Scientology’s version of Monty Pythons Upper Class Twit is at it again (I always love it any time I can slip in a Monty Python reference) — if you don’t know this skit, I have included it at the end of this post.
I have written about Mad Mappin before (the most recent here: Mad Mappin At It Again).
Now he has called on a local member of the British parliament to do something about the “genocide” of the COVID vaccines. (Wonder if he has sent something to David Miscavige demanding an explanation as to why all Sea Org and staff were required to get the “Covid injections”?).
Putting an MP on blast like this can backfire.
Here is what the Rt Hon Johnny Mercer had to say to Mappin:
OMG, that is some serious shade.
And then someone else followed up asking for proof…
Mappin just keeps digging his hole, with what scientologists would recognize as “generalities” (which is the language SP’s use):
Mappin should stick to serving the guests at his 1 star Camelot castle hotel. Probably should be renamed Fawlty Towers (another Python reference…)
He would fit in well for the Upper Class Twit of the Year competition though…
Mad as a cut snake Mappin has obviously been under the cosmetic knife a few times.
Have look at the first photo:
A horrible almost chinless wonder.
Now the second photo:
Now he’s become, slightly paraphrased from Mel Brooks “Robin Hood: Men in Tights”:
A man (manly man).
What a vainglorious nutjob.
The hotel has actually been around since the 19th century, to cash in on the Arthurian connection. It’s really quite pretty, spectacularly located, and would be better off in someone else’s hands. Fun fact: it was the location for the 1979 Dracula film, starring Frank Langella and sir Laurence Olivier, where it doubled as – believe it or not – a lunatic asylum. ๐ Anyway, I stayed there last autumn during a tour of the southwest. I wasn’t aware of who the current owner was, but 10 minutes after arriving I started looking it up. The shrine to Donald Trump and the DOZENS of pictures of the owner with various bemused celebrities in the entrance hallway caught my attention. Inside every room (the room was rather more shabby than the public places in the hotel) were utterly bizarre magazines with weird cultish stories about Mappin and his wife and their mission to save the planet and all the celebrities who endorsed them (no Tom Cruise, but Nicholas Cage was very prominent, though I wonder if he knows about it himself) I actually did a social media post about ‘the weird cult that seems to own the hotel these days’. Now I can see I was right. I actually nearly bumped into Mappin in the hotel lobby one evening as I was comparing shots from the Dracula movie with the parts of the building used. He came in to greet someone and I thought “hey, it’s the weirdo hotel owner”. As I have the most godawful resting bitch face I must have unintentionally looked at him in a hostile way, because he flinched and swerved around. Reading all this, I can’t say I regret it.
It appears there is going to be a revival of Fawlty Towers written by, and starring, John Cleese and his daughter Camilla. Sadly, we won’t be seeing Manuel as Andrew Sachs died in 2016.
I have done a lot of research on all this and the truth about it is that the jesuit controllers of the world can send whatever illness they want someone to get, they can send a disease to them like a message to a phone or a pc, thats is what the “vaccines” were for, to set up the body so its a wireless device, they want to cause as much suffering as possible which they collect as loose, they then sell the loose for galactic credits and also as an added bonus it helps to reduce the population, because they have advanced robots they do not need as many humans living as there was.
If you want us to believe even 0.0001% of your “research” then maybe you should consider posting where you found your information to bolster your bizarre fever dreams. Maybe you should also have a glass of warm milk and biscuit then lie down and have a sleep.
On second thoughts: don’t bother telling us where to search because I imagine any links you post will most likely lead to Qanon, David Icke, anti-vaxxer, rwnj, etc, websites.,
Firstly I am not into Qanon – my view is that Qanon is a psy-op – it is controlled opposition, I have never been into Qanon.
My information comes from Taygetan Pleiadian ETs, they looked at the “vaccines” with advanced technology that they have on their starship – the Toleka.
They wanted to take over the media to warn the world population about the “vaccines
” but they were not allowed by the UFOP (United Federation of Planets) who do not care about humanity on earth, the UFOP claim they own planet Earth.
So what the Taygetans done was to give information to their contact Gosia Duzak who then made videos about what they know about the shots.
Here is a couple of the videos, they are on Odysee because the information was censored on youtube.
I know the Taygetans are real Extra-terrestrials because I recognized a lot of what they were saying in the videos Gosia made from my own past lives, I have lived many lifetimes in Taygeta on planet Erra and on planet Temmer, I have memories of those lifetimes from before 2300 years ago when I first arrived here on a mission and then stayed here on Earth after I died .
And that is why I told you not bother to post your “evidence”. What a load of absolute garbage. Maybe you go back to Erra and and Temmer and stay there.
I had a look at the sites you posted and now have a headache from the uttlerly puerile crap. Please tell me they are bad comedy and satirical sites?
Actually they are not sites, they are links to two videos on the same platform, so obviously you did not even press the links to the videos, you did not watch the videos, otherwise you would have known they are not links to different sites.
As soon as I saw the thoroughly and righfully mocked and trashed video title “Plandemic Covid 19” and then “Graphene Does not Degrade – it Assimilates – Aneeka of Temmer” did you really expect me to continue journeying into your bizarre alternate fantasy reality?
If, as you state, you are ancient alien being, what are you and the rest of your chums doing about the Arisians and Eddorians who have been waging an eons long psychic war over the Earth and human race?
By the way, Swaruu sounds like some sort of bad comic book sound effect.
If I hadn’t known he was a scientologist, the words “date coincident” would have given it away. LOL
Non Scientology related but related to the post so i’ll post it anyway. Had a workmate (whose got a mental health issue and often gets in his head that people in the world are out to do wrong and that the world is a evil place – probably reminds you of somebody ??? ) tell me last week that the virus was specifically made by the Chinese to kill off the old people in order that the government does not have to pay them the old peoples pension. As to not embarass / belittle him I kept neutral on what he said but thought in my head theirs only one problem, this is China your talking about and not Australia – their is no old peoples pension that they pay to look after the elderly.
Have also heard many anti vax stories, heard so many that i tend to tune off when they are telling me. People think they are saving the ones they are telling yet the ones listening are thinking WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU ??? – Kinda like a organisation we know of.
I think the intelligence level of Mad Mappin is pretty much summed up with his comment:
“You make your own observations.”
It does align with Scientology quite well when you think about it. Who wants reality anyway, it always gets in the way…
A “business owner of a buiness…” THIS?
THIS spelling, grammar and syntax, from an upper class Brit?
Good Old Hubbard! Always looking for a way to improve his sex life. He came through again.
Lady: “I just cannot imagine what I could have possibly done to pull all this trauma in. I just can not!”
Spouse: “Well. It’s pretty darn easy. You promised me a Class A Blow Job. But instead, you delivered a weak and sloppy job. Shame on you! You deserve whatever it was you got. Next time you better swallow. If you fail to swallow, that is a low class job and you will pull in lots of sloppy trauma. You get it?”
Lady: Oh yes dear. I see that now. It was all my fault. I promise that from now on, I will only give you the very best I possibly can.
Spouse: Well all right then! You can count on a very happy future then. I will not even have to discuss this with the whatever-you-call-them.
Lady: Oh, Thank you dear. Thank you ever so much. L. Ron would be so happy with you. So, very very happy. I just wish that he still had his body so I could show him what you have taught me. You are just the best. The very, very best.
(P.S. I must apologize if I have offended any of the ladies present. I am very sorry if I did that. I am afraid that I have been very unhappy with my wife lately and I am sorry if I pulled in any bullshit for all the wonderful ladies that read this blog. If so, please forgive me? Sometimes I am a real asshole and I apologize for that.
My only excuse is that I learned it from the biggest asshole of them all. Namely L. Ron Asshole!
LRH’s epitaph: He’s not the messiah, he’s a very naughty boy.
I guess Mappin disses anything less crazy than Xenu’s body-thetans exorcism, and doing Scientology’s running in circles quack therapy.
Full on Xenu’s body-thetans exorcism has everything beat, in his mind. NO vaccination for him, just warm up his Ouija Emeter and find some Xenu brand body-thetans to fix himself up between running in circles around a pole.
Nothing wrong with that. Hubbard endorses it. (And Mappin has studied the L. Ron Hubbard Xenu genocide, so Mappin knows what that means.). Xenu’s earth’s biggest hidden problem, which only upper Scientologists know this truth. And earth is due a whole lot of body-thetans exorcism when Scientologists get the word out to the rest of earth, and get everyone on board.
He’s “a business owner of a business…” Lol
He’s a very naughty boy! Needs to do his basic study technology and student hat courses again. God knows, Mappin must be rich picking for regging. Wonder how much the cult have plundered from him?
Ugh, this F—ing guy again.
I have told the story of my interaction with him a few times.
Once a few years ago on Facebook he had a post on Stephen Hawking and of course lots of Scientologists called Hawking an idiot and insulted him as a degraded being. Real classy stuff.
They said he didn’t understand that we have lived over and over for eons because he lacks spiritual awareness.
I pointed out that Scientologists have had many, many thousands of hours of past life auditing and this adds up to millions of hours of recalling past civilizations that allegedly existed with advanced technology.
Despite millions of hours of this supposed recall, no Scientologist has EVER recalled any advanced technology and presented it! No spacecraft, no advanced technology regarding medicine, no advanced technology regarding energy generation, nothing!
I told them the simplest explanation is that the auditing is merely hypnosis and not actual past lives and since we can only imagine things we actually know the past lives contain no real past lives and advanced technology!
John Mappin responded by telling me the Cause Resurgence Rundown was developed by Ronald Hubbard from advanced technology!
I told him that running around a pole is not advanced technology!
John Mappin blocked me about a day later. But everyone in the comments saw that The Cause Resurgence Rundown is merely running around a pole!
And he had about a hundred people in the thread!
But heโs โa business owner of a buiness.โ I think he meant to say โGuinness.โ
Wow, talk about being paranoid, delusional and psychotic, he’s a raving, carpet chewing, rabid nucking futcase!
Given Johnny Mercer is mates with John Sweeney this was never going to end well was it? One word from the exploding tomato and it would have been all over for Mappinโs dreams of a blossoming bromanceโฆ
We are considering returning to Tintangel but the Inn appears to be even worse than what Mike describes.
Mappin is anything but an Upper Class Twit, being as common as muck โ obvious the moment he opens his mouth and an ‘Estuary’ accent pours out like a torrent of filthy Thames mud. But even if he spoke cut-glass R.P English he’d still be irretrievably vulgar, because (a) there are doubts whether he’s really a scion of the Mappin & Webb jewellery and cutlery dynasty, and (b) even if he is a genuine by-appointment to the Royals Mappin, he comes from trade, not old money. There โ is that snobbish enough for you? ๐ฉ๐
Hello Dr!
Total Anglophile from the USA here ๐
Interesting comment about whether Mappin really is in fact a scion of the Mappin & Webb dynasty.
Any reference from you might want to furnish, or any expansion on this statement you might yourself care to make would be quite interesting.
In any event, scion from an old respected British family or no; trade stock or old money stock, one fact is beyond dispute: John Mappin is nuts.
I only heard blah blah blah, Vaccine. Blah blah blah twit
MONTY PYTHON, yes, now you have me. Lol ๐
I have no sympathy whatsoever with these damned vaccine deniers.
I would put them right up there with Jan 56th insurrectionists and Flat Earthers.
Check out “Russell’s teapot” on Wikipedia named after British philosopher Bertrand Russell.
A person states that there is a teapot in orbit somewhere in the asteroid belt.
It is too small to ever be seen by a telescope.
Russell argued that the onus is on the person making a bizarre claim like this to prove it,
There is no onus on anyone else to prove him wrong.
While Russell’s argument was mainly directed against religion, it applies equally to Anti-Vaxxers, election conspiracy theorists and other crazies of this ilk.
Mappin does seem to be living in an alternate universe that has a tiny thread connecting him with the rest of us (99.99999994%).
Great comment.
Dear Sir,
How splendid it is to see the flower of British manhood wiping itself out with such pluck and tenacity. Britain need have no fear with leaders of this calibre. If only a few of the so-called working classes would destroy themselves so sportingly.
Yours Etc.
Brigadier Mainwaring Smith Smith Smith Etc.
(Deceased, Etc.)
PS, Etc. Come on, other ranks, show your stuff.
Brigadier Etc,
Being an other rank I will forthwith, maybe even fifthwith, venture out to spread my stuff over the Map(pin) once I have been released from the really nice room with the soft padding.
Captain P. Lastic MacIntosh late of the 5th Stuff Spreaders and Holder of the Golden Raincoat with the Special Zips in the Pockets.
“The Upper Class Twit of the Year” skit originated in Monty Python’s Flying Circus episode “The Naked Ant” (series 1, episode 12). At the end of the skit, the camera focuses briefly on a short letter written by Brigadier Mainwaring Smith Smith Smith Etc.
That is my earlier post to this blog. While I didn’t write that letter, GL came close to duplicating its hilarity.
I hereby salute GL for his wit and originality!
Let’s not also forget another great british ‘hotel’ type comedy, called “are you being served?”
Even if John Mappin wasn’t this years Upper Class Twit Of The Year he still would be a great twit. (Let’s have some car doors slammed in celebration,)
Other than his blood connection to the Mappin family, I fail to see what is “upper class” about John Mappin. He’s a vacuous fool who owns and runs an establishment that he promotes as affording a Camelot type experience to all guests but which in fact is a third rate slummy hotel with very poor facilities leaving people who stay there with the conviction that they’ve been totally ripped off. So – THIS is upper class British gent? Would most Brits consider him as such, merely because of this blood connection to the family that has been the Crown’s jewelers etc. for so long? Aren’t there other standards in England besides family money and connections which determine “class”?
Full disclosure: I’m an American and have never been to England. Though definitely an Anglophile, all I “know” about England and English people are what I read and watch. Quite possibly my concept of the British nobility is an illusion ๐
I have to take issue with your reference to Fawlty Towers given it is my absolute favourite comedy. It has nothing to do with Monty Python except for John Cleese starring in both. I regret to say I have never managed to get into Monty Python despite all the great things I hear about it. But this upper class twit certainly has the feel of Basil the Rat (a Fawlty Towers episode).