Does KoolAid completely eradicate all memories? Or simply suppress the inclination to ever question contrary facts and lies if they come from He Who Is Infallible?
You will probably recall that a few weeks ago, the Silver Anniversary Maiden Voyage was cancelled. Instead there was a special summer event. It was VITALLY important. Promoted heavily for weeks.
It turned out to be a “ONE TIME ONLY” showing of what has now been called “The Turning Point” — the greatest single moment of self-congratulation in a career of patting Himself on the back that is an embarrassment of riches — the 1993 IAS event announcing the end of all possible governmental oversight into the activities of the Church of Scientology and the last barrier to Him being able to seize total control of the church.
As we now know, Flag canceled their SPECIAL ONE TIME ONLY SHOWING of the most important event in the history of the universe a couple of hours before it was to happen to avoid the embarrassment of showing the old video to an empty auditorium.
But the other orgs dutifully plowed ahead. They replayed the video for the staff and the few public that showed (or not) and reminded themselves of His magnificence — which was the point of re-showing a DVD that has been played on a loop by the IAS everywhere they have offices for more than 20 years.
Well, just a few weeks have passed, and lo and behold — the ONE TIME ONLY SPECIAL PLAYING is now being REPLAYED!
Do they really think that the any poor sops who DID show up 3 weeks ago are going to come in again? Or those that didn’t bother will now show up?
This is another sign of desperation. Miscavige feels He is losing His grip. He is desperate to try to shore up the faithful as it is vital they don’t lose their certainty that everything He does is right.
It’s why you now see the church PR statements not just saying that He is leading the church in the greatest period of expansion ever, evidenced by 37 new empty buildings, but that “he is following in the footsteps of our Founder, L. Ron Hubbard.” That is NOT a statement for the media, it is a statement addressed directly to Scientologists. He is still aware that “following LRH” (even if you’re not) is an important message to keep repeating to keep the sheeple believing.
Miscavige is convinced this event shows Him at His finest. He has repeatedly stated that it is the best event He ever did (except for the fuckups at Gold who messed up the sound and the lighting and the camerawork). He has asked the rhetorical question many times “What is my greatest event?” He always answers his own question — “The War Is Over — nothing will ever top it.” He is sure it makes people admire Him and afford Him the respect He deserves. Nobody is supposed to question “Why are we still seeing something from 2o years ago? What about today?”
And so, the only standby is pulled out once again and everyone is supposed to be as excited as He is about watching Him yet again.
But this is a very clear “tell” — He is VERY worried. The tide is eroding His sandcastle and the water has breached the walls. He is sloshing around frantically shoveling. You can almost hear Him cursing from here…
haha We’re gonna DA DM.
My, how the tables have turned.
Thanks, Jane Doe!! YES!
We should pool our knowledge and put together a compilation of ALL the things that he’s changed –
Taking NIBS out of the Clearing Congress video
Changing the basic books – specific examples
Anything else we all know of.
Stats – what he says and what they are, etc., etc. with proof.
oh yes.
Indie 8 Million, YES. And also taking people out of the auditor training films because they were declared SP’s, and lying and saying that Johnny Lewis hadn’t practiced Scn for many many years. (not true), and even erasing his picture out of the Narconon picture where he is shaking hands with the head honcho at Narconon and getting his cert, and taking him out of Narconon promo too. What do you all think of the idea of pooling money and buying a big one page ad in USA Today or a Billboard near PAC and one near CW, and putting this stuff on there for the Kool Aid drinking staff and public to see? There is a site that lists all the alterations in tech that DM has done, and the list is extensive. Not sure which one it is, maybe “” Do any of you know the site that does that? What about pooling money and doing an ad campaign to strike while the iron is hot and DM is on the hotseat with Leah and with Shelley and Narconon etc?
Veddddddy interestink, Jane Doe! Yeah, how about it guys? Instead of donating to the Idle Morgue, let’s get these two ads. How hilarious will that be? I believe it will be effective too! I vote for Jane Doe for the AIS post – Association of Independent Scientologists! Send the money to her and we’ll actually have books kept so you can SEEE where your donations are going! LOL! Something you can’t get in the Church, right? Maybe Steve Hall will help us design it?
I just spoke with my mom who is on staff at Flag. She told me they are releasing the “new” grade chart. What was wrong with the old grade chart? You know, the one actually written by LRH?
Sorry, I can’t make it to the “David Miscavige Hypnosis Session” tonight at the Glendale Hilton.
First, I saw the real event 20 years ago. Second, I’m going to do something really off-purpose and out ethics: Spend time with my family. Maybe go see “Pacific Rim”.
Is it possible for us to hear an event debrief tomorrow?
David Miscavige must be waking up to the fact, he is not admired.
Yes, you said it Sarah. Very desirable, but it’s very hard to get any when your audience is only willing to show you their backs.
Speaking of DM not admired, I was at an Auditor’s Day event in LA a couple of years ago. Held at the Universal City hotel. Right around 700 people, I would say – in Los Angeles. Spot the immediate outpoint.
That was one thing.
Again, the AUDITOR’S DAY event was filled with news of new buildings, the chief contractor was shown talking about how they got the materials at the cheapest, cheapest prices, (translate: we really raped these guys out of most or all of their profits so that we could have the satisfaction of no one else winning from our expansion).
BUT THE MAIN THING that was so interesting about that event is that DM was kept out of most of the auditor’s speeches.
When someone FINALLY included “COB” in the list of people to thank, ONE PERSON started to clap enthusiastically…but not one other person joined them. Noisily, no one clapped at all for DM.
I sat there grinning like a Cheshire cat, knowing what a full statement of dissatisfaction that silence was.
We are winning.
The Luis Garcia Fraud Lawsuit (LGFL) has put David Miscavige’s cash cow out to pasture.
Miscavige is being forced to open Super Power THIS YEAR and it is back firing!
David Miscavige is not having much fun these days so he has to re-open some “20 year old win” to gain some admiration!
The truth is that Miscavige used some unsavory tactics to win tax exempt status – like that is the “intrinsic value” of a CHURCH…tax exempt status. To make it more disgusting – The Church of Scientology charges such high fees for their services all delivered by Staff who get paid nothing and are treated like slaves. It is appalling when you look at the entire picture.
Ah yes the late great IRS win, I had routed out a few weeks before having seen the writing on the wall (DM and Marc Yager were already interfering with tech lines and critiquing auditor videos, never mind that Int stats were already crashing for years) and Dave swooped in to save the day with bingo and baby sitting while you watch the same tired video no one questioned (hint it could have ended in 1987 but that would have been too easy). Apparently after Dave finally decided he did know how to read an e-meter he thought it would be a good idea for everyone else to now learn, over and over and over again (after all a thetan can so anything forever ), while he now prepared Super Power for delivery and Tom Cruise for his next girlfriend, and studied the tactics of the SS so that things would go exactly as planned. Now we have Chernobyl disaster internally and the leader has the PR stats of OJ Simpson (after all he didnt slap Debbie Cook he had someone else do it for him).The future is so bright he ought to wear shades (big ones that dont fit him right). This is all so inspiring. Thanks for the update Mike I was worried the church was in trouble but I can see all is well.
Mike Eldredge,
If you don’t mind saying , what was your post at Int? And how could it have ended in 1987?
“I’m ready for my close-up, Mr. Demille”.
Jane Doe, this is uncanny. I was just about to post that very line and then read your post ! Mike’s article gives me the same concept: David Miscavige is doing his own Norma Desmond.
Yes Aquamarine, Mike’s article gave us both the same idea because DM is such a has-been living in his own dubbed in made up world, a legend in his own mind. I’m glad I’m in good company with you and the others here.
Jane and Aqua…..that was a great movie and it does paint a great picture of “Him”…..right?
Kinda sad though……
Yes is is sad, K Francis. As they say, it sucks to be Davie.
Did he get Marty Rathbun’s name edited out of it? That was the best part!
What is observed : PC in past wins ( glories of yesterday ).
What to do : recognize PC is stuck in wins.
What to direct : validation type processing. “What have you been ?” or “recall a win”.
( Remedy BD from L. Ron Hubbard’s Book of Case Remedies )
So DaMaster is stuck in a win on the time track, decades ago. He is in dire need of validation ( according to LRH’s book ), in other words he feels invalidated and has doubts about his own value. Aah, finally one agreement : I too have the most severe doubts regarding his value ( surprise surprise ! ).
Obviously lil’ Davy is stuck in a win.
Really it is the only thing he’s actually accomplished or the only time he got a product.
(If you consider selling out to the IRS and InterPol a “product”)
MAC was a dismal failure. It never achieved its MOs.
(Unless you look at the possibility that it created enough confusion to allow for a hostile take over of the Organization.)
Before that the Tech Films he so diligently worked on at OTR had to be redone because they were allegedly loaded with “SPs”.
The Golden Age of Tech was a total calamity by actual stats.
“Ideal Orgs” keep folding up after all the hoopla is over but even the hoopla is forced since they’ve had to bus in staff and public from other orgs for the phony crowd scenes.
It’s been almost two decades since he announced the release of Super Power and the construction of a building that was supposedly essential for its delivery.
Yet there it sits collecting bird guano.
Definitely a big incomplete cycle of action.
He did manage to get KTL/LOC released a whole decade behind schedule. Yet sabotaged the whole program by releasing it to the public before the staff had a chance to do it.
If you look beyond all the glitz and PR of board feet for empty buildings, “completions” that had completed the same thing earlier, auditors who are forced to retrain on actions they’d been trained on before because they hadn’t done a bunch of arbitrary and useless drills.
You’ll see that under Miscavige’s so called “leadership” that not much has really been accomplished except that the Church of Scientology regained its tax exempt status.
The Church now, since he took over from Broeker has less clears, which is a cumulative stat by the way, one that can only go up or worse stay level, yet he’s managed to actually crash it.
The same as he did to the OT VIII stat.
Thus one can easily see that although he really hasn’t accomplished much he did actually accomplish something by regaining 501ciii status. That is if you don’t read the “Secret” Closing Agreement too carefully.
On editing the tech films apparently they took out an apparent sp on the TR 4 film. Do you think the’ll remove Dan Koon who stars in the film?
This is amazing. I think you’re right that it’s a big tell. I can’t imagine why a even a kool aid drinker would want to see this again. I remember being in and being told that we should watch the basics event again….and I was like WTF? Why the fuck would I want to watch that again?!?!
I think that the only real effect this will have is assisting those in to question WTF is going on…
“What is my greatest event?” He always answers his own question — “The War Is Over” — nothing will ever top it.”
Apparently “The War Is Over” was his Norma Desmond (Gloria Swanson) in “Sunset Boulevard” moment.
All the lights, camera and attention were on David that glorious night in 1993. In his own words it was his zenith. All eyes were on David. Now the majority of the parishioners who filled the auditorium that night are gone-declared, dead or dispersed. The cameras are off and the lights have dimmed. His is a story of an aging and ever weakening Ecclesiastical Leader who will never be able to gather a crowd like that again and he knows it. So like Norma he replays his hallmark moment over and over while slowly going mad.
(Too dramatic? ….ha ha.ha!)
I like your style K Francis.
KFrancis, you and Jane Doe and I – we three all tracking on this DM/Norma Desmond concept !
Jane Doe, KFrancis and Aquamarine – can we all spell, “Stuck in a win?” ROTFL!
(What is that reference, you tech guys with the PABS in front of you? I can’t remember. 🙂
I remember in the Book of Case Remedies one of the remedies was for being “stuck in a win.”
It is getting worse, and sooooo embarrassing. People can see when I talk about my tremendous wins and gains earlier to 1982, and the massive wins I have had in the Indie field, that the tech works. There have been too many genuine gains to dispute that. But what is so mind boggling is the degree of destruction that Miscavige has caused, gigantic. Still surprising to me the people that still follow him, especially the people that were ‘in’ before 1982. Even after basically stuck Mary Sue and the kids out of history, – but his events take Ron out as well and basically just show a picture of him at the end. The degree of control Miscavige has on people is disturbing, but this article helps as it does show he is losing his grip, finally! It is embarrassing and stomach turning. He has been there too long, and it will be such a joy when he is gone.
Great comment Mak! It really is astounding how dm has squirreled and squirreled and yet, his compulsive change, of pretty much everything, is not noticed or confronted by many, as the evil that it is. I can’t wait to see him go but I think independent Scn. is here to stay.
Just a reminder for our lurkers, Under the leadership of David Miscavige the Church of Scientology has been slowly dropping in statistics and it has not slowed, and it has actually had major spurts of contraction. The early 80’s saw the biggest “brain drain” in church history, the 90’s had the re-release of all the materials supposedly all 100% “on source” and these last 5-7 years has been an unprecedented free fall into the abyss. With numerous defections from the Int level all telling the same story of Miscaviges violence and sociopathic behavior, it all seems to be going faster and faster like a run away train. No way to stop it, and David Miscavige in his predictable fashion has his hand pushing on the throttle. Well done David Miscavige for single handily setting Scientology back one hundred years.
I hear you. It is astounding that so many highly trained and very dedicated true Scientologists who wish to use the materials and technology to better themselves spiritually, and assist others who ask, have completely abandoned the church. Even more astounding, is that the church sued them, assigned PI’s to spy on them, and otherwise personally harassed them – for practicing true Scientology.
Now I’m really confused. I thought Scn was about realization of oneself as a spiritual being? Why is tax-exempt status the greatest achievement of the church? I would have thought that discovery of ways to resolve the troubles of the reactive mind would be the greatest achievement of the church, or at least way up there, and certainly more important than tax-exempt status? I mean, how to resolve the reactive mind in all its mess of losses and pains and “IQ ceiling” such is a biggy. Why is the church slipping back into it? Haven’t they heard of Scientology?
The Glendale Hilton? What small think! It should be being shown at the Los Angeles Coliseum.
To quote Alex from the movie Music & Lyrics:
“I am a happy has-been. Everything good I ever did is in the past.”
“The War Is Over — nothing will ever top it.” – As if he keeps repeating it, he will be believed.
I do not believe this one. Where is the actual settlement agreement? Who benefited and how?
The church is being run with the efficiency of a govt operation – maybe it really is…………
“While none of this is a comment about Ms. Remini, our general response is that the church supports families and has never had a policy which breaks up families, a myth perpetuated by individuals who are either misinformed or attempting to sensationalize their own life choices or those made by their family members,” Pouw says. “While the church encourages close family relations, in the end church members decide for themselves whether to communicate or not with a person who is openly antagonistic to them or their religion. When [disconnection] occurs, that person is simply exercising their right to communicate, not carrying out any mandate from their church.”
I just read that statement in an article on FB. Talk about liar, liar pants on fire!
Spoken like a master craftsman Mike.
Cob must be really hitting the scotch now a days.
Yes, spot-on posting here. Every day I wake up and wonder to myself, “What kind of insane behavior do I have to look forward to by Cof$ today?” and sure enough, they are proving that they are the gift that keeps on giving. Literally every day there is some new outrageous nonsense coming out of this camp.
Here’s a thought: maybe this is the incident that Dwarf Midget is stuck in and will never move forward on the time track from. Maybe he perceives everyone around him as an IRS agent and that is why he acts the way he does. Hmmm…..
I will not tell anybody about it until you guys are all back and the right people in charge of the Church!
This will most likely never happen. See Marty’s blog for more details.
By doctrine the official church is stuck with a direction that cannot be changed. Even with new management in place and the “Fanatical SO members” (to use The Pilot’s phrase) handled those in charge would still be hampered by KSW from changing any of the fundamental flaws in policy that KSW has set in adamantite.
Spot on, Mike.
You sum it up how I see it.
I haven’t taken a course or done auditing in about 20 years so I’m pretty much an outsider. But seeing how the public is leaving droves as well as the leadership and all the buildings are empty does anyone have an idea how much longer this organization keep going? Their pool of people to collect money from has to get smaller and smaller each week yet they can still afford to send me several hundred pieces of junk mail, DVDs, fancy magazines a year and build these ridiculous buildings. Just how much money do these guys have in reserve?!?!
Best reasonable estimate is that they have about $1.0 billion to $1.5 billion in reserve. Some ex’s have said the reserves are as high as $6 billion, but I think that extremely unrealistic.
As a Wall Street analyst who spends much of his time combing over companies’ financial statements to make investment decisions, I have spent a lot of time using my professional expertise trying to get a general idea of the cult’s finances. My best guess is that they are pulling about $200 million per year right now, and are somewhat profitable from operations. They may be losing money when lawsuit expenses are factored in — I think they probably paid out $20 million in lawsuit settlements in 2012 between Debbie Cook and others, and are on track to pay out substantially more than that in 2013-2014 with Narconon-related cases wending their way through the courts and with the suit from the Garcia’s over fraud in IAS donations also moving along.
Only when the cult starts losing money will they have to start digging into reserves; as long as they are at least marginally profitable they will not. I am not sure that has happened yet, but if it hasn’t arrived yet, the day is likely coming in a couple of years. At that point, the tipping point will have truly been reached, since there is little chance they will be able to increase membership to revitalize the field and thus generate reliable sources of income to become profitable once again. The donor base with the money is either aging, going “under the radar” (pretending to be in so they can avoid the consequences of disconnection on their families and businesses) or just getting up and leaving. The people who will stay put are typically Sea Org, from less developed countries, or have family in the Sea Org — but they typically don’t have enough money to sustain the cult financially.
Thanks for this, John P.
JP has a good take on the money accumulated. I think, though, if you go back to 1965 and start looking at the projected numbers, with actor Stephen Boyd joining, with SF 49’er Quarterback John Brodie joining, and the beginning of bigger sums of money coming into CoS, that Miscavige controls $1.5 billion to $2 billion in fairly liquid assets, taking into consideration they surely had the best money management in Lichtenstein, Switzerland, Cayman Islands, Beverly Hills, London, Hong Kong and Australia. So- if Miscavige will not be breaking even in a couple years, the reserves he has at hand to wield in his ‘stayin’ alive’ in his position, well they are huge.
Don’t forget that a lot of the offshore banks don’t really invest money. They merely hang on to it and protect it for you, for a spiffy fee. It’s not like you’re investing it in a high-octane hedge fund like the one I work for. I would strongly suggest that the investment return on the reserves is fairly close to zero.
I have also heard tales of uncertain reliability that some non-trivial portion of the reserves were turned into physical gold which the cult actually took delivery of (in other words, they own specific gold bars in a specific location, rather than owning certificates, which are far more liquid). Given the recent meltdown in the gold market (which should continue) and the long-term underperformance of gold as an asset, plus the lack of liquidity that comes from taking physical delivery of one’s gold position, I would suspect that the RCS’s gold ownership has been a disaster. As a result, in any anlysis, I would recommend against factoring in any positive investment income on the reserves into one’s calculations. I would also point out that there are many construction projects at Int Base, plus the CST vault properties and presumably many others that are not directly tied to IAS fund-raising campaigns and are thus funded out of reserves. If you look at perhaps $50 to $75 million for the CST properties we know about plus another $150 to $200 million in improvements at Gold (including Miscavige’s empty headquarters office building), that’s enough to knock down an estimate of reserves by a fair amount and cause one to lean towards a more conservative number.
Regardless of whether the reserves are $1.0 or $1.5 or even $2.0 billion, it is indeed more than the RCS needs to stay afloat over the long term. My point is that for the first time, if they start eating into reserves to cover operating losses, that is a very significant watershed moment and does not bode well for them, even though the day of reckoning would of course be far into the future.
The big question mark about the burn rate is the potential for lawsuits to recover monies on account and to recover fraudulently solicited IAS donations (the Garcias) bear fruit. If they do, the RCS could be forced to disgorge a sizable fraction of the reserves. All of a sudden, with a little luck, the reserves get down into the several hundred million dollar range from well over $1 billion. That shaves the margin of error for any idiocy on Miscavige’s part to a very dangerous level, and that could happen relatively quickly (2-3 years, not 20-30).
For CST, keep in mind that it’s still the terminus of the money trail established in the 80s. For-profit Author Services is wholly owned by CST, as well as various things like the LRH Library and Family Trust B. That’s where the license and royalty fees for Hubbard’s works eventually end up, including seven cents for every TWTH booklet.
As for expenses, the vaults have been built. (There have been no reports that they’re continuing with the halted Wyoming one.) They do have maintain the staff and surface buildings. Possibly they’re still preserving LRH’s orginal manuscripts and engraving plates and records to go in titanium boxes, but there’s a couple outpoints…
First, there was a promo that said that for the Golden Age of Schlock revisions, they had millions of LRH’s original documents on hand at Int Base. Aren’t they supposed to be in a vault, treated to remove the acid from the paper, and packed in boxes full of inert gas?
Second, if a vault exists which has ranks and ranks of gleaming titanium cases, does anyone think that David Miscavige could resist showing at least a picture of it at one of his Triumph of Shill presentations?
John, always enlightening to see your astute take on things Miscavology! How about the aspect of his “financial advisers? ” Do you see any hint of him having “exposed” himself to the actual risk of professional advice? It would appear that being the micro – managing control freak that he is, he would absolutely refuse to have anyone cast their beady little eyes on any sizable fortune where he
can be traced to direct ownership / control thereof. Do you concur?
JP has a good take on the money accumulated. I think, though, if you go back to 1965 and start looking at the projected numbers, with actor Stephen Boyd joining, with SF 49’er Quarterback John Brodie joining, and the beginning of bigger sums of money coming into CoS, that Miscavige controls $2 billion in fairly liquid assets, taking into consideration they surely had the best money management in Lichtenstein, Switzerland, Cayman Islands, Beverly Hills, London, Hong Kong and Australia. So- if Miscavige will not be breaking even in a couple years, the reserves he has at hand to wield in his ‘stayin’ alive’ in his position, well they are huge.
Well yes, and if I might add, I don’t think that He will use any of those reserves to save the sinking ship. I think that He will jump ship as soon as anyone tries to get their mitts on any of HIS money. I don’t know the man, personally, but that would be my bet. IMHO, I would think that He would start selling off some of those 37 Idle Orgs before he’ll let anyone touch His petty cash fund.
DM seems to consider this event similar to The Rocky Horror show where a certain cult of people show up in costumes for showings at midnight for years and sing along and dialog. I am embarassed for the poor suckers who have to set the place up and who are set up for losses.
Then again the largest print he had in his personal lounge was a photo of this event.
I do rememeber the flaps that ocurred after the event – the art designer was toasted for having a brown mottled color for the set walls thus making the enormous stage appear smaller, among other things. It seemed to have the aura and flavor of a failed event at the time. My, how DM’s memories have transformed and enlarged certain things in the distant past!
Yes, signs of despair. He has his hands full of lawsuits, Celebrities Flaps, Outer Org Trainees not completing, the GAT II off schedule, the opening of the “New Building” before Luis Garcia’s Law Suit goes through and so on, and on, and on. His “flaps” stats are straight up and vertical….
I think they are very desperate for money. That is the only think that came to my mind. So looks like the Church of Scientology are going to push very hard on the reg lines…like a MF!
The real truth of DM and C of S is that they are the laughing stock of every community they are located. They are no longer taking seriously and people are leaving in droves and running for the hills as new people are just not falling for their BS anymore. The story is OLD!!!!
Here’s an idea: Get the original event (the one that Gold has not cut and edited massively to take Marty’s name out of it), but get the original event where DM thanks Marty Rathbun for his help in achieving the IRS coup. Then show it on your blog with a link to it and show it everywhere you can think of to get the truth out. The truth is that DM altered the video and edited out Marty and that he acked what a good job Marty did on that project in that original version. Maybe the lurkers or sheeple will see that DM did value Marty at one time and that Marty isn’t the devil incarnate as they preach to all the sheeple. And then they’ll cog that DM altered a tape! OMG! Then maybe they’ll look to see if he has altered other LRH tapes and books! And …
To Mike Rinder – I think that is a really good idea.
To put a link to the original video on your blog with Miscavige
thanking Marty. People would see it and send it out to others in
emails. Wow – it might even go viral.
Mike – you could have videos on that link and have it be a throwback to the “Who got it wrong?” Time magazine campaign.
Who got it wrong in 2013 by altering the video with Mr. Rathbun?
The same cult leader that dared change an LRH reference in 1998. PDC 20, where it talks about Black Dianetics. Who’s furthering the work of L. Ron Hubbard? NOT David Miscavige. BTW, any Scientologist who dares to call him/herself that, should be enraged that this change was done on an LRH lecture that is supposed to be sacrosanct. Use liberally.
Yes Indie 8, I love the idea. I really would love to see this. And we could feed it to Tony Ortega for his blog too. Who got it wron gin 2013? And play the original tape where he thanks Marty. And then mention how he changed PDC tape 20 and on and on. This is something we should do!
Desperado!!!! He lost the grip a long long time ago, its just really get revealed now!!!!!
The balls he has!!!
Mike, very astute observations. Your posts are always so spot on. And yes, he is desperate as evidenced from all the things you point out. And note that the re showing of the one time only event is being done in LA. The largest concentrations of Scns in the world are in LA and surrounding area. That is why he is showing the event yet again in LA, to try to keep the sheeple believing, keep them hooked and keep them from leaving. In FL most of the Scn population are under contract staff there for training as OOT or on staff at Flag. They don’t need to see it. It is the public who may leave who need to see it, thus the LA showing.
“He is still aware that “following LRH” (even if you’re not) is an important message to keep repeating to keep the sheeple believing.” Yes! Saying that he is following in the footsteps of founder, L Ron Hubbard is a new additive so that the sheeple will believe he is doing what LRH wanted. Ha!
“I’m ready for my closeup Mr. Demille.” and “It isn’t me that got small, it’s the movies that got small.” I’m still a star and everyone loves me! Keep saying that to yourself Davie. It worked pretty good for Norma Desmond.
+1 Jane Doe. Exactly.
For those of you who may be too young to remember, here is that famous scene where Sunset Boulevard’s character, Norma Desmond, has lost her mind, after having shot and killed her lover and left him in the pool. Pool – Hole; what’s the dif?
Perhaps they have a better shot at filling the seats in L.A.?