Here is the final report on the “week of events” to celebrate Maiden Voyage 2016.
Miscavige was feeling overworked for the week, having to deliver that opening night address and then the IAS pitch-a-thon, so he dished this one off to a bunch of nobodies. Anyone these days apparently qualifies as “International Church executives” – the headliner for this event was the CO PAC? Wow….
There is some fascinating information here.
“More than 500 scientologists have formed new groups in Los Angeles” – funny, not a single one of these “new groups” has ever been shown (or even seen by anyone). Surely even the sheeple in LA smell a bit of a rat… It is such an absurd statement. I wonder if you announced with a straight face that the Pope has installed a course room to deliver Dianetics Seminars in the Vatican how many of them would be leaping around fist pumping?
They really explained that they are “centrally purchasing” air conditioners and furniture and shipping them to Puerto Rico and Cape Town to save money?
And even though we are used to the lies, it is quite amazing when something like this happens.
You read that Atlanta “expanded by 10 times in just 2 months” and shortly thereafter comes a report from an insider in Atlanta! The full text in the 11 pages devoted to Atlanta in the ISN is even more amazing and ends with this paragraph:
So, keeping in mind that this is one of the fastest growing orgs in HISTORY and has soared to the top of the international expansion competition, get a load of this insider report:
Last week, the entirety of Div 4 had a target of 100 hours of well-done auditing hours. They didn’t make it. (99 hours, so close) This org that supposedly has 100’s of new public can’t even muster 100 hours in one week?
It gets worse.
Those hours count 81 hours of SRD time. I happen to know 30 of those hours came from 1 twinship while the rest were almost exclusively staff.
Additionally, the org has been calling/texting people, claiming to have an urgent R-factor from the C/S. Once the startled Scientologist comes down to the org, it quickly turns into a reg interview for their Bridge. Even by L. Ron’s standards, that’s pretty scammy.
Which means that Atlanta “ideal org” produced an astonishing 18 hours of Grades and Dianetics auditing – minus any Purif hours they might have done — but if they have even a SINGLE person on the Purif they should be doing more than 18 hours so you can assume they don’t have anyone on the Golden Shower Purif.
This is a true reflection of the state of the orgs in scientology.
And a final note. While there are several full page head shots of Dear Leader, and even Dan Sherman qualifies for one, this is the full page that accompanies the coverage of this event in the ISN. A tiny image of Erin Banks behind enormous backs of heads that serve NO purpose other than to “prove” that 20 people were present in the room with her. Well, I guess they serve the purpose of filling 2/3rds of the frame so she can only be seen with a magnifying glass.
Just to make the juxtaposition clear — here is one of those full-page shots of Dear Leader:
The whole MV series was telling. The BS on day four was so deep you’d need blinders and goloshes. And to hold your nose. But because you’re hypnotized you smell roses, just slightly sourly.
the original stats hubbard used to brag about are in the dianetics book, 1950. That would be he produced 270 clears.
Rinder, we in RTC need to R Factor you: The photo showing the backs of people’s heads is meant to convey that everyone on MV was three feet behind their heads. They were all exterior viewing the event with full perception. COB was, of course, able to crush and introvert everyone deeply back into their skulls at the end of MV when he assigned new OTC targets: Every Org to be 47X SH size by the end of summer or else!
The old stats Scientology used to brag about had the problem of being falsified and the fallout when the stats of old were found to be falsified out of desperation, etc.
Now, these new stats at least don’t seem to matter much to anyone’s lives, even if they are totally falsified.
No fallout, no backlash to these new watered down bogus stats to those that make them up.
That’s the thing with sheep. Sheppard’s are not doing it because they like sheep. They are doing it because they either want to fleece, f*ck or eat the sheep.
Never mind the wolves, they only take what they need. Dear Leader has far more insatiable plans for his flock…
And the girl in the last row is ready to blow.
Truly that is low hanging fruit for me, however, it may not be the time or the place, to pick it.
Just knowing the fruit is within your reach is more than enough.
Imagination is a wonderful thing.
OSD I applaud your self-restraint. I, on the other hand, am chomping at the proverbial bit to make a cheap and tawdry pun, which, knowing my better half also reads this blog, may not be the smartest thing I’ve ever done.
Ok…ok. “And the girl in the last row is ready to blow.” All I can say is, I hope she’s good at it.
Scott, here’s your cheap and tawdry pun. I just picked the low hanging fruit….
If Erin can’t get it done, maybe you can beg Lou for a golden shower.
There is no Lou. There never was a Lou. There is only Erin.
Then beg Erin for a ‘Golden Shower.’
Seriously, where has Miscavige’s squeeze been hiding herself lately?
Aqua, maybe they’re into bondage and don’t want to talk about it.
There is no Dana, only Zuul….
Puerto Rico and Cape Town do not have similar electrical voltages. Were these units ‘donated’ to the CO$ for tax purposes? I expect that they were old, rusty and didn’t work. And now that they are out of the country, no one can check on them. Win for the ‘donator’ and win for stats of the International LandLord Office.
Loss for those who had to uncrate the stuff and take them to the landfill. Or did they sell them to the scrap metal dealer? I can see PR and Capetown making around $50 US dollars on large A/C units. All the clampire is out is the shipping costs, which were almost certainly regged from the minions. Still, a win for all of them. But the hot buildings will not be getting any cooler….
It is easy enough to laugh at the sheeple and I’ve had many a good belly laugh at their expense. And dumb;
yes they can be as dumb as door knobs. But lately, it might be my old age, I’ve been considering how difficult
it might be for some of them. One staff member I know is married to a woman who has two kids who are
stalwart sea ogres. How is this guy ever going to get out? The problem is he loves his wife. And so he is in
an insidious trap. What is he supposed to do? Stop loving his wife? And I can’t say that this guy is dumb. He
is actually pretty smart and capable. But the trap he is in is going to be very hard to get out of.
Errol, you’re right, there are from my observations, a number of intelligent people stuck in CO$ because they love their kids, spouses, etc. These people will NEVER say that this is the reason they are ignoring numerous yuuuuge outpoints, outpoints I KNOW THEY SEE.
I think the answer lies in the degree to which someone is willing and able to compromise his or her OWN personal integrity and go along with Miscavige’s program in return for remaining connected to loved ones.
Also, someone could be functioning as seemingly a cultee in good standing merely because he/she has not been ratted out by other sheeple “friends” who not only “know better” about this person but agree with this person, but rat the person out to save his/her own skin. In short, there could be people in merely because they haven’t been betrayed as disaffected by their “friends” – yet.
.And, last, but not at all least, I think that if and/or when a cultee HIMSELF experiences abuses, injustice, etc., or if the person discerns enough lies so that a limit is reached with further compromise no longer possible and the person decides, “Enough. This is enough. I’m leaving”.
All of the above can happen to any Still In, intelligent or not, as the case may be.
Now it’s air conditioners.
I wondered what came after selling Ice Boxes to Eskimos.
David Mscavige will have his own Walmart run by Sea Org employees
Dear Co$ Members,
If you want to learn about the price advantages of buying in bulk, may I suggest a Costco membership.
Doesn’t satisfy your need for status? Try the Executive Membership. You’ll even get 2% back on certain purchases yearly.
Hint: You’ll never get ANYTHING back from the Co$.
Yours sincerely,
The air conditioning caper could be tied to the Sac Whale family who are in that business. Perhaps since their contractors license was revoked last October they decided to get into a new line of work selling used A/C units to unsuspecting souls in other ideal locations around the planet. But I am speculating about that.
The info on the contractors license is here:
The Fleecewinds is a big daveshit turd floating in the ocean. And I hope that all the sheeple that went there to get their dose of daveshit were statusfied.
Staff member: So, did you donate for your next status?
Public: Yep! I sure did and boy, am I statusfied!
You give a bad name to turds everywhere.
I fully admit that when I was at Flag in ’81 (I think), I was a joker and degrader. Hey, I had been a stand up comic, so joking and degrading is in my blood! My skit was on two Hawaiians. One the auditor and one the PC. All of sudden, the auditor says to the PC, “Hey bra! Hey bra! You rock slam, bra! (Auditor turns the e-meter around to show the PC). You rock slam, bra!!! Hey bra, you not thinking of me are you?
Since I was public, the only thing the staff did was stare daggers at me.
This cult has absolutely no sense of humor. Zero. Zip. Nada. Humor is good. Humor is a necessity! Without humor in the world, we’d all be like SO staff. And that truly is a fate worse than death….
Totalitarian organizations are driven by fear. If you are capable of laughing at them, it means they’ve lost their power over you. That is bad enough, but if you are trying to make others laugh too, the organization’s power over them is threatened as well. That’s why they hated you.
Hey James! I’ve been hated by people better than these schmucks!
Yes, laughter on all 4 flows – a fate worse than death to such people! That’s why Mel Brooks’ comedy/satire/musical “The Producers” is IMO one of the most powerful healing mechanisms from the atrocities of the Holocaust. When you can really split your sides laughing at Hitler and the Nazis, you’re OK. And this is why Mike Rinder’s sharp and funny satire, and Regraded Being’s comics which always cut to the emotional bone are both powerful weapons and healing mechanisms for the unspeakable mental effects of CO$ abuse.
What she said!
(singing) Spring time for Hitler and Germany, winter for Poland and France.
Hi OSD! I am happy to report that 8 months after leaving scio, I have my sense of humor back and I think you are damn funny!!!! Hell, I’m even funny again! (hee hee) Off topic: I was in Wal Mart yesterday and there was a girl doing demos and she looked like she was wearing an old worn out C org uniform. I had to push my cart by several times to be sure. Weird!
Good on you, Jennifer! And I’m very happy that you got your sense of humor back. We ALL need to find something to laugh about every day! I remember saying something about Hubbard’s weight when I was on staff in Hawai’i. The uproar was overwhelming. You have thought I had just called him a cocksucking mother fucker. Staff and SO are wound way, WAY to tight. They don’t even know how to relax.
So, Jennifer, you got your old life back! You can do whatever you want to do (without a CSW!). You’re actually free now. So, enjoy the hell of your new life!
OSD, when we have our big party at your beach place, will you do some stand up for us?
Will I do stand up? Does a rocking horse have a hickory dick? Does a raggedy Ann have cotton tits?
My wife and I were up on the central coast many years ago, wine tasting. Well, I started in with my Schick and did 45 minutes. The place was rolling on the floor. When we started to leave, they said, “Noooooooooo!” So I did an encore. And, of course, they owners of JanChris winery, give me all the wine I wanted.
You know, everyone, when you get my age, who gives a shit what you say? I mean, I was a country and western bar a couple of years ago. I sat at a table next to another table where a large girl was dancing on. I looked up at her and said, “Nice legs!”
She said, all smiles, “Do you really think so?”
I said, “Yeah, that table should have collapsed a long time ago!” Again, when you’re my age, I say anything I want!
Very good, OSD. Good one. That poor girl 🙂 Thanks for reposting this today also. Some day we’ll all converge and have the party of parties at your beach place.
Had a similar type thing happen in the OT6 course room around the end of the 80s. I was making what I thought was ‘funny’ when I replied to a well delivered TR2 “thank you,” (for the umteen time by the course sup) – I looked her right in the eyes, “do you really mean that?” I replied with equal determination back and with expectancy of a reply.
Well, didn’t the daggers fly and wasn’t I mud. I was actually told to, “put my make-up on,” whatever in the hell that means? But I was a public and at that stage, sort of protected. You could have cut the air with knife though.
Solid lot Scientologists, they take themselves very seriously at Flag with anything unexpected, no fun at all. Yet back at the org it was a lot lighter. But that changed dramatically in the early 90s and soon after that I saw the light and I returned to being a drunken, fun loving kind of wild thing. Age has slowed me down but I’ve always maintained if for 20% of the time you don’t know what you’re going to do or say there’s no randomity worth a hoot to be had. I did notice with Scientologists, in retrospect, it’s damn easy to displease them and really hard to get ’em to see the funny side of the alleged “going free”.
You go girl! So happy you post here!
Yawn, the Cold Chrome Steel App is programmed into the mental machinery. I can just imagine how they are after they have good sex: (Poker Faced) “Thanks you. Well done”, or, as the case may be, “Flunk. You don’t seem to have enjoyed yourself. What are your crimes?” 🙂
Only Hubbard was allowed to J&D. That bulletin (coupled with the lack of being able to do drugs or alcohol) put such a fear into scientologists that it made going to parties an absolute snorefest.
Snorefest – I like that, Scientology does help relieve sleep apnea I believe, you lie awake in comm with all your little friends, no time for sleep. That 1000 yd stare scios are famous for says it all.
The fraction of the cost business is quite believable, considering that numerators can easily be greater than denominators. I am quite confident that Miscavige can get air conditioning at seven fourths the usual cost.
Ah, yes, fractions can go both ways.
Double Saint Hill Size? C’mon, really? They 200 x 2 = 400 full-time students in the Academy? What a load of hogwash. I hope they continue lying their asses off, the bigger the lies get, the more disaffected the public will become.
“I hope they continue lying their asses off…” They are programed to do nothing less. And you’re right, statpush, their lies will just get bigger and bigger and bigger, and…….
Perhaps that’s why there’s lots of mirrors and reflective surfaces in these fang-dangled, new age type of ideal thingo buildings they seem so hard headed to produce for the midget, it doubles everything they see and if you line them up right… well, the sky’s the limit.
Reflective success… mmm… think I might be onto to something. Isn’t theta like a mirror? Scientologists don’t lie per se, they just see things differently compared to anyone else, just the way it’s intended.
that photo with the backs of heads has some sad photochopping going on in the lower-left quadrant. 20 people might even be a stretch.
Also in the briefing from CO PAC he notes they placed 30,000 books in people’s hands and had 6,700 started service…ALL happened IN ONE YEAR!!!!
Yet, he is talking about Los Angeles which has a population over 7 million people. Talking about rate of Golden Shrinking.
And who knows what Miscavige has done to his hair, but it looks horrible and fake. Flunk!
I was at LA for two weeks way back in 1989. A young gal who was a staff member was trying to get me to join staff and said we are trying to clear LA. I don’t think they have made much progress since then.
Depends how you interpret it Doug. It seems that LA is being cleared of Scientologists at an increasing rate for some time now. Soon Scientology will have indeed acquired the status of being a static, ie no location in time & space..
True dat, I Yawn!
Maybe that is what she meant. I also recall her saying that if I do not join staff one day I’m going to look back and wonder what it would have been like. Thanks to Mike and this blog I think I have a pretty good idea of what it would have been like and do not have to wonder what it would have been like.
“…they placed 30,000 books in people hands…” And those 30,000 people handed those books back to the staff that placed them in their hands.
As for 6,700 starting services…Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! If he didn’t pull that number out of his ass, who did?
6,700 my big fat black ass.
Yeah, if Karen Pouw/Miscavige wants some “provable bullshit,” s/he can look right there. There aren’t even 6,700 clams *total* in LA anymore.
And if *anything* in PAC is 2X Saint Hill size, I’ll eat a slug. I’ll be fucked if there’s *any* course room *anywhere* that takes a full damned 15 minutes to do roll call, the way it did at ASHO *30 Fucking Years Ago!*
Scientology is dead. The minor activity left is just the zombie shell of its corpse, reanimated by cash infusions from stupid fucks like Bob Duggan, continuing blindly like it thinks it’s supposed to.
Silvia, it doesn’t say PAID service nor, books SOLD. I wonder if the unpaid service was, “Run away screaming after someone uninvited shoved a weird book into your hands”?
Prepharation H (Hubbard): so strong now, that just getting it NEAR something shrinks it! What I call “the donut of disaster” is the area around a M’org where the businesses have gone under. Some of them from being starved of customers because Culties don’t patronize them, and their normal customers were creeped-out and scared away by Culties. Also the ones owned by Culties who were Declared for some minor infraction. Maybe THAT’S why DM doesn’t get auditing….. he doesn’t want to disappear. UUUUUNGH!
Miscavige is going more and more blond, lighter and lighter, as he ages. In older photos his hair was pretty dark. Its obvious to me that without the blond dye job he’d be totally gray.
He doesn’t dye his hair back to its natural brown because that would be too severe and fake looking now for his aging face. High combed brown hair would make him look even older and more ridiculous than the way looks now with his faux blond pompadour.
After a few years of being in the CoS and MANY being out but communicating with those who still follow El Con I have observed one characteristic that I believe to be the most common antisocial trait shared by them. Lying.
Lying to cover up the results of the “tech”. Lying to defend the criminally insane Hubbard. Lying to attack those who expose the crimes of the CoS & Hubbard. Lying to keep the scam going.
They’re experts at lying. And…even train on it with TR-L (training routine lying).
After taking the OXFORD Capacity Analysis at the Pasadena Model Idle Morgue, I told Andrew, the young man who was about to tell me how fucked up I am, that the way the test was written, it sounded like something from the 50s. He quickly said, “We made it that way on purpose.” That was probably the first thing that came to his mind. Or, what’s left of it…
Good morning Dave,
I have a question and I’m not being 1.1 or snarky or anything like that.
How do you possibly live with yourself?
And here’s one that just came to me as well….OSA…how do you possibly live with yourselves knowing the truth about what’s going on?
And here’s a command for you.
Here’s another command: Run, don’t walk, away and never, ever, ever go back.
Whoa, nice job there, Harvey.
I’ sure this is a really effective ammends project you’re on.
(By the way, that was quite 1.1, what crimes do you have that have caused this outburst?)
Lol, nvm, this message loaded incorrectly on my phone and I miss read it. My bad; I am deeply sorry for pouncing on you.
Not a problem Nez. Please report to Ethics immediately. That is all. LOL!
How does he live with himself? Simple; he doesn’t. He can’t. Instead he lives with the synthetic David Miscavige, an artificial being, a false creation.
He has caused too much harm to be able to be the person he really is. If he ever had to look at who he really is, it would kill him.
Seriously, it would be the death of him.
This phenomenon is what Oscar Wilde illustrates in his novel, “The Picture of Dorian Grey”. Miscavige thinks he can perpetuate himself as his own version of Dorian Grey and he has been succeeding.
But still, always there’s that picture of himself, that picture of who he really is, the picture of his soul, hidden way up in the attic of his awareness, that picture that shows a face etched with every mean,cruel, selfish, vicious thing he’s ever done.
And, like Dorian Grey, he will never look, until one day, someone or something will force him too, and that will be the end of him.
Actually, in the beginning, Dorian Grey did look at his portrait from time to time and and was at first alarmed, then appalled, and eventually horrified enough at what he saw to cease looking altogether. Its a great read.
When it comes to CON – Scientology is the SCIENCE since 1950!
Sheesh…no shortage of bullshit with this For Profit disguised as a Non Profit Corporation disguised as a Church.
Oh please – will a lurker leave and leak some e-mails ???
Alfred E. Neuman on the right, first row in the crowd shot with Mr. Erin.
He does look odd. I think he may be wearing headphones for translation.
My question is why so few men in the audience?
Hey you’re right! It’s mostly women. Were the most of the men afraid to show up?
The women hang onto a 2D till the money runs out .
Then they dump and run to guy with money to continue
their Bridge to Freedom, as many as it takes.
Biggest MV event is SEX to get on OT 9 and 10
held in the Starlight lounge after hours.
Includes tips on getting close to the COBs Gold Buttons.
The men are all out trying to decide on a parking spot. Too many options for a Scientologist sets ’em in a spin, and all those white lines too. All the women are inside looking for someone to ask where to park, men don’t need no stinking help!
Its always mostly women. Just look at the OT committee attendance, completions, those zany oat tee ate win screen shots, the seaborg photos from LA. I would hate to think that anyone would spin some sort of stereotype, it would be too easy and probably wrong.
Now that is fucking funny.
Bystander, Omg you are right. How did he get there?
The real question is this: Is or was MAD Magazine a front group publication forthe cult all along? Cuz if so, it all makes waaaaaaay more sense to me me, especially the OSA part, Spy vs. Spy!
COGNITION: Who ever saw Alfred E. Newman grown up…? Turns out he left Philadelphia, got some plastic surgery, and took over a real version of his former fictitious image as the tiny commander of the royal wannabe naval fleet on Sunset Blvd…
Sorry for outting you lil cobby, can’t wait til your bubba’s bitch
Hi Sneaky Little Phuq, Love your comment! Naval fleet on Sunset with dm walking the plank! Very good to see you.XO
And I love the name Sneaky Little PHUQ! Outstanding!
Hi OSD, Lovely to see you.SNLP is one of my favorite too.? to you two! XO