Laurie Webster, vampire extraordinaire has continued to haunt those she previously bled dry for the SP Building in the hopes they have a bit more to give.
The pitch isn’t as dramatic as it was for the SP Building. She can no longer promise that by giving money you would make planetary clearing a reality with the release of Super Power (how is that planetary clearing working out Laurie?). So she has a new pitch to try and get her message heard among the demands for money for the IAS, Ideal Orgs, Planetary Dissemination, Narconon, CCHR, Criminon, book packages, re-do of old services and whatever else I have forgotten.
A hall so Dear Leader doesn’t have to venture out and mingle with the “wogs” at Ruth Eckerd Hall or the Shrine Auditorium in LA is going to make it possible for the world to find out about L. Ron Hubbard’s life and legacy and the technology of Dianetics and Scientology.
I wonder HOW this is to be accomplished?
Certainly not by letting “wogs” into this building. Like the rest of Flag (except the lobby of the old Clearwater Bank building that has a door open to try and get people to come in to watch the FART Div6 videos) any entrance will be barred, there will either be no windows or they will be covered up, and there will be security guards and surveillance cameras all around. So, how exactly will this make anything different Laurie? The events already happen and are sent out in DVD form to orgs? The 12,000 local scientologists already fit into the 2300 seat Ruth Eckerd Hall? So what will this eyesore do differently? You have to hope nobody really thinks about it too hard. Or at all.
Here is her latest plea…
You can see, the pitch is pretty subdued for a vampire queen.
She has actually toned things down from an earlier pitch that was sent out from the “desk of Massimo Sgolastra.”
But don’t be alarmed, the Shermanspeak is as florid and unreal as ever.
The threshhold to the universe of LRH…
His words emblazoned into the very fabric of this monument…
The ideal venue to spearhead our forward advance…
Even to a hardened veteran of some of Sherman’s most ridiculous hype, this is really beyond the pale.
Here are some recent pieces:
It’s a “movement” — always a good catchy thing to say. Wonder what happened to “epic”? They did get in “monument” but also seem to have missed “milestone.”
You have to wonder, with a pitch as feeble as this, if the ONLY thing that gets these people to write checks is the recognition it gives them in the scientology community “obviously they have a lot of money…”
Well, I guess this one just about proves that theory. Look at us! Look at us! Boy do we have money to burn!
Pit really is strange for a religion that is supposed to be based on things spiritual and breaking free of the MEST universe. Not so much… MEST is actually worshipped in scientology today.
To COB, Tom and Victoria and the Vampires and Ghouls,
Look around you and notice that the planet is worse off than when LRH started this cult. Planetary clearing ain’t ever gonna happen on your watch no matter how much money your brainwashed souls donate.
On behalf of COB who thanks you from the bottom of his pea pickin heart, “Thank you all for all your donations! You have made my life so much better. Please continue your support under the delusion that you are clearing the planet……(laughs all the way to the bank)!
anyone even an eensy bit tempted to throw in and buy one of those high price Hall Status’ in Mike Rinder or Mary Rathbun’s name, just to see if Miscavige:s head would explode? I’m betting they wouldn’t turn down the money though.
(ps. I’m a never in, but have been fascinated by Scientology since reading Going Clear. I have been readingthese blogs for a while and I’m so impressed with the humor and caring that all of you show for one another, and am shocked and amazed by your harrowing tales. I truly admire you all.)
I’m surprised that they still want to do this sort of thing when it’s blazing out on the Internet that none of the things the church professes about Hubbard’s life are true.
Watch this space. This one’s going to backfire, it’s a matter of time. Miscarriage will have more than egg on his face. And so will Laurie.
Sorry to hear that, Mike. Good idea for you to revise your Welcome Message, though because it is a bit misleading at present due to the way your moderation on this blog has changed from when it was first written. While I may check in once in a while as an observer, I probably will not be posting here any more or recommending it to people who find value in the subject because what is happening here now is just not my style of communication. My decision has nothing to do with the opinions being expressed which differ from mine, but rather the manner in which they are expressed.
Everyone has to find their own path and I also respect your right to follow the one you have chosen and change it if you wish. I feel that your blog, like Milestone II, fills a niche also.
I also believe that I still share at least some of your purposes in the good fight to expose destructive actions of the current Church of Scientology and its leaders. I want to thank you personally for several years of providing this forum for me and others of my “ilk”.
Your suggestion that I post on the Milestone II blog is a good one. I will continue to do so and recommend it to others who disapprove of the actions of “church” management but who do yet find value in the subject of Scientology.
OK, don’t become a total stranger Espiritu. You have contributed a lot of meaningful and helpful commentary over time….
Dear Ms Webster,
There is lots of work to do.
This is how you do it: Hold free Diantecs seminars, and audit new public
Sell books and services. Most important sell TRAINING and make auditors.
But the most important thing of all is to sell Dianetics and Scientology to the broad public.
However what you actually do is quote LRH and bend the quote to ask for free money with no service or auditing delivered.
You and you tiny boss are an absolute disgrace to Dianetcs and Scientology.
Instead of delivering services you push for some cretin to “move up in status”.
All I can say is you slander and disgrace the memory of LRH and his discoveries.
If LRH was still alive and you walked into his office and suggested building a “Cathedra” in his name, I think you would find the correct condition (Treason) would get applied.
Ms Webster does not actually know what Scientology is and I doubt she has even run an engram in her life.
She responds only to “Dear Leaders” whoms and loony schemes.
I haven’t read all the comments so apologies if this has already been covered. But earlier promos of this Hall showed it in a similar style to the Flag building and the Fort Harrison. Now the architectural style has changed to a more contemporary look. I wonder why they changed plans?
I know this is kinda missing the point in that (a) a hall is not needed and (b) the fundraising is the usual OTT cash-grab.
Oliver, the answer to your question can be found at the bottom of a bottle of 18-year old scotch.
I was in that bottle once, hgc10. Yep, crawled right in. And stayed there for awhile…
I know Ian and do not think he was justifying the many abuses of the COS.
However, I completely agree with you that it is time to stop justifying and start condemning ALL of this anti-social bullshit! ALL of it!
Hi Mike,
I read Cindy’s objections yesterday to John Locke’s ad hominem comments and agree that this sort of behavior is inappropriate.
In addition to insulting people who say that they have found value in the spiritual philosophy of Scientology, he and a few others have also resorted to inventing names like “Scamology” to denigrate and ridicule this philosophy which they do not like.
I wonder what the reaction would be if someone referred to Judaism as “The Kikedom of God” or Christianity as “Christianinsanity”? My guess is that they would be called bigots.
I feel that these sorts of communications are childish and very inappropriate. It is one thing to express one’s (hopefully specific) objections to a subject or philosophy . It is quite another to attack with ridicule and name-calling
that subject or philosophy. And it is small minded and bigoted, not to mention rude, to attack an individual due to their opinions or beliefs.
A couple of weeks ago I found myself responding to Mr. Locke in kind. Later I decided that my actions had been as inappropriate as his were.
I think that it is possible to have a civilized discussion on the subject of Scientology without making up insulting names for what each other thinks or insulting each other. At least I hope so.
When I first came to this blog when you first started it I read your Welcome Message at the top of this page which says in part:
…..this new blog Something Can Be Done About It that will hopefully help fill the vacuum on the “daily news” about Scientology, slanted to the perspective of those who consider themselves Scientologists. And by that I mean nothing more than those who have found something workable in the subject and apply it to their lives.
Well Mike, like Cindy I find some workable things in this subject. However, I’m not feeling so welcome these days. I too would like to request that you rein in the ad hom attacks and bigoted name calling.
Then hopefully we can all, including John, continue our discussion of the very important subjects addressed on this blog.
I do my best. Sorry to disappoint you. If you find comments of others make you feel unwelcome there is not a lot I can do about that. I should revise that intro as I don’t think that today it is true to say that I think this blog is oriented to those who consider themselves scientologists. I try to address a broader audience. If you are looking for somewhere that does limit comments I suggest you follow the Milestone Two blog (this is not said with any snark, I have no beef with them that they provide this forum and it seems to fill a niche)…
Hi Espiritu,I read your post and got it.I actually came up with Scam Meter for the Emeter because I have personal experience in the fact that those cans are unreliable at best.That is my experience.I do not use scam to denigrate any religion.I do not like screaming and yelling viewpoints like bombs and I am not going to start that.But with what I went through having this Blog is incredible for me.I understand you disagree. I really hope you find what you need.We all need eachother at times on this journey.Thank you and take care Always Ann B.
Espiritu, I’m glad that you feel SO strongly about mere verbal insults. UNDOUBTEDLY you would feel it appropriate for anyone threatening another poster with PHYSICAL violence to be kicked off the blog entirely, would you not?
Not to suggest that a scientologist who is a Grade 0 release (much less a CLEAR) would ever get SO mentally disturbed by mere communication that they would do such a thing…
If you are going to find fault.. don’t forget the prior few thousand yrs that “religions” have slaughtered man, women & CHILDREN.. all in the name of “religion”! Christians, Moslems.. and yes.. also Jews have at least over 2,000 yrs of putting to the sword ALL “non believers”! So Scn has a ways to go to catch up with the current crop of “approved” religions! MAN IS BARELY IN A CIVILIZED STATE! Just how long do u imagine it will take til Mulims tire of BEHEADING non believers?
Well, this is of course correct. But it is sort of like justifying being a cannibal by saying cannibals have existed for thousands of years too, as it to excuse the behavior. I doubt anyone agrees with abuses in the name of any religion, except those who carry them out who justify them as being for the overall good, or God’s will, or to defeat the devil or it’s for the “good of the SP.”
I like to donate a million farts.
WTF with the $1000? Seriously, who the hell has this kind of money to part with? And this is tiny in their view!
Public radio stations, political groups, normal moneybeggers – they ask for $25, $35, $50, $100.
It just astounds me how breezily sci asks for such huge amounts. Do they know how much the world has changed since the 1950s-70s? Don’t answer that.
I was going to answer that, but I think I’ll pass. And they do seem to live in era of the 50s through the 70s. So old fashion….
Within 12 hours the biggest story in Scientology’s history is going to break. This is not a joke and will supersede every revelation in Scientology’s history. I will post it in 12 hours on this site but get your seatbelt on and get a box of popcorn as you won’t be disappointed… In the meantime check out my Scientology exposure vids on ”jeff lee brown tv you tube”…
I would settle for a society where a “religion” does not instill cognitive dissonance (as that undoubtedly qualifies for insanity). Where members and ex-members of that “religion” are left unharrassed to enjoy their constitutional rights and where child labor and human trafficking are not practiced in the name of “religion” (in other words: criminality). Where the Squirrel Busters, PI’s and videographers stay home instead of fighting wars on imagined enemies, including psychs and reporters. Where the able don’t just prosper so that they can be fleeced by the “religion.” Where the “religion” and its representatives actually become “honest.” Where the “rights” they have are not trampled on by a “religion” through disconnection, slander and false imprisonment. Where even enslaved members of said “religion” are allowed to rise to the “heights” they are individually capable of.
By his words, LRH would be most happy about such a society. But of course–as usual–he did not mean a word he was saying! And neither does the gang of “sirs,” a criminal enterprise made up of many people who once meant well and could have contributed to making this world a better place–had the “religion” not gotten a hold of them first.
That building looks like it should be in that 1976 sci-fi movie, Logan’s Run. If a space ship was pictured landing next to that rainbow globe it would be perfect.
How about Blake’s 7
Frank Geary’s architectural plans, even if Scientology paid for some knock-off Frank Geary type architecture, and purposed a building auditorium that later on, like 50years from now when Scientology possibly dies down OUT of the Clearwater area, and the Scientology buildings get repurposed by future owners of other businesses, someday, then at least WASTE that Scientology money on something good.
It is so hard to say anything sensible related to the unsensible Scientology.
IT’s a waste of peope’s money and their lives. So there’s no good in even advising them new ways to waste their dupes’ money that shouldn’t be wasted on this stuff.
Actually, you are raising a good point here. The sad fact is that the church will get its members’ money, one way or another. They can either invest in (real or fraudulent) projects, get auditing and such or get coerced into sec checks. Considering the mental and emotional damage the last two options do, maybe they’re best off just giving their money for projects. That way, once they leave, all they have to do is throw out a bunch of gaudy trophies, certificates and doodads. On the positive side, their cult recovery may be a lot swifter.
If I believed in the soul, which I don’t any longer, and if I were really blinded by the Hubbard writings as deeply as I was, I would definitely sadly go along with this line of thinking.
In fact, even since leaving, for the first years, when I engaged in my lingering Hubbard mentality, I thought that such a project of large public scuptures like are inside the lobby of the Flag Building, that such sculptures should be ditto in the LA Org parking lot, and now this in the Auditorium building I’d go with.
What is disappointing, is if I were a full blown dupe, still, I would wish a sculpture that would ALSO be something that acted like a public draw that crosses all people’s of all country’s religions and beliefs.
Like the Mormon Tabernable building, or the Taj Mihal or the large churches in Germany or Notre Dam cathedral, those large religious architechture buildings are tourist attractions.
Scientology, what I think wrong about doing that for Scientology is that Scientology is a fake religion, totalitarian Sea Org staffed and Hubbard totalitarian rules system keeps the whole think shackled within their unique USA protected tax exempt status, to continue their fake religion, so I could never support it now.
But were I believer in the soul and in the Hubbard crank pseudo-therapy-exorcism procedures as valid methods to making soul astronauts (it is NOT real, it is a scam), then I would think of an even better sculpture and architectual marvel that would transcend the public’s religious beliefs and just make it worthy of a world tourist destination, and thus overcome the local disbelief and skeptical subdued disagreement and local resigned bitterness against Scientology.
I think Scientology ought melt like an iceberg, but leave behind some kind of kitchy tourist trophey for the Clearwater drawn tourists to laugh and marvel and enjoy.
Hey Davey, might be a good time to get your affairs in order…..just a suggestion. Don’t get mad bro.
“The primary aberration in situations that are being mishandled is:
The person is unable to recognize Source.”
HCO P/L 23 April 1965, Issue 3, Problems (web:Friends of LRH, 6 Sep 2015)
Draw a line, bend it around until you have a field separating the outside reality from the group within.
Make the line a fence, keeping information from penetrating inside.
Make it a bubble.
Continually reinforce it.
Provide cathartic information inside to demonstrate your depiction of reality as fact, and to exalt the members into ” believing”
1) that they are superior as humans, destined to become superieor than humans, and
2) that the information on the outside is all malicious, the persons outside as enemies.
3) that the problem always rests with the person, themselves.
And, presto,
you have a cult.
You are in control of a cult that believes they are in control of their lives.
That is how to be truely in control, which is to have them sap up all the information you are providing, and, basically nothing else, looking only inwardly when problems arise.
Your only problem now is in keeping the outside thinking that you are legitimate in some way.
And other problems, like keeping your tax-exempt status despite the billions of wealth you’ve accumulated since 1953.
Not so easy a thing to do in the information age. (Yet, amazingly, they do?)
Which is why I like talking, why I love guys armed with critical thinking, and why I posted the quote above that shows an actual policy letter that demands the punished practitioner to accept the problem as always being himself. If nothing else, Scientology has taught me indeed, that I need to DO something.
(cite: mark marco, Chris Shelton blog,[VIDEO] The Scientology Experience, Part 1: Getting In, web7Sep’15)
Hi Everybody, My name is Laurie Webster.
We must have a new party palace to handle this crazy civilization. Send money urgently.
Next, Below you will see a photo of the latest Lear Jet in the making, a special edition custom specifications, for The Church include seats made whale scrotum per an L.R.H. advice COB has somewhere.
Without the party palace and Lear jet we can not make it possible for the world to find out about Scientology. Your funds are so urgently needed yesterday.
Think of all the applause, respect, adulation, commendations you can obtain next week with just your signature on a check today and a stamp.
Your spiritual leader in all things right and correct, Sea Org Member Laurie Webster
Are your old wrinkles and folds still capable of rising a man to harder heights?
Corporate Scientology is self-evidently a load of bollocks. No surprise, then, that the entry to this hideous monument to Miscavige’s hubris and greed appears to be blocked by a gigantic artificial testicle:
Yes indeed we need to give SOURCE to the world so everybody can have all kinds of wins and cognitions and then they’ll stop being naughty and we’ll have a world without crime where people can be free and stuff. Put me down for five dollars only I’m a bit short right now so I will give you my personal I.O.U. You know what? I’m feeling good about this let’s make it ten!
$5 buys a decent burger in this town…
or about week’s grub for a Sea Org sailor.
I mean, hi. How ya doin? I barely slept last night, whew, what a hayride I got on there, my my computer band-wagon.
I wanted to say, earnestly, how priviledged I feel to be meetting you.
I guess it would be fudging the truth to say all my heros are ex-scientologists, but perhaps one lie I could live with making… First, to be in Sea Org, wow, that still carries a certain awe and respect for me. I do love having awe and respect as something to carry around and so I thank you again. But, secondly, to be a person that managed to blow?
And look, you’re not ruined after all. I’m a guy who knows, you’re right, what that has to really mean.
I know you’re tough. So many didn’t make it, so many that didn’t even make it to Sea Org. Lisa…
But my heart is taken by the wonderful display of yours, nothing stronger than that, love never more self-evident than that. Yes, yes, your story is becoming known and the world is better for it, too.
So, well, my crush stands.
Seems like I had something important to say. Funny. Well, l think I”m going to just run around in the sunlight today, let this stuff go awhile. Good to let it go once in awhile, let go. Get away from the computer! Dumb thing. What a night. Thanks. Love i will never find a way to fully express XOXO and, if I may use a word:
through the expression of Truth. Yeah. You’re it.
Hi Mark,Gosh what a validation from you! I’ve better get on with trying to follow in your wake because sometimes I get unsure if anything I post makes sense to anyone.Sea Org is such an enigma! And thru all the good and bad that I saw and saw what the road would be for Ron long after I blew,his mind and body failing him,I never lost the desire to help.I visited your blog and I will look at the video you suggested when I figure out if it will play on my fiendish IPad,it does not like Java Script and won’t play it if that.Dumb computers.I understand your need to play in the sunshine.And I will tell you,speaking of power you,Mike and my dear Theta Clear are all shining examples of that amazing ability.The minute you first posted me I knew that.I have enormous respect for what you are and do and how your dreams dance around mine.
OK your poem was so beautiful,here is a little scribble just for you from me.
Dreams Dance
Wind glides
Night birds call
Moon swings
Stars flash into our souls.
We sit gazing on the Sea the Waves The Motion whirls by our perch.
Yet we are still,we are home together.
We spark the light that brought us thru the wilderness.
We stoke our Intention, so hot our dreams collide,then dance forever free,forever loved.
Forever bound we travel on the celestial light of our Truth, together as a spear we fly beyond our target to the source of completion.
The Stars explode we laugh we dance we are Infinite.XOXO Forever Ann B.
But this is a special hall! It will have movable walls with CGI screens that depict an audience. This way a crowd of 100 people will look like thousands in photos. More fakery from David Miscavige, and that way he does not have to hire thousands of extras to fill his empty hall. After all, his orgs are all empty.
I would help you, really…. but last time I tried that I was held prisoner in the attic in Charlie Chaplains old house, then moved to the basement of the complex where I was fed day old cold eggs under guard. And that was if I was lucky. So good luck, I wish you the best.
Hi Overun in California,You and I are in the same Club! The only difference you got Charlie Chaplin’s attic,I got The Big Blue Morgue.Those day old ages were sure yummy cold!Always Ann B.
Hi Overrun in California, Spell check!! I meant eggs actually those eggs were for the Ages XO Ann B.
Wouldn’t putting it on the Internet make it more possible for the world to find out about it?
A new dawn every day it seems presents an opportunity of a revitalised scam, business as usual in sunny Florida for the masters of nothing. The never ending redefining of the term static, turning zip into money. Scientology is a remarkable testament to the half way house of broken dreams. The journey with organised scientology results in 3 things: no money, even less than no money, and the attainment of absolutely nothing. Wearing a penguin’s naval uniform for pennies an hour and no time off to spend it is the ultimate reward for devotion until you get delusionly rabid, pregnant, old or just plain tired and thrown out. The clever ones wake up and run away.
They complain how bad life is here on this planet and proclaim to have the solution for all its woes – they should try looking in the mirror for a true evaluation of how silly civilized man can get with lawyers & religion. I’ll take my chances using my own wits with what I know and can learn on my own, I don’t need no stinking scientology to paint a path to nowhere with my pretty rocks.
Think about it for a moment… how does a brick and mortar hall in LA added to long list of empty buildings no one can find a use for anyway save the planet and give you a sense of help and accomplishment?
I live in San Jose CA where john allender aka the squirrel buster lives and runs a construction business along with 2 other cult members . One thing I’ve noticed about sciencetologist in the San Jose area is that they all do business amongst each other .
I think it’s pretty clear that the epic release of magical, planet-clearing Super Power is a big fat DUD. Even when I was “in” very, very few people at the AO were going anywhere near Super Power. And those who have done it have carried on doing what they were doing before = no change, no super powers, no nothing really. So, how exactly was this supposed to be the “secret to planetary clearing”? Must still be a secret, because nobody seems to know.
And now a hall holds the secret to planetary clearing? Fer christsake! It’s not even a service or an exchangable product. Is someone supposed to stand in the LRH Park, read the inscription, pop outta their head and run to the reg?
statpush it is interesting that you pointed out those observations of yours. Superpower was to be for staff so that they would succeed at their posts to such a degree that planetary clearing would happen.
Superpower is actually El Con’s 2nd processing project he created to handle those pesky down stat staff. The 1st was L10, 11 & 12. Those “OT” rundowns given to a trained exec were supposed to give them “super power” so they would become super upstat and bring their orgs to a huge size and thus, make planetary clearing a reality.
Both programs were doomed to failure from the get go of course. The reason being is that both failed to address the two major underlying problems. 1) the “tech tek” doesn’t werk. 2) the Admin tek doesn’t work.
I hope this post doesn’t make any true believers “feel unsafe” (I guess some think that there are interwebtube boogey men who will git ya! ) 😉
Cult members (inside and outside the “church”) always fall back on censorship. Hmm, wonder why that would be?
There was another handling that was supposed to make all staff into Supermen. KTL.
Then LOC.
Yes, I did KTL pilot under Marg. She told me that KTL was primarily developed to enable auditors to be able to be trained to deliver Super Power as the existing auditors weren’t up to learning the precision needed. I never read the pilot materials myself so have no idea one way or another. LOC I could see having some purpose like that.
The picture book concept found in the KTL is really cool actually. In the mid 70’s the US army pioneered that concept for making field operation and repair manuals for trucks so that the then illiterate kids being produced by the US Public school system could operate the equipment. I know the person (retired) that ran the project.
John — what Marg said is correct. But it became a wider thing, first for staff and then the world (World Out Of Comm eval). I was the first person to complete WOOC (KTL) and ran the export of it to the world, starting with Int Base then Flag Crew. LOC was then another staff handling because KTL didnt solve all the problems.
Fascinating Mike. I didn’t know about why LOC was developed. I now vaguely remember WOOC being explained to me a later point in time. Thanks for the history lesson.
I’m out of my realm here. What’s KTL & LOC?
Key to Life and Life Orientation Courses. One of the earlier great hopes for planetary clearing that fizzled out and were taken off the market by COP as being “out tech” — but he just hasnt had the time to fix them up to be just as LRH wanted them…
Keeping The Loot/Love Our Cash.
Mike. I just realized. YOU were the chicken and the Egg guy on the WOOC!
Yep, both a chicken and an egg. THere were 4 of us – me, Bitty and Ronnie Miscavige and Barbara Saecker (Newton) brought to Int to do the course and I became the “WOOC Pjt Ops” in Action CMO Int under DM as the Action Chief to oversee the export. The course pack we used was photocopies of the hand-typed pages that had been back and forth from Sue Koon and David Phillips to LRH.
Before Dave realized you were a bad egg?
Hi Mike,Y’all tell me have I gone crazy,but isn’t that L Ron Hubbard Hall one of the ugliest buildings yet? And the Globe Sculpture in the center is positively tacky! Unless I have missed cos’s great appreciation of architecture and fine art.Love the vampire description so many still ins love to suck your money as long as possible.Always Ann B.
Yep Ann B. But the ugliness is a bonus! (Cult members would believe that statement if DM said it or if El Con had written it.)
Hi John Locke,You hit that nail on the head.I forgot my COS Valence,all is backwards in the cult ugly becomes beauty if Ron or DM declare it so.XO Ann B.
“Tack” is the official design style of the CoS.
“Art Deco”, “Arts & Crafts”, “Chicago school” … there are many others. But “Tack” is the only one that’s a good match for Mr Miscavige.
Boy, are these guys WHITE or what? Scn has always been a rich, white man’s religion, with more money than sense. Their promo looks like an All American Caucasian Capitalist Golf-Playing Republican Party recruitment brochure.
You mean to tell me none of my NOI friends showed up? Not one? Shocking to say the least…
That’s it! I am going into business: on-source hair dye products, sort of like Krustie’s Organic Liasions. These are sold exclusively to OT Vs or higher, special rates when purchasing aboard the Breakwinds. Look youthful with my OTD Dye for OTs!!! Keeps you uptone on the whole track!!!! ML!!! OT
Admin tech may not apply
ML, OTD, that is
Similar to what I was thinking. They look like they should be at an Amway convention or something, hallelujah-ing the merits of the latest get-rich-quick scheme. “The next 20 minutes could change your life…”
Fake tan, teeth and tits? How very…err…spiritual. They look extremely enlightened and not at all like they work in the adult film industry.
Hi MWestern,My IPad won’t let me send your name without caps.Your post was great exactly what I thought when seeing the lovely couple! My Best Ann B.
hey, mister, you’re stepping on my toes!
and I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t make such disrespectful and insinuating connotations to the business, thank you. The adult film industry has the civil right to not be harrassed in this way and is in no way affiliated with the Church of Scientology.
Sorry, I shouldn’t joke about this, especially after giving Joe a hard time.
Love, and respect, to all who post here.
It is good to do what you believe. I’m just laughing at myself. There is an ethos, (not Scn) that says the persuit of pleasure is the highest ethical pursuit a man can endeavour to take, the highest purpose.
Like, the pursuit of happiness. But for our friends as well as ourselves.
I like swimming in alternative truths and let me say it is fun to be here. Hope you tolerate my occasional diversions as I dip my toes in hedonistic hobbies.
This place is almost as good as porn. (No, better!) As for the church, here’s to the nurturing of doubt for all, inside and out. Where would be if we did not question… everything?
(never would have made it out, I shutter to think)
Looked up both the plastic people. Tom & Victoria got in AFTER 2000. How could anyone get into the cult that late? The interwebtubes already by then had all the pertinent data to keep out anyone who could read at the 3rd grade level or higher.
John Locke, Belief is a powerful drug. It has way more attraction for some people than information, logic, reason and common sense.
The Lroon Hubtard Auditorium and Hall of Basking in His Majestic Glory Hole Of Havingness will indeed be underwater by 2060. Not that any clams will be around to see that happy day.
The hall has been on the clam fund raising charts for 1 or 2 years, now the regs are starting to put the feet to the fire and get some real money in the account. If past experience is any gauge, they’ll ‘raise’ 3 times what it costs and fill up those off shore bank accounts much more. The only thing that gets Dave Miscavage happy is a large positive bank balance.
Is this ‘hall of Lrooness’ going to be a substitute for the Fleecewinds? Or will its replacement be another fund raising extravaganza? When there is money to be had, it will always be priority at the clampire. I expect they’ll do both, all while continuing to push for more Idle mOrgs and all the other things that require ‘donations’.
The current clampire has become something like Emilys List meets Amway with overtones of a Mafia protection racket thrown in. But without the great Italian food.
Forced grandiosity:
“… this monument, rising two stories …”
It takes a lot of gall to hype the monumentalism of a two story building. I wonder how many in-bubble readers of this piece will note the ridiculousness.
Why doesn’t the Catholic church plead for money to build a hall to hold international events? Oh yeah, their pope, the other pope, is holding an event outdoors in Philadelphia, so that a million people can fit. Why doesn’t The Owner host events outdoors? Then a million Scientologists could show up.
International events? Come on man, there is no International Management anymore; at events only appear Pompadour and Sherman where, with the last one, the whole audience goes numb at the monotonous, rim bombastic vocabulary.
But you stated it right Mike, this has nothing to do with religion, never has, and never will be.
Thanks for pointing out the ridiculous Shermanspeak. I found myself laughing at “… our forward advance.”
Seriously? Is there any other direction of advance? Could you have a backwards advance? A sideways advance?
I write the following for the benefit of any Scientologists reading who can influence publications (not that I necessarily want you to improve).
Adjectives modify nouns. When a meaning is implicit within a noun, you do not use an adjective to say the same thing that the noun already means — if you do, you have not _modified_ the noun, you have simply _repeated_ part of its meaning.
And that sounds stupid. You might as well say things like “the huge giant,” “the little miniature,” “the epic legend,” “the tiny dwarf leader” … and “our forward advance.”
Crikey, you knot heads! Before you try to get us to believe we can all have godlike powers, how about showing us you can write English?
Hummm…”This building is going to be massive; it is going to be majestic, just like our religion is.”
Personally, I prefer subtle and understated with a welcoming warmth that emphasizes the importance of the individual spirit, not the marble or granite. But that’s just me.
I wonder if massive and majestic is the way Tom views Victoria’s boob job?
Yes, McCarran, people do leave their friends, family and loved ones for this shit!
Hey great comments this AM.
Such pitiable people. They even *appear* to be awake. Sad.
A Chinese entrepreneur took 19 days to build a 57 story skyscraper.
The future is now!
It won’t be long before all buildings are made like this.
One day buildings will be printed! No joke.
And now back on topic: how much good could a humanitarian organization, with an urge to help, and well cashed up, accomplish with this building technique? Imagine the positive PR and the bait for future donors?
I think the applicable quote here is: “The public knows us by our MEST.” Indeed.
A fool and their money… I have NO sympathy to the fools that fund any building for the Cult of Clamology. I mean how stupid does one have to be to think that by buying a building, “wogs” will all of a sudden become interested in following notorious criminal El Con?
“The events already happen and are sent out in DVD form to orgs?” DVDs? They really mail physical DVDs out to the orgs? What a bunch Luddites.
DVDs can be numbered, coded and kept track of to keep the momentous words of Dear Leader out of the hands of the bitter defrocked apostates (and others)… They used to uplink by satellite, but soon realized that anyone who had the info could get the feed and there was no way of protecting it once broadcast….
Thanks Mike. How stupid of me. The insanely paranoid “leader” of scamology strikes again.
Scientology – the science of scamming. “How to make money using OPM (other people’s money) by scamming them utterly then hiding behind the “religious cloak” which will protect you from any criminal charges”…by David Miscavige.
Finally……The Solution to Planetary Brainwashing Revealed!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only one step:
Out of compassion for the oppressed, may I remind you how self-defeating it is to be less than civil.
You do wish to be taken seriously, right?
Think of the isolated thoughts of the guy in Sea Org, in his tiny, cramped bunk at night in the middle of the sea. Think how hard he worked that day, just like the 5000 consecutive days before. Think of the food he ate that day. Please imagine the kind of doubts he is being forced to keep secret, that he struggles to not even allow himself, the pain of having NO avenue in which to express his doubts, lest he follow this horrible gig with a long stretch in The Rehabilitation Project Force. Yeah, that guy. What if one day he actually managed to get free long enough to make a desparate grab for some kind of information other than “Source” and what he hits is what you just wrote up there?
What do you think, are his chances?
The first thing to keep in mind in expressing ourselves is to consider that, it order to win agreement, we must be perceived as…friends here, concerned about welfare, the very personal welfare and well-being of each other. This is going to be especially hard to do with those still inside, taught to believe that we and you the talker are their enemies already; you know what I’m talking about. There is an awfully good chance that that guy has barely got a clue. How DO we get them out of the trap, after all?
The sin against Scientologists is depriving them of information. For them, it is a crime even to be looking here. Let’s at least attempt to polish our presentation, shall we? For the sake of Truth and justice, and, yes,
to the glory and freedom of waking up.
And what of those newly out who seem to have a desperate need to vent (as I did for quite a while after having been awakend to the fact that I’d been ripped off for 100 grand and the refund policy is old and no longer used).
Or those of us now who just feel the wicked need to poke fun and have a good laugh?
I believe that you have good intentions and I don’t disagree with your request for civility.
I hope you start your own blog, make great posts like Mike does, and that it becomes equally successful
Hi Mark Marco,You said it about Sea Org,how many days I cried myself to sleep because the way out was not the way through for me.It was the way backwards,Blowing the Sea Org was the most difficult thing I ever had to do in that area.For those never in I felt like I was ripping my heart out.The first month I was out,I was so conflicted I stuck my wrist in a candle.I still bear that scar.Thank you Ron now it is a badge of honor! Forever,Ann B.
I love the fact that they’re putting pictures on these flyers. Two years from now when you do a where are they now post it will be great to have a face to go with the ones who are now out.
Now that’s a nice thought, Valerie! A very nice thought. All they have to do is think for themselves. Oh, crap! I keep forgetting that that’s not allowed. They’re doomed…..
How is that “clearing the planet” goal working out after 50+ years? There are over 7 billion people on the planet, has clearing the planet reached 25%, 50% or more? Maybe I should get out my check book to help them along…….
7.4 billion and counting. By 2050 it’s supposed to be 9.5 billion and counting. Call me a pessimist, but, I don’t think they’ll be able to keep up with the population.
Oh! And the other thing is, no new public are coming in. That might put a small kink in their plans…
Oh, so YOU’RE the hold up?
Seems like this Miscavige was on the money the whole time. (Pun intended!)
Can a never-in file a KR?
Well, your math would have to start out with the fact that there are 50,000 scilons world-wide AT THE MOST. Then you would have to make the generous assumption that all (or even one!) of those is “clear.” Given the fact that not a single person has ever given convincing evidence that they are “clear,” this assumption is ludicrously generous. But what else do we have to work with?
Take that and divide it by 7,000,000,000. I hope you paid attention in math class because by now your calculator will flip into scientific (exponential) notation as it cannot handle such small fractions. And there you have it! An (extremely generous) estimate of where planetary clearing is at, 65 years after El Con pulled dianetics out of his, I mean, discovered the science of dianetics.
Of course, as scn grows 47x straight up and vertical, and as the world population does its thing too, those numbers will look even worse as little as a month from now!
People leave their friends, family and loved ones for this shit!??
The more time I spent in $cn, the more my spiritual nature was squashed under tyrannical practices that assumed that left to myself I’d act like a disobedient 3 year old. Told what to do, how to do it. Never a shred of concern for my actual well being – only for a hint of anything that could become a string to pull at the reg. help was always in the form of give us money. I never wanted fancy buildings. I only wanted what I was first offered – workable spiritual technology. They should fund raise for a graveyard for that.
Cognited and Out, that’s all any of us wanted. Sadly it [ workable spiritual technology] never existed. Hence the slow collapse of scamology since the 70’s.
Very true.
Sometimes I look at the still ins and am amazed at how anyone devoting their life to religion can be so unspiritual, uncharitable and have so little compassion,
I also want to ask them if they actually believe the 3 stuff, but I gave a little bitty cruel streak that way!
‘Spiritual’ and ‘technology’ go together like ‘hot dog’ and ‘ketchup’.
It should be a crime to put ketchup on hot dogs.
have a little bitty cruel streak…
+1, C & O. I remember reading all the success stories in Advance! magazine. Some of the them were, literally, out of this world. And I hung on every word. And as John Locke posted, “Hence the slow collapse of scamology since the 70s.” There’s no question is will collapse. The internet sees all and knows all. They can’t hide anymore.
Hi Cognited and Out,Very good to meet you.Your post is beautiful and so true.Resonates greatly for me.Thank you.My Best,Ann B.
Thank you Ann B – and to you too, OSD. Lovely to have such genuine companions on our real spiritual journey.
Hi Cognited and Out,Thank you for you lovely compliment.OSD has a PHD as to his posts.He always brightens my day.You do too, so enjoy your viewpoints.I try to be the only way I can be now,free to be me!Always Ann B.
“The 12,000 local scientologists already fit into the 2300 seat Ruth Eckerd Hall”
Roger, seriously, you’re just being mean! I mean, body thetans are counted too! As well they should be. They’re just waiting to be audited so they can leave their host body and go pick up another one at the maternity ward. You should just cut them some slack…
I note nowhere do they say what the capacity is of this new hall.
Do they go with (say) 10,000 so they can brag about how much capacity is needed?
“335% more seating than before!!” Where’s the bombastic statistics-based claim?
Or do they deliberately not mention that it’s only 1000 seats. To avoid the embarrassment of a barely-more-than-empty hall. Also 10,000 makes it way expensive to build.
Roger, hold on there young fellow! 🙂 I am sure you meant the local LAVATORY in the Fort Harrison, where they can rub eblows, chit chat and just sort of hob nob and stuff while at the same time remaining full fledged members of the church. Roger, my sides are splitting from laughing. 🙂
Too bad it’s all going to be underwater in a few years…. HeeHee Ooops!
Well, that is true! With rising sea levels, it just might be consumed by the ocean at some point.
I’m amazed they took so long to come up with this scam. Next they’ll ask for money to put one in every org worldwide.
It never ceases to amaze me the way the church gets people to talk and talk and talk and talk about LRH and his discoveries but then penalizes people for putting those discoveries to use while at the same time penalizing them for not putting them to use. Which is more correct? I guess it really doesn’t matter. It is just not the ideal scene an organized religion for people should be IN SPITE of all church’s being called IDEAL ORGS. The same troubled souls and criminals still haunt these places. I have been around a while and I know for sure. 🙂
Hi Lawrence,A spot on and spooky post.I am very in agreement with you re: troubled souls and criminals still haunting those places.Danger is inherent in mind control it is like holding a lit firework and betting when it will go off.I never tried that physically but in my mind a different story.Always enjoy your posts.Ann B.