Of course, there are ALWAYS one or more “campaigns” to get books into libraries. There have been plenty of reports of people subsequently checking the libraries and finding no or few books, return of books from numerous libraries and copies of still wrapped books on the “10 cent table” at library “get rid of the junk we don’t want” sales.
So, it is hardly a surprise to see a new campaign (this one has been sent out again recently even though it says they are shooting to have it “done for Maiden Voyage”) for an old book that supposedly was ALREADY in all libraries around the world when it was first published. It has not been “revised” as it was a compilation of HCOB’s to begin with. And unless there is something I am not aware of — the only changes in the GAG II Purif are the “standard” vitamin dispenser and uniforms all participants are expected to wear. Nothing that appears in CBCM even so.
But, there are some interesting things in this “new campaign.”
Somehow they have a terrific A = A = A going.
Internet searches for “detox” are increasing (who knows if this is really true — the way their graph is drawn you could check the “number of searches for poopiepants” and it too would be steadily increasing in direct proportion to the increase in internet use as a means of searching for information about any subject) and therefore they will be finding the solution in libraries and this will “drive them to their first step on the Bridge.”
Just a few problems with the logic here:
a. If they are searching for detox on the INTERNET they are going to read what comes up in the search — NOT go to a library. And as you don’t put LRH books on the internet, they WON’T FIND THIS BOOK.
b. Detox is NOT what “churches of scientology” deliver. That is Narconon (at least until they are forced out of business). But the church of scientology states they have nothing to do with Narconon and that it is NOT a “route onto the Bridge.” Seems like this is a position taken in lawsuits that isn’t known to Bridge Publications.
c. Even IF someone got the book and “detoxed” themselves, how does this get them “onto the Bridge”?
Then they list the areas where ALL libraries are “completed” — N and S Dakota, New Mexico, Michigan, Indiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, W Virginia, Delaware, S Carolina and Vermont in the US. Only NM, Michigan and Tennessee even have orgs. What about the other states with “ideal orgs” taking over control of their environments? Or even other states that just have “orgs.” Or even Missions. How are these people supposed to “take their first steps on the bridge” if there is nowhere to do it?
And across the rest of the Americas, Paraguay (why Paraguay??) is “done” but they don’t even have a Mission… Wonder what Bridge they are driving people onto there?
And then for some reason there are African countries even though this is Bridge Publications and that is New Era Publications territory. Again, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Angola and Botswana? Huh?
If this was REALLY intended to do anything at all other than collecting money at Bridge, they would be focused on areas of high drug use where there were orgs and missions.
I am not even going to comment on the phony and horribly misleading “stats” they use to show how effective the “library campaign” is, or what a big problem drugs are in society… This is sheer buffoonery.
It is not difficult to conclude that there is NOTHING that happens in scientology at this point that is not an effort to make money. Even the false “humanitarian” cloakings are becoming so thin they are virtually transparent.
It’s getting harder and harder to even tell good lies any more.
I happen to live in one of those “DONE” states shown on the map. Oddly enough about three weeks ago I was in the main branch of the downtown library in the capital city of my state. I read a lot of non-fiction so I’m pretty familiar with that floor of the library, and the religion/ self-help aisle are nearby the history section I’m always perusing. I checked the religion/sociology to see if any new Scientology books had been added. (Three years ago I had checked there to see what CoS books were available when the cult was making similar claims about the entire nation’s libraries being done on the basics, or some such BS. I had searched the computers for “Scientology” and Hubbard and saw all such books were to be found in this one section.)
As of three months ago my “Done” state still had exactly two books by L. Ron Hubbard/Bridge Publications/CoS, etc… One was “What is Scientology” a big glossy book from the early 1990s. I love seeing that book because its full of SPs – Tory Magoo is featured as a model scientologist, with a photo and interview in the book. The other books is “Have you lived before” circa 1970 or so, with the old mono-colored vinyl covers that were the hallmark of “library editions” in the 60’s and 70’s.
Since these books were so old they still had the cards in the back where you could see how many times the book had been checked out in the past and when. For “Have you lived before” it had been checked out about 4 times in the last 40 years, the last time being in 1982 or so. The WIS had never been checked out and still has that super stiff spine of a book that’s rarely ever been opened.
That was the entirety of the library’s collection on Scientology or books by or based on the works by L. Ron Hubbard. This is the largest public library, in the largest city of a DONE state on that map.
Not that we need more evidence that these stats are lies, but since I work in library in South Carolina I wanted to look into it.
South Carolina has 46 counties. 7 of those counties, including mine, are united in a consortium to share books. There are 5 copies of Clear Body, Clear Mind in our consortium, 3 of which are in one county. None in my county library system, thank goodness.
The SC Lends catalog pulls from 19 other counties plus the SC State Library and lists NO copies of Clear Body, Clear Mind.
So I really don’t think South Carolina is “DONE”.
Thanks for the report Janet Ann. You reconfirm what is well known to everyone in the world EXCEPT those who keep handing over money for more books to go to libraries.
Happy to help!
You mean to tell me they’re actually twisting the facts?
Take a seat MJ.
Are you sitting down now?
The short (and long) answer to your question is: “Yes.”
How could even the most un-tech-savvy KA consumer read this propaganda “Salvage the world from the effects of drugs and toxins…….place CBCM in every library in the world” and not think “Why the hell don’t we place this LIFE SAVING book ONLINE FREE for all the world to read?”
Where’s the money in that?
My skin was moldy. I just wanted to be dry, for 24 fucking hours. For the love of God, let me be dry!
This seems so incredibly desperate. The ias was bad enough, but when the SO became so psycho selling congresses, books etc. around 2006, that marked a sharp decline for me. Tech was already in trouble, but to have literally every staff member regging and hounding the public to the neglect of everything else, was a major mark on the straight down and vertical trend. I believe money flows are drying up. Why else would they resurrect this ridiculous, pathetic and failed strategy? It was probably one that brought in a lot of money but that’s not happening again. I’d bet the farm on it if I had one.
I went to my local library to see if their were any AntiScientology books that I hadn’t read. So I asked the librarian if they had books on Scientology.
And she did the Stage Whisper thing.. ” Oh honey, Scientology is a Cult. We wouldn’t have any books on them. ” hahaha
So I said.. ” Actually I wanted to read books against Scientology..” and she said..” Oh follow me I’ll show you exactly where they are supposed to be. They are usually in circulation, but I can put your name on the list..”
And on a side note: I was having a look at http://www.scientology.com.au/ (Australian arm of Scamology) and see they’re claiming 9,000,000+ followers. They have eleven sites in the whole country. If the Launceston, Tasmania site is any indication of the rapid growth of Scamology then they’re dire straits. The “Life Improvement Centre” is dark gloomy and dingy little shop in the lower end of the retail area. It has some photocopied sayings of Hubbard’s taped to the window and is only open for a few hours three days a week. I haven’t seen a single person enter the joint since I first moved here. The comic shop a few doors down (I’m still a fanboy even though I’m in my mid 50’s but no longer a Marvel zombie) does a far better trade.
Where I live in the Fraser Valley of BC, Canada, there are 16 copies of Jenna Miscavige Hill’s book available in the entire network of libraries as opposed to just 2 of Dianetics. There are youtube videos of library employees receiving basics boxes amused because they know no one will ever sign them out. The definition of throwing good money after bad? Donating thousands to a campaign to give books to libraries who will just throw them out after they can’t be sold for 50 cents.
Responding to Espiando:
But I actually did have wins on the purif. Why should I not mention that. Because you, in all your resplendent glory, have ordained that the purif cannot possible provide any wins?… Oh I get it. You were the person that spent all that money conducting the double blind study? No? You are just laying down the law the way you feel?? But I thought that it was the bad sicentologists that did that? Oh, now I get it. You are just the RIGHT cheek of the donkey. The scientologists are the LEFT cheek. That makes you so much more superior.
I make this comment because actually doing a bunch of sauna IS beneficial and has been for thousands of years. The problem is the not the sauna and vitamins. The problem is one set of sanctimonious asses saying that its because it dissolves the toxins from the fat and another set of asses saying, “but that is impossible- you are an ass”.
The fact is that sauna is healthy and vitamins is and always will be healthy. The other fact is that when a scientologists mouth is moving, you are listening to an elaborate lie. What I am trying to say is that the point is not whether or not sauna and vitamins and sauna is healthy and helpful. The point we are trying to bring forth is on this blog is that official sicentology lies, lies, lies and then lies some more.
The whole purif thing is not a bad idea. I see people yakking about how taking too much niacin is a bad thing. But at the same time, they are discounting the fact that he subject in question is in the sauna and drinking gallons of water each day. This is something that is just a scientific unknown. A proper double blind study (costing a huge amount of money) would sort this out and probably prove that the Swedish had a point! Sauna makes you feel better! We should be tryinhg to address the problem of scientolology lying their asses off, not whether or not a bit of sauna and vitamins is some terrible deed.
You have to ask – why are there even 20,000 people involved in this mess. Well, it’s because sauna and vitamins actually does make you feel better. Then you can move on and address the real problem. Its like any problem in the world. Someone takes a drop of water and sells it as a gallon of vodka. Is the problem that a drop of water is bad? Or is the problem that the liars are selling it as a gallon of vodka?
Probably more information than anyone on this blog wants to read. Great blog Mike. Free communication, free thought, paid for by Mike Rinder’s blood, sweat and tears.
I’m with Espiando on this one. I’ve done 2 sweat running pgms and 4 purifs. When the body gets hot, it sweats to cool down. Any residual toxins that would come out along with the sweat are negligible. Taking excess oil to replace the bad fat is just nuts. Drinking straight oil doesn’t make the body then get rid of its bad fat. It just adds pure fat to already existing body fat. I’m not saying that there aren’t toxins that get stored in the body. But forced sweating, drinking oil, and taking mass doses of vitamins doesn’t make a dent. IT ADDS TO IT. There are ways to purify and remove toxins from bodies.The purif ain’t one of them. Not to be invalidative, but any wins from the purif are placebo. I’m not opposed to enjoying a nice sauna on a cold day. But I am opposed to dangerous lengths of time in them on a daily basis. Can be very dangerous. And I wouldn’t count on a purif I/C to watch your back. There are many valid processes in Scientology. The purif is not one of them.
Thank you for the defense. I have no problem with a sauna. It makes me feel good when I take one. However, five hours in a sauna at a shot, while taking more than 100 times the RDA of niacin, while swallowing vegetable oil? This is a “what the hell are you doing?!” thing.
Your body has in-built detoxification equipment already installed. It’s called a “liver”. Potentially damaging it is what’s called “not a good thing”. And you’re doing just that on the Purif.
Time Out: I appreciate you are trying to balance Espiando’s black and white comments by your “……actually doing a bunch of sauna IS beneficial and has been for thousands of years.” and “…..sauna and vitamins actually does make you feel better” but yours are just as inflammatory. Sure saunas CAN be beneficial for some people in some places. There was a reason sweat lodges and saunas were a northern latitude thing. It is healthy to sweat but not everybody needs to artificially get their sweat glands going for hours on end. For me half an hour in a sauna is enough and my body tells me that. And I can easily get and enjoy that for next to nothing without purif-tech. There should be moderation in everything. And that’s one reason I have a problem with scientology. The org sci. “minister” told me I was brain-washed [not a term I I use or would ever accuse her of] because I hadn’t done any courses and everybody benefits from them. I suggested my early day encounters told me it was not for me and that I don’t have to taste arsenic to realise it is off my limits Nor do I have to do megadoses of niacin to confirm the scientific facts that if you have a decent diet you will get enough. Not to say that niacin and other vitamins can’t be a placebo for those who think it will improve their lives but there is no evidence of real benefit that I have seen, again decent diet assumed. Fortunately I suspect that because niacin is water soluble it is excreted from the body fairly readily but again I don’t know that..
Fair enough comment.
To go one with this. The purification rundown has been delivered on 2 different systems – one where the person does 5 hours a day. This is the one LRH gives and says is the correct one. The other system is an shortened one, where the person does it 2.5 hours a day-supposedly lesser effectivness.I think there is probably a huge difference between the two different moduies. If you go and do 30 minutes warm up exercise and then 2 hours of sauna, broekn up by cold showers, you probably feel very cleansed afterwards. If you do 30 miunutes warm up and 4 hours of sauna after, you probably get wrung out pretty badly.
But whatever, whatever, whatever. My point is that the problem is not the process or procedure. It is the lies on top of lies on top of lies. And the total unwillingness of sicentology to spend the money to do proper scientific testing. Who the F@ knows if this s$%t works. There is NO scientific evidence one way or the other. Everything, pro and con, is anecdoatal and guesstimate.
So I think we should skip judgements on the process and instead focus on the lies. Thats my point. Nothing more.
Well, I also think that this blog is provided by one man’s blood sweat and tears – free for everyone except Mike Rinder, a man who gets a lot of appreciation from many people and very little monetary support from very few people. I do what I can, which is very damned little. But if everyone who read this blog did as much as me, scientology would be dead and buried.
Oh Time Out – I forgot to endorse your last paragraph in spades “Probably more information than anyone on this blog wants to read. Great blog Mike. Free communication, free thought, paid for by Mike Rinder’s blood, sweat and tears.”
Mike is a REAL Humanitarian .
Of course Orgs and Scientologists are taking responsibility for their own zones. You don’t think Cap’n Shorty Sociopath is going to let any of his hard gouged money be used do you?
Before I moved to another state just over twelve months ago the library that I used to haunt had two grand glossy hardbound copies of Dianetics and What is Scientolgy and the amount of dust that had built up on them could give you hay fever. I had a couple of friends who worked at the library and one of them did a check of how many times both books had been borrowed: Dianetics – four times and What is Scientology – three times in eight years. If we use the 15 seconds nonsense then the library should have been a battleground as people fought to borrow those books then speed read them and returned them in 15 seconds so the next person could borrow them for 15 seconds.
Oh yes, I’m quite enjoying Going Clear and Let’s Sell These People a Piece of Blue Sky.
The Red X Campaign noted a few months ago about the push for CBCM in Craigslist ads around the world (I believe I once counted fifteen ads in one day by the infamous JJ In Boston for CBCM). I assumed that this was a key part of the cult’s big push for fresh meat to come in via the Purif…
…whose idea is that? The Purif as a fresh meat attractor? Yeah, it’s an introductory-level course that’s part of the Great Forced Re-Do Of The Bridge, but a $5000 course as the first thing for fresh meat? Remember, the fresh meat are attracted in for the “efficacy” (of which there is none) of the Purif to detox you, and you’re going to hit them up for five large as a first action? You can get a high colonic for a tenth of the price or less, and you’re done in a couple of hours.
(By the way, don’t respond to me with “Well, I had these wins on the Purif”. There is no scientific evidence to show that the Purif does what they say it does, and L. Ron’s assumptions about drugs hanging around in fat tissue is physiologically impossible. The Purif does not work, full stop. The amount of niacin given during the Purif has been scientifically shown to be dangerous, full stop.)
Back to Red X. I assume that Red X’s efforts to pull in people via Craigslist was a complete success, and no one came into the orgs to try sweating out the world’s “poisons”. So now it’s back to the totally discredited library campaign. Books Make Booms, huh? Not if they’re sitting in a recycle bin or dumped on the dollar table at a library sale. Another discredited Hubbard precept gets exposed to the light. Think about it, lurkers: if he was wrong about something he should have known about, namely books, what else was he wrong about? We on the outside know, and if you give us a chance with an open mind, we’ll tell you.
Dude, my skin was really soft afterwards so don’t say I got nothing out of the Purif. LOL
Soft skin: three-pack of jumbo-size Dove Deep Moisture soap that I got at Costco, $8.95.
Sauna: Membership at my local gay bath house, $50 a year. Out 2-D at 1.1 on the Tone Scale is included with the price.
Niacin flush: One 2 oz container of Five-Hour Energy, $3.95 at your local gas station, even cheaper at Wal-Mart.
So what unique experience are you getting for your five grand? Being regged while naked and sweaty?
Sorry you missed me admitting in a very sarcastic way that I got ripped off. Lighten up Francis.
“You can get a high colonic for a tenth of the price or less, and you’re done in a couple of hours.”
I agree and the win I got from one of those was absolutely amazing!!! Indescribable!!!
It’s self defeating because when you go to a library today and look up Scientology you get the Jenna Miscavage Hill book as well as the Reitman / Urban books and people who read those lose interest in Scientology.
I think these blatant lies are part of the strategy. Weeds out the non qualified. Those left, who believe this shit, are then hit up for donations. Easy marks.
They know no loyal scientologist would check their claimed stats. If the thought of verifying CoS claims started to creep into their minds it would be quickly squashed and forgotten. The mere thought of an expensive and intimidating trip to ethics is enough to cow the broken minds and spirits of the remaining flock. At this point CoS could claim the earth was flat and there would still be scientologists who wouldn’t question it, purely out of fear and self preservation. When viewed from this perspective, blatant lies such as these are actually acts of kindness and mercy.
Following is one estimate of public library checkouts in non-fiction in the US:
Top Non-Fiction
The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey
What Color Is Your Parachute by Richard Bolles
Lao Fuzi by Ze Wang
Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
David & Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell
Thinking Fast & Slow by Daniel Kahneman
In Defense of Food by Michael Lewis
Sadly I do not find any L. Ron Hubbard on this list.
Yes, truly a tragedy beyond measure. No cult books checked out. There must be SPs that are somehow stopping the masses from accessing LRH’s book so they can read them and realized their lives up to that very second has been horrible and they MUST rocket up the bridge with millions of like minded people.
Yeah, that’s the ticket…
Quaoar – Of course you didn’t find any LRH listings under NON-FICTON!
“In Defense of Food” is by Michael Pollan; not Michael Lewis.
A quick Google search of the most popular authors and books in libraries proves the lie here. Hubbard is not even in the top 50 list of authors. (I didn’t bother to look further than 50) None of his books are listed under the most popular top 250.
It amazes me how they put out this crap that can so easily be checked out. This proves again the child mentality when telling a brazen lie.
What??? Are you freakin’ serous, Draco? LRH’s books are not in the top 50 and none listed under the most popular top 250??? But but, what about the 10 million scientologist around the world? This HAS to be the work of major SPs!!! My stable datum is been crushed. My dreams destroyed. My life ruined. From this day on I’ll just a empty shell of what I once was. How could I have been so blind…
Ok, I’m over it now.
🙂 OSD – you always make me smile!
I would say that LRH was pretty much an expert on toxins in the body. :0)
Yes, he did the studies on himself by chain smoking Kool non filters.
A red blood cell can (can doesn’t mean does) make a complete circuit in about a minute. Therefore by illogical extension together with completely ignoring issues of physics (eg. molecular diffusion rates, etc), biology (impermability of skin etc) and general rational thought: 30 seconds is enough to distribute that toxin to every part of your body! Remember if your headache isn’t relieved 30 secs after aspirin, its proof of body thetans
“Hubbard is the fifth most requested author in libraries”. Sure, “A piece of blue sky” “LRH, messiah or madman” “Bare faced messiah” “Blown for good” Marty’s books, Etc etc.
Snicker, snicker! Very nice!
Mike, I believe you are bringing honesty to Scientology. Maybe this honesty is Scientology’s only salvation. Certainly people like DM or Werner Erhard have no interest in honesty.
“Within 26 seconds after exposure to chemicals such as cleaning products, traces of these chemicals can be found in almost every organ of the body .. what is going on .. do the people drink such stuff like coffee ..
“a. If they are searching for detox on the INTERNET they are going to read what comes up in the search — NOT go to a library. And as you don’t put LRH books on the internet, they WON’T FIND THIS BOOK.”
Bingo. People search the interwebtubes, find a book and purchase the ePub version ONLINE! They don’t use Google to then physically go to a dead tree library…
…and if they want to get a book from a dead tree library, they go to the library’s online website to check it out, not Google.
BTW, my online check of the catalogs of the New York, Queens, and Brooklyn public libraries yielded not one, single copy of CBCM in the entire NYC public library system. Hubbard’s work is just so in demand.
The problem would be where to file CBCM. Certainly not under 615 or even 619. Probably under 001.9 with UFOs and Big Foot.
You can’t help buy call bullshit on these stats. There is no way in f’g world that LRH is the 5th most requested author in the entire US library system. See links below. He is nowhere to be found on any the lists I could find on Google.
http://www.nypl.org/blog/2013/10/18/new-york-public-library-monthly-lists-its-most-popular-books – not there
http://www.cc-pl.org/list-our-top-10-most-popular-authors – not there
Top 100 authors on Amazon. Not on the list
It’s so weird to me how they simply lie to get people to turn over the money.
I think this is in the top 5 requested “US nonfiction authors who wrote a self-help book in 1950” or something….
Yea, and whose last name starts with an H.
And ends with a ‘D’ for Daveshit or Dildo or domething along those lines.
Facts & Figures – Libraries
Is it just me or does the first bullet point start off with: “A mong Americans 16 years and older..”.
And does the second bullet start off with: “A ccording to a research poll…”
Or are my eyes really as bad as I think?
I remember you did a survey a while back in your blog to see what Hubbard books were on on the shelf in libraries. Our STATE had I think 6 books at the time. I just checked. Now there are 0. You would think if Hubbard were the 5th most requested author, that number would have increased, not decreased.
As long as we are making up stats, I would like to go on record as being the 4th most smartest person to comment in this blog. I back this up by pure hot air, my unpickabel spelling and grammer and absolutely no data, therefore everyone should absotivilutely believe it.
I beeeelieeeeeve Valerie!!!!!!
Yes but if you can’t find Hubbard’s books you can always go out to Trementina, New Mexico Desert Library and read them on Titanium plates. To find it while in your spaceship, just look for the alien runway. Every word is there for your reading pleasure, just ask Shelly what you are looking for.
Titanium plates ….. a fireplace ….. hot chocolate ….. and Shelly …. I’m on my way.
I live in a fairly large city in Michigan and we have several branch libraries around and NO books by LRH are found anywhere. You can ask, they try to look it up and well…………….NO. To bad they are not like Pinocchio, but then sadly their noses would be soooooooooo long they could never move.
Internet searches for “detox” have skyrocketed in the past 10 years? Maybe it has to do with “internet usage” skyrocketting in the past 10 years? Duh. I’m sure internet searches for anything follow a similar trend. Anyone who is interested in what is happening with the internet could care less about what happened 10 years ago. Internet trends are about what’s happening NOW. With arrogance only a Scnist can muster…the church telling us how people use the internet. I suppose they are “experts” on that too?
Playing on the Vietnam analogy, it would be like a US politician telling the public how the Vietnamese think and why they do what they do – without ever consulting, meeting or speaking to a Vietnamese (and secretly despises them)!
Know-best at its finest.
“Books makes booms” is L. Ron Hubbard green hardback volume 2 policy.
There’s the Greek character Sisyphus who is punished to eternally push a boulder up a hill but the boulder always falls back, and Sisyphus must push the boulder up again…..
Two other Sisyphean problems L. Ron Hubbard implanted in official Scientology via the Scientology Ethics Book, and the OSA Network Orders are:
“Books Makes Boom” makes them always return to sell Hubbard’s books widely, and it’s logical to re-study his works, because “times over equals certainty”.
The Scientology system is a tightly woven Sisyphean operation.
Some amazingly stupid stuff in here that made me snort coffee on the monitor:
1) “80% of Americans think that borrowing books is a very important service that libraries provide.” Wonder what happened with the other 20%. Do they not have a clue that checking out books is the main reason libraries exist?
2) Hubbard is the fifth most requested author in libraries? Really? More than Nora Roberts, Danielle Steel, David Baldacci, James Patterson, Lee Child, Stephen King and a ton of others? I would be virtually willing to bet you that at least 95% of library branches in America have multiple titles from at least 5 of the authors I mentioned here, and 95% of libraries in America have zero from L. Ron Hubbard.
3) “Within 26 seconds after exposure to chemicals such as cleaning products, traces of these chemicals can be found in almost every organ of the body.” Seriously? I would love to see that research. If that were really true, I guarantee that we in Global Capitalism HQ would be pouring billions of dollars into the stock of companies that did nothing but try to minimize chemical exposure. I ran this by a medical researcher friend who is an expert on drug dynamics (how drugs, which are a form of toxins) move through the body. He laughed long and hard and didn’t even bother to respond.
Just one more reason to avoid housekeeping. All those Toxins!!!
And just one more reason to avoid the church. All those Toxins!!! (Now, there is an idea – a Purification Rundown to get the Toxins from this church out of one’s system.)
Wow! Thanks for the excuse. Nap time for me.
Wanna know about toxins? Talk to the R.P.F. Yep, that’s how you can detect someone who’s in the R.P.F., or used to be. They glow in the dark. Scientology religion in a nutshell; Have a bunch of great ideas about all sorts of things, then just do the opposite. That’s right, Scientology has taken on the valence of George Costanza.
Yeah, on my refrigerator it says “Housework won’t kill you but why take the chance”.
When are you going to do your part to salvage the planet from the cult?
The Tampa Court is in the process of prying Dave’s reserves out of his tiny fists by laying the reserves wide open to faud suits and refund demands.
When Global Capitalism steps up to the plate, his real estate holdings will fall like dominos.
Come on, John, its Dave’s turn for the white knuckle experience.
John P. sez:
“I would be virtually willing to bet you that at least 95% of library branches in America have multiple titles from at least 5 of the authors I mentioned here, and 95% of libraries in America have zero from L. Ron Hubbard.”
Ms. B. sez:
I would be willing to make an ACTUAL bet that this is the case. I will put up an entire years worth of my pathetic blue collar wages against a days worth of profits at Global Capitalism HQ (on an up day of course). Even in his heyday writing pulp fiction, Hubbard wasn’t the 5th most requested anything. I am hoping that Her Royal Governess or any other scientology whale will be willing to put the Founder’s reputation on the line and ante up…
So, according to this promo piece, LRH books are checked out every 15 seconds (say WTF?) which makes them the 5th most requested author in the entire US Public Library System.
Wow, that is one of THE biggest loads of Bullshit I have ever heard! And that is saying a lot considering the boatloads I have heard all these years. The arrogance of that statement should put arrogant people to shame.
Well, you said all that needs to be said, Steph. LIES, LIES, LIES. They just can’t stop lying.
I have to admit though, ashamedly, that when I was in, I would at times give money toward a “Library Campaign” just get them off of my back, and I knew it was a sham. So sham on me.
“And lest there be any mistake about it, our purif program is reaching all sectors of society as evidenced by this prophetic biblical statement made centuries ago, and I quote: ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.’
“Notwithstanding the fact that we are the only ones who can avert the cataclysmic changes that await the fate of those in the dark humanoids – and they are legion – it is patently evident that what your donations are buying is not just a revitalized world that has gone degraded for more years than you can get into an earth calculator, but moreover, a global salvage operation that will echo down the whole track halls for eons to come, and that is what we mean when we say we are clearing the planet at whole new orders of magnitude.”
COB opening address to the Freewinds Annual Whale Convention
(who knows what happened there…) With all this horse$#!t there has to be a pony.
Word salad lies.
Mixed greens acceptable in all denominations.
LOL! I only count 1 “moreover” though MJ, work on that eh? 😉
There were 18 more, but I had to edit his speech as it ran over 5 hours. 😀
I have an MU on “earth calculator”.
When I read that speech I swear I heard good old Dan Sherman’s voice delivering it. That writing style is so easy to spot as his. I bet if Danny got sick and couldn’t write a speech for DM, that DM would stand at the podium and stutter and comm lag and couldn’t come up with anything to say. It’s just one big ventriloquism act in the C of S.
As usual Mike, all good points. The biggest flaw is that “detox” means many different things. It doesn’t just deal with detoxification from drugs. I wonder if they are restricting the Google “results” in any way. I bet they just looked up how many people put the word detox in a search. This means I was included, as I looked up “detox cult scientology” recently.
I have piles of certs for library donations for just about
everywhere. Then after sometime 2004 you didn’t even get a cert
and no ack,nothing,not so much as a thank you note, just gimme the money.
Libraries in Germany, all parts of Europe, Indian Reservations( American ), Eskimos above the Arctic Circle. Not to mention WTH in War Conflict zones for special missions.
They took money with total contempt, enjoyed doing that as sport and I was an object
of ridicule and degradation behind my back. So no more money and two of these
crummy souls dropped dead, imagine THAT !!!!
Yes, Jose, I can imagine that vividly! In my Central Branch Library, ANY book(s) sent there unsolicited, are put into the “Book Bin.” They’re sold for, at the most, 50 cents.
Decades ago, I warned my library about scientologists coming into the library, cutting out the piece metal that would sound the alarm, in books by critics. They took notice. There’s only 1 book on the cult in my library: “What is Scientlogy.” What tome!
My friends who work at my library alert me to when any books on scientology come in. Awhile back, I sat down with 20 of the staff and & two ex-SO members who gave them an ear full. Some of the staff, in turn, warned other libraries about how the cult steals books from them..
So…having said all that, let me end with this statement: They are NO sets of basics in my library! The library is decontaminated.
Local library here gets lots of donated books new and old every week.
They have book auctions of rare and valuable books which come from local celebrities that have died, personal lifetime collections,etc..There is an entire room where these are given away for a quarter each , even a 10 cent table .
This is not a big library and it is full of books. Here’s my story when new Scientology books arrive still in cellophane wrappers they go straight to the
dumpster , I asked why ? was told that don’t move as library book inventory
and take up space, they don’t sell at auction and take up space , they don’t sell for a quarter or even 10 cents, takes up space for books that sell.. This is observed by library computer records and observation ( obnosis) after many,many years !!!! So they go straight to Mr.Dumpsters giant feed me appetite and then landfill where condos are built on top of them for the pot smoking Y generation. POT becoming legal in most states as Narconon becoming illegal (thanks to David Miscavige) So far I have resisted cultivating marijuana plants but I sat done and calculated that If I did my cash income would exceed 20 to 50 million dollars per year. If I opened a Narconon
It would be the opposite, I would be getting sued from all directions delivering no product or bogus product sending money to David Miscavige.
When oil was first discovered, the suppliers could hardly give it away at times, it took the invention and prolific use of the car and an understanding of what you could do with oil that got it being used. History tends to repeat itself!
Jose, that’s great news regarding your local library! The cult’s reputation precedes it I’m sure. The Basics program was for one reason and one reason only: MONEY.
Yes the Eskimos would have made great use of those books since toilet paper is scarce above the Arctic Circle. They could have been put to good use on the Fleecewinds and int base as well.
What the inside parishioners should do is to ‘detox’ themselves of the toxic effects of indoctrination, manipulation and abuse their church has carried on for years. How? Open your eyes, see the facts, leave this criminal group and start creating a self determined life.
And please do what Silvia said ASAP. Like today would be good…
I worked on the library campaign back in 1991-92. It was the ‘mind, body, spirit’ to send Dianetics, New Slant on Life, and CBCM to all libraries. Bridge sold the book package, which were marked up for packaging and shipping, and those funds went to the LRH PR office in LA, which was in charge of the project at the time.
We had a huge list of libraries and I would just ship the books out to them with no prior contact; even follow-up contact was nearly impossible because everything that was not involved in selling the books was done by just me.
But when I was able to do some follow-up calls and it was eye-opening, and a little depressing. I’d worked very hard and yet found in calling libraries that most were not putting the books up on the shelves. They were only interested in Dianetics. The subject was ‘not popular enough’ to warrant more shelf space. I heard this over and over again. All of those donations and our hard work was for almost nothing.
This was reported up and I was only told to ‘convince the libraries to put the books up’. I wasn’t pushed to contact libraries any more for follow up, just ship, ship, ship.
Robyn, i don’t think it was “for almost nothing.” I’m sure someone was either getting richer or hoarding the money.
“All of those donations and our hard work was for almost nothing.”
It didn’t amount to “nothing”. That up-stat afforded DM a little more pleasurable circle-jerk that Thursday night.
I think there is a typo in there. It should be “LRH books are CHUCKED out every 15 seconds.”
LOL… nice !!
You made coffee come out my nose! Hilarious! Thanks!