Sometimes it is instructive to take these quotes at face value. Scientologists do. In fact they are required to do so. They even take them and regurgitate them as pearls of wisdom but apparently never stop to think about what they mean when applied to Hubbard or Scientology.
This is a classic example.
Hubbard himself couldn’t confront psychiatry? Governments? Marriage? He managed to be at shivering effect of all of these subjects and much more. Even BT’s. Yet in the eyes of scientologists he was perfect. A virtual God with enormous OT powers.
Reality is that he died of normal physical ailments after a considerable period of injury, alone in a motor home without family or friends, increasingly paranoid about his enemies, terrified of being served with a subpoena or confronted by the media. Just like David Miscavige.
Quotes such as these from Hubbard (for whom the irony was evidently completely lost on) serve perfectly to demonstrate the diabolical nature of the whole subject. Enough truth to keep adherents glued to it whilst any idea that the very author himself was incapable of applying so much of it was simply inconceivable. Or perhaps he was relying on this double bluff.
My favorite picture of that one man freak show L Ron Hubbard. Chain smoking, rotten nicotine stained teeth, bedraggled long stringy hair, unkempt, ill looking, bloated rubbery face, greasy sweaty look, rheumy eyes, 60 pound gut, clearly terminally constipated … a sociopathic, lying, conning, drug addicted, worthless POS.
Did I leave anything out?
Thanks GOD I am a NEVER IN person. If you’re still in GET OUT.
LOOK at that photo of your Dear Leader. And understand that was taken YEARS before he really went into a state of terminal decline.
Once upon a time I wore long hair and mutton chops but I’ve always been on the thin side. Some people who went through the hippy stage back in the sixties and seventies will remember people who stayed dirty and smelly. It kind of proved you were anti establishment. I had long hair and wore bellbottoms but wasn’t into being smelly.
The problem ist that he wanted spiritual freedom for himself and other people, but you only can want spiritual freedom for yourself and other people when you not have spiritual freedom and you can’t achieve spiritual freedom, you only can confront that you don’t have spiritual freedom and for that you can use the technique but the most people use it to achieve the goal of spiritual freedom and they never reach this status.
Hubbard did not want spiritual freedom for himself or anyone. He wanted to do what the fuck he wanted to do, which included using others as slaves and making hundreds of millions of dollars. See his affirmations:
Scientology was designed with the intention of manipulating, defrauding, degrading, and enslaving its adherents. There is nothing spiritual or ” freeing ” about it.
Mark, you always hit the nail on the head. Truth revealed per Mark, is the actual truth, as opposed to the Unicorn fantasy truth purported by Hubbs and The Savage one.
You don’t get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion. L. Ron Hubbard, 7 November 1948
Well, they obviously can’t confront critics so what does that tell us?
He developed a philosophy which had a methodology to it and at one time ran an organization that at one point might have had tens of thousands of participants.
Richard, it does not meet the rigorous definition of methodology, which means a system of investigation or inquiry – that might, for instance, lead someone to different findings or conclusions. What Hubbard developed were largely methods for indoctrinating his followers in his philosophy and beliefs, and for applying thought reform to anyone who wavered, varied, or came to different findings or conclusions.
AnonyMaker- Thank you for the correction. I wasn’t thinking about the difference between methods and method-ology. I agree that the overall intention was to bend everyone to Elron’s beliefs but people can and did get realizations of their own.
People who write books about cults note the extraordinary number of internal control mechanisms in scientology. Even so Hubbard had to ramp up the paramilitary Sea Organization to go out enforce control over the organization. I left in 1982 when things were still pretty lax, at least in my experience. Scientologists today seem to be rather religious about it.
Can’t confront marriage? Like LRH and his second wife he denied ever having on camera? Scientists were unable to get close enough to take a reading on their irony meters.
Thanks for all you do Mike!
If Miscavige wanted to be counted as having some level of credibility, he could do another hour long interview with an independent media outlet.
I guess this is one of the things those of us who were never in Scientology never understand — what did people see in Hubbard that made him seem worthy of being idolized? He was a failure at science fiction writing, he had no real professional achievements whatsoever, he’s obviously unable to kick addictions to unhealthy lifestyles. I guess it’s proof that in the days before the internet, you could create a persona that was much harder to shoot down that you could today.
So much hate! I wish you could see how many staff and public live in fear of attack because of the venom spread by this and other websites. There have been hundreds of threats against church members and facilities over just the past year, and the frequency has been escalating. I hope you get right with God, Mike Rinder. You have blood on your hands.
This problem (if true, but there is no actual evidence of it) is caused by the abuses of Scientology not the exposure of them.
Scientology loves to claim the reactions to their abuses are in fact them being victimized. This is like the rapist who blames their victim for screaming — that this resulted in him being caught — “women should just shut up”…
Exactly right!
If Scientology had clean hands there would be no whistle blowers, no huge field of ex-Scientologists and no disgust at the mere mention of it.
Excellent reply Mike.
Sometimes I get to wondering what would happen if you and Leah ever get someone from the scam to come on TV and debate with you.
Sometimes I fear the scam would have hundreds of people to chose from and they would conduct screen tests to find who was best able to handle that kind of situation and they would send the very best of their people.
But then you make a reply like that and restore my confidence. If that should ever happen (and it is highly doubtful it ever will) I hope you and Leah make mincemeat out of them.
Skyler, The church could put out the PERFECT communicator and it wouldn’t work for them because of the biggest problem the church has and that is with the truth. The public at large has a reasonable mind and anyone with two brain cells knows who’s lying.
Unfortunately, if they ever got a scientologist to come on TV for a debate, I figure the chosen scientologist would behave like that nut-ball Tommy Davis and just scream at them.
Dear S. Snow,
Detailed time, place, form, persons, and events please. Otherwise YOU are the hate mongrel spewing lies and rumors.
The “church” as you call it is actually a cult , there is a difference. A cult will not allow you to think for yourself, look at both sides and allow you to choose. A CHURCH would not keep its members inside a razor s harp barbed wire fence, monitor your everymove, phone call, read your letters both sending and receiving, hunt you down and drag yku back to this thing you call a “church “.
S. Snow (Is that you, Ed?),
What we hate are the abuses, and that’s what the public hates too.
The pain that the Church of Scientology inflicts on innocent people via Disconnection and Fair Game has had and will continue to have far-reaching, negative consequences.
Your PR sucks, S. Snow.
Too bad for you and your cult that all the dirty laundry is out for anyone to see – and smell.
Too bad for you and your cult that the internet and people like Mike Rinder and Leah Remini expose all your lies/
Too bad that your organization is fraudulent and criminal.
Too bad that millions of people don’t like you anymore because they know the truth.
Your Church of Scientology is toxic to the general public.
The blood is on your hands, S. Snow.
Confront that. Deal with that. Don’t whine to US. Have some pride.
But if you can’t stop whining, go write up your overts; you’ll fee more at peace with yourself.
S. Snow, it is the same fear murderers have when people make a fuss over their criminal insanity in action. The best way to avoid it is to stop murdering people. THEN others won’t be telling others about your evil deeds.
So, what lower condition are you working though at which Scamology organization?
S. Snow, Mike is right with God. Speaking of hate websites, I think the Church of Scientology is the heavyweight champion of the world. It appears you have been snowed by an avalanche of cult indoctrination.
“I hope you get right with God, Mike Rinder.”
From a legal standpoint, that could be interpreted as a threat.
“Get right with God”.
That’s how my fundamentalist, fire & brimstone, Born Again cousins talk, S. Snow.
So let me bat back to you some sound advice from Jesus Christ:
“How can you say, ‘Brother, let me take out the speck that is in your eye’, when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother’s eye.”
Hi Eddie! Its nice of you to pop over to the blog- did Miscavige give you one more chance to redeem yourself before you are locked in the hole or sentenced to hard labor?
Get right with god- hmm Eddie- could be construed as a direct threat….
Oh, look! The $cientologist came by to talk a lot of bullshit but can’t answer anyone’s replies because he/she CANNOT DEFEND THE INDEFENSIBLE.
To S. Snow:
I suggest that you reread “Source” for a primer on “hate ” regarding the hatred of and denigration of homosexuals, blacks, asians, women, children, non-scientologists, journalists, medical doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, bankers, members of intelligence services, ex-scientologists, critics of scientology, doubters of scientology, and lawyers and judges involved with the exposure and prosecution of scientology crimes, as well as the representation of and protection of the victims of those crimes.
“Hate” has always been a key component in scientology’s practices, beliefs, and organizational/ policy-driven criminality.
Let me take a stab at it: “So you see, from one end of the universe to the other, there is nothing confronting you but your own concept of yourself, and the only thing holding you back is your own self-policing to restrain yourself from the imagined destruction you would unleash should you exercise your native power. The solution is to take responsibility for your own life and then, when you are sufficiently up the line, to assist others out of the enormous trap all thetans are subject to in this sector of the universe.”
Scientology is exactly like living George Orwell’s 1984
Scary stuff
Nicely put Big Red. But there is one important difference.
The scam is infinitely worse because it is real.
True, the Church has taken years on end to create an image of LRH way higher and perfect than what he really was.
Office of LRH is the one that is dedicated to keep his image accepted, and to be treated with veneration.
All religions have their own icons and images that are sacred and revered. LRH himself felt as the ONLY ONE, the individual that had the answers, the Messiah and he demanded full obedience.
Narcissism and paranoia together create this type of behavior and the Office of LRH has tried to keep him at a level of someone that deserves idolatry.
This propitiates the creation and continuation of a cult where the blind followers accept whatever they are told by LRH or his ‘messengers.’
Regarding NXIVM
I’ve been following the NXIVM case in detail, and among other things, it provides interesting examples of how a leader or guru manipulated principles like “confront” to get individuals to turn in on themselves. They were continually pushed to find fault with themselves – but never of course the organization or its leader – in a very similar way to what Scientology does systemically with sec-checks and other mechanisms.
Obey without question as is the norm with certain strict super religious sect where the male is the supreme head of the household & women are to be subservient & obedient to his whims.
They must & should be available for sex 24/7 whether they “want it” or not. They are also forbidden to use birth control & are forbidden to work outside the home where others may influence their thoughts. Education is also limited to (as in COS) THEIR way & are forbidden to read materials outside the realm of their belief
I thank Mike for putting this up on the website since many have an interest in Allison Mack.
It often seemed that he was talking about himself and his own ‘case’.
This particular quote is a good example. It’s also a reflection of his madness in that he could recognize a problem in his persona but could never apply the solution to himself.
I’ve thought that so many times!
His highest area of confront was in creating and running a con. He could almost confront being the criminal he was.
Wouldn’t that be amazing if the church of scientology’s staff, david miscavige, and every scientologist read and applied those words. The church of scientology gives lip service to many of its lofty principles. Lip service. That’s all. It’s “tech” has been weaponized and used to keep its members in line.
I particularly enjoy the “confronting and shattering” style of handling evil people that scientologists like to employ these days by running away or maybe by asking some picketing SP, “What are your crimes?” when the truth of the matter is that the church of scientology and david miscavige seem to be what is actually being confronted out here in the real world and in the process of being shattered.
You nailed it.
Convictions create convicts; in their very own prison of belief.
Mike this is an excellent Hubbard quote. He could not confront, wives, children, poverty, his mistakes, constructive suggestions, any technology that might compete with Dianetics or Scientology. He could not confront governments, police, courts, journalists, reporters, newspapers, magazine, TV shows and film makers.
He could not confront friends or family. And he could not confront fair exchange.
That’s a big one. Did I miss anything?
Reality. He could not confront his own limitations. As a husband, lover, military commander, parent, researcher, explorer, leader, etc. He constantly states he’s better than he really is.
Well, Hubbard could also never confront anyone confronting or criticizing him, his “work” or his organization. Thus his followers can never confront the real “source” of many problems….
That quote actually makes a lot of sense.
And LRH really WAS for stretches in his life, unable to confront a number of areas of his life (though it should be noted that most people ‘s ability to confront difficult areas of life tends to be greater or lesser depending on their stage of life and changing circumstances). Of course, Scientologists did expect Ron to be at the level of enlightenment where this would not occur.
Most 5 years olds could confront life better than Hubbtard did. He was non-confronting and running from life from Grade school age until he died.
I actually like this quote.
When I am having difficulty with anything there is usually some non-confront involved.
The problem is that Scientology sets up Hubbard as such a great role model and paragon of virtue.
I never went along with this much personally but there are plenty who still do.
He seems to have been a very fearful fellow who headed for the door at the slightest sign of a threat.
If he had followed a few more of his own teachings he may have lived a happier life.
Joe !!!!!!! (Gasp, cough, choke),
Am I understanding you correctly?
Are you even SUGGESTING that there was, or could have been, ANYthing or anyone, in his life, or in anyone ELSE’S life, past, present or future, and/or in THIS universe, or at any point in time in ANY universe, that Lafayette Ronald Hubbard could not… CONFRONT??????????????
“Everybody to some slight degree is a prisoner.”
Famous last words of Hubbard and every current Scio still confined within their self-made jail cell. Only in retrospect can the rest of us see the irony.
And for those in The Hole, it’s much more than a “slight degree.”
Is irony a new kind of ironing? Just wondering.
Irony, it’s the opposite of wrinkly.
Dang! You have outdone yourself!
Well done Sir.
Fake check passer(San Louis),deadbeat(Alaska),stolen valor(imagined medals) lifelong heavy smoker,
Terrified of dentists FBI,CIA,bank of England,Rockefellers,a APA,
instill fear of everything.
Your 500.000 BT’s, your misunderstoods,your prenatal engrams,your past lives ,drug deposits ,radiation are all gonna get you.
scientology, the “PRISON OF BELIEF”, where little or nothing is actually EXAMINED after the first day of indoctrination. After reading KSW on Day 1, reasoning is verboten.
Ron seemed unable to confront ANYTHING in his life, not his children, not his wives, not his military “career”, not his failures of education, not the realities of actual life.
Hubbard confronted his typewriter, where he created his so-called life.
He confronted smells by making demands on those around him, rather than simply visiting a medical doctor to diagnose why he was so, err, smelly.
He confronted his minions with unreasonable demands, making sure first they were people who had volunteered to endure his tantrums.
He confronted the supplier(s) of his drugs, PRN.
Most of all, Hubbard was ass-backwards: rather than confront, he fronted a con.
You say it so simply 🙂
“AND look where that led”. Gad, I miss the Edit option.
Guess I should check closer before I tap “POST”.
Looking back, was there ANYTHING in the REAL world that Tubby COULD confront? We of course know that Davey-boy can confront only mass quantities of whiskey on a regular basis. NO way could he confront his Marriage, an look where that led.
He could have stuck with SF.