It’s SatTerraDay
LRH, Scientology, and God
It’s Sunday morning. The sun is shining brightly. I’m writing in a coffee shop with the person I love the most in the whole wide world: my spouse. God is good. Or…at least life is.
I was raised an atheist. Despite three-plus decades in Scientology, I’m pretty sure I still am. And you know what? I think LRH was too.
I never attended a place of worship while growing up. No churches, no synagogues, no mosques. Like Karl, “religion was the opiate of the people,” in my household. God was a crutch in the minds of the weak.
If a young LRH got dragged to church on Sunday mornings back in Montana, the words of God must not have stuck, because once he invented his own religion, God took a back seat.
In the Beginning…
Ron’s universe wasn’t created by God. In Ron’s cosmology, there was simply a cause. In 1953, he “Humbly tendered as a gift to Man,” The Factors. The first reads: “Before the beginning was a Cause and the entire purpose of the Cause was the creation of effect.” He doesn’t mention a supreme being—nor in the rest of his twenty-nine factors.
In his Eight Dynamics—what LRH categorized as the eight basic urges, drives, or impulses in life—he wrote, “The EIGHTH DYNAMIC is the urge toward existence as infinity. This is also identified as the Supreme Being. This is called the Eighth Dynamic because the symbol of infinity, [infinity symbol], stood upright makes the numeral 8. This can be called the Infinity or God Dynamic.” Notice that LRH says this dynamic is an “urge,” not the existence of God.
At the top of his “Gradient Scale of Sensation” (Scientology 0-8, The Book of Basics, page 256), he wrote, “God, or what Man calls God.” Again, he seems to imply that God doesn’t actually exist.
Ron’s model might have been right. I have no idea. I have no proof. If I was around back at “the beginning,” I have no recollection of the event. Whatever happened, though, must have been spectacular.
Supreme Beings…and Lesser Ones
Can one be a spiritual being and still not believe in God? Sure, why not. In fact, you don’t even have to be a spiritual being. From what I understand, God is all-inclusive? He loves and looks after all his creatures: Bob, Ted, Jane, and Alice; their pets, Rex and Duke; the coyotes howling in the hills behind my house; and the crows playing with pine cones on my roof.
Bob may not acknowledge the existence of a higher force, but as spiritual being he can make an ashtray rise up off a chair!
Conversations with God
The thing is, God’s not real communicative. At least not with me. I’ve never sat down with the guy and had a heart to heart. We’ve never talked over a cup of coffee at Starbucks. He’s never whispered in my ear late at night while I’m lying in bed. Notwithstanding all the assistance and guidance I receive from my spouse, I’m pretty much on my own. Which is maybe one of the reasons I got into Scientology. I was searching for answers.
Does God speak with others? [Terra shrugs.] All I know is that I’m not on his speed dial.
God, Money, and Prayer
Like me, I believe LRH thought that if we wanted to improve our lot in life (or make more money), we were gonna have to come up with something stronger and more “workable” than prayer. For every appeal, plea, chant, and invocation to God that goes answered on this planet, millions go unheard. The percentages are abysmal. For every fat American throwing organic ice cream in a grocery cart at his local supermarket, thousands of undernourished mothers, daughters, and sons struggle to survive a continent away. For every tanned European lying under the sun on a Mediterranean beach—toward the end of his required month-long vacation—someone on the other side of the sea wonders if he should rebuild his bombed-out abode or flee to France with what he and his family can carry in a suitcase.
If God exists, he must really like rich guys. Or in Scientology parlance, the able.
“Proof? I don’t need no stinkin’ proof.”
If LRH didn’t believe in God, it wasn’t because the man needed proof of divine existence. It wasn’t because Ron needed evidence, scientific data, or sworn testimony. Because, you see, he didn’t require that sort of corroboration when he invented his own religion. In fact, he believed that everything about which he thought, wrote, and lectured were one hundred percent true and binding. He didn’t need any help. He’d gone where no man—I mean person—had gone before. Questioning the word of The Founder in Scientology is akin to challenging the word of Allah in a Meccan mosque.
Jesus was said to be the son of god. LRH suggested he was the reincarnation of one.
Holes and Pegs
God just didn’t fit in LRH’s religion. In Scientology, there is only one supreme round peg for every round hole, and that one peg is L. Ron Hubbard. Other religions didn’t offer a workable way out. Ron’s did. Christianity, Judaism, an Islam were bogged down in thousand-year-old parables that didn’t apply to a modern world. Eastern religions offered a little more insight into freeing man’s soul, but not with any consistency or within the time constraints of our got-to-have-it-now-now-now culture. Other religions didn’t fully work. His did. Scientology was quick and modern. Other religions were old, slow, and intransigent. They could have their gods. Ron didn’t need one.
As for answers to life from modern psychology…well, you all know how he felt about that.
Last Words
Does God exist? You tell me.
Still not Declared,
Terra Cognita
God is the energy that flows thru you, you don’t really exist, maybe the only thing that is you is the ability to think that God uses to create thru you other than that there is no you , everything is God and most of all is love and the abscense of that is what evil is, there is no love ❤️ in Scientology so all you have is the Absence of it, and you know what that is.
If you want proof of God, just look around you. Who built the houses and buldings you see? Someone did. Who made the trees, birds, squirrels, dogs, cats that you see? Someone did. Everything had a creator. We had a Creator. God.
Joseph, I respect your belief in God. I take no issue with it whatsoever. I’m not sure whether I believe in God or not.
Having said that — buildings, animals, nature and humans beings aren’t “proof” that God exists.
I’m sorry but any physical object doesn’t explain its own existence. It requires a source outside of itself in order to explain it. Thus anything complex requires intelligence behind it.
Mike, You and Leah are doing God’s work. You are trying to free people, expose wrongdoings of Scientology. Your selfless efforts to reach out to listen to those suffering. Sit quietly, God gives you that great idea. You are sitting alone and you can hear that voice. Your inner voice. God’s voice.
God is not a the church building or denomination. God doesn’t hurt or control you. God gives you free will! God loves everyone and never turns his back on his children. God forgives all. God loves is endless. God wants you to love one another and follow the 10 commandments. Basically be a good person. You pray for strength to be a better person or stronger person. Faith helps people know there’s hope.
I believe God is the person you talk to when you are alone. Do you ever talk to yourself when you drive? Do you ever have a feeling in the pit of your stomach warning you? That sense that tells you something is wrong, you may or may not listen to that inner voice (God). Do you ever tell yourself you should have listened to that feeling or voice. Most people don’t learn to listen to that inner voice. That inner voice advising you is God. God gave you the straight to finally say enough. Learning to listen to your own inner voice.
Thanks for the good work Mike.
I believed in a “higher power” – “God” – pre Scientology.
I did not go to any Church but yearned to be part of a group.
I felt very Spiritual and pursued New Age Stuff. I know realize this “feeling” was self created….thinking there are angels and a God looking after me – cheering me on and helping me obtain my goals….
That was all destroyed by Scientology.
I felt that Scientology spiritually raped me…..and after Scientology – it was the most profound and lasting pain I had to work through. It effected everything in my life. I was a complete and utter mess.
Scientology very covertly and slowly fed me propaganda that got me confused.
My ability to “feel spiritual” was raped. I believed L Ron was “Source” and that I was a God.
Not that LRH comes out and says that – but that was the effect Scientology had on me. I have read others have had the same effect from Scientology.
Post Scientology – I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off- confused and looking for a Church – due to the pain I was in from Scientology. I met some crazy and kooky people…. I found they are all the same. They all $ell their version of “what happens to you after you die”. They $ell comfort and beliefs…there is no proof of anyones version of God. They ALL have their control mechanisms too and some are sleazier than others to get money out of you.
I thank the lucky stars in the sky – I had this experience!
Today – I do not believe in God…there is no proof. I feel happy, peaceful and free. It does not matter what I “believe” in – it is what I do with my life everyday and how I treat the people I love – that matters most to me.
I am living a very nice life and I stay far away from all religions.
When I die – I surrender to whatever “is”.
You haven’t been experiencing perceivable communication from “God” because you are looking in the wrong place. The concept of “God” as some invisible “remote Authority” was invented and enforced onto humanity by those that wanted to be Authority over men – hence, they needed men to believe in Authority as “God.”
The true “God” is a “force” and a consciousness of creation that can be seen manifesting in nature through various forms of life, including human. With enough effort, it can be “seen” as a “fiery light” emerging from within oneself in an experience commonly called Enlightenment which results in a perception of “self” as being everything – experiencing self as a consciousness of creation – the creator of all – including “self” which is a manifestation of such consciousness that has become “individualized.” Such experience of “enlightenment” also results in a stream of insights and expansion of understanding – being able to “see” the truth of things.
The purpose of “traditional” Abrahamic religions is through deception (manipulation of thinking and perception) and practices like circumcision (creating a point of pain between man’s psyche and consciousness of creation by inflicting pain on the organ of creation) is to cut man’s psyche from connection to the overall consciousness of creation and connect it to a source of human based authority instead. Hence, anything that has to do with sex and sexual attraction (direct manifestation of consciousness of creation), connection to nature, practices of self-empowerment and enlightenment, acquiring knowledge relating to the nature of existence, and the like are considered “satanic” within the Biblical tradition. Word “satan” simply means an “adversary” in Hebrew – so anything that could disrupt a grip of some (institutionalized) authority over man’s consciousness would be considered “satanic.” This is also the very reason that women are commonly “vilified” and inhibited in expression within Abrahamic traditions. Covering a woman with a bag (Burqas) is the most direct and extreme example of this – to remove a female from any potential influence over man’s consciousness as not to interfere with authoritarian influence by the Church and its clergy.
Mike I think the work you and Leah are doing is wonderful. Please keep fighting what I would absolutely call the good fight. You encourage people to take their lives and families back.
Agreed . . . 100% . . . God bless Mike & Leah !
We are a species of knowledge because it is intrinsic to the mind to inquire and all inquiry ultimately is one of causation. We naturally sense a hidden causation. It is natural for us to wonder. God is historically and universally experienced as the felt presence of an unseen causation behind the wondrous world.
That makes God not only a rational conclusion but more importantly, an experience of natural wonderment. Hubbard, same as anybody else, could at least appreciate the rational necessity of God even if he was a stranger to the wondrous experience.
Even the scientists who postulate “A Universe From Nothing” (check out Lawrence Krauss on a YouTube video sometime) can’t explain the preexisting “nothing” out of which the universe emerged. Even though we are talking quantum entanglements and M Theory today instead of better ways to start a fire, the case for God as a rational conclusion as well as an experience of “felt presence” is undiminished.
LRH “was not a man of God” true, true, true… But, was LRH searching for God and “the meaning of life” or was he just searching for how to better enslave others under him and get their money? I think it was the later.
Scientology is a God-less enterprise because this concept did not bring in enough cash or slaves for LRH. If it did work to do this, I assure you Scientology would have plenty of Gods. LRH was totally fine with lying about these things, if it brought in more slaves and money.
Graduating from Scientology is like pealing back the layers of an onion. At the core of the onion is LRH teaching us that all that sparkles is not gold.
I could write a song about this. Working title: Walking Contradiction.
“Humbly tendered as a gift to Man.”
That sentence has to be one of the most non-humble things ever written.
I still love and support you. Keep doing what’s right and you’ll find all the answers you need. ❤️
OK . . . Listen closely !
Whether you believe in God ( I do ), any other “deity”, or are an Atheist, we must remember the FOCUS of Mike RInder’s Blog . . .
The purpose is to discuss the situation within Scientology and NOT to create a “religion vs.religion”, “religion vs. Atheism”, or any other sort of “flame war”, which only serves to divide the Members of Mike’s blog and to disrupt the effort being made here. This is NOT an “Apologetics” forum !
Unless your efforts ARE intended to disrupt Mike’s blog ( Scientology trolls, etc. ), everyone should “pull the plug” and go back to the reason we SHOULD be here for . . . Fighting Scientology and supporting Mike’s efforts to do so !
If you feel the need to continue your disputes, exchange email addresses and take the BS off-forum, rather than continue the turmoil here.
Those who continue to disrespect Mike and his blog should be considered to be Trolls and treated accordingly !
God bless you, Mike !
Dave F.
LRH insisted that there was no God, and denied that Jesus was what Christians and people of other faiths say he was… that is important information that might just keep a few people away from that bogus Stress Test, keep them from falling for the Scientology money-grubbing scam in the first place. It could be someone never watched the Leah and the Aftermath, or that they are just too skeptical about the well-founded claims of child abuse and all the rest, but a Christian (or a person of faith in God) would have a very difficult time trying to justify following the belief system of Hubbard, who not only denied God but also denied Jesus.
So today’s blog is important, not because it works up atheism vs religion, which I don’t think it does, but because it shows clearly Hubbards worldview on God and Jesus – a worldview that a Christian (and people of other faiths, too)) would have to stay away from or deny their faith. And staying away from Scientology, staying away from becoming a Ronbot – isn’t that a good thing?
Yes, staying away from Scientology is a good thing . . . HOWEVER, when the thread turns into a “back & forth argument” between an Atheist and a Christian, that has NOTHING to do with Scientology.
Scientology is NEITHER a “religion” NOR a “cult” . . . It is a “pyramid-scheme”, hiding behind a claim of being a “church” . . . It is NOT a true “cult” since no “alternate deity” is being worshiped and no “worship services” take place. At best, it appears to emulate a “quasi-cult”, but the TRUTH is ALL about the TAX EXEMPT STATUS for Scientology !
Hopefully, THIS will happen . . .
Dave F.
“LRH insisted there was no God…”
That is not correct, Ammo. LRH had other NAMES for “God” which were “The Supreme Being” AND/OR “The Eighth Dynamic”.
I’m no religionist, nor am I defending LRH. Just saying that in Scientology the concept of “God” is acknowledged as existing. LRH even referred to it sometimes as “The Prime Mover, Unmoved” which if I’m not mistaken was or is the Taoists name for God.
I believe in the admin dictionary or maybe vmh that lrh says, That God could be more correctly defined as the Allness of All.
I think there might be a heaven for the good people
I am sure that hell is here and now on earth.
As french writer Jean-Paul Sartre said “L’enfer c’est les autres.”
Greetings from Paris y’all.
When you break it down its essence, what is scientology?
It is simply another version of the shallow and abhorrent prosperity gospel of the mega churches of the Orel Roberts and Joel Osteens of the world. L. Ron Hubbard would be welcomed into their little evil coven birthed right out of the bowels of hell.
Slick bastards, all of them, who will fleece your last penny so neither you nor your descendants should ever have a piece of bread, a thread of cloth, or maybe a toy at Christmas for a son or daughter. I wonder where David Miscavige will fall in the list of unscrupulous predators of history after a few years have gone by? It’s really looking pretty dire for him at this point.
These gluttonous predators have absolutely no sympathy for their flock.
So, I say, fuck ’em. The mobs have lost their patience and the torches are lit. You padded your nest, you had a good run, but its time to pay the consequences.
I have posted this before . . .
I don’t think that the word “cult” accurately describes Scientology.
In my opinion, Scientology is a “pyramid scheme”, hiding behind the facade of being a “church”, operating as a “Quasi-Cult” ( no alternative “deity” or “worship services” ), which employs many of the “brainwashing” techniques used by the former USSR to forcibly spread Communism ( I suggest that you read LRH’s “Brainwashing Manual” – 50 pages long and definitely a “scary read” ! ) to establish and maintain “control” ( literally ) of all of its Members.
LRH’s Brainwashing Manual also opened my eyes, as to how the USA has been, and currently is, being dragged towards Socialism, Marxism, and, ultimately Communism. I’ll leave “Politics” (sorry) out of this discussion, but History is proving my observations from that manual to be correct. Remember that Khrushchev said that the “USSR would take the United States, without firing a shot” . . . I believe that has been underway, for many decades !
Links :
Everyone please share those links . . . They are “eye-opening”.
Thank you for your column, Terra.
I find this subject particularly pertinent as those criticizing scientology (or even those indifferent toward its “theology” but critical exclusively of the abusive PRACTICES of the “church”) are frequently “accused” by scientologists of being atheists. And those who have had a change of heart regarding this “religion” are labeled with equally religiously charged terms such as bigots, apostates, and defrocked or simply as having failed in attaining the ethical imperatives that would allow them to be counted among the faithful.
However, from Day One, scientology is a “religion” of ego inflation. Scientologists are promised that they are given an inside track (in fact, the only track) to asserting themselves more forcefully and successfully over nature/universe, fellow humans or that elusive God who, if existent, would have rightful claims over their lives. Instead, it’s all about becoming “self-made gods among mere wog persons” by attaining homo novis/uebermensch status.
Equally absurd is the claim that Hubbard did NOT command his adherents to venerate him–and only him–as a god-like figure. His only verifiable “spiritual” roots are in Crowsleyan magic. His person and accomplishments, mediocre as they were by any real-world reckoning, are relentlessly self-mythologized. He makes Promethean claims of having wrested the only true secrets of our existence from “the gods,” the universe or some other unspecified Power.
Mere philosophers certainly do NOT claim that they are the only ones their adherents should listen to and that they exclusively are in possession of “saving” Truth. Of course, defining a new AD by the publishing date of the “science of mental” does not help. Nor does Hubbard’s claim that he is in fact the proper authority to define “ethics” for all those who would aspire to his “only way.”
It comes as no surprise that he flirted with declaring himself variously as God, Buddha or the anti-Christ. Sadly, he never could quite figure out which one to settle on. Being intoxicated with his own ego as well as his prolific drug intake certainly didn’t help attaining much clarity in this (or any other) regard.
“No culture in the history of the world, save the thoroughly depraved and expiring ones, has failed to affirm the existence of a Supreme Being. It is an empirical observation that men without a strong and lasting faith in a Supreme Being are less capable, less ethical, and less valuable to themselves and society. A government wishing to deprave its people to the point where they will accept the most perfidious and rotten acts abolishes first the concept of God; and in the wake of that destroys the family, with free love; the intellectual, with police-enforced idiocies; and so reduces a whole population to an estate somewhat below that of dogs. A man without an abiding faith is, by observation alone, more of a thing than a man. Modern science, producing weapons for the annihilation of men, women, and children in wholesale lots, has solidly run itself aground on the reef of Godlessness. Modern science has gone so far as to advocate the rise of man from mud and clay alone; has denied to him even a semblance of a soul; and so has not only solved none of the problems of the humanities, but has aided and abetted Godless totalitarian governments which seek nothing less than the engulfment and enslavement of all men and the extinguishment of every spark of decency in the breast of every human being. These two tracks which have led away from the affirmation of the existence of a Supreme Being — modern science and totalitarianism — are bringing man into a machine-like state of being where the ideal has become a lump of muscle, greasy with sweat, or a grimy mechanic serving a howling monster of steel. The arts, the humanities, and the decencies are fallen away from, until they are like tiny stars shining across a great, black void.
The abandonment of the admission of a Supreme Being as a reality, intimate to the life of man, makes prostitution the ideal conduct of a woman; perfidy and betrayal the highest ethic level attainable by a man; and obliteration by treachery, bomb, and gun the highest goal attainable by a culture. Thus, there is no great argument about the reality of a Supreme Being, since one sees, in the failure to countenance that reality, a slimy and loathsome trail, downward into the most vicious depths.”
Science of SUrvival
Thanks for the LRH quote, but what do YOU think? Independent Scientologists should be able to think for themselves.
All he did was furnish a reference showing that in Scientology, “God” is referred to as the Supreme Being. What was being debated was whether or not Scientology acknowledges that there is such a concept as God, which it definitely does. He put up an LRH quote to prove that.
Hey there’s a bit in The Creed of the Church that appears to value freedom of speech. There’s that family quote that’s always trotted out by the church on how valuable and basic the family is. And let’s not forget What is Greatness as a manual for dealing with those who have “invited us” to hate them.
Irrelevant I.P. There is also stuff El Con wrote about what is real for you is what is real. Yet, he would declare you a heinous criminal if what you found as real didn’t jibe with what he said was real.
Now, go back to the asylum like a good crazy cult member.
Inspiring quote. Particularly when taken in context with whom El Con was selling as that authoritarian, infallible “supreme being,” endowed with all the right answers: Hisself!
I’m gonna say a Yes for Me I Believe but I think at some point we all think about it & wonder why good ppl go through such awful things that said I’d be willing to Bet Ron knew about God too but he knew we’ve not seen God he’s not a tangible being nothing I need but RLH had to know he could add this to his story line w here I am you can see me,touch me & can work miracles so to say w/o saying that but work that ladder imo is pretty much saying you can do all sorts of super human kinda things & can Fix U of ? ails you well Jesus could & did and Ron could or did depends on your view I’m sure some ppl can be helped,fixed,ect w/o Meds or needing Dr’s help but I’m not sure what percentage just as some Churches w the Faith Healers so the Mind can do lots of Great Things & I’m sure many just wanted to be part in something maybe sad,lonely,lost ppl but the Bible Clearly states about anyone claiming there God so RLH doesn’t at least what I’ve heard claim he is but on other side was Implying he can do things No Reg human could so I’ll leave that alone & were all Gods children he’s right on that one & Instead of praying to God and telling him what’s bothering you or what you did or telling a priest in confession Ron sorta did the same thing Via Lie Detector tests but write & Video all your sins & don’t Sct’s make You pay for your sin’s wen God forgives you & casts it away so far it’s gone while RLH could blackmail ppl which IMO could happen I thought so way before I knew much about Sct I mean who wants every Mistake you’ve ever done to be on record that could be told to the world that’s a scary thought esp if you lied just to be done & out of that room your paying big money for but I’d rather not even think I’m in anyway a God and I believe in demon’s but there in the Bible I don’t need to see those to believe I know ppl who’ve had problems with them & they for the most part can’t be seen some can but I don’t want them in my house Nope I know that’s real so if ? Invisible can do the things they do what would stop me from believing in God which I can’t see either but I can look around & see him all over w the beautiful things he created so I think ppl who’ve not been to a real Church with Bibles & ? to teach them or maybe ppl who’ve been hurt in ? way at a Church that hurt them I could see how they might goto a place like Sct or other cults looking for something in the wrong places but don’t know right away & I’ve had my trials but I kept my faith & some Churches are not for everyone but good thing there’s plenty of them to goto so that’s my POV & IMO God Loves all of us were his children just like we Love our children he loves us. Have a great weekend everyone..
Smmity, its great that you believe in God, but at the same time, and without diluting your faith in Him, can you also believe in punctuation?
OMG. Don’t say you don’t believe in God. You are opening up a whole can of worms. After reading your first few sentences I knew there were going to be a lot of comments.
Excellent, Terra! I was brought up in a christian religion and I do believe in a higher power still, even after my scientology experience.
I went to church every sunday as a kid, and 3 times a week in private school. Spent a lot of time looking for him. Even sent out a few telepathic emails. Nothing. Got my ass in a sling more than once. Nothing. Fell out of a tree. bounced a few times. nothing. Every mess or problem I got into I got myself out. The only God looking out for me is my own damn self. The closest I ever came to it was the idea I could make anything happen in my life if I just simply believed in myself. That worked. I’m happy others have their god, their celestial over-see-er. Their faith in some external agency far smarter than themselves. Thats always been a disconnected number for me. Actually….No dial tone. If there is a God pretty sure I already met her once and pretty sure she was driving a Ford. Went right on by but our eyes met briefly in 1978 and we both froze for an instant. I would like to believe again but that Ford is long gone. I think god is a construct and that we are powerful enough to put energy or life into something, an idea and then get that return flow back. I think we create everything see and experience, but often hand over authorship for said creation to an arbitrary thing that we also elect. Try hard enough and you will find BT’s to audit. I’ll agree with Hubbard on this: we are far greater in potential than we may know, and that is not limited to what we can create to have faith in. Faith….that’s a keg that always pours flat beer. I rather have something hoppy that I can taste and experience. Cheers.
“Christianity, Judaism, an Islam were bogged down in thousand-year-old parables that didn’t apply to a modern world.”
Ironically, now Scientology is bogged down by 50-year-old dogma that doesn’t apply to a modern world. The Fatman’s precious telex, attack don’t defend, and on and on.
Each to his own….if you wish to believe there is a God….a “Supreme Being” …..that’s your right. The Bible was written by man & translated over and over again in different versions & languages from ancient materials & writings, & in my humble opinion that is also left up to the reader’s interpretations whether to believe or not believe & live or not live the Bible.. .
The ONLY thing for sure is we live & then we die…only AFTER we are dead do we “supposedly find out” if there truly IS a Heaven or Hell…….
As I mentioned before the statement:
IF you get to Heaven you will be surprised by who you see there
You will be MORE surprised by who you DON’T see there…
Enough said….
Musings from an alternative perspective.
Everybody wants a cause, or else they want to be one, or else both.
LRH admits to their being a cause but he rejects God as being that cause. That leaves LRH with the burden of proving that man (thetan) was the cause Creating Effect. Why?
The purpose of the Cause was the Creation of Effect. In the event that what we see and wonder at in the universe that surrounds us was not an Effect of a thetan being a cause, consider that the Cause was indeed God and the Effect, not yet fully attained to but constrained in temporal existence, is to draw mankind “FREELY” (not coerced) to himself to find absolute fulfillment through delighting in him (God) and to experience and enjoy his (God’s) delight in mankind.
The 8th dynamic – the urge toward infinity- although it may become a Cause and is likely meant to be so, starts out as an Effect. We are indeed infinite beings but we are trapped in a temporal fallen state that is the Effect of our rejection of God’s offer of “oneness” with us. This Effect (rejection of the creator [First Cause]) was originally the Effect of our pride; our newfound independence from God manifesting our self will. Like toddlers who just learned how to walk, we suddenly sprung into the terrible two’s, i.e. rebellion.
We are indeed spiritual beings, whether we believe it or not. The animal kingdom is even spiritual and the Bible tells us that “all creation groans for redemption” or urges toward divinity. i.e. “Oneness with the cause.”
The search for answers to all this, like everything we see, including what we see as Causes, are all Effects. This begs the question: What is the beginning cause of these Effects? What is the cause for the longing or urge toward infinity? Is it simply to live forever?
Eternity by itself would appear to be pretty mundane after a few thousand millennia. That would prompt one who rejects his creator as Cause to invent himself as capable of being the Cause because that is the only palatable alternative, unless you declare yourself as “un-eternal”.
This rejection of a creator, more precisely, placing self as Cause, denying the need for proof or even the need to acknowledge a creator is tantamount to demanding the creator’s obligation to prove himself. It is an Effect. It’s Cause is human separation from our creator which is an Effect of our rebellion against him in and through our federal head, Adam.
If LRH had been given proof that there was a creator – and we don’t know that he wasn’t – in all likelihood he would have remained in a state of rejecting, because in his heart was a desire to be “THE” cause and to Create an Effect but NOT to be an Effect of someone else’s Cause.
This “root” is an Effect of the “Original Cause” of man’s condition – our rejection of our creator. This “root” can be but is not necessarily the Cause of a lot of unanswered prayer. But that’s another discussion.
Where do we go from here? Maybe the question should be; “Did LRH prove an alternative Cause to the one he denied? We have to start somewhere.
God is real.. He is very real. Going on my own understanding in life has always proven a setback or lesson learned. He says man will always fail you. LRHis a perfect example
God’s word is fascinating. He doesn’t force anyone to follow him or believe in him. Sure there are hundreds if not thousands of denominations doing things the way they believe is the right way.
Loving God is loving his Son. Reading the word old to new testament teaches us that.
The first 9 chapters of proverbs are powerful to a open heart. All of Solomon’s proverbs are wisdom given by God.
The book of Job is a powerful read. A man who no matter what he was going through refused to deny God.
There is so much to learn it’s a lifetime of learning.
God never promised any of us a happily ever after here on this earth.
LRH is exactly the type of antichrist God warns us about.
God is very real . As a woman of Faith, there is no doubt in my mind,heart & soul that God is using both Leah & you Mike to shut down a Evil Empire .
God asked king Solomon what is it he could give to him.
King Solomon could of had anything he wanted from God, Anything.
He asked God for Wisdom & he asked God for knowledge
It’s a lifetime of learning
It only takes a open heart
Well Mike,I rode the fence for a long time, I know I was lucky,I hit bottom several times,I am a believer in God ,Jesus the Holy spirit, I also believe you don’t have to go to church to worship, I’ve prayed for you,your family and same for Leah and her family,I pray your older kids wake up and return to their amazing dad,your brother as well,I pray that God does what needs to be done to D.M. and that Shelley is found alive sadly with his temper,he killed her or hurt her so bad he has her locked away somewhere, he’s evil,the devil’s running what’s left of the Scientology show,it will crumble,I will say that I am unbelievably happy with how I believe and live,this country is about choices and freedom of religion is one of them,I thank God for that! May God bless you and all who you love Mike,you’ve been put on this path for a reason!
Someone I respect said:
It’s not about belief or non belief in God; it’s about a reconceptualization of the Divine.
God in Scientology? No way. From what I now know of that dynamic, Hubbard was adharmic. He was an enemy of dharma. He preached doctrines of harm, doctrines of criminally.
He was not a man of God.
Hear hear Brian!
LRH “was not a man of God” true, true, true… But, was LRH searching for God and “the meaning of life” or was he just searching for how to better enslave others under him and get their money? I think it was the later.
Scientology is a God-less enterprise because this concept did not bring in enough cash or slaves for LRH. If it did work to do this, I assure you Scientology would have plenty of Gods. LRH was totally fine with lying about these things, if it brought in more slaves and money.
Graduating from Scientology is like pealing back the layers of an onion. At the core of the onion is LRH teaching us that all that sparkles is not gold.
Robert you said:
“But, was LRH searching for God and “the meaning of life” or was he just searching for how to better enslave others under him and get their money? I think it was the later.”
I think Ron was the contradiction that is lllustrated in his writing “What is Greatness vs. Fair Game and Bolivar.
Ron had a split personality. On one hand he preaches the virtues of love your enemy and the next day he is writing up strategy to destroy people’s lives.
As a fellow human being Ron probably had the same desire to resolve suffering like all of us.
But because Hubbard had no real teacher, bowed to no Cosmic Benevolence, dissed all lineages of spirituality; Ron had no tried and true blueprint (philosophy) for spiritual living and so let his animal nature predominate.
Being an amoral man, his actions were governed by the values of greed, power and fame; not the spiritual virtues of love, sympathy, humility and true selfless service.
His living a life out of tune with ethical cosmic imperatives led him to his infamous demise; which he himself created by leading such a selfish and deceitful life.
Hubbard was the dichotomy illustrated by his writing What is Greatness and Fair Game.
He was a Malignant Narcissist whom we put our trust in: first mistake.
Was Ron sincere in wanting to resolve his own suffering? I think yes. But it’s his ignorance of living the true spiritual life, his ignorance of the relationship between ethical living and happiness that dug Hubbard’s hole so deep.
“By their fruits ye shall know them”
“I think Ron was the contradiction that is lllustrated in his writing “What is Greatness vs. Fair Game and Bolivar.
Ron had a split personality. On one hand he preaches the virtues of love your enemy and the next day he is writing up strategy to destroy people’s lives.”
Brian, I think you have something here. It’s been very hard for me to resolve the good that I got from the subject, back in the day, to the huge contradictions and awful cr@p that has come to light now. I believe that, back in the 70’s, people in the orgs generally were not physically close to LRH for the most part, and so were able to take advantage of the subject, unimpeded by the problems and dark side of LRH for the most part. Was there cognitive dissonance? Yes, I felt it but ignored it. I think you’re right about the split personality and his lack of a moral leader, it would explain a lot.
First of all, I really enjoy your blog. I do want to preface my comment with this; I’m in no way pushing my views on anyone.
I’m a Christian and my salvation is the most important part of my life. My faith has gotten me through the tough times. My faith brings me joy and completes me. There are no words to express my gratitude for my salvation. And I hope and pray this for everyone.
I would like to add that I respect everyone’s beliefs. I would never judge or feel differently towards someone who believes differently than I do.
Happy weekend and much peace to you.
Me too very nicely said, I cannot imagine a life without Jesus and wouldn’t want too. I believe many christians are praying for mike and leah and all who come out of scientology hurt and wounded,
to find what they are really desiring in their hearts and minds.
Well said! ❤️?
Beautifully said, thank you.
I recall a reference where Hubbard said the closest he came to quitting was admitting that God himself couldn’t do the job Hubbard had to in Scientology. Humble as always, stating his accomplishments were superior to the abilities of God.
Some Scientologists get a point of view that God created the universe or a prior one quadrillions of years ago and seeing how terrible conditions have become in this universe, chose to abandon it, like a slum lord that won’t take care of or go near his run down buildings.
They see Hubbard as heroically and with superior morals and abilities salvaging this sector, a job God proved incapable of.
I now see why scientolgists are anti God but he’s real and true,always waiting for you to just reach put to Him. He will never leave you, never, and nothi g can separate us from God ESPECIALLY L.R.H.
Angela, Scientologists are not “anti God”. I’m not defending the cult. Its just that what you’re stating is not correct.
On the contrary . . . Scientology is “Anti-God” by the very nature of their beliefs . . . There is certainly no “Xenu” in the Bible . . . There is no concept of a Savior . . . There is no concept of Salvation . . . There is no Heaven or Hell . . . Scientology believes in “past lives”, hence a form of reincarnation ( ) . . . They may not openly oppose belief in God, but God certainly openly opposes belief in Scientology !
“Some Scientologists get a point of view that God created the universe…” plus the rest of the sentence above. Now, I have never known any Scientologist espouse this made-up theory of yours or even mention anything like it. I am sure you can find enough to complain about with Miscavige and disconnection and all that, rather than make stuff up. Or not?
Outstanding essay that triggered a lively discussion. I think there is some order in the universe like in a DNA pattern but I wouldn’t represent this as an old bearded man in the clouds. As far as Gods are concerned I continue to worship Aphrodite, Diana, Apollo and Bacchus I have always preferred them to the stern punishing dictator of the Old Testament or Allah in whose name so many throats of infidels are slit. According to Nibs, Hubbard thought of himself as an inverted Got … Satan himself!0
Here’s to “Clearing the Planet” . . . OF SCIENTOLOGY !
God Bless both of you, Mike !
I hardly ever bring it up, but I believe in God. But as a stand alone statement it’s meaningless. My spiritual beliefs are mine and mine alone. No scripture, no ideology, just what I think about it all. But it’s a good system. I don’t have to explain it, I don’t need to evangelize or “disseminate,” and perhaps most important, it doesn’t require any debate or argument one way or another. Just don’t get me started on the Thirteenth Apostle who was written out of the Bible. Somehow, somewhere along the line the Book of Murray got edited out. And it’s a darn shame too. It was pretty funny.
“The Thirteenth Apostle…the Book of Murray”…LOL! First you roped me in, only to crack me up. Very well done 🙂
Hebrews 11:1 says that faith is evidence of things not seen. It takes faith to rely on God to answer prayer, and work in your life. If you aren’t getting answer to your prayer, sometimes the answer is no. He will answer in his time.
Another verse I would direct you to is James 1:5.
But above all, keep believing, keep the faith Terra.
Please. My take on faith.
Faith is good when one looks at what they feel is the abyss.
While doing the comm course I went exterior from that day on, I have the certainty of what I am. There is no abyss. Love
? David
Certainty is another word for faith. The opposite of certainty is doubt, the opposite of faith is doubt.
One of Hubbard’s word-change thought stoppers was “exteriorization.” In science, that effect is known as ‘dissociation’ or sometimes ‘disassociation’. It’s not really a good thing – dissociation encompasses disruptions or failures of perception, memory, and awareness. Unskilled hypnotists can influence their subjects into a dissociative state, or, as Hubbard might say, make them go exterior.
At its worst, dissociation becomes an identifiable set of symptoms that can be categorized as an illness. Hubbard, hating all psyches, converted the illness state of dissociation to the ‘win’ of exteriorization for his own purposes.
Very oddly, a way to overcome problems of dissociation is through trained psyche professionals properly using talk therapy, hypnosis, and art therapy – which Hubbard would re-brand as ‘auditing’ and clay mock-ups. Hate the psyches, but covertly borrow from psyche ‘tech’?
“The common practice of Hubbard is to change the names of hypnotic phenomena to names of his own invention, purporting thereby to change the nature and significance of such phenomena. Thus, a form of unconsciousness experienced in hypnosis he has renamed variously “anaten”, “boil-off” and “dope-off”; hypnotic hallucinations he has called “mental image pictures”; and “dissociation” he has called “exteriorization”.
– The Anderson Report, 1965
Hubbard’s tricksterism runs deep. It goes on and on, level after level, as it must – because he was just making it all up as he went along. One prominent former long-term Scientologist claims it takes an average of 13 years post-leaving for a fully accepting Scientologist to free themselves from the Hubbardian belief system. It’s no wonder it takes a long time to get “clear” of Scientology, because it is full of corrupted language, preconceptions, prejudice, illusions, and delusions – as well as many harmful policies and procedures.
p.s. I read somewhere that e-meter ‘Rock Slams’ were simply the result of defective e-meters, something like a run of bad capacitors, or contamination of inner workings of an e-meter. Does anyone know where that claim came from? I’ve been unable to find the source again; it may be common knowledge but I just can’t documentation.
Love it thank you,
No person can produce definitive proof of God’s existence. That’s why it’s referred to as “faith.”
That’s not just faith in God but faith in the organisation or church that you join. You have to trust without evidence and have to accept that your church or organisation is being completely straight with you. Sometimes they are, but in all too many cases they aren’t and being inside an organisation, you probably know less about what’s going on in a corrupt church or faith.
I see many people think atheists are some kind of degenerates without morals or direction.
That’s just not been my experience. Many know the bible and other scriptures as well as the believers do. You don’t need faith to care about your fellow man and want a better world.
When I was a young man, religion intrigued me but I always had this nagging notion that why are most people the same religion as their parents and why is one religion dominant in one area and non existent else where.
For over a decade, investigated and visited churches, mosques, temples and others. Made some great friends and had some interesting experiences. It was a confusing mess honestly and many of the Christian churches were quite happy to tell me why the church I went to last week was all wrong. Same thing about Protestants talking about Catholics. It wasn’t about getting something done but seemed to be more about arguing who is right.
In the end I gave it all in and stopped searching. I think I’ve been the happiest I ever was without all the dogma. I can go into the woods and be in total awe of the magnificence of nature. I am not living for something that comes after I die. I appreciate my life and try to do the things that really matter knowing time is limited.
The only common thread in all the faiths and sects I visited was the golden rule; treat others like you would like to be treated. It’s in all religions and is just great advice for humans as social creatures.
I try to do everything I can to support and encourage my family and friends. I volunteer in the community and honestly, not being attached to religious beliefs has made it easier to interact with many people of other faiths.
Helping others less fortunate, is practical and satisfying. I don’t need threats of eternal damnation to make me want to strive to be a better person.
In the end, I concluded that the differences in all these religions and beliefs were minuscule compared to what we all have in common. Moving away from all that was the best decision I ever made and I feel more connected to others than I ever did before.
Joe McClaine, wonderful post. In my view, you are spiritually free.
Joe M, from the way you communicate, you’re close to my own personal concept of God.
Thanks for sharing that Joe. Peace be with you.
I think you hit the nail on the head Joe. While there are many believers of God or a higher power they get so caught up in the ritual of it all they forget the message on how to treat each other. That those who don’t believe aren’t to be scolded or judged. The thing is your supposed to love them and show them by example of acceptance ( them and everyone really).
Many of the stories in the bible need some history behind them and we don’t always hear that. The details and language is of that era but the lesson should be timeless. Then there are others that you can look at them and no translation is needed. Last but certainly not least is the bible has been edited over the years by people pushing their own agenda, kinda like Thanksgiving. A pick and choose your own adventure if you will.
In the end it’s okay to discuss it and not avoid the issue like we have been taught because that is the only way we can find the similarities and have a discussion not a argument. Happiness,kindness, generosity, and peace of mind is the goal in my mind. From someone who has searched herself and is at peace ( most of the time this life after all) finally I am glad you have found yours and I hope that for everyone here. There is so much pain but it doesn’t have to be that way.
From a lecture given on 10 Nov 1952,
“Now, I’m going to ask you bluntly to reexamine some of your possible conclusions along this line: not because God is good, bad, not because one should be an atheist, not because one should be holy, not because one should be anything.
But let’s take a look at it because the truth of the matter is that what you know of God, you know very intimately. Because that’s you. The life that beats in you and thinks in you and is in you connects up directly and is a part and parcel of an infinity which we could classify as the Supreme Being.”
Nomnom, that’s a great quote. It’s amazing how many spiritual teachers have expressed that same concept – and to me, it’s the one that says it best. To other people, other descriptions of God say it best, and those are valid too. It’s the essence, not the words, that matter.
+1, Nomnom and Marildii.
Mike , I don’t think you could do what you are doing to expose scien. for what it is without some help from God. You may not have a heart connection at this time but you feel His leading you by doing good and He believes in you! God bless you and your family!
Mary Lou, I do believe he has a connection, BUT WELL SAID.
I agree That God is leading them too, so many christians who are not religious but love Jesus are praying for them and i pray that mike and Leah too have a heart connection with God. I pray that God will reveal how to love God with their heart, mind, and spirit all taking the leap of faith. On an important journey that is going to touch and free thousands in Jesus name.
IMHO, Leah and Mike are showing all the positive aspects of real religions by helping others unreservedly with little chance of recompense and a certainty of having loads of excrement dumped onto their lives
I liked the comment calling LRH as adharmic; Took me down a short rabbit hole. Leah, Mike, and all the contributors are Dharma counterbalancing Scientology’s destructiveness
I am not an atheist, but some of the comments about Jesus/Christianity scare me. Being sure YOURS is the only right way is dangerous….just like Scientology, but not as smart.
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother- in-law….”
-Jesus (Matthew 10:34)
Sounds a bit like “policy” does it not?
Yes, taken way out of context.
That’s often true of policy too, IMO.
LMAO! Yes, like the policy where El Tard says that anyone found unfit for their post is to be declared an S.P. ( for non-scinetologists: declared to be a HORRIBLE criminal who should be attacked and harmed if possible)
Only the terminally insane Hubtard robots think that.
“Yes, like the policy where El Tard says that anyone found unfit for their post is to be declared an S.P.”
I never heard of such a policy. Again you make a claim but give no quote to back it up. Sheesh.
Irrelevant Marildi. The policy exists. I have read it. Mike has read it. >2,000 staff have read it. It was written ~35 years ago. Do you REALLY think I have kept ALL the LRH policies he has ever written?
You are insane. Thank you for continuing to post here so as to act as a living warning to those who might want to join this criminally insane cult.
What context makes it ok to say that? Here are the next lines : 37“He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 38“And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 39“He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.”
I can’t find anything before or after that verse “in context” that isn’t weird. Sorry. …Jesus seemed to have a very high opinion of himself. And my experience with many Christians, is , like Scientoligists, they think they are “special” because the ‘get it” and the rest of the unenlightened “down-stats” folks just need to be prayed for or punished. Lotta ego going on there. I think that whatever “path” makes people nicer and helpful to fellow man is great for them, and I’ve had my own spiritual experiences, but I wouldn’t say mine are what everyone else should seek, think or feel. But Christians and Muslims, like Scientologists, think theirs is the only “true” way and are instructed to convert or “witness” whatever you want to call it. The Jewish faith, Hindus and Buddhists don’t go around trying to convert people. Just sayin,,,,,,,
Lynda, your comment prompted me to go and read the entire verse you quoted as well as a few before and a few after. I think the words of Jesus were a prophesy and not a high opinion of himself. Just a few pages later, Matthew 11:28 quotes Jesus as saying “28“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
But if you could interpret the passage as Jesus espousing his arrogance and superiority, I can imagine others have done so as well – and probably many of them Christians.
The reference to “in context”, I think, is in context to the entire story of Jesus. And that can be a daunting prospect.
Jesus knew that he would be controversial and that it would be a sword upon the world at that time; that it would turn family members against one another. His teachings were a stark departure from the law of Judaism and turning from that law was going to cause conflict.
The passage you quoted is his warning to the disciples who chose to set aside their own lives to teach the word that he had shared. He was letting them know what they were in for.
As to imposing beliefs on another, thankfully we live in the U.S. where we may speak and worship as we choose. That doesn’t mean that others won’t espouse their views as “the only true path”. Scientology shares that distinction with many other cults (FLDS, Jehovah’s Witness, Moon) and with many mainstream religions as well. Actually, folks even claim that their political views are the one right way to do things.
I’m with you. Lets live good lives, care about each other, live and let live – but care enough to help one another in times of need and sometimes just because. I think enlightenment is relative. A Christian who looks down on you because you aren’t a believer isn’t following their own teachings. Not very enlightened at all.
When growing up, I was required to understand the religions around us(most of them more-or-less Christian. What turned me off was that most said they were the only path; all others were doomed to go to Hell, even those who, AFAICT, believed the exact same things. Hypocrisy has never been something that endeared people in my eyes. What SCN gave me was the inability to accept a Supreme Being as being better/bigger/stronger than me
Hi Lynda
I was raised Jewish but abandoned it as false at 13, looked at different religions and all i saw was dogma at every corner. All just wanted to control my life and shape my mind in their ilk. I’ve had a great and fulfilled life, and wonderful family without any external supernatural interference.
Many friends who claim to have faith have asked me to come to church with them, not as an effort to convert me but to “show me the light” which I’m sure would lead down that rabbit hole. So yes I guess the effort was there.
They are happy with theirs, I’m happier my way, on my terms, my schedule. I’ve never heard back from “above” anytime I’ve asked, so I stopped asking or expecting anything.
As far as the end, there is just a switch, and it’s lights out, just like at the start, lights on. So, no fear there, just live our short lives to the best while we’re here, don’t harm anyone, and help out when I can.
It’s a wonderful life.
TC glad you brought this up. Hubbard was godless and so is Scientology. Except Nancy Cartwright said through Scientology she would become a god.
My opinion. There is some consciousness that transcends the universe. Whether you call it god, Allah, Jesus, Buddha, love or universal consciousness, there is a grand scentience. To me that is true.
Hubbards carrot was that we can be gods. He sure did not create a path to that. Totally unspiritual.
The best spiritual writers and teachers I’ve found all acknowledge a universal Consciousness. That is working for me 100 times better the the bridge to total serfdom.
TC that’s my take on it.
Thanks, BK. You spoke my views completely and well. I came to that via logic. To me, it is illogical to believe otherwise. Do I have any answers? Yes, and they generally work very well for me. However, I am not about to offer them to others as guidelines for their lives. They’ve gotta do their OWN work!
Thanks Peter. Yup. Hubbards “what’s true for you is true for you” was such a trap because he violated his ripped off tenet. What a luxury to have the freedom to research spirituality without the extreme dogma locked into your psyche. Doing my own search and research has been rewarding. It’s paying off in so many positive forms. Being grateful is a foreign concept in Scientology.
In the real world it is part of living a full and joy filled life.
Got to say one thing about you Terra, you’ve got balls. To get into or incite a discussion on the existence of God and or even slightly suggest to others they have a squizzy at their beliefs in an Almighty is fraught with belief vs belief and quickly goes way beyond knowing anything for most people imo, as it deals exclusively in faith. It’s a huge subject and is an equally huge study of the human condition. Even the openly displayed disbelief of a God often gives others more of a reason to believe in one, it scares them or makes them even more determined about themselves (and the disbeliever) and what they believe in. But you’ve done pretty good at walking on level ground with it, an interesting read, tku.
For me, Hubbard shows off his doubled sided approach quite well on the subject of God. It is one of the usual type of contradictions that litter the subject of Scientology. The more you read, study or try to apply Scientology the more the subtly of contradiction begins to surface. Even technically, list correction of once rock solid items for the PC are rechecked and often found incorrect as one moves further through the subject, or up the Bridge in Scio parlance. That line is such a mess anyway today it doesn’t make even the slightest bit of sense when Scientology is viewed as a religion because – it’s provable it’s all about the money! When the trust placed in a CS is violated… such as the ordering of endless sec checks, on my! Whatever one may think about it, it is pretty damn obvious first and foremost, it scams you if you join in with ANY organisational aspect of the Church of Scientology.
I did look very closely at Hubbard’s earlier works, which in many ways makes me angry when I compare it what is actually delivered – the two don’t align at all. imo when he wrote KSW he killed off the subject intentionally, that is, it forced his followers to accept on faith that he was always right, for along with KSW “think,” self determinism became a crime and the tech became God. All hail the words of L. Ron Hubbard and the mightier than thou Cof$!
If Hubbard couldn’t predict what his “kick in the head” discipline KSW would lead to, he knew nothing about nurturing the human condition toward enlightenment. He must have been a really, really lousy sailor/officer!
As I’ve mentioned many times, his treatment of his own shipmates is more than enough evidence in my book of the contempt for others he had smouldering in his head. No more loyal being exists than those that ply the same ship, mutiny came from the top in this instance.
Scientology didn’t have to turn out the way it did.
Oh Ronny boy, the stats, the stats are falling
From Org to Org, it’s such a big landslide
The subject’s gone, and all the sheep are dying
‘Tis you, ’tis you must go, just say goodbye
But don’t come back we need a little breather
Dear little Dave put on a sorry show
‘Tis I’ll be here ten light years from your shadow
Oh Ronny boy, oh Ronny boy, your ‘tech’ is toast
And if you come, when all the sheep are dying
And Dave is dead, as dead he well may be
You’ll come and find the place where you’ve been lying
And kneel and say you made up OT 3
And I shall hear, tho’ soft you tread below me
And all the truth will finally come to be
If you’ll not fail to get off all your withholds
And let the world know it was all one great deceit
God bless you.
You’ve outdone yourself! I am in stitches of laughter!
Balletlady you are kind.
Moxie, when are you going to make a CD?? You must have enough tunes by now. I’ll be the horn section.
Wouldn’t that be a kick!
I could do keys and bass!
With some of the proceeds going to those who have LEFT the organization to get them settled in their new life!
I’ll add another horn for the CD. (Apologies to those who take that Satanicly. I started playing the instrument when I was but a child, before SCN was incorporated.)
Moxie, that was stellar. Still laughing. Can it be said that you are now in your Golden Age? :
Thanks Aqua. Golden age sounds too much like the geriatric set. Let’s call it the Emerald Age (I’m a Wizard of Oz fan).
Ah, brings a tear to me eye.?
Hope they were happy tears.
From all I’ve heard of Hubbard, I would say he was hateful. Or hate filled.
I was raised in a dedicated practicing catholic household. I observed unhappiness and ungodly behavior and left the church. The teachings of Christ were there to be followed. My 15 year old mind was literal and unforgiving . But ultimately , it seemed that believing in God just for the sake of it and a glimpse of relief from suffering and fear of dying was just not enough. To reach God one has to approximate a godly state.
Scientology basically went the same way . Some lofty ideas , beautiful statements hiding horrible statements and nonsensical statements. On top of it , no love. And again , unhappiness , transgressions against others , disrespect , statuses in the bourgeois tradition.
Love , respect , trust , that’s where God is , imo.
Scientology doesn’t even come close . It is much too selfish.
“Love, respect, trust, that’s where God is, imo.” That is how I see it. The Cof$, not so much.
Love the commenting here! I have so much respect for people who talk of their faith in this current society (which is so full of cynicism). It is heartening for me to see that much of the commenting here has not been in response to Terra’s views of Ron, so much as Terra’s view of religion.
I believe in God and consider the days when I didn’t have such beliefs to be my most dreary. My belief is still hesitant and tenuous, but I am finding that each time I believe more, I value life and others more. That’s really quite amazing, for me.
There are things beyond value that come along with a belief in God. Suggest that you give Jordan B. Peterson some study. He’s more well known for his insight in things like psychology and philosophy, but he’s talked a lot about God and also about the Bible. Lots and lots of stuff on youtube by him and on a variety of subjects. Also suggest Edward Feser’s “Five Proofs of the Existence of God”.
Ron Hubbard had his faults and that’s been much of the focus in this blog. But we’ve all got “beams in our eyes”. He is due his criticisms, but after a while (thirty years after his death!) it gets a bit weary, (at least for me).
I thought that the idea of this blog originally was to talk about the Church and how it’s gone off the rails, and that “Something Can Be Done About It”. I think that’s fine. But does it also need to be a blog that rips into LRH with very little discussion about what he did that was worthwhile, even very worthwhile? I guess that’s up to Michael. I think have Tony Ortega and a half a dozen other bloggers specializing in that is quite enough. But that’s Mike’s decision.
Still, no harm in what you have said, and I admire many things about you.
Daniel, I share your belief in God. I beg to differ with several of your points. I’m sorry if you grow weary of hearing about Hubbard’s character. I haven’t, and yes, the truth about him does need to be brought out, and revealed, and discussed until the evil he created is destroyed. I don’t believe scientology “went off the rails.” It was never on the rails. It’s always been a money-scam that turned into the horror show it is today. I’m a never-in. I’ve read most of -let’s call it the anti-scientology canon – and for the life of me, I don’t see that ever did anything worthwhile. However, there are “Indie” scientology sites where you will get a different opinion.
Have you read the two best biographies of Hubbard? Russell Miller’s “Barefaced Messiah” and Jon Attak’s “Let’s Sell Them a Piece of Blue Sky?” I can’t recommend them strongly enough.
Yes, I’ve got beams in my own eye – but I’m not destroying lives, breaking up families and enslaving and lobotomizing my followers – and I don’t run a prison camp encolsed with razor wire.
The truth about Hubbard’s horrible cult needs to be told. It that’s “ripping apart” L.R. Hubbard, so be it. This info needs to be available for those “still in” who might get brave enought to take a look at it some day, and hopefully start realizing what kind of sham world they’re living in.
Wish this site was configured to allow “voting.” You deserve a multitude of “up” arrows.
Just curious… what did leg do that was worthwhile?
The idea that God is unknowable is false, He can be seen in what HE created. We are hanging on a big blue marble in space and its not by accident. Everyone at some time or another has to ask how did I get here and why am I here. A design needs a designer. A cruise ship sails into port you don’t look at it and think it just put itself together over the centuries and sailed in. STUPID. God speaks to us all through the book He had written, it answers almost all of our questions. Some will have to wait. No, believers don’t get a bed of roses, we go through life like everybody else. There’s no real faith healers today so quit looking, but God still does heal those He wants healed. Tithing doesn’t apply today, it was for Israel to sustain their Priests who also ran the city government, and it wasn’t money but food. Nothing special about getting dunked in water it doesn’t save you, FAITH does. Your works are just junk in Gods sight, He plainly tells us that we have all failed and are guilty of sin and He’s right.
FAITH is Gods currency not works. Two absolutes in Christianity no salvation without faith and no forgiveness of sins without shedding of blood. Confession does nothing but give the “priests” something to talk about over lunch.
The same God that gave the law that condemns us also left heaven and came to earth in a body and died for all of us. It was always in His plan, and if that didn’t happen then all of us would have been lost and the exercise was for nothing. By default we are all set to go to hell in the inherited sin of Adam, that may not seem fair but God has provided a simple and free way out of the dilemma. Simply believing the gospel in 1Corinthians 15:1-4 and totally trusting God to save you will give you His spirit and an eternal salvation. MOST will disregard this because it sounds too simple, but it’s not. God will perform a miracle and give you everything you need up front. You won’t feel a thing but your ATTITUDE will change. Try it you won’t be disappointed. Once you believe you will find out that ALL of your sins were judged already and paid for at the cross, that’s how much Jesus loves us. He came and suffered so we don’t have to, don’t take this lightly.
Most of what you hear on TV and most of what you hear preached in the denominations across the land is garbage, sincerely believed and taught but garbage nonetheless. Most of what you hear in todays churches is meant for Jews under the law during Jesus earthly ministry and doesn’t apply to us in the USA today. I doubt that half the pastors across the country are really saved today, and probably 90% sitting in buildings across the land are NOT saved at all, although they would shout from the roof tops they are saved and loving it.
ALL of the Bible is for us, but not all of it is to us…….only the books written by Paul, Romans through Philemon apply to us today. The rest of the book is for our learning, to show us where we came from.
Grace and peace to all
“Confession does nothing but give the “priests” something to talk about over lunch.” I find your comment uninformed and offensive. Confession is a sacrament in the Catholic Church, and when I became a Catholic two years ago, and made my first confession it was a powerful and emotional experience for me – to know that all the harm I’d done to others (particulary around my former drug use, but everything else as well) could be forgiven. The priest does not forgive you. God does, and the priest just hears your confession. A Catholic priest is not allowed to discuss anything outside of the confession booth on pain of possible ex-communication.
Apologies for getting so personal here, and sorry if I sound like I’m proselytizing, which I’m not. We all hail from different backgrounds here and we’re all going to have different opinions about spirituality, politics or whatever, and we all need to respect each other if we’re going to be effective. I just felt I needed to speak up a bit. That’s my drama for today.
Thank you bixntram. I have been a Catholic for 65 years. 12 years of Catholic school. I feel I’m always defending the sacrament of confession. You’re right that a priest can not divulge your confession to anyone. Sort of like the lawyer/client or physician/patient confidentiality. I have been to Catholic Church’s all over the states and some in Europe. Not once in 65 years did I hear a priest or nun slam another faith based religion. I was taught from the priests, nuns and my parents to respect others’ beliefs. We even discussed in school how Christ was a Jew and how his Faith in God or father was born out of his Jewish beliefs. I also agree with a comment above that Leah’s and Mike’s mission to expose abuses in Scientology are directed by God.
Thank you in turn, Tam; glad to know I’m not the only Catholic here.
I am too…. I’m not going to dip into the big conversation, but I’m glad to throw up my hand signs…. RC, REPRESENT! [forming letters R and C with fingers]
“The same God that gave the law that condemns us also left heaven and came to earth in a body and died for all of us. It was always in His plan, and if that didn’t happen then all of us would have been lost and the exercise was for nothing. By default we are all set to go to hell in the inherited sin of Adam, that may not seem fair but God has provided a simple and free way out of the dilemma. Simply believing the gospel ”
Sorry, but that’s one huge load of …, worse than Hubbard’s scifi. Why believe such nonsense? God by your book is a flaming asshole without love. Sorry, but salvation is a lie, there is no ‘sin of Adam’ that taints us. This is just ‘control’ propaganda.
A part of Infinite Consciousness is what we all are. Your God too. Eternity is already yours, you need no faith or belief. If you’re looking for rules, the golden rule is the only rule you need.
Honestly, if anyone looks at the universe and life itself and doesn’t believe God exists……..that is beyond my comprehension.
I died on Wilshire Blvd. in 1973, and my death was broadcast over the Los Angeles Inter-County Hotline to all available agencies, while I was dragged down the street by a motorist, who kept going after I fell off the vehicle. Then I lay in a coma for three days at UCLA Med. I suffered a broken neck, aphasia, amnesia, a severe concussion, and numerous contusions and lacerations. My uniform and jacket were shredded by the 55mph impact with the pavement and my rolling 50 feet. Yet I returned to work 8 months later, forever changed because I knew that except for scars, I had been held in Heavenly hands throughout that horrible incident which, the doctors told me, would have killed anyone else.
Glad you survived. Near death experiences are typically spiritual awakening events as well.
OMG, jburtis!!
Really great article – great content and so well-written. Thanks very much.
Matthew 5:37, “Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.”
Yes, I believe.
God The Father
God The Son (Jesus Christ)
God The Holy Spirit
“”EXTERIORIZATION” in Scientology is a nifty trick Scientology uses to trick people into “believing” that Scientology is spiritual and is addressing the spirit.
The truth is – Scientology fucks with the mind.
What is exteriorization ?
I think it is a phenomena of complex trauma from Scientology changing your reality from the manipulation, lies, gas lighting and mind controlling parlor tricks Scientology uses.
Also called cognitive dissonance.
Anyone care to add your thoughts?
Exteriorization is the process whereby a registrar pulls funds from your account and places them into the CO$.
LOL, you’re quite the wit, Moxie.
I’ve been accused of that before.
Moxie, Love it!
A good holiday is more stable and a lot cheaper.
There have been countless “out of body” experiences. Whole books written on the subject. Just Google it.
I believe what the nuns taught me in catholic school. “God is love.” Therefore, love is my god.
Yes! My God, my Lord And Saviour, my King of Kings, my Creator of ALL things is Real!!! And I LOVE, PRAISE, & WORSHIP HIM!!!???
…I’ve no idea… but I doubt it!
Well written. An accurate portrayal of the thought processes of Hubbard.
Absolutely God exists. He just is opposite to all you have ever learned, possibly why He is so hard for you to fathom. Man looks at the outward, God looks at the heart. You have been burned and badly. I thank you for all you and Leah are doing to expose Scientology. It blows my mind the sickening depths that DM and all of RLH’s rules take a person to. I understand mind control and how it all works, but the level of evil, pain and suffering that Scientology forces everyone thru is almost beyond belief yet, I certainly believe what ya’ll have been thru. DM has to be stopped and I believe he will be. You and Leah and all the people who are sharing the discust and misery of DM and the whole “business” of Scientology will be a part of his demise and the end of the fake religion. I actually see nothing whatsoever that classifies it as a religion. How it ever got tax exempt status is beyond me, but it won’t be long till it all comes crashing down. Ya’ll can be proud of yourselves for what you are doing. You may not believe in God Almighty, but He IS with you guys helping you to get this done. Dare I say “thanks” for all the living hell you have been put thru yet choose to keep on keeping on. (Hard to say thanks to knowing ya’ll were forced to live and act so demeaning, but you know what I mean here) Not everyone can do such a thing.
Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered. Thanks again for standing together to be big enough to defeat DM and Scientology. More power to ya!
It became a religion under Clinton – about when Sci infiltrated the IRS – it got its $1 billion back taxes reduced to $12.5 million.[p.170] From journalist Janet Reitman’s “Inside Scientology” written after her Rolling Stone article.
Well, it really happened under Bush — the final outcome occurred after Clinton had become President but the inevitable outcome was set with Fred Goldberg during the Bush administration.
Yes. God exists. I believe 110%.
I actually don’t know if God exists.
Pre Scientology – I believed….
After Scientology – I don’t believe in God
I don’t know how to prove it to myself there is a God….and I don’t really care.
ALL religions and Churches behave the same
I have done my own research and had a ton of experiences with various religions
Man can’t help it
Power corrupts
I find that “religion and God” is used by humans for comfort when they can’t find any.
It is built in
To worship someone is also built in
I am at peace finally – really at peace
I am responsible foe my peace!
To this day it has been one of the weirdest things for me to wrap my thinking gear around… and that is remembering listing to a “sky pilot” (priest) talk of the love of God etc while you’re standing there holding a machine gun. I go both ways very easily on the subject, depends on the emotion at the time and/or the sorrow invoked in others or self.
“The thing is, God’s not real communicative.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ haha, had to smile at this, reminded me when I was about four years old, mom was leaving me alone at home, said God would be watching me and would tell her if I did anything bad while mom was gone. I couldn’t help myself, I got into the fridge and the cookie jar. Mom didn’t notice a thing when she got back, I inferred that God was my friend because he didn’t tell on me. He was my make believe friend for many years, until I turned 13 and realized God was a fiction, for me at least. Thanks for your Saturday posts.
I 100% believe in God. You say you’re not on His speed dial – it’s not that he calls us but he asks us to call upon him. He asks us to have faith the size of a mustard seed. That’s pretty small.
You also say you haven’t really had a conversation with him – would you consider doing that? Would you also Google Chapter of John and just read that? I watch every episode you’re on and read every blog you write, so maybe we call it a fair trade? ? Mike, I wish for you total peace in your heart and though you don’t believe that prayer works, I do. And I will pray for you, because to me, the fact that you wrote this says to me that you are still searching.
Matthew 7:7-8 New International Version (NIV) says –
Ask, Seek, Knock
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
I believe this passage is about coming to faith in Christ. Ask – can it hurt? You’ve tried not believing for the first 50 years of your life. What will it hurt if you believe? There is so much more to talk about – we have adopted three former orphans – why are there orphans at all if God exists? So much more to talk about that what I can write in a little comment. I have to put my email address in my comment. I am not sure if you see it, but if you do, you’re welcome to email me. I am also on Facebook – Dawn Wilson Shelton. And my email is just my whole name at Gmail. I don’t want to preach at you, or convert you, I want to respectfully answer some of your questions and tell you my perspective – can it hurt?
As far as LRH – I believe it was more than him being an atheist. I believe that his experience with dark arts is evident. For me, as a Christian, everything I have heard about Scientology is the opposite of what the Bible teaches. It’s evil and you show us the effects of that evil every week.
This is not written by me, but regular contributor Terra Cognita
Great article either way! Tell Terra (and any non believers in God) that with faith & time, you can learn to actually “hear” him & converse with him. I would have never believed it until I was struggling with my Dad’s death and heard God & my Dad – vocally! It’s possible with faith & belief! Love you guys for all you’ve done.
The gods came in handy in ancient times when our primitive ancestors needed to explain the inexplicable. In addition, the existence of gods that responded to our entreaties allowed them to feel a measure of control over their profoundly chaotic and frightening world. Despite the enormous gains of science in deciphering the Universe, it seems many of us still require those old gods. The eternal question of whether the gods created man or vice versa remains an interesting philosophical conundrum.
However, there is this from Science of Survival by L. Ron Hubbard:
“No culture in the history of the world, save the thoroughly depraved and expiring ones, has failed to affirm the existence of a Supreme Being. It is an empirical observation that men without a strong and lasting faith in a Supreme Being are less capable, less ethical and less valuable to themselves and society….A man without an abiding faith is, by observation alone, more of a thing than a man.”
From Wikipedia:
Supreme Being is a term used by theologians and philosophers of many religions, including Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, and Deism, as an alternative to the term God.
In Christian theology, the term Supreme Being is used to refer to God. Although God is mostly reserved for God the Father in the New Testament, Supreme Being can be used to refer to Jesus Christ or the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
It’s enough to make you speculate that “God” and those who profess to have a special understanding of what God is and wants, run some type of a casino for the minds of humans.
You buy your chips & and pick your table! (At the end of the day, the house always wins).
Hubbard’s Haunted House of Horrors.
Yes, yes he does.
Sorry to say but that article is nothing but ignorance and sarcasm. Go and watch the Youtube video by a brain surgeon, “My Stroke of Insight” by Jill Bolte Taylor, it actually is full of insight.
Honestly questioning is a sign of intelligence not ignorance and as for the sarcasm…where? Terra wasn’t being sarcastic that I could see.
You are quite right. Even though it felt that way upon reading there isn’t any particular thing that I can point out as sarcasm so I am sorry for that and withdraw the accusation. Maybe sardonic would have been a better description.
Evil cannot be defined without contrasting it verses the good. God is that standard because there can be no other.
How marvellously absolutistic. Which “God”, may I ask, has the gold seal? Yahweh? Odin? Zeus? Is Isis “good” because its members kill “evil” infidels? Is God ever “evil”? Questions, questions…
Good post, Terra. 🙂
Thank you Terra. My own personal path has led me who was raised with an agnostic, rationally mathematically photographic memory, Wall Street Dad & a completely eccentric frustrated artist mother who was a Unitarian Universalist.With an upbringing full of dinner table discussions of art, science, music, politics, history, mythology etc but no talk of God or spirituality. So as an avid reader I was primed for Ron to swoop into my life & I joined the Sea Org, with only my copy off DMSMH and my burning need to follow him at the time.
All that crashed & burned,thank god but I have always had my own compass which at the close of my life has given me great understanding that for me, spirit is present,mine and all I greet in my life,animals plants the universe. My experience of God would not fit the organized religious protocol because I do not belong to any organized religion today. Yet my journey is showing me a way through with all the amazing, kind, ex Scientologists I have met on Mike R’s, Tony’s and elsewhere. All show me the true face of love, empathy, and the joy of freedom of any type. No longer the command control obey of Ron dms world that almost killed me.
So Terra to answer your question, Yes I know there is a much higher level I want to learn to reach. Can that be called God and can I follow the words of Jesus, certainly. However the most important point for me is that I have the freedom to choose whatever I want. In The Sea Org and in Ron/dms world there are no choices. There is only deep pain and the destruction of body, mind and soul.
Thank you always for your thoughtful pieces.?. And Mike R love to you & that dear,wonderful Christie.
There is very little doubt in my mind that Hubbard thought he was a powerful God. All of the Crowley
investigations into Egyptian religion centered on that point. As a former Thelemic, Hubbard
was probably developing and perfecting his own character. His Student Briefing on OT 8 is a case in point.
Hubbard had three final last character development directions – anti-Christ, Politician and savior of the universe from illuminati. Notice the trinity. Nothing but old style esoteric stuff copied from Blavatsky. Blavatsky was the first to use “theta” as a reference to a God in the 19th century. She traced it back to Plato who probably got it from India on his visit. Hubbard’s “time track” idea was not his own. It traces to the occult.
Hubbard’s trinity directions were probably intended to launch himself into God in the singular.
Hubbard took a few esoteric ideas and introduced them into the West at a time when language translation was primitive. In reality, Hubbard’s religion is “American junk”. You can look at his claim that he was actually the Buddha’s teacher. Hubbard made it all up.
I cannot answer your question about the existence of God . That question is dismissed be a non-doer.
Georgemwhite – you summed it up well. “American Junk”
Hi, I’m interested in where you got the anti-christ/politician/savior data? I’ve been following this trail, and want sum straight source on this.
American junk?? Allegorically speaking or not: If god gave lucifer his power as he fell to appoint his submost high angel to illuminate man as son (sun) of the morning, or the morning star; it seems that if satan is the god of this world with power from god, then “his” science tweaked (by Hubbard) to the east and the sides of the north, will advance man high/and at the same time decieve somewhat away from the divine. Study the lucifer allegory in the Bible and in the d&c and book of Moses in the Mormon scripture. We are in the second Christian era, Hubbard wrote; now he States this artfully, without saying directly it is him (because he knows he isn’t), giving the impression that it is him. The question is who else has has arrived (second coming [actual second coming of Christ]), as a thief in the night?
The tip on Hubbard Trinity is 88 “fantastic”. I had the politician bit, but never heard savior. I guess this is suppose to outshine the marcabian landing.. lol; and the thief in the night for that matter.
Hubbard wrote in his Student Briefing of June 1980 about the politician and the anti-Christ. I took liberty in calling him the savior. You can check out my book “Lucifer’s Bridge” by George M. Witek, my alias. You are one of the few to understand Lucifer as the morning star. I am not familiar with the Mormon Bible. Hubbard does speak carefully. I would not call it artfully. Personally, I am Buddhist and do not follow Biblical scripture. Thus I am not qualified to answer some of your questions.
My questions to you were more, riddles for anyone curious, that I feel I have to some small degree discovered the answers to, if you didn’t already pick that up.
Is that an ot student briefing? Ot-8? I know he mentions Antichrist/lucifer stuff in that, minus politician data..
It’s not a bad theory, (to take your savior augmentation way too seriously) if it is true or he believes this incarnation to a politician complex, why would he not want to occupy the body of the false Messiah too (which is in the “illuminati” card game line up of events to expect on their Todo list – along with this ? encounter – which has been pretty reliable since 1995 when they were created)? Then again, this “Messiah” to be congruent would seem to need to form a loop back to lrh (as a Trinity would), because I think if a false savior did come (with new teachings), then that would be at odds perhaps with his already established teachings in scientology as lrh already projecting a sort of savior of mankind figure/return of Buddha that denies nirvana (whatever that’s about).
Seeing as according to baconian philosophy and the good old Bible flowing with wisdom and consealment, it looks to me that Scientology will be the 8th kingdom of the world; which will overthrow this totallitarian establishment to soon be in full swing as 7th kingdom power, but this nearing 7th won’t last long. Along this line, the 9th is already on the scene and growing, slowly. The Mormon religion I observed was instrumental in heralding this 9th in, even if still in embryo or fetus on the earth (not the Mormon religion to be clear), (hence Mormon scripture insights relevant for the age). I’m only being cryptic to withhold things you may have no interest in, trying to stay on topic.
It says that the 8th kingdom is of the 7th, which would very much connect the association of Crowley’s thelemic law being “inseminated” into our society now, and lrh’s strong connection and in ways, advancement somewhat of thelema (if you can see the numerological patterns & resemblance in both their age pioneering philosophies).
Buddhism has to be one of those religions i’ve barely looked into. Perhaps investigating scientology has indoctrinated me to believe he is, in some bad horror movie out of this “golden age of grotesque”, the return spoken of in the Buddhist scripture vs hymn of asia. I’ve checked the prophecies out, and compared them word for word. They can and do in theory check out; with regard to time, and characteristic descriptions.
Some say that this refers to the 9th kingdom thief in the night (symbolic Bible reference for second coming); considerable, in that chronologically they aren’t far apart in their conception.
In many ways lrong’s scientific (on this physical plane of semi-full raging, evolved, satanic strength of survival – as ugly as that sentence made sense) system seems to better suit the succession of Buddha’s methods, that didn’t persay refer to a personal god and to some degree have methodical practices to reach higher states of existence/consciousness like scientology is conveyed to.
Which brings to question whether Kundalini yoga/Christ consciousness or some such thing isn’t the “fast track” out of here. If what we’re trying to do is escape this existence.
Anyway, this non nirvana thing & chakra model degradation lrh spat on a page though, is seeming a bit luciferian, despite Buddha potentially being boxed into this luciferian archetype, if this short video I’ll link at the bottom i found is anything to note as being plausible. Considering that lucifer may not be all that bad (quite necessary to “bridge” humanity to a higher state). Then there is just bridging that Gap, however far removed from the goal it is or has become. I don’t know nearly enough, personally, about Buddhism to make an informed comparison.
I’m sure Hubbard spoke about these things, certainly not artful, careful or in depth enough for those that haven’t lazily/blindly and fanatically put their whole trust in man & succumbed to being recreated into a robot in Ron’s image, completely subservient to “his” will.
It’s fucken sickening.
Apart from that, what I have observed of diabetics & scientology and applied, hopefully retaining my humanity, is “very” useful on this plane. A mind science would be right.. an actual embracing science of mind.. which is “Satan’s” territory anyway, biblically and whateverelseally I’m sure has evidenced the mind is something to be transcended, not by avoiding it, but confronting it, and mastering/dominating it.
If earth mirrors heaven, useful here, could it not then translate to being useful in the spirit world – as above so below. Confusing..
I will have a browse at your book.
You have put together a lot of information about Buddhism and it seems you are trying to fit Buddha into the Bible. While some of your analogies are compelling, it is obvious that you have not read Blavatsky or the Pali Canon. My wife and I have read most of it and the important parts in Pali. Buddhism really stands on its own. You get a lot of junk translated in the Western World. The main question you suggest is that the Buddha might be Lucifer. You also suggest that enlightenment is related to this star of wisdom. Mara is sort of our Satan and he or she is impermanent. In fact, the job rotates during time. Anyone could have been Mara. Past lives for the average person, however, are completely misunderstood. In fact, in my practice, we do not consider that Buddha ever even mentioned past lives. This data was added by Hindus. Most Buddhists believe that the Pali Canon was memorized and then written down 600 years later. A lot of data was added.
Hubbard and Blavatsky both denied Nirvana but for different reasons. It is a confusion in the West. Buddhist literature speaks of a Creator God and a savior. We do not know if this is authentic. However, the story of a savior is common. In Buddhism there is only meditation. There is no savior. Buddha said all that one needs is contained in the body. There is also no mind in Buddhism. That is a Western concept.
I appreciate your desire to fit all of it together. Hubbard tried but failed
This is all my own words; not trying to use jargin that I probably wouldn’t fully understand.
It is intriguing to have stumbled on a publisher of that book which upon reading the main blasphemies, it seems were summarized, further reinforced other things I have read and given me a great insight as to what Hubbard is exactly upto with that and how it fits into the greater scheme and power structures; also a greater conviction that what I have read was ot-8 data. I happened to have slipped this out (that I read ot-8 data online) in a has (hubbard audacious secretary) ethics interview a couple weeks back. Do you know the alteration
of the ot-8 briefing which I believe the book stated had been changed to cater to shocked parishioners?
It would be doing me a favor if you knew and told me that..
Buddha is not in the Bible as far as I know.. (aside from whatever of his priciples Christ I’m sure greatfully and very usefully embodied) however as you say, the savior that you referred to, then seemingly conflicting, said there was no savior in Buddhist literature.. There very much is Buddhist scripture that speaks of his “return”. Now the return of any past wisdom teacher, has generally always referred to the attributes and characteristics of the person’s role, not the return of the person themselves.
Very good, this 9th kingdom (because it’s characterized by and represented in many ways by the number 9) source affirms the impossibility of reincarnation, aside from the rare case (generally speaking) and regards any cyclic return of such manifestations as I forementioned. Incarnation on other planets/worlds was mentioned which I am still investigating.
I have long disagreed with Hubbard’s “past lives” even though technically there are past lives; there is a defined whole track.. individually no, but collective, universal consciousness if one taps into it, can subjectively experience “other people’s lives” in their mind/somatic experience (is what I have extrapolated). Christ certainly did it. Many Yogi’s connect with it. But yes, no sneaky alterior motive “past lives”. So my point about Buddha’s “return” your literature.. It’s quite clear. The second coming in the Bible referrs to the manifestation of the awaited one pertaining to most if not all main world religions. Buddhism, even from this alledged already occurred second coming source, which I will call x, affirms this reality, and has the recognition of Buddha as a manifestation who taught a way to the divine. I acknowledge that reality. There is but an exception of entering question as to whether Buddha can be grouped into the abrahamic prophecies.. despite many agreeing he is included. I believe it is officially inconcluded to date.
I don’t know, and see it could be either Hubbard – which funnily enough and more the probably unrelative and unsubstancial to point out as any type of evidence – you can make Buddha out of those letters.
If you have not sourced the
Buddhist scriptures mentioned in the hymn of asia and checked them against validity and sincere interpretation, you haven’t really considered, one of the 2 most likely and obvious returns of Buddha… Right in your scripture..
Prophetically the time has already passed for his arrival. It’s realistically, Ron, or x. I don’t know anywhere where I’ve read that says Buddha was perfect; he certainly started out in a lavish, paragonian decadence, to establish his domain or field of work – the great work..? (the physical plane – which lead to spiritual plane), if that’s anything to correlate to Rolex Kool Ron, among this Mara impermanence factor, as impermanent as something like scientology is.
As much as Crowley and Hubbard “used” Buddhism: the idea that “Satan” just changes or inverts what “god” already placed in existence, is not out of the question here.
Still though..
One Buddhist scripture says his hair shall be as fire on his head (red or gold); however that is to be interpreted. Another says he will rise in the West and bring teachings from the east, or something to that effect; however that is to be interpreted. This was to occur 2500 years after the beginning of the Buddha’s dispensation. Do the math. You will obviously need to run over these yourself.
Yes I agree, pedistooling the teacher, as apposed to the application of the teachings; the teachings under the exoteric cloak, which more than
often refer to our internal world, is to be refrained. Considering the age we are in, the spiritual messages are also inclusive of helping the physical/societal world structure, to such a degree of focus, where a kingdom of heaven on Earth as it could be called, among paradise, eutopia etc. can come about. Outer world reflects inner (relatively speaking). This does and is not supposed to undermine internal (spiritual) ascension (meditation) or 9th kingdom (divine) work, which is perhaps primary.
I think whether it “fits” with Buddhism or not, a science of the mind, ideally, that is harmonized and not tweaked for evil purposes (which are ever increasing up that bridge) is however much partnering with divine (preciding) decrees, necessary to create a “kingdom of heaven” on Earth. The “insanity” will not permit it. It’s not to say that scientology is the end all of course. I think that as arrogant and vain as Hubbard is (his character), his bridge “will” bridge a much higher plato.. at a much higher price.. but such is the greed of the devil and intent of a “prosperous” society. Refining the satanic connotations, and hopefully reducing the costs, perhaps bypassing or augmenting the ot levels “demonology” might be in order.
If one considers that harmony of science, philosophy and religion to be a catalyst to divinity is a worthy endeavor, and then looking around for a source on the mind, we think it vain to expect some other cheeky Maverick to come along and whip up a sufficient batch (of data on it).
Ok so if Buddha didn’t touch the mind, then Ron is whether we like it or not, in new territory, necessary territory.
If 7 is Crowley, 8 Lron, 9 is subsequently higher..(arbitraririly speaking).. Embracing 9 (divinity) can and will of course be power to you, power to me, but to not sound indoctrinated: a gradient level knowledge (you find, technically, most of the time, Ron doesn’t actually lie, so it can generally be bent to the direction of the individual, if their will is strong enough to not be enticed to his wicked connotations) and embodiment will help us fathom divinity so much more; so long as we cut the fat off, which is inevitably going to enter into a megalomanic agenda, like Lucifer.
It (scientology) may need to be done away with completely, but I think that will be centuries before that happens. A science of the mind nonetheless is necessary.
Correct I have not yet read blavatski or Pali. How valid their contributions will be in changing what I have asserted, I doubt little. Not that I won’t get what is important from them, thanks.
(never heard of the Pali canon).
Your piercing girl helena seems to do nothing but praise Lucifer, as separate to Satan (which is arguable but I’ve had similar computations – I have read some Helena), attributing to almost exactly my thoughts on the matter… along with connecting Lucifer and Christ, in some way connecting to God’s will.
I don’t see your argument.
I wasn’t sure whether or how relevant this predecessor of a guru was going to be in this equation but you couldn’t have referred me to a better one, as she does nothing but support, with her Buddhist influences too, lrh as Buddha’s inescapable return.
The Pali collection looks big..
Still know shit about Buddhism..
Don’t mean to be invalidating, but we are having a straight discussion.
Theosophical society could be useful.. I have thought.
Sorry, mother of the new age..
I can see why Crowley, and Hubbard liked Buddhism.. this is a compliment.
I see that Helena was the joseph smith of Christianity, as she was for Buddhism – to herald in a new Buddhist era – hint hint..
Funny that her teachings coincide with x, the father of the new age who was born before her, and unvieled himself right in and around about the time she died; and could almost be a replication of source for her theories and philosophies, for her to advance upon.
Christ and Lucifer teaming up again..?
Isn’t that cute..
I wonder who these mystics/masters she bumped into were?
I am absolutely in love with the cover of her 1″888″ (8-8008) book – the secret doctrine. Reminds me of Albert pikes “secret doctrine”, which, oh what do you know, happens to be Lucifer allied..
This is getting boring now..
I just wanted to wrap this and the anything but boring tempest of information flying around this impossible universe, in to as neat an envelope as possible..
This helps me more than anything, put it into perspective as I write it down..
I just wanted to say I was a bit lost as to your credibility about seeming to not know and had read “all” of blavatsky, yet a main concept of what blavatsky wrote quite flagrantry about with her allies to Luciferian doctrine and her understanding of 2 doctrines, was dissapointing.
The doctrine of the eye, crafted most publicly workable, usable, accessable, however “honestly” in the form of scientology today. The doctrine of the heart.. Christ consciousness, abrahamic source faith… Most current in x today.
Buddhism. Traditional mother mahayana buddhism (according to blavatsky), seems to only describle to me characteristics of delaying nirvana, for selfless service, (which by the way nirvana is apparently I’ll defined today as inclusive of considering a rebirth process to arrive at nirvana) but could shed light on Hubbard taking the doctrine of the eye to the extreme; even if “god” doesn’t exist, the equivalent would be a nirvana type definition. So as to why Hubbard has been allowed to, if he is matreya Advent, has me conclude that original Buddhism was as aptly as it was in both, embrasive of the 2 doctrines of heart and eye.
Making him unique no doubt. Which may be why you Revere him so much.. One that could arrive at the logic of science of eye, without neglecting the love of the heart.
I really appreciate that.
Side note:
I wasn’t clear, whether you meant there is no mind in Buddhism meaning: it does not consider the mind as a thing? or that it does not cover the mind? I think the latter of course.
I think what may have occurred is that, the Buddha if returned today as lrh, is hard left, eye doctrine..
Fortunately a seperate heart doctrine was birthed at this new age too..
As for these mahatma letters, and this alledged photo of hpb with ascended masters, what stands out to me is the shere life time devotion volume of the content, and its seeming coherent, very high intellectual quality..
Not to mention their easily resembling something like a scientology in nature science, intergalactic.. and higher eye wisdom; whether they contained much heart doctrine, considering their supposed terminal, perhaps not so much. It’s hard to say, their tone was awfully crowleyan.
So with this in mind, I think scientology, for the ultimate purpose of our age, for the millennium at least, is a complete (enough) eye philosophy, and Lucifer’s bridge may be technically part of a complete system of a hard left doctrine codified into a workable science to get man as high as, theologically speaking, the level of servant of submost high angel, with a will that has been deteriorated through luciferian control, despite having “the knowledge”..
Hence why I think a bridge from this realatively high level, “total freedom”, to nirvana or heart doctrine (roughly speaking), will not only be difficult if not impossible; depending on how far removed from the purpose, heading along the sides of the north, having travelled in that direction.
If, figuratively speaking, it travels parallel to the sides of the north (god), then theoretically, it doesn’t look like it would be too removed from bridging accross to god. However that would occur..
Perhaps as, this age, both doctrines are set up as complete, it’s not that science could not potentially develop a way to better harmonize the science with heart, like Buddhism. This though on a wide scale level, I believe is prophesied to occur in about 800 or so years (complete peace on Earth). Does not mean this as a development could be in place sooner rather than later. Or perhaps taking this “total freedom” knowledge, awareness and abilities and simply walking over to the heart doctrine, may or not be so feasible, from habbit and indoctrination. Hence the importance of a template, I think any heart soul, with a hunger for knowledge would utilize; or their wisdom of heart will protect them up the bridge, despite other modes of mediumship and mystic ability scientology does not cover: communication with masters, angels etc.
Which makes me think he rubbished the chakral system, as that would involve the heart..
Doesn’t make scientology rubbish, just hard left. A necessary component to marry with hard right. Knowledge was, I believe supposed to be obtained, before we could properly partake again of the tree of life; though I’m recalling heart is primary somehow. But whether incarnated or in spirit, souls will obtain knowledge or education, before the fullness of love can be experienced and then partake of that fullness, the tree of life. Prior is just a reduced version of love/life
As far as cross bridge ramifications go.
Not that scientology doesn’t have a thin vaneer of love, or “having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof” (Bible).
Let me know what you think.
I think I’m pretty much done, I just needed to assimilate this new perspective.
I believe it helped me greatly. I feel I understand it much better.
I would like to hear any argument or sincere disagreeance, or just a response at least.
Dear Mike …. Imho God did whisper in your ear… that is why you and Leah are where you are, doing what you are doing…. he knows. He has blessed you with the ability to expose and help others. If you were just some Joe Schmo … w/o the connections (Leah) to expose all this … how do you explain… you were touched by God. Thank him. I can’t answer to the suffering you mention… but I know God had his plan (the “beatitudes” it’s a good read). We lost our 25 yr old son 17 mths ago…. our heart are shattered, but have my faith. Not preaching or trying to convert…. just know this schmo here sees from watching the program how obvious it is that God has touched you both for a reason! Continued Blessings… tell Leah …you can take the girl out of Brooklyn, can’t take the Brooklyn out the girl! She makes me miss home.
Thank you. This is written by our regular guest contributor Terra Cognita
Nothing controversial this week Terra. Most of the stuff you mention I mostly agree with as well and no, like you, I don’t believe in a God either, or rather that we (theta) are all “God”. But there is always an exception to such rules – Wynski! He is a true devil – haha!
That’s right Foolproof. But nobody ever gave a fuck about God in Scientology. This is all PR to look like a religion.
It’s not anything to do with tech. Scientology is not a religion and God that’s just fine otherwise I would have never been a Scientologist. The real subject of Scientology is auditing, not money or religion or what the hell.
Miscavige is lying all the way and is the most biggest ennemy of scientology.
And most of you guys don’t know shit about the suject
Only Miscavige is a liar? Hubbard wasn’t a compulsive liar as well? Come on, now. He lied incessantly about his accomplishments, his background, his wives, what the “tech” could deliver, and on and on and on.
“Most of you guys don’t know shit about the subject.”
There’s that arrogance. How charming.
I know all I need to know about $cientology, but thanks.
The list of “Liars” in Scientology is extremely long . . . XENU should fire up his DC-8 and take them all for a little one-way trip !
Xenu is not available. An additional punishment meted out to him was to watch continuous viewings of Battlefield Earth.
Oh, well, at least a firing squad is still a viable option . . .
Xenu told me in confidence that Ron framed him.
So, they weren’t really DC-8’s ? I was thinking, “Man what a great airliner . . . Capable of manned interstellar travel, before we even made it out of Earth orbit” . . . LOL !
Dave F.
They were souped up helicopters that had the ability to compress beings much like current MP3 technology which explains how they transported so many of them.
Hmm . . . I guess that “cloud storage” wasn’t around yet, in those days . . . LOL !
No but Hubbard had his head up there, or more probably up his ass.
I think two very important distinctions need to be made, by anyone who’s a seeker of truth regarding this subject. The first distinction is about the inherent difference between “evidence” and “proof”. Strictly speaking, evidence is about fact, while proof is about belief. There’s many sources of information in the world, which support the notion of an omnipotent Creator…especially the God described in the Bible. But if you’re unwilling to accept the facts and their implication on a personal level, you won’t find what you’re looking for. Despite some truly horrendous events in Scripture (most of which actually resulted from human disobedience), God is described as a Creator who will not force Himself on anyone. He presents the facts as they are, and encourages people to reason with Him…but receiving the salvation Jesus shed His blood to give us is ultimately our choice.
The second distinction has to do with doubt…or more specifically, “all doubt” versus “a reasonable doubt”. I will freely admit that I can’t prove, to you or anyone else, that any God exists beyond all doubt. If that’s what you want, you’re out of luck…and anyone who says they can remove all your doubts in this life is a liar. But there does come a point with regard to evidence, where you have to ask yourself whether its reasonable to continue in your unbelief, or accept the evidence you have and trust God with your doubts.
I was going through an extremely tough time several years ago, and just asked God out loud to give me something besides the Bible and my own feelings to rely on. I’d been raised in a very legalistic home, by people who treated the Bible as more of a weapon than anything else. To this day, reading it is very tough for me emotionally…but God still answered my prayer. Within a few hours, I stumbled across something called “Christian apologetics” on YouTube…and within days, I was hooked. Contrary to what the name may sound like, Christian apologetics does not involve saying you’re sorry for believing in Jesus. Rather, the name comes from the Latin word “apologia”, meaning an intellectual or even courtroom type of defense. There are several people who do this as a professional career, and have written books on it addressing various concerns. There’s far too many for a complete list, but here’s a couple of recommendations – I hope you are helped by what you find. God Bless You, and I don’t mean that glibly.
“I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist” – Norman Gesiler & Frank Turek
“The Case For Christ” – Lee Strobel
“Mere Christianity” – C.S. Lewis
I find your take to be concise and complete. I thank you for I was struggling with what to say myself. I am a firm believer in God. My daughter is all the proof I need. She was born blind and yet has sight, she had a congenital heart defect and yet her heart was surgically fixed and she’s doing great (she’s now 31) and her lungs were so scarred they expected her to be hospitalized at least 5 or 6 times by the time she was 2 but only was once. If God didn’t answer my prayers than I don’t know who did. All I have to do is look at the world around me to know my faith is not displaced.
Science can explain many things but not how all the right amounts of ‘stuff’ came together to make our world what it is – it’s impossible to create in a science lab and it was a one in a trillion shot. They are still searching for a reason for the perfect balance of matter and anti-matter when it should not exist. There are many things we can’t explain.
I value my faith and I’m grateful for it.
Wow, Celeste – that’s beyond amazing. Glory to God in full, for all His miracles. I was saved from a suicide attempt in 2002, with a literal vision where God showed me my own headstone. The details have faded over time, but I’ve never forgotten the impact He made on me with that gift. My Mom passed very suddenly from lung cancer, almost three years ago…and while I’ve thought about suicide a lot over that time, I just keep going back to Jesus and that vision.
Thanks Joshua. While it’s not an apologetics book, Bob Goff’s “Love Does” is another great book.
Once again, a very thought provoking article. But this has got to be one of the best yet. Personally, I believe in a Supreme Being, or God as they say. However, I am not a big/loud fan of organized religion, having been entrapped in Scientology for 37 years (until 5 years ago) and not having had a very good experience with the one I was born into prior to that. Although I am drawn to Lutheranism, mainly because it’s founder was courageous in the extreme, stood up and spoke out against corruption and created a more respectable path. Interestingly enough, most of my dearest friends just happen to be Lutheran and they are truly some of the most genuine people I have ever known. All in all, I respect others and grant them the right to believe what they want to believe as long as the don’t use their belief system to harm people, ISIS, a case in point, Scientology and their money-grabbing tactics, disconnection and libelous and slanderous actions, yet another. By all means, pray (or as they say in Scientology- “postulate”), but don’t prey. Better yet, since actions speak louder than words, let alone thoughts- Be Kind! Follow the Golden Rule and do don’t do unto others what you would not want done to you, if for no other reason- You tend to get what you put out, i.e. your “bad” eventually comes back at you and bites you in the arse, your “good”, at the very least, makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.
Nicely said Kay.
I like your comment. In other words, if at any time it doesn’t make you smile, question it and your involvement, suspecting always something invoked the breaking of that Golden Rule.
Very condensed wisdom there.
And so simple, that if someone is in need of hearing it, It’s too late.
“The thing is, God’s not real communicative. At least not with me.” Perhaps you’re not listening, Terra.
I happen to think that Terra IS doing God’s work. At least the God that I believe in.
One thing that stuck with me from Scientology co-auditing in the academy is the duality of reality: Objective and Subjective. Materiality is objective, and Spirituality is subjective. God is a spiritual experience that is subjective to the individual. As Einstein proved, the universe is relativistic. Therefore, the objective and subjective experience is relative to the observer. God is the unifying force, the One, the spark of life in all life and material (life force); thus this is why LRH called it the Infinity as the main aspect to describe God. So to answer your question, God is a subjective experience relative to your conscious experience and relative interaction with objective reality (physical universe stuff). Interestingly, LRH made few direct references to God in the written form, more in the lectures, but overall very few.
Unfortunately, scientists, atheists, and other materialists will scoff at this subjective relative view of God and existence because its not provable in Objectivity (hence Subjective!).
LRH didn’t have to be proven because he was considered Source. On the other hand, I know that I can’t prove this to you and I don’t claim to be the authority. All I can say is that reality is much more complex than most know, being subjective you have to experience it, and spiritual growth allows one to eventually gain wisdom about God. So based on what I said, it’s up to each individual to figure it out; here’s a reflective duality on the nature of God to contemplate: You reject God | God rejects you
Please, Keep talking on subject you really understand…. it makes more sense. I am almost surprised your comments were accepted in this blog. Can we start now argue int this blog if buddhism is closer to the truth than christianity, or if Jesus was in human love with Mary Magdelena or if the pope realy belief in all the dogmas, or if the God of Muslim is the real God? May be I am wrong, but I don’t think that is the purpose of this blog! You asked at he end: ” Does God exist? You tell me” … I do not know for you or for Ron… but I can say a real profound, and vital YES for me…!
I think that is one of the problems today. Instead of arguing over particulars, dogmas and doctrines created by man, maybe we just need to let some of it go and accept that there is Something Greater. Someone who loves all of us because we all were created in His image. Someone who loves us all no matter what color, ideology or sexuality because we were all created in His image. Maybe if we just let some of the man made things go, the things that set limits on God and each other, and just accept that we are loved the world might be a much kinder, softer more compassionate place.
Just think what would happen if all religions focused on what we have in common instead of what is different….
Or her image. Or! His and her images.
Terra-first off- you do not need an organized religion to have God in your life. Secondly- He isn’t going to sit down and talk to you but He does talk to you. Yes there is suffering and struggle and evil in the world. Yes bad things happen to good people. None of that means there is no God. When you sit in the golden silence of a Spring morning and suddenly get that…feeling in your chest. That is God. Prayer doesn’t have to be words. One can just BE in His presence. Sitting at your kitchen table, unable to sleep because something is weighing you down, you can just say “here it all is, God. Now what?” Then be silent. The answer doesn’t come in a memo or email. You may not think it came at all. But then you look back and are amazed at how you made it through such a terrible experience. Was it all you? Or is it just conceivable that you may have had some help? God is in the silence. “Be still and know that I Am God”. Scientology is not a religion because it is nothing but chaos. Were there is peace there is God. Have you ever found yourself at a crossroad and struggled with what choice to make? Once you finally made your decision did you feel at peace about it? That is God in your life telling you that you are on the right road. That He is with you as you walk your path. The thing about having a spiritual relationship is that you have to have faith. You have to understand that there are just going to be some things that you don’t understand but you go on anyway. Faith and trust go hand in hand and Scientology actively works to undermine both. You’ve been taught that YOU, the individual, is the center of your universe. That YOU and Scientology are the only hope for mankind. This is hubris of epic proportions. God is the pilot and we are the co-pilots. The only hope for mankind is God. At this point there is so much darkness and evil in the world because people have turned (or have been turned) against God. He IS there. In your life. I swear it. The next time you are alone. Be it in your car or at your kitchen table be still. Try and put all your thoughts and worries aside for a moment and find a quiet space in your mind. Then just say “God? I’m here. Now what?” For just that one moment put all the Scientology programming away. Allow yourself to believe that there just may be Someone greater in your life who has been helping you along the way. Just…call Him. It doesn’t take candles and incense or a rosary or an e-meter. He’s there. Just waiting for you to reach out. Try it. What do you have to lose? Scientology is noise and busyness, chaos and confusion. It breaks down families and any loving relationship. God is peace and stillness. He is Love. Just reach out and talk to Him, terra. He already knows everything in your heart so just put it out there. Let Him help heal those places Scientology has damaged.
Thank you. I have done all that and found that I am God. All the years looking everywhere but within were fruitless. Once I looked inward I found the truth, the real truth. So, so simple too.
Couldn’t have said it better myself! If one accepts that mankind is NOT the driving force of the universe (and this is where LRH totally missed the boat of reality), then belief in a larger, stronger force (God, gods) becomes part of their reality. Azhlynne, that is where you so accurately described ‘God’. In the quiet moments, in the resolution to problems/situations where we come through, and not always in the way we thought we would, but came through just the same and with peace in our hearts. I’ve said all this badly, but I think you know what I mean. Thank you for your post.
I don’t know if he truly believed in a god but it’s pretty obvious he wanted to be one. He was well versed in magick, hypnotism and fantasy. These were the tools he selected to rid himself of his woes. Through self belief and delusion. From Babalon, the Affirmations, all the way up to OT8.0. He was a god as long as he believed he was. If others believed he was too, even better.
DEAR T, Just let me say one thing………You won’t find ANY Atheists on a burning Aircraft – been there-done that!
Except me. I was on a C130 military aircraft in Vietnam that was crashing and God never crossed my mind. I was more concerned with the availability of the life jackets and how to exit a the plane… ?
Thank you both for your service.
It is Sunday morning here in Saigon so a good time to post my thoughts on God. I think of God as a universal consciousness and a state of timelessness and ultimate bliss. Your life is a gift from God and when you die you return to God. It’s too bad we don’t remember our first breath because that is the ultimate moment of joy in life. And then we just forget it. But every breath we take is a prayer. Likewise every problem is a gift from God. I see no problem with the concept of a supreme Being to focus the mind. We are beings with finite minds trying to comprehend the infinite.
I came to much the same conclusion. Sure puts a lot of love in my life.
If there was a god, why would you even be on a burning airplane ?
Because we are a flawed people with free will. We all make our own choices and sometimes, some of them (like Scientology) are the wrong choices and they affect other people. We are not living in heaven. We all have choices. If there was already perfection, already nothing bad in the world then what would be the point of free will? We would all already be perfect and doing the right thing. We each must choose. Good or evil. Our choices when everything is going great are pretty easy. The real trial is when things are bad. How then do we choose? Would there be a purpose in living if everything was perfect? If there was no free will? God exists. He loves us no matter what. Even if we don’t believe in Him, He believes in us. That is why every day we live is a second chance to try. That is all we can do. Try.
Thank you – my feelings exactly
Deb, what in the definition of the term god (a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.) makes you believe that you couldn’t be in a burning airplane if one existed?
Nowhere else to put this, so here’s a late comment. Robert Sawyer wrote a fascinating book entitled ‘Calculating God’. In it an atheist scientist loves his church-going wife and adopted 6-year-old son. They love him, too. He has only a year to live because of terminal lung cancer, despite never having smoked. Near the end, the wife and child return home early from somewhere to find him on his knees on the living room carpet, attempting to pray for his first time since his childhood. Shocked at being caught praying, he jumps up and exclaims ‘Found it!’ as if he was on his knees on the carpet looking for something. OK, right.
This is science fiction, so two friendly alien races show up on Earth right after the scientist’s cancer diagnosis. One of them selects the scientist as his sole human contact. They become friends. Guess what – both alien races believe in God the Creator. More than that, they are convinced they have scientific evidence of the existence of God, so much that they think any intelligent beings would believe in God also.
They put forth their scientific evidence of God the Creator to the human scientist every chance they get. He acknowledges that some facts well known to human science point to an Intelligent Creator, but he is not swayed yet, partly because even the aliens die from cancer, and they have no cure for his cancer despite their advanced medical science.
The human scientist is dying of cancer; he’s sad to leave his wife and young child behind; he can’t accept that a loving God would allow him to die from cancer; and he can’t accept that there is a real God the Creator. But one day, as he is dying, he sees something: not the cancer cure he selfishly wants for himself, but something much more than that…
Well, I won’t give away the last pages.
The scientist and the aliens all experience a wonderful peripety, a word I haven’t used since college.
‘Calculating God’ by Robert Sawyer is a fine book, an instant classic of science fiction, well worth a read.