Aimee and I will be discussing “Too Gruesome to Confront” on my YouTube channel tonight… It’s one of the more shocking aspects of life inside scientology, but especially inside the Sea Org. Intimidation and violence is part of the culture and is founded in the writings of Hubbard. We will talk about our experiences and some of the bizarre, cruel and even sadistic things done in the name “Clearing the Planet.”
Please tune in and subscribe if you haven’t done so already. We will be going live at 7:30pm EDT.
Here are a few documents we will be referring to.
The Knowledge Reports PL:
Flag Order 2710 “Ethics Protection”:
The link for the Live Stream is here
What is the link to Amy Scobee’s youtube channel? I see all the fake ones but don’t see the real one.
Here is how I always justified this behavior from others to me or around me. According to LRH, people live and behave according to where they sit on the tone scale. A person at 1.1 say and a person at 3.5 according to Science of Survival can take the same (order) or directive and apply it in two totally different fashions. They will not even look at it the same, and you will have 2 opposite results.
So I usually tried to evaluate WHO was doing the bad treatment, and what was their tone level.
The second factor was what Ethics condition they were in. Not assigned, but what condition were they actually in whether they knew it or not. That also would affect disisions and actions.
And that’s what I used to make sense of it all, my rational. It is totally discusting behavior, but we all had our way of trying to reason through it.
Another bottom line reason Hubbard was sick and wrong about these executive options to get mad to get things done, is his quackery, the “tech” is a failure.
If the “tech” were not a failure, then people’s “cases” would be remedied, and staffs and followers wouldn’t need to be screamed at.
Hubbard was sick, these references prove it, and his quackery is the problem, NOT the people in the staff jobs trying to be in their overbloated groups of staff doing fiddle work to supposedly get Hubbard’s glorious quackery to the paying parishioners.
Ultimately being on staff in official Scientology during this Miscavige era where Miscavige’s worst interpretations of Hubbard’s worst sick bossing rules apply, then one will guaranteed be battered up, or learn to batter up others, if you take these Hubbard policies to heart and do them as part of being one of Hubbard’s nasty drone staff doing Hubbard’s sick irreligious biddings.
Call 911, all staff need to call 911 when their fellow Scientology staff do anything violent to them.
Because Scientology groups are overstaffed, and the overstaffing demands are all straight per Hubbard, that’s the first major unlooked at problem, which Hubbard shackled the organizations with.
Secondly, interpretation of these very writings by selecting the violent options for the bosses to execute on subordinates, if any exec ever screamed at me, if they were serious, and they got violent physically then it would become a police matter, because I would not stand for the violence on me.
Had any Sea Org member ever laid a hand on me, it would escalate to police needing be called, I would not take any violence on me.
In my head, when I saw CO INCOMM, Brian Patrick, slapping Lynn Shelton (because Lynn followed an order from CMO Int vs following a Brian Patrick rule NOT to tattle to CMO Int what orders coming from RTC who were Brian’s boss at the time, this caused Brian to go nuts and i front of about 15 International Data Bureau staff, and in front of me and my two staff, Brian began shouting insanely at Lynn and then striking her on her arms, repeatedly, he at least didn’t strike her face, just her arms, and slapping not punching or bruising her. Pascal Julliene, from RTC, Brian’s boss, stood right behind Brian as Brian unloaded his screaming condemnation at Lynn and lapped Lynn’s arms. AND the Security Chief, Hank Gould, stood about 10 feet back, overseaing the whole scene also, I guess for muscle.
In a fight, Lynn was bigger and not as agile though, as Brian, but she might have stood her ground in a real fight.
Pascal Juilliene, from RTC was the pusher of this crappy misinterpretation on INCOMM of this violence.
The Int Base Miscavige era interpretation of these references is sick.
I can’t believe so many put up with it.
It ought to have been reported to Police.
When Jeff Hawkins called me in fall 2005, told me he’d been beaten by Miscavige at least 4 times, I immediately called Professor Stephen Kent.
Professor Kent said what happened to Jeff needed to be reported to the Police.
I called the Riverside Police, twice, over the next couple days, and I called Jeff back, telling him what the Police told me.
Police have to have the person beaten up, to report it to police.
Best to first go to the hospital, get ANY wounds recorded in Emergency.
That’s the evidence, and then go to the Police.
Scientology’s violence has to be reported to the police, and be sure to report wounds to Emergency in a hospital, so that the physical damage is then evidence.
The fighting over the “he said/she said” denials that we know occur, is secondary.
People have to get the physical abuse treated and noted in hospital by hospital credible personnel.
The report it to the police.
Repeat the above enough time, around places where Scientology “bosses” are being violent physically, and then local police will have something to go on to prosecute.
Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Scientology loses any respect for being a “religion” for these policies alone.
911 is a subordinate’s friend when you are being beaten up by your Scientologist fellows!
For these policies alone, and for Miscavige’s reign of irreligious nastiness, Scientology is just the worst group one could ever wish to be part of.
Beaten up Scientology staff, CALL 911. Call 911
When is your Fair Game podcast coming back? I really miss it. I think anything you can do to get rid of Scientology is a good thing!
Thanks Mike, those references really illustrate the “source” when it comes to physical violence in the sea organization, and Scientology.
Also wanted to put in my two cents and suggest you & Amy possibly doing some reactions to full length interviews Peter Reichelt has released from his ‘98 doc with people like Stacy Young and Jesse Prince
Love & good wishes to you both
I am a small business owner and I get compliance to orders by NOT doing what LRH states is essential to obtain compliance to orders 🙂
Scaring your people, making them fearful of you and your wrath because you sign their checks, threatening them or severely criticizing or ridiculing them when they make mistakes and otherwise bullying them, etc., etc., is just a horrible, horrible way to run a business IMO and in fact per my own observations back when I myself worked for others, unworkable, not sustainable.
I think its safe to say that anyone who requires that type of brutal treatment from an employer in order to do decent work shouldn’t be working there in the first place.
I manage people the way I like to be managed.
Curb me, but don’t break my spirit. (kinda like horseback riding, which I used to do a lot of)
Correct me if I’m doing wrong but gently, softly, tactfully, please – and it won’t hurt if you temper any deserved correction with some praise for what I did right. Go easy on the criticism – VERY easy. When deserved, praise and positive acknowledgement, along with positive encouragement are much appreciated, and most likely I’ll admit my own mistake(s) A tiny bit of criticism every now and then goes a long way, because I am paying attention, and want to do my best. And last but not least, don’t humiliate me. EVER. Just don’t.
That’s how I was and can be successfully managed; that’s how I produce at my best.
So… that’s how I’ve always managed those who work with and for me for the past 22 years.
They want to be where they are, mostly. Sometimes they’ll have an “off” day or few. Who doesn’t? Will screaming at them get them back into production? No, it will not. Some things you just have to let go and ignore! And then some things have to be pointed out but there’s a way to do it so that it is listened to and accepted and so that it helps and doesn’t humiliate.
If I’ve made myself sound like some kind of Pollyanna, forget it! I need the people I work with and who work for me to do their jobs well. I depend upon them, the business depends upon them. But my God – getting “compliance” with that kind of talk? No way!
In the REAL business world, bosses and managers who regularly fall to pieces and splatter like eggs on hot concrete are NOT respected. Deferred to, outwardly, perhaps, because they sign the checks. But respected? No. True respect has to be earned by each of us.
In brief, letting people do their jobs without helicoptering over them, just leaving them mostly alone to just get on with things while being available if they need me, works pretty well! For me, anyway.