This guy is a walking disaster zone. He probably thinks this is “good” media.
He is well known as a scientologist, in fact identified here as a “Scientologist and soft porn actor…”
This is a recent tweet from him…
It seems there are a good number of scientologists who have fallen prey to the Q conspiracy theories. They show up o0n social media and in emails that circulate around inside the bubble. It’s not much of a leap from the ramblings of Hubbard about the government, world bank, Big Pharma, psychs etc etc to the wild claims of Q. The fanatacism with which people embrace these wild claims, and the unwillingness to even contemplate that they may not be true is pretty amazing.
It’s not a big surprise that scientology has not distanced itself from him, but it tells you everything you need to know about the most ethical organization on earth.
It is the same reason they continue to support Tony Muhammad and his racist/anti-semitic hate speech.
Why they continue to support and laud crooks like Grant Cardone.
Why they take money from “Big Pharma” through Bob Duggan…
Why wacko conspiracy theory queen Leigh Dundas continues to be embraced.
Danny Masterson is still in “good standing.”
The list could go on. And on.
Scientology has no concept of the world outside their bubble. They believe their own bs. That they are indeed the most ethical people on the planet. The only measure of good/bad and success/failure is THEIR standards. If Dear Leader and the powers that be have not made a proclamation that someone is no longer a “white hat” then no drone down the pecking order is going to make any sort of independent decision to go out on a limb. What if the person is lined up to make a big donation to the IAS and someone calling them on their insanity might jeopardize that? That is the biggest sin in scientology.
They like to tout themselves as the “Think For Yourself” religion. In fact, this is perhaps the biggest Big Lie about scientology. You are indoctrinated into an absolute unshakable belief in following the dictates, ethical and moral codes and words of L. Ron Hubbard on pain of eternal damnation. The hallmark of a scientologist is the inability to conceive that anything at all could be wrong about anything in or about scientology or that there might be anything incorrect about what they believe. They have TOTAL CERTAINTY. And nothing will shake that “certainty” — or else their entire world will cave in.
You can bet John Mappin today is still sprouting “keep the faith” that the ring of baby-eating paedophiles that is running the world WILL be taken down and that everything you saw yesterday was just in preparation for “the plan” to go i9nto full effect. The fools are being lulled into a false sense of security! And yes, we ARE Clearing the Planet.
The L. Ron Hubbard writing called “Keeping Scientology Working” is probably the best litmus test to give to someone, have them read it, and explain things that need clarification in it, and then survey the reader.
a) Does this author sound like a mentally stable person? yes/no
b) Does this author sound credible? yes/no
c) Would you join the group that this author has operating based this author’s statement’s in this article? yes/no
Then afterwards survey the people surveyed of their reasoning.
The more gullible will buy that the author of “Keeping Scientology Working” is someone to be given an inch and possibly further listened to or learned from.
I foolishly went on after reading Keeping Scientology Working, because I thought the ideas of the soul and that the human soul could be made to soul fly out of the human body, using the Scientology “auditing” (I didn’t learn fully until I quit Scientology 27 years after being on staff and not rising very high truthfully to the exorcism levels of Scientology) so I never learned the full beliefs of upper Scientologists.
it’s important to know the whole Scientology upper beliefs, before joining Scientology.
So if Keeping Scientology Working doesn’t scare you off from Scientology ,then you should learn of Hubbard’s final spiritual theories and beliefs and also learn what the upper practices of Scientology are, since Scientologists are penalized with excommunication for revealing the theory and upper level practices, which are simple exorcism. A whole lot (five levels, called OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) of exorcism.
And simply put, the secret theory why Scientology requires so much exorcism is because humans per Hubbard are so full of surplus souls (called the Scientology taboo word “body-thetans”), and only Hubbard’s “technology” (aka quackery) can relieve a human being of their infestation of these surplus souls / “body-thetans.”
So, should you follow someone who wrote Keeping Scientology Working?
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Big tech needs to purge the internet of all this QAnon nonsense. Some people might read it and be persuaded. You just can’t trust people to make their own rational decisions. (not)
I think being in the cult predisposes people to believe in conspiracy theories and to face any similar topic with a willingness to believe it.
After all, the root of this lies in hubbard’s words. See RJ 67 (Ron Journal 67) , and any other quote (thousands) where he hints that the SPs (but besides the psychiatrists always remains a vague generality) are plotting against everyone and especially scn who could free everyone.
The historical truth is that SCN often and willingly annoyed with its fascist way of doing things, not caring about rules and abusing people. And of course there are obviously consequences. The history of scn is full of them.
Beside this I believe there is a mind dictated will to seek and accept these conspiracy stories. But if one takes a step back and simply observes he will see how many questions begin to arise about their validity.
Hello LMR!
In your post today, you used the word “predisposes”. I want to congratulate you. That is truly an example of advanced English usage. I am being absolutely honest with you. You are becoming more fluent in English than many of the native born English people I know.
Very well done Sir!
For anyone who may not know … LMR was born in a country where English is not commonly used and when he began posting on this board, his English appeared to be rather weak. But slowly and surely, he has been improving his English usage and today he appears to be a true master of the English language. I am honestly very impressed with him. That is quit an excellent accomplishment.
Yep. It sure is “quit” an accomplishment. 🙂
LOL… stop that!
Mr Skyler thank you so much. This almost embarrasses me! Honestly there is always the intention to improve especially to be able to participate in this blog and apart from what I say at least be first of all understood. And so I often use the dictionary and also go to see the most suitable grammatical forms. But first one need to master his own language. In Italian ‘predisposes’ is said ‘predispone’, pretty similar. Thanks again.
I agree with Skyler. You’re English is much improved. I wish I were at least bilingual. I know some Spanish from taking classes in junior high, but that’s it. Well, I know some Italian too as my husband is full-blooded Italian. So maybe that equates to 1 3/4 lingual.. lol.
And this tells you one important thing: after a decade IN the Sea org where everyone speaks English, little to no improvement to LMR’s English. A decade OUT of it, and surrounded by non English speaking people: it IMPROVED. This tells you that getting out of the shit really increases your aptitudes 🙂
Well done LMR!!
PS: My IQ actually also INCREASED after leaving the SO!! Scn teaches you so opposite…
I wonder how many of the people inside the bubble realize the truth of the statement.
“And yes, we ARE Clearing the Planet.”
For people who think for themselves, the truth is they are indeed clearing the planet.
They are clearing it of hope in the future.
They are clearing it of all hope for prosperity except for the tiny monster at the top.
They are clearing it of any chance members have for a happy life.
Just read the history of Mike & Christie Rinder and Marc & Claire Headly and so many others who truly found happiness after a false start in the prison of scamatology and its prison of belief.
They are also clearing out the bank accounts, checking accounts, retirement accounts, college fund accounts, stocks, bonds, kids’ piggy banks, & squeezing the buffalo off the nickel from everyone & anyone……or so it seems.
I am not familiar with this man but he sounds completely psychotic.Had he been alive in the thirties he probably would have been close friends with Adolf Hitler.Thank you,Mr.Rinder for yet another very informative blog.Were it not for you I would feel frustrated and upset about the fact that I am Autistic but the more articles I read about LRH and his followers I know that my brain is actually wired differently than neurotypicals but these people are off the charts completely.What is their excuse?
Hello Nancy. Psychotic seems very close to the truth.
I must confess however, that when I read today’s blog entry, the word that came to my mind was “asshole”.
Back in the 70s, a book called “None Dare Call it Conspiracy” by Gary Owens was surreptitiously sold in the Orgs – meaning that it wasn’t on the shelf but you could get it if you asked for it.
This contained a whacko conspiracy theory with the basic premise that the US and the West were secretly helping the Soviet Union so that, eventually, they would grow so strong that the only way of withstanding them would be to roll every country into a totalitarian world state. The book also provided a list of action items that would have to take place in order to prevent this occurring. I read this book with mild interest but, when none of the action items were done and still none of the predictions came to pass, it was abundantly clear that this was all nonsense.
Drivel though this is, it is still the epitome of sanity when compared to qAnon.
The world is controlled by a bunch of Satan-worshiping pedophiles closely affiliated with the Democrats and Donald Trump is our savior.
Give me a break! Never heard of any thing so ridiculous.
I am an ex-Scientologist. Thankfully, not all of us go crazy.
Certainly remember the book. Also remember an OT VIII who fell for it.
The book None Dare Call It Conspiracy was also anti-Semitic. It alleged a Jewish conspiracy to rule Russia.
I was about to mention this. The book was popular in my org in the 1970s. One bizarre premise I still remember which ruined all credibility of the book for me … that the Rockefellers were somehow in charge of both world capitalism AND world communism … Well, I guess that made some sense if you’re gonna rule the entire world … (and yes, Ron’s 1967 Journal was cited by Scientologists as “proof” of this) …
By the way, the author was Gary ALLEN. Gary Owens was the announcer on Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In! 😊😊
Hi Cavalier —
Agreed. My best friend’s good friend, Leah, has gone insane with QAnon nonsense. It’s really sad. She was once a very smart woman. She goes on and on about Trump and voter fraud and how people need to have certain phone apps so Trump can “call them”. Holy hell. It’s completely nuts.
Good post, by the way.
I think the lure of special or secret knowledge is the other obvious appeal in Qanon, for those who have also been drawn in to Scientology, making them feel like part of an “in” group or elect. Along with that goes the Dunning-Kruger effect appeal I also see strongly at work in Scientology, in which people of average or less knowledge and discernment become “certain” they are somehow the real informed experts.
Excellent Post. I always looked at Hubbard as a below average mind with certainty. In fact, I cannot remember who said it but there is a well known quip to that effect.
Could that quip be, “One person with their mind made up sure can push around a whole lot of folks!”
Nice piece. If Scientologists & Q were trout, there’d be a complete ban on fishing for them. So easily they are fooled. Your post delineates the perfect fly to tie.
People who are “looking for something in life”…..searching searching searching…..many people who think they are seeking in doing good….are easily sucked into cults. Add to that the mystery of “inside speak”…..the use of secret verbiage(code words) known & understood only to those on the inside..which makes them feel special…
QAnon & like minded associations all seem to draw people to be part of SOMETHING…part of a GROUP of like minded individuals that they can “fit into or insert themselves into”….most are lonely non conformists…who will believe “the leader” no matter if they’re shown in black & white what is the real truth.
Sad that this great nation is falling victim to violence & political upheaval where our nation’s Capitol was/is under attack.
If Mappin is “heir to the Mappin & Webb jewellery business” it’ll come as a complete surprise to the various multinational holdings companies who have owned the firm (rather better known as silversmiths than jewellers) ever since 1973.
And if he was ever a “soft porn actor”, it must have been as a last minute understudy in the naughty videos they used to make in the basement at 33 Portland Place, the former Sierra Leone embassy in London supposedly owned by serial fraudster “Lord” Edward Davenport.
Rumour has it that Mappin has to stay down in Cornwall as the condition for getting a regular, small remittance from his family’s fortune (if he is indeed a ‘real’ Mappin). Already loathed locally as the Basil Fawlty of Tintagel, everything he does just serves to make him look even more ridiculous.
O/T. Church of Scientology National Affairs Office joins 1/21/21 letter urging President Biden to “re-establish a robust White House faith-based office.”
Source — Facebook post by the Islamic Center of North America (ISNA):
HT — Tweet by Elana Shor, AP national reporter for religion and politics.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Inbox: Letter urging Biden to “re-establish a robust White House faith-based office,” signed by a long list of groups including the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the United Methodist Church’s general board … and Scientology’s national affairs office.
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No Way! What a band of hyprocrites! After being all in favor of Trump and against Biden. That’s rich!
Mappin for Parliament? Yes, the UK can use a trump clone. That way the pigeons can crap on him and his statues.
All of the freak flag waving is just an attempt for media coverage. Ignore the Mappins and those of their ilk.
Who is this trump person you speak of?
Very relevant post. I know two ex-Scio’s who are totally into QAnon. I barely survived a meeting with them a few months ago. This movement is intense. They believe in the Pizza gate theories as well. These QAnon’s that I know are very, very angry people. It seems that the cult mentality has developed into a far worse strain than Scientology. At least the Scio’s are somewhat polite and are not almost foaming at the mouth. The meeting left me numb for weeks. I never really expressed any views as I did not get a word in. However, they sensed a lack of agreement and attacked on other fronts, even personally.
As far as your criticism of NOI and Tony Muhammed, I never met him. However, I am in close contact with NOI ministers every weekend in East Tampa. They are very polite and express no hatred. As I read their newspaper, which is excellent, I get a very good picture of the movement. I have a black friend who is Muslim but only a tangential member of NOI. We get along great. My numerous other black friends are also great. The NOI newspaper contains a lighter version of black supremacy. I have
not yet met a NOI minister that I did not like. British Imperialism and British tyranny ruled the globe for over 400 years. There was no area untouched by war, violence and control.
Thanks George. The ru8n-of-the-mill sciento0lo0gist is also generally a nice person and espouse good ideas about intent to help their community and mankind. It’s only when you dig into it more deeply to you uncover the hidden evil. Same with the NOI. I met some extremely nice people when we did our AFtermath special on the subject. That hides some pretty evil stuff. You can look back at articles I have done here about Tony Muhammad and on Ortega’s blog and you will see some pretty shocking statements and videos.
OK Mike Thanks for the tip. The last time I tried to research, most of the videos had been removed and I gave up. I will read the shocking statements. I am getting a frosted view from the newspaper and the East Tampa crowd, I know that. But what gets me deeply is that I have been going to East Tampa for over fifty years. I have never, ever seen so much poverty and homelessness. NOI Ministers have programs to help growth. No one else even does. Aquamarine, on this blog pointed out the hatred from Farrakhan but he hides it.
“the qualities of divinity , such as divine insight, cannot be grown in us unless we grow in obedience to God… Insight from God is the best and contains no illusions.”
This is the total opposite of Scientology. Tony Ortega and I have had some serious disagreements about Scientology. I rarely anymore visit his blog as a result.
It is established Nation of Islam doctrine that White people are the product of a mad scientist named Yakub. They are racist, even though some of them do not hate people of other races. (You can be a racist without actually hating other races. Believing you are superior does not mean the other people need to suffer)
Also, the QAnon crazies are probably going to end up like Joe McCarthy – just as there were real communist spies (read up on Venona) underneath the ravings and outrageous accusations, there are probably a number of prominent people engaged in child exploitation under the radar.
The “Final Call” newspaper makes it very clear that there is black supremacy among them but does not give the Yakub statement. I think what you are saying is true because I get the black superiority but they are very polite. I have never felt any hatred. The Muslim demands in the newspaper are extensive but hard to take seriously. For example, carving out a huge chunk of mineral and gold territory from Africa is possible but difficult given its value. I look at the Black superiority statements as “freedom of speech”. Farrakhan drives a very middle path. There is nothing wrong with saying that Satan has divided the nation. There is nothing wrong in asking for reparations. The only problem I see in the newspaper is the constant emphasis on the white man. In reality, it was British Imperialism and British Tyranny over 400 years that caused suffering. To a certain extent the Aryans of Hitler contributed but they were more of a side show to Royal Imperialism by one family still around today. India, for example was conquered by Victoria and held for 200 years. So I think Elijah Muhammed was not the best historian. We even have a Prince William and George in existence today waiting to re-establish British tyranny if possible
George — I believe that I have watched, in their entirety, every publicly available speech, sermon and lecture by Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad for years. I believe that I have also read every social media post that he has made over the same period of time.
I have also talked with Minister Tony Muhammad in person.
He is the most two-faced person that I have ever seen. (Any Scientologist who bothered to observe, confront or obnose would say that he is 1.1 on the Tone Scale.) He is a completely different person, and expresses a completely different message, to Church of Scientology, inter-faith, inter-racial, and political (e.g., the Mayor of Los Angeles) audiences than he does at NOI meetings.
Before a Church of Scientology, inter-faith, inter-racial, or political audience, he is all “Kumbaya,” “can’t we all get along?,” Mr. Good Faith and Cooperation.
At NOI meetings, Minister Tony Muhammad has for years consistently expressed the most vile anti-Semitism, homophobia and racism. Mike has documented it. Tony Ortega has documented it. I know because I have listened to and downloaded the lectures in question. They made me feel sick. Literally.
The same is generally true of Scientology Youth for Human Rights Award Winner NOI Brother Rizza Islam. The only difference with Brother Rizza is that he appears to be less two-faced because he has far less interaction with inter-faith and inter-racial audiences, including the Church of Scientology these days.
The test is often not what someone says to your face. The test if often what someone says about you to others behind your back.
I am determined to get these tapes and listen to them. I get the two-faced reality that is expressed.
I listened to Tony Muhammed and he was expressing no hatred. He is one of the most positive new influences in Scientology. These Black people are the only ones who control Hubbard and scientology. There is no doubt that NOI is taking over Scientology and would be a positive step forward. Their Black Supremacy gives them a slight mental edge on the cult. It blocks the bad aspects of Scientology. Like these Blacks are taking no crap from Miscavige. Tony Muhammed lauds Scientology but from an Islamic point of view.
They like “Way to Happiness” which is totally atypical of Scientology. Only the white men are stupid enough to be fooled by Hubbard’s BS. This fits in with Black Supremacy to a great degree. You find the seed of it even in the newspaper and Elijah Muhammed. I do believe Tony is two faced and expresses hatred. Wish one would last before it is banned.
What ISNOINews said.
“He is the most two-faced person that I have ever seen. (Any Scientologist who bothered to observe, confront or obnose would say that he is 1.1 on the Tone Scale.) He is a completely different person, and expresses a completely different message, to Church of Scientology, inter-faith, inter-racial, and political (e.g., the Mayor of Los Angeles) audiences than he does at NOI meetings.”, ect.
I watched those videos ISNOINews is talking about before they were banned (for obvious reasons) and which you can’t access anymore.
Tony Muhammad is better than any OSA trained Scn-PR person ever was with his camouflage. That mind-set is indoctrinated into the minds of NOI members as are Hubbard’s doctrines and conspiracy theories into the minds of Scientologists (e.g. PTS/SP doctrines).
That is one of the few times Hubbard told the truth.
My heart just stopped.
Quick – wine!
Unfortunately, the story is paywalled, but it is available for those with a subscription at The Times website as:
The Cornish hotel flying a flag for QAnon’s cult delusion
Today, the Jewish Chronicle published the related story (which is available online):
British businessman who flew QAnon flag over hotel shares false Soros claims
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
One of the leading figures in Britain’s QAnon conspiracy movement, who flew the Q flag above his Camelot Castle Hotel in Cornwall last year, has been accused of sharing false claims about the Jewish investor and philanthropist George Soros.
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True, this guy has a face that gives off “certainty”. How many other can be seen in the bubble?
Even if you show them unequivocally that a fact about hubbard or scn is different from what they were told and that leaves them speechless, this will not change their faces and they will not try to look at it.
For anyone who follows this blog and has never been in, I can assure you that anything said here is without exaggeration.
Those on staff but also the public know that two things have true value for this “religion”:
a. money and everything related to it, and
b. the appearance you want to give outside – PR.
Having said that everything else is ok as long as it doesn’t get in the way of the above points. Money in droves and PR (usually ‘acceptable truths’, hence lies).
Hubbard once said that the way to control people was to lie to them.