Scientology actually sent out an email that includes this:
“When we go door to door with booklets, crime takes a holiday. When we run out of booklets and can’t get any out, there is a rise in crime and murder.”
And immediately following is the “ask” — of course. You need to give us money.
But wow, IF this were really true, would the IAS, or the church or someone just print up the booklets and get them out tout de suite? Set aside the actual value of doing this for society. Just think about the goodwill. And the PR. And boy, could they use some goodwill and PR right about now….
So, how are these, the greatest humanitarians on earth, allowing their supply of booklets to “run out” and therefore creating a “rise in crime and murder”?
WTF scientology? WTF IAS? You are not using any of your billions to improve conditions in Los Gatos but are instead, by your own account, helping to murder people….
Or perhaps they just don’t believe their own lies?
From: LosGatosOTC
Date: March 23, 2015 at 7:51:54 AM PDT
Subject: Way To Happiness Books needed!
There are two groups in San Jose and Monterey counties working to handle crime and morality. When we go door to door with booklets, crime takes a holiday. When we run out of booklets and can’t get any out, there is a rise in crime and murder.
Please help us by donating The Way to Happiness booklets. Both Stevens Creek and Los Gatos have them in stock – they just need people to buy them! If they are bought, one of the two groups will hand them out.
One group is led by Shea Pase, Dee Kenville and Jane Mitchel and we are working hard to handle Seaside. So far we have handed out 650 in Seaside in the last month. We just got 3 more boxes and will hand those out this week. But we need more! Seaside has a population of 30,000, so there is a long way to go.
Michele Arora leads the other group – she and her volunteers are out every weekend handing out booklets and things get very calm in San Jose when she gets out at least 600 in a weekend. If she runs out, crime kicks up again.
If you have a business, you can also get specialty covers that can advertise your business and support this program. Talk to any one of us on how to do that.
It is time to change the world!!! Please help us!
Jane Mitchel
Just another example of the endless hypocrisy of the largest humanitarian force on earth.
But really, hypocrisy is just another word for LYING.
This email is a lie. Pure and simple.
And it comes from the very same people who constantly claim that everyone who says anything about them they don’t like is a liar.
The fact of the matter is that to be a “good” scientologist, you must lie. It is part of the DNA of a scientologist.
- You have to lie to yourself about your “wins” in order to keep up with the status quo (and justify the money you forked over).
- You have to lie to regges about how how much money you have.
- You have to lie to your auditor in order to get through your endless sec checks.
- You have to lie in success stories about remarkable gains and abilities that you think will satisfy those you are trying to get to allow you to attest.
- You have to lie to friends and family who are not scientologists about your actual beliefs and dismiss any “negative” questions.
- You have to lie to protect the church because it is the “greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.”
- You have to lie to the media or anyone outside the church about how great everything is inside, and the massive expansion.
It goes on.
And it is why the church can then proclaim that anyone speaking out about their abuses is a liar. They know. They even have the evidence — often in your own handwriting. Because EVERYONE in scientology learns how to lie. Subtly or unashamedly depending on the level of immersion into the scientology mindset. The futher in you are (either auditing level wise or staff/Sea Org wise), the more you lie and the more blatant it becomes.
But it is always amusing to see the church trying to “dead agent” people by claiming they have proof they are liars. Because their proof is always that they LIED FOR SCIENTOLOGY or IN SCIENTOLOGY.
I guess it has never dawned on Miscavige that this is a terrible indictment of scientology and its “tech.” And morals.
Or that those outside the bubble become even more convinced that scientologists lie every time the church claims that “ex-scientologists” are liars WHEN THEY WERE IN THE CHURCH.
Lying is a way of life in scientology. And if you cannot see it, you are simply lying to yourself.
Scientologists employ ( often unknowingly ) denial , dissociation, hallucinations, false memories, elements of cognitive dissonance,psychological defense mechanisms , trance logic , blind faith via slavish submission of ego to Ron Hubbard’s authority , double think AND lying .
They are subject to covert thought reform that extensively cognitively restructures them into slaves/victims to Hubbard as master/abuser/power holder .
In this abusive relationship Hubbard’s deluded victims routinely are altered through a very long process of thousands of slight changes that result in becoming so extremely traumatized that constant submission as a mental pseudo clone of Hubbard ( or Miscavige) is used to survive . And escape overwhelming cognitive dissonance and ego crushing reality .
To just say members of the terrorist mind control cult Scientology lie is technically accurate – but only a sliver of the truth .
I plan to tell much more than a sliver . And invite anyone else who can to do so as well .
Scientology…stay out of Seaside…You are not wanted here.
To lie is an important ingredient of survival. Be it the overall survival or continued membership in a group or not to loose your job or whatever.
In case you want to protect yourself then to lie is acceptable.
In case you lie in order to betray it is a criminal act.
So, within Scientology are many shades of lying.
-to get money
-to get off the hook (registrar, senior, ethics officer)
-to not be considered nuts (internal or external)
-to be able to stay on course, auditing or staff
many different reasons.
As I started Scientology I did not lie but did withhold. In case I did not, I had no chance to stay on course, on staff or could continue auditing. Outside of Scientology I did not withhold to be in Scientology. With the effect that all laughing of how nuts I am. Inside Scientology I did also not withhold very much with the effect that after some weeks I had been thrown out.
What is the solution to this? Lie or “not tell the truth” is the only solution I found.
When I grew older I gradually lost my fear of being laughed at and I became stronger and stronger that I could handle attacks (physically, emotionally or even telepathically) and that reduced my need to withhold or lie throughout the years.
Mike: I always wondered what it was like for you in your former role as spokesperson to have to lie for the cult in tense media interviews. I remember watching you for years wondering what was going through your head when you would defend DM and the cult in interviews and have to tell blatant lies. (I did notice you tried to avoid outright lies with careful phrasing and avoidance.) The last interviews with the BBC crew where you had to deny Miscavige physically abusing you and others in particular comes to mind. Was it the Scientology training that helped you do that? Did the TRs and training help remove the stress of it while you were under the media lights being confronted with things you knew to be true, but had to deny? Did these moments help push to leave the cult or question why you were being required to lie about cult’s core policies to the media rather than defend their utility?
Once again, it’s been great to see you on the other side of the divide where you are finally able to speak truthfully and without fear of punishment and abuse.
Mike, major wtf moment here:
Did the cult just admit publicly to NPR that disconnection is a thing? In my opinion, the cult admitted that disconnection exists in exactly the way we have said all along- that UTR’s don’t get disconnected, but disaffecteds do.
This seems like a pretty major game changer, and I hope the media runs with it.
FOX News came off good. Well done Mike.
I’ve heard your voice so often recently, that when reading a post I hear you speaking the words. Keep up the good work.
Oh, and as to lies, I noticed that on the Freedom Mag website. Wonder what Miscavige is going to do when he reads your post today.
Um, no. I don’t know for certain he is readimg your posts but…
1) Everyone working for him are incompetents
2) Everyone working for him is lazy
3) Therefore he has to do everything
4) And besides, he doesn’t need them reading all this Entheta and getting ideas
Since there is such a high level of Entheta right now, and a lot of it is coming from certain blogs, logically if he wants it handled correctly he is the only person who can do it. I mean really, would you handle something this sensitive to Jenny Linson?
I wouldn’t.
Body Routing NOT—March 27, 2015—Vermont Ave. & Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, California
I seem to be causing an effect at the Scientology complex on L. Ron Hubbard Way in Los Angeles. One Body Router who favors the southeast corner of Vermont and Sunset reminds me of actor Kelsey Grammer (while Grammer is six feet one inches tall, the Body Router in question is closer to Four Feet Thirteen). I’ll call this Body Router “Dr. Frasier Crane”; “Frasier” for short (for “short,” get it?).
On my way home past this intersection, I noticed that Frasier had a Spanish speaking assistant; not a Body Router, because she wore normal street attire; I’ll call her “Daphne Moon”, or “Daphne” for short. Today, Scientology Inc. seemed to be focusing on the Latino public. I found one of their victims; they’re really easy to identify because they’re the ones carrying the “Free Dianetics Movie” ticket in their hand. This victim had been waiting for the light to change and as it did, I crossed with him.
“Do you speak English?” I inquired, all the while holding my spanking brand new copy of Lawrence Wright’s Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood & the Prison of Belief in plain sight.
“I speak some English,” he answered. We’re pretty even, I thought, because I speak some Spanish. I pointed to the ticket in his hand.
“Este es Scientology y es muy malo,” I declared. Translation: “This is Scientology and is very bad. I pointed at the ticket again, unsure how to adequately say “Please throw that ticket away.”
“Este es basura,” I said, pointing again to the ticket. Translation: This is garbage. He seemed to understand as he brightened, shook his head affirmatively and continued along his way to the subway. With visions of unused Dianetic Movie tickets curled in the subway garbage cans, I spied my next target.
Frasier and Daphne had this guy surrounded; they had their hooks in this one and they weren’t letting go. For the first time since I’ve been doing this, one of the Body Routers actually spoke to me.
“We know who you are,” Frasier told me as he turned back to his victim.
I nodded affirmatively as I said something like “Great” or “Cool, all the while hoping that they have the correct spelling of my name so they can accurately write my “Suppressive Person” declaration. I’d hate to see “Fred Hasney” or any one of the other variations that I’ve seen of my name; it’s “Fred G. Haseney” for those who need to know. It looks like Frasier wants to get his name added to the “Scientology Inc. Walk of Shame.” Daphne’s going to be added after Frasier; she got physical with me, bumping up against me as a football player would, blocking me from her victim, who spoke Spanish, too.
“I’ve been in Scientology since 1977,” I told Daphne, “and what you’re practicing isn’t Scientology.”
“Scientology is bad. Scientology es muy malo,” I told her victim. Nothing. I got nothing from him. My comment didn’t register because Frasier and Daphne had the poor guy circled. The Body Routers had already claimed this one as their own; it’s something you can feel in the air. You can sense the poor guy’s danger as he thrashes, unable to snap the line. Everytime I tried to reason with him, nothing worked, and Daphne kept blocking my every step as if the poor guy was her dinner.
“See you soon, Frasier! Hasta luego, Daphne!”
Game set and match.
“The fact of the matter is that to be a “good” scientologist, you must lie. It is part of the DNA of a scientologist.
You have to lie to yourself about your “wins” in order to keep up with the status quo (and justify the money you forked over).
You have to lie to regges about how how much money you have.
You have to lie to your auditor in order to get through your endless sec checks.
You have to lie in success stories about remarkable gains and abilities that you think will satisfy those you are trying to get to allow you to attest.
You have to lie to friends and family who are not scientologists about your actual beliefs and dismiss any “negative” questions.
You have to lie to protect the church because it is the “greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.”
You have to lie to the media or anyone outside the church about how great everything is inside, and the massive expansion.
It goes on.”
Interestingly enough, the $cientology meltdown is mentioned in this article
The Church calls you a liar Mike, and that’s because you admitted to lying for them. Only liars lie about not lying. And that is all they have to “Dead Agent” you with,,,lies.
Prediction for Cap’n Dave: Going Clear morphs into Growing Fear.
The very first thing they say, “crime goes up without the booklets.” Please show us the statistics and/or the methodology of research/observation you used to know that and then print it as a fact. Mmmmm? waiting…
It’s obviously a bald faced lie, what possible research do they do, they are the organisation that has to hire people to be a crowd at their events or photoshop them in. But if it sounds or looks good… to hell with the truth – print it!
It has come to pass that the only other provably true generality in life except for death & taxes is that corporate $cientology lies for a living. To Sea Org captain miscavige truth is such a troubling pain in the ass, there’s no profit there.
I found a nice little quote that’s quite pertinent to the situation, which sums up the situation well:
[quote]But these men, habituated as they are to breathe and dispense the most direct incense of flattery, will be sensible to nothing but blame. All disapprobation appears to them as treachery; they call every severe truth a falsehood; they will not perceive the delicate admiration that may sometimes lurk under apparent criticisms – the regret and, on some occasions, the sympathy that accompany my most severe remarks.[/quote]
The Marquis de Custine was talking about the Russians. I wonder what he would have thought about me pulling out that quote a hundred seventy-five years later to talk about Scientologists.
Great interview, Mike. I mean extremely well done.
Question for you. Has Fox News and Megyn Kelly appeared on miscavige’s list of suppressive people and groups yet?
And, does Greta still work for Fox News?
Maybe Fox will beat them to the punch and fire Greta for being a member of a subversive cult?
Maybe their executives will be so impressed with your performance that they will want to hire you to be a special correspondent?
Ain’t life strange.
Mike- great interview with Megyn Kelly, what a treat. She takes no crap from anyone and says it like it is.
LDW- funny you should bring up Greta. Been thinking about that one. Gees, I guess she gets a Daddy Lopez pass from the church, not having to disconnect from Fox News (the big bad SP’s) that allowed Mike Rinder on, cause in the end they pay her big salary that goes to the Church (if indeed she’s still connected).
I like Greta. But my thoughts are, if Bill O’reilly (as a practicing Catholic) can discuss the abuses of priests in the Catholic church, why can’t Greta discuss the abuses of her Church. She’s a hard hitting journalist, so why not? Let’s see what happens. Time will tell.
Then there’s this one. “Those that don’t make any case gain despite standard auditing are SP’s”. That’s a definitive sign, according to LRH, that you are an SP. So when asked the question; “Did you get case gain?”
What the hell you gonna say. So yes; lie, lie lie.
This is very true.
I once wrote a success story at flag which was “Flag will figure this out ”
I was so tired of spending money on sec checks.
I was afraid I was going to get declared because I wasn’t getting any case gain.
The auditing felt like a tight rope around my spiritual body and pounding it into ground
I really wanted to leave Flag so I wrote that success story.
That’s all I could come up with.
I am just wondering if Dave’s possibly soon to come, sudden and relatively unexplained departure from the U.S. on a jet loaded with cash, gold and account numbers will included his wife Shelly?
He went to the alter and promised to love her, cherish her and honor her until death finally separated them. I want to believe in love and that the ring he put on her finger will stand for something. I don’t want to believe he’ll dump her without saying goodbye or humiliate her further by leaving her behind to fend for herself.
If she is lucky he will leave her behind. Here she can get help, with him only more pain.
Eileen, I do believe Dave loves her behind.
The acceptable truth is a slippery slope. Is it still acceptable if it’s unrecognisable?
“I did not have relations with that woman…” President Clinton.
The word “inappropriate” was reborn and redefined in that era.
Hubbard said that lying is the lowest form of creation – well… $cientology splurges on it!
Is “acceptability” the next word to be reborn?
The same irony exists for Miscavige’s and the “inch wives'” claims that vocal male ex-Scientologists were “violent” and that they were ones doing the beating, not Miscavige. When he asked why the claimed beatings were not reported to the police, Anderson Cooper was attacked as being biased against the church. Hello? It just doesn’t seem to dawn on Miscavige that sane adults today do not accept violence as a normal occurrence in the workplace or at home. It’s been pretty well documented that Miscavige is a violent sociopath, the kicker is how bewildered his defenders are when asked why the violent beatings they claim others engaged in was never reported. The same mentality appears to exist when it comes to physical assaults on children, including molestation. The few cases that been made public long after the fact beg the following question: how many cases of assaults against minors has the church covered up?
That’s not a lie, that’s an “acceptable truth”, mister. 😀
Scientology: Acceptable Truth
Everyone Else on Earth: lies, Lies, LIES!
The biggest lie that EVERY scientologist has to swallow (and of course also spread) is that scn is even INTERESTED in being a force for good.
Here is a “church” that sits on $ billions. With that kind of capital comes a lot of social responsibility. And no, this is NOT optional. Scn desperately wanted and was given that RESPONSIBILITY when it was entrusted with it by us all. Namely, when American tax payers granted it the rights and binding obligations of a “charitable” tax-exempt organization.
Contrast this with a ruthless business man, Bill Gates (Nothing personal; I could have picked any number of others). Here’s a guy whose way you did not want to get into–he’d squash your business without a second thought! But he also provided products that have genuine value; products that have provided opportunities for folks all over the world (including the third world) to make a living, have fun and create wealth.Even (and especially) Bill feels the responsibility to share his wealth which he acquired without any pretense at charity and without the public trust of a tax exemption.
Compare this to LRH who devised scn as a money machine, siphoned off every penny he could and hoarded it with sick obsession for nobody but himself (not even his own .families and children!). While a company like Microsoft (or many others) provide good livings to many and fabulous wealth to quite a few, LRH’s wealth was attained by being a Dickensian despot keeping every single one of his followers in abject poverty and exploitative conditions. Such was the “greatest humanitarian!”
Scn’s “charity” efforts are nothing but a reflection of this ingrained lie: For example, the library program, and WTH dissemination are ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but ways to distribute publications at an inflated retail cost As Marc Headley points out, based on his production experience in the cult, these pamphlets could be distributed for as much as 2 pennies a piece! Yet some idealistic and deluded scientologist pays a couple of bucks for every one that goes out to the public (or big bucks for book sets that gather mold in library basements worldwide)! Volunteer Ministers pay their own way to create photo opportunities for the “church’s” largesse. Whenever the “church” stands up for “human rights” and “religious freedom,” it never defends the rights of others-it’s always done to further its own agenda to be recognized as a legitimate religion and its “right” to run roughshod over the human rights of others. In fact, scn “doctrine” makes true charity impossible as it would clearly violate the idea of an “exchange” taking place.
The “church” claims a membership of 12 million, or one in 600 humans on the planet. At a cost of $12 per member, every man, woman and child could receive their own copy of WTH. Much less money and effort if one were to reduce the effort to one pamphlet per household! If WTH really had the magic qualities claimed, imagine the global transformation!
However, the biggest lie that EVERY scientologist has to swallow is the claim that their “church” is even interested in global transformation. This would require a genuine concern for the majority of humans, those who simply cannot afford “services” to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars. It would require taking some of the “church’s” $ billions and putting them to “charitable” use–perish the thought! “Planetary clearing” was never intended and never will be!
Why “clear” even tiny Los Gatos, when it is so much more imperative to spend big bucks on PI’s and dispatch John Allender from San Jose to spend 6 months stalking “psychopath” Marty Rathbun in Texas.
Of course, this begs one question for the general public, namely whether to feel attracted to an organization that treats its own members (and ex-members) the way this one does, or whether to stand up and tell everyone who will listen that “enough is enough.” While the “church” is mired in cognitive dissonance, the answer to THIS question is fortunately self-evident!
I have been wondering at what might be another corollary. I was telling my wife, that it seemed to me that those of us who were the most IN in terms of dedicated investment of ourselves, our lives, when we come out come all the way OUT.
Would anyone else notice such? I’m not saying AGAINST. I’m speaking in terms of UNWINDING. Does this statement speak to anyone else?
It certainly speaks to me, Doctor.
Hi Chris,Your comment certainly spoke to me. Thank you.One unwinds many layers of memories, lies, dreams & 24 hrs of no sleep in the SO.It took me years to see my true heart & soul.I am still learning & unwinding that long veil that trapped me within Ron’s world. Take Care Ann Watson.
Unwinding, yes, have done it myself and watched others. It’s wonderful to see. My hope for the near future is when people on blogs can open up and publicly be themselves without fear. It was a great day when I did a few years back and little scary but felt very strong and free. All has been well, as there are just too many of us for them.
Check out Mike Fucking Rinder on Fox News!
Grace under pressure, excellent messaging and concise answers to questions, excellent answer to “Why should we care???”
You got it EXACTLY right: The Church of Scientology is a fanatic, totalitarian para-military organization whose criminality and human rights abuses are being protected by the First Amendment in the United States.
That is exactly why we all should care!!
You are now, officially, my fucking hero.
Wrong link!!!
Here’s the right one:
Nailed it!
Nailed it!
WOW! I say again, WOW! Just looked at that. Nailed it is very apt term indeed.
Geezers, if that isn’t the best reaction by an TV anchor reader I’ve seen to $cientology. The utter stunned incredibility and predictability of what $cientology is and does are matched only by her resentful emotion that just splashes off the screen. Oh davey boy, you’ve hit the big time now and YOU’RE TOAST!!
Resentful emotion? I’d say she was seething through the entire interview lol.
Has anyone found a link to a comment section for viewers of this show? it would be very interesting to see what a typical Fox News watcher made of ‘Going Clear’!
Aurora “ink to a comment section for viewers of this show? ” that’s what I’ve been looking for too. I find nowhere to comment. Finally found her twitter page and commented that way. I’d like to see what other people say too.
Yup! 🙂
Thank you Mike for this post! My trolling was getting a bit tired,I found myself always pointing this out,it was driving me crazy that the freedum mag. Was using letters that were obviously forced confessions,form the no existant,hole or others as evidence. They read like commie/SS/crusades style forced confessions,saying things about oneself that NOONE would ever say, unless under duress,mind control or torture. Amazing they are so obvious! Boggles the mind the absolute insanity that C.O.B. actually thinks these obvious oppressed forced admittance of “crimes” help his case In TRYING to discredit his right hand men. Amazing.
Sadly….very sadly….true.
The Way to Happiness is an interesting (to me) part of the clam scam. Get someone who is buying off some sec check problem to ‘buy’ the booklets and make 10% on the ‘sale’. Then get some ‘volunteers’ (who are probably working off some ‘bad intentions’) to pass them out (or just dump them in the trash) and everybody can pretend they have obeyed the will of Lron.
The printing plant makes some money (actually lots of money) and everyone in the ‘way to happiness foundation’ gets their cut too. Employment for all and even the original sucker is out of some manufactured ethics problem. Sounds like Amway for schizophrenics, or a circle jerk.
Lying liars who lie to everyone, especially to themselves.
One of the basic values in Scientology is “influencing the outcome”. True mastery in that gives you the highest Ethics status: KaKahn. No act of kindness, no number of people you have truly helped will get you that, just achieve what you are asked to achieve and is measured by your stats.
In the Scientology system of values human decency, fairness and truthfulness or compassion are categorized at best as weaknesses. This may not be so obvious for technical trained people, but on the management and admin side it is rather obvious and blunt.
Using a friend and telling her tall tales because John Travolta listens to her to bring him closer into the fold and afterwards discarding of her like a piece of trash, that is all OK. The desired outcome was achieved. See the story on Tony Ortega’s blog today.
And once you buy into influencing the outcome as the highest value throwing in a few lies is really just natural and once you started on that path, there is no turning back now you have to pile on lie after lie.
Such a system promotes the most ruthless “influencers of an outcome” to the top of the hierarchy and is the perfect playing ground for sociopaths, because they do not have to overcome any scruples it is natural for them.
In organized crime and the CO$ you will find the most ruthless sociopaths at the top simply by design. But then again one could argue what is the difference these days between organized crime and the CO$?
Oh, wait a minute, there is one, the CO$ is managed to get actually funded by the US taxpayer.
“In the Scientology system of values human decency, fairness and truthfulness or compassion are categorized at best as weaknesses.”
In other words, one is thoroughly trained, in scientology, to become a sociopath.
The number of people within the bubble who can actually help people is approaching zero. The sociopaths have won. So be it.
How have they won? They are left with each other.
Good timing on this post. I thought it was rich having Karin Pouw tell NPR a BIG FAT FUCKING LIE:
A Scientology spokeswoman, Karin Pouw, told NPR there is no church policy “that requires members to disconnect from anyone, family or friends, who have merely left the church.”
Karin you make me sick.
As Megyn Kelly said, it’s also illegal.
After watching Freedom Magazines latest attack video (this one against Tom Devoctt) I have only sympathy for the militant scientologist. Even after Marty put out a 3 minute video showing how insane Jenny Linson and Bloomberg are… they still trotted them out of their prison long enough to appear as “witnesses” against the evil of Tom Devoctt. Misgavige must has gone truly insane, and they both look terrible. No matter what these 2 have done against other people in the name of scientology there still human beings that are obviously being sleep deprived, half starved, and mentally abused on a daily basis. Somebody needs to have mercy and save these people.
Yes seckenrod, true enough. Do you have any good idea how to reach these people in a personal way to shine light in such a way that they would/could look out from their prison of belief and change their mind? I still have a family member frozen in the glycol of Hubbard’s lies.
It didn’t matter what Jenny From The LAX looked like. She had to be in that video. It’s absolutely mandatory for one of their smear vids that if there’s an ex-wife available, she has to appear. It’s in the Tech, going all the way back to the ancient days of Anderson Cooper.
As for Jenny, or Cathy Rinder, or any of the other Inch Wives, to hell with them. They did everything to throw men that they once loved under the bus except bring up dick size, and they would have done that had that not been too Freudian for the rabid anti-Psychs. If you want to be an insufferable harpy, then you have no right to complain when your tail feathers get plucked and you plummet to the ground.
“My daddy said reading pamphlets never made anybody give up anything” -Sky Masterson
– Mr Masterson, why did you come here?
I told you, I’m an unhappy sinner.
– Excuse me, but you’re a liar.
Lying is not one of my sins.
I’m sure you’ve earned your stripes in combat against the SPs and dwindling spiral
– There’s no need to be sarcastic
But not on this battlefield against the SP’s first-line troops. You can’t get at the enemy. This mission is laying an egg.
– You have no way of knowing.
I’ve got lots of ways.
You are stuck with a store full of clear and no customers.
Without pre clears to clear, clear doesn’t exist. So you’re stuck with a store full of nothing.
“The futher in you are (either auditing level wise or staff/Sea Org wise), the more you lie and the more blatant it becomes.” Agreed Mike. Many of us were in for 20 or 30 years or more and can attest that the higher up people go in the organization, the more artful they become at rationalizing and outright lying. Instead of becoming more honest, they become more shrewd. Witness the contempt and level of immediate attack if you where to comment say, for example, that Scientology is actually running a business model. Instead of an even rational discussion on that point, the person making that kind of origination would be met with threats of being declared, or at the very least having a Knowledge Report (thought-violation report) written on them. Scientology has become the opposite of it’s stated goal, and they have become a totalitarian system. They are a walking fully animated contradiction and at that, they are totally consistent. If there is one thing you can set your watch to, it’s the fact that every response they make to accusation will be a complete and total lie.
I found as well that the higher up I went the more violence and abuse and that those who ran things didn’t seem to actually like the staff who were working for them willingly, for free at great sacrifice. The organization was never ran as a viable concern. I couldn’t understand how anyone could not like people who were working for them for free. I ultimately decided that what was happening was they were so busy fucking over their underlings that they had to denigrate them to lessen the burden of guilt.
Excellent observation Doug.
I laugh when they call the subjects of the movie “admitted liars” because the people they are trying to smear are the ones who actually recognized that what they were doing wrong, stood up and made change despite grave personal danger and even more sacrifice. Admitting error, showing change, and getting honest is just what the CofS is utterly incapable of doing.
Do these idiots even know what morality means?? Clearly the don’t, or else they wouldn’t have mentioned it in their email. Or are they talking about their own set of moralities, where only money counts and to hell with people and their families?
principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour.
“the matter boiled down to simple morality: innocent prisoners ought to be freed”
synonyms: ethics, rights and wrongs, correctness, ethicality .+
Thanks Mike for the thrill I got from Fox News. Meygen Kelly has such fire and seemingly interest in this subject and this will help educate the world.
To stay in scientology, yes, you must lie to yourself and to others. Freedom to tell the truth is so clean!
If crime stops when the booklets are being handed out, and picks up when they run out, the most likely conclusion would be that the ones handing out booklets are the same ones committing crimes…
The necessity to lie is embedded in the axioms of Scientology.
There has to be a lie for something to persist, so Scientology has to lie in order to persist.
It seems that seeing the truth of a problem could help alleviate it, but is it possible to generalize this assertion ?
That was one thing that I really had to work on when I left the church. Lying. I was, sincerely, a World Class Liar. It was so easy. Engrained in my very soul. We would drill it DAILY at CC. STCC is the best course for learning how to lie effectively. You learn how to “redirect” and “no-answer answer” anything. It was my super power for a long time. I am so glad to have no need for it any more.
Same here Jane. When I left I was able to answer questions about Scientology TRUTHFULLY for the first time ever. Openly. Honestly. I think this is related to the latent case gain that so many people talk about when they break free from that particular system. And it is also why I think that higher levels of case gain inside the Church of Scientology is impractical, because the environment is not “safe” for one to be completely honest without some sort of penalty. It is most unfortunate that for a person to discover this for themselves means having to put so much on the line. Losing ones family, friends, business associations. The fact that the Church of Scientology imposes those kinds of penalties on a person who is seeking to live more honestly and more in alignment with ones own integrity and reality is why I believe they have committed the ultimate act of treason on it’s own members.
Mike, I like the stick men you post with their pants on fire. At first I thought they all had heartburn. Then I realized their pants are on fire.
Thanks for pointing that put Al. Gave me a laugh.
Morality? Whenever I hear that word I think of “sex out of wedlock,” I sure hope those WTH booklets can stop that happening!
The day I decided that I would no longer lie to anyone about Scientology was the beginning of the end of being a Scientologist for me.
I was a Vice President at a Scientologist-owned marketing company in LA. One of the other VPs grew up as a Catholic, and we were trying to get him to go into the local mission to take Scientology courses. He knew that Scientologists got preferential treatment by the owners of the company, and so he was looking at going in to advance his own career.
He had been in to the mission to take an OCA that day, and I went over to his house for a few beers to talk about what he experienced.
He asked me if Scientologists believed in God.
This was one of the first questions that I had asked when I was getting involved in Scientology, and I was shown the Creed of the Church, which said “No agency less than God can set aside these rights”, and had GOD, GOD GOD written all over it. And then I was shown the 8th dynamic, thus “proving” to me that Scientologists believed in God.
But I had also studied the part of the Briefing Course where Ron revealed, in 1962, that he had looked into the God question and had stated definitively and emphatically that there was no God, or “Big Thetan”.
So I knew the truthful answer to my friend’s question. And I told him the truth that night.
This ultimately led to him telling the people at the mission what I had told him, and to OSA beginning to follow me into restaurants, getting me fired from my job, finding out that I was reading and posting to the Internet, etc.
But it also ultimately led me to a better, more free, more honest, and much more ethical way of life as an Ex-Scientologist having nothing to do with Scientology any more.
It takes courage to stop lying as a Scientologist.
But in order to keep evolving on the spiritual path that led you into, and finally out of Scientology, it is one of the most valuable lessons you can learn.
Lies do not belong anywhere on a genuine spiritual path: Not from anyone who would be your genuine spiritual teacher, nor from anyone who would be a genuine adherent of a genuine religion.
Lies from Hubbard, and lies from Scientologists, prove that there is no enlightenment to be had in Scientology.
“Alanzo is lying.”
The friendly folks at OSA
“ML” really means “Much LYING”
It shouldn’t but it continues to astound me how many really good people and bright minds the church got rid of.
Goes with the territory McCarran. The really sad part to me are the ones they keep ……… like our kids. I still have difficulty with that one, probably always will because I really, really don’t want to ‘believe’ my kids are really not bright enough to see through it.
But I’ve been there and done that so I’m not going to through stones ………… well maybe except for Dave. He IS a REAL ASSHOLE …………….. (looking around on the ground!)
🙂 agree with you 100%, Coop. My son is an incredible young man – just trapped in the Prison of Belief. We made it out. So can they (as well as many others).
One of the things that led me to become involved in the battle against the abuses of Scientology was the loss of a friend whom I loved like, well maybe not a brother but certainly like a cousin, to it, watching him actually lose the ability to communicate rationally or discern truth from bullshit. I still miss him all the time though, and hope someday he will see through it, and we will have more terrible wars only over our chessboards; but I’m not holding my breath!
“Lice consume grass, rust consumes iron, and lying the soul!” – Chekhov
This is why El Con & DM didn’t/don’t care who they destroyed
I’ve been looking at the freedom mag site and some of the awful hate pages on people. Every single one is “a liar” along with an assortment of child molesters, thiefs, etc. I was raised in the Episcopal church but am not a member or a believer anymore. But the Episcopal Church has never published anything saying that I am a liar or a bitter apostate. And I have only good things to say about them. I just stopped believing the story. I can’t imagine the Archbishop of Canterbury telling lies about what HIS church is doing OR saying that ex-members are themselves liars.
Co$ needs to turn up a lot of ex-member non-believers who have ONLY good things to say about Co$, and who Co$ does not consider “liars and bitter apostates.” When that happens I will start to feel differently about them. And that doesn’t include exes who don’t say anything because they have been given settlements not to talk. And saying that “one got some good out of auditing BUT..”. doesn’t count either. I mean they need to get a LOT of ex-Sea-Orgers who will say “This is a very good humanitarian organization that aims to help people, and I left because I just stopped believing the mythology.” When they can do THAT I will start thinking that they are a religion. (And I am considering starting The Church of the Bitter Apostates. Imagine the numbers of potential members! That would truly be a fast-growing religion!)
As for the pamphlets, I had an image of the typical white Co$ member striding into ghetto neighborhoods and knocking on doors. Somehow I don’t think they would be doing that for long! The JWs pass out pamphlets that say more or less the things that TWTH says. And they’ve been doing it for a LONG TIME. And crime has not gone down as a result. As always, in the above example Co$ has no actual documentation to back up that absurd claim.
And finally: I’ve read a number of definitions of “dead agenting”. But I still don’t quite understand it. Does it just mean accumulating (or making up) bad stuff about people? The passage in which Hubbard talks about it, talking about what happens to the enemy agent, doesn’t make sense to me. It reads to me as though he is truly recommending killing enemies.
Here’s all you need to do Betsy:
1. Find your MUs
2. Write a success story
3. See the reg!
You’re welcome!!!
” Hubbard talks about it, talking about what happens to the enemy agent, doesn’t make sense to me. It reads to me as though he is truly recommending killing enemies.”
That’s a PASS Betsy!
Mike, 1st it was great to see you on The Kelly File. Only sad part is that Scientologists won’t insist on that Greta Van Susteren disconnect from Fox News. They’ll let the double standard continue.
What is so funny about the whole lying thing and this is probably more “Verbal Tech” from my dad than anything LRH wrote. But I always thought that the only way out of this hell hole was to became more whole with greater integrity. AKA, to actually gain an thing from going up the bridge you had to more honest with everyone and foremost with yourself. Totally Freedom = Totally Integrity. Hell Hole = Scientology.
I know see that the EP of Scientology might actually be Total Integrity. Once you have lied enough for the Greater Good™. You reach a point where it no longer matters what the consequences of the truth are. Loose your whole family and all your friends. You’re okay with that. People harassing you while revealing your deepest secrets to the world. All okay, because you now have integrity. You know what I believe many Ex-Scientologists would rather take a bullet then lie about the Church. Heck, they probably wouldn’t even care if you told them that not lying would result in the deaths of loved one and anonymous strangers. They will tell the truth especial an important one where people are being hurt by the ugly vile of lies regardless of any artificial consequences threatened by the insane…
I’ll just say it don’t be reasonable when it comes to the truth be unreasonable. Don’t let people lie. See the Truth and Speak it. You will then start to be able to see the world as it is. And it can be very beautiful.
When they go door to door with booklets, the crime rate actually does go down. That’s because the criminals are occupied with giving out The Way To Slappiness rather than committing grand theft, a.k.a. regging. So there’s actually a kernel of truth there sticking out like a grain of wheat in a massive pile of horseshit.
“…please help us by donating The Way to Happiness booklets. Both Stevens Creek and Los Gatos have them in stock – they just need people to buy them!”
Yes, they are in stock and ready to end “crime and murder” but we’re not going to unless you pay us retail price for them. Jeezus, what a bunch of assholes.
Found the following statement on The Atlantic newsite today:
Pouw denies that Scientology is struggling to maintain control in the information age. “Like everyone else, Scientologists use the Internet,” said Pouw. “We don’t advise Scientologists on what to read and what not to read online because we believe in free speech and expression.
We know this is a big lie – Don’t advise scns on what to read. Really?
The lies in scn are legion:
“You will be through this process in 2 weeks”
“It will only take 1 intensive”
“come to flag, the friendliest place on earth”
The most sickening are the lies they spread deliberately to hurt people who disagree with them, this is supposed to be a religion but they act like petty thugs.
That link shows up a “page not found” for me, and a search on the site shows articles from 2013 and before but nothing recent. Anyone else can find it? I’d like to read it. Thanks! – Tasha D. Jones
OK, I found it. For some strange reason they put it in “archives” even though it was published only 2 days ago, so it’s supposed to be in the current magazine. (?) So it didn’t come up when I searched their site. I Googled ‘Atlantic’ and the title, and found it that way (whew!) lots of work to be able to read it. I don’t know why they archived it and made it un-searchable, don’t want to seem paranoid but it’s just weird. Anyway, here is the link, hope it remains readable:
In case you’re interested, I saw that ‘Atlantic’ article yesterday and I noticed Paulette Cooper made a few comments in the comments section, but warning, there’s a lot of $cien spamming to wade through, in order to find Paulette’s comments. I’m sorry I don’t have a link.
Yea, the church doesn’t advise on what to read and not read. Right. Sure they don’t. But if my chance you read the “entheta,” you need to get a sec check and if you read it and BELIEVE it, then you need to go in and get scientology’s version of a lobotomy.
The church doesn’t just forbid you reading “entheta.” They also forbid you reading theta if they think that theta is in competition with the stuff they peddle. One that comes to mind is “The Secret.” That was very enlightening and theta and I got in trouble with the MAA for looking at the show about “The Secret.” They called it squirrel and said it was taking people away from doing their Bridge, the only way out etc. It reminds me of the mob bosses fighting over someone trying to take a piece of their pie away or steal their territory.
It truly is through the looking glass, isn’t it? On its public face, the cherch attacks people by calling them liars. In that wonderful audio on YouTube of Larry Anderson meeting with Tommy Davis and his wife where Tommy, under his breath, calls Larry a liar, which ends the meeting, I think. The end justify the means and the means justify the lies.
If you are on staff, you lie so that no one knows that you make less than $1 an hour.
Bawhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Now that’s some funny shit, Dave!
I wasn’t joking.
So right Dave. When I would moonlight driving taxi at night so I could pay my rent and buy the privilege of being on staff during the day, I lied to my family that I made enough on staff. After that, I joined the sea org, WTF? I was so IN.
The apple does not fall far from the tree
Please don’t insult apples. The author(s) of the Bible already did enough damage.
Some biblical scholars say the “real” forbidden fruit was pomegrante. I eat both just to be safe.
Lying is a way of life in scientology. And if you cannot see it, you are simply lying to yourself.
Yeah, it sounds good .. I learned it with Marty Rathbun blog that I did it too .. I have never liked it to say yes when I meant no .. this goes as stupid as wrinting a success story .. as all of us know, you have to write a success story anyway .. otherwise you will go back in session for repair ..
But let tell me my view.. how you will get a win out of nothing really real existend .. which means, auditing forces you to imagine things which did never really happened (maybe it happened somewhere) but it was not your case ..
HCOB 19 Aug 1963 CASE: The whole sum of past by-passed charge .. this makes sense to some degree, and can be helpful if handled .. but if you have to image such charges, which never had really existed, you have to lie about your success ..
I remeber an overt act (I felt very bad about the F/N) .. I claimed to invade a planet and was very excited about the population on it and steel them the atmosphere and did stop the rotation of the planet, so that all of it fall closer to the sun .. and that I caused the death of millions .. my overt .. did F/N ..
I have never done such bullshit .. my mind would be more clever to solve such situations. But in my auditing I got out of the dark such impressions .. allegedly I did it, and got a F/N on it .. but it is something which is never happened .. but surely it was claimed as an overt of me .. so lying is necessary in the church of scientology .. and so you can spin around with super powers ..
Sorry, I cannot lie. This is incomprehensible to me.
What .. I have never said that you lie ..
I believe Friend meant to say that he during auditing he admitted to an overt, and got an F/N on it, in which during a past existence he had invaded a planet, become angry with its population, and stole away its atmosphere and stopped its rotation, so that it fell into (or to close to) its sun, thus causing millions of people to die.
He had never done such a thing, and in such a situation would be trying to solve the problem, but it was dragged out of the darkness of his auditing sessions, and no doubt recorded as a real overt. Thus the CoS encourages, even requires, lying in order to demonstrate “wins” and eventually get to the Super Power building….
Friend, Mike is just saying he doesn’t understand your post
I think he meant that he made up something he really wasn’t involved in, and it resulted in a “win”, and now he’s saying it was false, and explains how someone could be fooled into thinking that a confabulation or narration would result in a win.
Don’t let it bother you.
Mike Rinder is Australian and therefore can not understand proper English.
Friend, I however DO understand what you’re saying. Your floating needle wasn’t because you had “gotten off” a past criminal act from a zillion years ago, instead the needle was floating because you were relieved to have come up with something expected of you in the session. The floating needle isn’t proof of unconscious fixation on a past life incident being removed, it is proof that you feel some sort of relief from a discomfort you felt at least a moment ago! The mind, being an imagination factory, can and will come up with anything. The mind, being cognitive by nature, will have cognition after cognition. That’s what it does. Cognitions are a nickel per dozen.
Roger Hornaday wrote:
“The mind, being cognitive by nature, will have cognition after cognition. That’s what it does. Cognitions are a nickel per dozen.
This is an excellent point, Roger.
Cognitions are EASY.
Putting your new-found spiritual insight into PRACTICE in your own daily life is where all of the work, and all of the spiritual gains, comes from.
Wikipedia has a great entry on “religious ecstasy” which sheds light on Scientology’s emphasis on cognitions to the exclusion of real spiritual work.
Just to note: “mast” is the Persian/Hindustani word for “drunken”.
Excellent job on Fox News with Meghan Mike Rinder!! You were just awesome!
What struck everyone after we watched you – was what was going to happen to Greta Van Susteren? Isn’t she on OT VII?
What will this cost her and her husband?
Our bet – $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ – lots of money – because she had to have pulled that interview with a famous SP – in! LOL
Greta and her hubby are going to have to up their IAS status to make this transgression up to Dear Leader. Hope that check has the proper amount of zeroes on it.
I’m no fan of Greta Van Sustern but why will she have to make amends to David Miscavige for Mike’s interview at Fox? Would she have been expected to use her influence at Fox to quash this interview? I would think that putting herself forward on behalf with Fox in that manner would do the cult far more harm than good.
Isn’t Fox News owned by Rupert Murdoch who hates Scientology and tweets about how crazy they are? Greta has bigger issues at Fox than a Mike Rinder interview.
One of the “greatest” things the church of scientology (David Miscavige) did for me was to declare me a Suppressive Person. I FINALLY became totally free to think freely, to speak freely, to write freely, to read freely – I stopped having to lie to myself across the whole dynamic spectrum of my life.
Well, Mary, the wins DO start when you leave. When I finally left, freedom never tasted so good. SO folks must live in misery.
That is very true OSD. I do, however, miss my son terribly and really want him to know and experience the wins of living outside the bubble and in the light of the real world as well.
On another note, OSD, I think you should get your Bar-B-Que ready for the party you’re going to throw when IT is all over.
And I’ll be bringing my two new jackets for anyone who wants to do a photo op with one of the cults original issues!
And this article shows how combative and deceptive the church is, plus also challenges miscavige. Here are a couple of highlights:
“He details an organization that, rather than respond to accusations, chooses to attack when confronted.
One would think David Miscavige, the leader of the Church of Scientology, would want to serve as the face of the organization and answer some of the allegations made by the former members.
it’s when people do begin to hurt, when beliefs are thrust upon others, that we have a problem.
it would appear the Church of Scientology doesn’t want us to know what goes on inside its walls. For an organization deemed an official religion in the United States of America that seems odd. The biggest question then becomes, What is there to hide?”
Oh, by the way, I don’t even look for these articles. Whenever I go to Yahoo mail there have been, throughout the day, at least 3-5 articles about Going Clear and as the day of HBO’s showing nears, the more articles are popping up. Oh, and I am not lying.
The Scn tech I scanned over for handling attacks is pretty simple, You spot the outpoint e.g. a lie. Then you ask where the person heard the lie, and all you do there is to get them to look at their source. You supply the correct data. Usually, what happens is the person realizes they do not themselves have confirmation, and that the source of the lie has their own self-interest behind the lie. But the whole thing is predicated on the criticism being a lie (or other outpoint). It doesn’t work if the criticism is not a lie.
Truth wins, lies lose.
The problems I see that arise with Scientology is that you have many people who swear by it, while others, many of whom do not know much about it, categorically oppose it. By Scientology, I mean Scientology the data and philosophy and methodology, not the church under the management of Miscavige. To hold that the church is equal to Scientology is a lie. You can argue that it is a “serviceable lie” but it is still a lie, and as such has limited utility.
Philosophically and religiously, one makes one’s own choice about whether or not to be upset about something. This is an obvious one, and you see it every day. Not being upset about something does not change the character of the event. It is not lying to not be upset. “Forgiveness” is a very valuable philosophy and a very valuable tenet of religion. If we held onto every little thing, what a miserable life it would be.
I find that Scientology is correct and extremely beneficial. Yet I found that the church became not helpful after a certain point. For me, I was lied to, and I do not like being lied to, and in the case of the church, I couldn’t find any way around the lies I was told. They were just too thick, and no one was willing to stop. I don’t see how I can be wrong about both Scientology AND the church. More likely is that I am right about both. Right about one, and right about the other.
It has always amazed me that people I know call me very intelligent, very nice guy, very honest (too honest one said), other compliments, yet when I talk about Scientology – or try to – I’m greeted with all manner of skepticism. Somewhere in there, I detect the presence of lies – and I don’t think they’re coming from me, or from Scientology.
People want wins and proof. Although I do have some “physical / spiritual manifestation” wins, I can state those and no one has to believe them. The biggest wins I have from Scientology are “philosophical / intelligence / abilities” and those aren’t really “provable” either. But … given freedom of speech, I have no problems stating that due to the perspective provided by my adsorption and use of Scientology data and auditing, I can spot correct philosophy and logic. In all modesty, my reading list is very impressive. I did go to college – a great one – and I cannot imagine any of my professors suggesting I change my reading list. Some would add to it, helpfully, based on their expertise, but I can’t see anyone deleting from it. That’s very valuable, and I keep working on it.
The ability to see differences, similarities, and identities, and to evaluate relative importances, the ability to use the Data Series, the ability to set worthwhile long-term goals and envision ideal scenes. All of that reads like it is straight out of Scientology’s playbook – and it is. I don’t see how anyone can argue it is wrong (no matter how virulently they may hurl poisonous and unfounded accusations). I know for a fact there are people who are better at it than I, but not one of them would argue that what I’ve just said is wrong. Some might even be immensely appreciative – that’s a remarkable characteristic I’ve observed, that some of the wisest and most accomplished individuals I’ve ever met seem to be the most effusively appreciative of truth.
Truth wins, lies lose.
I have to wonder if the Scientologist’s who claim a booklet reduces crime has any rational mind left? I mean really ?
Wasn’t there a guy in Ferguson claiming The Way to Happiness Booklets reduced crime in St Louis 21% and then FERGUSON Fiasco happened. I recall TWTH baboons did a video with the Alderman in the most crime ridden District of St Louis – all before the Ferguson Fiasco…then the shit hit the fan and kept on hitting.
I don’t get it – every Scientologist has thousands of them in their basements and garages and they did not even help anyone “Go Clear”. In fact the “Science” of the Way to Happiness Booklets is – they do nothing but take up space and collect dust. They liter the streets and fill up garbage cans. They do nothing – absolutely nothing!
My EP of the Way to Happiness Booklets – I had to pay a hauler hundreds of dollars to haul away everything LRH!
The only one I helped was the hauler and the land fill.
Thank you LRH Sir.
Thanks for keeping Scientology working so Hauler’s have jobs and the Land Fills full! Scientology works when standardly applied!
Yes, like anyone who might commit a crime is going to stop long enough to read “TWTH” booklet and then cognite, “Wow, I had better turn my life around”.
Wait…what??? John, you mean to tell me that passing out the WTH booklets won’t bring about world peace??? Crime won’t drop??? It’s all a scam??? My world, or what’s left of it, has been shattered beyond belief.
I imagine a criminal reading the first TWTH precept (“Take Care Of Yourself”) and deciding to eat a healthy meal and brush their teeth before going out to commit a crime.
LRH wrote many references on how bad it is to generalize and that SP’s speak in generalities. Well their own promo is a generality: “crime goes down when we…” “crime goes up when we…” what a generality and a lie. Where are the exact figures? Also per LRH’s PTS/SP tech, if someone is constantly suppressed over a long period of time by an SP, then that person is so PTS to him/her, that he/she becomes an unthinking and fully obeying Robot to the SP. That Reference on Robotism explains why those still in the church cannot leave and will not leave. They are now Robots who do an say whatever DM tells them to. It’s not looking good that they’ll cognate and leave now. Maybe the only way they’ll leave is if the church falls around them and they have no other option.
I’ve always liked the Way To Happiness and thought it has its definite uses as a common sense, non-make wrong morality guide for well fed, not-too-PTP’d people who could read and who would be receptive to reading it. This group which I believe would benefit would NOT include people who are hungry, homeless, illiterate, undergoing personal losses and tragedies, undergoing losses and tragedies due to earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes,etc, nor would it include extremely troubled teens in gangs, unless a person took the time and trouble to mentor one of these youth, to get them into communication so that they would trust you enough to have even the briefest real 2WC. But handing someone like this a booklet – that’s going to calm a troubled being? I don’t think so.
Like the one ….” Do not Murder.”
Really Ron (meant El Con), you must have had a real late nighter to come up with that piece of original data. But you fucked it up because you lied ……. AGAIN! Should read:
“Do not Murder ………… unless a Fair Game has been issued by HCO.”
Yes, when I was in the church I discussed the lies in that event covering the WTH in District 3. I looked up the crime stats online and crime levels actually went up in the district–not down. Such a joke as I was to report to ethics. I went into ethics and she started asking what I had done. That was it WTF–I did something?
Yea, Coop. Or how about, “Seek to Live with the Truth ……… but only by reading, listening or talking with who David Miscavige or HCO tell you is okay.”
Passing out WTH booklets on the weekend??? I can think of several other things to do on a beautiful
California weekend….that doesn’t include the possibility of loss and rejection.
Yesterday Regarded Being was very funny. The part with Miscavige behind his desk reminds me of Seinfeld when George worked for the Yankees and he would be in George Steinbrenner’s office with Steinbrenner rambling on about nothing and George trying to be interested in what Steinbrenner is saying. And of course we never see Steinbrenner’s face. Of course the Seinfeld scenes are funny. The Regarded Being Miscavige bits are more of a reality…..a funny but sad reality.
Thank you for making a point of this Mike. It is healing to recognize that as a scientologist and staff member, I have lied to myself, to my family, to my auditors, to the examiner, to my ethics officer and to anyone who asked me about the church. And of course the lies were all justified at the time, as they were for the greatest good, the overall purpose of disseminating the ultimate truth, which as it turns out, contained a lot of lies.
Paul, that’s what I wanted to say too… thanks for saying it.
The CoS isn’t available for questions it only makes impressive-sounding assertions. The most damaging question anybody can ask a liar is this: “By what means did you arrive at this knowledge?”
How much per booklet?
A couple of kids and your wife will cover the entrance fee.
For free of course. Just provide for a free digital copy of TWTH on the website….
O… wait… 🙂
The Hole does not exist.
Scientologists brought down the Berlin Wall.
L. Ron Hubbard was married twice.
Ad nauseam.
Isn’t that the most basic lie? Someone should be able to go up to a Scientologist and simply ask: “How many times did L. Ron Hubbard marry?” It’s not a question about tech, policy, actions or any other esoteric thing that wogs supposedly wouldn’t understand because they’re not scientologists. It’s a simple question of numbers. Yet if they’re trained to believe every aspect of Hubbard’s Kim Jong Il-esque hagiography, they’ll lie about this simple thing too.
Edge, you have so nailed one of my major beefs with the Co$ and with any religion. There’s tech and philosophy which either works to improve one’s life or it doesn’t, and then there’s the man the Founder, of that philosophy, who, once it gets crystallized into a religion is built up to have been this flawless, perfect Uber-Being. Its just silly.
Now, with inventors this isn’t so, even though the inventions changed the course of human existence. Thomas Edison invented hundreds of things including electricity but we have no problem pointing out his character flaws. Some one invented the wheel and we don’t know if this person was a faithful spouse or a good parent and we don’t even know his (or her) name but no one rightly cares because its not important.
Religion, in my opinion, should take a cue from the practical world and stop fashioning gods and near -deities out of human men and women.
Now, I just realized how ridiculous that statement is but I’m not going to erase it even though it makes no sense.
End of rant.
And he was a war hero. He had college degrees in both Mathematics & Engineering. He was a nuclear physicist. He saved the world at CalTech in Pasadena when all the other physicists wanted to take over the government. He was the perfect father and husband. He never, every hit any of his wives. Why, one time he….he…(sounds of my throwing up). Sorry folks. All that lying made me sick.
….he Left the body in perfect Shape that he had used in this life in order to complete research on OT levels, totally exterior, without being hindered by a MEST body.
Don’t forget, his official military records were “sheep dipped” because he was a secret agent working on a covert op.
Morning Dave! Getting a little uncomfortable in your ivory tower isn’t it?
Here’s something that isn’t a lie: Your ass is toast, shrimp toast if you will, in 2 days. Tick Tock.
NOLA, considering where you’re from, I thought you’d go for “blackened clams” rather than shrimp toast. Actually, blackened clams (marinated in single-malt scotch) with shrimp toast sounds pretty appetizing. Too bad we have to wait for Sunday for the dish to be complete.
Damn, now I’m getting hungry.
You have me giggling over here Espi. Dave’s not worthy of being seasoned. Just outright burnt.
I was thinking about you this morning, you and every Anon who stepped up in the early days. You all and the exes…it’s a hell of a trail you’ve all blazed. I am SO excited for Sunday!!!!!! (exclamation tech in full force)
Any big plans for Sunday night?
Hungry! Man, after what Espiando described, I’m starving! I WANT THOSE CLAMS! And no, I’m not talking about scientologists…
Nah, no big plans for Sunday night. I’m just going to fill myself with heaping helpings of hot buttered schadenfreude while watching some TV documentary that’s been making the rounds.
That is the truth NOLAGirl.
Yo Dave,
We own you now good buddy. And it’s not because we are so good. It is totally because of how despicably miserable you and your slimeballs are.
“There are two groups in San Jose and Monterey counties working to handle crime and morality.”
This part of what your slimeball cohort in LosGatos said is likely a half truth. Why is that you ask? Because Dave, there are likely more than just two groups working to improve conditions in that area and rest assured that neither one has any fucking thing to do with You or Your Sleazebag Cult.
And Dave, get this ……. the number of new public into Your Orgs or onto a Cult course if fast approaching a big ZERO good buddy. This is how it should be. Know this: if I hear of anyone who has been contacted by or is thinking about checking out your cult, I will personally contact them and provide the necessary R Factor (as You so aptly call it) to be sure they STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM YOUR TOXIC WASTELAND AND YOUR DESPICABLE ‘religious’ CULT! I’m willing to travel at no additional cost!
Also Dave, I’ve been thinkin again. Always dangerous but I had a really good nights rest after a really fabulous night before so here is my idea; I have two black CCHR jackets, one that says I am a Reformer and the other a Protector …………….of ‘human rights’ ……… If you can believe that good buddy! So my sister is a really ( not just OK but really good) seamstress. Today I’m taking those jackets over to her for an alteration……..DAVE. You have inspired me and so you get to take credit. (
(And to think I was going to toss those jackets….. I paid some good money for those things goddamit!)
Tell me Dave, what is the back of the jacket going to say when she is done? Here is a clue………..the word Psychs won’t be on it! And get this Mr. Daveshit for brains, I’ll pay her WHATEVER IT TAKES to git-er done!
Your favorite SP
Wonderful, wonderful post Newcomer!
“Yo Dave, We own you now good buddy. And it’s not because we are so good. It is totally because of how despicably miserable you and your slimeballs are.”
Actually Coop, we are pretty good. 🙂 I think that, at least for this weekend, we can pat ourselves on the back a little bit. Monday, we can go back to being humble voices of the cause.
This weekend, we eat caek.
Dave, this weekend you get exposed….while we eat caek. Good luck with all that.
Gosh, Coop! I wish you wouldn’t hold back.
Jacket update: I’ve decided to leave the CCHR on the front of the jacket. CCHR will have a new meaning after Sunday.
Citizens: correct, I am/we are citizens
Commission: def: “an authorization to perform certain duties or tasks OR to take on certain powers”.
Human: Yes I am one of those to be differentiated from a THETAN ……thanks anyway Dave.
Rights: Yes, I have been granted certain rights which can be found in the Constitution of the US.
The CCHR will henceforth mean that I am a citizen of the United States who has volunteered to be a part of a commission which advocates ferreting out evil cults which masquerade as human rights advocates. As such I am committed to stamping out evil little burnt embers which incorrectly call themselves by the same name but of course are LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH.
Of course you are correct NOLAGirl………………… I like my caek with a tall glass of milk.
You are missing something big. You are going down with a whimper.
Keeping the bubble intact is irrelevant. The public knowledge of your ecclesiastical scam will overwhelm you and the bubble. When the bubble bursts, those who gush out will have to do their own soul searching. As for you and your cadre, it will be in solitude; witness tampering and heinous criminality comes with a steep price.
That’s a lie.
(Sorry, couldn’t help myself.)
Instead of asking for donations to print up booklets to distribute, they print them up and sell them retail to distribute..
You’d have to be brainwashed not to see the stupidity.
Are we allowed to use the “b” word?
My oh my, I wonder where Scientologst’s ever got the idea that lying was acceptable?
“Now you say you have to be absolutely truthful. Sincerity is the main thing, and truthfulness is the main thing and don’t lie to anybody….. and you’ll get ahead. Brother you sure will. You’ll get ahead right on that cycle of action, right to zero!”
LRH Philadelphia Doc
“The highest attainment to truth is to attain illusion” LRH
In other words:
Ron became his lie to such a degree that we all believed that what he said he was, he was. And we were controlled by that lie. Just like he told us.
“The only way to control people is to lie to them” LRH
The answer to Scientologist’s deviant behavior lies (pun intended) at source. Ron is source.
BTW, see MIke on Fox news. HIs interview with Megan Kelly went out to millions. Mike, you were great. That was a media torpedo straight towards the bubble.
Good observation.
Wow ! ..The fact that Megan Kelly took this up gives this story tremendous credibility. Holy Smokes!
Sadly, to get back in Dave’s good graces Megan is going to have to do a very severe A to E program in order to get her chance at eternity back. Her punishment will included forfeiting her salary for the past five years to the IAS , a 30 minute segment telling the world how brilliant Dave is and finally licking Greta Van Susteren’s bathroom floor spotlessly clean.
Dave and you hired guns at OSA……you are not going to survive this event on Sunday night.
This is how you beat a polygraph (so-called lie detector) examination, I suppose. And since the e-meter is the one-eyed cousin to that more famous device, it makes perfect sense. Hubbs is instructing his duplicates (adherents) on how to pretend to enjoy being him.
Brian, that PDC reference of LRH’s pertains to the achieving of all types of goals, large and small. Before one can do something in order to have something one has to “be”, and that beingness is the illusion to which LRH refers here, and its an illusion because the person hasn’t yet done what’s necessary yet to have it, yet he has the illusion, the picture, that he has, that he can, that he will. Then he makes it come true, or not, as the case may be but in any event this is how we live life, all of us operate this way no matter what we’re doing or not doing. This is not a tech blog and we can disagree and its fine. Just saying.
Yes Aqua, I do see your point. For an artist or businessman or any dreamer of accomplishment, an individual creates first a picture in their minds and seeks to duplicate it in reality. But that would not be a philosophical statement of truth. That is a Dale Carnagie “dream it and become it.”
This statement is done in the absolute. It states the “highest attainment to truth”. That is a powerfully revealing statement about Ron. He lived like that. He sought to convince himself and us of lies. Define the words and marvel at the irrationality of it.
He could have qualified the statement but he did not. He used the word “truth’ not dream or postulate.
So I am left with Ron’s, now proven, legacy of lying as a demonstration of his intent and meaning. I am left with the reasonable conclusion that Ron meant what he said. Life is more colorful when you lie.
They will buy my products if:
1) I am a nuclear scientist
2) Buddha
3) Matreya
4) breaking broncos at 3 years old
5) the only being to survive OT3
6) war hero
7) Invented the “only” workable, bestest spiritual technology ever in the history of forever.
I can make a list that goes and goes.
Because his biography is riddled with lies and falsehoods I am concluding that Ron meant it how he behaves. Behavior is the demonstration of values.
“I am not interested in wog morality.” LRH.
Maybe he is who he is, not what the PR machine created.
Maybe he was a congenital, inveterate, compulsive liar. History confirms it. It is not easy to believe in someone and then find out that trust was betrayed. Very painful indeed.
Aqua I wouldnt bother about actual context of what Hubbard said at this point. The pendulum swing is in favour of one thing and one thing only- rage against the machine of Scientology! The line between Hubbard, COB, the church and Scientology is blurring! No body gives a damn either. Not when the fire brands are lit, pitchforks are being brandished and the roar for justice and retribution reaches a frenzy! Death to Scientology! Its a mantra now.
Cant say I blames it for the way it is. I feel its more on COB and the churches side that needs fire bombing. Others feel its Hubbards fault all along. One thing I am sure of is no one seems to care if there is any goodness to be had or saved, its all about the revolution baby! Its time ta burn!!
The Church of Scientology has been trying to “get the word out” since 1954 {with Way to Happiness booklets or not} but all it ever really gets itself into is new out-ethics and O/W’s. That is why this church has such a high crime rate per capita. 🙂
Oh the good old “b” word. The catalyst for “YOU WERE NOT THERE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE INTERVIEW”. Oh and it’s not lying, it’s telling “acceptable truths”. There’s a difference, people! lol