I have been speaking with people about the Sea Org’s practices and about a possible lawsuit against scientology alleging abuses of Sea Org members.
I am particularly interested in anyone brought into the U.S. by the Church of Scientology on a visa, and then brought to a Sea Org base where they lived and worked for little or no pay.
I am looking for people who have left the Sea Org in the last ten years, and particularly people who feel they had a hard time leaving due to physical or psychological coercion.
Please let me know if you or someone you know fits this bill, and would be willing to talk about it.
I am in contact with a sophisticated law firm that is potentially willing to assist in the matter.
Click on the “Contact Me” button at the top right of the Home Page and email me with details if you have information that may be relevant.
I came from flag and i leave in 2018 and i got R1 visa i’m from venezuela.
Maybe I do not meet all the requirements.
But I observed psychological abuse of members to other members. CO CMO shouting towards the rest of the crew, I was also a victim of harassment (2D). The whole crew had gastric problems for the bad food. Many members of the org had very serious health complications, they did not receive necessary medical attention. Fainting, accidents, forced labor without the minimum necessary safety equipment. They closed the building one day for lack of payments. Gender violence. Bullying. People held illegally in a country. Vasectomies … Fist fights between members. (Not as common as the screams). Minor members smoking cigarettes. Stealing members to other members (belongings or money). Forced labor. Members who could be seen at the base only at dawn, these people had no right to speak, or any other type of communication or to receive communication. I even found out about
three SOMs that used the IAS money to spend it on prostitutes, alcohol and things like that. (only two of them were expelled) .. Sleep deprivation …. Manipulation of scenarios in the events to appear in the videos of SMP. Staff members trying to seduce wives from the public. General humiliation of the particles of ethics .. Work without payment for MONTHS… ad. infinitum.
Good Luck, Mike!
Wow I witnessed almost all the same things. I have been in Sea Org for 4 years 2001-2005, between Milan, Copenhagen and few months in Spain during the opening of Madrid (the most insane thing I ever witneesed in my life, Madrid opening). After that I been in the public and often joined Projects organized by the SO, such as basic and congresses translations, special events disseminations (during winter Olympics), the renovation of the 15.000 square meters New Era buildings in Copenhagen. I was one of the few people allowed to go back on staff in a CLV org after the SO, joined Rome org for 3 years (2009-2012), and then I continued as a public harassed to donate all my money.
Hey, i think i was at the same Time at SO Cadet ORG in Cøpenhaven until a Fire in the Conrad Adeler Gade 8-10 brought my mom back to Germany.
I cant remember How it was but i know we were really poor. My shoes fall apart and a guy in the office glued them together because i had to show newcomers the City.
As a Child i didnt recieved much Love or room to Explore my Young Life. The classmates mobbed me and i was happy to get back to my Family after that Fire.
I‘m courious Why i don’t find any Reports in the Internet about that happening… is there anybody out there who knows about that?
Horrible Organisation! I feel with you guys and wish you all the best for the Future
Am so excited to see this. Perfect!.
Does it count that I was set up with a 32 year old man when I was 18 and married a short time later at 19. I wanted a traditional wedding but was talked into going to Vegas shortly to marry instead. Glen Stilo then got to work to hurriedly get my now husband greencard taken care of as his Visa was about to expire. He came from Switzerland and was an exec at ASI. I was in the Flag Bureaux.
Suddenly after 17 years of marriage he decides to separate and divorce me with no reasonable explanation other than I was some sort of distraction.
Less than a year after divorce I decide I want to leave, I make it known and am told I can’t as I’ll die out there.
I then decide to leave without permission (blow).
I’ve been dealing with the trauma ever since of what the Sea Org did to me psychologically.
I ponder whether my marriage of 17 years was real or another ploy to get a greencard and make sure it was going to stick so long as we stay married for a reasonable time.
Did he ever apply for US citizenship and get it?
I don’t know if he applied for US citizenship or not. I was kept in the dark on the ongoings, only used for my standing as a US citizen. I am only aware of him having gotten his green card.
I came from South Africa on a R1 Visa in 2010, left in 2016
I remember you.. I’m Fatima Petersen I think I met you at clo af. You probably don’t remember, as I spent most of my time on the decks!
I helped hide Simone Welch from authorities while working at Bridge Publications in 1988… clearly long ago. She told me (with Mary Rush) that she wasn’t supposed to be in the Country and she hid in the kitchen on the downstairs floor of BPI (just off reception). I was 19 I don’t know how old she was.
We were hosting celebrity visitors regularly. That meant we had a WQSB for that and when someone arrived we stopped doing our “posted post” and took on another “hat” temporarily to put on a “show”. I liked these because I got to prepare the snacks (and I snuck some myself…we were always on beans and rice!)
The most memorable was John Travolta (he was extremely nice and unassuming by the way). It seemed like (he came up to the BPI Sales Area – top floor all the way at the end of the hallway across from the CO’s Office) and walked through with a small entourage.
Go Mike GO!
I came from South Africa on a R1 Visa in 2010, left in 2016
Hi Sarita,
I was the CMO PAC Projects Op for Bridge in the late ’70’s. Did you work with Chuck Rask? He was the ED back then that I worked with. He and his wife left in the early ’80’s so that he could get a “real job” to pay off his continued education loans.
Just came across a GREAT Kindle e-book called “Master Dealing With Psychopaths, Sociopaths and Narcissists” by an author going by the name of Transcendence. It’s the PERFECT guide for dealing with the likes of scientology head honcho David Miscavige. EVERYONE who has lost their soul and/or sanity in the scientology jungle — or who has escaped it but is still trapped in the toxic shade of its poisonous canopy — should check it out.
Thank you Mary, I will check it out! Left in the early ’80’s but am still haunted by DM nightmares…
This is good, but I believe nailing them and their PI’s on all the harassment of former members and nay-sayers would be more effective. There’s no way they can claim First Amendment protection regarding their treatment of non-$cios in the “outside” world. Also, by “following the money” when going after the PI’s should lead back to $cio. JMO
Phillip, a few “harassment” charges won’t put a scratch in the CoS.
Here! Let’s have some fun and read a two part series on psychopaths — of which David Miscavige is. He qualifies as a CHARISMATIC psychopath. Are all of y’all out there getting this? David Miscavige is an honest to God psychopath. (Aren’t you little Davy.) See
This got me thinking again about the ridiculous scientology strategy of never defend, always attack.
The wonderful fact that a scientologist can never deviate from “source” is such a gift. It is like an army publishing its entire battle plan written by an amateurish tin pot dictator, and then going to war.
Is this how one saves a sector of a gal-uh-xy!?!?
Anyway, go get ’em Mike. You are the leader that scientology needed, but they were saddled with that failure Miscavige. Thank heaven!
Oh, and by the way, Cruise, I haven’t forgotten to bring it up… (sorry if the copy and paste is getting old, but i can not stop):
REMINDER… The newest Tom Cruise movie, “Midlife Crisis: Fallout”, is coming out on July 27.
Please, everyone, go out to the cinema that night, and see and support ANYTHING BUT Tom Cruise.
He is the face of scientology, and he must own it. Boycott him and his criminal organization.
Tin pot dictator. Best phrase today!!
Hi Mike, has David Miscavige or his demonic minions ever reached out to you to sell your soul, much like Marty Rathbun did?
It would be fun to see you expose them with a secret video or recording. Gawd, I would love to see that.
“… and in the fourth season of the multi-emmy award winning season of A&E’s Aftermath, a scientology bribe is exposed!”
WhatAreYourCrimes, I believe Mike covered that question early on in this blog. From what I remember a potential offer was tabled by DM’s legal minions but Mike refused. (sorry Mike if I got that materially incorrect.)
Hey Mike, i was in the ILO about 2 years ago. Came from South Africa on a R1 Visa in 2010, left in 2016. Let me know if you want some stories, i got a few considering i had left the SO 3 times now 🙂
Spent a few years in CLO before getting scooped up for the Print Facility in Cali.
Related to this, it is illegal for an employer, even a church, to take and hold someone’s passport. Passports are supposed to be in the possession of the person the passport was issued to. If there’s any way to get the INS to do a spot inspection of “Flag” and “Big Blue” to determine how many R-1 visa holders passports are being illegally held by $cientology, that would be a ‘good thing’.
At Flag in Clearwater all non U.S. staff have their passports taken from them upon their arrival. The passports are kept locked up and the individuals have no direct access to their own passports. When I told this to the FBI the agent was very alarmed and asked for the exact location where the passports were being kept. Taking an individuals passport away from them is Human Trafficking 101.
I’ve talked to people at the State Department about this several times now, and except for some very limited circumstances, a passport is supposed to stay in the possession of the person it was issued to. Taking a passport away for “safe keeping” is completely illegal. INS has the authority to verify R-1 visa holders have their passports, but for some reason don’t seem inclined to do so.
Under U.S. law a non-citizen must carry his National ID with him at ALL times when out in public. So, if you walk down the sidewalk you must have your passport on you.
Excellent post, but let’s face it, Scientology has only ~25,000 members globally, and is therefore a fringe “religion”, under the radar of the general public.
Most people would not care. However, many documented abuses and accumulated billions (while defrauding people of their life savings), shows that Scientology is actually a menace to society. We cannot accept these crimes under the name of religion, so… We DO Care! Despite their many well-documented crimes, Scientology continues to be protected and defended by US government officials.
We continue to be outraged and actively protecting our citizens from this insidious menace, because USA.gov is failing us. Write to them if you care about all those who’ve been abused, imprisoned, defrauded or killed by Scientology practices. Or even those who’ve been harassed and stalked by Scientology private investigators. As have I.Whenever I write to USA.gov, (You should Too) one of my main themes is human rights abuses. Such as confiscation of foreign (Most of Sea Org) passports(human trafficking), sleepless nights on end (torture), 18 hour workdays for 35 cents/ hour(slavery), child labor(billion year contracts) not to mention the RPF, RPF’s RPF. People who’ve experienced both federal penitentiaries and RPF state that US penitentiaries treat their prisoners much better than Scientology does, even for Sea Org in good standing. However, the mind control of Scientology is far worse. If I get started on Scientology brainwashing, it would take many pages. The most horrific human rights abuse‼️
Now, that’s what I call a battle plan!
Would have to reckon Davy is feeling a little bit more claustrophobic than usual right now, his concrete walls just got a little closer.
When fighting ‘stupid,’ it’s incredible the amount of malice and arrogance one encounters. The use of “advices & intelligence”, such as a lawyer provides in anticipation of such matters becoming legally accountable is proof alone that a crime of a serious nature is on the table. That is Scientology’s reflection in all matters concerning personnel and finance.
Lawyers vs lawyers on human rights and abuses presents a glimpse into the shady world in which we are administratively governed. Good luck Mike, the gauntlet is being thrown down hard with this one.
You rock Mike! 🙂
Mike, I’ve been watching this malignancy grow since I was a kid; it made me sick when these weasels were granted tax exemption again in ‘93, especially considering the circumstances under which it was granted. It’s been especially gratifying to me to see so many of you uniting in taking a stand against this Travesty of a ‘religion’. You, Mike, and Leah, Chris, Tory, Jeff and Karen, John P., Dr. Jeff, are just the tip of the iceberg; the list goes on and on. Your combined efforts have given this cause an impetus that will be impossible to deny or ignore any longer. And, I can only Imagine what is in store with season 3 of Aftermath; I am hoping that you highlight the LAPD’s stalling on the Masterson debacle. If anything, it might serve to attract mainstream media coverage on their criminal activities and garner public support in revoking their tax exemption (as well as finally taking down Miscreant). I wish you luck and grace in your efforts. THANK YOU.
Hi Dave Miscavige. Am I wrong in being 100% convinced that you have a list of non-extradition countries memorized in that little sociopathic brain?
And, add one ship. Bit expensive to run though and being crewed by stupid people sure has it ups & downs you might say.
Mike, where were you when I qualified for this! I fit all points, plus more! But I have been gone longer than 10 years – I was even a minor when I arrived in the US from the ship. Oh well, good luck.
Well, I was with you!
Yeah me too! Came into US at 15 on a visitors visa and then stayed….hahahaha……so many people from the Apollo who were non-US citizens….too late now.
LOL!!!! Yes your were!
We were both in the same boat.
How about those who were shipped out of USA to cover up scandal? Tsk tsk. I’m glad y’all are doing this. ???
I was shipped from Saint Hill to CCInt on a religious visa and instructed to lie to the immigration officials in London by OSA. It was more than 10 years ago but you can have testimony of it helps other court cases.
Thanks Sam. Hello! ?
Hello Mike, I could also provide testimony if needed. Me experience goes back to the early 1990s. In my visa application to the US consulate in Stuttgart, Scientology falsely alleged: “He will not be involved in the selling of articles or the solicitation or acceptance of donations.”
Hi Mike 🙂 Good luck with Season 3. Hope all is well.
Marvellous idea.Think you are really onto something.
Could possibly be tied into Rico charges.
Let us know how things go.
Probably John Q would have some helpful insights too.
I am so happy to see this today! Good luck Mike and all those who were affected by this! ☺
That law firm may find useful case law histories, current laws re: cults, other legal resource assistance from ICSA (Intl Cult Studies Assn), particularly
Robyn Boyle-Laisure. She has her own list of valuable network as well. This sounds like an effective timely route for the right law firm to take. Email is included in this pdf, but contact ICSA first for any updates.
“Employing Trafficking Laws to Capture Elusive Leaders of Destructive Cults”
Upload here doesn’t work? Maybe send it to MIke’s email or upload in an FB group
Speaking of emerging interest in cults and criminal justice, this seems timely. Perhaps more background and resources here:
ICSA Coercive Control and the Psychology of Influence across Comparative Contexts – Implications for Policy, Practice and the Criminal Justice Process
University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK July 4 – 6, 2019
I would also suggest notifying various embassies and the INS that you are looking for people abused by Scientology. The communities of foreigners tend to be fairly close and hear about this type of thing. Also Rev. Willie could help spread the word.
Ruh-rho! Watch out for those ticking packages in your mailbox, Mike.
Oh well, Might as well post this too, LOL.
List of court cases the COS lost.
Probably outdated however
This will be a long time on the runway, obviously, but this is awesome. I am looking forward to seeing what happens in a few years. Thanks Mike, Leah and sophisticated law firm willing to take on scientology.
Should anyone want to go out finding names, the big list may be helpful:
Not just Sea Org members, I know that.
In a lot of cases years and time in are on the list. As they all have spoken out somewhere, they may not have a problem talking about it to you and/or some lawyer and/or in court either.
Great news, Mike and I wish you well in seeking some justice and closure for those harmed by Scn.
I would respectfully suggest that as you and this firm gather evidence, that you also ensure you keep an eye on the criminal fraud and conspiracy elements in the R-1/R-2 exploitation by the church, such as human trafficking and the associated patterns of crime that exist to support visa fraud and human trafficking in places like Russia as an example.
While it’s clear a lot of Sea Org recruiting in Eastern Europe is from multi-generational Scn families, it wouldn’t surprise me if there is an organized crime element evident in obtaining exit visas and other infrastructure in facilitating trafficking among Orgs not only in Eastern Europe but also in Asia and here in the Western Hemisphere.
Establishing a pattern of criminal conduct is key to a RICO prosecution, and could lead to a greater investigation and indictment based on a variety of criminal conduct throughout Scn. While much of your firm’s effort may result in civil remedies, it could prove vital in gathering indictable evidence of a variety of crimes of interest to ICE, the IRS and the FBI.
Godspeed in your endeavor!
I so sorry for the ex Scientologist community for what you went through but then again I’m not because you did it to yourself,and it fascinates me how 1 man can write a bunch of jiberische (for the most part) and some sensible stuff too and take and destroy so many lives.???
Will do.
Wow! This is fantastic. So hope many, many reach out to you, Mike. I am getting chills thinking about it. ❤???
This is fucking epic!!! DM cannot stop shitting his pants.
That accounts for the two dozen brown trousers he recently ordered.
Should we take up a fundraiser to get the dwarf dippers?
Brain fart. DIAPERS! Not dippers.
Nah, he’d go through ’em too fast.
On second thought, I think we should create an Ideal Diaper for Davy that is able to absorb more of his shit so there isn’t so much overflow.
Now you’re talkin’!
You mean Depends wouldn’t do it?
The lab is working out a special formula to deal with all the excess solid waste.
It could include a device to transport the brown matter to the top of his head and massage it in Gads, “shit for brains” would take on a whole new and quite literal meaning. Bonus for Dung Manure is that he wouldn’t have to die his hair and the odour wouldn’t matter because he hides from virtually everyone.
Diarrhea Dave would give new meaning to the term brown study.
I expect the demented one and his OSA robots will be keeping an eye on this to see if it develops into a threat that has to be countered in the now familiar and interminably stupid style of $camology. They still don’t seem to realise that their tactics no longer really scare anyone anymore. Just a rotting corpse that refuses to lie down.
” This is fucking epic!!! DM cannot stop shitting his pants.”
Nothing to see here ….. move along. Dave has had that problem for a long time.
Olá, Mike. Scientology has already arrived in Brazil. They are gaining more and more space. The representative has a radio program on dianetics, participates in several television programs, lectures for police and businessmen … Unfortunately here in Brazil only know the image that Scientology wants them to have, the beautiful religion of Tom Cruise.There is no law to protect ex-Scientologists. Do you have a bill to protect people from harassment when they leave a religion in progress? I remember that several celebrities were in favor of the law against siege of the paparazzi, it is not possible to create a law against harassment of the religions?
Brasileira, most U.S. States have anti-stalking laws. Scientologists are also cowards and run away when confronted with force.
Good luck, Mike. I hope justice prevails.
Good luck Mike and thanks for your continued efforts!
Awesome Mike! I was always certain there is a Class Action in there somewhere! And that is, partially anyway, how you will bring them down!
What a great thing to do to help the Ex Sea Org people. Wow – thank you Mike – this is going to help those that were used and abused and discarded without sorrow.
For all you do – this HUG is for you! 🙂