Both Tony Ortega and I have published previous stories about crazy hotel guy John Mappin and his wife Irina. They run the very creepy “castle” in England from whence they spout their fanatical following of Donald Trump even though they are not US citizens or residents.
Mad Scientologist John Mappin At It Again
Now the dynamic duo are promoting Trump’s new social media platform as part of a bizarre rant about Suppressives (sent out in almost unreadable white on black text which I had to enlarge and screenshot to make readable).
These clowns mirror the Hubbard mindset. Suppressive are everywhere trying to enslave and destroy mankind. The “Suppressive media” control the communication lines of the world and spread disinformation—they are the “enemy of the people.” Like Hubbard, who was never able to get good media coverage, Mappin has had a hard time with the press. The piece in The Times above is just one example.
Is it any surprise that they rail against the media?? Of course, Hubbard also started his own news outlet in Freedom magazine. Miscavige expanded on that with ScientologyTV.
Mappin says out loud what most Scientologists think. I guess we should be grateful for the glimpse inside the head of a hard core scientology believer.
Mad as a Hatter, convicted fraudster, Q-Anonist, Scientologist and Trump disciple
Yes, his brand new Bentley is inconveniently parked outside the front door of his pebble-dashed Victorian hotel overlooking Tintagel Castle ruins.
Private Registration number JM55 MAP, 4 litre engine, a vehicle owned by Mappin, the Chairman of DGB, a Dutch Green Business Group, whose mission is to plant 1 billion trees to save the planet, the same length in years as the contract he signed as a Thetan Scientologist !!
He proudly stated: “Those who solve the very practical and real challenges of man’s symbiosis and relationship with trees and whom additionally harness free market forces and the access to capital needed to rapidly accelerate the reforestation of earth, will not only resolve one of the last remaining barriers to our survival here, restoring balance to continued life on earth, but will act in great service to all life and to the Creator.”
“This is our endeavour.”
Still raving.
Once you’ve had the luxury of using a private helicopter to go to and from school, this is the outcome….
I also recognized the connection to q-anon. So many crazy conspiracy theories and cults jive with Q beliefs. Trump not only managed to make himself president, he’s a godlike figure to some people
who in their right mind is going to stay at this madmans castle!
This makes me doubt the cult could ever make the switch to a mainstream belief system. They have picked their last stand. The only way it might happen is if by some miracle the cult is proven true, like they dig up a fossilized DC-8 spaceship or find an implant station on Mars.
I moderate at a conservative political site that is over 90% pro-Trump. This includes non-Americans who think Trump had the right idea. Never heard of people literally flying a Q flag, though there are a few Q-anon supporters around. You would be much more likely to see American flags, Gadsen flags, and Trump / MAGA flags.
Members seem to be divided on Truth social media – I’m not sure there is a huge drive for it in Trump’s base. I have used alternative social media, but I prefer ones that are not strictly political – that’s just a good way to raise your blood pressure.
A long time still in who was an auditor and course supervisor of mine when I was in is full on QAnon. Together with spouse, full on Trump and full frontal Q and it can only be deduced that together they will be enthusiastic Truth Social users. I’m still trying to wrap my mental mitts around how this staff member, who might still be on staff at another org – someone so trained, so seemingly sane back in the day, how someone like this could morph into a QAnon believer. Oh, and there’s no doubt that this is the case although I won’t post here how I absolutely know. In any event… It blows my mind. Perhaps it shouldn’t; it probably shouldn’t. But it really, really does. This person AUDITED me.
Trained me. Wow.
Sorry for the Off Topic personal rant, Mike. If you want to delete it I’ll understand.
As regards this clown and his Tintagel Castle Motel, I’ve read enough reviews of this place on Trip Advisor to know that people are drawn to it by the King Arthur mystique but almost immediately upon checking in their really turned off by the rooms and the quality of service.
With no intention to be funny I will share now that I’m beginning to entertain the distinct possiblity that Scientologists, many of them, are collectively going batty. No really, I’m not being funny. I do mean the actual losing their of their grip on reality, as individuals and as a group, and what might well be causing this slide into permanent delusion are the realizations they’ve been experiencing due to Covid – realizations about the Scientology’s actual scene that are just too, too painful – possibly like the Q followers who just cannot digest that TRump lost the election.
Maybe these Scientologists are twisting and turning and grasping at anything – ANYTHING – to not have to face the awful, inevitable truth – that they’ve been lied to for years, that Scientology is not only NOT expanding, but contracting severely, and that the name L. Ron Hubbard is mud.
Funny how this idiot wasn’t on Trump’s side when Trump was the darling of the NY Democratic party elite.
Bingo because trumps core message was exactly the same then as now.
Exactly. Only changing parties brought out the Fake News harpies
Xenu is the biggest SP to earth, in recent millions of years of earth’s history.
And Hubbard made Xenu and Xenu’s earth dumping of body-thetans taboo words to define publicly,
Hubbard’s rules have caused Scientologist staff, even Miscavige, with so many unsolvable problems.
XENU and BODY-THETANS, the very top level theory of the five exorcism levels of Scientology’s mission on earth, a whole bunch of exorcism to eject all the body-thetans whom Xenu implanted with the R6 implants.
Per their theory that they cannot divulge or else face excommunication for divulging their Xenu/body-thetans problem that earth is suffering from, the Scientologists, all of them, top to bottom, are hampered from explaining their actual mission, which is their pseudo-therapy and exorcism to supposedly fix humanity, person by person, ejecting all their body-thetans and “case” trauma off of a human,
Scientology has their members, rather Hubbard’s rules and theory for the members, have them doing impossible things.
Xenu’s body-thetans are not the world’s problems, and the Hubbard past lives pseudo-therapy isn’t the solution to humanity’s problems.
I think the wacky rich Scientologists might possibly do the crazier things they do due to their own innate situations in life, even if they were not Scientologists.
But for Scientology, the non Scientologists at least should be informed of the simpler explanations of Scientology’s offering to fix humanity, the pseudo-therapy steps, and the exorcism steps, of Scientology, and their whole track vast cosmic multi planets and muiti star systems beliefs and how those beliefs effect earth and humanity today.
Crazy rich people, i wonder if there are more of them today, in spite all their various belief system groups they belong to.
But hopefully just on the theory alone, Scientology isn’t sought after as a solution to one’s spiritual improvement.
At the end, it’s ironic that Xenu, who is the worst SP in recent millions of years of earth’s history, cannot be named by Scientology. Nor can they publicly tell what Xenu did (he did the Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic Engram) to harm humanity.
Scientology can’t even say who is the real biggest SP, and what Scientology’s real mission is, which is to fix up the “cases” of humans by doing the Scientology pseudo-therapy and the Hubbard standard exorcism.
Hubbard called Xenu the suppressive to end all suppressives, and that ties into the Xenu story, of Xenu causing the Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic Engram where Xenu dumped all the “body-thetans” onto earth for which today the main line secret snipe hunting of Scientology has to be done.
Xenu’s the biggest SP in earth’s history per all the Scientology theory. I hate how it is called “myth” which no trained Scientologists would think what LRH is telling about Xenu’s misdeeds as being “myth.” It’s real to Hubbard and to fully trained Scientologists.
That Hubbard made Scientology is suppressive, and it’s way out on a limb quackery.
Chuck, a small disagreement:
McSavage is the most effective SP and squirrel in scientology/Dianutics’ 71-year history. Xenu simply utterly destroyed billions of “people” – illegal aliens though they were, they were still intelligences – who didn’t deserve to be A-bombed like that, and THEN implanted with R6 and all sorts of other silly ideas.
Heck, that was 76 MILLION years ago! Can we come up to present time now? Dwelling on the past never did me no good, as my auditors and co-workers can attest.
yes, I see, you are right.
Because Xenu ain’t real (except in their minds he’s real since Hubbard said he was real) and because Miscavige is real, you are in reality are really right.
Miscavige didn’t and doesn’t have some of Hubbard’s con man charm and garrulousness so Miscavige is really the biggest SP, agreed.
Hubbard might have throttled back on the Captain Bligh had he still been at the helm, once or twice more often than Miscavige who doesn’t know about throttling back. Only throttling and punching and spitting on scapegoat subordinates.
O/T. Church of Scientology National Affairs Office Joins Letter Opposing Biden’s Plan to Make Temporary Fentanyl-Related Drug Criminalization Policy Permanent.
Human Rights Watch: Nearly 100 Groups Oppose Biden’s Plan to Make Misguided Temporary Drug Criminalization Policy Permanent
October 22, 2021 1:26PM EDT
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
We, the undersigned criminal justice, civil rights, drug policy, health policy, faith-based and advocacy organizations, in the interests of justice and public health, write today to urge you to reject the Biden-Harris Administration’s recommendations to Congress on fentanyl-related substances (“Biden FRS Proposal”)[1] because it leans on law enforcement, not evidence-based public health solutions, to solve the overdose epidemic.
Church of Scientology National Affairs Office
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
I wonder if/when the government will wake up to the truth that the “War On Drugs™” is LOST!? It accomplished nothing but penalize folks just doing what comes naturally to humans. Everyone consumes mind-altering drugs, be they caffeine or sugar or tobacco or alcohol.
The ONE anti-drug campaign which has seemed to work was against tobacco, and secondarily (to some extent) drunk driving. Folks DO party with designated drivers who drink non-alcoholic drinks free all night; sometimes comped by the bar.
No need to wake up Jere. It was known at the beginning. The lawmakers KNEW it would create a HUGE organized crime problem just as prohibition (the war on drinking) did. That would make for huge increases in public spending, police, etc. And result in huge prison populations, laws to confiscate private property, human rights violations and murder of law abiding citizens. The Dems and Repubs LOVE it in congress.
Senator Biden created a law in 1983 that allows the government unlimited authority to seize assets from private citizens with NO CHARGES AND NO TRIAL. It was called The Comprehensive Forfeiture Act. Unbelievable that ANYONE with more than two brain cells would give that criminal MORE power as PotUS.
As I repeatedly mentioned about World Bank prediction of Covid 19 restrictions till 2025 and correlated it with cycle of winding up for Scientology.
Yesterday , Sunday , Oct 24 , some thing happened which endorsed my prediction.
On Oct 24 four South Asian cricket teams (India vs Pakistan & Srilanka vs Bangladesh). were against each other for World Cup.
The total population of these countries eere equal to Chinese population( 17% of world ).
During the match Mental Health advertisement from UNO subsidiary was televised.
This is the region where Scientology is trying to market itself as non-religious and mental health alternative. The adds have same importance as Super Bowl commercial.
It is big blow fot the Scientologist of the region watching UNO asking to support for Mental Health initiative. So far they were told it as a conspiracy run by Big Pharma and corrupt beaucracy.
The cricket matches are part of World Cup tournament and shall continue for almost a month.
These matches are watched all over the world : Britain, Australian, New Zealand, South African ,West Indian and Caribbean, Zimbabwe , United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia , Kuwait , Bahrain , Afghanistan, Pakistan ,India, Nepal, Srilanka ,Bangladesh, Canada and USA
Seemingly Truth Social has already been hacked. It is still in beta so that was fast.
Data is not truth. Information is not wisdom. Knowledge is not certainty, despite Hubbard’s insistence.
Propaganda everywhere but nary a drop to think.
Some day when the aliens finally arrive to study the wreckage of our civilization, they will be very puzzled by the many seemingly odd burial sites they find. Each with a skeleton holding a decayed handheld device up to the face.
Meanwhile, to my former Scientologist friends, see if you can forgive yourself for trying to save the world. Hubbard’s way was the wrong way to go about it but at least you were trying.
Burned by fakery, we tend to test for the truth a little more and trust the random splatterers of the internet a lot less.
Maybe Hubbard will leave a valuable legacy after all – fostering a healthy skepticism in those who learn about him. He did have one good idea – he made it a High Crime to enter false data into a computer.
Grifters tend to band together. I hope this clown loses his shirt running his hotel. There are probably better places to stay in Cornwall.
Bingo. Birds of a feather flock together. Like attract.
Saturday Night Live mocked tRump’s truthsocial last night very well. The UK should put the Mappins and Prince Andy in the same room for a long time.
“Like Hubbard, who was never able to get good media coverage…”
I’m curious about this statement. When I was ensnared in the cult in the mid 70s, Hubbard was on the lam. My take is that one reason he started the sea org was so that he could operate free of local governments and their regulations as well as the prying media. He always seemed to be paranoid of the media. From what I can tell, this paranoia started maybe in the early to mid 60s and only got worse over time. Perhaps Hubbard was more open to the media earlier on, but after the Sonia Bianca debacle in the early 50s he seemed to shy away from public appearances and only kept close company with his adherents. Miscavige seems to be doing the same thing on steroids.
I’m sure that most any cult leader could have all the media attention and interview opportunities that they want but they don’t go there because outsiders who aren’t caught up in the cult’s prison of belief can freely call them on their bullshit and readily expose their con.
I would be interested to hear other people’s take on this.
Hubbard’s popularity bloomed in 1950, and the must read book Martin Gardner’s “Fads and Fallacies” in print and cheap, tells really the similarities of these pseudo-science persons of that mid point of the 20th century. Puts Hubbard in context from which he never could be recatagorized more positively from.
Scientology hides their upper level theory, but that theory is simply exorcism in high volume, for five levels, OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, which consist of using their Hubbard Ouija E Meter to find and exorcise “body-thetans” (surplus souls dumped onto earth by Xenu) off their bodies.
Scientology cannot be sold when the actual theory and practices are simply explained and laid out.
Hubbard made it excommunicatable to publicly explain the Xenu “body-thetans” exorcism five levels of upper Scientology, but that is so relevant to understanding what Scientology’s mission really is.
A whole lot of snipe hunting exorcism chasing after Xenu’s earth dumped body-thetans/surplus souls.
I think once you reach OT3 and find out about Xenu and body thetans if you still have a brain you decide to leave this cult. And you are probably furious about the thousands of dollars you shelled out to reach that level and find out about this fairy tale. If not, then you really need psychiatric help.
Naw, I would have bought the theory. I did my 27 year fool’s stint in Sea Org and never reached the Xenu “body-thetans” exorcism OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 steps.
But, soon as I got out, read the OT 3 Xenu story theory about Xenu dumping “body-thetans” onto earth, and the “Body-thetans” attaching themselves to all humans today, and leaking the R6 implants which Xenu implanted into the minds of all the zillions of “body-thetans” which are just surplus souls floating all over earth without bodies. And putting two and two together, it made sense and would not have caused me personally to quit on the beliefs alone.
I bought the soul idea. Scientology Hubbard think we are the soul, at our core. We have past lives trauma memories and we “Clear” those trauma memories from effecting us on the first half of the Hubbard long pseudo-therapy levels of Scientology. (I got to Clear, then backtracked to step 0, thinking my Clear attainment was bogus and not in truth fully achieved, from step 0 I never progressed when I finally quit Scientology, LOL).
But after Clear, you are racing the next 2 levels to get to the exorcism levels at the 3rd level above Clear, called OT 3, and there you get taught the Xenu story, which explains why you need to do a whole bunch of exorcism now.
Xenu dumped the surplus bodielss souls, “body-thetans” onto earth, and that was 75 million years ago, and now all humans today are coated/infested with huge huge amounts of surplus souls.
So it takes five exorcism levels, OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to rid yourself of these surplus souls.
I didn’t stay for the exorcism levels, but knowing how slow I went on the lower levels before and up to Clear, I would have been easily the rest of my life never completing all the exorcism.
But theoretically it does make sense to a well informed and soul/souls believing person.
Years ago, I heard one of the modern atheist famous persons say that once you believe in the soul, then all sorts of oddball sets of ideas can bloom from that.
I believe that, and I returned to atheism, and don’t believe in the soul, otherwise I could quite adequately defend the soul exorcism activities of Scientology and stick to the Hubbard theory.
But the key building block, a transmigrating soul, is bogus to me.
McSavage certainly DOES seem to be on steroids, doesn’t he? That might partially explain his eternal fits of rage over little nothings
If you google “Miscavige steroids” with quote marks, you will get all the comments about this in past chat sites.
If you google around, there are some excellent old chats on the old ARS chat site. And ExScn and Clambake.
Any media outlet that relies on Wall St advertisers and/or political access is not going to bite the hands that feed it. If you think you’re getting objective news from the likes of CNN, MSNBC, Fox, NYT, WaPo, et al., you’re deluded.
But if an organisation can be considered “suppressive” for being pro-censorship and having a financial interest in publishing misinformation then Mappin only needs to look to his church. The sheer hypocrisy on display here is nauseating.
Oh…and according to its terms, Trump Social users may not “disparage, tarnish, or otherwise harm, in our opinion, us and/or the Site.” So much for freedom of speech.
“In THEIR opinion”. That, in this age where anyone has a right to be offended by ANYTHING.
One of the worst problems conspiracy theorists have to deal with is memory, not those plotting behind them.
In fact, if one thinks about it, who knows how many conspiracy theories they have ridden over the decades convinced that they have understood everything and then nothing has come true or worse they have completely forgotten about it.
The truth lies in the fact – in my humble opinion – that they need these things to make up for something else that is missing in their perception of reality.
While others USE these stories, knowing they are fishing in a pond full of fish ready to bite.