The old saying goes, “Never pick a fight with anyone who buys ink by the barrel.”
A modern translation, “Never pick a fight with anyone who has a large social media profile.”
And with that in mind, we see this statement from David Miscavige this morning:
Good Morning America reported Tuesday that they had received comment from the Church of Scientology that said, “We know this may come as a surprise to someone as self-absorbed as Ms. Remini, but we could care less if she wins or loses on Dancing With the Stars.”
One thing you can ALWAYS tell from Miscavige’s media and court statements — his buttons.
Coming from perhaps the most self-absorbed person imaginable, this follows other classics that have emanated from the “church” of Scientology. “There is no such thing as disconnection.” “We are expanding, look at all the new churches Mr. Miscavige has opened.” “Paul Haggis is a washed-up nobody”, “Lawrence Wright is a tabloid writer” and “Leah Remini is wasting the police’s time with a stunt by reporting Shelly Miscavige is missing.” There are many more. In fact, almost every utterance you see ascribed to the church of Scientology is an over-the-top “attack” or outright lie.
Here is some good PR advice for the deaf ears of David Miscavige: When you mistreat and abuse people and their families and lie to them, just take a few hits and shut up. Pretend you have some grace and dignity. And this goes BIG TIME when the person concerned has media hanging on her every word AND has more charm and class and humor in her pinkie fingernail than you could ever dream of having.
It COULD get worse. Way worse. You have some REALLY big downsides if you continue to push back and try to be “right” and dismiss Leah as a nobody that is beneath your high station.
Until you are willing to go on Dancing With the Stars (or talk to ANY MEDIA at all) life is likely going to get more and more uncomfortable.
And stop treating the rest of the world as if they are too stupid to see through you. Clearly you DO CARE whether Leah Remini succeeds or not. If you DIDNT care, you would not even bother with that stupid statement just that just confirms for everyone on earth what a vindictive, mean-spirited little man you are….
Oh my, so stupid, and the fact he could not see it was such a bad comment on so many levels.
Simple, miss cavige is a little person, in every way.
“They actually said that?” was my initial response. Didn’t believe it. Well, there go the last dregs of their reputation.
Good communication and understanding requires humility. Miscavige lacks it in spades.
I am so happy for Leah. She’s fabulous and so alive!
Did you guys see this video of how Wendy Williams had Leah’s back on her show? I found this on Tony O’s blog. Listen to the reaction of the audience when Leah says “they want me to fail” and when Wendy reads DM’s statement. They aren’t even quiet about it. It’s appalling. Pass it on to your Scn peeps.
Is Dave really that dumb!? He is living in an alternate world.
He is embarrassing on so many levels. Please stop talking,
and if you have to utter something, do it from the front of your
little mouth, not from your right side of your face. Get some
connection between your lobes.
Yes Leah is a force of nature, from the top rung.
DM is from the lowest rung.
Leah is beautiful, has class and looks, if I may quote Charlie Sheen,
DM, just be quiet and creep into that trailer.
“Until you are willing to go on Dancing With the Stars (or talk to ANY MEDIA at all) life is likely going to get more and more uncomfortable. ”
This is a great point. Guess what makes COB a disgrace compared to someone like Leah Remini? He’s a terrible communicator. He can hide behind teleprompters and read speeches written by a human thesaurus which sound stilted and bizarre. But nobody really wants to listen to that. Nobody is interested in COB as a human. He doesn’t have normal emotions to express. He has no empathy.
People love Leah. She knows how to communicate naturally. She is human, and expresses normal emotions, and has empathy. COB can barely manage that with a billion dollar PR structure making him look far better than he is.
SP comm tops COB comm. Big problem for COB.
I am an Atheist believing in Spirutuality, How paradox can you get.
No wonder David MIscavige is terrified of being deposed. He is definitely lacking in self control. Sounds like he would be very easily rattled in court.
Whe anons expect as much
Terlls are trying to discredit me on WWP
cult is gonig down.
Miscavige IS easily rattled in court. It’s almost hysterical. When he tries to go Tone 40, he comes off as a subhuman ass. It’s a disgrace his comm is so abnormally bad.
I wonder if he’ll stutter in court. He used to or maybe still does have a stutter when under stress. And Dan Shermanspeak won’t be there to script his answers for him to read off a prompter. I can’t wait to see him on the witness stand, and then doing the perp walk after justice is served!
+1 Perp walk! It’ll be just like Dancing with the Stars, in special orange costumes!
Funny. The song “I’m going back to a better class of Losers” is playing now.
What an interesting response! It’s really not much of a head-scratcher if you consider:
A psychopath is a being who can only mimic human emotions. Miscavige has been insulated from polite society for many years in environments where he is all-powerful. He’s losing the ability to keep up the mask of sanity because it requires intense observation, interaction, and some practice. I imagine it gets more and more difficult for him to fake “normal”. As a result, the rest of us get to see pure anti-social behavior that is very confusing in its unwarranted viciousness.
Dawn, so very true.
Me thinks he doth protest too much.
As if it would need any more proof the corporate COS is led by a bunch of punks, full of themselves and lacking any real class. The question becomes when will Kirsten, Nancy, Tom and John and the other Kool-Aid drinking Imbeciles realize what embarrassment they have created for themselves in supporting this bully and his gang?
Gerhard, I’m pretty sure there will be more public celeb defections, but I’ve come to the conclusion that Mr. Cruise is going to go down with the ship. I will be shocked and amazed if he abandons ship at this point.
Yeah, Cruise grew up with a house full of women and I’m sure he was taught some manners. Doesn’t he think it would be his duty, if only as a friend, to stop little Davey from insulting a woman like that?
Maybe he’s lost his mind too and they are both just sitting back, sipping the scotch and both laughing at it all like Tom and his famous leaked video. So sad DM doesn’t have any friends who have his back. John Travolta? Are you going to help your buddy out or are you just waiting for the fire to get hot enough to jump ship?
So yeah, Tom, what about your responsibility? 2:05 “Am I gonna do it or am I not gonna do it, period! And am I gonna look at that guy or am I too afraid because I have my own out-ethics to put in someone else’s out-ethics? And that’s all it comes down to.”
Ok Tom, so WHY are you not putting your buddy’s ethics in right about now? Really look at what he’s doing and how that is destroying himself and Scientology. Are you listening?
“We know this may come as a surprise to someone as self-absorbed as Ms. Remini, but we could care less if she wins or loses on Dancing With the Stars.”
Oh go ahead and make a few million new enemies for the Church of Scientology. That’s the way to do it Dave! Let’s do what Ron would do NOT!
How socially stupid can you make yourself and every Scientologist look? By the way, Jennifer Lopez and her crew were THERE supporting Leah last week. I guess that indicates Jennifer’s father is no longer connected to the Church?
All of New York City rooting for Leah Remini and here goes Dave bitch slapping her through the national media. Making Leah’s spotlight all about HIM while he accuses her of being self absorbed! He is living like a rock star from money begged while his staff are all in a state of shock from YEARS of domestic abuse!
Does it get any creepier?
Thanks for that – really fun and clarifying.
The rest of the world’s response to Miscavige’s statement:
The whimpering, parting shot of a defeated captain and his sinking fleet.
I can just hear the fuming, spitting, kicking, punching and throttling going down at His Micro Worship’s Empire. And all this happening when his plans for the greatest Circus Show ever seen on the planet, have been scuppered. put on hold indefinitely, because “the #%@&**& TENT is too f&*%g small , you F^&#*!!!”. Forgive him will you? You have to understand that Leah just effectively complicated things, when she effectively “stole His thunder.” with her unauthorized, squirrel, non DM approved dance exhibition! Expect more tantrums & toys flung out of the cot as the li’ll brat screams himself into yet another blue in the face rage.. requiring yet ANOTHER diaper change.. He’s already had five dozen (diapers) changed over the Monique Rathbun lawsuit, since it hit the Texas courtroom, over the past week. Yep, life has become randomity-ish for the llttle monster…in very recent days..Yep,. the billion odd stash not helping ease the mental mass much… poor little thing!
Gosh, couldn’t all that blue in the face rage and those temper tantrums cause His high blood pressure Highness to have a heart attack?
Just sayin’.
“…we could care less…”
This was spoken by the brilliant genius who was in charge of ‘fixing’ all of the transcription errors in LRH’s books?
Hey genius, the phrase is, ‘couldn’t care less’.
But hey, I’m just a high school dropout who learned the simple rules of English in grade school. What do I know?
You are absolutely correct Ronnie but even still you are to report to the Hole right away.
You will need to pay your own way to Hemit and bring a blanket and a canteen as well. (Pillows are not allowed)
We look forward to your arrival.
Regards, Int. Base Housing I/C
Yes sir! I’ll be forwarding my Thursday before 2 compliance report sometime….I don’t know….after hell freezes over, sir! LOL
Dave, you’re bumping up against a cultural ethic when you go after a woman. The public doesn’t like it when they see a man bullying a woman. It is particularly disastrous when she’s likable and has done nothing wrong.
You got away with bending Debbie Cook’s finger back and sending her to the floor with a slap across the face. You won’t get away with going after Leah.
You literally just beat me to the punch here re Dave’s jealousy.
Unfortunately, with a gross misunderstood on the definition of ‘Power’ – something along the lines of “that is when people listen to you” there is only one way to go now, down into the meat grinder!
and old woman barbara walters making comments..the old witch is messed up !!!
Great post mike! Not only is the intention behind the church’s statement childish & pathetic they fuck up the statement itself!
The phrase ‘could care less’ is often misused when people actually mean the phrase ‘couldn’t care less’.
A little like people who use the word ‘pacific’ when they mean ‘specific’.
To say ‘could care less’ means you care to some degree because there is the ability to care ‘less’ than current level. To say you ‘couldn’t care less’ signifies you absolutely don’t care at all as there is no way in which you can care less than that.
Seems the spokespuppet isn’t so good with communication. Not great when you’re a) a spokesperson & b) speaking for a religion the begins with a communication course!!
Embarrassments never cease for the CO$!
Is it too much to hope that “Dandy” Don Meredith (Monday Night Football) might return for just one more rendition of his famous song to wrap up this whole nightmare ?
“Turn out the lights the party’s over……. they say that all good things must end.
Let’s call it a night the party’s over !”
Your done Dave, you won’t recover.
What a joke I can’t believe they would issue a statement that is an insult . I really think that mixcabbage is jealous because he can’t twin up with Tom Cruise and trip the light fantastic on national tv. Leah Remini is a class act and does not deserve to be insulted like this. The whole house of cards is coming down and they are freaking out I bet little davey is packing his scotch and cigars now for his getaway to South America with the other stinking nazis.
Dave, could you possible look more childish and petulant?
Leah is just the kind of person people are naturally attracted to because she is real. Dave, she’s the kind of person people love to have as a friend. Don’t pick a public fight with her for the simple reason you will lose.
And by the way Dave, where is Shelly? What is she working on and why is it taking so long?
Real stats: 17 million viewers watched Leah’s heartfelt concerns….
And, 5.5 million GMA viewers saw your nasty, mean spirited reply….
These are REAL stats and it’s a tornadic spiral into the PR toilet.
Your PR is shot DM. It will NEVER recover.
Now comes your legal cases in this October. If both PR AND legal spin out of control, then NO AMOUNT of money or passage of time can save the Co$.
You have effectively destroyed the 32 year old organization LRH built 1950 – 1982 and you did it in the same number of years 1982 – 2014 = 32 years.
Thumbs up! Yup. Real stats.
Watch for our favorite sociopath to take credit for exposing 17 million people to Scientology in just one evening at the next event …… whenever that may be.
Really good post, Mike. Just great.
I keep thinking that Miscavige must be so happy now that he is unencumbered by those SP execs who used be responsible for things like — oh, I dunno — events, training, auditing, public relations, legal affairs, fair game, sales, staff recruitment, real estate, the Web site, advertising, new uniforms, laundry, Flag graduation, rice and beans, electricity — stuff like that.
Now that Miscavige is in charge of everything, it’s all going so swimmingly! Gee, if he had only thought to get rid of everyone 20 years ago, he might have been Scientologizing Mars and Jupiter right now. He must be smacking himself in the head.
Re caring less. Mike, this will make you smile:
🙂 Wonderful. Cheers Sarah.
Sarah, that was funny (and informative 🙂 ). Thanks for posting.
Now THAT was good!
Mike I’m really glad you picked up on this. When I read DM’s response on this morning, I was amazed at how stupid he it was. I watched the show and saw how popular she is. A smart person would not have attacked her. Doesn’t he know what it means to take the moral high ground. A simple – “we wish her the best” would have been the response of any sane person.
Made me very happy to not be part of the church and be one of DM sycophants.
I get the feeling that dm actually thinks some people like him…or that he is popular…. Duh.
A very tacky response by the ‘church’ who we all know is David Miscavige; the Only One!
I’m so glad to be out of that delusional, altered reality. Today I’m going to see my Corporate, OTVIII friend who loves DWTS. I can’t wait to hear her take on it and use the opportunity to offer up another viewpoint…
This is the comment I left at the end of the ABC piece in relation to the official statement from the CofS:
Here’s what a real church would say:
“We’re sorry that Leah is having a difficult time or feels that we may have been less than charitable to her. That truly was never our intention. We didn’t want to see her go as she was part of our church and our family of parishioners for over 30 years. We find our hearts heavy that she is experiencing personal pain and do not wish to add to it. We wish her well.”
Now if they said that, you might think, “Hmmm, maybe they’re not so bad.”
They just cannot help themselves. That HAVE to be nasty. They can never take the high road. They know no other way.
That would require a conscience, something that DM is missing. Ref: Martha Stout’s brilliant The Sociopath Next Door.
I suppose but it’s just basic PR. The organization (or Miscavige) doesn’t even have to believe it or feel that way. It’s just the more socially acceptable behavior of a “church”.
Don’t get me wrong. In this instance, I am glad that the true colors show but the fact that no one in that organization can muster anything close to acceptable communication or that no one can take on the viewpoint of the public is absolute proof that the CofS is simply a mind numbing cult that is absolutely incapable of appropriate behavior.
…it’s just basic PR. The organization (or Miscavige) doesn’t even have to believe it or feel that way. It’s just the more socially acceptable behavior of a “church”.
Sindy, it would never occur to Miscavige & Co. to respond to Leah’s statement in any other tone level. They’ve simply sunk that far down the tone scale. It’s the natural level of their ARC.
A statement such as, “We’re sorry to hear that Leah is so troubled by her departure from our church, but we wish her the best of luck in her life and future endeavors”, would sound completely ridiculous and even just a bit propitiative to the sunken souls now running the church.
In short, they made the only statement they’re capable of making.
“They just cannot help themselves”.
Doing PR requires the ability to qual one’s own PR by first reading or listening to or viewing from the viewpoint of the recipients. Skilled PRs have enormous self control and are constantly qualing what they write or say, even in extemporaneous situations and their attention is always on what effect their comm is creating in their recipients.They do all this in a very natural, seemingly effortless and frequently friendly way. They never get angry or lose their cool. Good, effective PRs are always extroverted when they’re working, no matter how many of their buttons are getting pressed. This is not easy work. I’ll bet in his heart of hearts, the Little One really misses you, Mike. .
In response to Ronnie – “Sindy, it would never occur to Miscavige & Co. to respond to Leah’s statement in any other tone level. They’ve simply sunk that far down the tone scale. It’s the natural level of their ARC.”
Yes, I would imagine that poor old Dave is stuck in some war incident so he just keeps on flailing, no matter what it looks like to the public. Somebody is going to have to grab him by both arms and drag him out of there, still kicking and screaming his obscenities.
My apologies for the following. It might be too graphic for some but pretty much duplicates the DM case to a tee.
Hey Dave…
If the whole cult leader thing doesn’t pan out you could always earn a few green backs being a study subject for the most pioneering universities in the field of neuropsychology.
They would just love to know how someone can be so evil, stupid, psychotic and immature… All at the same time.
Just say’in…
You go, Mike! You rock!
I think OSA people are blinded by their paycheck. They have been mostly the only ones that gets a ‘living wage’ and know no other way to make an honest living.
Only Stevie Wonder could be blinded by those paychecks. 🙂
Church of Fear. When you are hypnotizxed by fear of something you do things counter survival like working for next or nothing.
I watch Dancing with Stars, it’s a great show.
Go Leah ! I Love it !
OK !
As much as I do know that such a statement must have been make, it strains my credulity to think that DM could be so stupid as to do make such a public statement. Talk about confirming exactly what Leah said!
Hey, OSA people. If you have a shred of personal integrity left, look up “Gluts PR” and (if you really care, you’ll dare) write WHOEVER caused this statement to be issued, a cramming order. If it results in your head on a pike, realize that there’s no honest game to be played where you are, and defect.
There are rumours about the OOT’s at Flag. Do you know what’s going on there ?
Graduations ? Stats ?
Sorry, I can’t attend myself, so I have to rely on what people send me. I know OSA went on a massive search and destroy effort to stamp out all “leaks”. I am sure more info will pop up sooner or later. BUt don’t worry, I am confident everything is going wrong, there is mass confusion, staff are staying up all night working on things that are canceled the next day, nobody really knows what is happening, the public are in mystery but scared shitless to even ask a question about how long do they need to stick around for the even that was was promoted as happening in mid-September. It’s the usual clusterf**k that always seems to follow Miscavige around. Strange thing that….
Kathy False (True) must be having a hard month with this massive search and destroy laborious mission at CW.
Another thing the Pope on a Box doesn’t get is that all her fans and the public audience for DWTS are living vicariously through Leah and the other celebs. For a few moments, they ARE Leah and the dancers.
When this ‘ecclesiastical leader’ calls Leah ‘self absorbed’, he is slapping everyone in the face….but then again, he’s been known to do that before.
LOL. Miscavige should totally do DWTS.
It’s just a big Missed Withhold response isnt it? “The Church” which is Miscavige just has to destroy anyone who misses his withholds. These statements from the Church are the worst possible PR. You couldn’t think of worse if you were an enemy, but I guess he just cant help responding in stimulus-response fashion.
He works out right, he might do good on the show. Would he dance with a woman though?
Too many footbullets, it’s a miracle he can stand up at all.
Cat Daddy that was spot on and I’m still laughing from the visual I got…
He’d dance just to prove he’s right, Cat Daddy, foot bullets and all. And then, if he didn’t get a 30, he’d put all three judges in the hole. 😉
Bingo !
Touché !
What a completely fucking STUPID thing to say.
David, she has truckloads of that which you have not – Class and style.
She is loved by millions of people , you wIsh your were!
Nobody likes a bully and that is how you are being perceived by Leah ‘s fans.
Hubbard has stated that the wrong thing to do is nothing. In your case he is oh so WRONG.
Dear Davey,
Your comment on Good Morning America:
“We know this may come as a surprise to someone as self-absorbed as Ms. Remini”
The only surprise here is how fast you surfaced to take the bait ……I mean button. Know this; all of the Ess Pees you have identified will be chumming you big time. Enjoy the feeding!!!!
Who talks this way????? The Cof$ is classless trash, completely out of touch. Good luck getting new recruits, Cap’n Dave.
This thread is made of AWESOME
Tony Dovolani is showing the markings of a high level Auditor by the way. With compassion, understanding and love.
Spot on Cat Daddy. You also just gotta love the pure honesty and openness from Leah! People will pick up that that vulnerability, and THIS time, it is going to win her even bigger support! I’ll keep watching for sure. You go Leah!
You crack me up Cat.
Thank you for posting the video. No TV here. She did really well and it was a joy to see all the wins she had with the acks from the judges and the audience!
Let’s not for a moment take our eye off the fact, that we are dealing with an entrenched sociopath. All the rest follows on quite predictably, according to the traits listed by Martha Stout, in her book, “The Sociopath Next Door.” Know your adversary! In fact, know him even better than he knows you! ( and better than he knows himself too!)The best way to win any game is with a superior “game plan” — Ask any top sports coach, for confirmation. BTW, I fancy Ray Jeffery as the best all round representative to pull off the BIG win in the upcoming Mrs. Monique Rathbun vs. Miss Cabbage & the CO$ entourage of legal vultures. Any side bets?
Come to think of it, it’s not surprising to me at all, that DM’s plot to make Marty Rathbun’s life a “living hell” has turned the corner (180 degrees, in fact!) and now the plot has moved into reverse gear, and is headed back inexorably toward the originator! Ahhhh, the bitter
sweet irony of unstoppable Karma! (That’s “motivator” in Scientologese, BTW, Mr unable-to-function-sanely, David Miss Cabbage.)
This is funny. Just yesterday the “Church” paid for a press release to honor friendships and families in accordance with the UN.,c9470946
The Church of Scientology cares about friendships and ties that hold people together for one reason and one reason only, LEVERAGE. I had a friend in the church that expressed concern over my departure and upset with the church (they had committed FRAUD) and they told her in no uncertain terms to DISCONNECT (sever affinity, reality and communication) with me or else risk losing her “eternity”. (Shellah I wish you the best and hope one day you open your eyes and get the straight scoop about what your *church* has actually been up to) signed, Doug Parent (recent OT3 completion with the Indies) yes you can get your CCRD and move up the levels too Shellah. No more stops.
I love Shellah. She’s such a sweetheart. It’s always so hard for those people with pure hearts to believe anybody could be “that” evil. But they are, Shellah. Read “Method used by subject to handle others” about the 3.5 in association with a 1.1 and what happens to the 3.5 as a result. Science of Survival, second page into the chapter.
I hate it that they hold someone’s “eternity” ransom – especially when the highest trained/LRH trained auditors are out here.
Had he released a statement saying, “We wish Leah nothing but the best going forward” instead of personally insulting her and making a grammatical error, he could have come out of last nights PR nightmare looking OK. Instead, he looks desperate and petty. Oh well.
Desperate and petty — pretty good sum up of Miscavige at this point Nurse Ratched.
Wasn’t he always, Mike? 😉
Cob thinks that people can’t figure out that he is behind all of this insanity? Like some random spokesperson is going to make an idiotic statement like that?
We KNOW it’s you dm. You are going to crash and burn. I have to admit something though, I DO want to see you fail. I am already witnessing you fail, but I really can’t wait for the season finale.
I want to see him fail because SANITY IS inhibiting things which inhibit survival! David, OSA, the Sea Org that begs for them, are not being SANE and they are selling sanity!
We are just watching them burning down the house! Hold tight, we’re in for nasty weather.
Mr. “Self absorbed” is burning down the house! Hating your customers is as self absorbed as it gets! Working to destroy auditors is plain CRAZY! Fraud! Misrepresentation!
I agree O.
Heh heh, So does Wendy!
A good PR move (in my opinion) would be to express regret at the departure of Ms Remini from the church and to wish her well on DWTS. I know that sounds as if I have been smoking my socks, but that is what any other dignified corporation would do if someone left. Miscavige reveals his contempt for anyone who is not with the Church of Scientology which adds up to 7 billion minus 25 thousand = nearly the whole world. Nearly the whole world should be aware that he holds them in contempt.
Of course Wendy. But good PR moves and David Miscavige go together like oiliness and water.
Totally agreed. HE missed a golden opportunity to take the high road and slam dunk a beautiful PR point for the church with grace and class. Now, far from an “ecclesiastical leader” Little Boots sounds like a bratty 4th grader, retorting in a sing-song voice, “We do-ont ca-are, we do-ont ca-are, nya, nya, nya, nya-nya nya”. Leah dangled the bait and he snapped at it. Not smart. Sounds like David Miscavige needs to re-do his TRs & Objectives.
My hypothesis is he never grew up and is stuck at age 12 mentally
Yes Aquamarine! And also he needs a Sec Check (should we do it gang bang style?), because Leah Missed his Withhold but good when she filed that Missing Person’s Report on Shelley Miscavage. That must have infuriated him to no end. He must have had to hold on to that copper grounding rod with both hands and both feet!
Wendy M.
Yes , correct PR and fix whatever is causing people to leave.
Universal Studio’s Theme Park has an aggressive handle policy to fix whatever upset a visitor because it was discovered that one upset visitor will tell 9 people about the terrible time so and so had, and each of that 9 people will each tell 9 other people and each of those 9 will blab to 9 others. David Miscavige is an idiot caught in the Civil War concept of might makes right. He can be counted on to do the exact wrong PR, wrong business moves and wrong business agenda.
As one critic of the current government put it, “they not only do the wrong thing, they do the exact opposite of the RIGHT thing!” That’s DeMon to the core.
Disgusting statement from the church, Beautiful statement from Mike Rinder! We are winning! Hurray to all theta Thetans! To Leah Remini and beyond, to all theta Thetans! (I just cognited there are entheta Thetans, too, LOL!
Boy, well said…yes, this comment is a typical 1.1, covert, the mark of a coward.
But as the posting states we can see through it.
Leah is intelligent, bright and charming and she will win, not only in Dancing With The Stars but her whole life will flourish and prosper.
Tic-toc DM, yes, is getting really worse for you…tic-toc
So, what are people supposed to think when they read a nasty comment like that? Hey, nice church! I think I´ll join! – Not!
Mentally unstable is a scary way. Would hate to have him as my neighbor.
Using a guy’s metaphor, this whole scene (DM and people who are “mirroring” or “copying” his mindset) reminds me of a boxing prizefight going into the final few rounds of twelve.
The boxer has been beaten bloody. Still standing on rubber legs. Swinging wildly trying to see through the blood streaming down his face.
The fight is so one sided now that it doesn’t look very pretty and even the crowd is waiting for the corner man to throw in the towel (which they do from time to time) and stop the fight.
I think the denouement (final resolution of a dramatic plot) is close at hand.
There aren’t too many steps you can take in the field of PR that are more futile than an angry, resentful smear against someone who is cheerful and charming.
…as well as beautiful, sexy, talented, well liked, funny …and SUCCESSFUL!!!
Wow, what a disgusting statement from the “church“!
Wow.Talk about alienating every person who hears that statement from the Co$. I keep thinking the PR just couldn’t get any worse and I keep being wrong. Wow.
It never ceases to amaze me that the Church of Scientology’s Public Relations response make their Public Relations look so nasty and evil…all coming from a “Church” that is suppose to eradicate crimes and help people become more “able”….
I love that they do this – it truly shows the World the true colors of the Cult!!
Of course their PR is one big fail after another. Mike Rinder left.
I don’t think it’s possible for them to issue a statement that isn’t completely batshit insane and reeking of pure hatred.
And Davey, it’s “COULDN’T care less” not “could care less” you dolt! Seriously, does anyone in that organization do KTL any more?
Remember that General during Katrina who famously said to reporters, “Don’t get stuck on stupid”?
Looks like Dave is stuck in the Stupid GPM with no way to get out of it.
Don’t look now, but everyone’s talking about you Dave…
“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid” –Ben Franklin
“Life is hard, but it’s harder when you’re stupid” –John Wayne
“Stupid is as stupid does”. –Forrest Gump
Perfect stated.
I find it hard to believe they actually did release such a statement. If they did, Good Morning America should now ask the Pope who the Catholic Church favors in “Dancing with the Stars.”
More evidence the man is an obsessed moron, busily digging his own grave. When it’s deep enough, he’ll fall in.
Aren’t we fortunate to be gone?
In stating that “we COULD care less” when it’s quite clear that what he meant was that he COULDN’T care less, David Miscavage shines the spotlight on his lack of education, on the glaring fact that he was denied one by the Cult of Scientology.
You nailed it.
So true, so true.
ahahahahahaha I want to see it, I want to see cob on dancing with the stars – slap his partner when he steps on her (his?) toes, his head explode when he doesn’t get a standing ovation or thank him for everything he’s done to keep dancing 100% standard!!!! He’d be a natural at doing the robot!
Hahaha, Gayle… so awesome!
How about a bus prop where he throws his partner under the bus
Bwahahahaha Breppen!
There could be all sorts of themes, sort of like Bill Nye did. “Dancing in the Hole” to the tune of “Dancing in the Dark” (where he does his best Fred Astaire on the heads of the sleeping execs), “Overboard,” where he throws his partner over the side of the ship and “Finger Breakin’ Boogie” (to the tune of “Boot Scoot Boogie”) where he breaks his partner’s finger a la Debbie Cook.
Here’s a little song for your “Bus Stop” routine, Breppen:
Poor little davey. The world out there is so cruel and he is so misunderstood! Gee, can’t little “third biggest bean” and best friend tom say anything?
“We COULDN’T care less” is how the saying is supposed to go. “We could care less” actually means “We care a lot, and wish we didn’t care so much.”
Freudian slip…
It’s east coast speak. In Philly they say, “We could care less”. Seriously. It’s an east coast speak.
Here’s an interesting article. Actually, I’m familiar with the phrase and use it myself to convey sarcasm. As the article points out, it dows not work quite as well on paper. It is also perhaps not what you would expect to hear from a church, more like something a teenager would say. Then again, this is a very “modern” religion. They don’t burn heretics and witches any more, preferring more refined methods.
Spot on Mike. One talk show said this morning – “wow, can you imagine someone of the cloth from your church making a comment like that about you”? He looks like a complete idiot.
In Demon’s case, the cloth is an old and quite dirty dish rag. To put him in the same category as an actual religious leader is to defame every legitimate minister and ecclesiastical leader in the world.
facepalm, facepalm, facepalm
Words just can’t tell what I feel…
facepalm, head-shaking, facepalm
Dave Buttonhead.
And since when does a high up religious figurehead step down from their box or pulpit to call someone “self-absorbed.” Really, Dave? Really? I guess it takes one to know one. But the wogs in the world must be incredulous to think of a religious leader having a spitting fight in the public media with a former member. They are taught to turn the other cheek. Davie, what do you teach?
He is a religious leader wannabe.
He sends his minions out to tell the world he is the “Pope” of Scientology and doesnt have time to waste on “little people” and he keeps proving that he is in fact obsessed with anyone and everyone who ever utters his name in public without the appropriate deference and fawning praise.
He may aspire to be seen as the Pope, but as each day passes he is seen to be more like Warren Jeffs or Jim Baker.
A small-minded, self-obsessed, mean-spirited hypocrite.
Yep he is now seen more like Warren Jeffs or Jim Baker, a small-minded, self-obsessed, mean-spirited hypocrite.
I think you were far too kind with your post. Warren Jeffs? Absolutely! Jim Baker? Spot on. Jim Jones? We’ll see…
Mike your entire post was not only spot on and perfectly worded. But shame on you for giving DM good advice. He may take it and that would stop all our fun laughing at the little puffed up buffoon. Watching him shoot himself in the foot is better than standup comedy.
There are so many hypocracies with DM. The SO are not allowed TV, and Davie is considered in the SO is he not? So how did he even see/hear what Leah said on DWTS? Maybe his flying monkey OSA stooges reported it to him.
And Davie, if you’re going to be quoted on national television, for God’s sake use proper grammar. The correct phrase is, “I couldn’t care less,” NOT, “I could care less.” Get your English in if you’re going to have it printed and repeated for all to see/hear.
Heed advice…?
That ship sailed a long, long time ago.
Hmm, methinks that ship was never launched at all….
There is a another saying in therapy circles…
“You spot it, you got it”
Miscavige say everything about himself when he opens his mouth and nothing about the person he his taking about.
He is uncanny that way.
Speaking of ships, I’d say the correct estimation of where Davey finds himself these days is more with the Concordia than the venerable Titanic.
He is desperately trying to raise the ship off the sand bar he drove it onto but in the end will simply scrap it for salvage value.
The correct phrase is, “I couldn’t care less,” NOT, “I could care less.” Unless of course he really does care an awful lot in which case it would true to say that, in theory at least, he really could care less it’s just that he doesn’t, if you get my drift. Don’t worry it’s how his mind works, kinda – meaning his mind kinda works…. 😉
See brilliant video posted by Sarah….
This is one of Miscavige’s strange turns of phrase that indicate plenty of M/Us. And the last person who tried to correct his grammar probably got a black eye for their trouble.
Re video posted by Sarah….. ahhhh that explains everything, awww you Americans… 😀
Dear Jane: In the long, long list of things about which DeMon knows little, English is, perhaps, the least of them. What a sad, sad little man he is. Or should I say “male”? He’s certainly not my idea of “Man” and I feel the final score is in regarding “male”!
Right, Jane Doe. His bad grammar could give the Scientology education process a bad name.