Next in the series of 2016 MV Event coverage.
Really there is nothing worth saying about this. Somehow they keep coming up with new “accomplishments” for L. Ron Hubbard. Now he created the “space race” to distract from the nuclear arms race (except it didn’t).
Wonder when they are going to cover the biography section “Ron’s family life and accomplishments” – they could do a nice Ron Mag on that subject. Not of course covering what he told everyone else to do, but detailing HIS family life. There is a lot of fascinating material to cover.
From my comments on Tony Ortega’s blog some days ago….
Stayed up all night reading Ray Bradbury’s From the Dust Returned, and felt thrilled and amazed at his literary version of Jack’s Parsonage (which, coincidentally, sparked Charles Addams’s Family cartoons, which, somewhat dumbed down became the TV show, and even more diluted, the two movies). Heady as fine brandy, that stuff. I remembered reading bits of Hubbard’s fiction and thought “Right…and he could have written…*this*. Poor guy couldn’t write his way out of a paper bag.”
Yeah. It really is all that bad. Instead of brandy, you’re getting high-fructose artificial grape flavored punch (from concentrate).
Good morning Dave,
How old are you now? How much liquor and drugs have you consumed? How much misery have you inflicted? You do realize you’ve become a total joke to the world, don’t you? A very evil sick one, but a joke nonetheless.
Not much time left my friend.
Tick tock.
All a lurker has to do to GO CRYSTAL CLEAR is to step out of the bubble of Scientology and LOOK at L Ron Hubbard’s REAL life.
He was a criminal con man who destroyed ALL three of his families.
‘Accomplishments’ Update:
Today: Scientology, You and Tom have made the Drudge Report AGAIN.
I always wondered, “Why do we never hear from LRH ‘s family?” Thanks for the answer Jamie Dewolfe!
The space race? Small potatoes. Little known fact (which WILL be part of next year’s festivities): In April 1941, LRH was at a ballgame in the Bronx and noticed a small defect in Joe DiMaggio’s swing. Ron sent a note down to the Yankee dugout. Before long … 56 game hitting streak for San Francisco’s favorite son (aka The Yankee Clipper). The Good News never stops coming.
Impressive. Some may remember a popular internet meme called “Chuck Norris facts” where people would attribute the most awesome things that Norris was supposedly able to do. I propose a new meme called “L. Ron Hubbard Facts.” Just as funny and maybe could be just as popular.
Consider it done, but are you referring to his vast accomplishments here on Teegeeack, his racing career on Marcab, his other adventures on the whole track or a combination of all three? The possibilities are endless…
Gosh, Hubbard single-handedly (with a microscopic bit of help from writers who were his superiors in every aspect) saved Science Fiction AND created the Space Race! Funny, I’ve been reading SF for nearly 50 years and I don’t see his name on my list of the best writers. Could it be that I consider him first and foremost a pulp and hack writer? Short answer: yes, and nothing will ever change that.
Historic re-release and towering masterpiece? Bloating Explosively is a towering masterpiece? It’s a “masterpiece” of crap pulp fiction. Still haven’t seen it on sale in any of the bookshops I visited (haunted actually) while I was away Says a huge amount for the ” towering masterpiece” it’s supposed to be.
I stopped in a Barnes and Noble in Indiana earlier this week to pick up the newest Harry Turtledove alt-history novel (saved me an Amazon delivery) and saw it in the New Science Fiction section. There were lots of unsold copies of it sitting on the shelves, thank FSM.
I’ve read that, except perhaps for Fear, he was a pretty much mediocre pulp fiction writer.
These fatuous claims are right up there with the claims of the North Korean leaders. Like that the first one of the Kims in his first ever game of golf did a whole pile of holes in one and was born in heaven and brought down onto the top of a mountain by storks. Another was born under a rainbow and the nation fully believes that King Song Il invented the hamburger. The are pictured in the strangest factories with captions that claim they are giving expert guidance on the products and their manufacture. And like scientologists the nation believes all the twaddle. Here’s one of NK television’s one minute propaganda series about Kim Jong Il being a Great Fashion Designer
Maybe Sump TV can do a series of these on how brilliant the current COS leader is.
I’m sure DM can sympathize.
Wrong link.
The most ridiculous thing in a page full of insanity: LRH’s “freely given words of advice.”
As if ElCon ever did anything for free.
You know, great men don’t have to have that concept repeatedly forced upon one. Force people to go to these events so that they can force upon you how great a person is? Somebody’s “greatness” is a self evident thing. You don’t have to pound it down one’s throat over and over again. Such a lame thing.
+1 And there are so many events each year I can’t even see how they can come up with new things to crow about Hubbard. By now they must all be completely made up all the time….not just partially made up like the used to be…LOL!
Holy Shit,LRH’s love life is Old News.
How about the COB’s love life. How is Shelly holding out in the mountain prison compound ?
Rice and Beans still on the Menu.
What is the marching orders for OT AMBASSADORS.
Heh. There is no Author Services Inc. It was merged out of existence last year.
As for the rest that poop, I was a science-fiction fan long before I’d heard of Scientology, and no, just no.
Wow…wasn’t this one of Hubbard’s own creations for some very special reason or something? Keeping his fiction off cherch lines and still being sold or something like that? Begs the question Where did all the money from this gig go?
Lron’s prose would put off anyone who practiced good English. But then, Lron besmirched all genres of fiction. His Westerns, his ‘adventure’ stories were among the worst of any time. Why did Lron earn a ‘penny a word’? Because he wasn’t worth more. In the late 40’s early 50’s all authors, but especially sci-fi authors started getting real money. Money that could provide a proper income to successful authors.
That is why Lron wrote Dianetics, he wasn’t successful enough to join in the ‘Golden Age’.
Arthur C. Clarke in his original concept of the communications satellite (1945) described a fully manned space station with a crew that constantly rebuilt and replaced vacuum tubes.
I’ve read most of Clarke’s works when I was in high school. I’ve never read a word written by LRH.
You haven’t missed anything. I read his collection of Doc Methuselah stories that DAW paperbacks put out in the mid 70s, but aside from a few interesting plot devices it’s not worth bothering with. A few stories and other works are said to be better than others, but somehow they never got anthologized after WWII when the publishing of hardback and paperback science fiction took off.
If you haven’t read him before, Ron Goulart has it all over Hubbard when it come to story lines and humor, and he was also published by DAW.
I’m a big fan of the man.
The claims about L. Fraud “rejuvenating” science fiction “almost singlehandedly” are so utterly nauseating that I really can’t rebuke them without going into a wall-pounding fit. Among other things, it’s a personal insult to his “friends” Robert Heinlein and A. E. Van Vogt (you know, the guy who spearheaded the Dianetics movement on the West Coast), who did more for science fiction as a genre than L. Fraud could have ever dreamed.
As for BE, if it had only remained a “movie of the mind”. Instead, we’re stuck with the continuing pollution of what made it on to the actual screen. Don’t they realize that pushing that thousand-page pile of asswipe brings back memories of John Travolta’s codpiece and nose snot?
Gotta add my two cents on the BE comments….I just wish they had done some sound effect on Travolta’s voice to bring out the bass and not have it so high pitched. That voice coming out of that monster just did not fit!
So now L Ron Hubbard was responsible for the space race?
What’s next? ‘Neil Armstrong’s real words when he stepped on the Moon were ‘Sir – Done! Hip hip hooray! Thanks to LRH for the tech that got man to the Moon!’. The next step will be the implant station on Mars!’
What else …. LRH created the polio vaccine? He produced the I Love Lucy show??
No, didn’t you hear? It was actually LRH that wrote and produced The Beverly Hillbillies, Bewitched, and My Three Sons! All while delivering ACC courses at the same time! It was LRH who gave us the soon to be released Television Rundown during GAT. ………….whichever one it is.
The original title was ‘My Three Sons…None of Whom Still Speak To Me’;
Or ‘My Three Sons and Three, NOT FOUR, Daughters Because Alexis Never Existed’;
and ‘The Hemet Hillbillies’; and ‘BeBodyThetaned’
A wonderfully innocent question to ask of any Scientologist: Why isn’t there a Ron mag (sorry “volume”) about LRH and his family life?
Does anyone know if any of the Scientology big cheese celebrities have done the “Running in Circles Rundown”?
Has Tom Cruise done it yet?
I’ll bet TC has done the Running in Circles Rundown. I can just picture gin raving about it too. How he blew so much charge while he was running.
The fool
And Miscavige is laughing all the way to the bank.
Squeezing hype juice out of a rock!
Hubbard’s trove of writings and lectures have to be pawed over to squeeze new praise to sell the diehard dupes who need MORE things to keep focused on their Hubbard subject.
They just need to go do the Running in Circles Program some more, until they realize they are running in circles.
And stop wasting their time and money dead Ron’s legacy.
Someone ought to fair quote the HBO “Going Clear….” Lawrence Wright interview with Sarge where Sarge says LRH admitted failure.
The only DVD the members who have finished OT 8 and re-done everything (including the Running in Circles Rundown) a few times ought to be given is the “Going Clear…” HBO documentary.,