Here is some feedback from the adoring crowds at the FH Auditorium last night who turned out to see the great man in person.
Absolutely, without doubt, the greatest event EVER!!!!!
Thousands of trainees!
Super Power is coming!
We are going to trash the Coachman!
You are all going back to redo everything you ever did and pay us for the pleasure of it!
The 5 man orgs are being required to send 7 staff to Flag!
It is a SHORT training line up — they will be gone for 3 years absolute MAX!
Look at that magnificent new empty org in “Scientology City”!
Let me tell you how we won a massive victory in Portland!
Turn over your money!
Turn over your children!
Turn over your brains!
Three cheers for Dave!
And a round of applause please for Ron…
For Mike:
Co$-dream and reality of the org in Basel/Switzerland (May 26, 2013):
Click on the pictures to enlarge.
Absolutely hilarious! Seriously, you couldn’t make this shit up!
Mike, your blog is awesome. You should really consider adding a “Social Meda” section where you list tweets and status updates. They provide a small fascinating window into the world of those still guzzling, and loving, the kool aid. Both hilarious on the one hand, and quite terrifying on the other.
Keep them coming!
Can someone please tell me how Scientology, as delivered via the corporate church, is any different than psychiatry and its industry of lies, deceit, thievery, promises not kept, financial fraud, tech perversion?
The Ultimate Betrayal.
So, basically what miscavige is telling his clubbed seals is that after 30 years HE has finally figured out how the Scientology Grades work; and HE has finally figured out how training works??????
100% sociopath; suppressive; con-artist; anti-social…however you want to label it.
The rest of us have simply been delivering it correctly all along and getting declared for it.
Talk about a literal cluster-fuck…or fucked cluster.
96? How many training evolutions have we seen? And where is all the expansion from the previous training evolutions? And 1600? That’s more than all the staff they have in all the Class V orgs put together. This stuff is hilarious.
What you said sounds so much like Comrade Stalin speeches that is insane.
None wanted to stop clapping, so a mechanical device was used to let everybody know when it was ok to stop clapping!
Unbelievable, the shit you had to put up with from this asshole.
I just wanted to add something to the Stalin thing. I’ve noticed that during Scientology rallies the audience cheer like crazy. Is the sound all real or do they pump extra crowd noise over the speakers?
One of the strange thing about moving to Hungary after living in the West is how a theatre audience reacts after a performance. In the West (US, UK, France), there is random applause. If the audience are not amused, the respond by clapping, but do so slowly, and in time, and for a long time. Quick, random applause = good. Slow, regular, monotone applause = bad.
Before Stalin came to power, he was locked in a power struggle with Trotsky. Stalin was a thug from Georgia who was gifted with slow, active, intuition and a psychotic ruthlessness where he would eliminate any he considered “might” be a rival now, or later. Or just someone who pissed him off one day. Unfortunately, when it came to speaking, he was no match for Trotsky, who was a very powerful and sharp orator. He hated speaking in the same room as Trotsky, because he would come across as dumb and would always lose.
After coming to power, Stalin gave his first speech to the Communist Assembly. He drones on for hours. I think he even had it put out as a 4-disc LP. When he finished speaking, he was greeted by applause. It started off as regular, random, applause. But after a few minutes, the audience began to tire. As no-one wanted to be the first person to be seen to stop clapping, the applause slowed down and became regular and monotone. This way the audience could stamina clap. Anyway, 3 of the sides on the LP are just applause.
Even after Stalin was entrenched in power in the Soviet Union, he ordered the assasination of Trotksy, a man who had been sent into exile and banished from the country. He was murdered, rather flamboyantly, with an ice pick.
Before communism came to Hungary, applause here was the same as it is today in the West. Once communist hit, settled and stayed, the way Hungarians enjoyed things changed and the new monotone regular clapping became the norm.
After 40 years of communism ended in 1989, you would think that Hungary would have had time to revert back, but that isn’t the case. If you were to go to see a play, musical, opera, concert, tonight here in Budapest, the applause at the end would still be slow, monotone, and robotic.
What I’m trying to say is that decompression after a long period of living under an ideological regime takes a very long time. And there are some things that I think are almost impossible to reprogram.
I would compare our dear little leader to Napoleon or Hitler, but that is an insult to the latter ones mentioned here.
WTF did I just read?!
Important point about David Miscavige speeches. You always wonder- why do people leap up and do standing ovations whenever he pauses to take a deep breath? Is he really that charismatic and are they really that dumb. Actually NO. They are generally not ALL that dumb. Here is what happens. DM comes to town and is prepping for an event. Ahead of the event he does a “staff only” briefing. The SO staff are all rounded up, every single last one of them. He struts out on to the podium. Then you suddenly notice that the walls are lined with RTC staff and MAAs who are staring into the crowd and glaring at the audience. DM starts speaking, he pauses, everyone leaps up and starts clapping and cheering- but as the clapping dies down, out of the corner of your eye you see a couple of guys getting hauled off by the MAAs. After the briefing the word goes round. Not clapping loud enough, not enthusiastic enough. Tsk tsk. These “out ethics” people are NEVER seen again. They go into days of gruelling ethics interogations until they confess their anti-DM crimes. Once they confess, they go to the RPF and from the RPF after 5 or 7 years of abuse and mental torture, they are SP declared and off loaded- never to be heard from again. So when you see one of these events, keep in mind that most of the people in the audience are SO staff. (There are very few public with ethics clearance to be in the same room as DM, so normally more than 50% of the audience is SO staff). These staff know that if they do not applaud loudly, cheer wildly and leap to their feet for standing O’s at every chance, they might never see their spouse again. They might never speak to their family ever again. They might be starving on the street in a month or two. And let me assure you, it is possible to get really, really enthusiastic under those kind of circumstances. And as long as more than half the room are clapping and screaming and cheering, the other half will normally go along, no matter what they really think. The “whales” feel reassured. “Well everything must be OK, just listen to that crowd” they think. So the disconnection club is a much stronger weapon than most people realize. If you put a person up against a wall and tell them they will lose their job, their spouse, their parents, their children and every friend they have in the world, you can get them cheer for almost anything – and voila- thats exactly what you have. Yes, the remaining Scientology public are a lot like clubbed seals. But they are led by SO staff. And SO staff have a gun right to their head. Disconnection is what gives DM the power to make the seals perform. If you don’t believe me consider this- the Fort Harrison Auditorium will only hold about 800 people. SO staff and outer org trainees at Flag are about 1300-1400 at any given time. Not one single public needs to show up for DM to speak to a packed house of screaming and applauding devotees- people who are devoted to not getting SP declared that is. Sure some of those people think DM is Gods gift. But not all. Not by a long way.
Rory — there is actually more to this. There are selected staff who sit in the front row who lead the standing ovations. THEY stand up and everyone behind if obliged to follow. I was once removed from post by Miscavige and put in the bilges under guard for failing to “lead” a standing ovation for the release of the What Is Scientology? book on the Freewinds.
Enforced enthusiasm. Now isn’t that an oxymoron.
Enforced Can’t-Haves, can’t have your Bridge, can’t have your spiritual enlightenment / freedom, can’t have your family, jobs, friends if you are declared, and Enforced Overt Have, must have enthusiasm. Must clap and stand in ovation.
Can’t haves and enforced overt haves are SP products.
Holy Mother Effer…. what? For real…serious? I cannot understand how someone at some point didn’t deck this weirdo creep. Hasn’t he already done the worst to people by cutting them off from their families that actually smacking this fucker in the face wouldn’t have made things any worse. I’m just about speechless… the lack of physical retaliation makes me doubt all these stories, yet I have that horrible feeling down deep that every word I’ve read is true and not embellished at all.
I suspect it’s too late now, anyone who could smack this fellow now will never have access (Dm isn’t stupid enough now, surely?)… so that leaves me to believe that everyone with access now are co-conspirators. NAMES, dammit… name these fuckers too! This guy is not acting alone… there is no way he could pull this off alone.
The “Dear Leader” nickname is very apt! What egotistical insanity! Where is that on the tone scale? Probably “controlling bodies”.
Anja is so proud of dear leader……. and “just secured her last intensive to get back onto VII.” That’ll last 6 whole months Anja and then you can sell your last remaining child.
I can’t take much more of this. 😮
And now some poor schmuck thinks there are 200 orgs. Maybe somebody Photoshopped 80 extra ones?
It’s interesting to see the excitement about the new releases in the posts. I used to feel like that. Now that I know it’s just new layers of same old recipe of PR. The only bridge these guys are headed on is the bridge to more disappointment.
I concur with Mike as this has happened before-COB arrives and everybody (not a generality) goes frantic and in despair. The made wrongs on staff coming from RTC wont stop, endless nights will ensue until the staff are so tired and so downtone that going into automatic is the only way to keep going. Orders will fly back and forth throughout the Org Board, breaking command channels and hats to “get things done” because he works 24/7″ so, why not the rest do the same? And so on and on. Yet, the unmock of the Orgs will continue as, if they have 7 staff and have to send what, 8? well…the already shattered Orgs will end disappearing for real, even though they are not really THERE, it is just an apparency. But the blind will keep following the blind…his Why, not ours.
As he goes off for his suba trip…..
Mike, You have the ability to recognize outpoints and deal with them in a lighthearted way. Which keeps us accurately informed without having to be dead serious and enturbulated. Thanks for all your postings.
Notice Anja starts off with “I won’t say anymore because I don’t want to give it all away, but it was pretty epic.” and then, within the same minute is gushing it all out?
Just had to chuckle.
Just being in His Presence gives one altitude. Nothing else matters really.
Catch the Freudian Slip:
Iride Palavicini Prado writes…
“Wowowowow that’s absolutely
awesome and exiting!!!!”
A wannabe indie?
Or a description of the public’s reaction to GAT II?
Good catch Statpush. LOL
Chris, I appreciate your thoughts here. The last time I was in an org, Freewinds Maiden Voyage event, around the time I stopped speaking to reg’s and only starred back at them. I think it was 2008, around when the basic books were being heavily pushed. I sat in the audience when everyone else was standing, and left my hands in my lap when everyone else clapped theirs and cheered. It was intense and liberating. Not unlike running through an auditing process. Another “witnessing” activity that can only result in wins and growth. I was there just to be there and observe, to be with and around the people I used to very happily drink KoolAid with. I was at that point, “Something is wrong, and Scientology is not really expanding and all the orgs I’ve been to seem to be declining, but maybe this is a solution…” That “point” of departure. That “point” when it started occurring to me that the emperor wasn’t wearing any clothes. I even brought with me a non-sci friend who supported me going through this. We left early.
How long will people as a whole buy into his PR? I get it- if I was still in I would go to an event like this and it would give me some hope. I, tending to want things to go right and working at my Org to get something done I am open to solutions. Something is wrong, and Scientology is not really expanding and all the orgs I’ve been to seem to be declining, but maybe this is a solution. I dont quite get it, but I will grant Miscavige beingness as a super OT and if I go along wih this most recent program from RTC/Miscavige maybe something will happen. All the prior peograms seem to have failed, but that was probably my fault. My Org didnt do our part. We didnt do it right I guess. I feel like I need to support this because everyone else is clapping and if I didnt clap it would mean something is wrong with me.
Didn’t LRH say that people ge the government that they deserve? I’m not sure , but someone said it.
I guess it could also go: Scientologists get the management that they deserve.
I mean after a point you have to say that they must WANT to buy into the hoax. Just as some Christians poor money into the guy who goes around pushing on peoples heads and they get healed. BAM!! Pure hocus pocus. This is DM’s version of faith healing and there are a lot of people who seem to need and want it.
Yes Chris, Unfortunately I feel lots of people including myself had that type of think going on when we were in. I might still be a church member if the church had not did shit to piss me off which made me go to the internet to find out WTF was going on.
What you say is very true Chris, but I will tell you something else, based on my experience.
I had been thinking pretty much the way you state here, but when it came to a point where I realized that I had better look at the other side or else lose my wife, and then while I was looking at the Truth Rundown and stuff like that, something deep inside of me was getting pretty excited that finally it was being explained to me why we had been experiencing so much failure for all these years – COB was the SP in the situation and Int Management was absolutely nowhere as far as actual management of the church was concerned. It took a while to become consciously aware of this understanding but still looking back on it, I can see how excited I was becoming to see that I was no longer going to have to endure this horrific scene.
I just needed to have a point where my necessity level to LOOK had to be brought way up very fast. When that finally happened I was able to slowly but surely see why all this chronic failure had been happening.
If I had been watching the Truth Rundown after having experienced win after win after win as a group member, if I had actually felt that we had been expanding and if the experience had actually been a rewarding one, if I had actually been achieving my third dynamic goals, I doubt that the Truth Rundown and other publications I was reading at the time would have had much of an effect on me.
Everyone has their own breaking point. Mike’s blog is the most effective publication I have seen so far that helps people reach their breaking point faster.
Chris, it’s the same misplaced hopefulness that the parent of an addict feels. Or the battered wife, smiling at the cop, telling him, “my husband really loves me. He’s just feeling down because of losing (his job, his car, his mistress) and I said, he shouldn’t feel down and of course, what do I know about feeling like he does, so he hit me, and rightfully so, so I wouldn’t keep getting it wrong.”
It’s the opened minded lament of the PTS. They fixate on the goal of being free, of living lifetimes without stress or abuse and will endure almost anything to hang on to that dream. It’s sad to watch. It inspires unbelievable anger of the person causing all of this. Who takes advantage of a being’s reach for a better existence — it’s evil incarnate – as some good books say. It’s David McFly. A real person who will drop, like a real person, once someone, anyone, lands the punch.
You nailed it, Chris. That is the think.
Yes Mike, Oh the absolutely overworked and lonely existence of one of the greatest leaders this planet has ever witnessed. We mere mortals just have no idea and can never appreciate his tireless work to save our planet.
“The lines to orgs right now are total and utter screaming psychosis, believe me.”
Mike, you aren’t even exaggerating!
This post titled “Let the Cheering Begin” should be subtitled “Let the Clubbing Begin”! Ugh…… All those pitiful seals.
All hail the great and diminutive dm. Pay no attention to the little man behind the curtain. He is just working here.
I believe everybody with a little ability to analyze has left already. What is left are the few who are not so great in the brains department.
Isn’t standing in the aisles against Fire Department regs ?
and yeah…me too Sam.
Please People! You have to look at this from little Davie’s point of view….all these people simply want him to rape them spiritually and financially! It is his solemn obligation to get up their and lie through his teeth! It is after all, what his adoring public reward him for time and time again………….
Ugh. I feel sorry for people like Karry’s parents who spent their whole lives supporting their families and put off doing their bridges until their kids were up and out of the house. Now they have a “Get up the Bridge” Jones that won’t quit. Their blinders are bolted on pretty tight.
Addicts need their poison. The reverse auditing is so suppressive, that it causes people to “lose their gains”. Differing from roller coaster, previous gains go missing, disappear, become misplaced, like they never occurred. This intentional unmock is the vital subproduct to coercing people to do processes and levels over again, because they are destablized and feel like shit. This CAN be reversed again with a caring, preGAT trained indy auditor as I, Karry and others can attest. Don’t accept the shoddy substitute, we deserve better.
This B.S. is Cool-Aid spiked with steroids.
The cob at Flag graduation = Desperation in spades = more waking up = more leaving =more of his crimes being exposed = and the dwindling spiral of oblivion continues at an ever quickening pace.
COB at graduation came about in this wise (he has been here in CW since after Portland — everyone in town knows it because there are security guards standing on the corners in downtown Clearwater. Not sure what they are doing, but probably on the lookout for SPs who might enturbulate the great man’s space.
Anyway, it is quite predictable that things went this way.
“You assholes couldnt get the trainees to Flag for GAT II. I did all the hard work and you cannot even pull off bringing people in to train on it you CI c**ksuckers. Now COB is going to have to get the people here too. I cannot rely on you people to do anything.”
So he jumps on his Boeing Business Jet and jets off to Clearwater where he announces his plans at Flag graduation (if anyone else had suggested doing this they would have been declared on the spot for “pre-empting him”) and then will have RTC and CMO contacting every org on earth directly telling them THIS is “Command Intention” and they are to drop everything and comply now. The lines to orgs right now are total and utter screaming psychosis, believe me.
He will walk around the Sandcastle and FH and do “inspections” and look important and send some people to the RPF for doing something he told them to do the last time he was at Flag, and he will be demanding hourly reports on how many people have arrived. In between he will call back to the Int Base and scream at whoever is there telling them the numbers of people HE has now gotten arrived. This will happen 3 or 4 times a day.
And after he has this under control, he will get on his jet again and head to the Freewinds as he will NOT miss his annual scuba diving trip.
If Bogota “Ideal Org” is completed in time, he might swing by there on the way to the Freewinds and cut another ribbon. Taiwan is probably too far away and would disturb his sleeping pattern to have to try and fit that in before MV.
One thing we know is that stats worldwide won’t change a bit even if
every org on the planet sends 10 people to Flag for training. With
stats I mean L. Ron Hubbard’s stats. Only Flag’s stats will shoot up.
I predict the orgs will suffer quite a few casualties as a result of this order. It was only about five years ago that Flag had a huge number of course supes in the making. Many of them had been there for years – I knew one person who seemed to be there for a decade trying to get through her line up. The line up changes once they get there so a three year TIP can turn into five to ten.
One outer org trainee that comes to mind is a 35-40 year old woman who hadn’t seen her kids in almost a year. She had passed all the stops required for her to “fire” back home (including a massive sec check with ethics handlings.) She was out of her mind excited. An hour later I saw her crying in the woman’s restroom. They had changed her line up and refused her CSW to go home. She was devastated. You think she’s going to go back to Flag? Ha! Outer org trainees are treated like a lower class of sub-human by SO members, they eat crap food that’s given to them from the cafeteria, they sleep in hotel rooms with poor A/Cs – six or more to a room on bunk beds and one bathroom to share between them all.
They would rather blow before they get ordered back to training at Flag.
Mike, I love your “simulations” of COB conduct in various situations. Problem is when I read this stuff I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Guess I need to learn to laugh and cry in a single sound.
O.K., so he is flippant and insouciant. Let’s try to focus on what is right about him. 🙂
Mike Rinder.
★★★★★ FIVE STARS ★★★★★
Thanks Karen B. DeMille 🙂
Also, he’s got the face that launched one ship. That’s not too bad either!
Wow, DM kicking it up a notch on the Luxury flying while staffs are roughing it in empty Idle Orgs, struggling to pay bills.
Yep Steve, you’re right. The Little Dutch Boy with is finger in the dike right before the explosion or implosion.
Why Something New?
Clearly the prerequisite to all other actions in the Church of Miscavage is to have your brain surgically removed.
now that is funny….I had the same thought!!! I however, believe it has happened!!! LOL
Yeah! That’s what DM really means when he says, “Arbitraries removed”, LOL.
It has to be just maddening for DM, OSA, The International Justice Chief and I don’t know how many others to see this information showing up at Mike Rinders Blog without delay.
I’m sure a new sec-check is being printed up as we speak to discover who are the “correspondents”, “tweeters”, “e-mailers”, “texters” and “bloggers”. No one sleeps until the mole is found!
Problem is that there are LOTS of moles. It’s worse than Whack-A-Mole! They just keep popping up. You hammer one and another one pops up next door. It sucks to try and keep the water from leaking out of the boat when the captain is up on deck shooting himself in the foot and those bullets are also splintering the hull.
Mike, one thing that can be said about your work here is that there is no limit to the material (outpoints) to write about – heck, you could clone yourself a hundred times and the material (outpoints) would not be exhausted.
It really is hard sometimes for me to believe how bad it can get and yet not just crumble down into one remaining pile with dm at the bottom. How high can you pile shit before it collapses under it’s own weight? How bad does it have to smell for those remaining to call it crap?
That is hilarious !
But honestly, I wonder sometimes if the young ladies who serve as the Flag MAAs don’t get so overwhelmed that they often slip away to the ladies room and once they are alone don’t just drop their face into their hands and cry uncontrollably. (The guys too)
When Debbie Cook’s email came out I got a call from one of these young ladies. She was doing a handling on me after a friend contacted her and let her know I had read the email and sent it along to others. She was very nice and in our conversation I asked how much of her time was being spent calling folks to do handlings regarding the email. She said, “All day long” and you could hear the exhaustion in her voice.
OMG your imagery is so fun and biting and wonderful. Mike I love your writing. You must must must write a book. Come on, your fans await.
Chaos merchant at work.
You gotta keep them scrambling around like rats.
It’s so over the top hearing people talk about dm like he’s some God or something.
He’s just an enrgetic dwarf with a God complex and he likes to keep his followers in confusion. Simple.
Energetic cuz he sleeps a lot. He is in affluence on sleep and tanning beds and hair transplants, and chiro adjustments and expensive clothes and organic expensive foods and chefs and, excuse me I think I’m going to be sick.
Brilliant, his new nickname, EDGC
With the extra added bonus that it’s …. wait for it … here it comes … a MYSTERY!
Just want to puke…..what a load of the same BS. Same crap every year nothing has changed in 20 years.
Woah, hold on. Did David Miscagive say 1000 trainees for GAT II and 340 trainees for Superpower? Is this guy slick or what. He announced the START of the training for Superpower. He can push the release of Superpower back another 3-5 years on the basis that the training evolution is ongoing at Flag. He slipped that by everyone at Flag Graduation. “Oh yeah guys- good news, we are going to call in 340 people from around the world to START training on Superpower. The AOs may be a little short harnded for the next 5-10 years, but its all for the greater good.” Well phew, lucky for him that no Scientologist who has endured years of sec checking and ethics handling has reasoning ability above chimp level. Good thing about chimps is that they can clap their hands and nod their heads. It always surprises me to see them posting on facebook though. And Mike, no one with a sing song voice and a lisp can even be considered an orator. I would say “great telepromoter tester” would be about as far as it will ever go with him. How many people notice the hypnotic sing songy delivery and lisp when he gives speeches? Anyhow back on point he should have said “Well folks we totally screwed up on the whole Superpower thing, the building is ready and there are no auditors trained to deliver”. Then the correct audience response would have been booing and tomatoes. Instead he says the same thing in different words and the chimps cheer and clap.
Well done Alex V. You spotted it for sure. He says all this wonderous stuff (to him anyway) and slyly slips in, “and we’ll start the training on Super Power.” That is enough whiff for the masses to whet their appetites and keep them donating for Superpower and keep them waiting patiently without question as to when it will open because now the excuse will be, “We’re training the auditors who will deliver Super Power.” I remember when for decades it was “we need the money for Super Power, so give.” Then it was changed to, “We need to recruit X number of SO staff to deliver it,” and now it is “We need to train staff to deliver it.” With those carefully chosen milestones, he can milk this for another decade for sure. By that time the old time Scns who should know better will be dead or blown and the new young trained seals won’t know any different cuz they hadn’t even been born when Super Power first came on the scene. And the young ones are easy to re-write history for.
Exactly – while the building takes 16 or something years to put in place – he never gave a thought to training the staff to coincide with the completion of the building. Thank goodness he doesn’t have to do any military planning of national importance! Also thank goodness he doesn’t have to plan any school picnics!
This all is utter nonsense !
Fact is that nearly any active auditor, C/S or supervisor (not many of them in the orgs) in an org was trained by Flag in the last 15 years and now they retrain them ? And they weren’t aloud to deliver what they learned at flag and now they have to relearn it and are aloud to deliver it the way flag delivers it !
And people think this is a breakthrough !
It dosn’t make any sense at all what they are doing ! What the hell are they doing ?
All the Scientologist that will still be in the RCS aufter those announcements (it’s not evenn annoucements, just words that don’t make any sense and send you spining) are lacking any intelligence and can’t think a rational thought. The people cheering have lost their brains long time ago as those annoucements don’t make any sense at all !!!!!¨
I just can’t believe that such nonsense is at all possible !
My GOD !!!!!
WOW!!!! I’m a complete moron, but I know better because I’m a Scientologists, WOW!!!
Thank you COB, can I have more Sir?
David Miscaviage made an appearance at Flag Graduation last night?
That seems interesting. How often does that happen? My first thought reading that was, is this a case of the Little Dutch Boy (no pun intended though your free to have fun with it anyway) showing up just in time to poke his finger into the leaking dam before it gives way?
Politicians often do this. They are as rare as gold until they are in deep trouble with their constituents and suddenly they are seen everywhere glad-handing and having their pictures taken with the cutest of children. I would love to know if DM is at Flag to schmooze and rub elbows with staff in order to shore up the morale and keep the workers at the plow.
Ditto that!
I just got an e-mail from the Justice Chief FLB. Even A-E has been shortened. Now you only have to do steps A- B. (pay all debts owed to Scientology).
Oh wow — where’s my checkbook!
I just threw up in my mouth a little….
Damn, I missed it. I better start writing OW’s. Fuck you Dave.
Hip, hip, Arfffff.
That was the sound of me throwing up my breakfast.
Yeah Tony. I could have written those posts BEFORE the briefing it was so predictable.
Though I must admit it was a nice little personalized twist to throw in the fact that “we are going to trash the Coachman” — makes it seem like he has a sense of humor, implies that we won’t need it anyway because we are “expanding so much”, and indicates his “disdain” for MEST (because he is now being accused often of being a MEST being only interested in MEST).
This is the sign of a great orator at work…
Or just a putz on a podium.
I actually opt for the latter.
The fact that he made sure to put in “we will trash the Coachman” as a kind of joke is his lame attempt to prove he is not into MEST as he has been accused of on the Indie sites. It is proof that he and/or his minions are reading every word of your posts Mike. Keep it up Mike. Keep the pressure on. It does not go unnoticed in Davie’s camp.
The Coachmen has been trashed for years. I’m not exaggerating when I tell you I sometimes had to go to restrooms on three different floors there to find one working toilet.
KFrancis says: “But honestly, I wonder sometimes if the young ladies who serve as the Flag MAAs don’t get so overwhelmed that they often slip away to the ladies room and once they are alone don’t just drop their face into their hands and cry uncontrollably. ”
I observed the same thing with one of these MAAs who failed to make an apparently “required” sale to me. It was a mixture of emotions. She seemed angry, but at the same time seemed afraid and was also almost in tears. She was attempting to suppress all of this, but I saw it easily due to the little bit of auditor training and TRs I have done. She seemed to be a good, dedicated person but she was also very PTS. Now I know who she was really PTS to, ie., the SP at the bottom of the chain.