It’s hardly a surprise that after being conspicuously absent (other than showing up as a note-taker in court), Fast Eddie Parkin has raised his particularly ugly head again.
After all, Leah Remini and I began a new podcast on the subject of Scientology Fair Game — and the only real purpose of the STAND League and Ed Parkin is to be a propaganda outlet for scientology hate and lies. They have still not realized that the very thing they think is effectively countering the exposure of their abuses, continues to provide evidence that they do exactly what we say they do.
Eddie (with 61.9K “followers” — none of whom ever comment on his tweets because all of them are paid for) reappeared after having lain dormant for months.
I will let Leah comment on his disgusting tweets about her, and will limit this to his two most recent ones that mention me.
First, this one. It’s one of Miscavige’s favorite lines to try to dead agent me. I slept all the time. Miscavige had his personal photographer capture images of me when I was asleep at a desk. I am surprised Eddie didn’t pull them from the Freedom website?
The problem with this, as Eddie and EVERY Sea Org member on earth knows, is this: Sea Org members are routinely sleep deprived. Those at the international level have it the worst. Many times I “survived” on an average of 2-3 hours of sleep per night for weeks and months in end. SO members learn to grab naps when they can. Sleeping anywhere. Under desks. On top of desks. On the concrete floor. Even standing up (after being awake for 72 hours on the PAC RPF I once fell asleep standing up — leaning on a paint roller while painting a wall in “Big Blue.”)
Sleep deprivation is a form of torture and brainwashing. So is food deprivation. Those are routine in the Sea Org for everyone other than the COB. He eats like a Saudi prince and sleeps until noon – though on the rare occasion he doesn’t get his full allotment of beauty rest he announces it loudly “You SPs are making me do all your work. I am the only one who can do anything right.”
Eddie has now tried to refine the story by saying I got all the underlings to do the work and took credit for it. Hah. That’s a good one. Anyone in the SO knows another datum. You don’t get credit for anything your juniors you, but you do get shit on when they screw up. I can honestly say that in all the years Ed Parkin was in OSA Int under me, I cannot recall a single thing he accomplished.
The article that goes with his tweet is completely non-sequitur.
And then the “Expose Network” chimes in (It’s just another name for STAND — they cross “like” one another’s posts and comments — the only people who do) and does the full-on Fair Game. Sliming Jeff Hawkins for no known reason, other than I guess they thought it sounded “cool”? Probably taken from a forced confession, this is an old trick scientology uses. Getting people to “confess” under duress. A lot of the so-called confessions in scientology consist of things people write to make the pain end. Many include “thoughts” which are then miraculously turned into “action” when they are recounted to try to smear the person.
What “church” could possibly think this is a good look?
And you can see the same technique employed in this second tweet. Statements taken out of context (the “it” is missing here, she could have been referring to the influence of her mother or husband, or the fact she has a conscience) which then have another twist — that Leah is “brainwashed” by me. If anyone truly believe I could brainwash Leah Remini, they obviously have never met her (and Ed Parkin has not). And just as final note on this Ed — the classic tools of brainwashing are sleep deprivation, food deprivation and physical and mental torture. People escape scientology to no longer have to put up with that kind of treatment. Brainwashing is what happens IN scientology, not after you escape it.
And then there is this. Sent in by a non-scientologist who was being “handled” by a scientologist acquaintance on “entheta” about scientology:
You gotta love scientologists, they are always experts on things they know nothing about and have not watched.
Then they try to sell Hubbard books.
Then they parrot the talking points they have been fed.
I guess Leah’s mother hatched the plot to infiltrate scientology using her kids to “get the dirt”?
Paid actors? The people who appeared on The Aftermath were never paid (wish they had been, they deserved it). Many of them had been in scientology for most of their lives, and certainly longer than the poser who wrote this. I was in for 45 years, and in the Sea Org for 34 of those…
As for “coaching” I guess this is the best they can come up with. If this person had seen the show, they would know how absurd this statement is.
Final Thought:
That’s Beck from Poltergeist on the left. Fast Eddie on the right.
I leave the conclusion to you.
Honestly, with all the crap that Mike, Leah, and all the other have had to put up with, I am shocked that they have not Fair Gamed the “wrong person” and had serious consequences yet. Yes Mike and Leah are doing a great job of shining light on what is obviously a cult, and a morally bankrupt one at that. But, I would think that by now the Justice Department, FBI, IRS, somebody for Pete’s sake, (well maybe not under this administration, but maybe the next one), would take serious action. I guess there is just going to have to be some huge headline event that bring this to the forefront of peoples attention before anything does happen. Shame that Covid-19, and the election are going to be the topic for a long time to come.
Keep up the good work, you guys had me hooked when I watched the very first episode of the TV series. I even spent hours figuring out a way to really mess with Scientology, and came up with a good one that would probably make them pee their pants. (Nothing illegal mind you) But, Got to be honest, after watching what they do to people I might be a bit too afraid to enact my genius plan.
Groups with strange ideas is the root to the evil. Groups with critical voices is the root to the good.
Whether someone left or not, the fact they are publishing the “confessions” of their past members (whether these are true or not) is despicable.
Painting former members as violent and liars is ridiculous: first, were these People not a long time in the Church and in leading positions? If so “Dangerous”, why were they there for so long? and second, isn’t this religion suppose to SAVE People? How come they could not save THEM?
They are shooting themselves in the foot!
To all of you who left and are standing up publicly against it: THANK YOU!
I bow my head in respect!
I love your podcast by the way, Mike and Leah!
This is the Church of Scientology’s / OSA’s “Enemies List” from 1992:
By now surely it is a multiple of it. What they are really good at, is making “enemies”. They must have more declared “enemies” than they have members meanwhile.
Barkin’ Parkin must have been let off his choke chain for a quick round of rabid rubbish before being put back in his kennel. Exanimate Eddie; even the rest of the living dead have disowned him.
OT – Washington (State) Ideal? Morgue boarded up:
As Paulette Cooper Noble once said so succintly ~
“Scientology turns out to be is even worse than anything I even imagined.”
Leave it to SideShow Eddie to use a photo of a cute kid playing in the hose, and attach it to hate filled remarks. (Is that you Mike?). If he ever appeared in actual daylight, I bet a bucket of water would make him melt, and his flying Monkees would rejoice.
So Mike, this new podcast of yours gives you the opportunity to address the “Fair gaming” you undertook on Gerry Armstrong. I think it’s time you spoke about all the shit you did with him in the 80’s, especially those meetings that were filmed by a PI that you hired – that footage is on youtube but I’m sure you know that.
That has been covered extensively, is there something in particular you are trying to elicit? You can read the transcripts, watch the video and obviously you have done so. Are you looking for some secret conspiracy?
OSA trolls almost never reply…. Paul what branch do you work in?
To reply honestly and forthrightly would be a violation of “fair game’ policy and KSW, the most sacred and senior scripture.
Mike’s history, deeds, morals and character are on display and available in minute display all over the internet and television.
A big part of his current life and character is observably dedicated to showing:
“This is the shit they do, this is the shit IIII used to do FOR them, and this is How and Why they do THIS SHIT.”
He appears to be taking responsibility magnificently, without your help.
(because that was your intention, right? Make sure he’s clean and hasn’t missed anything that would roadblock his survival?)
For internal consumption ONLY.
Outside the walls of the cult, no one cares.
So much for the sanctity of the confessional, if what you confess ends up on Twitter. If they were Catholic they’d be defrocked. I still say that due to Canada’s laws and Scientology sending private information out of the country to the central files in LA they could be charged with breaking privacy laws in Canada and heavily sanctioned and audited. I wish it would happen.
Tom Cruise and David Miscavige: (at 27:35)
Tom DeVocht talking about Tom Cruise’s confessionals which were sent to David Miscavige every night and Miscavige reading it out loud (at 28:40):
The number one question I get asked because I mentioned…, …his confessionals and that sort of thing, reports would be sent to Miscavige every night and and Miscavige was sitting in the room, we drink Scotch, and he would read some of this out loud and talk about Cruise’s sex life, … .
I’ve been asked repeatedly: “What did he say?”, and I will not say it. Because that is the Church’s thing, they do that. I would never do that!
Right, they do that! Talking about “confessionals and that sort of thing”.
So, Tom Cruise and what David Miscavige has talked about TC’s intimate confessionals about his sex life, gets protected by an ‘SP’, and Miscavige’s OSA puppet Ed Parkins has no qualms to talk about ‘confessionals’ from former members. That says all about the ethical standards!
I’m not only an opponent of Scientology, I’m also a Monty Python fan.
Fast Eddie… lol. Love the moniker! These people, I guess anything goes including just making shit up behind their eyeballs and calling it helping the cause. I’m sure Fast Eddie’s ethics files are just as full of horseshit & made up crimes to appease this week’s condition formula… neglected his dog or some shit, yet he still doesn’t realize it’s 9/10ths imagined bullshit. I’m sure his real crimes are priest/penitent protected, or so he thinks… Another big mistake on your route to infinity Eddie.
O/T. Again this Sunday, 7/26/20, “Highly Commended” Scientology Field Staff Member Nation of Islam Sister Renata Muhammad tweets about “#ImposterJews.”
Nine such tweets — so far.
ESMB Redux:
“I guess Leah’s mother hatched the plot to infiltrate scientology using her kids to “get the dirt”?”
“I was in for 45 years, and in the Sea Org for 34 of those.”
And what about you Mike?! Laying low all those years, working your way up the ladder just to get the dirt on LRH & DM. You just never know about a person do ya. Some people with do anything to get on TV.
I had to laugh on “Leah only got into Scn to get dirt on Scn…” She was a lifer. Her mom got her in as a kid. That is so easy to refute it isn’t even funny.
Ed Parkin was sent to find out where I was living when no one in the church knew and that’s how I wanted it. They got my ex husband to ask me and I wouldn’t tell; just said “on the same street as so and so (a mutual friend). Well I was an idiot for saying that cuz they sent Ed Parking at 6 am one morning to go door to door looking for a car of my description with a Scn symbol on it. I saw him through the window come across my lawn, see the car, get a huge smile on his face and then run off. It struck me as really weird at the time.
Then next day, there at my door was Scn. I asked how they got my address? They lied saying, “from Central Files.” I said no, I just moved here and CF doesn’t have my address, so how did you get it? They lied and would ever come clean that Ed Parking tipped them off. By the way Ed is older than his pictures. Ed looks like he is going to the Great Scientology in the Sky soon.
PS, the church doesn’t usually go to that much trouble to find a parishoner. But with me they did because they thought I’d inherited a bunch of money and they wanted to get their hands on it. I take pride in the fact that I never let them have the money (other than one intensive). I successfully kept it despite them sicking everyone at Flag on me to get that money from me. By then I was realizing things weren’t all they were cracked up to at Flag and in Scn in general.
Oh Jane Doe 2! So so happy for you that you kept your money (most of it anyway) and got out of that trap! It had to be sort of funny seeing Ed Parkin lurking in your yard then running away to tattletale! I wonder if he got a puppy treat for being a good boy.
I almost ran out the door to shout at him about what are you doing on my property? It was obvious he was looking for a car with the Scn logo and he’d found it. I took that logo off that very night! And boy now it does feel good that I didn’t give my money to them. They tried hard and had every post in the org practically trying to get it from me. And the joke was on them cuz there wasn’t that much after paying off some medical bills.
Wow, no wonder they were after you if they found out you were actually paying medical bills instead of letting the cult cure whatever was ailing you, of course until they had taken all your money and had you liquidate every asset you had.
This is a cult whose only mission is money grabbing. It has nothing to do with any concern about the planet or anything else other than money. I don’t know how much evidence any law enforcement agency in any country the cult resides needs to know.
Sorry you had to go through this Jane Doe 2 but again, so happy for you that you had the courage to dump them and lead the life you want to lead. I wish you nothing but happiness.
Thank you so much Peggy!
Who is this guy? He is some in-charge with a public facing role? I get it that Mike knows Eddie as a subordinate, but I am still not able to recognize this guy. Is he simply used to post some edited OSA briefs on Twitter, so they can buy ad bumps to slander the person if anyone ever searches their name?
Like Mike says, what Church would waste their time on slandering former members? That is not ethical, nor justice. It is a vain and egotistical attempt at vengeful behavior. I never believed in eye for an eye, nor vengeance.
I believe he also popped up on the Aussie 60’s minutes Shelly special when they were filming outside one of the orgs. He knew who they were and identified them on camera.
Puppet Parkin. ‘Nuff said.
He’s at it again, Eddie Parkin
To all Davy’s orders he hearkens
He prattles and baits
While tweeting out hate
And like a mad dog he keeps barkin’
Thanks for pointing out it’s Beck from Poltergeist on the left
I needed that.

Lol! Made me laugh SO hard when I saw Mike had posted the likeness. I’d posted it way back at Tony’s because that’s all I could picture anytime I saw him… only made it worse once he started sporting the black hat!!!
Such idiots.
Gawd, Mike!
18-20 hour days, all-nighters night after night – renos, move missions, events..
Scios know the sleeping thing is BS.
I’ve fallen asleep eating, talking-mid-sentence, standing…
And, while painting an auditing room I fell asleep standing on a ladder. Head back, mouth open, awoken by laughter. I was abashed for my weakness. LRH only slept 2-3 hours a night…
Using O/W write-ups or sec check info proves they don’t believe in Scn. Even when In, I recognized this.
It violates the core beliefs and values claimed and woven into many issues/writings. O/W confession and relief were always an important part of case gain. Without ethics and integrity no gain could last.
Embarrassing sexual or personal habits that do not break actual laws are not ethics code violations and can not be punished. ( “2D rules PL”)
Basically, even in the cult, this shit is private and should remain so even if they blow and become an enemy. A true believer (I was) would strongly disapprove of seeing anything that violated the confessional trust and bond.
It gives lie to the belief that man is basically good and we leave the door open a crack so that they may cognite and return. Over the years we would sometimes see ugly goldenrod that used this tactic.
It backfires and makes the execs look untrained and in need of FPRD.
I gotta figure the average Joe would just think the cult is even more weird asshole than known.
Mr. Van Winkle, every funny story they tell at the Int Base starts out “we’d been up for three days at that point”… Of course, they’re not really that funny.
The Musicians finally got a project done and were reworded with a movie. Of course they all fell asleep as soon as the lights went down.
They gave us ice cream for Midnight Rations once in the middle of a 5 day blitz – half the crew was doubled up laughing at the other half doing face plants in their ice cream.
Somebody had to do a job deep in the attic, when they woke up a day or two later…
I had a friend that was so tired that he crawled head-first into a gap between walls. Then he realized there was no way to crawl back up, no room to turn around. So he just shoved an elbow through the sheetrock and got out by destroying the wall.
Can’t count the number of times I’ve fallen asleep using a heat-gun, to wake up with the wall turning brown. Or my pants starting to smoke.
Then there was the pour guy who decided to demonstrate proper use of a nail gun. He had it against his shoulder as he pointed out the safety latch at the tip, operating it by mistake and putting a nail through himself.
It is possible to sleep sitting on a throne. Lean forward and rest your head on your crossed arms, resting them on your knees. Try to splash enough water on your face afterwards to reduce the red mark on your forehead, that’s a dead giveaway.
They say it was sleep deprivation that inspired someone to use a backhoe to straighten a building.
Everyone takes Hubbard’s “Actor’s Course” because at the Int Base you may find yourself in a movie suddenly. One of the Hubbard issues says that if you need an actor to play a drunkard, just make them stay up all night before the shot.
Certainly sleep deprivation makes you act drunk or stoned. Finally the stage arrives where you will do anything, say anything, sign off on anything just to make it stop. Trying to do something creative, like design something or make art or music under these circumstances is pretty hopeless. But you can’t just leave.
On the first night of a many day/night stint you actually do get something done. The next day is wasted as you struggle through it trying to keep your eyes open. After that it settles down to a long painful slog, at about 20% efficiency.
Once they asked Ken Mortenson how long a project would take. He estimated four or five days. Not happy with that answer they asked how long it would take if you worked on it around the clock?
His answer – weeks. And it turned he was just out about right.
Bruce, that’s something that Hubbard was right about! Research shows that sleep deprivation resultions in impairment effectively equivalent to drunkenness*.
It figures that one thing Hubbard got right would have to do with heavy drinking, something he apparently knew lots about. Though at the point of a habit that reportedly at times reached a bottle of rum or other spirits a day, like other addicts alcoholics become desensitized to the effects of overconsumption, and can often function relatively well.
* relevant safety tip: driving while drowsy, can be as dangerous as driving drunk.
Eddie with the hat, Eddie with the ascot…trying to look cool, trying to look like something he’s not.
You are known by your deeds Eddie. What you’re wearing is superficial, kind of like the rest of the package. Deep down, you know it and I bet it terrifies you.
O/T. It increasingly appears that Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad intends to post to Instagram all of the anti-Semitic graphics that he has used in his lectures over the years. See:
Eight such graphics posted yesterday. Thirteen in the last two days.
Minister Tony Muhammad’s anti-Semitism is actually more explicit, blatant and virulent than that of Minister Farrakhan.
I again ask what Jewish members of the Church of Scientology think about this?
Did Creepy Ed* get the idea for the expression “Sleepy Mike” from the expression of the Stable Genius of “Sleepy Joe” or was it used before?
* He was always emanating “creepy” for me. Did he always have that creepy vibe or is he projecting it purposely for his OSA valance?
And here for some amusement, David Miscavige’s reaction on some sexual thoughts involving Miscavige of one of his underlings:
The whole video of the excerpt about what happens at the International Base of the Church of Scientology when one tries to leave:
This is great stuff. Way to shoot themselves in the foot with nuclear weapons.
A proper comment on Fair Game would require obscene language. (I’m not about to start now.)
Here is another version of Eddie the great.
I enjoyed the first Podcast. I’m happy you are doing it.
Its outrageous that Scientology received PPP! I’d like to contact the proper government officials to request a review of that. Do you have details I can reference regarding Scientology’s claim of not having employees? Anyone reporting the PPP misuse would need to offer concrete details of the organization’s claim of no employees. I’m unsure where to find that documentation and definitive reference.
In the SO once I didn’t slept for more that 3 days in a row. I had to get an org treasury accounts brought in present going back to 10 years before with few records getting audits and balancesheets done. We were computerizing the place. Wow.
At the end I was seeing fires burning in the air and rats running fast beside me. And it was very real.
And now looking back none of these sacrifices in the end were unuseful. Scn went anyway backwards. A nap was OK,
I always said the day Ed would have to face Leah, the skin of his face would start melting and drop on the floor.
Here another similarity of Eddy the Great.
“Paid actors”. Reminds me of the Scientology event a few years back where someone spotted a sign pointing to “EXTRAS PARKING”. Scientology’s never had a problem using paid actors.