Some hype to help get you started in the morning.
And just a taste of the understated, dignified words of Dear Leader before the clubbed seals on Saturday:
In testament to Mr. Hubbard’s triumphant and eternal technological splendor, the anniversary of his birth (March 13) was marked with a raucous observance attended by a capacity crowd and presided over by Mr. David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board, Religious Technology Center and the religion’s ecclesiastical leader. He opened the proceedings by placing the eternal power of LRH’s creation into a palpable context.
“Never has he been more prominent,” Mr. Miscavige told the gathering of Scientologists. “Never more manifestly evident. Never closer to the consciousness of seven billion people on Earth. So not to overstate it, not to stretch the point, but, the fact is, LRH is everywhere this evening.”
Palpable context? Manifestly evident? LRH is everywhere? Shermanspeak has achieved milestone, monumental and straight up and vertical levels of complete gibberish.
Now let’s take a look at reality.
Now that is underwhelming….
What is NOT included in the March 13 celebration?
NOT A SINGLE “Ideal Org” opening. The biggest, most important, all encompassing, you gotta do it now, urgent priority “strategy” for scientology that is going to “clear the planet.” And not a SINGLE new ideal org. Let alone a single NEW ORG. At the event to celebrate “org expansion”?
Of course, he couldn’t ignore the subject completely, so he mentioned “the planned opening of new Ideal Orgs in North America, South America, Asia, Africa and Europe….”
Instead, there is a rehash, yet again, of the SuMP — the bottomless money pit of extravagant excess that is KCET. The superfluous media production facility to replace the underutilized Golden Era Studios and Mad Hatter Studios. They will be able to churn out more of their Freedom magazine videos 90 miles closer to Hollywood than ever before!
And, hold on to your hats — the project to be done at the Flag Land Base is the L. Ron Hubbard Hall with “digital designs.” This is announcement number 7 of the Hall that is going to make planetary clearing a reality. Full steam ahead on the fundraising.
More big expansion news. The astonishing results when you send TWO HUNDRED Sea Org members to take over a Class V org. The new pattern of “Model Ideal SH Size Orgs.” (He announced LA Org was “twice the size of old St Hill” — ha ha). Only problem with this plan is that is requires 150 x 200 SO members to make it a reality in all local orgs. Even the church that claims 10, 11 or 12 million members doesn’t claim they have 30,000 SO Members. So, this “successful action” isn’t going to work for long.
More brilliant planning and management skill from Dear Leader.
Of course, there were the much anticipated and totally manipulated Birthday Game winners for 2015:
Missions — the “ideal” Mission of Belleair
Orgs — the “ideal” org of Sydney
Advanced Orgs — the “ideal” AOLA
Continents — the “ideal” CLO EU even though EU has the lowest percentage of “ideal orgs”….)
By sheer coincidence, every one of them “ideal” — even the “mission” (no wonder they had to have a “grand opening” of their old premises….)
Finally, I wonder if any of the information about the life of LRH that is contained in Going Clear (or in the recent postings on Tony Ortega’s blog) was included in the Sherminator’s speech? That was declared to be a “spirited and inspiring biographical presentation honoring the man of the hour in his own words, featuring captivating tales from a dashing life spent crisscrossing the globe and accruing wisdom.”
Or did he show some more shots with Sara Northrup photoshopped out? Or Mary Sue Hubbard “disappeared”? Maybe some mention of his first 3 children? Funny, the Sherminator has never once mentioned any of these people. Even funnier, while the church has been ranting about the “sources” in Going Clear they have somehow omitted to make ANY mention of the most devastating material of all. The writings of Sara Northrup. The documents about their marriage and treatment of their daughter he later disowned (after kidnapping her to begin with and taking her to Cuba). Why is NOTHING being said about this? Or about the footage of Tom Cruise that is perhaps the worst indictment of scientology in the movie? None of those things came from “detractors.”
This March 13 event is more proof that the end is near.
They cannot even prop themselves up on their elbows any longer. They lie, face down, glazed eyes staring off into the distance, no longer able to fend off the inevitable.
I think I agree, Mike. But I would put it this way:
But rather, inspect each piece of data and the end result of each action yourself and then make up your OWN mind one piece of information at a time.
And Good Old Boy, the observation you make is a good one.
…We don’t have to discredit calculus and toss the laws of physics in the trash just because of the fact that Sir Isaac Newton had a well known “persecution complex” and suffered at least one documented full blown mental breakdown.
“The LRH biographer…”? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ……wait a minute … was Brent Corydon actually THERE?
And if you don’t jump to your feet when everyone else does or not clap and cheer wildly enough
You get a meeting with senior ethic’s and a folder error summary by the COB.
IAS gets you in the money cross hairs.
Slightly off topic – to anyone here who knows someone considering joining the Sea Org, give them this bit of wisdom: “It is better to be a pirate than to join the Navy.” – Steve Jobs
Unfriggen believable… I just can’t get over the $cientology Event process I’ve read on this blog and others
Event wins… are verified… you’ve got to be joking. Surveys at Events are actionable??
You get sec checked later on for having BIs??? at a public event??? WTF constitutes BIs = not handing over $.
Rollback – WTF is that – sent back to objectives or redo the purify by ‘thought police’ because you didn’t have the “right thoughts” or you didn’t pronounce davey as god or some such chant.
Goodness me.
HBO probably need to reset their sights and intentionally make a B grade movie about these cretins.
Call it something like, “The attack of the killer Zucchinis’ or some such.
If they just didn’t fuck up people’s live so much, you’d park ’em over there with the Orange People.
Would someone please call pest control!
Sad thing is, we call them “inside the bubble.” So are we inside a bubble of types. The attention of the majority of people in western culture knows zip about Scientology and basically don’t give a crap what goes on with them. This HBO documentary may just be the most powerful piece of information sharing the world will ever get about the subject of Scientology. And it sure isn’t what the founder would have envisioned.
‘What goes around comes around,’ finally makes sense to me.
But an interesting point in all is that I’ve never been associated with any group including net forums where my comments haven’t been modified, deleted or severely rejected at some point. There is no such thing as free (open) speech really, it is modified by the person that believes it ‘owns’ the communication line. The internet is a strange media in that it is incredibly broad and increases in size daily. I learn something about it everyday, be it good or bad, sane or psychotic or somewhere in between it in itself is simply a reflection of the people who use it, me included. It does have the rather new innovation of commenting broadly with anonymity, I do it and think it’s rather novel and assures a safety factor but it offers a lot of bullies an easy mark and gives ignorance whole new life, the amount of ‘experts’ in the world is at unbelievable levels on the internet. You don’t need to study, just jump on the net and google it to know all about something in an hour or so. I believe the net is the greatest invention man has ever concocted but it will turn around and bite him in the butt of that there is little doubt just like it’s doing to $cientology right now.
In $cientology control over all speech and now thought has hit ‘unprecedented’ (love that word) levels of stupidity all in the name of control (& money). It’ll make miscavige go down in the annals of history as just another insane criminal along side the likes of Al Capone, Jim Jones, Enron executives, crooked politicians and religious nutters.
If miscavige were to disappear tomorrow, hit by lightning or something. Would the organisation collapse? I think it would or it may eventually revert to Policy and disappear forever from the headlines as it aligns itself with a shadow or something meaningless to the general public. But after the confusion settles and the lawyers finish with it and the headlines subside nothing will be left to comment upon. I think it’s headed for oblivion one way or another and nothing is going to stop that.
Maybe Miscavige is concerned about the tax exemption with this documentary exposing his crimes coming out so he is puffing up the religion angle.
Geeze Christ at the Birthday event he declares Hubbard God! I think I have finally been rendered speechless..
In this particular instance you have been “Rindered speechless”. 🙂
Miscavige is so snarky, I can’t help but suspect Monique Yingling was behind his message and it is part of some legal strategy for a defense. If not an insanity plea, some other angle.
Is it just me or isn’t this front page news,?, that David Miscavige has declared Hubbard, God?
“Never has he been more prominent,” Mr. Miscavige told the gathering of Scientologists. “Never more manifestly evident. Never closer to the consciousness of seven billion people on Earth. So not to overstate it, not to stretch the point, but, the fact is, LRH is everywhere this evening.”
Well Dave you did overstate it and stretched the point to match the hyperbolic hype of your hubris re Hubbard.
Did David freaking Miscavige ACTUALLY say the words … “not to overstate it … not to stretch the point”? Say WHAT??? Yeah, LRH is everywhere now … the world loves him … he’s gonna get a Nobel Peace Prize, first one ever given to a dead guy … his PR is out the roof … I know I’ve said this before and I only repeat it when I have to … but this has GOT to be the STUPIDEST bunch of humans on the planet, talk about unknowness of TFP&E! Cave dwellers deep in the mountains of Peru are under less delusions (for sure).
If you Google, “God is everywhere” About 153,000,000 results (0.61 seconds) . It is a very common greeting / acknowledgement / phrase that is ancient. For religious people, God is omnipresent. There are 42 Bible verses about God being everywhere. In many countries, this is going to go over like a bomb, likening Hubbard to God. Even within Scientology communities in Italy, Spain and Mexico, this is going to come across as blasphemy. Another mass exodus is likely.
Forgot to mention, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” is one of the Ten Commandments found in the Hebrew Bible.
“What a celebration of LRH. This is the most explosive I have ever felt. In so many ways!”
Either he’s strapped something to himself or he gets his kebabs from the same place I do!
From what I’ve read and observed Scientology introverts people, supressing one’s ability to think and speak freely. The three examples that stick out to me the most
-Confused about something? Speak to a senior terminal. Please, don’t try to figure something out for yourself. It’s all right there in policy. Don’t think
-Don’t talk about your ‘case’. This makes no sense insofar as the idea that counselling and talking to others can be cathartic and therapeutic, but in scn it’s used to keep up this false optimism about life in the bubble. The tech works, everything’s great, rah-rah-rah. Black Rob posted a pic about a Scientologist on facebook telling another Scientologist not to talk about their case. He even included an HCOB reference and told them to speak to a senior terminal. Geez.
-Ethics. Constantly being hounded for “crimes” (which are likely not crimes in the real world), writing Knowledge Reports on everyone around you including friends and family, and being hounded even for negative thoughts.
I think ultimately it makes you not trust your own instincts, and puts you in a state of constant deference to tech, policy, COB, LRH, etc. Lurkers, maybe at some point along the way you thought ‘this seems odd’. Maybe it was the constant pleading for money. Maybe you even go to stuff like the birthday events and wonder why the venue is so small despite all the hype of massive expansion or why you’re asked for a ‘success story’ afterwards. Whatever it is don’t doubt yourself. Your doubts are perfectly valid.
Don’t talk about your own case and don’t C/S your own case is part and parcel to the trap. That way others won’t find out that others are also thinking, “WTF?!” When I saw OT III for the first time, I wanted to ask the guy next to me if he believed it, but I didn’t talk about my own case.
Cross-posted at Underground Bunker–Review of visit to scientology’s New Haven CT location
Thank you. Just me. Finally did it–met the in-the-wild believers. Could have been worse.
“LRH is everywhere..” He must have done the “Church Leader” hat pack video style.
“They cannot even prop themselves up on their elbows any longer. They lie, face down, glazed eyes staring off into the distance, no longer able to fend off the inevitable.” You left out the bit that says after distance, “with their wallets open wide”.
Don’t get me wrong, I do hope that DM falls one day and the sooner the better. Still, I’ll miss Mike’s delicious sarcastic wit on this blog.
Something tells me that the entertainment will only get better while Dave’s mess is being mopped up.
Body Routing NOT at Vermont Avenue and Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, California
As I approached L. Ron Hubbard Way and Sunset Blvd. this morning, on my way to a job interview, I slowly passed a Body Router from the Los Angeles Org (“LA Org”). He had a Selectee-hopeful in tow; they actually didn’t turn onto LRH Way as the Selectee kept walking west. As they passed me, I held up Lawrence Wright’s book, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood & the Prison of Belief and proclaimed, “See the movie, read the book, “Going Clear.”
I did something similar to a pair of Body Routers on the southwest corner of Vermont and Sunset. As I waited for my bus, I saw a young guy walk by with what looked to be his worldly possessions in tow. Behind him, following somewhat slowly, I saw a young girl walk by carrying what looked like her worldly possessions. They were clean-cut yet not on the level of, say, a tourist from Europe visiting Hollywood; they carried a slight air of homelessness and despair about them.
The guy made his way to the corner of Vermont and Sunset, but the girl stopped to catch her breath. I could tell that she really didn’t want to continue, but knew she had to. I observed hunger in them, too, although they were a good-looking couple who did not appear down-and-out. The longer the girl waited, the more courage I had, so when she started walking to the corner, so did I. A Body Router attempted to get the guy’s interest for either a free Personality Test or to see a movie. When the girl caught up to her male partner, a Body Router tried to interest the girl in a test or a film. Neither were interested. I stepped up to the young man.
“Are you homeless?” I asked.
“Yes,” he answered.
“Are you hungry?” I inquired. He nodded affirmatively, so I told him how to get to a nearby Baptist Church that serves breakfast and dinner Monday through Friday. I also told the guy about a faith-based organization in the neighborhood that has a home for men and a home for women that they could apply for housing at. That same organization gives out food, is a good resource, and has the services of a chaplain, a pastor, a case Manager and a counselor.
It’s too bad that the Body Routers were only interested in “bodies,” and not what the souls in those bodies actually needed.
Good work Fred. God bless you!
Good on ya Fred. You are a good example of what happens to a person ‘after the cult’. You care about what goes on!
About a week ago (a few days before the opening of “Going Clear” at the ArcLight), while driving past the Test Center (or whatever they are calling it these days) on Hollywood Blvd, instead of the usual young hottie standing near the front door trying so lure someone in, there were three executive types out on the sidewalk with their Scn flyers. The halarious part was that some ‘upstat’ gentleman was standing directly on the corner and passing out what were probably promotional pieces for “Going Clear”. Virtually everyone coming across the crosswalk was reaching out and grabbing the “Going Clear” flyers but completely ignoring the Scn exec types.
I was a public Scientologist at the Cincinnati org in 1975 (at that time it was on Ludlow St.) and about 2 yrs later I was deemed an SP by Barb and Kevin Wilson. I had taken many courses and had auditing and actually was studying to be an auditor when I was thrown out because I asked a question on the course -Kevin Wilson was verbally abusive yelling at me. His wife told me to return the following day and clean the floor, I did return and she said leave right now and you can not return. I was devastated, lost money, boyfriend and numerous friends. Then, years later I get a call and all of it was a huge mistake as the Wilson’s were out of Ethics as I “really was never “an SP after all! I did take some courses via email with Dan Moreno and he suddenly disappeared and I have been harrassed ever since by random phone calls and an elephants weight in mail.
Lucky you. Don’t you feel better knowing that you’re not an SP?
Kevin Wilson once declared that I was “the who and the why” behind the telephone system at Sterling Management Systems being disconnected by the phone carrier. The truth is we hadn’t paid the bill and the “Final Disconnection” fax from the phone company fell down behind the table that the fax machine sat on. I went right up to Mr. Wilson and said, “I heard that you’re telling people that I’m the ‘who’ and the ‘why’ behind the phone system being disconnected, oh, and that you want me routed out of the company immediately. Is that true?” “Yes,” Mr. Wilson replied. “Fine,” said I. Pointing to a seat in my office, I asked him to sit down because we had something to discuss. Everything worked out just fine and I hung around for, what, another four years.
LRH Birthday Celebration? With streamers and balloons and hagiographic diarrheal blurting about the Great Homophobe’s Magnificent Imagined Life (like being seven times the number of medals in WWII that he actually did) from Dan “The Rectal Polyp” Sherman? With clapping seals who don’t see the clubs until they actually get hit with them? Sign me up!
Welcome to the Masque of the Red Death. Enjoy it all you want, Scinos. The Plague gets released on the 29th.
Substitute “like being awarded” for “like being”. Stressful last couple of days here.
“This is the most explosive I have ever felt and in so many ways!” –GC
…”It seems like we are exploding!” –AL
Okay, where do I start? First, stop eating the spinach dip, everyone who is exploding.
GC=Get Clue? AL=At Last?
And now boys ‘n girls, wait until March 29th, and tune into HBO. You will explode like never before! Or, in the words of AT (About Time):
“Things are truly different now. It is actually mind-blowing. I never thought I would actually live to see this.”
I for one could care less if LRH were even in prison when he developed the TECH.
I care about standard Tech and its proper application period. It works 100% of the time when applied standardly. Everything you heard Bad about Ron can be true. Everything
you heard good about his tech can be true too. Just don’t throw out the tech for yourself when you throw out LRH. A bully who creates a cure for Cancer is still a bully.
Fair enough.
But your comment needs an addition for it to make real sense: “Everything you heard bad about his tech can be true too. Don’t believe that because some of it is true and good makes it all true and good.” That would be a more accurate summation.
I, for one, care about the fact that he condemned me to be “eliminated, quietly and without sorrow”. That’s part of the Tech, you know. And if Scientology was so freaking great and should be applied standardly to everyone in order to show the world how wonderful it is, then why am I denied it because I’m an Illegal PC?
“Everything you heard good about his tech can be true too”
That’s actually a totally false statement.
There is no such thing as the State of Clear as promised in Book 1.
There is no such thing as Full OT as described later on.
There is no such thing as “Exteriorization at will”, much less “fully stably exterior”
There are no OT levels above 8, and anyone who has done through OT 8 has never accomplished the states of existence everyone is promised in Scientology.
So…while I agree auditing can be helpful and therapeutic…can you please tell me how “Everything you heard good about his tech can be true too”?
Dear COB,
Most of us here are pretty disenfranchised with the tech. But we don’t want to stand in-between you and applying it. One thing, I want to share with you is that LRH had a case* and that you have to try to spot his case when going over his works. You need to filter out his case and find what is true for you. One problem is that when LRH says things like “What is true for you is true for you.” It is very disarming in a classic salesman way. You see if the buyer realizes you want to sell him something he can fight you over being sold. But if he doesn’t think your selling him anything he’ll buy anything because after all you didn’t “sell” it to him. Now if this was intentional or not is up to you. Also, LRH copied and took credit for many tech inventions that were not his own. Which means you need to spot the cases of others.
Now, I’ve seen someone go form drinking til they couldn’t barely stand (You know they looked like they were on a ship in rough seas.) and driving. To not drinking at all from one locational. This case gain has lasted for about 8 years and continues to this day. Though he did have relapse of smoking pot but once the SPish person blew who reintroduced him to pot and he saw a problem caused by the pot; he stop smoking it. This happened over the course of 1 year and he has been pot free for about 4 years. All this without him receiving any tech training… Heck, he probably hasn’t realized what caused this change in his life. So I know there is something to the tech.
I could also point to several short comings of the tech. Especially, Admin Tech…
I would also like to take this space to say; I regret that I tend to make less of the states on the bridge like clear. is an interesting investigation of tech.
Also, I don’t remember who, but think they were talking about the OCA being used as way to invalidate people because they had case gain and now thought they didn’t need more auditing or tech at the moment. As you can imagine, this lead to people not paying in more money until they ran into new problems. I feel the OCA is a complete inverse of basic Scientology. You get M/Us and an Evaluation of your case. (Also, if you don’t know fully understand the questions the evaluation will be wrong) Anyway, I could write pages on my hate of the OCA. Even though I was able to honestly do an almost perfect OCA. Well, as close to perfect as you can score on it. (You can’t score perfect no matter how you answer.)
*Case is mental problems of any degree. Like say you get upset at someone because they used words that reminded you of a registrar.
Hi From83,
Thanks for your postings!
IMHO (in my humble opinion) the OCA (Oxford Capacity Analysis) test was actually supposed to be for a Case Supervisor’s use, and not to be given out to church public by registrars, etc.
Much love, 1.1
Obsessive Poster here.
It[Tech] works 100% of the time when applied standardly. Is of Course 100% true! Because the definition of Standard Tech is auditing that works as intended 100% of the time without side-effect. So Tech Works 100% of the time when applied in a fashion that works a 100% of the time. Or inversed, If it didn’t work it’s not standard tech. Tautology, advanced addition. Redefine a word then use it in your tautology. People still hold on to the the word’s original connotations but the word has new definition(s) not entirely inline with the old definition(s) but not so different as to change the words connotations. This is a type of conversational hypnoses. I highly recommend you familiarize yourself with Conversational Hypnoses which LRH was very good at before you attempt to make heads or tails of his rightings.
I don’t hold LRH being good at conversational hypnoses as a 100% bad thing. It tells you he has an understanding of the mind that goes well beyond the ordinary.
Here’s an epic facebook comment about the HBO doc, courtesy of WWP Black Rob’s undercover socks :
Yes, the fools who produce this shit don’t know and follow basic policy (of course) and so promote their “enemies” (us). The end result will be only more people interested in scientology and going clear! Weird but that’s the way it works. They r actually helping us they just don’t know it. And personally I think the right tone level to address this one is – yawn, boredom. I’ve really been wanting to start a rumour line that it is actually funded by a church slush fund as we need some more controversy to counter-point our advertising campaign. LOL. That would confuse the poor bastards even more.
Seriously, that’s how they address the whole mess. I just can’t figure how out of touch with the real world and actual human beings you have to be to believe such a thing.
Oh, that is precious. When you enter the bubble you leave your brains at the door.
That’s some serious mental gymnastics being performed there on Facebook!
Thanks for sharing it.
Sadly, this is the mindset of those remaining few. Mental gymnastics is right.
I don’t understand. With 200 sea ogre members manning the most important class V org on the planet; bringing in thousands of adoring new members every month; how come they switched to a venue that holds half the number of people as the Shrine?
It just doesn’t make sense. I mean, with all these idle orgs in the LA area exploding with unprecedented expansion, haven’t they literally 45 X the number of public? Shouldn’t they have, like, 25 or 30 thousand LA area residents demanding seats to the LRH birthday event?
They wouldn’t be fibbing about their expansion would they?
I mean, aren’t the only people who lie about scientology the bitter, defrocked apostates on the fringes of the internet and suppressive documentary makers?
Following HBO’s expose on the real estate heir, Robert Durst, he is now being held in a psych facility as a suicide risk. Tick Tock.
What an ugly, ugly scene $cientology presents to the world. The only ones unable to see it are the kool-aide drinking party faithful, even a polished turd is gobbled up as if its caviar if miscavige so orders.
The desperation, suppressed anguish and financial despair generated by the game of $cientology unfortunately results in that the only real winners in it are lawyers i.e. non-scientologists. The money sitting in miscavige’s accounts doesn’t benefit anyone, the Ideal Orgs sit empty but are worth millions if not billions of dollars, but as real estate assets they present a problem, they need maintenance, upkeep and most importantly a sustainability aspect, they are a piece of a supposed business model – yet now they stand as sentinels of stupidity.
Any rationalisation or realisation of $cientology’s worth will be arbitrated by lawyers. Even if miscvaige does a runner or goes to jail – what then? Yep… everything about $cientology is ugly – especially why the lawyers have an interest in the subject. The minds and lives of the current SO members is truly a major concern.
A Scientologist once told me that a solution to any problem is only ever a consideration away – Davey… you could do us all a big BIG favour… pigs might fly too hey?
Ok, I’m curious here. I have been gone long enough that I may just not remember correctly.
I remember enduring some hardships going to events; you know, the standard stuff, I had to walk there, uphill, both ways! in the snow! … okay, maybe not that, I lived in LA, but one thing I don’t remember is writing success stories (success stories????) for events.
Is it now part of the event reg cycle — “If you write a success story and make it sound real enough, we will let you keep enough gas money that you can get home. Here’s a template. Go.”
Event success stories. Wow. Just. Wow.
They did used to leave a survey for you to fill out after the event. In hindsight I now realize it was designed to catch people who were “BI’s” (Bad Indicators). So if you didn’t want to be subjected to Sec Checks and Rollbacks, you had to lie on the Survey about how great the event was.
So what are all of those laid off staff who were replaced with SO doing today? Flipping burgers and living in the wog world? Or counting square feet of dry wall at the new ‘Media Center’? I expect some to have found ‘work’ with clam run companies, but what about the rest? A strong undercurrent of resentment has be hiding below the surface at this “Nuremberg rallies’
Good staff had a personal relationship with their public. That’s how they got their 10% for services and auditors got their cut. With that personal touch gone, what will be the effect on income?
Sea bOrg missions have already hunted in Copenhagen, Edinburgh and other more out of the way places. It’s like Amway distributors selling to the same level in the pyramid. Eventually, either distributors (non-SO staff in this case) drop out because they can’t meet their quotas or the buyers get tired of being pulled in many directions. But then $cientology hasn’t been geared for the long term in quite a while.
The stats on ‘new’ clears and number of people doing the purif show a nasty downward spiral. Or is that just conformational bias? I do think the numbers published and then not published show a distinct lack of sales to pay for day to day expenses. Everything is now the IAS and straight ‘donations’.
I look forward to leaks of the speeches and the whales standing and saluting the dear leader. Shermanspeak is so much lutz.
I remember some of the staff at LA Day from around 1990. Steve Draben, Mike Owens, Ron Williams, a lady named Blue (never knew her last name). Does anybody know what happened to any of these people?
Steve Drabin is out of the SO but still drinking the KA. Mike Owens out also.
Mike Owens is out also? That really surprises me, I thought he would be the last person to ever have a negative thought about it.
I remember overhearing a conversation he was having with a young guy about joining staff. He said there were things going on in the Government that would cause mass panic if the public was aware of. I always wondered what he was referring to.
I work with a chap who frequently gets all the over-the-top correspondence and the postcard (“bringing source in the age of ideal!” or some such b*llocks) took a passing glance and dropped it straight into the recycling bin.
Having been obsessed with this subject for decades, I learned early on that talking about Scientology really made me seem . . . eccentric. So, I basically just stopped bringing it up as a topic of general conversation, until recently, that is. In my evangelizing during the lead-up to seeing Going Clear last Friday, I was reminded, once again, of how few people know, or give even the remotest sh•t about, Hubbard or Scientology. Of the 20 or so people I engaged, none had a positive opinion. Those least exposed seemed to have a vague knowledge that Hubbs was some kind of nut and Scientology has something about aliens in its canon. Those a little more familiar had a worse opinion and that seemed to be mostly informed by celebrity gossip and/or Southpark. All of them thought that the movie sounded fascinating and said they would watch when it came out on HBO. One of them went to the Presidio and was “blown away by what the guy got away with.”
Seven billion people my ass . . .
It is a mortal sin in Scientology to see L Ron Hubbard as he is.
And we are ground into the ground with hate and judgement for daring to know what we know. And what historical evidence reveals as axiomatic.
What really got to me in Going Clear was when Ron slugged Sara in the head with a gun when she was sleeping.
Sara was smiling in her sleep and Ron was imagining she was having sex with someone else.
So he slugged her in the head with a pistol.
We were sold an image of him, by him.
Then we were sold that to see him as he is, was our evil, our crimes, our overts.
And to solidify the lie, Ron set up the Guardians Office to destroy, ruin and intimidate anyone who sought to see him as he is. Thus enforcing by violence a not is and alter is: thuggery
When he is seen as he is, the house of cards begins to crumble.
It is not easy to deconstruct faith. It can evoke shame to know that we lived a lie.
But when we do, we can put courage on the list of personal achievement.
I hope and pray for all those who are trapped in the Prison of Belief that they will rehabilitate their intellectual sovereignty by allowing themselves their God given right to know the truth about Ron.
I want to talk to those OSA and Sea Org folks that monitor this site:
You entered into Scientology to find happiness and spiritual freedom. To find a sense of fulfillment.
And now your world is filled with enemies and SPs that need to be destroyed.
These enemies, if you are OTs, are reincarnations of Xenu’s forces and you are the Loyal Officers.
All of us here, Mike, Marty……. Everyone are seen as part of s cosmic evil, like Hitler.
Please you guys try to understand that this is really not the truth.
Somewhere along the line you bought into a real crazy lie about life. Then you dedicated your life to fighting these Space Opera demons.
Try to remember yourself when you first became a Scientologist. Did you ever think you’d end up like this?
You are terrified of David Miscavige. And you have agreed to the lie that, to know what you know is bad: your evil!!
To know what you know is evil!! This is not why you became a seeker of truth.
Somewhere in you, you know the truth. You do. I know you do. That’s why you became a Scientologist right? To know the truth. To honor your own perception of what is true. To really know it.
Ask yourself: am I safe to know what I know? Or am I afraid to know what I know?
Fear and punishment has become your life? Is that what you signed up for? Fear and punishment?
Scientology is not the only way. No one has a monopoly on truth. Even Ron said that.
There are many folks out here ready to receive you and love you and help you. Many many very good people.
We are not the evil that you are being told we are.
Please remember the simplicity of why you became a Scientologist. To be happy and free.
Your life will not end. It will begin.
Much Love Always,
This is beautiful Brian. I hope you rang the bell of truth in many who have been trapped in their prison of belief.
Shine on!
I think they are duplicating LRH.
“Ninety-nice percent of what’s wrong with people is not enough excitement.” 14 March 1955 The Only One Postulates and Live Comm Pro Course.
So forget processing, just be excited and that will cure just about anything.
I agree 100% Rod! Choose to be happy! We all have a choice everyday. We can choose to make it a great day or choose not to. I choose to make everyday a great day. Now that’s exciting…
Before heading into Hollywood to watch Going Clear on the 13th, I stopped by the Model Ideal St. Hell (size) Idle Morgue in Pasadena. I will say it was kinda of buzzing with activity. One person was taking the personality test and SO girls were handing out cards by the front door. They were kind enough to allow me to refill my water bottle, though, as it was a very hot day there.
There was, however, no one body routing at the corner of Raymond St. & Colorado Bl., which is just a block away from the cult.
Not sure what the cards said. Do they have a new intro film?
The dashes in the comments are probably to maintain secrecy about the wonders of the event, either that or so as not to give too much away so readers think “that sounds even more boring than last year”.
I well remember the post event surveys – if you disappear quick it is possible to avoid them otherwise you have to try to remember what it was you just slept through half of and come up with a relevant answer to: “what was the best part?”
They like to blow their own trumpet don’t they? Who buys this crap about scn and lrh being everywhere? Of those who have even heard of them 99.9% will have done so in a negative way and know to keep well away.
Can some kind person help me out with the Flag events at the weekend?
Clearly there was an LRH birthday bash, but pics from the weekend captured at the Bunker by Tony showed a card on a cigar table that said “2015 IAS Patron’s Ball” (which I thought is at St Hill later in the year).
What gives? Yours in confusion.
Yea, Ella, I wondered the same thing. Looks like the Patron Ball was held earlier this year or maybe it will be held twice – once again in October. OR! maybe there will be no IAS event this year. (Facepalm!)
Maybe an overstressed Sea Ogre/OT committee person printed teh wrong card?
Got an idea for Alex Gibney and his next Scientology Documentary “Gone Clear, Going Nuts”
Please go to You Tube and down load “Circus Theme Song” by SuperJessTheMess
Now imagine Chritoph Waltz (from Water For Elephants and Inglorious Bastards) playing Captain Blackheart David Miscavige.
Imagine a scene where David Miscavige (played by Waltz) takes great pleasure in watching Tom Cruise’s Grade II confessionals after he beats a few of the Sea Org Staff.
Following the beatings – he would work out in his state of the art gym, have Messengers in Hot Pants massage his tiny body and follow it up with his 5th meal of the day prepared by 25 year Personal Chefs held captive at the Int Base.
His lunch would be the most expensive Meat Pie. (costs $14,260 per pie). Slappy needs his protein to deal with all the DB’s that can’t get anything done.
The pie contains $870 worth of Wagyu beef fillet, Chinese matsutake mushrooms (that cost around $400 a pound), winter black truffles, and French bluefoot mushrooms (they go for around $160 a pound). Two bottles of vintage 1982 Chateau Mouton Rothschild wine are used in the gravy (another $1,740 per bottle) and the crust is covered in edible gold leaf.
Get the picture?
Now play the circus theme video and imagine Waltz at the LRH Birthday event…under a tent (with helicopter tech in the background along with planes dragging signs … WHERE’S SHELLY?”
“Welcome to the greatest show on the planet…..the LRH BIrthday event.
In this tent we have the Dan Sherman and the INFAMOUS Flying LIARS….with tales of LRH you have never heard before…
and over in this tent – we have Captain Blackheart spinning stats that will blow your mind…
The Punching Pontiff is searching the Hemet phone book for Pawn shops to
get cash for his Gold Buttons. When the Freewind’s calls on the “COB phone” pleading for fuel
He turns down the ringer volume and gets another Scotch. So how did you spend LRH’s Birthday ?????
I know it shouldn’t be but it’s incredible to me that David Miscavige is STILL lying to his flock about the massive expansion going on in the church. It seems to me that even the flock will cry bullshit when it will be impossible to hide this big fat lie.
Will the flock just believe it willy nilly that the church of (david miscavige) scientology went from the fastest growing religion on the planet with 47X expansion to a total pile of shit within a matter of a few short months because of the power of SP’s? or the Suppressive impact from the documentary Going Clear? I guess the remaining few have already proven they will buy anything.
47X might be referring to Dave’s personal assets and since he is Scientology, this makes sense.
McCarran, I wonder also how He can lie like this but I have a theory that He thinks that if he keeps punching home the “unprecedented expansion”, the “profound effects”, etc., using numbers in the BILLIONS – if he relentlously dings this concept IN, then, when GC airs on HBO it can be explained away with something along the lines of this:
The SPs are HOWLING because we are doing so incredibly WELL! They are TERRIFIED, because we are getting closer and closer to our goals, and they are now using the media to smear us with vicious lies, to STOP us. We, the Good Guys, have to HANDLE this! We CANNOT allow them to get in our road of freeing man and clearing this planet. Now, we CAN and WILL squash them because WE have the tech, WE have the truth and THEY are only SPs with no real power except the power WE give them. But if ever there was a shoulder-to-shoulder effort needed, it is NOW! There will be a vital briefing at blah blah on blah blah so that you’ll be fully hatted and blah blah etc., etc.”.
My predict is that the Gibney doc will be offered up as David Miscave’s unassailable proof to the fatuous sheeple that Scientology is growing by leaps and bounds and the Merchants of Chaos are tearing their hair out and attacking them in utter, insane, blathering panic.
I’m so sure of this that I’m already bullbaiting myself on it so that when I read something like this on here, something that will inevitably be leaked to Mike and his Moles, I’ll be prepared.
Actually, when you think of it, what else can Mismanage say, you know? Not a hell of a lot that I can see.
Good point Aquamarine – another great opportunity to fundraise. Dave will apply Purif tech and keep on upping the doses of kool-aid to ensure the sheeple are well intoxicated and ecstatic about being fleeced yet again. Bahhhhh.
More media: Going Clear’s Alex Gibney Explains the Origin of Scientology – Late Nigh…:
Thanks Michael. Nice and short and punchy.
Your final comments put this in quite the nutshell Mike.
But how can they stare off into the distance if they’re face down? Are they going exterior?
“Everything Was Awesome”. Wow! Did they sing “Everything is Awesome” from The Lego Movie and hear speeches about how great Taco Tuesday is going to be?
Wow! For once, COB and the Shermantor speak the truth! “Never has he been more prominent”(true – after March 29, LRH will indeed be very prominent, just not in the way they expect). One definition of ‘prominent’ is ‘well-known’.
After March 29, LRH will indeed be well-known.
” Never more manifestly evident. Never closer to the consciousness of seven billion people on Earth.”
I’m pretty sure HBO does not have 7 billion subscribers, but it does have millions. Millions of people who, as of this moment, know nothing or very little about LRH. The Co$ has been trying to keep it that way. But, come March 29, the cat is out of the bag.
I wonder if John Travolta was tasked with calling HBO to ask they not show the documentary. Much like they used JT in the 90s to call the BBC. Can you imagine if that actually worked? ‘Well, we decided not to air the program because John Travolta asked us not to’……, huge disconnect from reality there.
Took the words out of my mouth, Chee Chalker.
Odd, the last time I felt ‘explosive’ in so many ways it was because of food poisoning. :/
Me too, 411! And the explosiveness I felt was mind boggling.
More rice and less beans might help with that.
Utterly ridiculous wows from whoever or from whererver unnamed “people” wrote…
Is some of the davey’s surroundings forced to invent such allégations of miracles? It looks exactly the same as when LRH was using his cohorts of brainwashed maids called “communicators” were answering on the SO ED#1 line.
Ah, but lets not forget a very important statistic mentioned at the event: millions of mini microscopic squares inches within each corner and each pore in the walls of the KCET center fully renovated, highest ever, never in the galactic history such a production has been achieved…never, ever.
Oh, and what does this has to do with helping community, society, and others?
But how many more holes are there than it takes to fill Albert Hall?
Huge outpoint – despite all of the AMAZING expansion in LA and with the dire need for a 20M Valley org to service the 1.8M people there, they are having the event at the Dolby Theatre – capacity 3401. Normally, this event is held at the Shrine Auditorium – capacity 6300.
Guess it will be standing room only at the Dolby.
Good Point Sheldon. Normally held at the Shrine that holds 6,300 and now held at the Dolby which holds 3,401. This is how you make a mountain out of a mole hill
Great piece Mike, totally exposing the non-existent ”expansion”. I had some interesting info from the infamous undercover agent ”The Invisible Man” recently and even I was not aware how close to collapse Scn is in Australia, but thanks to the stealth espionage work of The Invisible Man I now have a clearer picture and made a short vid on it
Is it just me seeing underscores where there should be words? Is this pre-prepared copy to be filled in after the event, and they’ve forgotten in their haste and lack of sleep?
I think that is to ramp up the mystery……….so now those who may not have ordinarily gone into the org to watch the video replay of the event, will now be sooooo enticed, they will go.
And we all know what happens once they get you in the org
I think the Blanks are to build Anticipation for the local event .
I thought the blanks were for the Super Secret Processes you aren’t allowed to hear about until the OT levels, otherwise your brain will explode. You know, those processes every wog has heard about on South Park, and their little wog brains are so wogwog they can’t comprehend the enormity of it and their wog brains keep wogging along.
NO ideal org openings? Davey must be suffering from corcoranophobia. Er, a fear of helicopters.
There are some psych drugs that can treat this, I hear.
God, I hope so. I’ve flown over the Hamet in Helicopter and hope to do so again. COB the skies are watching…