I wonder if these people ever READ the quotes they put out.
“…this need for status and self-esteem evaporates in the presence of real knowledge…”
If someone can point to a group of individuals that is more obsessed with status (to bestow “self-esteem”) than scientologists I would be very surprised.
In scientology, status is everything.
“OMG, he is an OT VIII” (bow down and kiss the ground he walks on), “she is a Class VIII auditor” (she knows the answers to handling EVERYTHING in life), “they are triple coated silver humanitarian maximillionasses” (the true big men on campus) — and a thousand variations of this.
The number of certificates you have to hang on the wall and the number of gaudy pins on your lapel and glorified IAS bowling trophies you have on your mantelpiece are the ONLY thing you are judged by in scientology.
I guess the “knowledge” is really lacking — for if it was present, according to L. Ron Hubbard, this need for status would not exist.
“this need for status and self-esteem evaporates in the presence of real knowledge”
Nice to see and LRH quote in here.
This quote shows that the group run by David Miscaviage has little to do with LRH’s technology and a lot to do with smoked salmon DM eats.
If a creature like him does eat.
Scientologists should remember what LRH said in his lecture of December 27th 1951: ‘Somebody walks down the street in a Southern town and he says, “White girl, big black buck,” so on and so on. You know, he’s emotional – rrrrrrrr. All of a sudden, the whole town – birrrhirrr, all of a sudden.’ There’s a great deal of sense in that, isn’t there? Only Ron could put it in words.
Explains why Tom Cruise made all those weird noises during that weird interview that wogs weren’t supposed to see.
Yes Mary – look how Ron attacks
Ron hates
He is under Hubbard’s spell and is bat shit crazy!
I see below that Ron Howarth is sorting all you lot out into your correct categories so I will take a rest for a while! Haha!
You are mistaken. Status is not the name of the game. The game is total freedom>
If you believe that then you’re as dumb as he.
I just love how FP thought the other fanatic would agree with him. Oops. Lol…
cool post Mike,
we all thought we had status of clear and OT. And every step on the Bridge.
Turns out not to be true, just a pipe dream, just sublime.
LRH wanted to be remembered.
LRH will be remembered, as a liar and an all around piece of excrement,
Yes. Now that LRH’s true nature has been revealed to the universe, his legacy is forever tarnished. This isn’t any SP conspiracy or religious bigotry. The facts have been laid bare.
And if LRH is that bad, imagine what Miscavige’s legacy will be? Universally despised and loathed by all that is good in the world, his memory, albeit only a footnote in history, might even be worse than LRH.
Unfortunately, Hubbard and Scientology cultivate a sense of false knowledge (and competence) and self esteem, which sometimes has superficial short-term advantages, but is ultimately harmful if not even dangerous. I’m starting to refer to Scientology as the Dunning-Kruger ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect ) cult, because it seems increasingly to attract and retain people with sub-par abilities but irrational confidence (and “certainty”).
“In a new study, researchers investigated overprecision — excessive confidence in the accuracy of beliefs. Such overconfidence can lead to, among other things, overvaluing investments, inaccurate diagnosis by physicians and an intolerance of dissenting views.”
“Confidence is an essential ingredient of success in a wide range of domains ranging from job performance and mental health to sports, business and combat. Some authors have suggested that not just confidence but overconfidence—believing you are better than you are in reality—is advantageous because it serves to increase ambition, morale, resolve, persistence or the credibility of bluffing, generating a self-fulfilling prophecy in which exaggerated confidence actually increases the probability of success. However, overconfidence also leads to faulty assessments, unrealistic expectations and hazardous decisions, so it remains a puzzle how such a false belief could evolve or remain stable in a population of competing strategies that include accurate, unbiased beliefs.”
L Ron was a self deluded wind bag and David Miscavige is a narsacistic psychopath. Look at how many lives they have utterly destroyed with their lies. Yes Scientology is just one BIG lie. They have no love for each other. These people walk around in fear snitching on each other like their in kindergarten because if they don’t they too will be in trouble. That’s not helping someone that’s called terrorizing someone!!!
I once wrote on my blog;
Describing L. Ron Hubbard as a lying piece of excrement isn’t insulting him, it’s describing him. Actually describing Hubbard as a piece of excrement is insulting excrement.
More people outside of the Church of Scientology know about the Xenu incident than people within it.
Are L. Ron Hubbard and David Miscavige Enemies of Mankind? Yes. (I’m an Objectivist, I look at all religions without exceptions as nonsense, live with it.)
We would be doing the Church of Scientology a favor by placing David Miscavige in prison.
You just described my thoughts about the cult to a Tee, otheries!
We live on a prison planet….Can’t get off…. Don’t know how we got here.
L. Ron Hubbard cleared the way for anyone to look and find out by making the breakthrough that you ungrateful deads in the head so criticize. There is an answer waiting to be found….untruthful seekers. LOL
May you not be amongst the last to get on the road to total freedom.
Lucky Ron
LRH Cleared the way to make himself millions at the expense of others. That was his only goal. Sorry you have been mugged and don’t even realize it….
Hey Lucky,
Let me clue you in. You are the last guy. The rest of us are all gone. You are mocking the whole thing up all by yourself. Have a nice eternity, all by yourself, BTs, and Clusters.
“May you not be amongst the last to get on the road to total freedom.”
Now that’s funny! In case you didn’t realize, “the last” is pretty much every single person on Earth.
I’m sure you believe $cientology’s claims about having “millions” of members. But here’s the actual truth: according to their own enrollment documents within the last decade, $ci now has less than 20,000 members worldwide.
If the “tech” is so spectacular, why are the orgs empty, except for a few staff and a handful of people on course? Why aren’t people breaking the doors down?
And, “prison planet”?? Oh, for Xenu’s sake…
There is a more significant quote from the Study Tapes, I believe it was from the lecture on “Duplication”. I have long since sold mine, but to paraphrase, it was something like: If you wanted to use Scientology to create a slave society, all you have to do is sell mostly auditing instead of mostly training.”
From my experiences in Scientology, it is as though someone or many someone’s read that and said, “Wow!!! Let’s do that !!!” instead of recognizing it as a cautionary tale. Think about it. Everyone who became and auditor, instructor, clear or OT had to read and study that excerpt. To date, I don’t know a single other Scientologist who recognized that as a primary cause of the degradation of Scientology.
Yes, indeed it is indicative of people who crave “importance” and “recognition” to desire “slaves” worshipping them. There is no more degraded state of being as the person who needs accolades is completely other-determined.
Best to all
Been thinking back to my teen years ( a log long time ago in a small town far far away) and that it’s not out of the question that I very well could have been lured in to scientology. Never went to Woodstock, because the opportunity never presented itself, but I was rebellious enough that I would have.
I think I would have been a pretty good scientologist too because I would have probably jumped at what was presented as such a great cause. Saving the planet and all of mankind. How amazing would that be. Fortunately, just like going to Woodstock, the opportunity never presented itself.
Anywho…life took a different path with self-created twist and turns, but that’s a whole other really boring story.
I never gave much of a shit about saving mankind, but looking back on how I was as a teen/twenty, I think that the prospect of hanging around a lot of cute guys love-bombing me would have been enough to lure me in the door. I like to think that my bullshit-o-meter would have pinged loudly though before I got sucked too far in. Thankfully, I will never know.
Right Miss Q, the cute guys could have been a lure too 🙂
Peggy L – I would have gone to Woodstock but by Saturday morning the New York State Thruway was closed due to the traffic heading to Nasgar’s farm. Instead I started hitchhiking to California because I wanted to learn how to surf. Either way, Woodstock or California I would have landed in scn. I had lived in NYC for a year around 1971 where someone had handed me a pamphlet about scn which intrigued me. Three or four years later I was living in Salt Lake City which is as far as I had gotten on my trek toward California and got rather bored doing my wog thing so I walked into the SLC scn mission and signed up.
Richard is seems like you were not afraid of adventure! Hitchhiking to California from New York, Wow. Not something a lot of people would take on.
Hope you have found yourself in a good place now.
Hitchhiking wasn’t too difficult in the early 1970’s. People were more trusting and if you had long hair (and wore bell bottoms – haha) the hippies would usually stop and make room for you in the car or Volkswagon bus.
Hitchhiking is another interesting reminder of how different the social environment was during Scientology’s heyday – and how much it has changed. I think it is those external changes, more than anything internal, that doomed Scientology to decline after the 1960s, just as it was the death knoll for other movements of the era from The Process (as Scientology offshoot) to Jesus Freaks.
I was thinking about this the other day, and pinball parlors and video arcades are another example of a business model that once tapped in to the mass youth culture of that era, extending into the 1980s through adaptation, but which then collapsed, never to recover. Scientology, its orgs and missions faced similar challenges – and just as console and computer games allowed people to play at home without a middleman charging per game, so the spread of pursuits like meditation, psychotherapy and yoga provided “seekers” with more flexible and less demanding ways to address their mental and spiritual needs and aspirations.
So right PeaceMaker. I appreciate the way you put that all together.
Well, I had the long hair but liked blue jeans. Maybe I still could have caught rides though. Forgot to ask you, did you ever get to learn how to surf?
I didn’t learn how to surf but I did some body surfing at a place called “The Wedge”. Surfer Dude is familiar with it. The ocean waves reflect off a jetty and produce an eight or ten foot high triangle shaped wave at the beach. During offshore storms the wave could be over twenty feet high. Body surfing that wave was for the crazies, not me.
Yep, that’s the social merry go round of Scientology. It’s not so merry in the bubble I can tell you.
Stupid people Scientologists, their ability to do is measured in… ??? – shit, I don’t know! It takes the term status and worships it along with disconnection. Who needs family anyway, when you’ve got COB to salivate over. Oh! They haven’t realized Hubbard is long dead and gone but they believe his return is eminent. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so seriously degrading for family and friends who believe that shit.
Mike Rinder and Leah Rimini are both bigots to say nothing as to Leah’s sexual irregularities. Birds of a feather……..
I guess the answer to my earlier question is now clear. A troll.
Troll? Are you not a Bigot and are you not in violation to our constitution as to the intention of our countries founders by defaming your previous religion.
Now it’s pretty clear you are a troll.
Such a bizarre interpretation of the Constitution only intended to get people upset and responding I assume.
Commenters please ignore this effort to provoke outrage with foolishness.
Ignorance is bliss as you would request readers to ignor a comment to your blog?
Freedom of religion is freedom of religion. Why the name calling.
Just what is your definition of a troll as you call me? I thought you wanted comments to get at the truth but you attempt to insult me.
I understand and consider the source of where the sooth you speak comes from as I know who your are and what you are doing.
Get a life, Mike. Work on yourself before you defame others or as the scriptures state “tale the log out of your own eye before you attempt to remove a splinter from someone else eye”.
It is simply not logical that you make others wrong in an effort to make yourself right. Such serves to make it appear to some that you are a freedom fighter when the bottom line is you are making others wrong based on serious distortions of the real and true picture. You are using partial truths and omissions to twist the truth.
To quote the late George Orwell, “Omission is the greatest form of lie or sin.”
Readers please consider specifics when determine just what is what. Opinions are just what thy are. When someone says something often and long enough opinions tend to get believed even though they may not be based on facts.
Blasphemy is what Mike Rinder and his co conspirator do in their irreverent contemptuous actions against God and the dynamics of life.
Here is the definition in Wikipedia:
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll’s amusement or a specific gain.
Calling you a troll is neither name-calling nor blasphemy.
You are a classic troll. You belong posting on some pro-scientology blog. Your silliness about the Constitution is not going to find any agreement here. Nor is calling me a bigot or blasphemer or con-conspirator (with a “sex pervert”??)
Now go back under the bridge (to Total Freedom) where you came from.
Mike the definition of Troll kinda fits the bill as to what you are,
How do you figure?
Ron, First Amendment, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
There are no rights granted by the Constitution nor the government.
Read the Declaration of Independence, “”We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, …”
Student Hat didn’t seem to work. You should go back and find your mus.
There is a Ron Howarth in the scientology completions database. Can’t link now however as that site has a technical problem now.
Alos https://umbraxenu.no-ip.biz/mediawiki/index.php/Category:Ron_Howarth
I didn’t see much accomplishment there for Lucky.
I did find this, however, “The treatment, called ‘purification rundown’, is one of the first steps Scientologists take upon joining the church.
Church members tout the rundown as a purifying routine that enables people to kick drug abuse and “think more clearly and have more energy.”
Some physicians, and a former Scientologist interviewed by the Times, call it dangerous and ineffective.
At a recent informational session, the owners of Pure Health on W Main Street told visitors that the rundown could avert the need for cardiac bypass surgery, treat kidney failure and alleviate eye problems.
Now, he does claim he read the Dianetics book which he tried and claimed that it worked, whatever the fuck that means.
He does quote a lot from what others say or write so, evidently, he has no thoughts of his own. Probably has too many BTs and Clusters 8-Cing his ass around town.
Hey Mike,
Thanks for putting up with the replies to Ron the “lucky” one.
I completely understand why you prefer we didn’t reply to him, but he obviously needs a serious wake up call. Not that I’m holding my breath that he’ll come around.
Ron, sounds like you haven’t even read the Constitution, the purpose of which is to restrict the power of government. You’re old enough to have studied the Constitution or maybe you’re so old you forgot.
Ron Howarth, The Way To Happiness dude, is a fine example how great scientology improves character.
Do I know you? I think not but I do know what you are doing?
Did you know that Scientology is completely make believe?
Whenever someone starts citing The Constitution in an attempt to stymie someone else’s free speech, I can be fairly sure they have never actually read the First Amendment. I have read it. In fact, I memorized it for a history class. And “a person must not defame his previous religion” isn’t in there. Anywhere. In fact, the rights guaranteed therein are pretty much the exact opposite of that.
Miss Q,
What happened to common sense? I refer you to Thomas Paine.
You are right. Miss Q should you literally interpret the constitution. I just happen have a copy of The Constitution of the United States right here. “Amendment One says and I quote, “congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or prohibiting the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceful to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
There is such a thing as right and wrong conduct. It is right to defame religion as we are a people unique to history with that freedom of religion?
I what is being said my Mike, Leah, and others conducive to “a peaceful assembly” of the people in accordance with the first amendment?
In the light that congress, our leaders, shall not prohibit the free exercise of religion his is it that such blasphemy come from anyone.
“There its so much good in the best of us and so much bad in the worst of us it hardly behooves any of us to speak about the rest of us.” Robert Lewis Stevenson.
I seek peace and wish you peace.
Very truly yours,
Ron Howarth
Miss Q,
You are right about the constitution and I applaud that you have memorized our constitution.
I trust that you understand the effect of blasphemy even though there may be no law governing anyones “freedom of speech”!
I encourage common sense.
Sincerely yours,
Lucky Ron
Miss Q,
What’s in the constitution or not is the issue?
Blasphemy is simply not acceptable conduct?
The opioid epidemic is upon our nation.
The technology L. Ron Hubbard developed if applied is our weapon.
United we stand……divided we fall.
Lucky Ron
Freedom of speech is what allows people to speak out against injustices. Do you believe that the people who have been molested by Catholic priests should just stay quiet about it because of blasphemy?
Many, if not most, people who post on this blog have experienced injustice at the hands of scientology. They have a right to speak out about it. It sounds as though you have not experienced injustice from scientology. Your point of view is valid, and so is theirs. The exchange of those points of view IS free speech.
Ron, your comments sound as though you are splattered all over the universe. Incoherent for sure.
Its all in a state of mind.
Ron – you need to apply the science of knowing how to know to your own “religion” – Scientology. Do a survey and find out how many Scientologists filed bankruptcy, how many divorced, how many died of cancer, how many committed suicide, had psychotic breaks. Start looking for the truth. It will set you free. If you are not clear – you are mocking up your own reactive mind but can stop it and control it. Your body thetans and clusters must be audited off and then make sure they caused your problems and not you.
Hope I saved you some money. ML
Really Ron? How many fingers am I holding up?
LOL! Killin’ me.
I’m sure Ron will say something utterly predictable like, “Well, I could tell you but I don’t do parlor tricks”.
Every fanatical $cientologist uses the same tired excuse (or some version thereof) so they don’t have to admit to not actually having any super duper powers.
Very sorry for you and your current delusions Ron Howarth. I hope you keep reading here, and maybe something will sink in for you before you waste your whole life. It takes a lot of courage to see the truth. Please…keep looking.
To: Castell-Blance Lynda A, I seek not your apology for the “delusions” you proport are mine. Does not truth lie within or was Buddha mistaken?
I personally used the technology of Scientology in 1970 to get off drugs, turn my life around from the directionI I was headed, & became a productive citizen.
Energy spent on curbing drug abuse is a worthwhile endeavor of which I have contributed considerably. And our President desires a solution the opioid epidemic. Know anyone who wants to get out of that trap?
I am willing and can assist anyone with getting onto a drug free life of sanity.
I have studied the technology and apply it in life although I have not attended services at the Church since 2002.
May I ask why you haven’t attended services in so long? Genuinely curious, as you seem to be a staunch defender/adherent.
Miss Q,
I was declared partially due to Mike Rinder’s false reports concerning a detox center I was opening when Mike Rinder was a staff member with the church. He was subsequently found to be a suppressive person and an enemy or the church. He had been an executive for many years in charge of one of the divisions of the Scientology at the religious retreat in Clearwater, Florida. Needless to say there are numerous others that he did wrong by when working as a staff member and as is evident with the distorted information has been promoting after he was kicked out.
Have you ever done a course of read a book?
Lucky Ron
Hey Lucky,
So it was an illegal declare. So now you’re back in good standing with the church except you haven’t been back in 16 years.
You called it a Detox center hiding the fact it was scientology which was sufficient to earn your declare for being a squirrel.
Damn! a poster boy example of why I got in and strayed so long in Scientology.
Let’s not make the mistake of underestimating what was actually the driving engine that got us all enthralled at one time or another. We obviously did. Because it is at the root of the scion bubblists we are gasping about:
Elron displayed such goddamn flair and in-touch-with-humanity feel in writing up wisdom. You just felt it came from having messed around and rubbed elbows with you and a million others. Just loved it!
And, no, I DON’T feel ashamed to say that. Because it is what it is, and it was what it was. It’s the great paradox with his despicable actions and policies, but maybe that is an outcome of the reality of schizophrenic personalities.
This little quote Mike relays to us via the South Coast Mission ED (folks, she is just you and me thirty years ago) is a gem. You go anywhere in the world and people will nod and agree. It will ring so true because people know this already. Whether it was through one’s own achievement of competence or admiring other’s demonstration of competence, or whether it was seeing a status/PR boy or girl get away with incompetence, getting you to roll your eyes or making jokes with your buddies. If not cringing with impatience and resentment at having to clean up the mess.
Note how it has this ‘”Dude, it’s all good” breadth but raises the level up a ladder of concepts in just a few simple sentences to the final conclusion which probably came out of the mouths of billions of people before!
So why does it still read so wise in spite of the pitiful background we know about? Not a rhetorical question . . .
In the limited lectures I’ve heard and seen on video, he had a flair for gab and sounded like he was in touch with everything. And he could tell/sell a story. I can see why people felt like he was their friend. He was a good snake oil salesman. Give him an audience and he could talk.
I understand that you and I have been betrayed in the past but just because there has been betrayal what have you sunk your teeth into in determining that L. Ron Hubbard is a “snake oil salesman”?
You are right in that L. Ron Hubbard was and is an excellent communicator as he left us with his legacy.
The result of Communication with reality and affinity is understanding.
I appreciate your creativity. “The greatest joy there is in life is creating. Splurge on it.” LRH
Sincerely yours,
Lucky Ron
Sortingitout – Great comment. Hubbard studied rhetoric as a means of persuasion and became a master at it. He studied Belles-lettres, Gustov Le Bon’s crowd psychology and became a master hypnotist so he was ready to roll with his subject.
The question remains whether he ever believed he had the answers to salvaging civilization or was only ever interested in money, power and fame. Many people from all walks of life collaborated with him in the 1960’s at Saint Hill Manor in England. They thought he might be onto something.
Richard, You are so right. Hubbard was onto something and he left us with his legacy. Lucky Ron
Hubbard was certainly “onto something”….
He was onto people’s money, desperately trying to gain power and fame, trying to control members through fear and threats, Fair Game, mind control, disconnection, and declaring members “SP’s” so they couldn’t talk to other members about their horrid and abusive experiences.
For six or seven years in the 1970’s I believed that scn had all the answers to everything. I had unknowingly adopted a fundamentalist position.
One time when I was living in Los Angeles I decided to chat with a Hare Krishna who was marching around on a sidewalk and see if I could “talk some sense into him”. He was somewhat familiar with scn. After some conversation he said, “Philosophy without God is empty.” I had no answer for that and after a bit more conversation we wished each other well and went on our way.
I used to be proud that I was not “status hungry” and thought that I had “no status buttons”.
But of course, when I came to my senses and began stripping away scn, its jargon, and mind control tech… I also discovered the layers and layers of “status” and “Identity” that I had derived from scientology.
The statuses gained through the years acted upon me in important ways – you don’t actually get the ability you were promised through all the writings, but you have the label that you then live up to, or try to….
“I’m staff, staff don’t have a case”
I’m clear…act like it….
I’m OT….. act like it……
I’m out and I act like it. Everyday!
And at night?
Ah…now that’s a secret.
Especially at night 🙂
“…triple coated silver humanitarian maximillionasses.” That is HILARIOUS!!
Yeah, but, I got one of those! So there!
Bubble dwellers need status to make up for missing ACTUAL improvements.
My knowledge and self esteem are so high, I will now donate more money and move up in status.
Ouch. That sentence was hard to construct. How do they wrap their heads around the cognitive dissonance between communications? How did I do it? Thank goodness the switch flipped back to sane and I was able to see that if a and b are in direct conflict with each other, perhaps there is a problem.
When I was in New York City in the 1970-1980’s, I was invited to meet Hubbard in Queens where he was on the lamb. Thank God I refused to go because I think that I would have gotten sick.
Not likely. He was hiding under an assumed name with only 2 people that knew where he was.
At the New York Mission, the Registrar hit two of us to meet Hubbard’s crew and Hubbard for a special project. He was looking for free work. I declined. The other guy went and met with Hubbard’s crew and Hubbard in Queens. If two people knew where he was hiding, they blew it. This is typical Scientology – bad security. It was as bad as the Ethics where the Ethics officer was at the time trading sexual favors for a clear check sheet. The only alternative is that the guy who went was lying. Anyway I breathe a sigh of relief now at the close call. Something inside me made the correct decision. I knew Hubbard was looking for free labor.
It was your Super Powers that got you out. By walking out the door never to return!
You got that one right, Surfer Dude. The same thing happened after OT VIII. Like I knew this guy was screwed up. I figured out in the sixth grade how religion worked. This guy’s fingers would be sore from the whacks with the ruler.
Well, I guess this is how I know that Miscavige never went to Catholic school.
Those poor nuns would never have stood a chance!
What! A Scientologist lying… well I never…
Mike Rinder, I call you out at to WHY you put a thumbs down when Brenda Dyer was opening Pure Health detoxification center in New Port Richey, Florida. This was before you were found out and declared a suppressive person. I Know who your are and I know what you are doing! Lucky Ron
No idea who you are or what you are talking about. Got me mixed up with someone else? Or just a troll?
Well some of us know who Ron Howarth and Brenda Dyer are, their many addresses, the many names they used, their many phone numbers, their many failed businesses and when and where the both of them spent time together. So Ron, it’s not too smart to be critical of others for it exposes those things for which you are guilty.
Many generalities spoken denoting a suppressive character nhiding behind the name Peabody..
What specifics say you?
Well Ron, all of us who read Mikes blog everyday know who he is and what he is doing. And we are all so very happy and fortunate to be involved with such a truly honest, caring, compassionate and amazing human being. We thank him and all those working to expose the vile actions of human rights abuses that Scientology puts forth each and everyday.
@ george,
Loved your story.
Thanks also for cracking me up.
It’s “On the lam”, not “lamb”, george 🙂
Sorry to be a grammar nazi.
Thankful to be chuckling though, after the day I had today!
Hey Aqua —
I’m thankful to be chuckling too — mostly at Ron’s ludicrous, kool-aid-guzzling comments. After a stressful week at work last week, I needed a laugh, which the fanatical $cientologists never fail to provide.
I hear you, KINC (Hey that’s cool, no? “KINC”? Who knew? 🙂 )
Anyway, I hear you. There’s no shortage of stuff to cry about. We have to find something to truly laugh about at least once a day! Or else I’ll just have to pass a lighted match around the top of my desk, and when everything is reduced to fine charcoal colored ash, and you and I can just go on the lamb.
(Sorry george, I just can’t stop cracking up about this.. Possibly its not even funny at all and I’m just a woman on the verge – of something….hysteria, maybe? Whatever :))
One thing I noticed on my walk around FLAG/Clearwater/Twilight Zone…..the Sea Org members all were dressed the same….blue uniforms…Exactly like hotel/concierge staff. If you didn’t know anything about Clearwater….you’d have thought it was a Waitstaff Uniform Convention 2018. Looked redonkulous. ?
But….I do have a question….outside the public info center…there was a sign that said….”Come in and Earn Your Badge.” Mike….what does this mean? Was that to sucker me in or for other public Scientologists?
Keep Going……you have already helped so many!!
Maybe it’s a metaphorical and non existent Badge of Honor for contributing to a scn civilization or cleared planet or whatever. According to a recent comment by Rip Van Winkle, scn-ists are now being required to show a scn identification card for admission to events so they are now literally card carrying scn-ists.
OverTheBridgeTPA & Richard,
Suggest you read a book for understanding of what Scientology is? Best to know what you are talking about when you say “sucker you in”.
I understand that intros world it is rare that there is help out there.
I was helped and have prospered since 1970 when I did the communication course in Hawaii. I read “Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health” then too tried it and by golly it worked!
Lucky Ron
Ron – read Lawrence Brennan’s Affiavit
You are under the spell of L Con Hubbard’s delusion
The truth will set you free
Hubbard was a con
He duped you and you are making a fool of yourself because he hypnotized you with his tech
He was a criminal con man hiding from the law
He tried to commit suicide
He was a nut
Mike Rinder – thank you and Leah Remini for telling the truth about L Ron Hubbard and Scientology.
I lurked here for years and then watched your shows! VWD!
I finally did my own independent research and I set myself free and then freed others!
I did L Ron’s doubt formula
It worked and the truth set me free from his evil spell and lies!
Hi Ron, thanks for hopping by here.
Maybe checking out the following list will help you understand why so many people are very critical about Scientology.
What did you try, exactly? Did you have a name for the file clerk?
Hmm . . . “LRH” and “wisdom” . . . An Oxymoron !
I still think an Oxymoron is a stupid steer.
How do they even dig up these quotes? Do they have a searchable index of LRH’s sayings (must be a big database, cause he said a lot.)
When one has been indoctrinated for 4 decades it’s not so unbelievable to remember a lot of shit.
True that (to coin a phrase). I remember tons of crap from my own upbringing in a fundamentalist church.
I suggested a searchable database because I see so many quotes with a word related to the subject, but sometimes contradicting the subject or so far out of left field that it just makes no sense in context.
In practice, a searchable database is unlikely because it would mean giving digital copies out of a lot of material and Scientology doesn’t want to do that. It would hurt future sales.
Lron didn’t like fancy buildings either, but that didn’t stop Miscavige and no one that we know of tried to stop the fancy, smachy Idle mOrgs.
$cientology always was a self aggrandizing status confirming club of winy miscreants. I too have a bowling trophy, but for bowling, not throwing money away.
Right, zemoo! LRH also said that if an org had money problems they were to solve them by selling auditing and processing but the sheeple still throw away thousands of dollars to earn stupid trophies, gaudy lapel pins and inflated titles like Super Humongous Humanitarian Excalibur or whatever!
Ah, the stupidity.
Are you familiar with Saint Hill, the initial estate L. Ron Hubbard purchased early on in the Scientology beginnings? What is wrong with Scientology having established top notch churches with state of the art furnishings for its parishioners. Scientology needs more trained individuals to deliver this new technology to the able. In turn the able assist others to become more able.
Quit complaining…why not play the game where everyone wins.
Lucky Ron
Name one, who isn’t delusional.
“It doesn’t really, then, come down to a test of, ‘What does a person know?’ but it comes down to a test of ‘What can a person DO.'”
Do? This is what the church – it’s staff and it’s leader DOES.
– physical assaults
– puts people under 24/7 watch for long periods of time (false imprisonment)
– censors its public and staff
– threatens loss of family, friends, income and loved ones
– breaks up families
– creates bankruptcies
– pads auditing programs to get the most money
– divulges confidential material from auditing sessions to staff and public in order to humiliate or discredit
– outright lies or alters facts about one-time members on its websites
– holds members in rooms until they give money
– threatens members with denial of The Bridge/The Tech unless they give a certain amount of money
– lies about its own statistics and intentions in raising money for projects
– steals money off of credit cards without consent
– overboarding (at sea or in a lake or swimming pool)
– sleep deprivation
– humiliating or degrading tasks enforced on staff
and these DONES have been going on for a very long time.
So true. Scientology isn’t a religion, it is a gulag.
Thanks for making the world just a bit more dreary than it needs to be, LRH and Miscavige.
Truly. When one thinks of love, beauty, empathy, compassion, kindness – scientology is not what comes to mind. Hate, vindictiveness, retaliations, lies, deceit – now, there you go, that’s scientology.
Not much of the above was known to the rank and file scientologists in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Todays scientologist/miscavologists won’t read any of it.
Why do you think that is? There must be a reason they will not give you the time of day! Perhaps it is because there is a bigger game to play.
LRH says when you are in route to putting out a fire it serves little to pay attention cur dogs amongst the tires to the fire engine.
There happens to be a major opioid epidemic on this planet. The technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard can curb that epidemic should it be applied. Perhaps you will avail yourself to being part of the team that can do something about that.
Lucky Ron
Lucky, so what are you doing here?
Bestowing his spectacular wisdom on us all… with embarrassment.
Thanks, I missed that.
If you believe for one second that Hubbard’s quack, pseudoscientific nonsense about taking overdoses of vitamins, sitting in saunas, and studying his so-called “tech” actually gets an addict off drugs or alcohol, then you clearly have no idea about the fundamentals of drug addiction/alcoholism or proper treatments, detox processes and long-term care.
If you had the balls to research ACTUAL studies on the subject, rather than blindly believe what $cientology has told you, you’d know.
Narconon always claims some ridiculous success rate — like 90% (give or take). Aside from the fact that their “treatment” has been debunked by actual specialists, they never seem to be able to prove their claims…as per usual.
Please show proof of Narconon’s success rate and efficacy in treating drug/alcohol addiction. And no, I don’t mean by providing links to what $cientology claims — I mean proof by outside parties who have no personal gain or interest in the matter.
We’ll wait with baited breath, no doubt.
I am walking proof. I am alive. My associates who were caught up in the hippie syndrome are mostly dead due drug overdose. That also goes for Hendrix, Morrison, Joplin, Presley, & Jackson. Anyone you know who overdosed or is headed in that direction. The tech works bro.
Congratulations – whatever it was worked for you, which more likely than not had more to do with you and your determination, that with whatever you happened to be doing at the time.
Anecdotes don’t constitute any sort of proof. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young are all still alive – and so, perhaps improbably, is Keith Richards (of the Rolling Stones). Plenty of people will credit their sobriety and recovery to AA and/or God, Jesus or the Mother Mary, Allah or the Ashvins (Hinduism), and so on.
It takes actual science to determine whether or not something actually works consistently, or any better (or worse) than anything else. Scientology has nothing to do with that.
Scientology does not owe you. If you choose to avail yourself to this technology you are welcome.
I never said $cientology “owes” me.
If you’re referring to asking you to provide proof of Narconon’s success rate, proof that their quack “treatment” works…etc…well, then show us proof.
I would never “avaii” myself to the silly “tech” if you paid me a million dollars. I have no desire to become crazy and delusional.
As re the current opioid epidemic, do you believe that a lack of character caused it, a weakness of character, an inability to “say no”?
Would you say that the propensity to lose oneself in drugs or alcohol is due to the reactive mind?
Or do you believe the underlying causes are due to joblessness, lack of purpose, hopelessness, with public assistance and/orcrime as the only means of survival? I’d be interested in your opinion on this.
I was never into drugs at all or even alcohol but back in the day there were kids my age who had loving parents, comfortable homes and and bright futures who became alcoholics and drug addicts. Then again, some didn’t.
In your opinion, is the sole reason for addiction, the reactive mind?
Looking forward to your response if you catch this question.
Are you really looking to find out? I got into drugs due to lack of knowing understanding the side affects and peer pressure.
The reactive mind(unconscious mind) is not what what got me started.
My handle is Lucky Ron cause I am so fortunate to have applied the tech L. Ron Hubbard developed as by using it is was able to successfully reverse the dwindling spiral I was in.