We recently saw how the May 9th celebration has been turned into a mention at graduation in local orgs. It used to be an “international event” held at the Shrine Auditorium.
Now apparently the “Maiden Voyage” is being “celebrated” as a “Taking it to New Heights” (Lows?) “festival” at CC Int.
One has to wonder whether the paranoia of Miscavige is dictating how everything is being conducted in scientology? Is there really not going to be a “Maiden Voyage” again this year? If it’s not the fear of COVID dictating events, it’s probably the fear of being served in lawsuits that is driving his decision-making.
This is of course good news for those seeking the end of abuses in scientology.
These events have traditionally been a key method for keeping the sheeple believing the big lie that scientology is succeeding and popular.
The less events there are, the better.
Wonder if he is ever going to yank another ribbon on an ideal org or if those days are over too? It’s hard to imagine he would forgo the opportunity to bask in the adulation, but perhaps his fear of litigation is greater than his need for admiration.
As we all know Miscavige is afraid of DEATH. He, like Ron before him, wants to live forever. Covid put him in a strange place. He never took care of himself because deep down, although he doesn’t really practice Scientology, he believes Ron’s BS. Cigarettes are good for you, the more pills you take the less they harm you (I know who could read this shite and believe it), booze is A-OK, languish in a sauna with toxic levels of vitamins if you want to clean it all out and if all else fails just jump off a building and come back in a new body.
I still don’t know why those who are left don’t remove him. The former Exec Strata. Why don’t they do something? Are they that afraid of this tyrant? What about Diana Hubbard? The last Hubbard IN and she’s probably guarded nearly as much or more than Shelley. Why don’t these people get together and oust the beast. Look how many people have left just since Covid (and oh how I hope some tell their stories). People are sick of him but like the Kim family they give copious adoration to him in fear of his taking notice of their measly existence. No one wants to be Miscavige’s new best friend.
What the problem is, is Hubbard’s options. The final private writings, Hubbard’s “strategies” you if you were at Int in the early 1980s, you remember the CMO Int “EDs” executive directive issues, which quoted the WDC ED 86 “Int Strategies” and those were the last LRH strategies for CMO Int. For years in the mid 80s, the “Int Strata” and WDC ED 86 was the buzzword to make all Int strat planning align.
LRH’s final policies for the strategic planning, were directed at WDC and Exec Strata, for them to be continually writing their strategies for their sectors and points of business.
And then you use the “Admin Scale” review all the Hubbard writings and private final orders, for your sector and point of business, look at the long range stats, spot the ups and get those up periods “evaled” and “whys’ found for the ups, avoid the down “whys” and “whos” and wha la your eval handling for your sector leads to your WDC member or Exec Strata member’s current strategy.
The cult bureaucracy core policies I just mentioned, were literally how the cult leadership, which is decimated, Miscavige has basically not approved any strategies from the top two councils, WDC and Exec Strata, in years.
The admin training, if they actually do do it, would supposedly at least get some admin lower bureaucracy staff on the admin hierarchy stepladder to later become new WDC and Exec Strata strategic leaders of those councils, as Hubbard did intend, and doing their “Strategic Planning” policies leading, per what I mentioned above.
The cult bureaucracy does have the Hubbard layout for them.
It’s a confined limited set of options.
So even if Exec Strata and CMO Int, who it’s doubtful has any members today even with a tiniest of inkling disaffection with Miscavige, could only really wait for Miscavige to make some major missteps that are so obvious to them.
I have constantly over the last almost 20 years, tried to grade Miscavige against Hubbard’s setup above.
What I see is him NOT posting the top two councils.
Shelly tried, and pissed off Miscavige so badly when she went ahead and did the proposed postings, and presented them to him, but he rejected her proposed postings for the top key WDC and Exec Strata positions, and was busted to CST/Archives.
Miscavige has used an earlier policy about not filling a post with a damaging exec, as his excuse to keep the top councils unmanned and from executing LRH’s final strat planning policies which LRH wished WDC and Exec Strata members.
LRH would have had Miscavige’s hide for that, since LRH in his years of micro managing simply never would left the top management positions be vacant.
They don’t have the brains or manpower to post into the top management positions, is Miscavige’s excuse.
It is a justified one, but not the way Hubbard ran things. Hubbard did spread out the authority to the top management councils WDC and Exec Strata in Hubbard’s final years.
That’s the major mistake of Miscavige. Just posting the top councils, with the best that they have available, and that was Hubbard’s final years model, despite that earlier policy that Miscavige is using as his justification for not posting the top councils.
It’s all cult quackery bureaucracy upkeeping, and always backfires, due to the quackery being the core bottom problem of this Hubbard empire.
You just cannot, long range, sell sow’s ears for silk purses, as the public finally wises up and sees all the sow’s ears for what they are.
People drawn into Scientology see this eventually, whatever echelon or step in the quackery stepladder they advance to. Just no OT super people are being produced who do miracles and supernatural good as Hubbard promises.
Chuck Beatty
cult bureaucrat training dept mostly, in my 27 years in the dumb Hubbard quackery cult
These events used to cost the organizations a lot. The shrine would be divided up amongst the PAC orgs who all paid CLO event unit bank account. AOs’ share could be 40-60,000.
Maybe now DM would rather have the event money for his legal team.
LRH does say never to spend reserves. His legal team has got to be costing a bundle.
And then there is the problem with covering property taxes on the 20 or so failing ideal orgs…
What a mess.
Thank you DM.
Glad you are such a maniac few want to work for you.
Please continue.
10 years ago… already when in ASHO, part the AD Council we were paying over 100K for the shrine ! Must be more now !
The Shrine Auditorium is a very impressive venue. Huge. Too huge. Not only is COB afraid of process servers he is also probably afraid he cannot fill seats.
Your Deviant Holiness And Keeper Of The Flame Of The Righteous Anger,
methinks The Angry Shy Pope of The Coastal Citadel Of The Clear And Pure Waters (may war be upon Him) just wishes to comfortably accommodate all His Body Thetans, so as to not compel them to cause Him any discomfort as He engages in His most honorific confabulating about colossal horseshyte.
( … Aight, I might be a lil overtired… :p )
My first reaction was “ if they’re reaching new heights, they must plan to blow the Freewind’s up!”
I’d be really glad if I was staff. Those events suck! Pressure. Crush regging. No enjoyment whatsoever.
Oh, you’re not wrong!!
Worst, degrading experience I’ve ever had go through was being a minion at Scientology events. I remember those horrible dark looks of desperation in other staff members when your eyes met. Good place to practice your, “hiding in plain sight” skills I suppose – geezers events sucked!!!!!!
“Register soon because space is limited”.
Limited to what?
Heaven forbid they should have it spill out into the streets or have overflow in either the parking garage or the Bronson!
I came into Scientology in January of 1971. It was hard to get critical information. My sister-in-law was from Holland and had read things about Scientology that were new to me. I heard that L.Ron was on a boat researching Scientology– that was what we were told by his organization. She heard that L.Ron was on a boat fleeing from authorities, staying out of the reach of the laws of nations. I didn’t accept what she said but I didn’t just push it aside either.
As a Scientologist I was told that L.Ron Hubbard was no longer the head of Scientology. Scientology was run by a committee. No one I spoke to knew who was on the committee. I had to wonder, even in my teens, if that was a legal maneuver and that the committee didn’t even exist. L.Ron continued to send out bulletins. His photo was everywhere. It sure seemed like he was running the show. In my skepticism, I was told that he still gave advice and that his advice was respected but that he no longer had an official position within the hierarchy.
When he got tired of the boat he landed in the USA and in disguise and accompanied by trusted Scientologists, he travelled from town to town, never staying in the same place for very long. He became an unindicted coconspirator, whereabouts unknown, while his wife went to jail for similar crimes. Eventually he went into hiding on a large piece of land in Creston, living in a double trailer.
It seems that he spent much of his adult life fleeing the law.
At this point Miscavige has been running the cult for a long time. I understand that the contracts are very carefully worded so that they seem like one thing to the people signing on, and another thing to a court of law. I understand that Miscavige wouldn’t want to be in court when they are tested legally as the authorities look for who is ultimately responsible for this fraud.
I think it is high time for Miscavige to buy an island in the Caribbean, declare himself king of it, and live out his life there. He doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life in jail any more than L.Ron did.
Little Saint James Island (Pedophile Island) may be available. Oh wait, it’s United States territory. Never mind.
The idea of DM being stuck on a rust bucket should be humorous.
He’ll just make sure scientologists post over-the-top adulations about Him (like the recent Joanie Segal sickeningly stellar comment) – maybe even arrange some clandestine photo op pinning ceremonies with some out-to-pasture or brain-dead dignitary. I’m sure He’ll think of something while mulling over the state of affairs within His church or doing the jig around process servers.
As an infamous Ex likes to say: “tic tock, dave, tic tock.”
Miscavige must be taking the suits seriously.
I guess this is a sign, when the “leader” of a group cannot be public anywhere anymore.
One of the burdens of being a leader of a quackery cult. Cult backlash is inevitable.
Cult 2nd gen leaders are left holding a nasty bag that bites them.
“…let them quit fast…..” – LRH, Keeping Scientology Working.