These people are losing their shit.
They come up with the stupidest crap to make everything a “game”. Funny how it’s not a “game” when it comes to handing over cash, and very much not a game when they have maxed out your credit cards, you’ve gotten a second mortgage and now you have declared bankruptcy after giving in to their very unfunny demands.
Think about this. At this point, every org in WUS except Albuquerque and Hawaii are “ideal.” They pretty much have an “ideal Continent” — they HAVE an “ideal” California, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Colorado and Arizona. This is what they say is going to change the world. Surely, with that much idealiness, they should be all-powerful and able to scrape together the money to get a building for Albuquerque without having to bring in a PUBLIC snake-oil salesman to try and get it for them? (For a healthy cut of what he raises). Surely, at this point they have so many people pouring through their ideal continent that they don’t need to resort to invoking the power of the ring but could actually accomplish their goal by simply employing standard “admin tech”? Surely? After all, it is guaranteed to make any business succeed beyond anyone’s wildest dreams – and does so every day (except in scientology orgs…)
Of course not.
The notion that idealiness is actually a thing that has some meaning, and signifies anything other than “we had a ribbon yanking ceremony once (or twice for some orgs) and nothing has really changed other than we are all older and some of us are dying off (but we are definitely NOT PTS)” is provably laughable.
Scientology is failing badly.
And it is becoming harder and harder to conceal the truth. Even from the sheeple.
You think none of them are wondering why do they have to keep giving money for OTHER orgs when they already gave for their own? And how come none of these buildings have resulted in any growth? Why is their org a morgue?
They may be afraid to voice their concerns, but it doesn’t mean they don’t have them. And it doesn’t mean that more and more of them aren’t staying away from the circling vultures that are the only signs of life around almost all these “ideal orgs.”
The largest concentration of “ideal orgs” on earth, with not even a close second anywhere in sight, is failing to change anything…
Scientology’s been pushing Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset longer than he has: “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”!
They need a “snake oil” salesman because that is what they have to sell. The reason for that is that they are a nest of schnakes.
Scientology’s narrative about their big campaigns, are really tired and old.
They need to add some Xenu zest to their campaigning.
“Briefing Finally, Going Public About What OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 really are? Did you know those levels are all the long secret exorcism Levels of “upper” Scientology? Come hear the biggest core goals of Scientology explained, finally!”
” Come here who Xenu was, and why OT 3 ,4, 5, 6 and 7 directly connect back to what Xenu did here on earth 75 million years ago! Find out why LRH was till redoing some of his OT 7 just before he left his body, and why LRH even felt discouraged? Did you even know that LRH was discouraged at the end of his life? Find out what happened?”
“COB has been in touch with Marcabians who are curious about Scientology and the progress of Scientologists!”
“Come get briefed on LRH’s final case state, his troubles case wise, and why Senior C/S Int office is hiring new Sea Org members to come do the FULL study of LRH’s case folders, and figure out how to deal with the “case” blocks ran into at the end of his life!”
Scientology leadership is just so dead head, they don’t really even know how to play this hand that LRH left them.
Keeping Quackery Working would take a lot more inventiveness than anyone in Scientology is demonstrating.
Capt Bill was the last one with at least some public openness about the really kookiest Hubbard mindset.
Miscavige is just so tame.
Luckily I was an atheist before Scientology, so when my past lives beliefs evaporated, so did my belief in thetans and body-thetans, so it’s easy for me to reflect on the Scientology beliefs, and see how I’d just punch through all the complicated dodging, and just put forth the core beliefs of Scientology, lay the out, and see how the public reacts to them.
Scientologists who’ve learned the old Class 8 course have a little easier time, since more theory about Xenu is in the Class 8 course lecture “Assists”.
But even that, it takes some more forward openness of Scientology’s part to express what Scientology is.
It’s a pseudo-therapy/past-lives theory/exorcism of body-thetans therapy subject.
It’s delving into vast long ago memories, supposedly.
Just go with the theory the Hubbard left them and see what happens.
All the PR ad lingo narrative hype is just dodging and delaying simplifying and defining what Scientology really is, which is the pseudo-therapy/past-lives-therapy/exorcism of Xenu’s earth dump of body-thetans.
They need some newbies who can buy into this to rise up and review LRH’s case folders, and see what else they can milk out of Hubbard’s intention to delve deeper and deeper into the time track looking for case blocks, etc. which can be packaged up and sold as the higher and higher “OT levels” above 8.
That is what Miscavige ought be doing, and I have heard nothing of what he ought be doing.
Michael Chan I wonder if he thinks LRH is going to return.
I hope someone in the audience asks Michael where’s LRH?
Scientology has enough money squirreled away to cover all operating costs for all their orgs and sea orgs for how long, decades?
They don’t need this money one bit.
It’s just a Miscavige Midas Money grab. One must really credit him for the rise of *Money for Nothing in Scientology. (under Hubbard, a lifetime membership in the cult cost 75 bucks.)
My oldest friends are stuck regging each other at podunk orgs, living hand to mouth decade after decade.
other friends are staff in one of these empty Ideal Orgs, rattling around like a couple rocks in an old shoe.
How do you get your public in for events for alliance regging for Ideal Orgs in other cities, how do you tell your public that the OTHER org will boom when they get their new building?
What a hell.
What an evil scam.
Rip, sir,
I was FSO staff in 1980.
We had a target, I believe from LRH to generate enough income to keep the orgs going for 2 years without any income from the orgs. The trial with Mary Sue and the GO was ongoing and LRH probably thought that the government might shut all of the orgs down. It was FSO alone that was supposed to save the day by providing enough green to keep everyone going. KSW was pushed hard in order to deliver what was promised and keep the income going.
Then the dwarfenfuehrer came along and handled all of that. He gets money and promises nothing. He can’t be sued for no delivery as he promises nothing and delivers what he promised. He makes people promise not to sue in exchange for taking all of their money. If they say that that is not per LRH he declares them.
He has proven himself to be smarter than LRH and so took it upon himself to make up for Ron’s shortcomings by being the new Source.
Heil Miscaviage!
Fund raising games, birthday games, book-selling games….
I thot $cientology & clearing the planet was “deadly serious” business??
“DEADLY” makes “deadly serious” about half right.
way too many scns have gone to their graves too soon because they believed Hubbard’s unfounded proclamations
Seeing the Lord of the Rings reference reminded me of a quote from the movie.
Sauron, on gifting the rings to all the races: “But they were all of them deceived”.
Hey scientologists, the few of you out there, maybe you have been deceived too? You know it in your hearts, but like a gambling problem, you may think you’re so far in, may as well just go for broke now. Why not just walk away from all the scientology stress and nonsense? People do it all the time.
Scientology’s newest slogan: Be part of the great Nothing!
You will be put on cycles of Nothing, run out Nothing, and be put onto endless comm lines of Nothing! Oh, and that big adventure ends with, you guessed it, Nothing!
“Why do they have to keep giving money?” I would imagine the answer to this is relatively simple.
They have to keep on giving money because they have some money or can beg, borrow or steal some money.
When will they no longer have to give money? Whenever the day may come that they cannot get any more money to give.
When they are so unable that they cannot even steal money they will be regged for a course in LRH; but now DM Tech in “How to steal money”.
Since money is the root of all evil, taking someone’s money is a social act of survival. You cannot get Tech in if ETHICS is out. And if there is a single cockroach ( I mean body) in the shop who has a nickel in the bank that they did not go outta their way to tell the reg about; they are withholding; and no cockroach ever withheld any money from DM unless he has a personal intent to do DM in. So any brutal action by ETHICS is just defending DM. After
all, doesn’t everyone take a loyalty oath to do what DM says unto death?
Since I am already dead, (and no-one wants to admit Non-Compliance with Command Intention) I was exempted from the oath But the rest of you will soon be called upon to swear loyalty to the dwarfenfuehrer.
Heil Miscaviage!
LRH Tech can be used for good or evil.
I read that Charles Manson studied Scn in prison and used some of it’s principles to get his followers to commit mass murders.
Since Scientology doesn’t work, you can’t use it to get people to commit murders. There is no ‘tech’. There is only nonsense.
For the love of money is the root of all evil. Miscavige is up to his friggin pompador top in his love of money, thus his evilness.
Regarding the Tolkien inspired BS artwork: In the LOTR book all the boats will go over a waterfall if they don’t turn left or right NOW!
Nah. They had to go through to get downstream to Amon Hen, where Frodo sat on the Seat of Seeing, put on the Ring, and almost got caught by Boromir. Then Boromir got killed by orcs and Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli sent him over the falls as his funeral.
P.S. Yes, HUGE LOTR fan. Not the movies, but I’ve read the trilogy maybe 20 or 30 times. Used to read it once a year. A better use of my time than joining Scamology! 😁 Sorry for the side note here, but you caught my eye!
Yes, but to argue like Sci’s over imaginary mythology my point was IF they had kept going (like in the sci art) they would have gone over the falls! Didn’t like the movie? WHAT?
Welll – after reading it so many times, I had such clear mental pictures of how they all looked, and how the landscape looked, etc. Plus they left some good stuff out and changed things. I thought the movies were exceptionally well done, (New Zealand! Yess!!!) but still prefer the books. Movie makers really can’t please book lovers. Witness the Harry Potter series – much the same thing.
Certainly the COS has lost whatever mojo they may have once had. Positioning their fundraising with the LOR is worse than lame, and probably sacrilegious to some Tolkien fans.
Ah, Chan the Man. How I’ve missed him so…
I just can’t seem to get the image of him in a Christmas suit as Santa’s little helper out of my mind. No offence intended for Santa, for his tech is far more workable than the slight of hand, now you see your money & no you don’t that Scientology peddles.
Seeing this post, I imagine makes many of us Now-Outs want to burst into alligator tears, the penetrating madness of the “Ideal Org” fundraising and how effective it can be. Many public and Class V Org staff go into volumes of debt, including borrowing from each other (whoever has credit available on a card). These in-bred kooky financial behaviors make a big, tangled plate of spaghetti soup concerning people’s finances.
The knowledge reports that have to be written, the chasing down of the “fellow parishioner” who is not paying back, the damage to someone’s credit, the “ethics cycles” and “chaplain cycles” that must be undertaken—when an ethics officer or chaplain is even available to take up. Any Former-Ins know that commonly you are told, “You have to take responsibility for allowing that person to put their donations on your credit card. Don’t blame a rege. Blaming is low-toned.” Small comfort, that “reality factor” is from the ethics officer of your org (who may have been the one gleefully running people’s credit cards as part of a “fun-raising” event team).
The financial effects that donator has created for themselves can go on for years. Like a home mortgage, many people who participate in these massive demands to donate $100,000 or more experience, after, those effects for several years. It is so deflating and depressing. (Not “high Tone” at all, the contrary.)
And, Mike, of course your reporting here is accurate: after a dozen or more years of being pelted and pummeled to donate and “take responsibility” for your local org “going ideal,” as you try to move your life forward, struggling to finance your own “Bridge to total freedom,” and stay on top of your loans and debts for your local “ideal org,” the group hits you with MORE demands for more tens of thousands of dollars. You are told it is “your duty” to fund a next “ideal org” in your region.
So bizarre, financially destructive to the individual, and a true indication of cult think. If any other business were going to expand in your area, they would do so on their own financing. They would not compel and convince YOU as the customer to pay for THEM to expand in your area.
It is upside-down inside-out thinking. More of us should have gotten a clue when LRH latched onto Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland” as a staple of countless hours of communication drilling. LRH’s upside-down inside-out thinking possibly was hiding in plain sight.
Holy crap. The INSANE stuff that goes on locally, in EACH org or area of orgs… is beyond telling.
You got it.
An excellent and very true comment, Peridot.
It has been my experience in the S.O. specifically the Freewinds, that a report written on someone who took someone else’s money and gave it to the org will either be ignored or they will investigate the person who turned in the report.
You see, the policy of “Ethics Protection” gives anyone who commits a crime which benefits Scientology a free pass. I did a Committee of Evidence on a Freewinds reg, the FSSC LATAM , Nacho Motta (Names not changed so as to implicate the Guilty).
He was going around by various devious means getting the Credit Card numbers of public and charging their accounts for services without their knowledge. He charged thousands to a staff member at LATAM who probably only made a few pesos a week. He could not pay the bill and would be declared SP for telling the police that SCN used his card without his permission.
I wrote a report as the Secretary of the Committee to the D/FBO saying that the org had received stolen money and had better give it back.
Now at that time this “Reg” actually thief was one of the few people bringing in any GI. We recommended he be sent to the RPF. But that would crash the GI. They wanted to send him back out to rob more people so as to have money to pay the people already robbed. (To be continued)
I was outraged that they would want to send this crim back out and wrote a report that whoever wanted him sent back out was an Accessory to the crime and per LRH policy that I quoted “Would be equally Guilty and receive the same penalty as the person disciplined as the actual offender” .
Next thing you know, I (myself) was hauled into ETHICS.
It turned out that the idea to send him back out came from a CMO messenger from CMO SHIP. Now a CMO messenger on duty is an “emissary” of the Commodore”
meaning that anything said or done to the Messenger is being said or done to the Commodore.
So my report was basically saying that LRH should be sent to the RPF.
Naturally, this was not well received.
They could not send LRH to the RPF as he was already dead. I was dying of AIDS at the time, but we did not know that yet
They sent the crim back out to rob more people. Later they posted him in Treasury and he ripped off some money there and ended up on the RPF anyway.
But my then wife, the Dir I and R FSSO, Sharron (now COFSSO Sharron Weber) told me first that the 1st Committee should not have recommended that he go to the RPF as he could make Ethics Change (apparently she had forgotten that I was on the Committee) and then after he got busted again told me that he was really incorrigible and belonged on the RPF.
And she is the person who has been running the Ethics Conventions on the Freewinds for the last 30+ years.
When we were married she used to comm with DM a lot.
Her “Ethics Training was likely done by DM.
To Dead Men Tell No Tales Bill Straass – Wow on this tale you recount and yet tragically believable: That any org would rather retain a registrar committing actual crimes for which that person could be prosecuted, than lose them and “crash the GI.”
It is spoken of accurately and frequently in this blog: the brazen appetite for people’s money in this organization defies belief, as well as rational thought because, with some few exceptions, this money extraction is perpetrated on middle class earners, and so the group is continuously wrecking ITSELF.
It is like a deeply troubled teenager who is cutting and injuring themselves to somehow “help” or transform their condition.
I have to amend what I wrote when I employed “alligator tears.” I learned that crocodile or alligator tears are code for “fake tears.” Heck, no. What I describe are big tears, real tears, tidal waves of donator’s remorse tears to form a new Gulf of Mexico.
Dear Peridot: Realize also that while they say that it is your responsibility for allowing another to put their donations on your card; The Very Same Terminal will say that You are fully responsible if that person fails to make it up the Bridge after You refused to let him use Your Card.
Later they refined this to just using your card without your permission; knowing that you are unlikely to do anything about it and risk being declared and disconnected from. I do not have this problem as I am not connected to anyone not already declared.
Dead Men Tell No Tales Bill Straass — I hear you. With a C of S registrar or fundraiser, if you are a person with availability on your credit card, that rege can lay down pretty heavy that, if you omit to let a person (even a complete stranger) use YOUR CARD for THEIR IMMEDIATE DONATION, you are committing a big sin of omission. It is precisely as you express.
Yet, in one of the many “this defies all logic” practices, the C of S never extends credit to anyone themselves. I think one exception might be a person can enter a Qualifications action, which may be some on the e-meter and some off the meter, on an “open invoice.” You will pay following your Qual action, billed at $75 to 90 per hour.
But, for the rest (the other 99.5%) of the money transactions: with these spaghetti junction style commands toward org staff and public granting credit availability to others, C of S spawns pint-size credit unions/lenders. Individuals are now (greatly to their surprise) having to operate, maybe for a decade or more, as the “financial institution of last resort” while they struggle to collect from that person (or persons) to whom they “lent” for a C of S donation. I say “greatly to their surprise” because usually these requests are accompanied by a written promise to pay, which is a grandiose plan for the person to pay within a short amount of time owing to all they will attract or “pull in” (positive) as a result of making a big donation.
There are some few who say no to these requests. I think they must be former bankers or similar. Even in the cloud of C of S pressure and manipulation, these rare individuals recognize a credit risk when they see one. (Good observation of the obvious.) If the person asking (begging) for credit at the registrar’s desk were NOT a factual credit risk, they would have already secured their OWN credit through the usual channels.
I do not clearly see a term for this practice, this thoroughly manmade compounded crazy complexity. “1.1” seems too good of a tone level assignment for this C of S practice. After getting out—where I thought this credit craziness was an outlier type experience—I have learned this is the common practice across the world wherever Scientology organizations are operating.
Is it possible for a group to be “a narcissistic group” as an entity, as a whole? That is what this behavior speaks to. The “fuel” is that which feeds a superiorly self-important “absorb and suck everything up around me/us” hardwiring or personal software. If software, there is hope, because one day, such a person operating in this dense cloud may be able to spot it and uninstall.
Otherwise, if it is so damn important to immediately plunk down $30,000 or $50,000 or $80,000 and the person does not have it, going with that importance, LRH would have laid out a division of credit to take care of this on the spot. Except he didn’t. And you can’t have both: it is super urgently important to pay us (this minute) AND as an organization we don’t extend credit. It’s a failure to #PickALane.
Robbers used to use a gun to get money. It was overt and right out there. “Give me all your money or I will blow your head off. I actually prefer this approach to the 1.1 idea that it is for YOUR benefit that we are robbing you.
Exactly, Dead Men Tell No Tales Bill Straass, give it to me straight.
Sir, I (Sorry about calling you sir but I call black women security guards where I live “Sir” sometimes.)
Back to my point. A brilliant post, sir, (oops again) but I will humbly ( as much as is possible) add my likely worthless opinion (Something I would never do to his Excellency Captain Napier) .
The circling vultures ARE the enemy. They are the real competition to the Ideal Morgues .
If not stopped by harsh ETHICS, they will chomp up all of the corpses leaving none for the Morgues.
And you say that “Some are dying” . Yes you are right. At least the ones not already dead like me. You know I should not) but I actually pity those of you who are afraid. All you have to do is swear unconditional obedience to DM and you will not be afraid any longer. You will be dead like me.
“Ideal Albuquerque”? That sounds like someone being hardcore J&D.
What next, is Albuquerque gonna go St.Hill Size? Is OSA trying to kill us by making us die of laughter?
This just sounds SO DARN UNREAL
Scientology bought a building in the heart of Albuquerque (right on route 66!) and have been trying to sell it off. It’s now back on the market for an undisclosed price, according to this listing:
Last time I was in Albuquerque (2019), I asked a friend about the location of their current building. It’s kind of a strip mall-y looking thing way out in the ‘burbs. Not very ideal looking, at least from the outside.
Sue, Scientology bought a different building in Albuquerque – a pattern they have repeated several places – that is out in an an office park area, very dated and ugly if not actually brutalist architecture. There’s a picture of it here:
At least in the case of Boston, apparently the old historic building turned out not to be large enough to meet Miscavige’s updated standards for an ‘ideal’ facility of about 50,000 square feet or greater, and had to be put back on the market, while they bought what appears to be the cheapest and least desirable 1970s-80s office building instead, and were left waiting to sell the first one in order to have funds to renovate the second. I assume something similar went on in Albuquerque, and meantime the orgs are stuck in ignominious locations and often having to pay tens of thousands of dollars in taxes on buildings that have sat vacant for years if not in the ballpark of a decade (the derelict old hotel in Battle Creek is even going past two decades).
O/T. Florida State Representative Chris Latvala attacks the Tampa Bay Times for their coverage of Scientology.
Tampa Bay Times reporter Tracey McManus responds:
My ESMBR post memorializing the above:
Yes, going to post about this tomorrow…
FYI, Tony Ortega has the story. Tony has much more on this than I originally posted, including many more tweets.
Florida legislator Chris Latvala goes after Tampa Bay Times for its Scientology reporting
Also, no problem if you want to hold my comment and post a link to Tony’s story tomorrow. Like I said, this is intended as a FYI.
No, the more people that see this the better. He has done his usual thorough job of reportng.
Thanks for the heads up.
Kendrick Walker (ex Flag auditor) has been soliciting donations for making Hawaii Ideal for months now. His real time job is selling real estate loans (which also pays commissions) so selling for Hawaii is “right up his alley”. Have NO DOUBT the boy gets “free money” from Idle Org donations and THAT is his ONLY reason he’s doing this.
He and wife left the SO because of a pregnancy. They settled in CA and sought “public assistance” from the state to cover medical and birthing costs. But wait! He is the son of wealthy parents who helped the couple with living accommodations and reintegrating into the wog world. The family was making millions and even gave the couple a job in their company. But nevertheless the couple sought “public assistance” (free money) from the state. This glaringly shows what their true motives are. Just like soliciting donations for Hawaii; It is truly and only ALL ABOUT THE MONEY for personal benefit.
Let me make sure the I have this straight: He is an ex-FSO auditor. (I was FSO staff from 79 to 86 when I was transferred to the ship. Therefore he is ex-S.O. I thought that ex -S.O. could not work for orgs. You do not State why he left the S.O. but the only reasons I know of people leaving the S.O. is that they screwed up royally and refused to do the RPF in which case I would expect them to be declared; they blew or routed out meaning he is a deserter or he died. As the only reason (at least per policy) that anyone leaves is that they have overts that makes him particularly suited for his current job of screwing people over for his dwarfenfuehrer.
Yep, he is ex SO.
He isn’t on staff in any org now as he works selling real estate mortgages at the family business. His working “to make Hawaii Ideal” is not a staff position but merely one which solicits bucks for the project of building a new building. I’ve seen his promo for this and it never suggests he’s on staff at Hawaii. Fact is he and family live in California. See more here;
Know a few folks who left the SO and are still on lines getting service. Leaving hasn’t knocked them off the bridge to financial ruin. 🙂
“They may be afraid to voice their concerns, but it doesn’t mean they don’t have them. ”
Probably the number one concern is “how can I avoid the mORGues, the regges, and the ‘call ins’ and not get summoned for an ethics review”.
That would be followed by an angry snit in response to demands for MOAR MONEY.
Followed by an “Oh Shit” moment of guilt about having an angry (entheta) thought!
Followed by a bognition that “I’ve got to stop thinking those thoughts or I’m going to get called into ethics and that’s going to cost me even more $ not to mention the anguish and time”!!!
Followed by “I wonder if anyone has noticed me?”
……. Thoughts about how the Idle mORGue is doing …………….. not so much!!!
Yo Dave,
Whaddaya thinkin about this mornin good buddy? Lots to feel good about with yer cult? Superbowl ads have produced stellar stats across the boreds? If you see my daughter cruising around the 5th floor of the HGB tell her hi for me and remind her that her grandmother will be celebrating her 100th birthday this spring. She is doing well, not on any meds, fully ambulatory and very up to speed on how cults destroy lives.
BTW, she was also one of the first 70 women to join the Waves back in the day when the US went to war with Germany and she firmly believes that people need to think for themselves and make their own choices …………….. just like you Dave!
If Hubbard’s admin tech actually worked there would be no need to found Scientology.
My brother is a very intelligent person, but he is an OT8. He attended a Michael Chan event once and explained to me how ‘blown away’ he was. He had a personal conversation with the Chan Man after the event. Chan said to him, “The way to handle people in this universe is as follows: “Walk up to them and say, ‘Give me your wallet!’
“Repeat the auditing command, ‘Give me your wallet!’ Then they hand over their wallet and end of process.” My brother was utterly blown away by this revelation. I myself was stupified.
Whether your brother may be right or wrong, this provides an excellent reason why one should always carry a “Drop Wallet”. A Drop Wallet is an old wallet that you no longer use. You may have used it at one time but you got a new one. Or maybe you found some old wallet lying around somewhere.
You put a few dollar bills in this wallet to make it look like it’s your real wallet. But the total should not be more than $10 or $15. Maybe five one dollar bills and two or three five dollar bills. You also put some coins into this wallet. Then you put some old papers that you found in the garbage somewhere or some documents that you do not use anymore. But they must not contain your real name or address where you ever lived. Some old keys that you found or no longer use are also good. It’s called a “Drop” wallet because you don’t care if you drop it somewhere and never pick it up again. It is completely dispensable.
The reason one should always carry one of these wallets becomes evident if you ever get mugged. When a mugger tells you, “Give me your wallet”, or “Give me all your money”, you just hand over this drop wallet to the robber. At the same time, you should try to appear that you are very sad to have lost your wallet. I prefer to use a drop wallet to a money belt because if a robber demands all my money or demands my wallet, they will not accept my telling them I do not have a wallet. It will go much easier if I just hand them a wallet that contains some papers, coins and bills. They will not take the time to count the money. They will just quickly leave or, if you are with some other people, they will just go on to another person.
One of the best things about a drop wallet is if the police ask you how much you lost to the robber, you can always say, “Nothing”. “There was nothing of any value in my wallet”. In this way, you won’t have to go to the police station and spend time giving a statement or spend time with a sketch artist – unless, of course, if you want to. I thought of this concept some time ago when a friend told me I needed to get a money belt in case I was ever mugged. But I think the drop wallet is much better than a money belt. A mugger will probably not do you any harm providing you give them something that appears to have some value. But they won’t like it if you don’t give them anything. I just wish people could use this same concept somehow to protect themselves from the Scam Regges. Surely there must be a way. No?
Oops. I meant “disposable” instead of “dispensable”.
Like Skyler said below this sounds a whole lot like a mugging. If someone really tried that (outside the bubble that is) it would probably get them arrested or get their clock cleaned for them. I personally would love some random Scn to try this on me. I would walk up and down the streets of Clearwater just to see if someone would use this ‘command’ on me.
Is Florida not ideal yet? In addition to Flag I thought they also had an ideal Org in Miami that replaced the one that was in Coral gables.
Yes, Florida is “ideal” with Tampa, Orlando and Miami all with shiny, empty buildings. I was only mentioning WUS. DC is also “ideal” and so is Georgia, Ohio and Michigan. EUS is lagging behind WUS though.
Well, when was EUS not lagging behind?
I think it will stop once both EUS and WUS reach the “all-zero” stat mark.
Empty being the key word.
14 cars in the STL parking lot yesterday. It looks like no one has entered their building through the front door for almost a year.
Gordon, thanks for the report for St. Louis. It sounds like they are back up to car counts of pre-pandemic levels. Maybe nothing external can affect an org already whittled down to diehard dead-enders, though i expect some of the orgs will suffer effects; and the missions may be particularly hard hit, with more likely to shrink down to just being run out of the franchisee’s personal premises rather than having commercial or office space of their own.
Atlanta org is a ghost town. They raised over 25 million to have a converted upstat real estate building with two elevators converted into a marble floored upstat cult building with no working elevators, paid for by good people that dropped in-harness during the fundraising. More people died of “natural causes” during the fundraising portion of this org than any other, so much so that it is strange even to the great kool-aiders of the area. The day ED’s dentist husband died after donating over 4 million and several of his kids into the sea org.
To those in Hawaii and Alburquerque, JUST SAY NO!!
Atlanta Guy, thanks for the local report. I wonder if all those deaths represent the aging of the Scientology membership, and the sort of demographic cliff they seem to be headed for – or if it’s in full or part just a local anomaly. Certainly, at some point and in some places, it’s going to be the new normal that many core, diehard old members start passing on.
The elevators aren’t a detailed I’ve ever seen mentioned before. What happened, did they not manage to keep them working, or did they just leave them out of the plans for an ‘ideal’ facility? Depending on location, elevators require regular inspections, and can be expensive to maintain, just the sort of thing that I expect will be neglected and allowed to deteriorate by broke orgs occupying oversized buildings.
I have done a little work on the Fort Harrison elevators around 1980. They were ancient at that time. I do not know if they were installed in 1926 when the building was first built. Standing too close to the old relays that would clack shut and throw Sparks and molten copper; got burned once.
I’ll bet that Scn could make more money by accepting Advance Payments for future Lifetimes. The
fact that most people are worked to death or killed before they make it up the Bridge would be no big deal. Instead of spending all of that cash on a Gold lined casket; just send it into the ovens like they did at Auschwitz and put the savings on his or her future lifetime Bridge.
They would have to work out a way to identify the being when he came back to collect but that would not be hard. And the org might even be willing to store the cash (for a small monthly fee) until he came back.
Everything that becomes “ideal”, damn what an incredible record, they must be really proud of it.
Furthermore this year is the 110th anniversary of hubbard’s birth what a better present to make everything ideal (who knows if a statue or at least a street has been dedicated to him in Tilden, Nebraska).
Now they had the idea of this Lords of Ideal, wow. Too bad, always to stay in the epic titles they could have called it “The Game of Drolls”.
St Louis is not ideal and they are WUS.
They have raised money 2x for a building though. Will they go for a 3 rd time?
CC. You know the SO motto: we come back. The place soon or later will be raided once more or even twice.
I did a variation of this in my last comm with the Freewinds. I said “”I’ll be back” like Arnold Schwartzenegger in “The Terminator”.
Of course, I was expected to die so I had to pry open my coffin and “Get Out”.
St Louis Scientology Org does not need an Ideal Org. They keep the Ideal Org Shill around to deceive any poor unfortunate soul who has not seen Leah Remini and Mike Rinder’s show on Netflix. Scientology – the Aftermath. Excellent show if you have not seen it.
That tiny little St Louis Org has shrunk down to bare bones staff and very few members. Half of the members moved to Cultwaters, Florida. Others died of suicide, cancer, moving away and going UTR, SP Declares for finding out what Scientology really is and willing to tell others and blows.
Scientology St Louis can stick a fork in it. It’s done and over.
Maybe Chad Lane and Matt Hanses (ED’s) keep the Ideal Org Shill around for their fraudulant fundraising activities so they can deceive and manipulate the Scientologists out of their life savings for a building that has sat vacant and boarded up for over a decade. The commissions are around 10%.
2345 and 2351 Lafayette in St Louis is property the cult of Scientology owns and it has made the cult loads of money. I heard allegedly $17 million for renos.
After a decade of bankrupting the field, the St Louis Church of Scientology did an OT Debug and they discovered that they did not need that property after all. Ooooooops.
They tried selling the boarded up Das Duetche Haus in 2018 but no one liked the suppressive marketing where Colliers International Real Estate Company threatens to sue you if you share any information with anyone after they make you jump through hoops to get information.
The Ideal Org for Scientology St Louis is nothing but an Ideal Shill.
It sits vacant and boarded up as the poor members are drained of all assets to pay the real estate taxes each year.
About $60,000 / year.
David Miscavige is working on his new book:
“How to Get Filthy Rich Using Other People’s Money”
I’ll bet whoever did the OT debug on the ship (assuming they still do them) were declared immediately just like the auditor that did my CCRD. “What! He went Clear last lifetime? You piece of shit.” He was declared and was a good auditor.
Unlike the Int Finance Dictator who in 1981 was screaming at me that he was going to write me up for “No Report” if I did not give him the overt when the real reason my needle was dirty was that his Comm Cycle was no better than Reichfuehrer Himmler’s.