants to connect up with that? Where could he find a mate? He would have to start in a country where the women don’t speak English, pick up a factory girl , and keep his fingers crossed.
And have A LOT of CASH!!!!!
Why doesn’t Shelly file for divorce? If she filed and forced the issue, then his financials would have to become known. Is she just another Stockholm Victim and thus is too cowed and afraid to ever stand up to him? Come on Shelly, you can do it! We’ll help you and you can survive outside whatever prison you are in.
If she would ask for her money back, wouldn’t the IRS have to get involved on the tax deducted parts of her “donations”? How is that handled? Does Co$ notify the IRS about each and every refund?
Just wondering.
NO, whether someone even takes a deduction has nothing to do with the entity receiving the funds. You can choose NOT to take a deduction. And any change in the future where you get money back is compensated for on your later tax return if you took a deduction when you first gave the money. It’s between the donor and the IRS.
” their arrogance has earned them ridicule, if not outright hostility.”
Well said Mike, well said…
I would like to mention here, if not for Mike, Marty, Karen, Paul Haggis, Dan Larsen, Jason Beghe, and the many others that stood up first and took the bullets, I don’t know if she would have had the air cover and support she has today to step forward and speak out. This is truly an example where “every action counts”.
A huge “Thank You” to all of those that make the world safer, and forward truth, not more hostile with false reports and illusion.
You are right Oracle about every action counting now. This gathering on public forums of people who have actually experienced the physical, mental and emotional attacks of Mr. Miscavige has made an action possible which is utterly necessary. It is time to submit affidavits regarding them to the district attorney’s office that presides over the area where the Int base is located. If any are legally trained who are reading this, and would like to assist, that would be great. There is no shame in turning over a criminal committing repeated assault and battery to the legal system, only in failing to do so. At this point, the legal system IS the 9 foot high board fence. The time is Now. Your friends enduring these abuses still are counting on your actions to free them. Let’s move. Sincerely, Lena
Yes Oracle! I second the THANK YOU to all who were pioneers in the Indie and Freezone movement which made it more possible for people like Leah to speak out.
Right on, Oracle. I second that emotion.
People magazine has picked up on Jenna Miscavige Hill’s support of Leah Remini.
Leah Remini Is ‘A Tough Woman,’ Says Jenna Miscavige Hill,,20717044,00.html
Excerpt: “”From what I understand, she was just fed up with the way she was being treated when she was following church policy,” says Jenna Miscavige Hill, who left the church herself in 2005. “She is a tough woman and isn’t the type to yield or turn a blind eye to a blatant injustice. People like that don’t last too long in Scientology because they aren’t easy to control.”
Miscavige Hill, who wrote an explosive memoir, Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology and My Harrowing Escape (published by Harper Collins in February) is very familiar with the dangers of criticizing the church.
Remini, she says, “has been viewed as being a vocal advocate for the church. But what people may not know is that sometimes church members who are in trouble due to stepping out of line, are required to display their advocacy publicly in order to prove their dedication.””
MORE AT THE LINK:,,20717044,00.html
Jenna Miscavige Hill speaks on the Leah Remini situation.
Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: ‘Uncle David won’t be happy – all he cares about is PR’: Scientology leader David Miscavige’s outspoken niece hails Leah Remini as ‘fantastic and brave’
“Jenna Miscavige, an outspoken critic of the religion – having once dubbed her uncle David ‘evil’ – says she thinks it is ‘fantastic’ news, telling MailOnline: ‘I’m really happy for Leah. I think it took a lot of courage on her part to do this so publically.'”
“‘It’s fantastic that she got out – but to me, the best part is that she has a young daughter and it’s great she won’t have to be brought up in the church.”
“‘Scientology definitely does use families in order to get people to do what they want them to do, they know people care and love for their families.”
“‘I can imagine it’s been very stressful for Leah. But the Church is struggling – in the past they would smear defectors and say bad things about them, now people know these tactics.”
“I think more recently they’ve got stuck in a weird place where they think ‘do we smear them or do we not?’
‘I do think now it’s easier than ever to leave. It’s becoming easier and easier to become vocal about the church, and look at the all celebrities leaving like Lisa Marie Presley, Katie Holmes and Paul Haggis.
‘All those people leaving makes it easier for Leah to go too. Good for Leah.’”
It’s amazing page after page of hits on Leah leaving scientology this has to be doing a lot of damage. Looking forward to next weeks story or information on the dismal attendance to this weekends events.
On another point I don’t look upon you as my only source of news although I will never join twit or facebook. However having said that I still think you are a great writer scientology or any other subject. There are few if any books I might buy yet one by Mike Rinder I would buy all of them:)
Agreed Jonathan. Mike’s writing is a pleasure to read.
Scientologists should follow Leah’s example. Non-participation is one way of sending the message. But there’s little personal risk involved. Standing up for what you believe in also means sometimes you have to stand up AND walk out the door to impinge. The only thing that Scientology seems to respond to are threats of exposure of the corruption within. Unless you are a threat, you are not being effective. It’s how they have the game rigged. People are responsible for the condition they are in. Things don’t just happen to them, there is always some level of agreement involved. LEAVING the church sends the only message that impinges. Knowledge reports result in YOU getting scrutinized. REAL Scientologists stand up say “Hell NO!” and walk out the door. Yes you will get targeted and your reputation attacked. It’s the only weapon they have. Scientologists are good people. Well intentioned people. Your friends in Scientology for 30+ years already know that. THEY WILL RESPECT YOU, DEEP DOWN, FOR HAVING THE GUTS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
You speak south Doug! +100
Sorry…..should be sooth not south!!!!!
Doug! You’re forgetting!
“Voting with your feet” is firmly covered in Scientology dogma.
If you leave without permission (“blow”) it HASTA be because you have overts!
Not because you were suppressed, or defrauded, or handed any of the thousand motivators Scientology Inc and Miscavige hand out on a daily basis!
So when you do leave, it’s because “he had overts”. In clear violation of HCO B 2-Jan-1971 ILLEGAL AUDITING. And accusing a person who isn’t present of having overts is clear invocation of LRH’s THIRD PARTY LAW (New Slant on Life).
Should be a great evening at Flag for graduation and the rest of the weekend should be absolutely wonderful for the Miscarriage what with all the publicity and all.
Have a double shot of scotch before you take the stage tonight Davey. Oh yes, and don’t expect Leah to be in the audience.
Now, wouldn’t that be rich if she WAS in the audience, and started busting his balls with a very public shouted few questions, as she is dragged out by security. I know it’s a pipe-dream fantasy, but, “Where is Shelley? Where is Heber? Why do you live in about 50 times more luxury than LRH ever did?” would sound pretty awesome, or I’m sure there are way more biting questions that can be asked.
I’m envisioning it now and I’m LOVING it!
I agree, Leah is a woman with great courage and CARE enough to see the truth and voice it.
This, in the ultimate, is what will cause the Devil Moron’s suppression to shatter as he can not tolerate people doing well and activities expanding…and believe me, there is so many good people prospering, flourishing, winning, expanding…more than all the minions DM could gather…he is lost thanks to blogs like this, thanks to the Independents using the true Scientology and thanks to beings like Leah that stand up despite all odds.
Lets carry on.
Wow, this flap sure seems to be shaping up nicely, thanks apparently to a very strong woman with a very strong family!
She’s done this very cleverly and this took a lot of planning and execution to exit while keeping her family in tact; Husband, Daughter, Mother, Stepfather, sisters are not disconnecting. It takes a herculean effort to get the “Bots” to open their eyes and ears to what is going on and she got the ones to look that are most important to her and that is her immediate family. Now her actions are exposing the brutal suppressive Dictator David Miscavige and his corrupt management to the world and the thousands of families and friends broken up due to the suppressive practice of disconnection. Claire Headley was working on a website to further expose this practice of disconnection, I hope this is done soon as the world needs to know the cruelty practiced by this “religion”.
I think, too, a lot of credit goes to her individual family members who also had the courage to stand strong in their own individual right. When one has been a believer for a long time, it takes guts to go against the powerful current which would come at them.
Hi Mike:
Can you reproduce the DM rant that will have occurred once DM was informed of this event?
I suspect it involved lots of cursing, and much blaming, plus he’s probably furious at Shelly again.
The mighty midget strikes again. JFK Jr. had it right after he interviewed the little guy .
I have never met Leah, and am generally not a big fan of celebrities … but any woman, actress that can make a goofy fat dude look great and be the envy of men everywhere for 9 years while remaining a bit of a rebel (all Australians love a good rebel), is my kinda gal!!!
If she is ever in the need of getting away, and doesn’t mind the Texas heat, she is welcome at the Casa. I have a nice little 10 acre field I am trying to find a use for, going fallow right now, we could maybe cut a message in with lawn mowers, or plow and plant something, maybe trees, making a message visible only from space … Google earth, sending a message for a long time to our favorite egotistical evader … disconnection … where is Shelly? The bird? Maybe we could start a fad of a new type of crop circle.
She has more class in her little toenail then all of Scientology
Well done Leah Remini!
Oh boy, the cat is out of the bag and there is no way of putting it back in.
David Miscavage you are a repulsive little dictator and your days are numbered.
Enjoy your time in hell scum bag.
Google says it all:
Pages and pages of google results.
Intention is cause, I guess. 😉
It is good to know that she is well equipped with the Light of Truth, backed up by her integrity.
Deadly combination for Voldemort.
Leah has class and integrity. She is strong and brave. She is able to face the world as it is, without the need for ducking and hiding. These were once qualities that marked many people who joined Scientology back when LRH was around or at least his influence was still strong. People who saw something wrong spoke up and did not let up. That was part of being a Scientologist. In David Miscavige’s Scientology these qualities are a huge problem and Church staffers work hard to crush out any desire to “criticize”. In David Miscavige’s Scientology if you look and see something wrong and make a fuss about it is a high crime and gets you thrown under a bus. I want to personally thank Leah for showing the world what a REAL SCIENTOLOGIST is. What she is doing is called “TOUGH LOVE”. That’s what it will take to shake Davey off his throne and get some humanity and care for people back into the Church. Right now any effort to bring people to the good part of Scientology ends up exposing them to the bad side of Scientology (the thought control and abusive practices). People who really care about Scientology should not be trying to bring new people in, they should be dishing out every ounce of tough love they can and demanding reform so that people CAN be introduced to the good that Scientology has to offer, without the evil slant that David Miscavige has introduced. Leah obviously CARES enough about Scientology and it’s future to speak up. If the average Joe Scientologist had 2 percent of Leah’s class and courage, DM would be long gone and Scientology would have a kind and sensible leader who cared about PEOPLE and how they were doing and was working to reform the abuses. Go Leah!
Bravo, Leah! It’s only getting better and better!! 😀
Great words, Mike. You’ve nailed it. That is exacly the cult think that they all possess.