Many people wonder how people in this day and age are recruited into the Sea Org. If you have Google, I think the chances are that you might check it out before you sign a billion year contract for anything.
And that is part of the answer as to who the few are that join the SO today.
SO recruits come from two buckets:
A. People in less fortunate countries in Eastern Europe and Venezuela who are offered a visa to the US, room, board and a job.
B. Children of scientologists.
The first category are pretty easy to understand. If you lived in Ukraine and had someone tell you you could get a job in the US, would be provided a visa, flown there and would be given guaranteed housing and food it would be an attractive proposition. A certain number of people without marital/child commitments could agree to join up. Some may be deterred by Google searches, but most would no doubt figure it could not be worse than their current circumstances.
Children of scientologists are a little less understandable until you realize that scientologists indoctrinate their children from the earliest age that any bad news about scientology is simply lies — stories told by a handful of bitter apostates trying to make money Off the good reputation of LRH and Scn. And on the other hand, they have been indoctrinated from toddlerhood to believe that scientology has the answers to everything. But even then, how do you persuade a teenager to leave the comforts of home and family and give it all up to join the SO?
By appealing to the following “buttons”:
There is nothing more important on earth/this is the highest purpose in the universe
LRH was in the Sea Org and devoted his life to it, so therefore you should not be so selfish
“Wog” education and the “wog world” are not saving mankind and are contributing to the “downward spiral”
You will not have to deal with the distractions of the “wog” world – no mortgage, car payments, commute to work etc
And then dishing up lies about what things are like in the Sea Org:
You get a day off every two weeks – many Sea Org members don’t get a day off once a year, let alone every 2 weeks.
You will live in a fully renovated apartment – typically you will end up in a dorm with bunk beds piled 3 high and one bathroom fr 12 people.
Three great meals a day — except for when the food allocation is less than $1/day per person or the org (or you) is assigned rice and beans. Which is often.
You get $50/week pay — except when you don’t, which in most orgs other than the FSO, is often. W2’s of SO Members at Gold for an entire YEAR have often been just a few hundred dollars. For a year.
You will get the best medical and dental treatment “we even have our own medical and dental staff in the Sea Org.” A couple of SO bases have dentists, but only the top of the org board generally gets any treatment. The SO provides medical “care” on a “need” basis. You will be taken to an emergency room if you break your leg or sever an artery. But could wait months to get abdominal pain checked into depending on whether anything can be allocated in FP (and if there is one staff member who requires serious medical attention they may use up the entire allocation). The Sea Org operates on the theory of being “self-insured” as it is “cheaper”. But money is NOT set aside for routine medical costs.
All Sea Org members get 3 weeks leave a year – virtually unheard of these days. You are considered a dilettante if you take time off to do “wog” things.
You get free auditing and training – the only thing you will likely get is courses for your post. Other training is rare. Auditing even rarer. The datum “there is no case on post” becomes the senior operating policy of the SO. And any services you do get will be added to your eventual freeloader bill.
You will get 2.5 hours a day of “enhancement” (auditing or training). Rarely happens. Every now and then there is a push to get people to “go to study” and that lasts for a week or two and then falls out. Most Sea Org members do not get enough sleep each night to be sessionable/studentable.
You will go up the bridge to OT as LRH expects every SO member to be OT VIII, Class 8 and OEC – never happen Show me a single OT VIII, Class 8, OEC SO member after 60 years. There is not ONE.
They will promise you can go onto a specific post like the TTC. Or become a musician. Those promises are forgotten once you are done with the EPF indoctrination and know the group is everything and you are just a small cog honored with the opportunity to save the planet by washing dishes. And if you DO complain or protest, you will treated as an “ethics particle” and be put in for sec checks to find out why you are “critical” and “CI.”
And when it comes to the final close, SO Recruiters often tell people that there is confidential information from LRH that the world is ending soon. To support this they will put out public writings like “there is not an eternity of time on this planet” blah blah. This is the ultimate “scare close”.
I am sure I have missed plenty of things from the list. I would be happy to hear from readers who know of other things that should be added (which I will do). I would like to make this a document that could be used by people seeking to help provide information to anyone who might be considering signing a billion year contract.
They promised that I would finish high school and travel the world – this was ASHO in 76 – and all the usual promises of studying, pay and time off. I’m sure they pressured my mother as well. I don’t think much has changed
You need to explain what your abbreviations are. Ex. Cog, LRH,So and ect. We are not familiar with these terms.
Hi Carol. I assume you’re a never-in (like me), and there are quite a lot of terms and acronyms that Scientologists have to learn (I think most commenters on this blog are former Scientologists). It can get confusing at times, but there are some basic terms that you will pick up on. I’m not sure what “Ex. Cog” means, unless you mean “Example: Cog”. The term “cog” in Mike’s post refers to being insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
LRH = L. Ron Hubbard (founder and writer of this religion and its policies)
SO = Sea Organization (the “religious order” of the church)
A Scientology dictionary that I use at times when I’m not sure what is being said is here:
I try to refrain from asking those questions, because I assume that many commenters here have answered them over and over again and would prefer not to have to answer the same question multiple times. I think you might find the information in that link informative that can be used a reference to answer certain questions about the Scientology “definition” of certain terms and acronyms.
Mick, thank you for assisting Carol by providing this link!
“you are just a small cog” – not a technical term at all – just the classic “Small COG in a Big wheel” here is the working definition from
Also, “cog in the machine”. One who holds a minor but necessary post in a large organization, as in Frank knew he was just a cog in the wheel of this giant corporation. This term alludes to the role of the mechanical cog, one of the teeth on a wheel or gear that, by engaging other teeth, transmits or receives motion. Used figuratively since about 1930, it sometimes is put as small cog in a large wheel, emphasizing a person’s lack of importance.
All True!
As i experienced it the same. Despite two daughters we’re there, i didnt check that this is a camp for cranks.
They are not allowed to tell anything bad about this bootcamp, as they are sec checked always if they have wog or public contact. True.
A Proof for fools and naive as i was.
I’m not on the Bridge … but at least I’m trained as a 3rd Class Missionaire. (sarcasm)
I know a case where the daughter of an SO member was told that if she didn’t sign an SO contract that her mother would be RPF’d. She was 15 years old. She joined to protect her mother.
A t ASHO in the 80’s a woman with a 10 year old child were being recruited. They told her they would send her kid to an expensive :Scn school and that she’d get her education that way. This when they couldn’t even afford to buy toilet paper? She joined on that promise of private school for the child.
What is rpf?
Rehabilitation Project Force. L Ron Hubbard created a punishment/thought reform type of prison. People on the RPF could be there for any reason:
Not productive
Being critical etc etc
They cannot talk to other people, eat left overs, wear a grey rag on one arm for public humiliation.
Tyrannical groups usually have a political prison. Scientology has the RPF.
Punishment and humiliation. That is the RPF.
For the greatest good of course.
Rehabilitation Project Force. CoS (Church of Scientology) claims it’s a way to help members who are going through some doubts or who aren’t following policy to work through their issues so they can redeem themselves, get back on track, and will feel better about themselves.
In reality, it’s used as a punishment or when they need more manual laborers for certain projects, and serves as another form of indoctrination and keeping everyone in line. These people have to wear certain clothing to signify to others that they’re on the RPF, they can’t talk to anyone outside of other RPF’ers unless spoken to first, they have to call everyone “sir” (regardless of rank or gender, since they’re considered the “lowest of the low”), they have to do menial and sometimes disgusting labor, and they can serve for sometimes up to years at a time until they’re “rehabilitated” (at the discretion and according to the whims of a supervisor). There is much more to this (I’m a never-in), but that’s my limited understanding of it. More here:
If you are not familiar with the jargon of the CO$, google “scientology dictionary”:
There are more as well, but these will get you started.
Basically a Gulag invented by Hubbard to punish, brainwash and turn S.O. members into compliant slaves if they resisted his whims and orders.
The should read: Arbeit macht frei
Hi Carol. In case no one has answered your question, if you Google “scientology abbreviations ” you’ll get several sources. Good luck.
I wonder what they use on the Delphian grad recruits. They would come under the sheltered children of scientologists category.
My guess is that the recruiters say something like, “You’ll live in a nice dorm with all your friends and have three great meals every day – *just like at school!*”
Problem is, I don’t know any Delphian student ex-SO kids to ask!
To be honest, I can understand why someone would sign up for the Sea Org. It’s similar to joining the military or a monastic order. Some people want a disciplined life devoted to higher purpose. And if SCN was less evil, they would treat people in the Sea Org like actual sailors and give them regular leave and a sane watch schedule, or treat them like monks and give them plenty of time on course. Instead, they are treated like a goon squad made of slaves. It’s one of the reasons you can tell that the current leadership of SCN are evil, even beyond LRH’s severe paranoia and obsession with control.
Having served in the US Army, the accommodations on a base, PX, medical and dental, were far better than that received in SeaOrg. The Uniform Code of Military Justice prevents a lot of the corporal punishments I read about taking place in SeaOrg. As for the “billion year” contract? You sign up for specified terms and four years is a lot less than a billion.
Correct. The key here is that you may always change your mind. Not possible in the SO…unless you blow, leaving all your “friends” behind.
I made the mistake of telling an the Security Clearance I/C OSA WUS that my friends were still on the Freewinds to which she replied “Ex SO members do not have friends”. I was in good standing at the time. From this you could say that when I was on good standing I had no friends but now that I am declared I have many friends.
True aspects. Keep in mind, some of the groups you mentioned are based on a faschistic thought level.
I was “courted” for months by a handsome recruiter when I was a teenager. He told me I was out exchange with LRH because I was born and raised in scn and since my parents had benefited that meant I had benefited, he said “you owe your life to LRH”. He repeated it daily – I think it’s what 2nd/3rd gens have shoved down their throats. His relentless flirtation worked, I had a crush, then another hot guy showed up to help recruite me and they followed me around flattering/harassing me. They told me everything on your list – 5 years to save the world, I would be an artist if I wanted, I would get a day off every two weeks & three weeks off a year, etc. When I finished the EPF I found out they were married. I was too young, weak, dumb, & embarrassed to understand what was going on. I spent 2 years in the SO with one Christmas day off, barely ever slept, then hit the RPF, then routed out from there and was held against my will for 5 months. The worst part is I remained in scn for 15 more years. Never devout, but didn’t leave scn until 15 years later.
Another one is they tell you you can leave the Sea Org if you want to. You can’t. If you ask to leave first they hold you against your will, then they label you a DB, degraded being, and if you choose to remain in scn after leaving the SO you will be branded XSO and treated with constant contempt. If you join the SO and leave, you best leave scn altogether immediately. XSO in scn are judged forever.
And don’t they also bill you if you leave?
We are the only ones that can save the planet.
Your family will benefit, once they return to Earth next life time, as the Planet will be better.
MEST = cars, houses, clothes always perish, they are not lasting as the only philosophy to save mankind.
Your will have the only knowledge with which you can help others.
We need your help (Sea Org) –
I think the button of HELP is a major one used to close the ‘deal’.
I am a Never-In, so forgive me if this seems snarky- I don’t mean it to, but if Scientologists believe “MEST = cars, houses, clothes always perish, they are not lasting as the only philosophy to save mankind”, then how is all the outrageous building (Hemet) justified? Why bother spending so much time and energy in building the underground bunkers to preserve Elron’s media? Why bother with all the glamour and glitz and expense for celebrities? How is all the materialistic acquisition rationalized and justified against the belief?
Remember your quote from “Animal Farm” by George Orwell. “All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others.”
From the beginning, Hubbard got the best of everything because he was the “source” of everything. If he was on land, he was the one that got the nice mansion. If on sea, he got the Captain’s Cabin, maintained by crews that catered to his every whim.
They say he died in a Bluebird mobile home, very true. But it was huge and luxuriously set up. And the only reason he was living in it was because his house was being renovated for the umpteenth time. Every Scientology organization has a room set aside just for him, in case he visits. At the Gold Base there is a huge mansion for him.
It is a case of “Do as I say, not as I do.”
You ask about Gold, well it was built with the thought that Hubbard would live and work there. So there are offices for him at every location he might want to work. There are movie theatres, indoor swimming pools, exercise facilities, music listening rooms, all kinds of facilities just for him. Even a shooting range. Now that he has been gone for a while, Dave Miscavige shares some of these with Tom Cruise. But some are still set aside for the return of Hubbard.
I thinks somewhere around 20 staff do nothing but keep the grounds and estate clean and ready for Hubbard. Including washing his clothes over and over with 20 clear water hand rinses after every hand wash.
The underground vaults are just to “preserve the technology” in case the world goes south. But there are luxurious facilities for Hubbard nearby, in case he comes back. The real reason for all that is that Hubbard wanted somewhere to keep his personal estate that could not be touched by the IRS even if the main Church went down. So he donated untold millions to the “Church of Spiritual Technology” and set it up as a separate entity.
It does not seem odd at all to Dave Miscavige that the other staff live like paupers while he lives like a king. He thinks he deserves it because he does the events and keeps the donations rolling in. He does not personally pay for any of his exquisite gourmet meals, luxurious apartments, incredibly expensive tailored clothes and so on. He just suggests or hints that he needs these things “to be able to get the next event done” or whatever. If he wants a fancy stereo that Hugh Hefner would die for, he just says he needs to check the sound on recorded lectures or music and needs a “proper listening production line” to do so. If he wants to listen to a first run film in 35 mm with surround sound he gets his buddy Tom to have a print sent to the Int Base and watches it in Hubbard’s fully set up 100 seat theatre.
Life is good for Dave, not so much for everybody else.
Who knows what ‘signs’ were given to Dave about Hubbard’s new identity verification (Dalai Lama style), IF ANY? Dave has to make sure that no one like Zuckerberg – with red hair, worldwide communications software, and who just wrote a Manifesto for a worldwide community – shows up as the new Hubbard.
I don’t know, threefeetback, but I suspect that there were signs of some sort. All I know is Dave told us that the big mansion for Hubbard at the Gold Base was not just for show.
But Hubbard does not have a great track record of “returning” to his former haunts, even while living. Did he ever go back to the Founding Org in Washington DC, or Phoenix, or the Flag Land Base? He only went back to Saint Hill after the fiasco in Africa long enough to set up the Sea Project and head for the Mediterranean. He spent most of his life on the run from creditors and the law.
He gave the Sea Org the motto “Revenimus” or “We Come Back” but again it was do as I say, not do as I do.
The story is he was to come back as a politician, but the dates are not right for a certain recently elected President. You can’t “come back” as somebody who is alive during your current lifetime.
I think the whole story is a lot of narcissistic whoo hah.
Someone needs to apply the datum “power is assumed” , push the Kid aside, and say, “I’m back!” Zuckerberg is supposedly considering politics (born in 1984, but Hubbard never had a problem taking over another body). Would be a riot to see him prank Dave, even though Mark has accumulated MANY more BILLIONS than Dave and in a far shorter period of time. LOL
They recruited me and my two kids (at different times). For me the lies were monumental because I was on OT VII and they wanted OT VII’s on staff. They told me I could continue my Refresher on VII and wear a pager and they would page me for session and I could go. HA! I found out the first night there when I worked until 2 am and then was taken home by van to sleep a few hours that I would never be called for session and if I was, they would never let me go. I was told I could see my kids once a year for 3 weeks. What they don’t tell you is you have to replace yourself AND have upstats AND have your senior and everyone above him/her sign OK to it, which never happens. I was told I was a writer and artist so I could go to Gold and write speeches for DM. Thank God I didn’t go there! My son was a poet/rapper and they told him he would go to Gold and write rap songs with Chill E B. That would be his hat in the SO. And when Sump was the big deal, he was told he could produce music and other art at Sump. Heck it still hasn’t even opened yet years later. My daughter was told she was an old thetan in a young body and had commanded before. They told her since she could confront the mess the planet was in, that she had an obligation to go in and handle it “because no one else has the high confront of evil you do, and if not you, then who?” I could go on but you get the idea. I did the EPF but due to squirrel recruiting on my cycle, I didn’t join the SO and continue after that. I said no to them which is what I should have said in the beginning. No wait, I DID say “NO”. They just never took No for an answer.
But I want to travel the world!
You do realise, as a thetan, you’ve seen everything and been everywhere anyway.
Hmm…sure…but…well, I just don’t remember any of it yet. So I want to go again.
You’ll get to travel in the SO. You’ll go to many different countries and you’ll be saving the planet!!
Oh! Okay! So I’ll still get to explore Thailand? Cambodia? I’ll be able to hike the Inca Trail? The Tongariro Crossing? Go cavern diving in Mexico?
Yes, yes, many different countries. Now just sign here.
another thing I told them was, “I’d like to remarry and have a good marriage now.” They said, “Oh, there ar really stellar beings in the SO for you. And then they proceeded to parade eligible men in front of me for days. Talk about pimping people out. They even talked one guy into flirting with me. I could tell they put him up to it by how bad he was at it.
Post now updated with some of the excellent points brought up by commenters.
Mike, do you know if anyone ever tried to get out by saying that they have fulfilled their billion year contract ( since the Thetan is trillions of years old )?
Yes, I was told every one of those lies back in the 70’s when I was recruited. Some of them even were not lies – sometimes, or for a while. I had libs sometimes every week, at least every two weeks most of the first few years I was in the SO, and then right up until the hammer came down for good in 2004, there would be stretches of months or years where libs could be had. Got bonuses for a a few years in the 80’s. Made it a good way up both sides of the Bridge in the 80’s, but only because I pursued this diligently, not because it was made easily available. That all crashed to halt before the 90’s arrived. Berthing was anything from relatively spacious and nice 2D berthing to awful and hideous sardine packed mega-dorms. I even managed a few times to pull off having my own room (when I was single) a few times.
Then, too: three marriages split up by reason of SO circumstances (me and wife moved to different locations, me routing out her not). One of my wives had to get an abortion. What little belongings I brought with me that were of any value were all moved when I was in the RPF and forever lost. Any bonuses were more than counterbalanced by weeks and months of no pay at all, and all the times I spent my paltry earnings on things the org should have paid for, but did not.
As the years went on, libs, bonuses, etc all disappeared. So, too, did sufficient sleep (ever). Even in the end the “stability” of having a post disappeared when we were all frog marched onto 24/7 Basics sales.
Hint: A honest recruiter would give this answer, a quote from Mr. T in Rocky III, if asked my the recruit was his prediction would be for that recruit’s Sea Org experience. Honest recruiter answer to that question would be, Pain,”
Your story hit me on a deep level. You put in all that time. You put in all your effort. Those younger years of your life, lost to evil grasping disgusting humans. The slow realization and disenchantment of those wasted years must at times feel unbearable. But you MUST know that you are not alone. What you went through was, in a strange, sad, and demented way, a gift that you must share with the world. You rose above it and made a brave choice. YOU should get a Freedom Medal of Valor, not Tom Cruise. I am writing this to you from my heart.
One thing I don’t understand about the housing situation —
I assume that Sea Org numbers have dropped. Is that so, as far as anyone knows? I can’t imagine that SO membership levels have remained steady as overall church membership has been falling like Trump’s approval ratings. My next assumption is that the housing capacity for these Sea Org’ies has not dropped so much. Which leads me to ask are they starting to get a little more personal space, on average? Or, are barracks facilities having sections walled off in order to keep the slaves in cramped conditions?
I imagine that the sardine can conditions are not only a circumstance of cost control measures, but also a deliberate strategy to keep the billion year contractees in a state of maximal oppression so that their minds don’t find enough breathing room to start to think, and possibly “cognite” that they are being fucked royally. It seems counter-intuitive, but slightly less worse living conditions, working conditions or nutrition might lead to greater dissatisfaction –> rebellion. I’ve never studied to science of slave labor management, but I bet there are well reasoned treatises on these matters.
Yes, definitely cost control (being extreeeeemely cheap) and people/mind control. If there’s no real nice comfy space to go “home” to you care a little less about working longer hours. There’s never any “can’t wait to get home and put the game on and grab a beer.” There’s just get to your room, wait for the bathroom, find your clothes out of a pile because there’s no more closet space for you, food or snack facilities or TV are not allowed, and climb up to your bunk and hope everyone else (if they even come home) quiets down quickly so you can sleep. Or when they show up at 3AM are quiet and don’t wake you up over and over again.
I was going to get moved into a 2-bedroom condo that had 13 in it already. There was no room even for my clothes or a suitcase for my stuff. So I did some real fast talking and got the person in charge of berthing to let me stay in the one room I had been in with my spouse for a few years. I was supposed to be moved out because my spouse couldn’t take the crap anymore and left. Interestingly enough, less and less people were arriving at this base and I found out that there was no rush to make that room available for another couple. The powers that be were so busy breaking up couples and that helped my situation at the time. I have a feeling the person in charge of berthing never reported this room as available–both of us would’ve been “dead meat” if Mi$cavige found out! LOL.
I definitely didn’t leave because I realized things could be better for myself. I very literally escaped a scary, oppressive and cruel work environment. Downright evil. Having learned things differently when I started in the 70’s I knew things had been driven off the rails and there was no way I could see them being set straight again. It was “Project Get the Hell Outta Here.” I stayed in that room until I engineered my own escape, about another 10 months later. I knew things would not be good once I got out but any problems I could’ve encountered while readjusting were better than what was going on inside.
Gato Rojo thank you for your post. Can you post more details of how you escaped?
hgc10, you are definitely on to something there. I can’t remember the proper name for the phenomenon at work, but deprivation and sacrifice tend to increase commitment. Then, all the “investment” in deprivation and sacrifice make it harder for the individual to confront the possibility that the cause which justified it all might not be a worthy one after all – this is a type of commitment bias, sometimes also referred to as “sunk costs.”
The Sea Org life has long if not always been filled with unnecessary deprivations of proper pay, food and supplies, etc. that the corporate organizations really could afford if they chose to.
Oh My My My some of all of this I’ve heard Before esp Gods coming soon as a Child & my parents hit us far too much & punished us so I’m sure I was terrified if God came & we weren’t good enough for our parents how could we get through his coming it messes w your head & it’s not just a Sct thing other churches use it.
I am so sorry for what you experienced. Please seek help. Many good people care about you.
Recruiters also try to capture people with a description of easy living, totally dedicated in a distraction free life of just doing the bridge and saving the planet.
The big bad world with all its worries about taxes, mortgage payments, retirement, laundry and food and so on.
They paint the activities of daily life as being grinding, petty, worrisome, waste of time, useless, and WOGGY. You’re off wasting your life on the rat race treadmill doing all this low level wog crap when you could be in a distraction free environment, off the SP lines, away from all the PTS middle class MEST universe useless motions. Family? You’ve had hundreds of families all up and down the whole track. THIS is the TIME and place and only chance we have to make it.
In the SO you will just be 100 percent LRH day in day out, surrounded by like minded friends, you’ll be challenged and you’ll grow and be cause. OTs take this planet, OTs will save it. You’re OT just by joining. Only OTs join the SO. You’ll train and audit and BE OT. Only BIG BEINGS can wear the boots and help LRH.
The most ethical group on the planet.
At some point the Sea Org needs to be disbanded.
Love bombing is another recruiting technique. The “many are called, few are chosen” gambit to make the target feel oh so special. Teenagers, out there discovering just who they are, can be very succeptable to this ego massaging, and the instant prestige of joining the most able, ethical group on the planet, if not the Galaxy!
I got ‘love bombed’ once at some org. They all threw M80s at me. I didn’t feel the love…
What are M80s??? 😛
They’re like very large firecrackers.
Pretty early on in my 12-year run, being naive and stupid as I was, I thought it would be awesome to retire to the S.O. Ha! In the end, having two young children and not wanting them to be any part of it was one of the main reasons I left.
Most people in the world today would burst out laughing in anyone’s face that asked them to sign a contract of any kind for a duration of 1 Billion years or more. A Sea Org contract is like borrowing $43.95 from the bank with a guarantee that it will cost you $495,000.00 to repay the amount. Most people would never sign such a contract. 🙂
The only thing you get ” in retirement” in the SO is a wooden box.
And finally the rest you never got while in the SO.
They figure, not totally incorrectly, that you will get plenty of rest between lives. I don’t know about that.
The BIG LIE; “We take care of our own”
The truth? We eat our own…
Love bombing.
My take is that most people have an inner sense that they are special/unique. This is a good thing. The narcissist thinks that it’s only him (i.e., Tom Cruise) while most acknowledge (even if it’s only intuitively) that everyone is unique. But individual uniqueness rarely goes acknowledged at all by someone else. A young person or young adult is more gullible when a SO recruiter tells them what a unique and special being they are, puffing up their egos and giving the person a further sense of the responsibility he bears in helping all the other lesser beings not only of planet Earth but in the church of scientology. Not everyone is called to join such an elite group.
Now with ego inflated and all the others promises in hand, he/she signs that contract only to find out in the not to distant future that he/she has been had.
Big had! Severe had! Nobody’s going to save you, had.
Right. One big Mo Fo Had.
Ugh, it hurts my heart to read these comments each day/week. Sending good energy out to every soul who has been or continues to be caught up in the sinister grip of the CoS. As an outsider, the material and the official church seem a complete dichotomy. This deal has swung so far out of balance under the current chairman.
Please keep the information coming…people are awakening to this evil machine. We are reading and learning more than you can imagine. Thank you, Mike Rinder, for shining down the Light.
“The inner censor of the mind of the true believer completes the work of the public censor; his self-discipline is as tyrannical as the obedience imposed by the regime; he terrorizes his own conscience into submission; he carries his private Iron Curtain inside his skull, to protect his illusions against the intrusion of reality.”
—Arthur Koestler, Darkness at Noon, 1940
Ayup. You can always tell when a CofS recruiter is lying because their lips are moving. As a mission then Class V org staffer, I was lied to about the actual conditions both times I was recruited and both times it had major negative impact on my life.
What happens when you find out that you have been lied to and recruited under by pretence is rather than admitting error, they force the recruit to confess which puts the recruit back under their dominance and control and makes it easy to manipulate the person into staying anyways.
I saw that happen over and over again.
Another important SO recruit tool for Scn kids is other Scn kids. In Seattle, once they got one teen or pre-teen, she was sent back to recruit all of the other teens and pre-teens in the area. Then they can say, “Come join your friends!” It was very successful. Many kids in my area joined that way, like the pied piper.
Yes that is criminal in my opinion to take young teens and turn them into recruiters to go after all their other friends. They did that with my daughter and one of her friends. My daughter actually recruited my son, younger than her, also a teen, to join the SO. Right out from under my nose. They hid it from me of course, but when you find out what’s going on, it’s too late by then.
I wish I could tell my sister’s Sea Org story, which is more of a rescue story, but it’s her story to tell. I never joined the Sea Org, largely because her horrible experience clued me in to the methods of Sea Org recruiters, which is to say, they will say anything to get their target to sign up. If Scientologists are trained to lie (as Mike Rinder explains so well in a previous post), then Sea Org recruiters are the high priests of falsehoods in the “World’s Fastest Growing Religion”(tm).
Scientology tries to find a person’s “ruin” to get them to join. In the same way, the Sea Org tries to find what a person loves to get them to join the billion-year club of despair so laughingly called a “clergy”. Artists are assured they will draw and paint, musicians are assured they will make music, computer geeks are assured they will learn programming… Whatever your heart’s desire, the Sea Org recruiter will promise you on his mother’s grave that you will be doing just that.
It’s a lie, of course. I know of exactly one person who joined the Sea Org and immediately started doing what they promised him he would be doing. (He was a computer guy recruited to help set up INCOMM, which, perhaps inevitably, became an unqualified disaster. Scientology and computers don’t mix.)
I cannot express enough gratitude to my sister for enduring what she had to endure. Without her experience, I would have definitely signed that contract. As third generation Scientologists, she and I were conditioned to believe, and her strength in getting her parents to come extract her was the first fissure in that armor of conditioned belief.
I’ll never forget my most intense recruiting session in that half room under the stairs at the Portland Celebrity Center. On the desk the contract was laid out with a beautiful Waterman fountain pen next to it, just beckoning to be fondled. (I got a thing for beautiful pens, of which the recruiters were very well aware.) The lead recruiter, Nancy, somehow vulpine and voluptuous at the same time, her flawless skin sallow in the dim light, her arms wrapped to her shoulders as she tried not to shiver, and failed, each failure causing major distractions from her impressive bosom. (Had the CC paid its heating bill that month? If not, it was really the only pleasant part of the whole dismal affair.) There were two other guys there, but they were mere shadows in the background of her beauty.
I never picked up the pen. I was afraid to. I had only seen pictures of Waterman fountain pens, and the reality of one on the desk in front of me was enough to break my heart, because I knew
I would have to use it. I just kept thinking of the lies they told me sister, and eventually I walked
away. Although not without a Knowledge Report from those recruiters. They couldn’t get me to sign up, so they tattled on a couple of mean things I said. So petty.
I’m so glad I never had to escape from the Sea Org. Leaving Scientology was hard enough.
I spent a year at CC Portland training to be a course supe, from 90 to 91. It was my first “Academy” training.
You’re right, the recruiters will tell a recruit anything they think you want to hear to get you to sign on, then when they find out they were lied to and get pissed the RECRUIT is the one who gets the “ethics” handling, which is really domination/mind control/a type of hypnosis.
Masochists love Scientology…
with the difference that most masochists know what they’re getting into…
The effort made by Damnation Navy recruiters show that they are not going for the self destructive. The SO wants the best, all the better to break them down.
Mike they don’t even pay for tickets sometimes. One sea org member who are now preasumble at FLB owes me a grand which he had to pay for his ticket from Moscow to Miami.
Another time they organized a fund-raise to get money to send people to Flag for training, of course this sea org auditors never returned to org. At least one of them is now in AOSHEU in Copenhagen which is in deadlock fight with saint hill for wealthy Russian scientologist.
I’ve never been in so can’t really add to the list of foreign workers and children, but a question I have related to others, is do they also attempt to target:
1. Drug users sent through their Narcanon programs, particularly those who may be living in poverty?
2. Homeless individuals who need food and shelter?
Since many individuals in these groups may not have a job (or a high-paying job), I’m curious if they try to target those individuals to provide them “cheap/free labor” so they can have people to do the dirty work so they can target the funds of the more wealthy Scientologists.
Not on your life.
Why? Because they don’t have money for courses? Or will be difficult to handle due to addiction issues? Just curious. I wondered the same as Mick Roberts. Just knew if you have no income they aren’t very interested!
Having ever been a drug user is, I believe, an automatic hard disqualification. I’ve read of people who only succeeded in ending their Sea Org recruitment cycle by falsely confessing to have used LDS once in the past. This is another reason why the ideal SO recruit is some young kid, the younger the better, who has been raised ln the church since birth and never even had the opportunity to try narcotics.
Homeless individuals = downstat degraded beings. Who wants them? Any form of charity is wasted money. Scientology is to help “the able to become more able,” not to provide room and board to losers who pulled in so much economic and personal misfortune.
LSD, not LDS — drowsy from drugs.
I did LDS once. It gave me the urge to take multiple wives.
I think the drug you used was actually FLDS. We quit doing the polygamy shit in 1890.
I did the LDS once too. I signed my SO contract just before the issue came out saying no more people with LDS. I was told that people who had already signed their contracts could still get in as senior policy is “We always deliver what we promise”. That was the last time I recall that policy being applied.
I thought Jeff Hawkins mentioned in Counterfeit Dreams that he was up-front with the recruiters that he had done acid, and he had a long career in the SO. Not sure drug use is a disqualifier at all, if they have stats to make!
Around 1983, there were homeless people recruited in the pac area. The rationale for this was a line from an LRH ED about Old Saint Hill, where LRH talked about how they recruited green people who quickly became scientologists.
The experiment in PAC was a disaster. They had about 30 recruits on the EPF and stuff started going missing and the smell of pot was detected in their birthing floor. That was the last straw and they were “offloaded” one night by a large security force. One of these homeless guy EPFers concocted a scheme with a friend outside the org who robbed the Treasury Sec of 8,000.00 cash (the Staff “Payroll”) one week. The schemer had been acting as a “guard” for the treasury secretary for a couple of weeks, figured it out, had his buddy “attack” him and “knock him out” and absconded with the cash. The schemer blew the next day.
I had a conversation with another one of these recruits when I walked in a bathroom and he was doing pushups on the sink. He told me he had gotten in the habit of doing pushups that way when he was in prison for armed robbery and attempted murder. I casually got his name and his recruiters name (he was slated to go to the frigging Cadet Org!!) and wrote a knowledge report. The guy disappeared. (Some KRs are worth writing)
What a tragic comedy the Sea Org is. The Salvation Navy.
Some Narconon students who have graduated and worked for Narconon do end up in scientology.
The John Doe comment shows that they have even tried that (but it was less successful than what they did before and after). I didn’t know that – great question 🙂
The general impression is that high control groups go for successful individuals which will bring something to the group. Check out “Combatting Cult Mind Control” by Steven Hassan
The lying was always part of recruiting. When I joined the Sea Org in 72 they promised that I would go up the bridge and be a musician, which I was.
I was exited to join and be a musician to save the universe. Got my poor parents to sign because I was under age (sorry mom and dad, you guys are awesome!! for putting up with me).
Well I joined the Sea Org and music had nothing to do with it. After asking the CO Molly Bornstein and Super Cargo Carla, “hey I thought you guys said I can be a musician?”, they guilted me with be too into the first dynamic and I was needed elsewhere to save the universe.
Deception, falsehoods and snake oil manipulation has always been woven into Ron’s “church”.
An organization is a shadow of the man. L Ron Hubbard was a congenital liar. Ron’s very life is based on lies and deception.
look no further than Ron as to why Scientology lies with such ease.
In Scientology the greatest good for the greatest number is the highest moral code. The greatest good for the greatest number, for the Scientologist, is a greater morality and ethic than truth itself.
For the Scientologist, truth and reality is only a consideration regulated by the opinions of the individual.
Truth, for Ron, was not an absolute cosmic imperative, universally rooted. For the Scientologist, truth is an opinion, a postulate.
Thus lying is seen as necessary to further goals of saving the universe.
Lying is a Scientology value. It was Ron’s.
Lying is woven into their collective DNA. Lying comes as easily to Scientologists, as breathing comes to the rest of us.
The sea org always used “shore stories” in the ports the ship visited only to cover up who they actually were. And they couldn’t reveal who they actually were when they moved into Clearwater. No they claimed they were the United Churches of Florida (the corporation that purchased their buildings) until that cover got blown. Yes OSD lying is an intrinsic element of this group’s DNA.
“The greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics” easily becomes “the greatest good for the leader’s dynamics” which easily becomes “the end justifies the means”. Thus you find a lot of CofSers justifying things like human trafficking which should never be justified.
Hubbard himself taught that “solutions” that do not take all dynamics into account won’t work, then created an organization based on the elimination of any other dynamic for his profit.
The actual “greatest good” which he said we were supposed to try to achieve is “optimum survival across ALL dynamics” but Hubbard clearly didn’t believe that, DM even less so if anything. Much better to simply enslave the staff and kill their babies.
A friend told me he interviewed a new Sea Org recruit at Flag who had been brought over from Russia. She confessed to all the fraud she committed in her US visa process and justified it all saying “it was for the greatest good…..” . He said it was all very despicable conduct but oh so “normal” for the cult.
She wasn’t made Kha Khan on the spot?
If she was I suspect all SO members have been also Ka Conned since the willingness to commit fraud is epidemic there.
Doesn’t the SO Contract also have a clause that if you leave you can’t talk about anything bad about the SO or you get fined $100,000?
No, that’s the Non Disclosure Agreement. You can google the SO Contract, it says very little.
Thanks for this info Mike. So they divide it up into two separate agreements or contracts. Big deal. The point is that if they are scared to talk of the abuse when they leave, it makes it hard to have the IRS pull their church status. It makes it hard to get the word out on the human trafficking abuses etc. I wish they knew that the non-disclosure thing is basically toothless, as proven by Debbie Cook in court.
I was told that I would be able to keep my TV. That I could store it in a closet, and then when I would have my time off, I would be able to watch movies or sports with it. I ultimately never joined the SO, but when someone was trying to get me to join, I was told that once.
There is a recruitment video of many EXTREMELY graphic pictures of war, crime, drug abuse, human suffering, killing of female babies born in China, the atomic bomb, etc, etc. My niece who grew up in Clearwater was herded into the film room at Flag and made to watch the film by herself in the dark room, over and over again. She was only 13 at the time and eventually broke down in grief and signed the contract before being allowed to leave the room. When she got home she was in grief and told my sister she had to join the Sea Org to save the babies in China. Two recruiters showed up at the house that night. My sister told them for an hour, out on her lawn that it wasn’t going to happen. They came back at almost midnight to knock on the door and then they went around the house knocking on the windows. My sister got her gun out and made it clear that if they attempted a forced entry that she would kill them. My niece is now doing well in college and studying to be a doctor and wants nothing to do with Scientology. As a note Sea Org members have been routinely convinced that killing their unborn children so they can continue their dedicated slave labor is “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics”. Scientology could give a rats ass about dying babies in China or any where else unless it was interfering with their constant thirst for money.
Wow! Your sister is my type of hero! Glad your niece saw the light too, didn’t do anything stupid at that time and is now living a good life, one with a future. There’s no future in Scientology, just misery.
Had a chuckle to myself after I wrote my first reply to you Mat. Wouldn’t it be a buzz if you could swing a deal with the recruiters who insist on showing such films to people that they have to match it minute for minute by watching Leah Remini’s, Scientology and the Aftermath. It’s only fair isn’t it?
I’ve seen the video. Actually, I appear in it twice. They have probably re-shot it by now since I was declared. Well, maybe not, since they seem to think that I am dead. It is Ok to be SP as long as you are dead. Dead people do not have to be shown a copy of the declare and dead people are finally smart enough not to ask for a Comm-Ev.
What a story, Matt Pesch! Kudos to that Annie Oakley sibling of yours! Being a city dweller I’m generally no gun fan but, OMG, what better reason to have a loaded legal firearm to hand than to be able to threaten to blow off the heads of some crazed Scientology SO recruiters, tapping on your windows in the middle of the night, coming for your kid. VERY well done!
Very informative and telling! I have always wondered if people still join the SO.
I was afraid to ask for fear someone would say “that has been asked so many times. Mike is feeling frustrated and repetitive”
Thanks, Mike!
Marie, I think there are always going to be repetitive questions asked by people who come to this blog. At least I hope that is the case. Why? Because that means you are a person who hasn’t been here for a long time and are just now discovering the atrocities. It is not bad to ask questions IMHO as long as you truly want to know the answer, not because you want to cause a ruckus. The more people know, the fewer people will want to have anything to do with the cancer that is scientology.
There is generally a “reference” if you dig deep enough in the rabbit hole of the blogs out here. Sometimes if you have a burning question, it may be easy to type a search in the blog and come up with your own answer, sometimes, if you ask they question, us oldtimers may just surprise you and answer it. Thanks for caring.
I was a troubled teen looking for independence so went willingly thinking I was escaping my awful life at home with my abusive step-father.
I thought I was going to Florida for a small work project ( SIPRO).
The weeks before I dreamed of my future Freedom every night. I’d never been out of Ohio, was a 9th grader with not much geographical education or experience.
My dreams were connecting Disneyworld in Florida.
I was really wrong.
Then the Recruiter let me believe I could work directly for LRH. Again I went willingly agreeing to not tell anyone in my life where I was going. Not even my mother.
I got to Int and that’s when I discovered LRH wasn’t there and the Int Base was on heightened security. I was told a 10 man mission had uncovered and removed a guy named Mayo.
It was pretty exciting to be part of I guess. Russ in RTRC wasn’t friend and showed me RTRC projects. I remember Bill the guy in the closet of Del Sol who seemed to know ever single reference LRH ever uttered (is Bill still alive? I think he was in his 50’s when I was there at 15 years old).
I was trapped. No parent. No way to get help. No idea where I was or where the nearest civilization was.
I would NEVER want any child to be put through what “independence” supposedly was. I bought everything I was told until I missed my mom too much and wanted to leave.
The parents that push their children to join the Sea Org should be reported to CPS. It’s BS. It’s ignorant slave labor.
Sarita please tell me (us) how you got out once you realized you wanted to leave. Thank you.
Between this plethora of information & the internet, the truth is out there. Here’s praying it finds its way to the poor souls who are either in the SO or considering it and more importantly that they are able to extricate themselves.
Well done Mr Rinder.
Sounds to me like becoming a member of Scientology, unless you are wealthy or a celebrity, amounts to indentured servitude.
Tina, the wealthy and celebrities have their own unique hell of indentured servitude. The wealthy are forced to give until they are no longer wealthy. The celebrities are forced to pimp their name for scientology. No one. No one. Gets a free ride in scientology.
Except the dwarf…
Ayup. Hubbard’s intent seems to have been to create an organization designed to attract altruistic people who want to help others, then enslave them and take them for everything he could get while holding them in a hypnotic self censoring thought bubble. He was a “charge all the traffic will bear” sorta guy, so if you would bear being his slave, it was ok with him if you wanted to “elect yourself a victim” by working for him for free.
You will hear from Exes over and over again, “At first it helped, but then…” . That is the hallmark of a con. The con has to give the mark a taste of something good as bait to attract them (called “salting the mine” after the practice of putting a few nuggets of gold in an otherwise empty mine so the mark will find them), then once they’re hooked take them for everything they have.
Very funny, Mike. I asked my recruiter what kind of apartment I would have. She just said “it depends on what you pull in”. Which could mean anything from a dumpster to the Taj Mahal.
I do know a Sea Org member at the Gold Base who literally lived in a hole in the ground. And of course Dave has nicely appointed apartments in several continents with every luxury.
But stupid naive me, I took off for Los Angeles in a rented station wagon with my nice stereo, camera equipment etc. piled in the back. In less than two years all that stuff was ruined when the heavy rains flooded the basement tunnel storage areas at the Big Blue.
But all that is just stuff. Who cares if you have a nice apartment if you are saving all mankind from a fate much worse than death? If you can relieve the suffering of the teeming millions of poor, downtrodden masses?
One time in South Africa I was in a van going to Joburg Org with a bunch of South African Sea Orgers and we saw men just sitting in doorways of little hovels. Not just one or two, lots of them. I asked “Who are those guys?” and they said “Oh, those are the guys who are dying of AIDS. They just sit and wait for death.”
Did that make us want to jump out of the van and help those guys? Or see if we could get involved with groups that are working to abolish AIDS? Or split off even a tiny bit of all the millions of rands that were pouring into renovating the Joburg Ideal Org Fiasco to help the poor people of Johannesburg?
No, no, no, we believed the biggest lie that they tell recruits. We believed that by living in our own little hovels and working every day on the strange things we did in the Sea Org that we were helping. In the best way possible. We were eradicating the very root cause of all the suffering.
Someone said that if you are going to lie, lie big. The little lies are easily found out. You get away with the big ones because nobody can believe you would lie about something so important. I don’t know where Hubbard learned this but he was a master at it. And his elite bunch of Sea Org sycophants learned it well at his feet.
Bruce, I managed to save my expensive SLR camera and zoom lens (probably worth about $20 on ebay by now) throughout my tenure there because I almost always had it on my person. I still have it (haven’t used it in over 30 years). It is a reminder of the small thing that kept me sane when my world was black.
Valerie, I had a Nikon F2AS (last of the fully mechanical Nikons, only electronics inside was the light meter). For years I held onto it by keeping it under my desk. Then one day during cleaning inspection the security guards told me I couldn’t have it there, so I took it out to berthing with tons of lenses and accessories.
One day when I got home from an event trip they had moved my stuff and all the camera gear was missing. A dumpster diving friend found most of it in the dumpster and saved it. Worth $400 on ebay, it was a classic camera. But to Gold Security (cough Danny Dunagin cough cough) it was trash. My Nikon FM was left in the rain during the same event and was a total loss.
But I harbor no resentment or ill will, it’s not good for the immune system to keep all that cortisone pumping all the time. What matters the breaking of a few expensive Nikon eggs when the omelet will save the world? Or something…
Some day soon Danny and a few like-minded die-hards will be manning the security booth of an empty International Base. They can be as mean to each other as their hearts desire, while we get back to living life.
I was one of those guys dying of AIDS (due to no medical care) except I was on the Freewinds instead of South Africa. I was waiting for 13 years for my 21 year LOA and I finally got it! I don’t know if I will make it through the “Returning from LOA routing form though, now that I have been declared.
I know where he got it. Mein Kamph by Adolf Hitler. A big lie always works better than a small one.
Hi Mike, also they told my health willbe cover because they have professional health care in the base like Dentist and doctors, guess what in 1998 nonprofessionals healtj care just SO mimiking Dentists and OBGen, The recruiter never told about the prenancy and abortion until I figure out bu myself with a Mexican girl live with me. aldo we can aggregate to the list they lie to my family and Icoul not talk to them by phone, no access to phone to call home .
You will get free dental and health care
You will not have to pay for your own clothing
You will get 2 1/2 hours every day for study or auditing
You will be working with the most ethical, uptone beings on the planet
(The sound of snickering). Staff member 1: “Do you they fell for it?”
Staff member 2: Fuck ya! Like shooting fish in a barrel!
When I was in, like most who were in, I truly believed I was doing good. They convince you how much you will be helping others.
The true incongruity of that slammed home yesterday when a song came on that I hadn’t heard for years. I considered it my theme song, it made me feel good. Listening to the lyrics yesterday left me breathless.
“No one knows what it’s like to be the sad man
To be the bad man
Behind blue eyes
No one bows what it’s like to be hated
To be fated to telling only lies.
And my dreams they aren’t as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours only lonely
My love is vengeance that’s never free”
(The Who- Behind Blue Eyes)
The entire song sums up the Sea org experience. Listen to it if you have a mind to, its interesting how different my life is now.
In many ways it’s no different than signing a 2 1/2 or a 5 year staff contract. Promise you the stars but don’t even deliver the moon.
But, they do deliver the heartache, right? So they do deliver a service!
But I didn’t sign up for that!
I was pressured for many years to join the SO, but I guess a couple of wayward, now long forgotten LSD misgivings of youth saved my butt. However, it is with a sense of great sadness which quickly turns to anger when I remember the lost friendships of some great people I got know and work with who had their lives dominated by being SO. It still hurts today to remember the look on the face of the beautiful young girl who, with greatest difficulty told me our budding romance had to end because of her commitment to the SO. Geezers, I was working just as many hours, auditing my butt off, running a course-room plus holding down a ‘wog job’ as well for the “cause”. Who has the fucking right to do that to me/us?
That’s Scientology for you!
(Gasp!). Did you get contaminated by working with Wogs? I Yawn, maybe you should see a doctor!
My doctor is pretty cool about such things. Have another whisky and carry on is the prescription he gives for almost anything that ails me now. If he knew that part of my history he’d more than likely say something like, “Scientology probably deserves someone like you now,” he knows me too well.
I don’t know, I Yawn…you can catch all kinds of shit from Wogs. The smile on their faces is forced…
I heard one given to a kid of a scientologist over a decade ago. “There is a special confidential project that you would be perfect for. CoB has looked over possible scientology candidates and has picked YOU as one who will work on this incredible, planet changing project.”
Yes!! This is what I was told except it was for Ron.
I’d run for the hills…
My brother was pitched with almost the same crap decade ago.
“We will be new generation of sea org members, never seen before, ethical, trained and intelligent, if you wouldn’t agree now you will lose your chance to be in that elite wave of recruits”
You know, in a weird sort of way that sort of thing/coercion/lying parallels the tech of mock up processing. It took me years to fathom mock up processing and then work out how to do it. Once you get an inkling of how the technical side of it functions, it’s rather simple & easy but the whole thing sits firmly on what your intentions are for asking someone to do something with their mind. Gee… I can’t recall it much anymore but it has something to do with or is the forerunner of ACT 1 or 2 I think. Anyway, it’s a whole different aspect of “intention” to get someone to mock up something what they believe is really helpful and sits squarely on their purpose line & then use that to snare them. It’s done by salespeople all the time, but with Scientology what was once considered a process for the benefit of the individual morphed into an art form of deception using the spiritual and religious aspect of existence as bait. Mock-up processing done properly with good intention does remarkable things in the right hands but Scientology as a group just couldn’t help themselves and used it to man up their ranks & fill their coffers leaving a long trail of shattered lives and great upset in their wake.
Scientology as a group pursuit developed into one of the most untrustworthy and despicable crushers of souls this planet has ever spawned. Perhaps Hubbard was right about one thing, you become what you resist.
To implant someone is basically the attempt to force the subject to mock up something. So, every implant could be considered a mock up. Implants and mock ups (and mock up processing) work as mock ups have an effect on the real physical universe.
Look at the mock ups installed into Scientologists that have as its content Scientology. And then what intentions those mock ups contain regarding Scientology.
Just in case you are interested in the full story.
IY, it sounds like you are talking about “creative processing”. Something Hubbard was developing in the early 50s. It is similar to the “guided imagery” that they do with cancer patients,where they have the patient imagine their immune system attacking the cancer. I think Hubbard got the idea from Volney Mathison. Possibly a valid idea, but abandoned by Hubbard.
I think there is even an order from Hubbard to remove all references to Creative Processing from his lectures. I may have heard that wrong, but I was around when they were doing the restoration of the old lectures and editing them. Somebody said the edits were only to “remove SPs”, coughs and noises, and Creative Processing.
It would not be possible to completely erase it from the Philadelphia Doctorate tapes where he demonstrates it and devotes full lectures to it. So maybe I have it wrong.