Twelve years after becoming “Ideal” and combining two orgs into one (London and CC London) London is STILL not SH Size.
The building IS magnificent. And they have a separate Test Center on an enormously busy street (the former London Org premises).
If you took all the times they have announced their “highest ever expansion” and “bigger,” “better” and “faster” over those years it would be more words than are found in DMSMH. But nobody seems to notice that despite them claiming all this incredible expansion they have not even achieved the “make-break point” of an org. St Hill size. L. Ron Hubbard said this is when the staff earn a living wage — which is the purpose of “St Hill Size”…
This is true for EVERY ideal org. NO expansion has taken place despite their posters proclaiming “10X expansion” (featuring a photo of Atlanta “ideal org” — which is completely dead).
L. Ron Hubbard also said that achieving the size of old St. Hill doesn’t take a long time — “a matter of weeks”… his proof was that he did it at St Hill and then Boston did it too. The same Boston that has not been able to make the grade as an ideal org now for 13 years. He said the only reason orgs would NOT expand was that they were not operating “on purpose” and the staff didn’t have a “purpose to expand.” Of course it was all their fault.
Just look at the “graphs” in this promo piece, no numbers, no dates. Who knows, their VSD could have gone from 500 pounds per week to 800 over the last 2 months as they got one person on their grades. I would love to see the graphs since 2005 and see just how effective this ideal org program really is. And frankly, it tells you EVERYTHING you need to know that they are too embarrassed to put numbers on their graphs. You know if London org really HAD expanded steadily over the last 12 years they would be shouting the number of clears they make every week from the rooftops. It should be HUNDREDS, if not thousands per week by now.
And there should be another dozen orgs in London by this time (remember Miscavige’s little graphic with arrows spouting new groups, missions and orgs around all the ideal orgs???).
This is really pathetic. But excellent evidence that even with an infusion of $20 million into 2 buildings (the org and the “Test Center”) they have achieved nothing and clearly have no idea how to expand scientology anywhere.
I took a look in the Queen Victoria Street building a few years ago. There was a single receptionist sitting behind a desk on the palatial ground floor. I asked if I might go on a trip around the building. The receptionist phoned someone else, and I heard myself being described as a ‘walk-in.’
After a brief wait, a short middle-aged lady descended the magnificent staircase (which looked as if it belonged in ‘Sunset Boulevard’). She then showed me around the first storey; no one else was in sight. I was left to wander around on my own: there were the usual ‘basic books,’ and lots of free pamphlets and DVDs about the evils of psychiatry. I picked up all the freebies I was not already familiar with.
After a while, my guide returned. I asked her how long she had been a Scientologist. She said proudly, ’35 years.’ This meant she had joined shortly after the death of Hubbard. What surprised me was the complete lack of interest she showed in trying to sell me anything, tell me about LRH or Scientology, or invite me to try a free personality test. Maybe, I thought, they make a bit more effort at the old Tottenham Court Road building.
She asked me suspiciously if I was a journalist. (I am not, and was not then.) I got the impression that she was secretly thinking, ‘Who would actually just walk in here and ask to look around but a journalist?’ I would have liked to look around the higher floors, but that was obviously not on the cards.
Then she muttered, with less enthusiasm than a dental patient being told they needed a root canal operation, ‘Perhaps you might like doing a course…’ This idea was taken no further by either of us, so I shook her hand and escaped, unshriven, into Queen Victoria Street. As I was saying goodbye to her, a group of 4 or 5 people came in, who she waved at. They were obviously real Scientologists of some sort.
I thought: if I were a committed Scientologist and I really believed in LRH’s spiritual technology, I would be asking my leaders (or rather My Leader) what he actually did with my contributions, and complaining about the lack of energy and enthusiasm shown by my fellow Scientologists at the QVS building.
I mean, I guess they’re being a LITTLE more circumspect with the whole “staff do not work for financial reward” thing…?
Those graphs all look the same – not just there, but in all their promo. A bunch of up and down lines trending upwards, and then the last line on every one of them is always up. And of course no time and no scale. What a crock of bullshit.
My 12 year old son would laugh at that non sense graph. The directors note section has two adults holding copies, how can they not question wtf they are holding is beyond comprehension. I hope that promo reached a lot of hands as it is pretty damning evidence they are full of shit and maybe wake someone up. More of a forged MJ Fox signature than it is a graph. Graphs usually have labeled axes.
Your rude comment about MJ Fox’s signature is not in line with the intent of this site or the message of this blog thread. Shame on you.
They’re holding them upside down.
I went into the NYC org recently, literally across the street from where “Hamilton” is playing, possibly the most popular Broadway show ever? – maybe 50 feet away from the org. Street is full of hotels and restaurants, all bustling. There must be thousands of people who walk by daily.
There were maybe 5 staff (some may have been hidden away), 2 of whom came out to have a smoke, and inside were a couple of African American public sitting waiting in reception.
Talked to a young woman there, mentioned Leah’s show and that the stories bothered me. To her credit she asked which stories. I said the suicides of young people. As we talked she said they could have gotten help if they wanted it. I said one young woman was posting on FB before she killed herself, begging, saying she needed help and wasn’t feeling better after interventions by the Portland org. I said “maybe scientology doesn’t help everyone – maybe she should have gone to a trained counselor?” and I pressed her on this – does it really help everyone? She said only if they want it. Back to Taylor Tweed who was begging for help, she wanted help and scientology didn’t help. So maybe it isn’t for everyone? She said if I am curious I should find out more. I said yes, that’s why I’m here, and why I watched Leah’s show. She gestured around the room and said I should just look at the info here. I said but wait – wouldn’t I want to look at everything to find out what I could? At this point she pretty much sent me away.
I just try to plant seeds…
(PS I told this story to a very well known Ex whose name I can’t give or it would blow my cover, and he burst out laughing at my audacity.)
freemindsfreehearts, that was indeed quite an audacious and courageous act! Thank you! I don’t know where you live but no matter where that is, based on my experience with them, consider yourself an Honorary New Yorker now, and if you already reside in that state, then your status has just been elevated to Meritorius 🙂
I was watching Graham Norton on BBC and there was an ad for Scientology. A very expensive looking add.
That’s a good point, that after even years or a decade or more of claims about “expansion,” the idle orgs are the same size as ever if not even smaller. It’s understandable that such a claim might seem plausible in the short term, but it’s hard to imagine how the blatant long-term failure to produce results goes unnoticed.
I guess it goes back to the idea that scientologists always believe the the expansion is happening somewhere else, and that somehow their sad local scene is the exception rather than the norm. Those still remaining in, must mostly have some deficit in their ability to see the big long-term picture.
I doubt they want expansion with all of it’s associated headaches – getting a few whales to keep on donating money with no strings attached is so much easier, All David needs to do is to show them photo and video ops of new orgs to prove expansion is happening. These people are Flag public anyway, why would they ever bother to go into a local org anyway?
The graphs are absurd! I can’t even….
Avert your eyes. It’s too much insanity to look at.
I feel sorry for the ant they glue a tiny pen to, get it drunk and put it on a piece of blank paper.
Having kept an eye on the London morgue over the last few years, it’s no suprise the place is on the skids. Though a splendid building (the former HQ of the British & Foreign Bible Society) it’s situated on Queen Victoria Street, which is a traffic ‘rat run’ during rush-hours and serves as parking for touring coaches during the rest of the day. The result? virtually no passing trade except an infrequent lost soul asking for directions to St. Paul’s cathedral. Whenever I pass by, there never seem to be more than three or four staff in the place.
The old org on Tottenham Court Road that’s now the ‘Test Centre’ is even more of a failure; located on a very busy shopping street, hardly anybody ever seems to go in there — when it’s open, which isn’t often — except the occasional tourist who can’t speak much English. They probably think it’s some sort of visitor information-centre or travel-agency…
The results that they (don’t) get nowadays even when they have a location like Tottenham Court Road where there is good foot traffic, I think show why they seem to have given up on the old idea of “body routing” and are choosing new locations without taking that into consideration. They may even be choosing less accessible locations deliberately, so that (dwindling) staff time and energy aren’t sapped in now-fruitless street recruiting attempts, plus the locations are less vulnerable to ad hoc or even organized protests.
I was staff at London circa 1980. Then day had about 30 staff and foundation
60. A approx 3 years ago I went to see how many I could see. I counted people entering and leaving at the time of changeover from day to foundation. There was 30 and 29 people leaving or entering at that time. That would include
public on services also. I spoke to someone who had recently left staff and he
told me that the only way they could staff day org was bus people up from
st hill. During my time on staff I did FEBC at Flag. There was always 400 +
in the course room during the year I was there.
Its pretty clear to me there has been decline rather than expansion, and this aligns with all the reports of diminished activity in recent times.
They are diminishing as you read this.
Terril, the number of scamologists (in or outside the church) started falling in late ’75 (and never went up after) as most boomer’s started having to get on with a real life. The growth in scamology was entirely dependent upon that unreproducible demographic.
VERY unusual these days to see Scientology pics full of young people, with not a single old person in sight. Usually the other way round. Presumably these are second or third generation captives? Doubtless more than one with a Calcioli or Gaiman surname?
They have to hide the older people because Scientology is the coolest religion on earth. Which means young people. They have a special place in the dungeon for old members.
I suppose one way London Org can be comprehended after 12 years of delivering ideal service is that this how Scientology operates at its modern best. This is what your money buys you when you donate to Scientology, it doesn’t get any better than this (except at the Mecca of silliness course).
And to think that in that building they have a very expensively decorated room/office all decked out exclusively for one purpose, (no-on else is allowed to use it or go in there except to clean it). It’s there for LRH to walk in and take charge again. “All hail for the return of Hubbard, hip hip hooray…” Geezers, is he on target 2 waiting for us to catch him up or is he returning to earth to finish the job here?
At least Arnie got it right when he said, “I’ll be back!”
I Yawn, tubbo realized that Scientology was failing on Teegeeack and that it was his fault. So he’s decided to make Target 2 home. He really likes hanging out with the Martian babes. He gets a kick out of their 3 breasts!
Yes, and the mini skirt is still in style for the Martian Babes. He has a bunch of them as personal assistants, flashing knees as they run around at his beck and call.
These people look like they were all told to look like they are all having a great time. The result is only a sad looking group of folks who look insane.
I had the same thought. They look decidedly nuts. There can be no doubt that this was carefully staged.. The EXTREME hilarity – brimming over with excitement and enthusiasm and zeal, and, oh,my, not only are we doing all this good but its just so much FUN…poor devils. i’m almost sorry for them.
That’s because they are insane.
As an ex London org public, one thing I will say for them is that they generally are a pretty uptone, fun-loving bunch (except the miserable old shit Graham Peck, top centre). To label them “insane” is pretty harsh. They are lovely people, good people, with the biggest purpose of all – but victims of an abusive, mind-altering, money-making machine. They will “wognite” sooner or later, just as we all did. A little compassion might even speed the process, especially if/when they decide to start lurking…
so many of us actually had a ton of fun and felt wondrous camaraderie and fulfillment. Happy in our delusions.
Love the description of Graham Peck. Always gotta have one of them in the group, eh?
I’m sure he’s a good egg, really. I was a vicious a-hole too at times. Not everyone out there finds me as lovely as I think I am. 😉
I’m pretty sure the miserable git was me! (Now they all ‘know’ why too.)
Graham’s ok – I just can’t for the life of me figure out what he’s still doing there…trying to fit in with all those young whipper-snappers?
A brief peruse of their FB page will tell you London has actually become a staff clinic which they even seem happy to promote, albiet unwittingly.
And most of the staff are indeed second gen ex-Greenfielders (largely on Day) harvested almost exclusively from the Milton, Calcioli and Wakley families. And a large percentage of the rest commute up from East Grinstead.
I was very recently working nearby the Test Centre and they obviously mean business here now as there’s been a noticeable staff increase. Day are up to around 4 or 5 on any given day and Fdn are now stably staffed by 2 (which is of course a 100% increase to boast about if you’re drunk on the koolaid).
Of the 7 beautifully renovated floors in this place, which includes fully equipped seminar spaces, courserooms and testing area, the only floor that is actually being put to any use really is the ground floor – everything above that is completely unutilized and the basement testing space is rarely troubled these days, as are the film rooms out the back.
And the Div 6 graphs are noticeably absent in this promotion piece which tells you everything.
And what’s happened to former Day ED and OTVIII, Sharon Kloss? Replaced by one of the Milton kids, who I’m pretty sure is nowhere near the same case level and is certainly far less experienced.
But they seem so happy in their delusion and that makes me kind of sad.
I remember being drilled on feeling pity for those poor lost and ignorant public out there who were yet to discover the marvels of LRH and scn. Now my only pity is for them.
I was visiting an “Ideal Org” at a recent unspecified time….and most of the floors were just dark ….including….(drum roll…..) …the DIV SIX FLOOR!
Yep,that’s right folks, we’re so big and fat we can have a whole FLOOR for Div 6… to keep…dark.
I’ve got Div 6 history, and it ain’t nuthin like this. 🙂
I hope that they all ‘wognite’ soon and realised of the wrongs they did to people because of this org’s policies.
Even the list of posts to be filled does not indicate their current situation. The numbers under the headings could be anything, And nothing mentioned, either, regarding pay…naturally. If that were stated truly, it would destroy the whole effort. What’s truly missing is “Perception”. No one currently on post can perceive that there is not the slightest hope of success The blinders are firmly on their faces…and they can’t even see those!
What a miserable condition these folks are in. And they’ve not a clue. 🙁
Perhaps one telling self question….”Might I have made a mistake????”
“Might I have made a mistake?” Let us hope that happens more often.
I believe the poster invites one to volunteer. Assume that means no pay.
I could open a scam based on phrenology and do better than scamology does.
I have a great, great uncle who was a renown phrenologist (I say this with a total absence of any family pride). He wrote a thick manual on the subject, circa 1880 or so. My brother has what might be the only copy extant. I’ve skimmed through it. Advice offered therein on all sort s of topics. Not totally unlike Hubbard’s manual on dianectics,except that it was written coherently (Mea culpa for the digression; I ran with the word ‘phrenology’).
That’s cool bixntram. I remember the first time I opened Dianetics. After 10 pages I put it down. I thought at the time that whoever edited the book was under the influence of heavy drugs. It was only a few after I left the cult that I found out that Hubtard was responsible for the incoherent writing.
Of course, London Org is failing like every other Scientology org. But I have always wondered about how Hubbard was able to make Saint Hill go “Saint Hill Sized.” I’d love to hear about the reality of what Hubbard did when he parachuted in to “fix” things. I bet the reality is way worse than what is now enshrined as an article of faith about the endless demand for Scientology and the ease of fixing broken organizations.
I suspect that Hubbard simply grabbed 150 people from other jobs and had them man the phones to get people in the door. When you have 10x as many people making calls, you should hope to hit something like 10x the results. And of course, that makes it obvious that the aftermath of such an emergency project is a monster “stat crash.” All those extra people bringing folks in are merely pulling business forward from the calls that the regular staff would be making over the next couple of months. So when Hubbard’s short attention span wandered to something else and the extra staff went back to their regular jobs, the stats dropped to something WORSE than they were to begin with until they refilled the pipeline with new leads for more potential customers.
But of course, Hubbard only cared about the change in stats when he was there, to prove his brilliance at management. He got credit for the boom, and dodged blame for the inevitable crash that the temporary boom caused. When the stats went back to worse-than-normal, it was “proof” that his staff were nitwits who couldn’t be trusted to do anything right. They got punished for Hubbard’s bad decision to drive short term results at the expense of long term success.
Is there anyone around from those days who could tell whether my hypothesis is even remotely correct, or whether something else was going on?
What Hubbard did was what only HE could do. He delivered daily lectures. He was the magnet for people all over the world. No scientology org could deliver anything close to what he was doing. He was developing the Grade Chart and training of auditors etc etc If you wanted it you had to go there. So, he rounded up the cream of scientology around the world and they moved to St Hill. It’s the same pattern in scientology today. The only scientology organization that is viable is Flag — they too round up the cream from around the world and everything else suffers.
I don’t think that the importance of Hubbard’s personal draw can be over-emphasized, particularly at the point that new “tech” was being developed and introduced to him, particularly for anyone who wanted to be at the forefront of the latest in the then rather more limited repertoire of Scientology, such as the OT levels that were just starting to be introduced.
But I have also heard that a lot of what made St. Hill what it was, was a large cohort of Australians who arrived after Scientology was banned in Victoria in 1965. Apparently without that accident of history, St. Hill never would have been anything close to “old St. Hill size.”
Yep to all of these comments.
The push and race to Old Saint Hill size was a sizable group engram.
🙂 🙂 🙂
so…… the Ideal Orgs are just Ideal Cream accumulators for whisking away just the cream (richest bilkable dupes) to the Flag Mecca.
I can’t believe Xenu or his Marcabian inheritors aren’t ultimately impressed with Hubbard’s Flag spiritual accomplishments.
Flag is, in earth’s history, the single greatest location for “body-thetan” exorcism. Where’s the Guiness Book of World Records people when you need them? They ought to look into Flag Clearwater’s exorcism accomplishments.
The yo-yo was very popular once. What happened to it?
Like the hula hoop Scientology came and went on a burst of newness.
Brief as it was, I wish I would have invested in the Thigh Master rather than in Scientology. A lot better investment in the short term.
With the long haul of Scientology, I’m simply still an older (but grumpier) version of me.
I still think I’m older…
It’s kinda weird reading your comments criticizing their lack of success – I don’t mean to be critical but your life’s investment in this cult and the loss of your family – well, I hope that sooner than later your family comes to its senses and leaves too! I hope that one day Leah and you can move on to bigger and better things – such a waste of lives fulfilling a science fiction writer’s living book – fantasy – what a powerful misguided soul –
I would venture the distinction between “criticizing their lack of success” and pointing out the lies of the promises of the tech of expansion, and the absolute lies about their success.
In other words, to me, Mike is pointing out that they are lying about their past and current success and lying about how much more success is just right around the corner.
It’s about the trap and lies, not about being critical that they are not succeeding.
as one who did lose the bulk of my life to this cult and having a wide awareness of the reaches of its harm and devastation, I don’t know that Leah or Mike need move onto a “bigger and better thing” than what they’re currently accomplishing.
Hear, hear! It’s obvious beyond question that Mike and Leah have moved on to ‘bigger and better things’, and we’re all the more fortunate because they have.
Absolutely! Nice post, Michieux.
Craig looks like he’d rather be in the West End or on Broadway.
I drive past Big Blue and the Media Center a lot as I have work in this area from time to time.
I usually see nobody at the Media Center…….. ever!
And I usually see more Sea Org members at big blue than public.
Most of the time L Ron Hubbard Way is a ghost town.
I’ll take some pics next time and send to you Mike.
I would love to see photos of orgs in their true vs ideal/fake state all in one place. It’d be a great Aftermath show ‘the myth of expansion’ or some such. That truth will help stop the money flow to the Church of Squirrelintology and get the active Scientologists realizing how out-tech and psychotic DM is. Thanks for the shows and blogs and comments everyone!
Me too!
Great idea Hap. I was thinking of using Google streetview to show all these cobwebbed orgs in a website. But anybody can look them up. Pathetic they are.
That “if you build it they will come” mentality is really crap. It’s one thing for a business to want a tony address to impress customers. But that’s sort of not the look you want these days for a religion. Which is why, despite their popularity – the Crystal Cathedral and Joel Osteen’s ostentatious former sports arena behemoth – are not looked at kindly by the public. And it has been a major bone of contention with the Catholic Church for centuries (although they have also set up many, many charitable programs and good works). If you continue to spend money on buildings you can’t fill up – it looks irresponsible and shady.
Something tells me that even if these orgs did get to “break-even” and were able to sustain a living wage for those who operate them, that would not happen. It is the age-old story that makes folks like the Walton family some of the richest people on the planet, but forces taxpayers to subsidize their WalMart employees with government programs to the tune of billions of dollars, because they will not pay them a living wage (and I used to work in major donor philanthropic fund-raising – they are the most greedy, entitled, selfish and least generous people on the planet).
Maybe you need to emphasize this just as much as the obvious abuses you highlight. They cannot claim “religious bigotry” if you are hammering them mostlly for spending all their money on fancy buildings and nothing on parishioners (much less the public). Contrasting the millions they spend on empty edifices with the cost of the paltry “charity” projects they sponsor is how many sleazy non-profits and religions are busted and get bad ratings and government inspections.
Even CoS members themselves, if they don’t want to argue against dogma, could surely see that their massive donations to this church are being mishandled by Dear Dave at the helm. That kind of pressure – which culminated when he refused to open his church to Harvey refugees, and then lied about it – was one of the big reasons that Joel Osteen suddenly decided to “retire” recently.
most of us got in at lousy little run down places filled with a rag tag mop of bright eyed do gooders alight with the fervor of having a grand purpose, magic tech, and group love fest.
We got in because of people, not a shiny building with talking screens.
It’s how they all start out. Nothing more fun than an idealistic, grass-roots feeling start-up. But changing to a different business model that is profitable requires listening to constituents to see what appeals to large demographics. it’s not always homogenous, and there are often growing pains. Apparently that is not something this organization has a handle on or is prepared to confront. Or maybe they just need a way to hide their embarrassment of riches and the rest is window dressing.
I lost track of the number of times I M9ed KSW. Used to LOVE that policy, and it was no hardship to M9 it, it was a pound-the-table anthem for me.
Now I see how it was intrinsic to the mind slavery and that it is the key downfall of the group.
Can’t change. Set in Stone. Old Man is dead. Only so many times can you find the lost “real tablets of knowledge”. Golden Age of demise.
“Group Love Fest.” That makes me a bit nauseous.
Woodstock went for 4 days. An eternity for some, and many others never returned home in the same mental condition as when they left. Not all group love fests are bad. Just the Scientology idealistic ones.
I’m sorry. I hope you have your supply of anti-nausea medicine at the ready. 🙂 🙂 🙂
“If you continue to spend money on buildings you can’t fill up – it looks irresponsible and shady.”
It certainly does. The problem is these people aren’t looking.
Patience, patience. (I tell myself.)
Sooner or later, the truth, like gentle water, makes its way thru the tiny crevasses within the masses of rock.
All they have to do is LOOK. That’s all they have to do – LOOK, and its all over.
Or,if not over, at the very least, the beginning of the end of their captivity.
And I think they know this, too, which is why they won’t dare.
Well, someday…someday, they’ll look. Maybe on their own, or maybe because they’ll have no other choice.
In the interim, I am so grateful, so thankful, to be no longer one of them.
yes to all of this, particularly the last.
Help wanted ad. Come join staff, work practically for free, and ‘train’, and maybe, just maybe 30 years later you might actually see ‘the grades’ within your reach, if you can just come up with the money. What the hell are ‘grades’ anyway (this coming from a ‘wog’)?
placebo effect
you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear
Long runway (til one realizes it’s a scam, the movement is endlessly “taking in its own laundry”)
“Quit Fast” (per KSW 1)
Does the fact they use American spelling mean this drivel is composed in the US, or do all scientologists use American spelling, such as ‘program’ instead of the British ‘programme’?
If LRH spelled it “p-r-o-g-r-a-m”, then it is “p-r-o-g-r-a-m”.
No questioning allowed!
Thanks Mike,
Scientology promo is not specific anymore. All generalities. Hmmmmm?
Isn’t that a major trait of an anti-social personality? “Speaks in generalities.”
And a major outpoint. Omitted time, omitted data.
How long can the cult sustain it facade?
More good news Mike. Wonderful to see the collapse in real time! It looks like we may be down to around 6k active cult members based on the signatures at
That beach party is getting closer.
And We Are Ready to celebrate!
Yo Dave,
Wrap it up good buddy. You are done. The orgs are cooked.
It is much less than 6K.
Remember all the repetitions, trolls, bots, and fake names… does Alicia Selverson ring a bell? Foot bullets, foot bullets, scientology is firing them with reckless abandon.
“L. Ron Hubbard also said that achieving the size of old St. Hill doesn’t take a long time — “a matter of weeks”… his proof was that he did it at St Hill”
This is what happens when the correct policies are applied, funny that.
As for London Org this posting is entirely true, The last time I visited the Ideal Org it had a receptionist only.
She telephoned and an SO member with an American Accent arrived.
A request for a tour turned into an interrogation and I wa seated upstairs in a VERY upstat area.
After 45 minutes I was bored waiting for someone, anyone to show me around.
The only activity was two people were arguing about what to do with a PC who was giving some problems in the HGC.
I assume they were the auditor and the C/S, but who knows.
This NEVER happened at the old building.
Tech matters were kept in the Tech Office and private.
Anyway I went back to reception as time was going on and there was still the receptionist + SO Member only.
AS I said goodbye and thank you for nothing a person did walk in to reception.
I did not hang about as I knew him from long ago and he was a prat then, and as he was still going in to be regged he is a prat now.
The building is magnificent, should be a real pleasure to work in and study and Audit.
Only problem is there is no one to talk to at break time.
Thanks Miscaviage, you suppressive little fuckpig.
IP, if orgs achieving the size of old St. Hill is a result of “when the correct policies are applied,” then why has it only ever occurred at one other of Scientology’s more than 100 orgs, including during all the time that Hubbard himself was overseeing the application of policy – and never been able to be maintained?
‘That “correlation proves causation,” is considered a questionable cause logical fallacy when two events occurring together are taken to have established a cause-and-effect relationship. This fallacy is also known as cum hoc ergo propter hoc, Latin for “with this, therefore because of this,” and “false cause.” A similar fallacy, that an event that followed another was necessarily a consequence of the first event, is the post hoc ergo propter hoc (Latin for “after this, therefore because of this.”) fallacy.’
Because they no longer follow policy, and LRH was doing vital research and could not oversea 100’s of Orgs.
But then he must be criticised and bullied for that of course.
I forgot this is an anti Scientology blog filled with people who never understood the Tech and some not ever read anything
Welcome back OSA!
It is always nice when a complete moron (aka scamologists) comes along to prove how stupid they really are to the rest of the word.
Thanks Interested Party.
A job in London, where do I sign up? Limited pay, but plenty of empty rooms to throw your bedroll. Share a room with exciting or at least excitable new acquaintances, only a few who snore, much. Full medical, in the form of touch assists. No retirement or other benefits, as per usual with the cherch, but clearing the planet is reward enough, so why worry about minor discomforts like hunger and homelessness in old age?.
Your London Ideal Org has plenty of bathrooms, and just in case you need to retrench your ethics free toothbrushes and cleaning solutions are provided.
In your spare time, between cooking and cleaning and haranguing passers-by and possibly jumping into local ponds on command, your fellow Org-sters will train you on whatever important or possibly drudge job the Org needs workers for most, unless your fellow Org-sters are also busy cooking and cleaning and haranguing passers-by and pond-jumping, in which case you will only have to look to your past lives to get the skills you need. How exciting is that! LRH Tech Works!
p.s. In rainy London, The Way To Happiness brochures are always available near the front door. Unfolded, they make a perfect head cover during those refreshing showers. Recyclable, too, but keep count, because disseminating them to local collection points qualifies for weekly distribution Stats.
p.p.s. please arrange to arrive any day except Wednesday or Thursday, those days we are making up our weekly Stats and it is one of the Org’s most brilliantly creative times.
p.p.p.s. St. Hill Size is Just Around The Corner!
p.p.p.p.s. LRH used to live there.
p.p.p.p.p.s. Did we mention that LRH used to live there?
How pathetic and embarrassing to have those graphs published as shown here!
Mike or anyone who knows for sure, what exactly is St. Hill Size please? KAW!
It used to be quotas on stats:
1000 WDAH
$200,000 GI weekly
100 or 150 staff
200 full time students in the Academy
Staff paid more than minimum wage
I count less than 35 staff in their photo – and you KNOW that if they had more, they’d be showing them. I’m betting this is both Day AND Foundation.
Pfffft. We had more than that on Foundation alone in our local podunk org in the shitty little joint on the shitty little street in the bad-part-of-town 70’s/80’s.
We didn’t have fancy digs or matching duds and we beat that.
Like LRH said, it’s a PR world.
I love the graph page, at the bottom of the Volunteer Information, where it says “Staff do not work for financial reward.” Well well, isn’t that the goal of any organization that wants to get rich off the sweat and toil of it’s poor “underlings?”
It also means you get what you pay for. A lot of non-profits start out as largely volunteer, then need to switch over to paid talent when they want to grow or become more efficient.
The people who start there hate it because it suddenly feels “corporate” and overly bureaucratic (although it looks like LRH was a master at cooking bureaucracy into the batter).
The salaried people who are hired to take it to the next level hate it because they are resented by the veterans for not working for free. I worked for an international ngo right at that tipping point. It can get very ugly. It takes exceptional leadership to get it past that point. Generally not somebody whose management style includes screaming obscenities and physically attacking others (they don’t even allow that in the military much any more).