Just couldn’t resist this. As the Special Correspondent who sent this to me commented “I think the Flag OTC have jumped the shark”
The “execs” seated at the front wearing leis (someone went to Hawaii? or is this just MV=ship=islands=hula girls=leis level of stupidity) and glowsticks (planning a rave?)
A “Special guest” to the Flag OT Committee meeting — the “Ideal Org Moose Mascot.” Moose? Because it’s big and dumb and has an enormous appetite for anything green?
But, most important of all: please show up on Sunday as all attendees will receive a “special gift from COB”.
Taking votes on what the “gift” will be?
My vote is a photoshopped picture of COB being presented a Nobel Prize.
Or one of him being presented a Walt Disney Lifetime Achievement Oscar for contributions in the field of Animated Fantasy and CGI for his International “Management” Events (of course the presenter is his BFF).
Your ideas are welcome….
And just for fun, a little bonus to show that the madness is not confined to the Flag OTC. PAC has their own brand of lunacy, and out old friend Claire Taylor is letting it all hang out.
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014
From: Claire Taylor <[email protected]>
Subject: Good one!
Superheroes- Are you out there?
It’s time to turn on our super powers and move into a whole new universe!
It’s IDEAL org time and we all need to help-in whatever way we can!
Here are your Super Hero orders:
1. Be at event tomorrow. Caribbean party at 6 PM Events starts promptly at 8 PM with new Ideal Org song!
2. Turn on your Superpower ideas and use your superpower skills to help Unite Los Angeles in creating an Ideal Org in the Valley!
This is the largest Super Hero reunion ever! See you tomorrow!
Good Old Boy says
Dear leader is digging his grave sneer by sneer.
Adam says
I’ve got a question for you. [DELETED]
Please send your question via email (there is a contact me button). Putting this question and answer on the blog will derail the thread.
Espiritu says
Thank God.
But the fact that I even wondered if they were part of the flyer speaks volumes regarding what we have come to expect in “church” pro. It would have been no crazier than “poker night” or some of the other weird stunts that they actually have been tried.
: -)
Thomas Weeks says
I’m not sure what to think. These people are “OT fundraisers” considering the absurd amounts of money they have milked from Scientology public. Maybe this is the way it is done. At any rate it is more honest then selling Scientology bullshit at bloated prices.
Cooper J Kessel says
Hold the presses………….
Holy universes Batman, I think I am detecting a failure in Claire Taylors orders.
Yo Claire and Yo Julian,
What the hell is going on?
Claire said “It’s time to turn on our super powers and move into a whole new universe!”
Then she gave the order:
“Here are your Super Hero orders:
1. Be at event tomorrow. Caribbean party at 6 PM Events starts promptly at 8 PM with new Ideal Org song!”
Well here I am, 400 miles away from your event and what do I observe at 7:50PM on a wonderfully warm Saturday evening. Two of your super hero elites are across the street from me sitting out on the deck, having some beverages and a nice dinner. They are also known as Rod and Lori Daniells, my ex brother and sister in law. They helped Julian get me a fine goldenrod a while back.
Now how can this be? How can you and how can they move into this whole new universe if they would rather hang out at their house and enjoy a nice quiet evening rather than singing the blues with you and your other kool aide consumers?
Tell you what, I am going to cruise on over, have a beer and discuss this apparent outpoint to see what gives. I mean really Claire, an order is a frickin order so maybe it is just your admin TRs need some work. Just sayin…….. Jeeeze.
Idle Morgue says
One flew over…an Ideal Org?
Aquamarine says
🙂 🙂
Espiritu says
I am honestly a bit confused here. Were these pictures actually sent out with the “ideal org” promo to parishioners??
The message in the promo is stupid enough.
Please tell me that you added the photos yourself.
Mike Rinder says
Yes, I added the photos.
SadStateofAffairs says
Three new AOs opening this year? Presumably two of the three are the two existing AOs that haven’t yet been opened as Ideal Org 2014 style AOs (AOSHUK and AOSH Anzo). The third would have to come from the long promoted, never opened AOs South Africa and Canada. The idea of a viable AO in either location is a complete joke. They will succeed in taking a little business away from the other AOs, though, thus lowering the questionable viability of the existing AOs at the same time. Miscavige will present these as another great chapter in the awe inspiring expansion of the Church, while the reality will be an “expansion” of failing orgs, created at great expense.
Chuck Beatty says
Wow, imagine what the LA region OTC could drum up to build on this era of Miscavige condoned coffee shop fundraising!
The Flag or PAC OTC could do worldwide surveying encourage regional sponsoring of local costumed hero Ideal Org promoters, to come to be in the Scientology float(s) on the annual Hollywood Halloween parade!
OTC needs to get thinking bigger about looking for new donations and support for these new Ideal Orgs that at least are fixing up old buildings in cities around the world, the only good that Scientology’s money is being put to use!
SadStateofAffairs says
COB has upped the ante concerning his predilection to joke and degrade the very people he depends on for the Ideal Org funding. For several years now, he has been showing clips and photos of Ideal Org fundraising events with particularly goofy themes and costumes. Now we have both the PAC and Flag OTCs doing bizarre antics to promote getting people to the MV event? Come on.
The Church has become the Monty Python version of it’s former self.
Doug says
We have long since passed the time of having uniformly workable glow stick and mascot technology.
Hallie Jane says
Well, I’m kindof pissed. I have these cute Xmas moose that I put out (little red suits and sacks full of toys). I draw the line at the rcs usurping my moose. I really love my moose.
Jose Chung says
I think I’ve been in the mine too long.
These guys in drag are cheer leaders to raise more money
for David Miscavige who skims the Sea Org Payroll for 1.5 million per week?
ka says
(Silver, Gold, Platinum- )Humanitarians – New Civilization Builders – and now Super Heroes.
“It’s time to turn on our super powers and move into a whole new universe!”
They have approached the megalomania of their leader – HIS COBness – and moved now in a whole new universe of delusions.
MJ says
‘A Wonderful Guy’
I expect everyone that’s off lines to make fun
Of my proud protestations of faith in the cob,
And they’ll say I’m naïve as a babe to believe
Every fable I hear from a person that robs
Fearlessly I’ll face them and argue their doubts away,
Loudly I’ll sing how GAT 2 is the shit,
Flatly I’ll stand on my little flat feet and say
Davey is not a deplorable dick!
I’m not ashamed to reveal
The world famous feelin’ I feel.
I’m as corny as Dave on The Freewinds,
I’m at home with the comfortable lies
If you’ll excuse the expression I use
COB is a wonderful guy!
I am in a state of denial ,
Don’t watch the web cause it’s bad for my eyes.
And you will note there’s a hand on my throat
When I don’t praise that wonderful guy!
I’m as corny as Dave on The Freewinds,
I’m at home with the comfortable lies
If you’ll excuse the expression I use
COB is a wonderful guy!
zana says
I’m gonna wash that man right outta my hair! 🙂
MJ says
And Bloody Mary (Davey) could work too. 😉
MJ says
Zana, let’s not forget ‘There is nothing like a Dave.’
Aquamarine says
“And you will note there’s a hand on my throat when I don’t praise that wonderful guy”. Help me, please, I’m choking!
Hingle McCringleberry says
Here are the secret details of the OTC meeting later today:
1. The gift from COB are. . . wait for it . . . little bottles of SP Tears! This is proof positive that Co$ is workable technology and planet clearing is reality. These tears have been completely standardly collected by OSA in accordance with a newly discovered HCO Order which, when cleared of Suppressive Semicolons, made it clear that this is the step that will make Planetary Clearing a Reality.
2. The secret announcement is as follows- the CST team at Trementina has rediscovered the Thetan-Capturing Electronic Beam from Incident Two (it’s sticky). Using Electronic Beam Tech, our dedicated team has captured the Tooth Fairy! She’s being kept in an electronic cage with an eternal battery somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. This is the greatest victory in the last 200,000,046 years in this sector of the Guhlaxy, and will finally make Planetary Clearing a Reality. COB RTC is proud to announce that Regges and FSMs will now be able to accept donations in teeth as well as in postulate checks, first born children, and SP scalps. The Finance Dictator will give a briefing on the Orders of Magnitude Conversion Factor Tech for donated teeth vs. IAS status both for Publics and WISE member dentists.
Hip, Hip, Hooray!!!!!!
Fredric L. Rice says
“special gift from COB”
Oh! My bet is it’s an ass-fucking from a dwarf which the receiver gets to $ pay $ big $ bucks for before saying “Thank you, sir!”
Espiando says
It is Pride Weekend right now, Fred. Somewhere, in the back room of some leather bar somewhere, that scenario is happening. Too bad that the Scilons can’t make it fun like a backroom can.
mwesten says
It’s Ideal Org time? (Is there any other?) That’s my favourite time! Woop woop! Time to pull out all the stops, dress like a chump, sing karaoke, auction off a bicycle, melt down some gold teeth, crush reg the gullible, all for the greatest good – the church!! Watch as we waste everyone’s money buying up a building that will stand empty whether it’s open or not. Watch as we foul up the cases of those few who can still afford their next level on the Bridge. Watch as we lose more auditors and staff who refuse to put up with the ridiculous orders and stat pressures from above. Watch the transition of our org from a buzzing hive of delivery and personal enhancement to an incessant fundraising centre. Hear a pin drop as our public lose interest and stay away, ignoring our calls, emails, our knocking on their doors. Read internet sites and blogs to learn of another handful of Sea Org members who have escaped after suffering horrific abuses. Realise that the person in charge of all this is an unimaginable idiot and sociopath who cannot change even if he wanted to. Look and see that we are far from alone in having these thoughts and that it is not okay to put up with it anymore. Discover true freedom and let’s walk out of the door.
MJ says
Can’t you just see Dave dancing to it so as to express all the joy and love he truly feels for the human race?
mwesten says
In a padded cell, perhaps. Wearing a straitjacket. Whilst drooling.
jgg2012 says
“Taking votes on what the “gift” will be?” An autographed picture or statue of COB? Or how about self-addressed envelopes in different colors for you to send checks to COB? A chip that blocks anti-scientology content from the internet?
MJ says
Morris Adams says
Just when I thought I couldn’t get more nauseated! Now I will have to wait to eat until the afternoon.
Cat Daddy says
remoteviewed says
I’ve been saying that for years.
Scientology has turned into nothing but an elitist social club run by an aspiring wannabe “Pope” which is more like the Skull & Bones or Opus Dei than it is like the Church in Rome.
Cat Daddy says
Onley the people in it where or are the good in it. So many lies from the get go
remoteviewed says
You can say that about *any* Organization or group.
Cat Daddy says
You are right of course but Get over at Marty’s : New post up
GTBO says
A gift from the corn on the COB?
A “commendation” written by a RTC pleb in bad English with a forged signature (if any)
basketballjane says
Mike don’t insult the hilarious men of the Big Bang Theory by posting their picture with this post. They are way higher class than that! Unless Clair used that pic in her email but I doubt it. She doesn’t watch tv because it is all filled with SPs.
Pepper says
That’s who those guys are! I knew they looked familiar but don’t watch The Big Bang Theory.
scnethics says
Leis and glowsticks?! Wow, they must be at 22.0 on the tone scale!
MJ says
Sorry, but as unofficial editor of this blog I have to correct your number from 22.0 to – 22.0. You’re welcome!
thegman77 says
You got the number right, but forgot the -in front of it. 🙂
Dave says
I’m sorry Mr Rinder, but someone must be pulling your leg! An Ideal org Moose Mascot? That cannot be real.
Jose Chung says
OK , Bat Girl, Wonder woman,, Super girl, and Cat woman, all reporting for Submarine duty ?
LDW says
Maybe it’s just me, but I think there is a big difference between “spirit of play” and “stupid.”
A civilization without insanity, without criminality and without war is just around the corner.
Mike Rinder says
🙂 🙂 🙂
Cooper J Kessel says
They should save the photo op and show it at next years Super Bowl.
“Scientologists in action saving the planet!” following the ecclesiastical leaders discovery of heretofore unknown rundowns for OT IX and X.
MJ says
Yeah I’m sure all those bikers and rednecks crunching on their beer nuts will relate.
Espiando says
Why not have an Ideal Moose mascot? They already have the Ideal Squirrel running the whole thing.
remoteviewed says
Well they got Rocky the Squirrel AKA David Miscavige. Now they need a Bullwinkle.
Now all they they need is Boris and Natasha.
Espiando says
John Allender and Linda Hamel would fit the bill. They, like Boris and Natasha, are pathetic spies and utter failures.
David Cooke says
Alas for that lonesome li’l squirrel, every moose in his life has either escaped or been sent to the Hole.
visitor says
The “ideal org song” – something along the lines of “give ALL your money to COB, NOW!”.
(Some other posters here are better with song lyrics than I am, hopefully a good song will be posted.)
Cooper J Kessel says
I think it is called “Highway to Hell”
MJ says
I think Angus would be in Dave’s face.
gato rojo says
I’ve always had a place in my heart for “Hell’s Bells.” That funeral bell ringing in the background has a kind of cool message….. <3
cre8tivewm says
So as a reward for giving up Saturday and Sunday evening to the OTC, they get to skip their Monday meeting. Aren’t they worried about kool-aid withdrawal?
No guesses about the gift eexcept that it will be disappointing. Leftover printed materials from MV maybe?
Cooper J Kessel says
Maybe it will be a wallet sized portrait of dear leader and Lou so you can always have Him close to you. That would be nice.
theholedoesnotexist says
Wait … there’s OT glow sticks? I never got my frock and now I hear I missed out on glow sticks too. As to the prize, I’m going with an applause meter. The new OT Ambassador program will be the creation of a new post title: Applause Meter I/C. Last event video I saw there were were a few attendees who were definitely Not applauding enthusiastically. This will, of course, necessitate an Applause MAA, and the inevitable Applause Rundown. Fortunately, Miscavige discovered Ron’s applause notes buried underneath one of the Flag garage potholes. Naturally, this can only be delivered in an Ideal Applause Building. All OT Committee members will be ordered begin begging for Ideal Applause.
Because there’s never enough applause for the tone deaf.
i-Betty says
Cooper J Kessel says
The Hole,
What about the new knee jerk meter which will be released at the IAS MV event? Gotta have one of those to measure the speed one can get there ass off the chair to begin the ovating of dear shit for brains.
Next year will be a new release of artificial knee implants to speed ones progress of ovation which will only be available at the SP building following successful completion of the Cause Resurrection Rundown.
Delilah says
If there really were any OTs, 1. All of us SPs would be dead. 2. If there were any real OTs wouldn’t they be able to glow all by themselves?
Sorry for the hidden standards, but…
MJ says
Then there wouldn’t be a game, so out of the goodness of their hearts, they’re letting us thrive. Yeah, right.
zana says
Ahhhh.. the Applause Tech. And the Standing Ovation Tech Rundown. And the Bravo and Bravitzimo Tech. Yes… And the Kazoo tech.
Totally Dipshit Tech.
Again… It reminds me of that old movie King Of Hearts… where the inmates of the insane asylum take over the asylum.
Potpie says
Rocky and Bullwinkle made much more sense than
the current COS.
In fact this moose mascot thing is a complete
invalidation to Bullwinkle.
If I were a moose, I’d sue the church!
As far as the church jumping the shark?
It should be humping the the shark!
There was a time that I
would look at that super hero picture
and think jeez I hope those aren’t Scientologists.
No I look at it and try to figure out if I know
any of them.
I bet the fabulous complimentary dinner is food
left over from the menus of flag restaurants from
the night before.
This is all too beautiful!
Mooser42001 says
“If I were a moose, I’d sue the church!”
I would be consulting my solicitors at this moment, but somebody told me soliciting is against the law here. Oh, somebody should tell those girls in the picture, too.
But wait, they do have Ideal Super Powers that allows them to expose the worst of delusion.
The gift from “all mighty’ COB could be a photo of his with a sneer stamped on his face, seated on a throne so every body would be able to see him as otherwise he will be missed due to his microscopic stature but, the sneer will reflect his thoughts: “got you idiot, you are still under my spell and I will rip you off as much as I can”.
Zana says
All I could think of is how awful it would be to be required to go to this event and eat mediocre food, watch bad entertainment and be bored to tears while subjecting myself to being fleeced by a mob of Regges descending on me to pressure me to fork over all my money.
I politely decline because I am one of those defrocked apostate Special Persons out on the fringe of the internet having a great time with my life and keeping the money I earn.
Cooper J Kessel says
Perfectly stated. It sure is tough out here in the hinterland without the benefit of the sanity of the cult superheros. I guess we will just have to suffer through it until the ethics pressure can bring us to a realization that life in the bubble is somehow so much more enjoyable than our pitiful existence.
I’ll think it over as I sail about a high sierra lake today with the white puffies aloft. Just think, I could be in an IAS reg office somewhere watching videos of some crackpot telling me how to save the world rather that on this crappy little sailboat!
zana says
Oh yeah… some crappy little sailboat out in the middle of God somewhere, melting you into the great harmony of existence. Relaxing all the cells of your body and filling you with peace. Com’on, Cooper… you could be hammering some poor pcs in the basement theater at CCI in Hollywood. You could be wearing a black tie and a white shirt and sleeping in a smelly room with 8 bunk beds and a lot of unhappy guys who are pissed that they’re not out sailing somewhere in a crappy little sailboat melting into God. Oh… that’s where we started. Hmmm… stay where you are. Bask in it, baby. 🙂
Cooper J Kessel says
I don’t know what has come over me. I’ll try and get my ethics in and get back to the smelly basement. Thanks for getting me straightened out!
Pepper says
Quite right. Stay home, enjoy your life and keep the money you earn. The regging will be strong tonight at the PAC MV event. The food will be so-so and the noise level will be deafening, while you will simultaneously be bored to tears.
MJ says
Sounds like fun.
zana says
Yesterday I was talking to another de-frocked apostate living under the radar (we just reconnected) and he said that she was quite sure that the loud music has something to do with implanting hidden messages in them for brainwashing. I have not studied brainwashing techniques… but it feels to me like it could be possible. I sure couldn’t get away fast enough from the Shrine Auditorium. Yikes.
statpush says
Scientology is not just a cult….it’s the goofiest cult around.
zana says
They are crazy. I just read the latest at possiblyhelpfuladvice.com.
I am convinced that it’s official: The inmates are officially running the asylum
Steph says
It’s the Wacky World of the C of S !
What a bunch of loons.
MJ says
Damn, this is oh so inspiring! Feel my failed purposes getting rekindled by all this heroic effort!!! Plus Flag is offering “a fabulous complimentary dinner” which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt their exchange is in! Look out planet, here we come!!!!!!!
Can I confirm all you guys to attend? Please?!!!
Joe Pendleton says
I know that Bat Girl, Wonder Woman and Super Girl are not spring chickens any more, but heck, they are out there pitching for the Valley, and I don’t know about y’all, but I’m DAMN inspired by their super commitment! You go, girls!
Pepper says
Those “girls” in the photo above are actually men.
MJ says
In the church, is there a difference?
Richard Kaminski says
I knew that.
remoteviewed says
So in other words we got a bunch of Churchies who like dressing in drag.
Guess they could call ’emselves the Scientology Dolls. You sorta like the New York Dolls.