Remember Lyin’ Ryan? Champion of CCHR. Live streamer extraordinaire? Author of the non-seller: A Billion Lies: The Highest Ranks of the Church of Scientology Couldn’t Throw Him Out Fast Enough that scientology put out as a “response” to the release of my book A Billion Years: My Escape from the Highest Ranks of Scientology
He offered himself as the Savior of Clearwater, vowing he would prevent Mark Bunker from being elected to the city council in 2020 (he didn’t)
For a while, he was the darling of OSA. He was willing to have his name used for anything to try to curry favor.
He fell off the radar for a couple of years. But now he’s back with a typical Lyin’ Ryan social media post. He sets forth his amazing credentials: customer service expert, debt collection enforcer, he can use Word, he’s a team leader, data entry specialist, recruiter and does “HR type” things, as well as a video clipper == his skills go on and on (though he doesn’t mention “author” or “political consultant”). Truly a renaissance man.
What isn’t making much sense here is that if he has all these skills, and “runs a team of more than 15 people” why he hasn’t started his own business? Why does he need “hourly work” that he can do from home? Is he still living with his parents? If he doesn’t have a source of income why doesn’t he try to get a real job?
A poster child for scientology, his life doesn’t seem to epitomize what scientology promotes… Clearly he is not in Affluence. His postulates are not sticking. He isn’t winning big time. Maybe he should read the Thursday Funnies and sign up for some of the seminars offered by the numerous scientologists trying to make a buck out of convincing people like him that they have the answers to making money?
I would not ordinarily take the time to address someone like him, but for a while he literally devoted most of his life to attacking me and Leah Remini with lie after lie after lie. So it only seems fair to have a little fun making clear the reality of this guy who scientology shoved out as one of it’s main attack dogs….
These attackers inevitably have their moment in the spotlight and then their star fades. Remember good old Fast Eddie Parkin?
Sets his sights high: at least $2,000 a month! Might just pay for rent and a steady diet of beans and rice.
Not that long ago I was wondering where Eddie Parkin was. He was sort of like DM’s Baghdad Bob, then POOF!
Peggy, many things suggest he got RPOOFed.
I wondered if that might be the case.
Ryan would be well served to watch and learn what happens when you fall from grace.
Peggy, I don’t think Ryan can be in a position to learn (mentally) anything.
As we know in scn the golden rule applies: if you’ve made a mistake, you’ve made it forever, no matter how many conditions you’ve climbed, it still remains in the ethics files.
Ryan is a useless damp squib that will disappear as soon as the wind changes.
Ryan’s a sad case for sure. Maybe disappearing would be his only chance at getting some real help. Maybe he’s too far gone for any help. Have they kept him around because his parent’s have money?
I think I remember Karen de la Carriere once calling DM the COB father – hilarious!! Perfect name for him. The mob does have a way of getting rid of anyone who is of no use to them.
I agree Peggy. It’s possible that Ryan is no longer ‘useful’ or is too cumbersome. He would do better to find a job and focus on it wholeheartedly.
In the cult, the term *empathy* doesn’t exist (and neither does being empathetic); everything is always in function of something – stats, PR, fair game, ‘command intention,’ and of course, money. As long as you’re useful or usable, it’s fine, but everyone has an expiration date.
The closer you get to the top, the shorter this date becomes, unless you’re someone full of money.
I wonder if Mr Terrific can supply evidence to back up his obviously bullshit list if asked.
“…and I don’t push cycles on other people.” So what he really wants to do sell bicycles?
I spent many years in the publishing business doing marketing, advertising, and evaluating new potential properties. It appears that OSA was backing him up at one time with all of their available resources. But only for so long. Even OSA will bail out of a PR project that has lost all of its viability. I suspect they’ve cut loose this deluded and clueless little man, and now it will be someone else’s problem.
He looks young enough to still start a career in something, like getting trained in some field, and then job hunt in that field. I’d advise him to read the book Jeff Hawkins recommended.
“What Color Is Your Parachute” was a good book Jeff Hawkins referred to, I bought and read it, and took from it what I considered the “key” advice, which is apply for a job you love. Keep applying until you get it.
I long range wished to do what I’m doing now, and worked steadily in a similar job, and waited 10 years to get this particular job. It’s what I long wanted, and now am doing.
I’d advise this guy read “What Color Is Your Parachute” book. And parachute out of the Scientology world. I’d advise him just toss all of Hubbard’s advice.
Get free of the Scientology constrained bubble world. Get on the internet, and read the Xenu/body-thetans exorcism OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 theory on the internet, so he sees what he’s NOT missing by quitting the Hubbard maze stepladder of quackery. (He’s probably unqualified for the upper OT levels anyways, so just don’t fight those stupid Scientology constraints, and go learn what Scientologists aren’t allowed to freely go search the internet and learn what the Xenu body-thetans exorcism is all about, and forgo even wasting one’s time and money trying to get up to OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, I suggest he find out what the stuff is he’s being lured into.)
So Ryan in the recent years has been a Scientology attack dog . From what it seems is be doesn’t seem to be the type of person Scientology would put out there and hold on a pedestal. The credentials that he has don’t seem like they would do much in Scientology to be honest I could be wrong.
He has no credentials and no credibility — he was just a useful idiot.
Not surprised at this point that he is a a useful idiont working for Scientology.
I remember you mentioned Ryan Prescott on your past blog posts. He’s been doing this for awhile it seems just to be valued by Scientology and to lie about people. So just like you said he really is a perfect poster child for Scientology
This guy needs to spruce up his look with some bling. Maybe a flashy watch, better yet two – digital health tracker and antique mechanical or diver. Maybe a few gold balls through his lips, cheek and nose. Maybe some wild shirts, a dashiki or bright Hawaiian flower motif shirt? Anything to take the bland out of his current look. Who the heck would look up to this guy as a leader? More like a ladder, something to climb over. He’s one lip herpes away from taking a permanent dive below the bottom of the Tone Scale, methinks…
BTW, don’t wear red, and either stay out of the sun or get some SPF 50 slathered everywhere.
p.s. Two grand a month is like working for free. Might as well take indentured servitude. Oh, you’ve already tried that in the SO, but want something where you can sit at home under the AC instead and don’t have to move rocks under the hot desert sun? You think anyone will pay you $25/hr part time to hang out at home pretending to work? Have you tried stuffing envelopes yet? I hear they make great money in their spare time. Same with lots of MLM scams.
His skills on his “resume” and I use the term loosely, are entry level skills a high school kid could do. Data entry is just typing. He can do “word”? Well so can middle school kids and younger. Customer service, again entry level stuff. He sounds like a jack of all trades, master of none. He’d be better off to leave staff and go apprentice under some tradesman and learn on the job. Then eventually he can make actual good money.
I remember when I was buying your book on Amazon I saw Ryan’s version of it *before the release date of yours* I remember looking into him to see if he was related to the COS in anyway and sure enough I found out pretty easily that he was. Also I am not sure those credentials that he has are real at this point he’s probably trying to make himself look good. But the fact that he doesn’t seem to have a real job and is in Scientology won’t help with that either.
Oh, Fast Eddie Parkin? If I ever cross paths with him again, I’d be itching to ask what went awry with his RPF twin.
Speaking of a bit of amusement, I find myself longing for the days of Regraded Beings. Admittedly, it’s a breeze for me to pine for it, given that he’s the one putting in the effort. Presently, I’d be yearning for a piece delving into the property chaos in CW. Picture this: the missus questioning her husband about why he’s not jumping on the property ownership bandwagon—especially when it’s all the rage in CW. Alternatively, imagine her lamenting why he’s so insistent on sinking their funds into a property that yields no profit …
Me too. I miss Regraded Being a lot, even though I know Mike has his hands full these days.
RB is enjoying well-earned retirement years with family and grandkids…
I am glad that the RB works can still be read on your site. They are still relevant and a great way to learn.
I remember some of his videos (not to be just critical) where he didn’t seem quite himself. In one, he walked for a few minutes without speaking, staring at the camera with a fixed smile. Especially the last one, from a few years ago, where he was in a room, as if he had just experienced something tragic (mentally speaking), and he was rambling nonsensically.
When I was in people like that where usually considered unqualified, and with some heavy ptsness surrounding them all time.