Here is another chapter in the sad tale of the demise of Jobur Ideal Org.
To begin, let me remind you that this is the second “ideal org.” Dear Leader himself made the long trip to bless the “new org” and in finest shermanspeak, pronounced this the beginning of the new age in Africa and THE thing that would make S. Africa the first cleared country. And the goodness would spread from there and overtake the entire continent.
Of course, no such thing happened and Jobur has struggled since. So much so that a Sea Org “Command Team” was dispatched to get things back “under control.” They rolled into town and proceeded to declare the main opinion leaders in the area and as a result, things have gone from bad to worse. They even have a local blog that documents the demise of organized scientology in S. Africa with a steady stream of information exposing the ugly truth about just what a fail the orgs are in S. Africa and Zimbabwe. Of course there are no other orgs in the entirety of the African continent — an area nearly 4 times bigger than the contiguous United States, with a population that now exceeds 1 billion — this despite the promises of Miscavige with his little arrows springing out of his ideal org graphic to indicted how they would “in turn” generate more and more groups and eventually more orgs. There aren’t even any new missions or groups in South Africa in 11 years since its opening, let alone new orgs. And of course, NOTHING in all the rest of the vast expanse of Africa.
And now we received two reports concerning the problem of keeping the lights on in Jobur.
First, the org is being dunned by lawyers representing Eskom (the electrical utility company for S. Africa) demanding payment of their 2 million rand (about $200,000) backlogged unpaid electrical bill. They threaten to shut off their service, the church begs and offers a token payment and staves off the inevitable for a little while. As one S. African told me, the only entity with worse administrative inefficiency than the church is Eskom. But sooner or later they will bumble their way into terminating service to the idle org — and THEN the church will pay the bill and Comm Ev the executives, but the shoe will be on the other foot. The advantage of the inefficiency allowing them to continue getting electricity when they havent paid their bill for years will now become a liability as they try to persuade them to turn it back on when they pay the bill….
I wonder if Jobur ideal org has any air-conditioning now that summer is upon them?
But according to the latest begging email, that seems like a less urgent situation than buying a generator because “Eskom hasn’t been kind to our org lately.” Strange priorities dictated by the pressures of scientology “admin tech.” Because there are “rolling blackouts” that make it impossible to train and audit at night, this is affecting stats right now. Thus, it is PRIORITY. Ignore the fact that ALL the power may be permanently shut off, because “that hasn’t happened yet and so it isn’t affecting this week’s stats.” This is typical org “think.”
How is it possible that with an ideal org and the Golden Age of Dreck II — they are not making enough money to pay their utilities? Let alone their staff. And they certainly don’t have a rand to spend on a generator.
The solution? Beg the public to give them money to buy a generator (and if that happens they will be begging them to buy fuel to run it).
Bad news on that front though — they declared a lot of the people they would normally have tapped for this sort of thing.
Here is their email:
From: Church of Scientology JBGD <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 17:32
Reply To: Church of Scientology JBGDSubject: Eskom hasn’t been kind to our Org lately, Nobody wants to go free in the dark! So Joburg Org has come up with a solution but we need your help!…
Attend our Dark Knight Fundraiser and help Joburg Org buy its own Generator… after all you do need power to go free!
Since the rolling blackouts here in Johannesburg are going to keep on rolling for a long time, we needed to come up with a solution because we cannot deliver our service to our public in the dark, so we have decided to buy our own generator for the Org that will be able to replace Eskom when they switch off the power.
Please come and support Joburg Org at this fundraiser. The generator costs about R500 000. This cause is good for us but even better for you, because why are we here after all? to help you go CLEAR! and nobody wants to go free in the dark!
Time- 7:00 pm
Place- Chapel
Theme- Dress in white and bring the light!
Surprisingly, no typos or spelling mistakes.
But it raises some puzzling questions:
1. Are people supposed to fork over their money to buy a generator or support building more “ideal” orgs? Or the IAS? Or Planetary Dissemination? Or the AO Af? Or CCHR?
2. If Joburg is in such financial distress, what about the other orgs in Africa? This after all is the model. The leader. The “continental org.” The Sea Org are all over it. It’s the biggest, baddest org in all the land.
Once again, reality makes a mockery of the PR pronouncements of the church.
They continue to tell the clubbed seals that with GAG II and and Ideal Org they WILL clear their areas. It is the pitch repeated ad nauseum by everyone. But of course, that is a lie. Jobur is living proof of that fact.
A lot of the clubbed seals are kept in the dark. But there are PLENTY of people who know the truth — that “ideal orgs” are miserable failures. That GAG II is a miserable failure. That these programs are NOT improving anything. But they keep repeating the lies because to do otherwise would be “Counter Intentioned.” Those are the people who have karma to face. And sitting on top of that steaming pile is none other than Mr. David Miscavige, “COB,” “ecclesiastical leader,” Pope of scientology, dictator of command intention and king of on-Sourciness.
What, no typos? “This cause is good for us but even better for you, because why are we here after all? to help you go CLEAR! and nobody wants to go free in the dark!”
At least capitalise the “t” after a question mark.
It’s reports like this about Jo’burg that make feel so correct and right about freeing myself from Hubbardism, over and above the wrong I felt for becoming a true believer.
I think I do not really understand. What is about this picture about Joburg Org .. there are two letters missed .. they have no money to replace it .. or is it only photoshopped? Anyway, the question for a generator is more than stupid .. because paying the electricity bill would be much cheaper and would give more comfort for everyone involved .. who ever on this world would buy a generator as a solution for unpaid electricity bills? I mean, the outstanding bill will be still unhandled .. and a generator will cost much more than normal electricty .. if it were cheaper, everyone would have such a machine in his home around the world ..
A generator is today an emergency machine .. some firms need it if the electricity falls down .. so it is a sort of protection for failure to produce .. it is not a solution for unpaid electricity bills .. it looks really stupid for what the church did ask .. the solution is: pay the bill ..
I seem to be reaching my own tipping point as regards the blindness of these Koolaid drinkers. I now seem to be trending away from compassion for them and leaning more and more towards contempt for them and a viewpoint that people so stubbornly blind deserve to be ripped off. It also doesn’t help when I think that this has very probably been David Miscavige’s viewpoint all along. I want to feel empathy and compassion for them, and I suppose, deep down I do, I still do, but…Oh, well, I guess Mark Twain was totally brilliant when he said that its easier to fool people than to convince them that they’ve been fooled. Thank God this has never been one of my own serious buttons. I’ve always been something of a fool. I’m susceptible.
Furthermore the cult sells courses to improve your finances. Should I do some?
Of course the cherch will be begging for fuel once the generator is purchased by the public (as usual) for the org. They are begging for fuel for the Freewinds, so why not for an itty bitty generator? It can’t cost that much compared to the floating slaveship.
And yes, they do beg for fuel for the Freewinds. My spouse was regged for fuel on his refresher not so long ago. By a top executive in full fake navy regalia no less. He told me the guy was desperate and in fear.
What an utter fail that the org didn’t pay their electric bill and worse, they try to cover it up with lies of rolling blackouts.
They should close up shop and put that dog out of its misery.
I meant to say sick, dying dog out of its misery.
A veritable dog’s breakfast.
A filmmaker could shoot footage of various orgs on Thursday between 9 am to 2 pm showing IAS reges holding up customers for ‘donations’. It would be a new take on Dog Day Afternoon.
“Ohanessbug”……….never heard of it. Perhaps it’s a new species of insect.
Hallie, it’s a type of praying mantis, although the term paying mantis is used for those who donate. Its name is derived from the fact that it displays a typical “prayer-like” posture with folded fore-limbs, also termed “preying mantis” as is sometimes used in reference to their predatory habits. The closest relatives of mantises are the termites and cockroaches.
OMG Michael – that made me laugh!
Well they are all a cut above the life forms that generally occupy the Idle Morgues.
What a great Xmas present. These losers are a laughing stock!! Hip, hip, HURRAY! Hip, hip, HURRAY!!!!
It’s a stocking stuffer for sure.
The big gift is coming.
Mike, to add to a point you have made before, based upon the SA blog past comments, the IAS cannot ship its money out due to exchange control restrictions.
The IAS funds plus their local org reserves, say, total at least 40 million rand. At 8 % interest those funds would pay for their generator in just 2 months. 8 % gives them just interest income of R 3.2 million per year.
But no. Go to the field and ask them for even more money. Use spiritual freedom as the basis for asking for free money. Keep the interest in the bank.
Looks like they are following DM TECH to the ‘T’!
Visualize (“postulate for you ex-$cn folks) the :”straight up and vertiacal” state of Scientology in 2015:
More empty org buildings, abandoned and without power
So many members leave that $cientology has more attorneys than members, and they are eating up the financial reserves at a fast pace
David Miscavige ends up where he belongs – in a prison, on a life sentence
They are not empty! 10,000 have exteriorized and are in the course room.
So, what is the intelligence/survival level of a clubbed seal? Their ship is sinking and now they throw the rudder overboard.
Looks like the only thing being cleared in SA is going to be the Orgs from existence.
Scientology – the only game that eats itself.
And now the game of getting miscavige is hotting up BIG time. Any bets on how long he lasts? I see 2015 as the year of public reckoning of miscavige’s $cientology as the lies become exposed in the main stream. Taking the money and running will probably be his best option but one thing for sure is if he tries to hang around his existence is directly proportional to the amount of money he has stashed away and the lawyers just love that sort of scenario.
Nothing will save you now Davey, it’s how and when you go is the interesting bit, have a happy Christmas, it’s your last one as you know it 🙂
The Office of COB has received your submission and will respond in a timely fashion. Due to the voluminous holiday traffic flooding our base in unprecedented and staggering heretofore unrealized levels of magnitude, please bear with us and have a productive Christmas and New Year. Can I confirm you and your family for the event?
KR, Assistant to DM via Lou
Go green and buy them a solar panel. oh hang on, that would have been my specs for an “ideal org” one that was not dependent on outside power.
Many years ago I lived in a country which had daily rolling blackouts. Our neighborhood would be without power every evening between 7 and 9pm so dinner at home was always eaten by candlelight. We didn’t mind. It had nothing to do with paying the bill. There was simply not enough power to reach the whole area, or else the wires themselves were inadequate, or something. Anyway, this and other problems in this country forged a kinship among all of us. A shared reality, if you will. We were all very tolerant of things breaking down, not working, taking a long time to get fixed, or just left that way foryears and not being fixed at all. We developed a high tolerance for inefficiency. Nobody really expected anything to get done when it was supposed to be done.
Now, I could be wrong, but suspect that these Joburg people have a similar attitude about their neck of the world’s woods, which is why the org staff can get away with begging like this, with covering up like this, and in short, with writing something that would get them laughed out of town in most other places, even by the most avid of Koolaid drinkers.
They can attach a treadmill to the generator and have the staff take turns when they run out of fuel.
Better off with candles.
Was this place a Castle ?
In Old movies castles had flaming touches, if those torches holders are still
there, Joburg is halfway there.
Get a few extra R for fixing the Signage out front.
Moo Goo Guy Pan…that’s an origination…isn’t it?
No, he’s a student at the Taiwan Org.
Does anyone know what happened to the blog BackInComm? There has been no post since 12/9. I hope they are ok.
They are taking a well deserved vacation
The Artful Martyr doth hinteth, me thinkest? 🙂
Yay! I wondered if it was time for vacay but there was no note. I was worrit. Thank you.
Ok if they asked for 4x that amount they could just pay their electric bill. But then they would just run it up again, A generator, however, is free to run … Wait what? It isn’t?
We have generators up at our cabin. They are state of the art and are in enclosures to keep the noise down. We haul in fuel to keep them stocked. We have special switches we have to trip when we switch from battery to generator power, it’s all quite complicated and took about two years to set up so it’s seamless.
That being said, the nicest time of night up there is when the generators go off and the quiet returns. They make a godawful racket, even the state of the art quiet ones.
I can’t imagine being able to concentrate on an auditing session with a generator running.
Of course, it’s not like there are really that many sessions or courses going on or they wouldn’t be begging for money.
Thanks, Mike. Well, apart from ‘rolling black-outs’ which are actually spread ‘selectively’ around our country, there is actually another whole bunch of ‘outs’ (if you can call them that) concurrently plaguing this part of the world!
Most alert people walking the streets, here, are no doubt aware, that instead of looking directly AHEAD, to where one is going, you now have to look DOWN, in order not to end up going IN, when you thought you would stay OUT!
You see, Mike, the scrap metal industry is always looking for business in these pressing times. Cast iron manhole covers, happen to be one of the favorite pickings of our ever increasing numbers of unemployed. I wouldn’t even try to guess how many people are admitted to our hospital trauma section, with torn knee ligaments, badly gashed or even broken legs, resulting from falling INto an unsuspected gaping manhole! (as you probably know, few people are actually paying much attention to the sidewalk in these parts. Too busy on their cellphones, to notice! That is, until some fleet-footed snatcher makes off with that too!)
Even the “JOHANNESBURG”, originally at the entrance, is now: ” OHANNESBU G”
“Holes” are the new stat in the ‘stellar’ range, in our formerly ‘covered’ street manholes!
Just a handy tip for any tourists to ” OH N S G.” 🙂
Maybe the Duggan’s can give another one of their kids away and then pay the utility bill for the next Billion years as the fair exchange.
Just a suggestion…
You see, when I am not around the Suppression Scientology $ells – I use my analytical mind and can solve problems..
A to B baby…A To fricken B.
Ideal org? Looks more like an ideal Og.
Re: Ideal org? Looks more like an ideal Og.
“I fist met M. David Miscavige with his wife Shelly duing the Chistmas holiday season in 1986 when the staff of the Intenational Base and Golden Ea Poductions went to Big Bea to ski and celebate along with Autho Sevices executives and staff. Tom intoduced me to M. and Ms. Miscavige as his new wife. They wee vey wam and codial and went out of thei way to meet me having known Tom since the ealy 80s. Tom was vey poud to intoduce me and to let me know how much he caed fo and espected M. Miscavige and how M. Miscavige and his wife took him unde the wing when he fist arived to the Int Base a few yeas pior and bought him with them to a football game ove Chistmas and saw that he was not alone, as he was new and knew few people.”
Hey Joburg Electric…Shut those clowns off!!
Mike, I showed this post to my husband who owns an armature shop where they work on these large (and some huge) generators and he laughed his ass off then said “They should just pay the bill. Depending how many rooms they have to power, the cost of the diesel will break them.”
So I say…go for it clowns, at least you’ll have the generator to sell off at the Going Out of Business Sale.
Hey OSA, when you give the daily entheta report to Dave, be sure to tell him I’m still waiting for my 3 tickets to the NYE event. OSD has agreed to wear shoes (as long as he can bring his flip-flops with him), I have my gown and Cooper has his dissemination all ready to go. Cough ’em up Tiny Man.
Love to hear it. I keep waiting for the whole Scientology corporate organization to go bankrupt. I’m hoping it will be completely gone in a decade.
Jobur? Joburg? Not according to your picture, Mike: it’s now the Ohannesbug Org… 😉
Watch it, DM will claim he opened a new org.
Snortle! 🙂
Ahahahah 🙂
Does it not occur to anyone to discount some service(s) for a promo? I guess not, that somehow wouldn’t be ok… 😮
Oh wait, I forgot, no one does any services anymore. Donate for our generator by year end ($10,000 minimum) and you be granted your next Honorary Grade Release.
And that is exactly what the top leader has been doing since he took over-destroy scientology, the orgs, the people that is intelligent and could have done an honest job; his family is shattered as well as many others’.
He will keep it going because he ‘feels alive’ as long as he is ‘admired and respected’ (through fear though), but the fact is that he knows he has lost; no matter how much he screams and kicks, he has lost.
The rest, the crumbling orgs, their staff, and their blind parishioners will keep dying slowly, but all will end.
A path of destruction, the hellish world of a sociopath…
I just saw Foxcatcher and for some reason John du Pont reminded me of David Miscavige. Not a happy ending.
Can’t they get that dumbfuck Kirstie Alley to hand over a few million bucks and keep that fraud going?
Oh wait. She has no money left, she’s already given it all to the crime syndicate.
Ah well.
Re: That dumbfuck Kirstie Alley
“What a loser… an embarrassment… a God damned joke!”
A foul mouth supported by a pair of tits.
Is there a club of these ‘dumbfucks’?
Sounds like a generator is a wrong solution (item) to a much bigger problem.
After the generator is purchased Lo and behold , another huge problem that is a stop.
Hint, If they delivered any services they could have a nuclear reactor.
Sounds ideal to me.
Sounds ‘Model’ Ideal to me.
Spelling tech on the sign, too – “ohannesbug”. Just another indicator of the rot within.
You beat me to it. This ‘OHANEESBU G’ could spread, worse than Ebola…..
Hey Mike I have a question. It seems as though LA Org looks really empty of people. However the parking lot is full of cars. What is that all about? Just curious.
Maybe they are selling parking for Kaiser Permanente hospital visitors like Denver sells their parking spaces for Rockies games….
Also years ago when they paved L Ron Hubbard Way and took away all the parking spaces on the street, they told the Non Scientology residents that live in the apartment houses on the street, that they could park in the LA Org Parking lot for free. So some of those cars are of non-Scn residents.
Mike, you’re making my head hurt! All these facts. All these salient and logical points. So many dots being accurately connected and revealing a complete and unsullied picture of SCN Not Succeeding. And on a Saturday morning! I am being forced to find and erase one dust-covered and ill-fitting memory after another. One false impression clinging to a reality that no longer exists. One cherished belief lurking in the shadows, fearful of the light that will banish it forever.
Shame on you Mike …..
Well, actually thank you. There’s no easy way to deal with these facts. No warm and fuzzy blanket of consolation to drape over one’s shoulders. It hurts coming in and going back out and will — well, until it stops. When I first stepped foot into a Mission 42 years ago — it felt like coming home. It felt safe. It has taken a lot of lies, a world of hurt and evil carried out by a few soulless people to make all of that vanish.
Shame on all those people. And thanks again for keeping their deeds, their cold-handed acts of greed out in the open.
“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” —- Gloria Steinham
Regarding “Nobody wants to go free in the dark!”:
We in Global Capitalism HQ try to “go free in the dark” as often as possible, ideally at least three or four times per week. Invariably, that involves supermodels, lingerie (for the supermodels, not for us), and various bottles of vintage champagne or other fine beverages. Much more fun than what the cult is promising for their version of “going free in the dark.”
I have to give them credit for lying just enough to fool the unwary: they carefully phrase their begging letter so that most South Africans reading it would figure they’re just getting hit by the same rolling blackouts that have affected everyone else for years. But of course, they’re referring to the “rolling blackouts” that they themselves have created, not for the usual ones. If the cultie reading this letter hadn’t heard about the electricity troubles (and how could they, since they’re forbidden to read “entheta”), they’d think it was a pretty sensible thing to do. Thanks, COB, for figuring out the “Why” for our lack of straight up and vertical expansion!
Thanks for the great belly laugh, John P Capitalist!
You’re welcome. Office of COB
There’s one downside to this story. If you deliver the “last one to leave turn out the lights” snark, it doesn’t really hit home, as the lights will be out anyway. That’s a shame.
Perhaps Bob Duggan will donate another child to Jobur along with a large sum of money to keep the “donation” confidential.
Hey, why not send the ED to Flag for Supah Powah and avoid the whole generator thing. He/she/it could return to Jobur and be cause over MEST ……. just like Dave and whats his name promised.
” But they keep repeating the lies because to do otherwise would be “Counter Intentioned.”
And the next fundraiser will be needed for flight tickets to LA for all those orgies who now need to return to basics and SCOHB.
The public in Joburg are as deluded as elsewhere. I have recently had the pleasure of two comm cycles with the KA drinkers. One chap, who I personally know to be unemployed and struggling and who has been avoiding me knowing my disaffection. I recently went right up to him in public, thereby giving him no option but to comm with me (this is at my local gym and a LOT of ordinary people there know what’s happening in scn because me and one or two others TELL them – what the hell else does one talk about in a sauna) and he immediately launched into the usual boring diatribe of how excellently he’s doing and how is wife is absolutely unrecognisable from the wins she’s having on the SDR. Sadly I see this woman frequently and know this is BS. I also happen to know it from the main Course Sup, who fricking tells me.She IS slimmer – but, I dunno, might that be from going to gym?
I asked another KA drinker how her family is and she without comm lag similarly launched into a long lecture on the amazing wins her family has been having on the new Purif and SRD. Absolutely nothing to say but defend scn. These people have NO life but scn. They’re sadly finished.
Tony Ortega’s blog today with Jon Atack is a stark reminder how messed up things become with behaviour modification. Please keep on spreading the word, it is a slow process to get out of the rabbit hole. First prize would be never to fall into it. Keep Jozi’s streets clean! 😉
“She IS slimmer” ……. and so is there bank account. See how the cult can help you attain MEST perfection! Better get a flight to Jobur and don’t forget your sticks ……you will need to rub em together to generate some heat and light.
The more they fail, the more the song remains the same, “give us your money”
No product, no exchange, no ethics, the story will be repeated more and more often all over the world until finally the flock will either wake up and leave (get declared for being paupers) or be bankrupt.
Then there will be hope for the end of the destroying of families and lives.
2015 can’t come quick enough.
I’m looking forward to hearing what Shermanspeak Bullshit the Shrine will be filled with.
It will certainly be filled with Bullshit because it won’t be filled with people
It’s Daveshit GTBO. The bulls are nice animals and we should not denigrate them with reference to Darth! 🙂
You are right Cooper
My apologies to bulls everywhere
Daveshit it is
YOU need to buy a generator for us! After all, we wouldn’t be here in this sorry state if you hadn’t screwed up on the whole track! And you want to get out of that mess, don’t you now? Wouldn’t want to spend all eternity in the dark, would we? So get us a generator! Please?
The economic climate in South Africa is vastly different to 10-15 years ago. I used to see the Scientologists giving out free tests often, but not in the last 7 years. Opulence here has been tapered off quite substantially. I know that they still try to connect via emails with people in the corporate world. The church cannot run its electricity on a generator, the diesel bill would be enormous! There is a saying in South Africa “Nothing is free in Mandela’s country”. Mr Miscavage, pay your bill just like the rest of us! To have a 2million rand bill means you have an illegal connection with City Power. You are a thief.
” The church cannot run its electricity on a generator, the diesel bill would be enormous!”
Well Allu, the seals have never been known for their math skills! So, will they ‘invest’ in a propane powered unit or will it be diesel or gas? They will probably choose gas because the fuel is cheaper than diesel. Then they will need runners because they will not have stolen enough $$ to purchase a fuel tank so the staff will be hauling the gas in quart jars from the cheapest station in town.
Then they will find out that plugging it into the dryer outlet won’t work so now an electricial contractor is needed to upgrade their service and install a transfer switch. Oops, need another fleecing to pay for that now. Then it will be oh jeeze, that thing makes too much noise for people to go clear so we need a housing around it. And on and on it goes for the cult………….one emergency after another ……………until there isn’t one anymore. Turn out the lights folks…….the party’s over!
By the darkness, you will know them…
Exactly, Cooper. To use a generator just won’t work. Jobur org is situated in a mostly residential area – there is just no way the neighbors will put up with the noise of a large generator 7 days a week.
Well folks – it seems the lights have already been switched off – last one out, please lock the door and throw away the key. Come out into the light and start living life!
I’ve got an old pedal generator they could have for the miserly donation of 339R.
Get ’em fit at the same time.
Re the infamous SA orgs: since décades, it was clarinetting scientology had lowered of some (50% I I believe) the rate of criminality in SA!
I’d like to know if the brother of number two scientology has been called to pay the bills or, perhaps, he’s dead, or perhaps, he left and was SPed by his own brother?
The guy has been the CO AUSH EU AF fo a while. He was’nt a bad guy, only a fooled one.
Something is not right … aren’t sci-bots suppose to control MEST
“A thetan who is completely rehabilitated and can do everything a thetan should do, such as move [matter, energy, space, and time (MEST)] and control others from a distance, or create his own universe; a person who is able to create his own universe or, living in the MEST universe is able to create illusions perceivable by others at will, to handle MEST universe objects without mechanical means and to have and feel no need of bodies or even the MEST universe to keep himself and his friends interested in existence”.
… and last I checked, light is a form of energy !!!
Oh dear, looks like another mission is needed to replace the mission that was sent to fix it. I take it Dave won’t be announcing the Jobur flap at his New Year’s event. But on the positive side, it could be an opportunity to raise money for Ideal Generators. This could then be promoted as the new IG Network.
Since sucking on the teat of free money, these orgs find it almost impossible to wean themselves off. In fact, they have been so reduced in ability that this ALL they can do. Orgs have “forgotten” how to make it on their own. You know, basics, like deliver something someone considers to be of value, and in exchange they will give you money.
Clearly the Ideal Org strategy has crippled orgs and turned them into spoilt brats, who now can’t seem to hold down a job, and whose only “solution” is to demand more money from daddy. EVERY rich kid I’ve known is hopelessly neurotic. Minimally these orgs are neurotic, but add to that the never-ending pressure from on high to “get the stats up – or else”, and the neurotic become psychotic. So, expect more crazy behavior and destruction as they slip from Class V Orgs to Type III Orgs.
Good point, statpush. Miscavige’s strategy of turning the orgs and staff into beggars for free money without having to provide any real exchange, has successfully, and inevitably if LRH is to be believed, turned the org and staffs into criminals, and their behavior as chronicled here on a daily basis, proves them to have become criminals. This has to be deliberate as policy is very clear that out-exchange creates criminals – or alternatively Miscavige is a complete idiot.
+1 It’s both, dm is a criminal and an idiot.
Excellent posts, Stat Push and Sad State of Affairs. You’re spot on. “This (out exchange) has to be deliberate as policy is very clear that out-exchange creates criminals – or alternatively Miscavige is a complete idiot.”
Also I got a secret briefing from SO “for your ears only” (along with all the other marks they were regging), and in this briefing, they told me that South Africa is very important. LRH had named S Africa as the place Scn would re-form up if there was ever a nuclear bomb dropped. He picked S Africa because the wind currents would not carry radioactive material there. So now that all the orgs and Ideal orgs in S Africa are failing, I guess we will just die of radioactive fallout when the bomb is dropped. DM messed that one up.
Cindy: LRH has maybe erred with his estimate about S Africa .. what I have learned is, you are somehow protected on the North Pole (or was it the South Pole) .. anyway S Africa is closer to the South Pole .. but it is very cold there .. no place to live for a long time ..
You may also remember that LRH gave a place for Atlantis .. he placed it somewhere in the Mittelmeer .. which is not true .. most people think that the South Pole was and is Atlantis .. But see, when LRH said something .. he only thought it .. and then said it was right .. but anyway, there are not so much people around who play with atomic bombs .. LRH did here err too ..
LRH did not err when he said that you have to have the money for maintenance bills like phone or gas or electricity or tax .. otherwise you are a liability for others ..
Some other thoughts along this line…
Miscavige has really created an impossible situation for these orgs. They occupy premises that they have no business occupying – and the staff know it. They know they haven’t earned their flashy environment, and in many respects they don’t deserve it. And because this was not built on hard work and intelligent management, they haven’t a clue of how to maintain it. Nor are they accustom to the levels of production that the physical universe requires to actually pay for such an existence.
Because orgs actually exist in the real world and require services from third-parties (e.g. utility companies, phone carriers, etc), they have to pay to play, just like everyone else. At some time or another we’ve all been faced with not being able to pay a bill, yet we are still here. Why? Because we solved the problem by managing our finances a bit better, live within our means or increasing our production, etc, in short, we learned from our mistakes and took the necessary actions to prevent this from occurring in the future. And as a result we got a little bit smarter about how to survive.
It is much more difficult for orgs to do this. DM has tarnished the public image of the Scientology product to such a degree that no one wants it. Yet, this is all orgs know how to do – deliver Dn and Scn training and processing. So not only does upper “management” apply constant pressure along command channels for the orgs to meet impossible targets, they are demanding that they do this in an inhospitable climate – one that they CREATED.
Org staff instinctively know they cannot produce their way out of this situation. I’m sure they’ve tried. I’ll bet many of the vets long for the days when they were in their less-than Ideal, but affordable buildings. But they HAVE TO solve the problem of keeping the lights on and the doors open. So, they just fall back to a “solution” they know DOES work – fundraising. And we have DM to thank for that “workable solution” as well.
Ideal Orgs have to have sugar daddies in order to survive.
Anyone giving one thin dime to an org with nothing in return is contributing to its demise. It’s staff will become stupider, since they are being deprived of real life experience of where they learn to ethically solve problems. It’s staff will become more criminal. You’re likely to see more financial irregularities and less production. And you are contributing to a camouflaged hole that could sink a Sherman tank and an elephant (apologies for the mixed metaphor).
“Ideal Org Sugar Daddy” could be a new status title for DM to bestow upon his whales. The statue could even come with a gold-plated pimp cup with Co$ insignia engraved on it. 🙂
Excellent comment statpush!
Great comments Statpush and spot on. I’ve seen this phenomena when people come into money, up their lifestyle, but quickly crash and burn, because they don’t have the skills to maintain the necessary actions. Some of the saddest people I’ve ever audited, were rich people who had not earned the money. I consider out-exchange a true spiritual malady, and the radical church is severely out-exchange.
Great summary, statpush.
Perhaps they’re in Bolivar’s valence and trying to glow things right.
“on-Sourciness” — good one, Mike Rinder! On-Sourciness sounds like scientology’s version of “Truthiness”. Because, you know, it feels right, especially when pronounced by an authority of such ecclesiastical awesomeness as the short one hisself.
I’ve got a solution for Joburg’s energy crisis …
Why not “Slappy McShorty” simply stick a main cable where sun don’t shine and let the light pour out of him. After all, he is a big being and he can do anything.
Unfortunately it isn’t light that HE produces ……. it’s something with a much lower wavelength ……..and color.
Now that would be straight up and vertical!
Karma comes in the no shape form of darkness..
If I said this gave me no glee, it would be a shameless lie! Instead I revel in the knowledge that heads will roll and a few more clubbed seals will slow their silly honking and clapping! The lights went off in the south before the north this time. Joburgers let the peace of darkness allow the silent reality sink in..there is a condition worse than blindness/ darkness, its seeing something that just simply is no longer there-Scientology! It left the building before LRH did..
Fizzle Wizzle Bum Crum
I meant to just say Fizzle fizzle fiz f….
I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!
It’s underway, just wish it would speed up a tad!
I know what you mean Cooper, for the first time in this life I am not doing Christmas on Christmas eve….lack of family . Lets root for getting back on track next year.
Joyeux Noel anyways.
I’m with you Marie. Here’s a toast to back on track with our families intact in 2015.
Sum Gum War Sue Up!
Fizzle, wizzle, bum crumb.
“Nobody wants to go free in the dark! ”
Not only that, but they CAN’T”go free” without electricity.
Pro-tip: don’t join a “religion” that requires electricity for salvation.
+100 internets! chuckling and shaking my head at the beautiful truth of your pro-tip.
I have it on good authority that the next model e-meters are battery powered.
Everybody goes free in the dark .. some hours per day .. sure .. you see the bad things only with light on it