Surely they are joking…
People often ask “what do Sea Org/staff members do all day?” Well, this.
For years after Hubbard died — nearly 40 years ago now — Sea Org members were dispatched all over the world to find everything Hubbard had ever written or said. This was the primary function of Church of Spiritual Technology which was created to “preserve the legacy” of Hubbard’s rambling for all eternity. And the first step was to ensure they had everything. This went on for many, many years.
Now, 30 years later someone is trying again?
Why? Maybe an old scientologist hoarder died and when someone was cleaning out their house they came across a vitally important note Hubbard wrote in 1953 about life on Mars? And this they set off a panic of urgent orders to get the “Commodore’s Messengers” to search newly as all earlier efforts were “overt products.”
When I first started in Scientology, back in the mid ’80s, I saw up close an early edition of Science of Survival. I was on a course, I forget which one, and I needed a reference from SOS. They were all in use (my org was tiny and the Academy library was small). One of the students loaned me HER SOS and adjured me to be very careful of it and to return it to her right away. Having never read it before I opened this book and the first thing I saw was the dedication to “Alexis Valerie Hubbard”. I thought nothing of it. With the Supervisor’s help I obtained the reference I needed and returned the book to my fellow student. That was the first and the only time I ever saw “Alexis Valerie Hubbard” in Science of Survival. And at the time it meant nothing to me nor did it for decades have any significance to me; I just never thought again about reading that name for almost all the time I was in. Well!!!! Fast forward 25 or so years later when reading the internet I found out who Alexis Valerie Hubbard actually was! And I started wracking my brain trying to recall the name of the student who had loaned me her precious, decidedly aged copy of SOS in the Academy that faraway day. Funny, I can picture her very clearly but cannot recall her name except that it definitely starts with an “M”. But wherever “M” is today, if she’s still alive and in possession of this book, I’m sure Miscavige would pay YUGE bucks to buy it. If indeed he has not already done so. Her book might even have been a first edition. I really couldn’t say.
God, I WISH I were an excellent forger of documents and signatures. I could make bank from the Church of Stupidity right now.
Nah, I reckon they’re looking for the address of tgt 2.
Anyone wanna bet against my guess that nothing new will be discovered? I don’t even believe they’re seriously looking; except for some little trinket of his that they can auction off for LOTS of bucks in “donations”: More money in Dwarfenführer’s® vaults.
I think the real reason for this project is to rewrite history by destroying anything that might contradict the “official” narrative.
Not a bad guess, nomnom. They’ll do just about anything to ensure the old lies can’t be unimpeachably proved to be flat-out false.
I think you are right!
Fake search as a Long game cover story for the next Golden Age of Bullshit.
Rip surmised:
“Fake search as a Long game cover story for the next Golden Age of Bullshit.”
I’m warming to that theory quickly. I owe you a donut when the next “Golden Age” of BS is announced by the tiny tyrant.
mmmm… anything dusted and hot out of the fryer. <3
Mid 1990s an old friend was visited by SO looking to see if her mother (deceased) and she had any early 50’s tapes , notes, or such. She replied that she indeed had some 100+ tapes from early lectures and casual conversations of Hubbard. The problem was that the reel-to-reel tapes were from an old Grundig Steno???; And they were at 15/16 speed.
Never mind that. We will take them and sort it out in our labs.
OH, but NO my friend replied. You need to bring your equipment to my house at my convenience and I will let you handle them one at a time.
But you don’t realize we are the SO and we can order you to comply or you will become an ethics particle.
Ok, kiddies time to leave , my next call is to the Sheriff.
Too bad she is gone so I could confirm her suspicion that they were looking to call in all evidence that Ron spoke some things that were unacceptable even back then.
CoS will probably sue anyone found with “original” LRH material, that’s their SOP right
AND just having any material, even if they purchased it originally, is copyright infringement.
How is that? I don’t understand, jere.
I was going through my junk drawers and found a scrap of paper that LRH wrote on. The scrap only contained the words “full of crap.” Think they’ll want me to send that in?
That scrap must be the sacred piece torn from the last page of the lost manuscript of the hallowed ‘Excalibur’ that Hubbard misplaced while running from the guys with the nets.
HOW do we know he scribbled those words, SSOA? It needs to be authenticated —at your expense of course, and in any case, they’ll not pay a cent for anything you have, since their having it is “for the greater good” and all that balderdash….
Was anything of hubbard’s original?
Dotey OT asked:
“Was anything of hubbard’s original?”
I forget who said it: “Anything good in scn is not new. Anything new was not good”.
And I add: ANYTHING introduced by the Twit™ is AWFUL.
I don’t have the material at hand but I have it on good authority that the “study tech” was presented to Hubbard by a married couple who were school teachers… name of Berner, I believe. They were both Scn students. Hubbs presented their material the very next day in a lecture that became known as the “student hat tapes” (study tapes). He failed to mention the Berners or give even the slightest credit to them. That material is not the be-all, end-all of study but IMO can be quite useful. This was not a one-off situation either; from what I’ve read from people who were there in the 50’s & 60’s, much of what Hubbs claimed as having discovered or developed himself was actually the result of other peoples work. He was very clever and a gifted organizer but also pretty twisted. IMO he eventually came to believe his own stories and delusions of grandeur were real.
This may be part of another effort to find LRH tapes, because the original reel to reel ones are in parts different from the “clearsound tech” ones from later days, where they deleted sentences or sections. The attempt is an effort to hide/delete historic truths and “dangerous” revelations. I was quite surprised when I listened to the cleaned versions and remembered the original SHSBC ones I had listened to.
Yep, my set of the PDC tapes I bought in 1971 have stuff not found on later editions. I think Antony Phillips has collected a full library of Hubbard’s works. Seems unlikely the SO will go talk with him.
About ten years ago, I burned Hubbard’s tapes, books and writings.
Check with a Canadian name of Gerry Armstrong; 70’s – 80’s SO member. Ask him about LRH’s “Affirations”, (aka “admissions”). If you can get hold of them they’d make awesome PR for the church.
Ok, this is not directly related to this thread but I just saw something that I think this community will be interested in.
Mike has discussed how Scientology has become associated with the Nation of Islam. I saw a movie this weekend that is about the allegedly true story of how a Nation Of Islam member who had close ties to prominent members of that group (Tony Muhammad etc) was the one who shot and killed a well known rapper in a very high profile murder case – “Notorious B.I.G.”. This isn’t some low budget documentary (not that those don’t often contain true information) – this is a major motion picture studio production. It’s “City of Lies” starring Johnny Depp.
Anyway, thought you guys would want to know about the further links Scientology has to criminal activity if you hadn’t heard about this issue.,
So what’s the big deal? a criminal organization masquerading as a religion joining forces with another criminal organization masquerading as a religion. At least the NOI leadership seem to believe in their ‘religion’. DM styles himself as something else, perhaps an international jet-setter with delusions of grandeur, rubbing elbows with the glitterati.
If someone finds an old pair of the old swashbucklers underwear, is it ‘holy’? Or ‘Holey’? I think DM is just trying to get more material to keep Shelly busy.
Zee, I’d call them wholly full of s***, of no value to anyone.
It sounds as though they have run out of stuff for Shelly Miscavige to do. Isn’t she preserving Hubbard’s ramblings on Titanium plates?
IIRC, they were etched into stainless steel plates and packed into titanium containers. Sadly, their worth didn’t even survive his death. I say “sadly” because there’s still a part of me that hopes there was SOME lasting value in his words.
Don’t worry Jere as ANYTHING written or said by Hubbard of any lasting value has been said or written by another. Only better.
Maybe TWERP is hiding (that is the bottom of the tone scale, isn’t it?) in some task that reminds him of the “good old days”. Part of him must be crying over the tremendous shit kicking that he has been getting from Mike and Leah and Tony Ortega and the upcoming legal action against Danny the Rapist and many more similar things.
He may be constructing an emotional shell – like a turtle – and withdrawing away from reality as a preliminary stage of insanity – like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand or a turtle withdrawing into its shell and pretending all the external traumas do not exist.
Oh well, I can dream, can’t I?
P.S. I hope you all will forgive me for being such a blabbermouth lately. Where I live, there is tremendous worry about Stage 3. Currently, 4,000 people per day are getting infected and the leader of our govt issued a statement saying that number is projected to grow to 15,000 per day by the end of June. Everyone here is shitting themselves.
Wow! Really? Are the inocluation available?
Hello Jacquelin. I did get vaccinated one week ago. I got the Moderna vaccine. But we hear of many people who got vaccinated but still got infected by a variant. I am naturally a worr wart anyway.
But thanks for asking.
One less worry for you, Skyler: VERY few who have gotten even one shot of the two non-J&J vaccines are much less likely to get infected with even the variants. After the 2nd shot, you’re more likely to get hit by scientology ‘tech’ which actually works as advertised, than be infected by any covid strain. IIRC, the numbers are 90% and 99.9%+ protection for the 1st and second jabs, with few side-effects noted; mostly at the level of the non-vaxxed, so unlikely to be caused by the vaccines
So smile and enjoy the onset of Spring.
Around here, a fair number of birds have returned and the neighbor’s cherry tree is GLORIOUS! jam-packed with pink & white blossoms.
Wow! Thank you ever so much, Jere. That is very reassuring.
Skyler, I’d surmise that the twerp’s™ shell is composed of alcohol, the only drug other than tobacco semi-approved by the old man. Come to think of it, he DID sorta say one time that cannabis could help to keep the neurotic functioning or some such.
Maybe they find something about hubbard that says
“Here I state that it is policy and that it is totally absolutely a financial and criminal overt to do any kind of damn fundraising !!! Whoever pushes it must be declared and kicked out immediately!”
LmR said, in part:”it is totally absolutely a financial and criminal overt to do any kind of damn fundraising !!! Whoever pushes it must be declared and kicked out immediately!”
Tubby said something like that, though a little tamer, and it’s understood by any who took KSW to heart. That obviously doesn’t include the Twerp™ or any of his followers who blithely accepted the multitude of “Golden Ages”.
Someone please contact this person and send them a scan of the letter he wrote to the Navy begging for more money and psychiatric help.
I’m reminded of an old Red Dwarf gag
Are they looking for the elusive OT 9 & 10?
Or, Hubbard DNA to clone him?
I think they have a better chance of finding possible life on Mars.
Diane Vallecillo said:
“I think they have a better chance of finding possible life on Mars.”
Maybe we could beg Mr. Musk (the Tesla and space ship guy) to strap YKW into a rocket ship and send him to Mars? In that way we could accomplish two really great things.
First, we could point to his corpse and tell the world we have proof there was indeedy life on Mars and second, we could take the S.O.B. and arrange for him to become someone else’s problem!
Skyler dreamed aloud:”strap YKW into a rocket ship and send him to Mars? In that way we could accomplish two really great things.”
Is YKW another name for the Dwarfenführer®? Assuming that’s so, it’d get him closer to the Mars implant station(s), which might not strictly be necessary, but if he’s still under the influence of his favorite guzzle, he won’t bark his tiny little theta shins so many times.
Yes Jere. I refer to him as YKW (You Know Who) because I can’t stand to write or speak his name.
Skyler, DM isn’t a problem — except to those who STILL believe there was value in scientology before he started slicing, dicing and pureeing what created the organization.
O/T and just in case anyone is interested:
The book “Free Zone Scientology: Contesting the Boundaries of a New Religion” is now available.
Kindle $82.80
April 8, 2021
252 pages
Hardcover $115.00
April 8, 2021
200 pages
Product Description
In this novel academic study, Aled Thomas analyses modern issues surrounding boundaries and fluidity in contemporary Scientology. By using the Scientologist practice of ‘auditing’ as a case study, this book explores the ways in which new types of ‘Scientologies’ can emerge. The notion of Free Zone Scientology is characterised by its horizontal structure, in contrast to the vertical-hierarchy of the institutional Church of Scientology. With this in mind, Thomas explores the Free Zone as an example of a developing and fluid religion, directly addressing questions concerning authority, leadership and material objects.
This book, by maintaining a double-focus on the top-down hierarchy of the Church of Scientology and the horizontal-fluid nature of the Free Zone, breaks away from previous research on new religions, with have tended to focus either on new religions as indices of broad social processes, such as secularization or globalization, or as exemplars of exotic processes, such as charismatic authority and brainwashing. Instead, Thomas adopts auditing as a method of providing an in-depth case study of a new religion in transition and transformation in the 21st century. This opens the study of contemporary and new religions to a series of new questions around hybrid religions (sacred and secular), and acts as a framework for the study of similar movements formed in recent decades.
“A major work on the lives of Scientologists beyond the Church of Scientology is long overdue. Aled Thomas has produced a timely and insightful book. The work moves scholarship forward from the study of Scientology to the study of Scientologies.” ―Stephen E. Gregg, University of Wolverhampton, UK
“Aled Thomas gives us an ethnographic look into a fascinating phenomenon on the alternative religious landscape: Scientology as interpreted and practiced among those who left the Church of Scientology or were never members in the first place. This book is highly recommended for scholars of new religions and is a welcome addition to the growing body of scholarship on Scientology and Scientologists.” ―Donald A. Westbrook, San Jose State University, USA
About the Author
Aled Thomas is a Lecturer in Religious Studies at the University of Wolverhampton, UK, Visiting Fellow at the Open University, UK and co-founder of
Bettina E. Schmidt is Professor in the Study of Religions and Director of Graduate Studies at the School of Theology, Religious Studies and Islamic Studies at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK.
Steven J. Sutcliffe is Senior Lecturer in the Study of Religion in the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh, UK. He is the co-editor (with Carole Cusack) of The Problem of Invented Religions (2016) and (with Ingvild Gilhus) of New Age Spirituality: Rethinking Religion (2014) and is the author of Children of the New Age: A History of Spiritual Practices (2003).
Will Sweetman is Professor of Asian Religions and Head of the School of Social Sciences at the University of Otago, New Zealand.
Memorialized with screenshots of the cover, Table of Contents and Preface on ESMBR at:
I thought the Free Zone rolled up their tents and walked away from the fray.
EXPENSIVE book, even in the scientology universe, and it’s only a discussion ABOUT the institution of scientology.
The “freezone” is pretty much dead. A handful of people still chasing space cuties in hopes of super powers. Very sad.
It truly is a shame that Miscavige is the way he is.
The world would be much more entertaining if Scientology was dedicating an entire arm of the organization to finding Hubbard’s new body.
Can you imagine the hilarity resulting from Scientology’s version of finding the new Dalai Lama?
Or finding returning Sea Org? Hijinks of the Hubbard search x 100.
“Sir, you need to come with us.”
“But my dad just died. I have to settle this estate!”
“I know this seems overwhelming, but our research has just uncovered that you are the new body of Johnson Jorkobson and you have 1.9999 billion years left on your contract. After a few sessions, this will all become Clear.”
I don’t have to imagine “the hilarity resulting from Scientology’s version of finding the new Dalai Lama.” We’ve already seen that guy, Justin, I believe. He checks a few of the right boxes: a minor felon and confidence man, big brass ones, and a line that convinced a few folks in the field.
What are they hoping for – the Dead Sea Scrolls?
More likely they don’t want any original material floating around – only the King Miscavige Authorised Editions are allowed.
IF they find real lost-words of Tubby, they’ll be suppressed as they haven’t been ‘blessed’ by the punching pontiff. Alternatively, they’ll be deemed to decayed/degraded to pull any useful information off of them.
I wonder if this is as much about tracking down embarrassing old materials that they want to bury forever, as uncovering history.
oh, and isn’t “an LRH originals” not even proper British English? Then of course there’s the Greengrocer’s apostrophe in item 4….
Peacemaker, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen scns who apparently flunked out of grammar school.