The third event of the 2016 Maiden Voyage week of extravaganza seems to have lived up to all that has gone before when it comes to IAS briefings.
Ridiculous hype about events in far off places that should strain even the most ardent sheeple’s credulity. Announced victories over destroyed enemies — the same “victories” over psychiatry that have been announced year after year. According to the impeccable news source Int Scn News/David Miscavige, by this time psychiatry should have long since ceased to exist, but in the real world they seem to be doing just fine with new buildings that actually have people in them. And of course there are the massive, milestone legal victories – yet 50 years on the overall scene just doesn’t seem to change with legal/government problems all over the place.
But one thing is true: this IS what donations to the IAS buy – a huge amount of hype and lies claiming accomplishments that do not exist.
Also note how giving money to the IAS is being constantly positioned as somehow “OT” — that THIS is the only way you are actually going to “go OT”. It’s beyond the earlier pitch of “we have to have a war chest to protect the orgs so there is always somewhere for you to be able to go up the bridge.” Now Dear Leader is pronouncing from on high that nobody who aspires to be OT is going to accomplish this without rising through the ranks of the destitute and bankrupt to achieve high “status” in the IAS. This positioning is almost complete. You are not truly OT unless you are “assuming responsibility” by handing over cash to the IAS. Patron statuses go hand in hand with OT level certs. Sort of like internships for auditor training. You are not really an auditor unless you complete the internship. So too you are not really an OT unless you are above Patron status (which is like completing the Solo Course — it’s the basement from which you are now entitled to take your first step upwards to gaudier trophies).
Final thought: somehow, the epic victory “on a par with the ‘War Is Over'” in Brussels just doesn’t seem that way to me. They try to position this as a victory for “Europe” because Brussels is the headquarters of the EU. I guess Miscavige thinks this sounds plausible — and to many American sheeple lacking any understanding they might buy it. But it is absurd on its face. As silly as claiming that winning a case in State Court in New York City would be a universal victory because the United Nations is headquartered in NY. Or prevailing in traffic court in Washington DC and hailing it as a victory over the federal government.
But hey, you got to use the lemons you got and turn them into lemonade that you can sell at $100 a (paper) cup.
Mike Rinder, thank you for your tireless efforts and insightful observations.
There’s only one use for The Way To Slappiness in Amsterdam: roll one super-size spliff and light the thing on fire. Now that’s the way to happiness!
Hi Espiando, That should do it! Ann B.
OMG Espiando – LOVE THAT “The Way to Slappiness”
By The Slapmeister: Dr David MIscavige –
Dr cuz he is the Doctorate of Slaps
The ideology of Scientology embraces and embodies the essence of corruption. Whether it is the corruption of idealism, or of spiritual growth or personal betterment, the inevitable result requires a hollowing out of the original good and replacing it with a skewed delusional notion of the “greatest good.”
No wonder it is dying.
To paraphrase The Sun “..would the last person leaving Scientology please turn out the lights..”
I love su lmuch reading again the same incredible lies, like the rate of crime decreased… even in the 70ies, that was already said, by instance in Joburg and South Africa. But when one looks the figures in credible sources – the reverse of LRH and DM’s ones, the facts are mostly opposed!
The Belgium judge apparently wasn’t happy with the prosecutors’ case. They were calling for an outright banning of scientology and banning things is a serious matter in a free country. It was an overly ambitious lawsuit maybe. The judge decided the defendants were being persecuted because they were scientologists so scientology beat the rap. Buddhism isn’t the better off for that verdict nor does any other religion benefit from this case and I only mention it to further the cause of laughter. It was simply a matter of scientology practices making enemies for the zillionth time.
It’s difficult to think of any other religion that finds itself in court as often as scientology does so it’s ALWAYS comical to hear scientology play the ‘religious persecution’ card. That card has seen a lot of mileage over the decades. David Miscavige, in these sad final days of scientology, misrepresents the case through the use of obvious lies, and spins a sanctimonious tale of victory where he strikes a blow against the enemies of religious freedom!
You have to admit it has a flourish to it lacking in the more accurate but plainer declaration: THEY COULDN’T PROVE A THING!
I guess the IQ of the last remaining scientologists is rapidly approaching room temperature.
Really? That high?
Room temp on Pluto OSD…
Ah! Now that makes sense!
You made it to the top of the heap (of lemons).
Are they going to make lemon Kool-Aid out of the heap?
Macallan Lemon
I’m thinking that being a member of the OT club is branded more like a phony, nouveaux riche country club than a religion. The lavish use of gold gilt, tuxedos, fancy plaques, and a “luxury” cruise ship reeks of superficial, look-at-me values. Notice the absence of spiritual values such as compassion, love, family, friends and the successes of those you associate with.
“Success” in Scientology = money or time toward Scientology or Hubbard. The works of Mother Teresa or Einstein or Pele would only have been honored if it helped Scientology or Hubbard.
Can anyone provide an itemized listing of the current costs associated with “going up the Bridge”, including the minimum IAS donations? That would be a real eye opener for readers of this blog.
IIRC, the first IAS membership (status) level is Lifetime Membership, which now goes for $4,000? I believe that this must be paid in order to take anything beyond Introductory (Div 6) courses.
If a new Scientologist was provided with an itemized listing of the “donations” that they would be pressured/browbeat/intimidated to make over the coming years, they would probably “blow” and never come back.
WhatWall, if a person, with all that is on the internet about El Con & Scamology, STILL joins, they are too stupid to be driven off by a mere price list.
That be like a Jew in 1941 having all the data on the Nazi’s wanting to move TO Germany because of the lack of a list of what jewelry the German’s would steal from them.
It’s a combination of credit card limits,what dirt the church has on you and what reg reviles you.
$50,000 to get on OT 7 ( IAS Patron)and if to easy $100,000.(Patron with honors)
$1 million to IAS to complete OT 8.
A while back Tony and crew totaled up the cost of the complete “bridge” and ended up with a conservative estimate of $400k plus. That’s assuming very few reviews or other problems and does not take in to consideration the mandatory “donations” to the IAS, Ideal org campaigns, Basics or whatever gilded turd the cherch is selling this week.
Good luck selling that shit Dave…
@Whatwall – I’m not entirely sure how accurate this is, but an individual claiming to be a scientologist has set up a GoFundMe page to earn $7,000$ for their IAS lifetime membership. I’m not sure if that is the actual “donation” for the membership or if there are other items associated with their funding mission built in there.
If you search Scientology on GoFundMe, you will see it.
Bravebloggers, thanks.
When I was “in” I was focused on getting the money for my next Bridge action so I never stopped to consider how much the whole thing would cost. Scientologists become neurotic by their own definition: Stuck in the present without being able to consider the past or future.
In addition to the cost of Bridge processing and training steps (and redoing them), there are many additional costs, such as increasing IAS status levels, books (“must buy” Basics), ethics amends donations, confessionals, lecture CDs, Ideal Org donations, social betterment group donations (e.g., Narconon, CCHR, WTH), special building projects (Super Power bldg, LRH Hall, SMP), library book donations, “preserve the tech” donations, dissemination campaign donations, etc.
Scientology is designed to bankrupt its parishioners.
It’s whatever Scam works,different on all public.
I was reg’ed for every dollar I put on the Bridge I give the same amount to CCHR.
If I did not comply I was threatened with never going up or move on the Bridge.
So my next step was over $1 million. and I told Carrie Alkins to take a hike
and she dropped dead.
I said NO to Scientology.
Hi Mike, I have been reading all here and think this piece hits the bullseye.Reading how getting to OT is now embedded with the IAS donations,does not surprise me yet the scope of dm’s claw prints continues to amaze me.The thing is money is money and no-matter how much he has and in what form he and those who stay with him cannot build a heart or touch their souls with cash.Love and spirit transcends all.XO
Scientologists’ faith in money’s “OT” powers.
Welll…..wait just a minute, Chuck! You mean to tell me money…lots and lots and lots of money will, in fact, give me OT Powerz? I can give ’em 5 bucks. What kind of Super Powerz can I get for that amount?
You can surf.
Yes, Mary, that’s true! I can always surf…..which I did this morning. And, it was free!
But OSD you would be much more at cause over the waves if you gave a sizeable donation to the IAS.
You do remember that I’m Scottish, don’t you, Doug? Five bucks is a small fortune for me…
Isn’t it interesting that whenever Scn refers to a government agency that is investigating or prosecuting them, they make them out to be like Nazis or some banana republic dictatorship?
“No evidence”, “No warrants”, “baseless accusations”, “Illegal activities”…all some grand conspiracy bent on destroying the church. The church is simply a helpless victim, being viciously attacked by psych-laden crazed SP governments. It’s always a David vs Goliath situation – until the IAS come riding in on their white horses.
How fucking cheesy.
OSA regurgitating tech.
OSA wordsmiths regurgitate the criticism Scientology receives back on Scientology’s critics—tech.
The Frank Oliver leaked Hat Pack with Hubbard’s today’s OSA “tech” explains their methods.
I’m sure they would much prefer the justice of a good CommEv into their activities.
The cult is one Grand Conspiracy with no sanity anywhere….
The defeated enemy is everyone inside scientology.
New IAS status levels will be like Gold and Diamond Wrestling Champion Belts.
Jose, I would love a Gold & Diamond Wrestling Champion Belt! That would make me bitchin,’ right?
Nobody would mess with you.
Man, how do I get this belt?
When I was a wrestler I won 54 matches and lost 40, this does not
come close. One guy on the team who was very good became a U S Army Brigadier General (Two Stars)
Muhammed Ali got three I believe, but it takes a toll.
“By this time psychiatry, according to the impeccable Int scn news/David Miscavige should have long since ceased to exist, but in the real world they seem to be doing just time with new buildings that actually have PEOPLE in them.”
As a connoisseur of snark, I do hereby give you 5 stars! That’s some damn fine snark, my friend! U.S. Grade ‘A’ snark. Now that’s some funny shit!
“There’s no separation between OT and the IAS” … ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
The crime boss knows that as long as “the family” is earning, he is still the boss – and please, NO ONE tell me that Miscavige doesn’t somehow take some kind of cut off the top each month BECAUSE I WON’T BELIEVE YOU NO MATTER HOW HIGHLY YOU WERE POSTED IN THE SEA ORG. I am college trained in accounting, folks, and there are ways … there are definitely ways (ESPECIALLY when so much is coming in and the chances of anyone in the IRS actually going over EVERY freaking line in a balance sheet from a Church is virtually non-existent). And all he has to take is a very little bit and it adds up, baby, it adds up over decades ….
And the brilliance of COB, why take in donations where you have to DELIVER work intensive services like the Briefing Course, when you can just get straight donations. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. And the Scientologists who keep getting conned and keep coughing up the dough … well … not brilliant. Like shooting fish in a barrel as the saying goes.
Joe, Dave Miscavige does not need any creative accounting to steal as much as he wants from the IAS. He is de-facto in charge of the organizations and groups. No one dares to tell him no.
So if he wants to go scuba diving in Bonaire with his own personal dive instructor, he does not have to pay a penny out of pocket. He just “suggests” that a dive instructor should be made available to the passengers. Then he makes it obvious that when he is personally in Bonaire that the dive instructor is just for him and his entourage. Including Tom Cruise if he happens to be around. He doesn’t have to say this or put it in writing where some evil IRS agent could find it. Everybody knows it is really a perk just for Dave. But it will not show up on any balance book as inurement. His fancy Nikonos underwater camera and other scuba gear are gifts from a loving and appreciative Sea Org crew, whose meager pay is a little less in the weeks before his birthday to cover such niceties. Totally off the books, they get paid in cash and it is just a little less than what the pay slip shows.
NOT a theoretical scenario, by the way. It happened just that way when I was at Gold from 1983 to 2004.
But so it goes, with fancy stereo equipment, 35 mm film viewing theatres, dental care, automobiles, private jet rides, living quarters, clothing, food, you name it all flowing Dave’s way at no slightest expense to him. And he also “voted” himself a $100,000 yearly income. As “Chairman of the Board” where there are no other board members he gets a 100% vote every time. $100,000 is a mere pittance for the Pope of Scientology after all. Never mind that it is 38 times what any other Sea Org member gets, even when they somehow miraculously receive full pay all year.
All while the average Sea Org member has to worry about his next square of toilet paper and what would happen if he got injured. No medical insurance for the Sea Org and no retirement account. If you get sick, you get thrown out and you get a bill! Sometimes in the $40,000 range! No severance pay or pension. No wonder so many former Sea Org end up in shelters or on the streets.
But Dave does not have to worry about that, nobody is going to throw him out and even if they did he can always sell his diamond Loyal Officer pin. It obviously has no sentimental value to him.
Bruce P, your posts are much appreciated.
Yes, they are always informative and well-reasoned. Thanks Bruce. 🙂
Bruce, Then there is the additional method by which Dave supplements his lifestyle with ‘gifts’: having cash extorted and collected from staff while at muster.
Hi Bruce, Thank you for a post ringing strong and true.After my SO time but how things change yet stay the same as regards the gifts for whoever is the supreme leader of Scientology.Plus I love to read about what went down years after I blew.Diamond Loyal Officer Pin what a juxtaposition when all a SO slave can ever be is loyal to dm forevermore.Always Ann B.
Well, you know, Bruce … when you look over the years WAY back … this is the way the peasants and the ordinary folk have always felt about the king. The peasants tilled a small plot (or the slaves like the serfs in Russia) and the king lived in the castle in as much luxury as was available at the time. And this always goes back to my biggest surprise about my thirty five plus years in Scientology … despite my OWN great personal wins from training and processing, it was somewhat of a shock to me when I finally realized that certainly as a GROUP (though more likely as individuals as well) that your average on the ground Scientologist acted in life just like the serf in Russia … pay tribute to the Tsar, whether named Nicholas or Miscavige. I expected better of course, that when people become more aware … well, that they were supposed to be more AWARE.
Well, the current situation amongst all scamologists proves one thing. Scientology WERKS, to produce almost mindless slaves. El Con’s intention fulfilled.
You know, Mike, I try to be an empathetic person. I really do. But, handing over their thoughts to the cult, mindlessly, I might add, I can’t seem to empathize with those still in. I’ve tried…but, I can’t. They have made their bed so they’re going to have to sleep in it (for 4 hours a night). Maybe I’m just getting cynical in my old age….
Hi O.S. Dude, empathizing with the insane is not good for your mental health. There is such a thing as “contagion of aberration”, and you risk getting it. Not only that, the people you are trying to empathize with aren’t going to return the favor. Why go where you aren’t wanted? As a group, they are irrelevant, heading into the “trash can of infinity”. The FBI, INS, IRS, APA (American Psychiatric Assoc) will put them in their place, and jump up-and-down on the lid.
So don’t try to empathize. Get on your board, and hit the surf. Enjoy your life, experience the things that life has to offer. The same things that the Culties can’t have.
The best revenge is living well. AAROOO…….splash!
Luke, Luuuuuke, words of wisdom this Chewkacca speaks. I shall act on its words and my life will get much better.
OSD, we are gaining wisdom as we age. You are just demonstrating it.
The intention from El Con was that we have all the same mind ..
Hi Friend,May I add Ron did believe that but he had to be in control of my mind before I could ever have the same level as he did.Hence the OTs -so one would never want to leave and would chase after those even if it literally killed one.I see this now but when in believed all the glitter of the OT realm to come.Ann B.
The problem with y’all who consider only ONE SIDE or intention of LRH is that this is the EXACT SAME attitude most of you had when you were still in Scientology …. you STILL have it, but only on the flip side. The mistake some of you make is that you look at LRH as just ONE thing, you see just ONE intention … probably why so many ex-Scientologists look desperately for another “perfect” guru … who is NEVER wrong … you know, like Ron Paul … or now, so many ex’s promoting Trump (my own solution to facebook politics by the way, is that after a year of having to wade through the political posts, I finally just pressed the hide all posts from the people who cannot restrain themselves from posting ten a day … and you know who you are) … but this is the Scientology mind set on the guru … WORSHIP … I’m guessing that quite a number of Scientologists were in the desert with Mohammed back in the day.
Scientology seemed to offer a solution to ‘man’s inhumanity to man’ (sociopathy) but failed miserably — made it worse overall. Some got a shot of immunity.
I was never in, and I hate the son of a bitch with the fury of a thousand suns for demonizing LGBTs and psychiatry, for faking his service record, and for justifying damaging actions like the Putrif by claiming he was a scientist. I feel I came to my hatred honestly.
“The problem with y’all who consider only ONE SIDE or intention of LRH is that this is the EXACT SAME attitude most of you had when you were still in Scientology …. you STILL have it, but only on the flip side. The mistake some of you make is that you look at LRH as just ONE thing, you see just ONE intention … ”
Well said, Joe. Some people have just changed their cult membership to a different cult.
Joe, you knew most of us when in and knew our attitude then? REALLY? Docs of that or or admit you are just a liar.
Joe Pendleton, I always enjoy your posts. You said ” The mistake some of you make is that you look at LRH as just ONE thing, you see just ONE intention …”
LRH was certainly a more complex character than Snidely Whiplash. It’s been a ten year process (still ongoing) for me to unravel my participation in the cult of Scientology and my unquestioning allegiance to L. Ron Hubbard. This comment is part of that process.
The fact that some of his Scientology concepts are useful to me and some of the therapies worked for me (especially the pre-OT portion of the Bridge) prevent me from writing him off as a simple charlatan.
It’s difficult to reconcile the numerous contradictions of the man & his life, such as:
– great personal charm (at times)
– signs of high IQ
– narcissistic behavior
– paranoid behavior
– bipolar behavior
– extreme avarice
– extensive codification of concepts & therapies
– voluminous writings & lectures
– theft of concepts & therapies from others
– amoral financial dealings
– his treatment of his wives & children
– his final days
Perhaps an accurate assessment of LRH and his work can only be obtained by studying the chronology of his life in reverse.
Right now I can’t recommend Scientology to anyone, regard it as a poisonous subject and point it out to others as such.
WhatWall: “Perhaps an accurate assessment of LRH and his work can only be obtained by studying the chronology of his life in reverse.”
Also study the assessments of people like Joe Pendleton, who has stated he was a C/S for many years. Training and experience (especially experience) with the tech and its results would give a much broader base for assessment of both the tech and LRH. Even if you want to give most or all of the credit to others (as some like to do), it was LRH who held it all together and was the driving force. That says something about his intention regardless of his 1st dynamic intentions, IMO.