Rise of David Miscavige
I made an appearance on ABC’s 20/20 on April 29th of this year for their program about Ron Miscavige. Doing this TV show was the first time I was speaking out after almost 35 years – it was hard for me to do.
My appearance (in the first 10 minutes) was due to the fact that I had a missing link not covered in Ron Miscavige Sr. book RUTHLESS: how did the rise of David Miscavige happen? ABC filmed about 20 minutes of me telling this story, but only 2 minutes was used on the show.
The “church’s” response to my appearance was something on the order of –“Lois was not there and had in fact been busted by LRH for the International down stats, so therefore she did not know what happened.”
Well, I was there and in fact know the details of what happened. Yes, I was busted to Flag in December 1981 and sent to Flag to clean rooms, AFTER David Miscavige had taken over, in his non-violent coup.
Obviously, his full takeover of complete power happened soon after LRH died in 1986, when he became Chairman of the Board of RTC. I was nowhere near the church at that time and have no information on this other than what I have read in books, but none of it surprises me one bit.
I will remind you that I recruited DM into the CMO in 1976. Wow, in retrospect, what did I do?? I also became friends with DM, we got on well and I will not deny that fact. I liked him, he was funny, a hard worker, but there were brief flashes of what was to come, but I ignored them. I was senior to him as a messenger and on the org board in the CMO – I was Chief Officer CMO Int and we were of equal status on the Watchdog Committee. At no time was he senior to me, until a few months before the end, when all hell started to break loose and I remember feeling as though I was in some kind of alternative universe. Things were happening that were NOT the scientology that I knew, things that I had not experienced in almost 10 years of being in the SO and working directly with LRH. Even though it was tough working with LRH, this was WAY worse and now I see how it developed after I left and all the horrors that have happened in the SO and especially at Int/Gold in the ensuing years.
Reading all those horrors (only in the last 2 years have I known this stuff) of the decades since, I just would never have thought that DM would have gone to such extremes and become such a sociopath.
Formation of the Watchdog Committe and RTC
In early 1979 LRH bought the property at Gilman Hot Springs just outside Hemet, CA. The plan was for this to be our Summer Headquarters (SHQ is what we called it) and our property in La Quinta, CA which is in the desert, would become the Winter Headquarters (WHQ). We were going to spend 6 months of winter at WHQ and then move into SHQ during summer. However, due to various circumstances the Media/FBI started to figure out who we were in La Quinta (WHQ). LRH started to realize that this was not a good situation but we were still in the middle of shooting movies and he was really not happy and continued to have his bad moods. Sometime in the beginning of 1979 we left WHQ and moved to SHQ, but due to security reasons LRH moved to an apartment complex in Hemet, which for security reason was called “X”.
The CMO were getting more and more involved with management functions before we left WHQ (La Quinta) to go to SHQ (Gilman). By the time we settled in Gilman, the CMO was mostly separated from LRH again (he being at X), he depended on the International CMO being not just his eyes and ears, but to become the overseer of International Management and Production. To take over that function from him. But LRH’s idea was to have the new function not be so obviously tied to his messengers (and therefore him) but to be anonymous, hence the reason the Watchdog Committee was formed.
Dede Reisdorf Voegeding became CO CMO Int and she was the one who was given the task of setting up the CMO’s at Flag, LA and each continent and the set-up of Watchdog Committee.
In early-1979 I was sent on a mission to CMO Clearwater along with Terri Gilham Gamboa. The two of us took over the CMO CW for almost 6 months. Our job was to get the CMO going there and overseeing the Flag Service Org (FSO) and International Management. It involved recruiting people into the CMO CW etc. Mike Rinder was set to be the new Deputy CO CMO CW (there was only one CO CMO, the head of each continental CMO was titled “Deputy/CO”) and was then sent to Int for training and when he came back to CW, Terri and I would leave and go back home. Some notable names were part of CMO CW at that time – Ron Miscavige Jr; Bitty Miscavige, Bill Dendui, Steve Marlow, Vicki Aznaran, Nettie Allcock, Rosi and Rick Kamman, Sam Licciardi (who married Dave’s twin, Denise), Debbie Cook and assorted others. When Mike Rinder came back to CW, we went home to Gilman.
I had also gone on a mission into the FSO prior, so now that the Watchdog Committee was forming, I was a prime person to be on it.
LRH gave instructions on how WDC was to be formed. Each member would be given either 2 or 3 key areas. Mine were FSO/AOSHEU/AFRICA. There would be a WDC Chairman and a Deputy WDC Chairman and then 10-12 members in total.
We were to study the book “Roberts Rules of Order for Fair and Orderly Meetings”. And that was how our meetings were to run. When stats were received from lower management on a Thursday night, each WDC member would look at their own areas stats and then work out handlings for any downstats, this could involve sending out observation missions, ordering evaluations to be done, or simply just telexing back that their handlings were good, or whatever.
So essentially, we had 2 jobs and these two jobs were separate – a normal post on the CMO Org board and then being a WDC member.
No-one outside of Int knew who was on the WDC. The CMO on each continent would be responsible for ensuring that WDC business was handled correctly, but the point of it all was to get LRH off the management lines. This was the handling he gave us to move him off the lines and for the Church to be run by WDC.
In addition to being on WDC, David Miscavige became Action Chief and that was his CMO post, to run missions that WDC wanted to send out.
Dede Reisdorf Voegeding, Gale Reisdorf Irwin and I were the only Senior Messengers who were on the WDC. Marc Yager, David Miscavige, Melanie Murray (Tech WDC), Annie Taskett, Donna Robinson were junior messengers. Everyone else at the time had never even been messengers with LRH – John Nelson (never met LRH), Mark Ingber, Liz Ingber and I am sure I am missing one or two others.
All the other messengers were still standing watches with LRH at his apartment called X (in Hemet). Dede, Gale and I stood a watch at X maybe one week total, but LRH decided that we needed to be full-time on WDC and our posts in the CMO. So I never again stood watch with him. The 3 of us, Dede, Gale and I also never got involved with making movies again either.
Gang of Five Section (See last write up for explanation of “Gang of Five”)
“In late ‘78, while making training films, we were out on location using a golf course for one of the films. This was at Gilman Hot Springs. It was found that the place was up for sale, so LRH had it purchased with the intention of using it for summer headquarters and using La Quinta properties for winter headquarters — they were only about 90 minutes away from each other. Gilman Hot Springs became the Int/Gold Base outside of Hemet.
It was during this time we had a breach of security with some staff going to the press about the location of LRH, which made LRH very concerned about being served with legal papers.
In 1979, we moved from WHQ (La Quinta) to Summer Headquarters (now the Int/Gold Base). LRH was living in Hemet at an apartment complex called “X,” so instead of messengers standing 6-hour watches and creating lots of vehicle traffic to the complex, the messengers would stay at the apartments for a week and would replace each other every week. Dave and a few other messengers worked it out that the management traffic required too much of their time and they could not be gone for a week, so the rotation was shared between messengers like Claire Rossouw, Janis Gillham Grady, David Rossouw, Clarisse Barnett, Shelly Barnett. Also, not many messengers enjoyed going to X because LRH was in a very bad mood a lot of the time. Pat and Annie were living permanently at the apartment complex along with Kima and Michael [Douglas] and a few other staff like Lola and Bert Rossouw, David Mayo, etc. The handling of LRH’s management traffic for him was the start of the Watch Dog Committee or “WDC.”
LRH would drive to the base, almost daily to shoot the training films, he also on occasion would meet Mary Sue there – the last time he saw her was at Bonnie View (LRH’s house at the base) where he took photos of her to document how she looked before going to prison and to say goodbye. Whenever they were apart, during the time periods I was with LRH, LRH and Mary Sue made it a point to write each other daily — after he left in Jan 80, I don’t know how often he wrote her. These letters were usually dictated to a messenger at a typewriter.
During the ’79 time period, LRH also spent a lot of time in his audio recording studio set up at the apartments and worked on remixing his lectures and editing them. We would also sometimes go for drives where he would take photos of the scenery or go for walks in strip malls/supermarkets just to get out of the apartment.”
In addition to us running WDC, and having our post in the CMO, we would also handle all traffic to LRH; this included personal letters from Mary Sue to LRH. We had to vet his mail and determine if it was okay to send to LRH. LRH did not want any “entheta” on his lines. This was very hard to do especially the personal letters from MSH to LRH. When handling this traffic we would all sit around a big round desk and go through it all.
One incident I recall is that I was handling a personal letter from MSH. In the letter she asked LRH “what happens if I go to a movie theater, will the BT’s of other people jump onto me?” This was OT III data and I was not yet on OT III, so I asked out loud to everyone else what does she mean? Well, DM jumped in quickly and grabbed the letter out of my hand for him to sort out as he was OT III. I had no idea at the time what that meant. I did not even know it was OT III data until I got onto the level myself about a year later. I never knew what happened to that letter and I have always wondered how he would have answered that… needless to say I never dealt with MSH letters again.
I did see LRH shortly before he left for good in the beginning of 1980. Marc Yager and I were the 2 WDC members who would go to X on Friday mornings to brief LRH on the weekly stats. Sometimes Dede Reisdorf would go too. Our mornings there would be recorded and when we got back to Int we would play the conversation to the rest of WDC. Since this was the last times that I saw him, he was in a much frailer state than previously and would sit in his chair with a blanket over his knees. He was not a happy chap and definitely seemed troubled.
Early 1980 – I am not clear as to why WDC/CMO moved to Los Angeles (PAC), but talking to others, there were renovations going on at Int and also due to security we needed to be far away from LRH. The main point of setting up the WDC/RTC was to get LRH off management lines. That was the key thing.
During our time in PAC LRH ordered that all of us (most probably about 30 people) had to do the Purif. We had this huge makeshift sauna set-up somewhere in the bowels of the big blue building. It was big enough for all 30 of us to sit in it and we even had a TV and video (on the outside of the sauna area which had very strong plastic as walls) set up so we could watch movies. It actually was a lot of fun doing it with so many people, watching movies and/or reading or just chatting. I also got through my OT levels while in PAC, up to OT III expanded.
While in PAC, the normal watch messengers who were not on management lines, stayed at Gilman and continued to go to X to stand watches. LRH was going from X to Gilman at night to shoot movies, all with very high security; the main crew left at Gilman was the Cine Org, watch messengers and estates crew.
Here is a quote from Kima Douglas in her Interview for Bare Faced Messiah, by Russell Miller about their time in Hemet (X) and why her and Mike left.
“He had his own apartment at the top of the stairs; the external comm was next door. I furnished them and got his gear from Gilman. He seemed quite happy there for a while. We had lot of heavy duty secrecy. Michael was his finance officer and comm officer. He gave Michael a million dollars and told him to make money. Michael turned it into $3m with gold, silver, diamonds, oil and foreign exchange, and stock.
Mike was given a $1,000 bonus. When we left Michael had under his charge about $500,000 worth of diamonds, gold and silver coins in our name at the bank. It may have been $700,000 – there were five bags of gold coins. One night I had a steak thrown at me and he had been hauled over the coals because a stock had gone down. We sat on bed and said, “What are we doing here?” Four months later we left.
We needed to get it back into LRH hands before we got out. We got two big safes to put it in, got the diamonds and stuff out and put them in safes. I was so pleased when we got it back.
At Hemet he used to dress funny and go out funny. We’d draw sideburns – long and brown – on him and his hair was long. He’d wear funny cowboy hats. He’d always have 2-3 little girls with him. He didn’t look like the locals, but he figured that’s how the locals looked. But he never looked ordinary – he had an aura about him, a beingness. A big, powerful man. From far away you wouldn’t see the painted sideburns. He’d wear a cowboy hat and a cowboy shirt. If I could, I’d have dressed him as a nonentity, but he always wanted to wear his hat at an angle, kind of jaunty. He wanted to display a bit of panache. He was very vain – he was fun that way. We drew eyebrows and colored them. The whole idea was to take away the golden red. I would do it before he went out. It was his idea to have sideburns. He didn’t go into shops but would just walk down the main street.
He went to orange groves in the mountains to do shoots. He proved Kodak was screwed. He would get light readings and take thousands of pictures.
He started filming at Gilman and security was unreal – people walking around with guns.
Michael would travel 120 miles a day to go from Hemet to Gilman. There was never direct communication. I left in Jan 1980.”
LRH leaves for good
In early 1980 LRH left X for good with Annie and Pat Broeker and Steve Pfauth (Sarge). There was much conversation amongst us messengers as to who should go with him, we were all fair game to go – especially the married couples. But it was finally decided that Annie who was not on management lines and in fact lived at X with LRH and Pat had previously gone away with LRH, so knew the deal. But I can tell you that Pat was not a first choice – LRH had reservations about him but he knew he had no choice. At the time we did not know that it was a permanent disappearance, we all thought it would be temporary.
It is important to remember that at this time things were even worse on the legal front, MSH was no longer around as a calming person to LRH and was about to go to jail and nor was Kima Douglas. With Kima & Mike blowing, X now became compromised and knowing LRH like I do, he would have been in a panic and would have become even more paranoid than ever before. Things were becoming out of control.
Mid 1980 – WDC moves back to Gilman from PAC.
All Clear Project
LRH was out of communication for a long time and during this time we continued to run International Management, but no-one outside the CMO knew that LRH had disappeared. It was quite scary running management on our own, with no assistance from LRH but we did the best we could. One of the main things we did during the time he was not around was to put a halt to the 5% increase LRH had instituted every month. (Reference LRH ED 522 ED The Solution to Inflation of Sept. 1976) We knew we were taking a big risk in doing this but we had done an international evaluation of all the Orgs and found that the big “Buy Now” campaign which meant the prices were going up every month by 5%, was severely hurting the stats. LRH had instituted this due to inflation being high during 1976. But all of us on WDC, reading the facts of the evaluation knew that it was hurting the international stats. This became one of the main points that would be the downfall of Dede and to a certain extent Gale and myself. However, at the time, every single WDC member had agreed to ending the price increases.
Towards the end of 1980 – when Dede finally started meeting Pat in secret, the instructions were to fire a mission to make it so that LRH could come back and not have to worry about being sued. The first step was to find attorneys who said they could make it happen. The mission was fired under DM (as Action Chief) to start making calls and hopefully setting up interviews. Terri Gillham and Norman Starkey were fired on this mission and law firms were called by asking a list of hypothetical questions until they found an LA firm who said they could pull it off. All of them said you can’t STOP someone from suing someone else but this group had an idea. Essentially it was level after level of corporations each shielding the previous one. Somewhere in there LRH would be protected from anyone trying to pierce the corporate veil. A handful of corporations, with complicated and convoluted structures and an ever increasing list of attorneys on the payroll. This was when the CSI, RTC ASI were set-up.
During this time period and the following months into 1981, Dede as CO CMO INT would have to meet with Pat Broeker secretly in isolated places in the middle of the night. The main focus was on the All Clear Project; LRH was still not back on any kind of management lines during this time. But the places she had to meet him were quite sketchy, so after a while of doing this, she started bringing David Miscavige (to have a male presence) with her for protection. During these meetings DM and Pat started chatting and it seemed as though Pat needed someone to talk to and they had already been friends for the past 3 years.
During these All Clear Project secret meetings they would also discuss and would argue about how to handle MSH’s removal and the disbanding of the entire GO (whose functions were to be replaced under one of the new corporations being formed). Pat told Dede that he was communicating all their discussions to LRH. Eventually Dede started letting DM meet with Pat directly and that is when they conspired to remove her from post.
During this time DM started getting weird, in that he would have outbursts with foul language, bossy towards his seniors and other messengers. I would say his attitude was becoming “intolerable and outrageous”. There are two instances that stick in my mind, the first being, all of WDC sitting around our big table, each doing their own work, and all of sudden DM jumped up and started getting pissed off. Maybe he was reading a personal letter from MSH to LRH. His words were “I am going to get a f…….wire brush and shove it up her c….” I was absolutely stunned; I could not believe that he was saying that about LRH’s wife. I had never heard anyone have such an outburst.
Another time, Gale and I were outside the WDC office – she ran EU as WDC and I ran AOSHEU as WDC. We were confronted by DM and Norman Starkey and told how Owen Starkey is needed at Int. At that time both EU and AOSHEU were booming and Owen Starkey was a key person in that. He was one of the top regges in the world at the time. Gale and I were adamant that it was not okay to take Owen out of EU, absolutely not. Well DM and Norman, right behind him just started shouting and screaming at us, how off-policy we were whatever, whatever… it was ugly. But they won.
In addition to running the All Clear Project as Action Chief, David Miscavige was running missions on how to dismantle the GO after the debacle of the Snow White Program and the FBI Raid of 1977. His “handlings” for this was to forcibly remove MSH from her post as Controller and for us to disband the GO completely, there was no disagreement that these actions needed to be done but it was the “how” which was in dispute.
The church continuously states that Dede and Gale and I were being too “soft” on MSH in regards to her removal from post as Controller of the GO. Even our general attitude – we did not have the SRA (severe reality adjustment) attitude of DM – BTW – this is a term he coined – SRA.
The point is that the messengers and MSH never had a very good relationship all the way back to the Apollo days. I would say it was an “uneasy” relationship. BUT, we all had the utmost respect for her and the fact that she was LRH’s wife. There was never a question about that. She needed to be removed from her post in the most diplomatic way possible, not the terrible, harsh way DM handled it. I will stand by that forever. We knew the GO had f….up badly and it needed to be disbanded as it HAD committed illegal activities; there is no question about that.
Dede Reisdorf Voegeding was removed from her post as CO CMO Int and put onto heavy mest work in July of 1981. The reasons were the “soft” attitude towards Mary Sue and apparently an out-security situation of giving Omar Garrison (who was doing a biography on LRH) too much info on LRH and his whereabouts – BUT she did not even know where LRH was. In addition to the above, the cancellation of the monthly 5% price increases were cited as a reason. Those sort of price increases were never instituted again as far as I know. Dede knew that if she ever again had any face time with LRH she would have been able to straighten out the “wrong info” he was given about her, but of course that never happened.
Next up…….removal of Gale Irwin as CO CMO INT and myself (within a few months of the above happening). Dede, Gale and I and our husbands all being banished to Flag to do manual labor and following that our SP declares in 1982.

My 21st birthday, April 1981. From left: Gary, my sister Geray, behind me is my sister Dione and Dede Reisdorf bottom right is Gale Reisdorf
See the earlier installments of Lois’ story here:
The Lois Reisdorf Story: Part 1
Lois Reisdorf – Part 2 LRH on the Apollo
Lois Reisdorf – Part 3 LRH Moves to the US
It is wonderful to read your memories of those times, Lowie. Very appreciated. On the SRA thing, I believe that DM is not clever enough to have come up with that. My memory is that Ron Clifford made it up and DM appropriated it for his own use, just as he took my name for the books and lectures, Golden Age of Knowledge, and used that as well.
OMG, Lois, I love these pictures. They reminded me of how much I enjoyed you and the whole CM gang of that time. As I left from the RPF in 1976 all your stories help me fill in the gaps and questions I have had over the years at to what occurred after my escape. I get a “gargantuan” smile thinking of you, Janis, Terry, Dede, Gary, Gale and the rest of the gang. The one thing I can say about that time was there were many absolutely wonderful loving people. We were all in the same boat. I believe we were not fully aware of the true insanity of SCN and the SO but there were many signs that it was but sadly blocked out. We were blinded by the “conditioning”. I believe none us knew fully the destructive and life long pain of what occurs after one leaves the Kryptonite Faux Cocoon of this group. As we all watch Leah, Mike, Mary, Amy and the rest on “Aftermath” we are reminded how brutal SCN/SO really is. All these “Sophie’s Choice” stories that these gusty, strong and most beautiful old and new friends are sharing brings to light what SCN really is. A brutal, inhuman, dictatorship hiding behind the lie that is a religion. We all fell for the massive fraud of his bait and switch. Nevertheless, we, who can read this know we are the lucky ones. Again, my deepest love and admiration to you and all who stand up to Hubbard’s “1984” prison known as Scientology.
Neil R. Sarfati
Aaaahhh thanks Neil. I remember you so fondly. Yes we had a good gang of people in those days and we were in the ultimate bubble being so young! I have experienced the “Sophie’s choice” you describe in the last few years with my children. Oldest son has never been in and because of his “connections” we were coerced into disconnecting from him which I refused and had to decide between him and my youngest my son (I have 3 of them) – how can any parent be put in that position? I basically said F… you after this and have 2 of my sons now but missing one who decided to stick with the church. I also lost my whole family in South Africa. But I feel free now even though the heartbreak of losing my youngest son still hurts terribly and I just hope that he soon comes to his senses, he is the one who has lost the most – his whole family in the US. The truth needs to come out and the show is doing the best job up until this date. Our family’s story will be on the last episode. Lots of love to you Neil and thanks so much for reaching out. 🙂
Lois, I was not a sea org, just a public, student auditor. But exactly like you I felt in 1982 I was feeling that I was entering in an “alternative world”. Like the time track has derailed, the futur has been altered for the worst. Scientology was no longer scientology. Hubbard was vanishing. And there was at the top something which was no longer scientology. All the ethics rules of scientology were gone. Auditor’s code was kind of optionnal, specially with sec checks.
It’s incredible to see that someone using force and duress can simply go up to the top. Do you know what was the case level of Miscavige ? He really was OTIII ?
Yo Mike I stole this entire Story to post on the dieing website that is why we protest,
I am so Impressed and so proud of you helping all these people. You are a helper and a beautifull person.
Thanks Niels!
If I heard anyone vocalize “I am going to get a f…….wire brush and shove it up her c….” it would have been written up and circled in red, and sent to PC and Ethics Folders for eventual handling.
In fact, the one time that I did hear something faintly similar (during a word clearing session, so the person was on a meter, and the accompanying rockslam was duly noted) that is what I did. Later, I observed the C\S checking the meter I was using for mechanical faults, and eventually, that person was routed off, with a project prepare should they wish to return. I was blessed to have a sane tech team around…at least for a while.
Again, thank you for your detailed Time, Place, Form and Event report. Truth is a recursive commodity, and WILL blow the lies away.
Lois, it’s great to read your story. It fills in a lot of details on what was happening behind the scenes back in the late 70s and early 80s. You were my twin on the pilot for The Key to Life course in Clearwater back in 81 ( i think). You told me stories about working with LRH that I’d never heard before and it was clear you missed working with him. It gave me insight into his state of mind and actually helped me leave Scientology and the SO in Sept. of 1982. I wish you, Gary and your sons a very Merry Christmas and sincere wishes that your Scn son gets out of the cult in 2017. He’d be better off surfing and having a braai with his family. — Peter McMahon
Lois, thank you for your fascinating history of how DM came to power. What interests me is the entrance of what I have always called the “Shadowmen.” These are the non-Scn lawyers who were created the CSI-RTC-CSI-OSA-IAS-IASA version of Scn to shield LRH and DM from civil and/or criminal matters as well as to protect the the Church’s assets in the event of another Wollersheim type of lawsuit.
Not only did MSH have to go, but so did CSC. And when DM rose to power in ASI, he realized that LRH had to go as well. LRH’s death solved certain problems for the new CSI-RTC-CSI-OSA-IAS-IASA Scn syndicate.
IMO, the X attorneys solved the wrong set of problems inasmuch as they empowered fraud and deception. The solutions of these attorneys served the wrong purpose and for the wrong reasons. If Scn, LRH, and DM are so criminal that they need shell corporations and an offshore corporate slush fund, the Scn is built on sand and this explains, in part, why it is collapsing — and why Scn’s collapse is in its present form is inexorable.
The Safe Environment Fund (SEF) was created after Snow White to fund the legal defense of MSH and the GO crims. As a legacy of SEF, the creation of the IAS is generally underappreciated as a non-CSI offshore non-situs corporation set up with the sole purpose of accumulating cash to fund Fair Game, legal defense for wrong acts, and to serve as DM’s personal slush fund. Likewise, DM’s relationship to Monique Yingling has allowed him to have a non-Scientology consiglere who is shielded behind attorney-client privilege. OSA is shielded by this same privilege and its cut-outs but none of it is convincing. OSA can glibly call Fair Game “prelitigation investigation” or whatever nonsense it wants, but the world sees Fair Game for what it is.
Bottom line: The bad guys won in Corporate Sort Out. What they planted grew into a tree whose poisonous fruit is killing the very thing is was supposed to shade and protect.
In the beginning, DM was the master and chief beneficiary of the CSI-RTC-CSI-OSA-IAS-IASA system; now however DM is trapped by his system just as much as LRH was trapped by his CSC-GO machine.
wow. 2 days ago I discovered a forgotten cache of forgotten SEF pins. So long ago I’d put in all kinds of hours doing things to make money for SEF. We were told it was to raise funds for ABLE type activities. (it pre-dated ABLE at the time.) I consciously threw them away along with all thoughts of that time’s value and significance.
Dear secretfornow,
Please do some photos of your SEF pins and send the photos and plenty of details surrounding them to Tony Ortega for a story, since that kind of history with photos OUGHT to be recorded on Tony’s site for posterity.
Good points J. Swift. When I watch the video of the 1986 briefing at The Palladium, I look at Miscavige speaking and it’s clear to me he’s on a big withhold.
Jeff, you’re one of the few $cn-watchers who’s had the patience and tenacity to wade through and sort out the purposefully complexified and convoluted corporate structure of the cherch. Your efforts to organize and convey that information to the rest of the $cn-watching community in a clear and concise manner are very much appreciated! For those who continue to have trouble making sense of it all despite your efforts, it’s worth noting that is precisely one of the goals of that re-structuring: to make it all so complex and confusing that most folks eyes will glaze over and they’ll put it aside, naively assuming that their best interests are being looked after, when in reality the exact opposite is the case.
The corporate sort-out that you describe here dovetails directly into the cherch’s long, arduous and very expensive efforts to resolve its deep and potentially catastrophic problems with the IRS. In addition to the legal weasel “shadowmen” that you mention, who were deeply involved in the cherch’s corporate re-organization and its ultimate triumph over the IRS, DM also relied upon his chief henchman, Marty Rathbun, throughout this period. And there are few, if any, other individuals who have the kind of deep and comprehensive insight into all that was going on throughout this extended period of time.
It’s just a real shame that he continues to be unwilling to give us a full and accurate account, because it truly is the untold inside story of how “the bad guys won”. Other than Pat Broecker, there is no one else beside him who could reveal more that would serve to directly indict DM for his crimes and malfeasance during this crucial period. Perhaps as the cherch continues to take on water from the many broadsides it’s now receiving, and as lil davey the despicable’s true nature is more completely revealed. Marty and others who could testify directly to how he was able to usurp power, monopolize control of the cherch and enrich himself will eventually come out.
I certainly hope so because it is not just a matter of establishing a full and accurate historical record; it also directly impacts the foundation upon which the cherch’s federal tax exempt status continues to rest. As it becomes more and more clear to the world that the Co$ has engaged in serious crimes and massive civil/human rights violations for decades, the realization that the cherch does not deserve to continue to enjoy federal tax exempt status will also dawn on many.
Thankyou so much Lois for the history details, I have so many questions.
First, relating to “management failing”.
There was a time when LRH was furious and almost wailing that “management has failed for the millionth time…..” he cried in one of his advices.
I later was on a project in 1983 where I had to read (skim through) all the private administrative traffic (advices), and I used the filing cabinets in RTL (Ron’s Traffic Liaison) office which was Michelle Yager when Marc Yager was CO CMO Int in summer of 1983 onwards.
I later worked in INCOMM, the computer branch, and that particular advice that had the screeching LRH comment “….management has failed for the millionth time….” was included in the INCOMM (computer branch) two or three binders of advices (the original INCOMM advices binders include traffic that both Annie Broeker and Pat also wrote) and those binders had a few advices that related to INCOMM’s strategy.
So, my biggest question, do you recall the scathing LRH comment in one of the 1979 onwards management traffic advices where there is the phrase “…..managment has failed for the millionth time…..” ?
That’s been a big issue, due to that being such an important piece of the puzzle for WHY the INCOMM computer system was to achieve what LRH in his 1982 “CHUG” INCOMM advices talks about, which is the INCOMM computer system to do evaluations and for the computer system of INCOMM to input all of the Weekly Reports information weekly, the stats weekly, and the Routing Forms information, and the goal of the INCOMM advices (CHUG advices) is to build up the computer system that INCOMM was supposed to build, to ultimately take over those major parts of management, which are evals.
Program writing wasn’t really something that LRH spelled out, but the execution of programs, he did spell out how easily that could be accomplished, and INCOMM did try their hand at the program running by computer automatically (and failed for years at it, and it’s not been successful still at program running, nor at the general goal of getting the computer to “manage” and run things more automatically).
Chuck Beatty
ex Sea Org 1975-2003
Sorry Chuck I do not remember that exact LRH quote but sounds as though it would be correct, he always was mad at “management” no matter who it was. I have no info on Incomm as I left in 1982 but from Int at the end of 1981, so that was after my time.
Some words LRH used a lot in the 1979 to 1980 ish time period, for the staff, he unfortunately used the word “sabotage” and that term was in use at the Gilman Base when I got there as a visitor for the Routing Forms project (I was 3rd project go around, Barbara Price and Roy Sarkovich were the first project, then Carol Titus, and others, Jessica Pruit and Ben Atwood were on the second go around, and the third go around I came along). I’d been a Flag OEC/FEBC Course Sup and Word Clearer so my focus was on what LRH wrote and interpreting it, even understanding it, in light of his multiple directions of orders and policies and HCOBs of that whole 1979 era to the end of his life).
So when LRH used privately words like “sabotage” a lot to condemn various crew stuff going on around him, just below him in “Cine” or “Audio” it had real weight still in the minds of everyone still there in 1983.
Oh well.
How to capture the details of how it felt for the various staffs right at Int at that time, and then the upper elite entourage staff directly on LRH’s lines, it is so incredibly helpful that you as one of those people, your writings are priceless history thankyou so much.
Chuck Beatty
one who poured over all those LRH words wondering just how things ought to procede based on all his private communication also. (I’m out now, atheist, I don’t even believe in souls or whole track, but I’m so interested in the full details of history being told accurate by those that were firsthand there and got the brunt of LRH’s words and thoughts and how that has translated into Scientology today, both in the freezone, etc.)
Can you talk sometime about major people. Capt Bill, rest in peace, I’m no Ron’s Org person, but your thoughts on Captain Bill and some stories would be priceless history for that whole angle of the Scientology movement today. Just for history, not to rah rah make any points, just what happened when Capt Bill fell from grace and ANY traffic from LRH to him up to the time you left.
ahhhhh….incomm. I had SUCH high hopes for it. I was in charge of it’s implementation at CL V org level. Such a waste of time. Never did was it was supposed to do for us.
Dear Secretfornow,
I took LRH’s words way too seriously, in fact, because I did (even though I’m a decade out of all of it) I still think in terms of ongoing outside world history’s important advances being absorbed back into official Scientology.
INCOMM was to achieve computerization of management.
Google’s stuff these days, just on translation quality in just the last year or so, the Google translation software if probably better than anything official Scientology translations units are doing, and per this article in the NY Times, were I in INCOMM, I’d be getting this utilized in the Sea Org’s Translation Units to upgrade all of LRH’s books translations, LOL.
David Miscavige’s office. He picks up the phone.
Dave: Who the fuck is this?
Caller: It’s Shelly.
Dave: Where the fuck are you?
Shelly: Don’t worry, I’m safe. Remember that Org Board I was working on?
Dave: The one you fucked up?
Shelly: (ignoring) Well, I figured out where you belong on it after having a big cognition.
Dave: (to Lou) Trace this call.
Lou: Yes, sir.
Shelly: Dave, you still there?
Dave: Go ahead.
Shelly: I put you in the Department of Corrections, but not the Scientology one.
Dave: Go to hell!
Shelly: Been there, done that.
(to policeman) Officer, here’s his address and a full report with recordings of many of our talks which prove inurement and other criminal activity.
Officer: Very good, mam – we’ll get right on it.
Dave: Where the fuck are you? Don’t ever ignore me again.
Shelly: What’s that? Anyway, I’ve got to run. Someone will be getting in touch with you shortly. (hangs up)
Dave: WTF???!!! Lou! Get me my Macallan and get that dick Ingram on the phone. NOW!!! Motherfucking sonofabitch, cock sucking faggot horseshit!! +%/=_?!! @#!
And that was a good day….
Yeah, only three blows that day.
Is this going to be made into a feature film?
I believe Gore Verbinski will make it as the next Pirates of the Caribbean sequel. Working title is ‘Thar She Blows.’
Wow Lois, thank you & your husband (CPO) for this background. My never-in brain couldn’t grasp how the structure went from what it was to what it became so quickly, or how LRon didn’t see it coming. After reading your posts, it makes much more sense!
Also, by this installment, you’d gone through a LIFETIME of experience! I had to look back at dates on the pics to really process that – WOW – this all occurred by the time you were 21-22! Unreal! You tell your story in a way that I get the sense of respect you had for your belief & LRH without it sounding alternately fawning or embittered (as some accounts can). You’re very candid & genuine. It’s SO impressive the ethical way in which the Douglas’ extricated themselves from everything, when that to which they were subjected was anything but.
You’re incredibly brave – I’m SO sorry for the disonnection & heartbreak you’ve endured after unquestionable loyalty in how you conducted yourself. I hope you don’t marinate in thoughts that you recruited DM too much – a healthy, kind human being doesn’t have the capacity to anticipate someone with that degree of evil. Sadly, if it wasn’t him, someone else would likely have found their way into that same vacuum… too much power & $ available for those w/bad intentions not to be drawn like flies to a dogs arse!
Thanks again, hugs & a Merry Christmas to you & yours! I’ll pray for the reunification of your family and SO many others as the geyser of informarion becoming public this week hopefully presses those in power to do something about this horrid organization!
Scientologist: What is your ruin?
Public: Scientology!
Scientology: Ohhhhhhhhkkkk. We’re done here…..
Thanks Jenyfurr, yes I was so young and its hard to believe that Scn was being run by us young things. Thanks for bringing up the disconnection, it is very hard, but I also have other people in my life that make up for the loss, which I am so thankful for, but I miss my youngest son terribly. Our disconnection story and the aftermath of it will be the last episode on Leah’s show. I will continue my stories here up until the whole debacle of the current situation.
I’m watching every single episode through A&E to show my support and wrote them thanking them. So excited to know you’ll be on there! Everyday I read looking forward to your next installment (don’t worry Mike – I read ALL your posts! ?) because you have a way of making us all feel connected! I’m not shocked that someone “as young as you” was helping to run things – I was shocked after reading even your journal entries, that YOU were so young because you were (& ARE) incredible! While I have strong feelings about “source” & what he created, if the people w/true hearts were able to succeed, part of me feels that Scientology would’ve morphed into something much more tolerable, plus what you all pulled off – most CEO’s don’t have that level of experience when they get their first head posting. It’s why you all manage to do so well coming from nothing – that intelligence & character is why so many exes start again w/nothing & do very well!
Disconnection – no words! My heart just breaks for you & make it clear why this organization MUST be dismantled, so you get your children back and get to be the nets that catch them afterwards!
Thanks Lois for your account. For someone who wants to see the tech up and running again the way it was meant to be, I do believe it is important to clarify where and how the whole thing fell off a cliff.
Thanks Lois. I probably rubbed shoulders with some of you back in the Big Blue sauna under main building. I was in there for 60 days in late ’79, early ’80. I don’t remember a tv though and IIRC the walls were plywood or particle board. Steam heat. Somebody kept dragging in whole branches of local eucalyptus trees. Strange. Maybe you had a special sauna for execs.
Anyway, having your recollections on record is important. That is how history is written, the tales of those who were there.
Is there any correlation with DM’s change of behavior with him having the asthma attack that put him in the hospital? Did his realization of “power is assumed” lead to him assuming power?
Anyway thanks. Glad you survived. Amazing how your whole family was at the very center of things.
Yes I do think there was something about that comment he made after his asthma attack. I will bring that up in the next part. I believe we may have converted that sauna you are talking about into an even better one, but it was maybe Feb/March of 80, I just cannot remember the exact dates. We would go in there at night when everyone else was gone – all 30 of us. The TV/Video was set-up outside of the sauna, but you could see it through the heavy plastic sheets……..was so archaic but we did have fun.
Makes sense. That time I left the S.O. some time in February or early March mostly because of the off-policy enforcement of the Minister’s course on S.O. And probably also due to liver damage and other havoc from the Purif made me sick.
At this point, your best strategy is to start lining up an insanity defense — ‘Hubbard made me do it’.
Kinda looking like you and Lou are now match for Mike, Leah, and friends.
Based on the latest at that other Blog (think: “Tony”) Shelly is into her Annie Broeker Rundown as a logistics person with ‘juniors’ who need to prop her up and keep her pointed in the wrong direction.
Is Lois’ sister getting the Annie Broeker Treatment too?
Have Sheriff’s detectives pulled up behind your goons’ car parked on the street near Crestline? And what about those unmarked cars pulling up to the gate at Int?
Thanks so much for the very detailed and revealing first-hand accounts of the behind-the-scenes goings on in $cn at some truly pivotal moments in its history!
I’ve always been curious regarding the specific details of how a young, junior messenger somehow insinuated himself as the crucial go-between Elron in hiding and $cn’s top management group. After reading your account of the “the kid” and listening to the hilarious interview that Jesse Prince did with Jeffery Augustine that contained descriptions of DM, his rise to power seemed both improbable and ludicrous to me.
You provide some key details concerning exactly how the conditions that enabled him to pull off that palace coup first came about:
“During this time period and the following months into 1981, Dede as CO CMO INT would have to meet with Pat Broeker secretly in isolated places in the middle of the night… But the places she had to meet him were quite sketchy, so after a while of doing this, she started bringing David Miscavige (to have a male presence) with her for protection. During these meetings DM and Pat started chatting and it seemed as though Pat needed someone to talk to and they had already been friends for the past 3 years…Eventually Dede started letting DM meet with Pat directly and that is when they conspired to remove her from post.”
With only DM and Pat involved in determining what got passed on to Elron, they were in a position to tell him anything they liked and to shade the truth to their own benefit. By manipulating the situation in order to see that more senior CMO personnel, like yourself were either RPF’ed or transferred out, lil davey the schemer and Pat Broecker were left to puppet master Elron and what remained of the top exec structure as they wished. After Elron’s death, Lil davey the backstabber turned on Pat and made the coup complete.
The yet-to-be-told story here is Pat’s account of how all that went down and a detailed description of the lawyer’s involvement in both re-organizing the cherch’s corporate structure and their aiding and abetting of lil davey’s usurping of power, which was not at all in keeping with the explicitly detailed organizational structure contained in the legal documents of incorporation.
And this is exactly the point at which Marty’s first-hand account of exactly how DM was able to keep those who were legally vested with corporate power and management control as board members and using it to legally oust him. Steve Cannane’s excellent book, Fair Game, chapt. 16, sheds even more light on that important question and documents some of the tactics that DM used to threaten and physically intimidate top execs at the time.
Toppling him from power at this late date, based on the illegality of his power grab, may be impossible, but documenting exactly what a lying, scheming, abusive weasel he was and continues to be certainly serves to undermine his credibility as a leader and any moral authority that he has left as a reputable $cientologist.
Yes, Harpoona, I will get into the Dave/Pat thing more in the next episode. They had the direct line to LRH and could manipulate how they wanted. DM got rid of pretty much everyone close to LRH and who could cause a problem in his power takeover. MSH and most of the senior messengers all gone…..he must have told LRH some pretty horrific lies about us………but we will never for sure unless Pat Broeker comes out of hiding, but I doubt he ever will. I always hope that maybe before he dies he will write his memoirs and keep them in a safe until after his death. Pat let’s hear from you…….
Yes, I’m sure we’d all love to hear Pat’s story. I know I would! Pat, if you’re reading this, reach out to Mike.
Do you (Lowie) (or you Mike) think there is a chance that Pat Broker will come from forward at this point?
Now that it seems the Co$ is an almost toothless tiger, with documentaries, movies and tv shoes all exposing it for the sham that it is, maybe Pat would be willing to speak?
What is holding Pat back in your opinion?
Especially with the revelations that the maniacal midget has had PB followed for 30 years….
Would be amazing if he did……..
Lowie, Do you think someone tampered with LRH’s meds or something to cause his death? Yes he was in failing health. But the timing of his death was only a day or two after his Will was changed. And if he ws not mentally competent at that time, he could not have understood any of the changes that were made in his will, so therefore it couldn’t have been done under his own volition and being of sound mind and body. Any thoughts on this?
His will was changed to remove money going to Miscavige and the Broeker’s because it looked bad PR wise. His will and Estate Planning had been in place for a long time. He was not killed by anyone. He may not have been mentally competent (kind of amazing for the guy who discovered the answers to life and the mind?) but it didn’t matter really.
Thanks for the info Mike.
I have written this before but to add to what Lois said, I wanted to list the original ship messengers and their current status.
Terri Gilham Gamboa – Declared and previously fair gamed
Janis Gilham Grady – Declared and also fair gamed previously
Doreen Smith Gilham – I’m sure was declared prior to passing away at 30 years old
Annie Tidman Broeker – Tried to escape, rescued and returned now passed away
David Roussow – I think stayed in the SO until he passed away
Diana “DeDe” Reisdorf – Declared. Previously testified against the church in Mayo trial.
Lois Reisdorf – Declared, son and all of her family disconnected from her
Jill Goodman – Declared (not sure its official but if not, a church administrative error)
Trudy Venter Broeker – We think she left in 1975 but not sure of current status. Probably declared
Gale Irwin Reisdorf – was actually in MSH’s housekeeping unit on the Apollo but was away with LRH in DC and eventually C/O CMO – Declared
Claire Roussow – out of the SO and I think public in good standing in California
Shelley Barnett Miscavige – Who really knows her status. Question as to being a missing person?
Clarisse Barnett Broussouw – At Gold doing some menial task. No long married to Broussow.
Marc Yager – still at Int. Probably still in the Hole or some similar form of punishment
There were other messengers like Tanya Burton – Junior Messenger (declared, I think sued the church), DM (Junior Messenger – not on the ship), Pat Broeker (maybe a junior messenger if that and not on the ship), and a handful of junior messengers that never cut it and no doubt most are long gone and declared.
Add to this, all of LRH’s family that are away from any influence other than Diana. Even Roanne, Diana’s daughter and LRH’s Granddaughter is not at int.
It is quite something that LRH had all of these suppressive persons as his trusted messengers for a decade or so.
I saw where Tampa Bay hosted an event where Wick Alcock spoke to the sheep about his decades of working with LRH. The guy was an engineer on the ship and would have been lucky to have said hi to LRH once a year, if that. I also noticed that 4 people were interested in the event and 4 people confirmed to attend. Maybe they should ask Lois and Janis to speak to them about their time with LRH.
is the type of information I wish was fully known to the IN. The idea that all the people close to LRH, practically all the first Clears, the first OTs, the first SO members, etc etc, are all declared and then dead….
this is what I wish was known.
For those of us who truly believed, heart, mind, soul…My Christmas wish is that they could all know this.
for those of us who lived and breathed it… perhaps something like this could be the first earthquake that leads to the awakening.
I don’t know how to wake up all my friends. But it seems to me that if I had known this or heard this, it might have begun the spring break-up of the frozen river.
One written letter at a time. This is starting to reach more and more.
You are helping
I’m so very sorry for what you’ve gone through.
“….Maybe they should ask Lois and Janis to speak to them about their time with LRH……”
When I was reorienting myself to real life, reading the internet in the library when I was routing out of the RPF, I just insisted on using the library and did what I insisted on doing, I read Kima Douglas’ writeup and some of Julie Gillespie Mayo’s writeups on the internet that the freezoners had put up, and it acted like better “Source” briefings than anything I’d heard or read in all my years while IN the Sea Org up to 2003.
It’s so true, that the group of people who were around LRH, if all their writings were compiled and put into a book, correctly edited together would be about the most intimate accurate “Source” briefing and ought to draw the attention of the members.
So many stories to tell and have put in a central place so anyone can read about LRH from those who were around him every day of his final 10-15 years, would be important to put together fully and accurately.
Hi Lois, You wrote, “We knew the GO had f….up badly and it needed to be disbanded as it HAD committed illegal activities; there is no question about that.”
Is there ANY question that LRH was unaware of the GO break-ins and the illegal activities?
My impression, after all these years, is that he was aware of everything and his style was to micro-manage.
Also, thanks so much for the information about WDC. At the lower org level, there was almost zilch information about who they were, what their position was on the org board, their functions, etc. In fact the one issue was by “the Board of Directors” and not LRH even though the color flash was LRH’s.
Hi Nomnom, this is a good question and a lot of us ex-messengers get this question and it is a hard one to answer because 1. Mary Sue was in control of the GO and she very much exercised that right. 2. During meal times and whenever LRH needed to talk to MSH confidentially, they would talk privately without any of us around. Honestly, these were the only times that he did not have messengers with him. 3. All the telexes from MSH went through LRH Ext. Comm but they were already coded by Nikki Freeman who was MSH assistant and then sent by external comm – I know this for a fact because my husband was LRH Ext Comm. But we all knew about “Snow White” as a code word of a big project the Go were working on, but did not know the details. So LRH definitely used that term around us and I wish we did have the details of this but the messengers I have spoken to, agree with me. So I know he knew something, there is no way he could not have known.
Thanks for the additional info!
I wonder why Nikki and Jane Kember and many of the other top GO people haven’t spoken up.
It’s not like they owe Miscavige anything.
By the way, will you have anything to add about LRH’s last days? A lot is now known thanks to the late Steve Pfauth and now, the only two people who have first hand knowledge are Pat Broeker and Ray Mithoff.
I was thinking about that same question. And I have decided that Ron was responsible even if he did not know and did not operate Snow White (even though my opinion is he did)
My reasoning is this:
He instructed his “willing hounds” to deal a “frightening level of cruelty” in Bolivar.
And the main command from Ron was if you are going to do something like beat up people or kill someone (pink legs) to protect power………………
Don’t bother the power that you did it and cause him dev-t. He doesn’t need to know.
My opinion is that Ron wrote that in Bolivar, don’t reveal actions, to cover his ass in a law suite whereby if he was deposed he could honestly say he knew nothing about it.
Either way, whether he was the agent operating Snow White or was not, his writings in Bolivar gave permission to have black ops and to carry out his demented black ops.
Charles Manson did not kill anyone. Yet he was found responsible for those muderous actions.
So it doesn’t matter. Ron was responsible either way.
Frightening level of cruelty?
Beating people up?
Sounds like the Bible of David Misacsvige.
David Miscavige is a master student of Bolivar.
If Bolivar is the playbook of Miscavige, giving justification to keep and protect power, then it is reasonable to conclude that L Ron Hubbard help to create David Miscavige.
Just as we can assign the behavior of Mao’s cultural revolutionaries to Mao and Manson’s minions to Manson.
ground level trenches (ie, class V org staff) : we were told that GO was disbanded as they were bad and “rogue”. haha! We were so f*cking young.
‘I had a missing link not covered in Ron Miscavige Sr. book RUTHLESS: how did the rise of David Miscavige happen?” It was a coup, so he has feared a coup against him ever since and thus forces out all the high ranking officials who may be in a position to pull one, leaving Lou whats-her-name, Karin Pouw, Tommy Davis and others as the highest ranking people below him. No one of any skill or intelligence is in the #2 or #3 position.
thank you.
your information is so valuable.
It rings so true. It helps the healing.
Thanks Lois. This time period is very important in the history of the structure and operations of $cienoville 2.0 or whatever number is applicable to how the ‘corporate veil’ was set up. Your place on the perch is very interesting.
So the gas lighting goofballs finally brought the previous management down. All it took was Lron’s being in hiding and only a few ‘trusted’ minions carrying his correspondence back and forth to screw up their ‘enemies’. $cientology is indeed a third grade cafeteria run by Eric Cartman. A really psychopathic Eric Cartman.
Off topic….I just want to thank everyone for helping me through my first year after leaving this mind bending cult. I have changed my screen name and many other things in my life. I’m so happy to see everyone coming out and telling their stories through this blog and A&E, Going Clear, etc. Leah Remini’s 20/20 interview last year saved my life. It lead me to Mike here, to Going Clear, etc….. Believe it or not, I saw a little box on the side of my facebook page where they put little news snippets!!! That’s all it took for me to decided I was done!! I read most of the books, I read back to the beginning of the blog to catch up and to see if I was in any of the Thursday Funnies (I wasn’t, thank goodness! LOL) Anyway, I love all of you and know that if you are here, you truely do have self-determinism because you did it YOUR WAY!
With all that’s going on with this cult, it’s like a sick soap opera.
Personally, I’d love to hear stories on those who’ve recently left. What’s it like now inside the cult, it’s nuances, how you got out? Thanks for sharing.
Hi Michael. I was not in SO although I spent time with them when I was sent to LA for training. I was public for 25 years, in and out, then decided to join staff. It was like someone pulled the curtain revealing the “dark side”. The love bombing stopped and the degredation started at the same moment. I only lasted a short time in training before I had the moment of clarity and that “What the hell did I do?” spell. I had all the books, lectures, videos and was doing extension courses. I didn’t think I was under the spell until I looked at my life and the people in it and suddenly felt like an arrogant asshole. It took therapy to not fear the mailbox. I have not had any contact with anyone since I left. I just tear up the mail now and toss it.
As far as what it’s like, I can only tell you that at PAC there was someone in uniform crying in the bathroom everyday! I felt like everyone was suspicious of everyone else and people were fighting with each other in the hallways. The MAA was so busy because of all the fighting. I didn’t get the feeling that it was a sane place at all! The weirdest thing for me was how they put people’s names up on a board if they are late or for even minor things. It’s like Kindergarten!! Shame, degredation, arrogance, misrepresentation, etc….I could make a long list. That is what I saw.
A little Truth Rundown will handlen that. Will it be cash or charge?
I only deal in diamonds…
Stolen ones. Mike, make him give them back or I’ll write a K…. never mind.
OutandAbout, I would love to hear more and details. It is so great that you packed it in and left and seeing that you are ripping up their BS mail, you really aren’t even looking in the rearview mirror. I’m happy for you.
Maybe you should write to Mike and make a posting. I was “public” – faking it – 2 years ago at AOLA and didn’t even experience such things that you witnessed. It would be great to hear your stories of the Nightmares on L. Ron Hubbard Blvd.
Clearlypissedoff…Thank you for your interest. I got to LA in the 2nd wave of the new training which focused on getting people in the door. It was total chaos. I sat in the MAA office for 2 whole days waiting for my routing in interview. That’s where I saw the fighting and the overwhelmed MMAs. When I finally got in my interview I was asked repeatedly, in different words if I, or anyone I know had seen Going Clear. I was still very loyal at that point and had not but I was assigned to make phone calls telling all my loved ones that they were not to watch it and if they had, I was supposed to give them the names of the people that did, even if they weren’t scios. WHAT???? Crazy! I told them nobody watched it. Never called anyone. Passed the interrogation on the e meter. Ya, that thing works! LOL
Unbelievable. Telling people to NOT watch Going Clear is like telling a child to NOT look directly at the sun. They just got to have a look.
Wow, you’re right, CPO — telling them not to watch Going Clear is like saying, “do not think of a black cat.” Shows you how scared they are of that show. And now that Leah is ripping it up, I bet they tell people not to watch the Leah Remini show and to give them names of relatives who have seen it. They are running scared!
I’m truly happy to hear that. You know, you made me realize when I first did something positive against the cult, apart from walking out the door. It was when a now OT8 in the family (while we still talked to each other) approached me and wanted her niece to have some rudiment auditing. She tried to 8C me to sell my house. That set the standard of my responses.
The absolute arrogant assholes Scientology produces has no precedent I know of and I seen and lived with some really bad ao’s in my life.
8C? Wow, is this some drill to get people to sell their possessions? I almost sold my house to pay $30,000 to send my husband to Narcanon. Makes me sick to think of it. He started in AA and has been sober since. Narcanon was their solution and it had to happen yesterday…..for stats!!! I’m so grateful I found the truth. I’m sorry to take focus from Lois, but it’s her story along with all the rest that inspired me to comment. Thank you.
Thanks Lois,
I always wondered when DM went off the rails, and you may have just posted the likely time frame and events that locked him into the mind-set/valence that is so manifest in his chronic behavior.
You wrote that DM went ‘weird’ and began having the attitude that HE thought everyone needed a ‘severe reality adjustment’ (SRA). It occurred to me that this attitude would/could become the major operating basis for the later DM who we all have come to reject. That attitude statement fits all three criteria of a Service Facsimilie: It makes others wrong and himself right; it dominates others and avoids domination; and, aids in his survival while hindering the survival of others. It could be a hell-of-a cope solution for him, and — from his position of power– it would make for some truly miserable underlings.
Back in the day of auditor training I took to heart the Service Facsimilie tech. It was an eye opener for me to realize that a decision made under stress would then dictate how a person would later deal with their life. I have applied it in my dealings with numerous people and situations that have come up in life. It always helps me in dealing with someone if I have a handle on their operating datum, the one they use to run their life — and anyone they come into contact with. I feel I now know where DM is coming from, thanks to your observations.
“It was an eye opener for me to realize that a decision made under stress would then dictate how a person would later deal with their life…. I feel I now know where DM is coming from, thanks to your observations.”
That’s a hought-provoking observation on your part too, Jim.
And many thanks to you, Lois.
Typo – should be “thought-provoking.”
We knew 🙂
The Blog is backwards, what happened? I think I like it.
Thank you so much Lois, Mike, & Leah for all you are doing. I appreciate Lois’s stories, although it hurts my heart for what she has to go through currently with the loss of disconnection.
Thanks No One, I appreciate your concern…..it is hard, but I am doing fine. It has really helped me to write all this stuff about my “other” life as I have held it all in for 35 years!
What struck me was how young you all were. It’s very unusual to have such young people in such high places in an international organization.
Thank you Lois for telling your story. The more light shed on the insanity of this cult and it’s malevolent leader the faster it will be taken down.
Comment on Ortega’s post today:
Can you imagine the measures being taken now by the midget to restore the physical and mental damage Shelley has incurred over these many years in the event of a possible investigation. The strategies being formulated by Miscavige to avoid shedding light on his crimes in this matter?. Will he offer her millions to quietly disappear with a NDA agreement? Is she too far gone, God forbid, that he can’t for any reason afford her to be seen at all.
Is the LAPD weighing the pros and cons of either disclosing the illegal actions it has committed regarding this or covering up their complicity and influence peddling by the Cherch? I strongly doubt the former will be the case.
Will the billions Miscavige has at his disposal be enough to cover up this and all other crimes he has committed?
How many more people are going to suffer before those who have the power to do something about this cult get off their collective asses?
Kima mentioned that before she blew from LRH’s Hemet base, she bought 2 safes and retrieved nearly a million dollars in gold, silver and diamonds from a bank. Heck, they were all in her husbands, Mike Douglas’ control at a bank and they could have stolen them and properly disappeared. I knew both Mike and Kima well and they were good people and did the honest thing by buying a safe and putting them in LRH’s possession.
The question that stirs in my mind is I wonder where that million in coins are today. LRH can’t use them on Target 2 but someone could here on Teegack (or whatever earth is called).
Okay, I admit it. I’ve got them. Hands off!
Ok, my mistake. I thought maybe DM or Broeker had them but glad you got your withhold off.
Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. ?
Sorry, Meph. If you look in your safe, you’ll find them gone. Europe is beautiful this time of year….
You’ll pay for this! I’m gonna come after you like a freight train and I don’t mean thought-wise.
Dear Clearly Pissed,
My thoughts were that the safes of the gold and jewels are at CST site, for LRH’s return.
I think there might be some logic behind the two safes or just the stuff that was in them, being at CST.
Reason are long range.
The old Mediterranean “Mission Earth” of 1968 was to find treasure he stashed way way long ago.
The Rhodesia trip also included a bit about him trying to recall anything he may has stashed down there, since in his prior life he thought he’d been Ceil Rhodes, the mega diamond guy of two centuries ago.
So, if one thinks like LRH was thinking about his old treasures, he then likely would plant his treasure at CST and that’d be the place for him to come find his stash, someday, with the CST large symbols in the hillsides to guide him where to land, LOL.
HOnestly, that’s I think how he was thinking, and likely why CST today does in fact also have some gold and jewels stashed there, and I’m being straight.
Chuck Beatty
(I remember you from briefly seeing you before you departed Flag in late 1975-early 1976, very early Clearwater days, I was there total newbie Sea Orger, Dec 1975 with that load of TTCers who came in late Dec 1975 at the Fort Harrison, I stayed in the Sea Org til 2003, was at Int/Hemet first time 1983, read a LOT of LRH traffic for the routing forms project, later I was in INCOMM 1990-1992, then I was in ASI 1992-1995, then RPF for 7 years til I routed out in 2003—I read a lot of LRH’s traffic, and so appreciate all the details Lois and you provide, thankyou very much!)
Thanks Chuck. I remember you also but left the FH in ’76 with Jerry Armstrong, Clarisse and Jill Goodman to set up Astra for LRH. Didn’t come back until Lois got busted in ’82 – then I blew shortly thereafter – I got tired of the Grey Moss and rice & beans. The Grey Moss…it had such an appropriate name…
Thank you Lois for continuing to give incredible detail about Ron,Miscavige and your time with both.Very valuable information & fascinating for me to see what went down after I blew in 1978.In late 75 early 76 I had written the SO#1 line & Mary Sue to say out of the blue that my great grand dad on my dad’s side had in the early 1900s bought a 1500 acre almond ranch outside of Hemet to add to his real estate portfolio.So I was written back by the ladies and a note from Mary Sue where I was asked to describe what I knew of this ranch in detail.All I knew was it was in the family until at least 1935.Along with all the Hawaiian properties that were sold before 1940.And then I find out where Gold Base is.There may be no connection but strange there was so much interest in this ranch back then.I hope it is not the same at all,as I would be upset if GB was on that spot.Thank you Mike.??
Hi Ann B Watson!
Would you indulge me with a favor?
Might I ask that you place spaces after punctuation such as periods and commas? Not having spaces makes your sentences hard to read for me and I want to know what you’re thinking!
Thank you,
John Doe
That’s a weird coincidence. None of the properties we had was an Almond Ranch. Thanks so much Ann for your comment.
If you click on this link, this is the “Happy Valley” or Castile Ranch, it’s been sold from CSI back to some buyer(s) who transformed it into a sports complex, baseball diamonds, and more farming.
But this used to be the “Happy Valley” Castille Canyon Ranch.
Is longer ago, used to be Olive trees, and then a monestary back in the early 1900s.
The place where the baseball diamonds are today, that’s where when the Int Base owned it, it was used for farming when it was the Int Kids Ranch.
(I was on the RPF there two times, once in 1989 very briefly, and then again 1996-2000—our RPF site has been demolished but I can make it out since from the air you can see the outline of some of our bulldozed RPF buildings outlines. )
I don’t recall if the Castile Canyon ranch was at any longer ago time an “almond ranch” though.
It did have olive trees, and I did some RPFer olice harveting from those trees in 1999ish..
The ranch is “famous” for the many many Oak trees that are along the water channel/stream that only has water in it after the winter snow melt. During the El Nino of 1997-98, that stream ran all the way until June, which was really something that year! We RPFers built by hand labor a concrete damn to protect the water well which can be seen which sits above the circular water tank on the property, I enjoyed all that drastic outdoor work, but that’s not for most office workers.
Thanks Lois, but goodness me what a messy and paranoid picture it paints. Those lawyers and the corporate veils says it all for me really. With that sort of background shenanigans going on anything is possible once the money and other assets are realized, made accessible and then permitted to be jostled around in that sort of secrecy. No wonder an ao like Miscavige paid attention to the details. All he needed was an ability not to be bothered by having a conscience – and that he has in spades. He knew exactly what was at stake and the prize available.
And all this floated on a sea of paranoia because of …? Protect Source at all costs. Vanity… Geezers… the most ethical group on the planet both creating and handling the fallout of a real situation hey?? How duped we were to think, even for a second we’d be safe to put our trust in that system of belief. To believe self-determinism is the goal of goals and yet actively deny it with punishment within the group at the same time. It reminds of the children’s game “follow the leader,” gone berserk. Scientology is a good representation of the trap it says it frees you from. The 3rd Dynamic is imo the joker in the pack.
I know how Dave could easily gain a huge audience. Have A&E do a reality show on him behind bars and call it ‘Miscavige Unmasked – Confessions of a Mental Terrorist’. He’d then have his millions of viewers with no exaggeration.
The only noise being heard from Cult compounds around the world this morning:
Hi Lois,
Thanks again for filling in the gaps. Really appreciate your comm.
So many times I would stand back from the fray and ask myself “what the F is going on. Nice to finally get some answers that are more than just lying PR.
What’s a comm?
Short for communication. “Thanks for the comm” is Scientology-speak for “Thanks for telling me that.”
Thanks….one more question, “Do fish swim?”
It’s a com with a extra ‘m’.
No, it’s a comma minus the a.
All of this madness; the rise of DM has its source in L R H.
His agreeing to create corporate smoke screens is because of the law seeking him out. And him hiding from it. Cutting his own lines to the church and putting others in charge.
Because of his need to hide he pulled back from being directly in charge leaving a vacuum for a crazy man to take over.
So, it can be known without a doubt that the vacuum left for DM to take over came from Ron running from the law and the mess that HE CREATED!
Ron became obsessed with his own protection and all of his energy became about hiding.
Ok you Ron apologists that still believe in his tech, where is hiding on the tone scale?
Then….. when DM started his demented take over all he had to do was apply Bolivar.
Bolivar was like Ron leaving a loaded gun in a pre school for kids to play with.
DM is said to have leather bound Bolivar and handed them out to celebrities. Is that true Mike?
At the end of life Ron was all about hiding, money and BTs.
And can you imagine?, Mary Sue asking Ron if it is OK to go to the movies? That maybe BTs may jump on her. That is self created psycho insantity!!!!
I really feel for MSH. She believed in him. She believed him to be what he said he was.
We were all duped.
The OT levels are the product of a madman. And we were his willing victims.
His technique of choice to put us under his spell of greed and madness?
David Miscavige is also victim of this. But David Miscavige’s version comes from his psychopathic tendencies.
L Ron Hubbard is and always will be SOURCE
I’m just loving the 1970s DM picture! Feathered hair, porn stache…..very ecclesiastical
Dave’s the Pope of punk.
Dave’s the Pope of junk.
The pope of punk junk.
I like it!!!!!!!
Dave’s the Johnny Rotten of religion.
What’s that line out of one of Leonard Cohen’s songs, “I live among you, well disguised…”
Oh! I’d throw the biggest party if that little conniving ao was stripped of his throne and thrown in jail where he belongs. Hubbard’s level of complete self absorbedness & vanity and his punitive management style was bad enough but he is gone. A wanabe gangster like Miscavige can still be hurt and made to pay for his crimes, come on (Leah & Mike assisted) karma, where are you? Hurry along now.
Dear Lois: Wonderful addition to history, especially about the ascendancy of DM into greater positions of control. You said, at one point, “I just would never have thought that DM would have gone to such extremes and become such a sociopath.” David did not “become” a sociopath. He was one all along and had the talents of such in covering up his real intentions. He has not changed, merely revealing more of his duplicity and intent to harm any and all whom he deems a danger to him.
Thank you for laying out your scio history. Not having been in the SO, I have known little of the internal structures and actions of that. Your revealing testimony has been most helpful in further understanding the real history.
Great info Lois! Setting the record straight will help people still stuck in Hubbard’s cult. The verification that RTC, CSI, CST, et al was NOT set up as a way to run the church but as a way to shield Hubbard’s carcass from the law should help unfog some minds.
Kima & Hubby should have taken a 20% broker fee for making Hubtard a quick $2 MILLION $. But, Hubtard dealt in what he termed, a criminal level of exchange.
Thanks Lois for all the behind the scenes stuff of what really went on (very informative!) The pictures tell their own story and enhance the narrative. It’s another piece of the puzzle, demystifying the shore stories (aka PR) that the “official” publications of Scientology would have us believe.
Nothing but absolutely NOTHING Scientology says about itself is true. If that isn’t a true statement, A&E would have nowhere to go. This truly is the media scoop of the century and maybe some good will come out of it apart from exposing and disbanding the Cof$. Exposing criminals and cults in an entertainment format seems to be not only working but it’s viable with those sort of viewer numbers.
Agreed. Entertainment is probably the best way in to communicate the message.
Thanks Lois for another installment. The history of Scientology has so many facets. As a long time member there is so much I did not know. And in my neck of the woods there was a completely different soap opera playing out. There is no doubt that there are many more people no longer in Scn than there are in the cult.
The good that comes from articles like yours go a long way in helping us put to rest our pasts by understanding what was really going on behind the scenes.
I appreciate the time and effort you are putting in to give us insight into the destructive organization Hubbard built.
Thanks BK. I have really tried to lay things out as they happened without putting too much emotion into it and get the story “straight”. DM really pissed me off when he responded to my 20/20 appearance with the BS that I wasn’t there………..sorry you cannot make people “disappear” who are still alive and there are too many people dying off who knew the info and didn’t get it out. In further stories you will learn that in present time they f………with me and my youngest son has disconnected from me, including my family (i.e. siblings). So they unleashed me with what I know. They should have thought of that……but they continue to shoot themselves in the foot.
It took me 15 minutes to get through this write-up. Between this and what is being reported at the Underground Bunker this AM,,,,,,,I am just welling up with tears…..the amount of charge blowing (megatons per square inch) is overwhelming. it will be a bit before I can compose thoughts…
In the meantime, a quick email to the Lugli’s to see what they have in orange jumpsuits and to hope for quick delivery by Christmas……..:)
I believe they’ll be adding black to the ensemble to remind his fellow inmates it’s always Halloween for the cobster. Trick or treat?
Its a good informative program, and In all honesty. I am trying to put myself in somebody’s else life experience, which is impossible to do. I am some what Agnostic/ Spiritual and have never sought out a higher power, and I will put my ethics and character up against anybody else. I am not above anyone on the planet and no one is any better than myself. From, what I have watched, so far. The one thing they do not want, is public scrutiny. So don’t play by their rules. They are stalking laws, and if they can’t convince a person to donate X amount of money.They get it buy intimidation and extortion. They think they are untouchable, and sometimes the beat way to bet them, is in the simplest form, You know the in’s and out’s, Set the ass holes up in a sting. Give me a few days to think about all of this,