The hype has started.
Though some of this is “damning with faint praise,” especially this first one… “This event had a lot of information” hardly falls into the “monumental milestone, best ever in the history of evers” we have come to expect.
“Had a lot of information” would describe an out loud reading of the owner’s manual of a new car…
And then we have this — a report about the funny haha joking and degrading “I’m laughing at you, not with you” that David Miscavige traditionally engages in on the first evening of MV. He loves to poke fun at the “OT Ambassadors” who dress up in crazy costumes like contestants on “Let’s Make A Deal” to see if they can get a mention.
I bet it was a real riot…
Hey guys– the first Maiden Voyage event of 2015 is happening in just one week. And it will have you LAUGHING! Enjoy this feedback from some folks who witnessed the event live on the ship just a few days ago:
As always the overview was great, but the key are the achievements on the continents created by the shenanigans of the OT Ambassadors and how they will cast aside any amount of personal pride or dignity to get their purpose achieved. The event gave a broad overview of what is happening in the different areas which was great. It rehabbed my involvement in outreach activities and made me want to do more. It really revitalized my purpose and pride of being part of this select group of OTs.
For me this is the first MV. I have never been so close to COB in an event! I love his smiles and sense of humor! It is very personal. The Ship is doing great and the orgs are doing great and I am glad to see more openings to come! It was funny to see how he finds the ways to present the OTCs! The animation summarizing the continents is also very amusing! It is really a spirit of play. I always love to hear the non-Scientologists talk about us. It gives you a sense of pride of what we have and who we are.
Fantastic event. What I find most hilarious is how COB talks about the event fun from the orgs. I see how much create is going on and what still has to happen. I was in Basel for the opening and the speakers were great. On the Freewinds portion of the event, the Freewinds is the center for everything. The Freewinds stats are not new to me – they are great. It is really wonderful to be here. It’s like the American Thanksgiving celebration – it’s a family gathering on board!
I hope to see you here next Saturday, June 27th! This event starts at 5pm at the Battle Creek org.
Much love,
Tim Jones
And one of those participants was SOOO excited that they had never been so close to COB before. Lucky he or she wasn’t too close. They might have ended up with a black eye.
The spirit of play is always the description of the sanctioned joking and degrading that emanates from the official church. But see how your joking and degrading goes if it isn’t “authorized.”
And then finally, I HELP weighs in.
Big news, COB is hanging around on the Moneywinds to get in a little extra scuba diving time so he can attend the opening of the Bogota ideal org on 5 July. What amazing news this is – the second ideal org in a year. What incredible expansion! Oh, I love COB even more….
And he is doubling down on Narconon. No doubt he is rolling out the real “Narconon program” because the whole thing has been squirrel and that explains the deaths and lawsuits and investigations. So COB is going to save the day by getting it “on Source” and “just as LRH intended” (wonder how long he is going to be able to keep pulling this — HE has been “keeping Narconon on Source” now for 30 years as head of RTC).
And the news from the Moneywinds is just amaaaazing. They have “civilized” Curacao at last.
Dear I HELP member,
The Freewinds has now set sail on her Maiden Voyage 27th Anniversary with Opening Night Event held. While you will soon hear all the latest news on what is being announced (such as new Ideal Orgs and the entire roll out of the Narconon program), the truth is nothing will come close to the OT Summit Events themselves.
Excerpts of the FEEDBACK is included below!!!
Again the events are:
MV 1: Advancing All Forces for an OT Future – 27 June
MV 2: Preserving our technology for all Eternity – 4 July
MV 3: Guaranteeing Mankind’s Future – 11 July
MV 4: Accelerating our Drive for Planetary Clearing – 18 July
Exciting news!!! After the Maiden Voyage Opening Night Event, it was announced that the grand opening of Bogota Ideal Org will be held on 5 July at 1pm!!! Everyone is welcome in Colombia to see the opening of the first South American Ideal Org!
Melodie Davie
“This was a spectacular event and there would not be a better way to open this MV! To see across the world that everyone is driving in the same direction and for the same product to get Scientology known and applied is great.
COB is amazing and every time I love him even more.
He just continues to expand Scientology like never before. I am very proud to be a part of the Freewinds. When you hear all of the accomplishments in a summarized briefing like this you see how far above any vessel this ship is – they are the standard to follow and it is unbelievable. The OT Committee presentations cracked me up laughing and it is kept so uptone and funny. I am proud of my own OT Comittee team!”
“This was very impressive – what the Freewinds does on PR. And everything that was done in just one year! That was really amazing! I even turned to my husband and said, ‘Wow, all in one year? We need to
get busy!’ Being part of the OT Committee and the Ideal Org strategy is so rewarding. And to see so many things happening with buildings being found, planning done, documents done – it’s very impressive. I admire COB so much! What he has accomplished is so amazing!
It’s great to know that Scientology is in such great hands!”
“The only thing I am going to say is that **** rules!! (laughing) **** for me was the biggest moment, with all Ideal Org buildings in hand. And that personal comm line to COB you don’t get that anywhere else, it’s priceless. And of course they are already our wins, but this is just very special.I really, really enjoy that. For me this is the beginning of Maiden Voyage, I just can’t wait for the rest. **** is very important, I was very impressed to see how far we’ve gone there, including with staff and everything. And ****, in the middle of suppression, they built an
Ideal Org and they said, should I use a bad word (shows a finger), to the SPs. They did. It’s just going and rolling and rolling and it’s wonderful to see. And that wittiness of the crew at fundraisers, it’s very funny and how they come up with all those ideas, it’s amazing. And the Freewinds is just an amazingly unique thing in itself. What’s actually being done from the bottom to the top of the Bridge is just brilliant.”
“The first thing I want to say is that the Freewinds has made a difference wherever it goes – in fact wherever it goes peace comes, it spreads peace. What we saw in Curacao is a perfect example. I have been to these islands before but now it’s different, it’s more civilized. I was very happy to see that all **** have Ideal Org buildings and that all **** have existing Ideal Orgs that are doing well. It takes many steps throughout the year to get these buildings. These Ideal Orgs will change the planet. **** opening up was like an effective blow to the enemy. It’s amazing that they are already Day and Foundation, I am sure they will expand even more. I have no words to express how amazing the expansion is all over the world, it’s in Power!
All these Ideal Orgs opening up and doing so well is really an Ideal Scene. Thank you!”
“I was impressed at how the Freewinds is making the difference in this part of the world and also by educating people from all over the world. The Ship is the stable datum in the islands – every time I hear the officials speak about the Freewinds, I am touched. I like the progress that we are making on the Ideal Orgs. I loved the way the OT Committee videos were done this year – they were different in how they showed what the OTCs are doing. I am operating on the message that COB gave us. And every time I hear that lecture from LRH, it touches my heart and makes me want to do more.”
“The life of the Ideal Org strategy is SO amazing, it’s SO alive and exciting. And what is so amazing about this is to have all these like-minded, dedicated people in the same room – those who are really going to clear the planet. It is so inspirational – so much havingness!
I have been very much involved in the Ideal Org strategy and will continue to work on it very much. The section on the Freewinds blew me way. There is nothing like what the Freewinds does on PR. Having COB here during Maiden Voyage is spectacular! We would do anything for COB. And having so many OLs and leaders together who would do anything for COB is incredible! Thank you, Sir!”
“What I liked most about tonight’s event was to see the important number of Ideal Orgs which are going to open. My lasting impression was a feeling of power which grow and gets bigger each year. It started to get real to me that the island is becoming a sea. I so enjoy MV!”
That COB is a leader of leaders.
We would do anything for COB.
This is NOT a cult of personality. It is just honest admiration for a truly great humanitarian. Absolutely NO different than the statements put out by the official North Korean News Agency about their great humanitarian leader.
Apparently, news of the amazing internet seminar hadn’t reached the powers that be until it appeared here and it was very promptly canceled.
Don’t want any of the natives thinking they don’t need to be afraid of the internet. Can you imagine what might ensue?
So pathetic,dude they need to fake and convince EACHOTHER of hilarity. So much so that they write about it as if it’s a course. Many think seeing cob is like a godly expierence,they all know he was not LRHs successor,wtf is wrong with these robots?
Why so much praise for COB?
I think it is a reflection of his kind and generous nature, his care for the well-being of others and his pious humility.
Hi Mike, Between your amazing sense of humor & Walter’s which is a kindred spirit to yours,
I think my body mind & spirit will make it through the storms…Thank you Ann B.
Gosh, Mike, you must have a fever of, at least, 104!
Hi OSD,You make this evening sing better than The Apollo Stars ever could.And to think when on the Excal I was so thrilled to get a gold star on the bulletin board and be called an SO star because I had done a clay demo of two beings standing on the Planet stabbing a flag onto the top with an SO symbol on it.Sweet dreams my friend.Ann B.
Love the picture of the rust bucket. Nice analogy.
If all these “testimonials” gush about how great COB (or a similar person/group) is doing on running the church (or a similar organization) all the plans, documents as a result of your leadership, etc…, how is it that it is always claimed in lawsuits or other actions involving placing less than stellar responsibility, that he ( or a person in a similar position of authority) has nothing to do with anything when it comes to negative actions that result?
If it is clear (no pun intended) to the parishioners, for lack of a better phrase, that EVERYTHING happening, planned, already executed is a result of said leadership, directions and actions then either he is responsible for Everything and I mean Everything, or he’s not, and the actions are falsely represented. A COB of any other organization (let’s say a fictional company called 123ABC Company) is responsible at the end of the day for its successes, failures, “rogue operatives and actions they take” (the whole enchilada essentially) under that organizations COB’s watch.
From the outside it appears that with all the accolades and responsibility placed around COB for his (or a similar leaders) actions and the self admitted – do anything for him attitude- that all actions, or lack thereof, are a direct reflection of the COB. How can people not see this? If you’re the reason all that is “good is good” then equally all that isn’t good is also similarly responsibility under that same roof.
I admit my vantage point of the situation is not as informed as others, but if 123ABC’s organization was set up that way, and there were lawsuits etc., you’re not able to only take responsibility for what was allegedly positive without also taking the responsibility for what’s allegedly negative. It’s why so many presidents of organization get replaced even if some alleged or perceived positive actions occurred under their watch when negative things happened as well. You invest the authority of responsibility and authority as a result of your authority as the head of 123ABC’s power.
An analogy would be you can’t say you baked the whole pie and it is the best pie in the world, but that one slice in the pie that didn’t taste good, and wasn’t Your responsibility, even though you made, baked it and glorified its yumminess because someone else put that piece of the pie on the plate wrong…or the batch of cherrys you bought were sour so it’s the growers fault, and THAT is why that one slice wasn’t as good as the rest. (Not the greatest analogy but I bake pies and either I did a good job or I didn’t- starting from selection of ingredients, mixing, cooking and serving it. It’s Oversimplification, I know.)
Why these testimonies of people laying all the glory and responsibility at COBs feet for the great things occurring aren’t used in conjunction with other actions, blow my mind. Or do they and My opinion is off base?
Hi Braveblogger, A very interesting post.I do not think you are off base with the pie analogy or the 123ABC company way of handling negative actions & outcomes.From my perspective as XSO the difference is Ron was The Admiral & David Miscavige is the COB, I gather he does not want to be called Captain.If you look at them as not human but pure Thetan Power they are infallible & any f ups are never laid at their feet.All that becomes the responsibility of SO OSA or staff.And all the latter are so hypnotized & drinking KoolAid 24/7 they totally believe that is how things are.That is why it takes incredible strength of will & siprit to blow in any of those segments of cos.And years to get ones head body & siprit balanced again.I find a sense of humor is great, tears are great & not being too hard on ones self is good too.Of course some days are easier than others.Always Ann B.
You’re off base, Bravebloggers.
Totally off base, for the simple reason that your argument consists of logic and common sense, none of which has anything to do with the actual PR operating basis of this organization.
In practice, at any given time, no wrongdoing is ever acknowledged as having anything to do with the current management of the Church of Scientology or of David Miscavige.
In instances when wrongdoing have to be acknowledged mistakes or harmful acts are never sourced to anyone in the cult, but to those formerly in positions of responsibility who have since left.
When it comes to responsibility, the cult talks a great game, and that’s pretty much it. Talk.
The cult is responsible for all of the good in its areas, and none of the bad.
It is really that simple. That IS the cult’s PR policy.
Call it suppressive policy, call it sociopathic, or just plain nutty. Or insane.
And there’s nothing further to understand because insanity is insanity because it doesn’t make sense, and is not workable, not possible.
Hope this helps.
One more thing, Bravebloggers:
While at any given time no one in the cult in a position of responsibility ever does anything wrong, it is also true that anyone who leaves the cult will be discovered to have done nothing right.
Have a nice day 🙂
I agree completely with your point.
All the good by one, but none of the bad. It logically can’t work like that.
Just thinking about it makes my head hurt which all goes back to the truth of your points.
Ty for the responses and perspectives.
This MV in itself would do for a very successful short, independent horror movie. I think its really worth considering. It seems to have all the necessary elements for a low budget film that is nonetheless good quality: gullible minds, a hidden dark force, unconscious fears being toyed with, mental illness, a demoniac figure, mass hypnosis and so much more.
I suggest a reenactment of “Titanic”!
I am disappointed. Just more of the same old stuff – only it seems to get more boring every year.
I had hoped for news on OT9, or a new outreach campaign acknowledging Xenu but coming up with a really good explanation, or an expansion of the Mission network.
The SMI website is still sown, probably for good, though they still own the domain.
HiIYawnalot,Thank you for your post.I do understand what you said & I appreciate you.Sec checking was not auditing but it did totally damage me from ever touching auditing again.And the worst was Ron & those that swore they would protect me from entheta beings who,they knew wanted me gone, lied & walked out to leave me to fight for my life alone.I am still thin skinned about this,but posting & reading on this blog really does help.I think I really look at facets of me that I kept hidden or denied or buried & I bring it all into the light,where I can discard what I no longer need & keep the strong part of me that survived. Goodness this is starting to read like one of Ron’s pulp books,sorry do not mean all the drama.Just that all your posts help me along my path.Always Ann B.
When more than half the word doesn’t have clean drinking water or toilet facilities, Clearing The Planet, OT Activities, and Idle Morgues are kind of a low priority. If Scientology wants some good publicity, how about supporting the Last Push to eliminate polio from this planet? We’re so close to doing so, and it’s so cheap to support. And if some OTs get bumped off by the Taliban or Boko Haram, nothing of value would be lost.
“I like the progress that we are making on the Ideal Orgs.”
“He just continues to expand Scientology like never before.”
One can only imagine with what extreme contempt sociopath Miscavige views these people.
One can only imagine how their never-ending willingness to be gulled, along with their non-stop delusionary praise afford him endless amusement.
Possibly this last is all that is keeping Him alive, at this point.
The two questions I have are: 1. Does the Colombian government know about the CIA listening devices on the top floors of the Bogota org? 2. If Davey let him die Miscavige is arrested there, does Columbia have a extradition treaty with France?
Mike, is that a photo of the ex-Apollo? If so, it was constructed by Harland and Wolff, Belfast (same shipyard for Titanic) and was scrapped at Brownsville, Texas in 1984.
The ex-ferry Bohème (built in 1968), now Freewinds is about the same age as the Apollo was, and will it be scrapped? Maybe after this Maiden Voyage?
Nope, not the ex-Apollo
Hi Ed Kettle,Good to meet you.I hope The $ Winds does get scrapped for the sake of all who still must ship out with her.If David has his own private yacht or access to a big donor or celeb whales,I can see why he would RSVP for a cruise.The $ Winds is not safe not in seaworthiness,or in spaces,mechanicals,or in the sea spirit of a ship that sails the seven seas.Thank you for your post Ann B.
This 47X fawning adulation for Dear Leader is cringeworthy beyond belief and comprehension. Even had I still been a true-blue believer I would have found it a tad uncomfortable, and that was before I discovered he was a corrosive bullying foul-mouthed staff-beating anti-Semitic misogynistic two-faced corrupt stump of narcissism.
You forgot ‘major prick.’
Hi Martin Padfield, Good to meet you & you go with this great post! Thank you. Ann B.
Some staff obtained six “success stories” of customers from being in the presence of COB / a boat ride. The one that said the Ship is doing fine, I seriously doubt was allowed into HCO to view graphs. Maybe that is less than 47X adulation.
Beyond that, according to Hubbard these “seminars” and “cruise events” are Q and A. Have nothing to do with “getting up the bridge”. And here is “COB”, the center of the Q and A.
You know, they could just send out a piece of promo that says, “Come for boat ride to Q and A with COB and the Sea Org!”
I found that seminar bizarre in the first place. A seminar on Internet practices? That is dangerous territory for budding OT types! What if the attendees accidentally stumble to the fringes of that nasty ol’ Internet and see the forbidden entheta? Better to cancel that one lest people go astray….
Quote: “I always love to hear the non-Scientologists talk about us. It gives you a sense of pride of what we have and who we are.”
With such a reputation, why would CoS advertise its come-ons on Craigslist anonymously? Why the scilons who participate in discussion forums and outright and aggressively DENY their “church” affiliation? (The old “I am not one of them but I think they’re swell” ruse) Why the bait and switch with the “science” angle? Why the denial that front organizations are associated with CoS?
If scn loves to hear what others have to say, why the hate sites toward those who do (and the denial that they WERE created by CoS)
The absurdity of this statement is right up there with scn “human rights initiatives or the claims that LRH was a self-sacrificing “humanitarian.”
I just occurred to me that COB must read your blog every day, Mike, to get briefed on what is going on in Scn, and to stoke the fires of revenge that are the only thing keeping him going. Internet event cancelled? I doubt that was Mike Napier’s doing. Or Sharon Webber’s.
The Golden Thong speaketh.
Hi dankoon,Good to meet you.Interesting post.Well David if you do read this blog or your communicator does best hang on for dear life,are you ever going for a ride that will keep on giving & no,it won’t be $ nor will it be “so beautiful “.Ann B.
Dan Koon,
I believe you’re right and that Miscavige HAS to read himself or be briefed without fail every single day on what that Mike Rinder writes.. He HAS to. He can’t afford to miss a single one of Mike’s articles.
This is beyond funny!
Moreover, (sorry, couldn’t resist), and even funnier, is thatMiscavige has to read or be kept informed on what WE write. After all, any one of us could be a Mike Mole. MM’s do seem to be operating in orgs all over the globe.
Effectively, Mike has David Miscavige’s largely undivided daily attention, and, incredibly, so do every one of us here!
We who do not admire him, we who do not respect him, we who have outspoken dislike and contempt for him.
We, who J & D him in every other breath.
Little us, as Elvis Presley used to say.
Well, this is a cognition of such magnitude that it calls for nothing less than exclam tech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I think I’m going to need a walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
Eat your hearts out, OT Ambassadors! You’ve got Him to yourselves once a year for Maiden Voyage, but we’ve got this creep every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have consulted my fortune telling Clearwater Snow Globe
and it sez David Miscavige reads everything in Mike Rinder’s Blog
because he does not trust anyone in Scientology, especially those
most close to him (Shelly)
EVENT CANCELLED !!!!!!!!??????
I stopped going to events long before Debbie Cook’s letter, Miscavige creeped me out, his condescension was so apparent , but I didn’t know what to do with this “feeling”.
Today , the rumor mill inside the bubble makes it easier to turn a feeling into concrete facts , thanks to everybody standing up against the abuses.
For those who do not want to see, well , it is going to be a long and painful road.
“For those who do not want to see, well, it is going to be a long and painful road.”
+ 1000.
Hi Mike, Just had a thought regarding the picture of the rusting rust bucket.Back in my SO days 75 probably we were asked to write a mock up of where The SO would be in 25 years,I wrote that there would be a second ship to the Apollo or a stand alone ship as we still had some in 75 that would be white with the big navy SO symbol on it.This ship would circle the globe spreading peace & Tech wherever it went.My CO loved this & it was read @ muster & clapping cheering ensued! Ann that KoolAid really was swimming in your veins!! I much prefer the rust bucket picture @ the dock.My old mock up got sunk to Davey Jones locker with the help of this blog! Thank you Always Ann B.
Ann B, your write up sounds wonderful! It’s just too bad that it all turned into a vicious cult. But, I do like the way you think!
Hi Old Surfer Dude,Thank you kindly dear friend! Oh the days of young & innocent with KoolAid IVs.Even so I like much better now I’m sweeter Walter is laughing,& calmer still got the. Fire though now that I’m out & free.Always Ann B.
“I have never been so close to COB in an event! I love his smiles and sense of humor! It is very personal. The Ship is doing great and the orgs are doing great and I am glad to see more openings to come!”
How could they see anything with the blinders on so tight? All of the gushing “COB IS SO COOL” stuff reads like one of those testimonies {success stories} to End Phenomenon that clams have to write up after finishing some OT or other level. Or the 8th grade cafeteria table where the cool kids sit.
“The ship is doing great”, so no passing of the hat for fuel this trip? I suppose that would look very bad with Niblet on board. As the NIblet is on board, I would think that all the passengers where carefully vetted for COB worship and a positive bank balance. That is the membership criteria of the clampire these days, money and ‘political’ reliability.
“The Ship is doing great and the orgs are doing great…”
Another imbecile unwilling and unable to look and too stupid to live, one of the type PT Barnum said was born every minute, and as such, another who deserves to be continually and mercilessly screwed by his beloved COB until one day he hopefully tires of it all and flees the cult.
Hi Zeemoo,Your post is perfect,Niblet that is classic! Thank you Ann B.
” And that personal comm line to COB you don’t get that anywhere else, it’s priceless.”
No Daveshit about that. Price less meaning …… of ZERO Value!
Yo Dave,
Know this, a personal comm line to you is only a liability good buddy. In other words, if one exists at all ….it will cost you …… dearly!
How are things hangin this week in Sod Em and Gimmy More of Em?”
Is it true that you have no real friends?
OSD channeling COB: Fuck you, threefeetback! No one and I mean NO ONE is good enough to be my friend! I have to do every fucking thing in this organization! You’re all a bunch of degraded beings with CI, you cocksuckers! And, threefeetback? I sent my wife to purgatory and I can do the same to you, ASSHOLE! Just watch MY events, fucker! These people adore and worship me! Why? Because I’m saving scientology! That’s why! We’re getting close to 20 fucking million members! Under MY leadership, and not the fat man, we’re expanding like never, ever, ever before! Do you like apples, threefeetback? WELL HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES!!!! You’re nothing but a bitter defrocked apostate on the fringes of the internet! YOU’RE NOTHING! No body cares about you! You don’t get to drink Scotch like I do. You don’t get to sleep with your communicator (BECAUSE YOU DON’T FUCKING HAVE ONE) like i do! You know what, shit-for-brains, come out to Int and let’s have a little talk. Shall we??? Or do you not have the guts, punk? YSCOHB!!
Ok, I over did myself and I have to take a nap now. BUT, JUST YOU WAIT!
You know OSD, your characterization of David Miscavige isn’t a flattering one but it’s an honest one and accurate. Still, those who love him have a right to be exceedingly offended. They don’t exist however, so…never mind!
We’ll wait because we like what you have to say. When OSD speaks …… people listen.
Hey, BTW, where did Michael Mallen get to? I thought it was your turn to watch him …… and now he’s gone. Give us a shout out MM, otherwise we are going to have to get a posse together and head down to the OSA hideout!
Laurisse was a cool person until you coaxed her into your valence. So was Shelly. Fortunately, you were smart enough to know that your venom would not work with me.
Roger, too funny! I love your low key humor! Coop, I’ve been thinking about Michael for awhile now. I’ll give him a call. He really does have a way with words, doesn’t he!
“COB” is a rock star!!!!!! “I was in the same room with him!” “I was SOOOOO close to him!” “I love him SOOOO much!” “Our tone level is SOOOO worshiping bodies, worshiping symbols, worshiping our tribe, worshiping ourselves, we gather to worship!! Our souls are on fire! Lay me down lay me down!”
The Freewinds spreads peace wherever it goes? It should then be sailing the Sea of Oman not the Caribbean.
I doubt Miscavige would be on board if that were the case.
I love the handle part of pts handling the church is using……give ’em the finger. That surely will get those pesky SP’s off their back.
Miscavige is making fun of and joking about the OT committees? I think he has been reading this blog too much. Come on Dave….you are better than that! You are supposed to be making fun of your enemies not your followers. Or are your enemies your followers? Dave you are sooooo confusing sometimes! But not to worry there are some dupes that will do anything for you. Oops I just got a picture of that….not pretty.
‘I’ve never been this close to COB at a live event….man is he short!’
-Honest person, immediately throw overboard
More laughter! You-all are really funny today!
Hi Call me Snake,You know I meant KoolAid but Koo Koo Aid will do also. Ann B.
How long before the LRH pictures start coming down and COB pictures start going up??
Completely gag-worthy.
Legends in their own minds. After you get out for a few years this all really sounds pretty insane.
These nuts are going to save the planet!! Yippee!!
Love the picture of the rust-bucket. Perfect!
This is where COB gets love and admiration and credit for his many successes: in outlandishly fanciful news letters. It’s a sort of elaborate self-pleasuring fantasy, this “Feedback” baloney where imaginary piles of worshipful praise are heaped upon him and publicly announced to an audience of tired, fearful and mostly not-buying-it, scientologists. It’s really very embarrassing to witness and you wish somebody could tell poor David Miscavige to please close the drapes when he’s doing this sort of thing.
“…please close the drapes…” Funny!
For me The Chairman of the Board is and wwil always be Frank Sinatra.
Here here Mike……Can you imagine Miscavige singing “On a Clear Day”?
I hated it when he sang, “We Stand Tall.” I guess that song wasn’t really made for him…
“On A Clear Day”…LOL, Potpie! Can’t imagine Him singing that either.
On the other hand, I can picture Him on His apple box in the Starlight Cafe crooning His own version of, “They Can’t Take That Away From Me” to a select audience of Marty and Mike: Karen and Jeff; Tony and Paulette 🙂
As someone who has sung with a big band doing Sinatra’s songs, those are my sentiments exactly…
What a contradictory viewpoint – the starving for admiration OTC members would do anything for him, whereas the staff will do whatever to be as far away from him as possible.
And, if Black Heart stays at the ship until July, then I send my deepest condolences to the crew of the free winds.
Hi Silvia, I send mine too! Black Heart can’t turn any other color now he is in way too deep. Always Ann B.
Roflmao!!!!!!! I haven’t even read the article yet I just saw the pic of the ship u put up there!!!!! Now that’s funny!!!
Same old shit, just a different year
It’s hard to believe someone would actually pay to be trapped on the Fleecewinds for a week
Hi Call me Snake, I hear you but people who are flattered & told what Big Beings they are with Big $ love to hear more of the same & that KooAid tastes very good @ sea in the Buffet Line or gasp sitting @ the Captains table or double gasp seeing David in the flesh! Thank you Ann B.
You’re right, Ann. In their own way these OTC members are just as addicted to praise and love-bombing as the Whales and Celebs. Possibly even more s in that, unlike the rich and famous, these people unknown to the general public, maxed out on their credit cards and pinned by high debt to their 3rd dynamics have no other source of admiration than their activities as OTC Members, and boy, did they pump themselves up for this!
Shortly before my final withdrawel from the cult, I attended an OTC briefing about some bullshit or other in which the OTC Chairman went on about how powerful the members were, how effective they were as individuals and as a group, etc. etc., crowing, “WE are KICK-ASS OT’S! “, at which our tiny audience delivered the expected ack by erupting into enthusiastic clapping, whistling and woo-wooing. One would almost have had to, it was such an obvious need, such a plaintive bid for appreciation.
Meanwhile, I had never seen them do much.
I was UTR and an avid reader of Marty’s blog and as such well briefed on Scientology’s real scene. While smiling brightly and otherwise fully participating in this over-appreciation for no visible accomplishment, I was inwardly groaning, “Oh, puh-leeeez”.
Sometimes its fun to be 1.1 🙂
Hi Aquamarine, Your post is amazing.Thank you dear friend.Ann B.
And that’s EXACTLY what it is: paying to be TRAPPED on the Fleecewinds for a week! I’ll bet that one week will seem like several months for those aboard. If they don’t jump ship first…
I’ll have to rob a few banks, so I can attend next year, I’ll donate a few mill and D.M. Might even make a joke about me.
How many of those do they have to write to get their passports back so they can Leave the ship?
Over $100,000.
From reading the feedback, it looks like the existing Ideal Orgs are really expanding and there are so many really amazing plans for even so many more openings of real Ideal Orgs that are really going to expand scientology and bring in so many more really new people into the world of scientology.
I guess it’s only because I’m PTS that that’s not what I see out here with my own lying eyes OR for that matter, what I thought I saw when I was still in. My own vision has been occluded because of my own overts and what I think I see isn’t what I really see and what is really real. I get it.
I’m sure if I could have gotten close to COB, his light would have dissolved the lies blinding my vision and it would have woken me and I would be able to see these amazing Ideal Orgs and their expansions.
I held the door open for him once….he walked so close he almost brushed against me.
He didn’t say thanks for opening the door and I got nothing in the way of enlightenment.
I saw what I thought I saw…..a rude little prick.
Potpie, that’s kind of insulting to all rude little pricks everywhere…DAVID “LET HIM DIE” MISCAVIGE is way beyond an ordinary rude little prick. He’s reached a whole new level of “prickness.” He may the greatest prick this planet has ever known…
And that was when He was on His best behavior!
Hi Potpie,Love your post.Yes a rude little prick as I gather & if he is so so OT & such A Big Being why doesn’t the door open on command for him! Always Ann B.
Yes, McCarran. Your own overts and witholds are preventing you from seeing the expansion of the Scientology cult.
Now, indeed – what ARE your crimes? 🙂
Of course, I’m joking but there is no doubt in my mind that this is how all the negative stuff about Scientology on the Internets gets explained to the Still Ins.
“Out -ethics people cannot see”.
This is the shit they tell anyone who admits to reading the blogs, who is worried that the cult is actually shrinking, I’d bet money on it.
I’m sure if it. Have heard it explained this way by a major koolaid drinker.
” I have never been so close to COB in an event! I love his smiles and sense of humor! It is very personal. ”
“Dancing Monkeys don’t never get to be Kong..”
Wow, Mike! You made them cancel the internet seminar! Now that’s Super Power! Way to go!!!
Is this scary or what? Event success stories used to revolve around “Connecting up with Source” or “Getting on Source” or “The event was like having a whole intensive of auditing”. But today it is all about COB!
I can’t get over how in such a short time the whole of the Church of Scientology has shifted from “Clearing the planet” to “preventing your self from being issued an SP declare” or “don’t get on the bad side of COB”.
Never trust a church leader that has more than 3 drinks a day. David Miscavige reminds of Idi Amin. 🙂
Or Pol Pot.
Or Jim Jones…
Or Kim-Jong Un…
evil dwarf
Or Hitler…
I would say Goebbels…
I stand corrected…
Professor Jim Moriarty – elementary my dear apostate.
This line really stood out,
“I always love to hear the non-Scientologists talk about us. It gives you a sense of pride of what we have and who we are.”
Oh gosh, thanks, great to see that. You must be reading Mike’s blog, why not knock yourself out and visit Tony Ortega’s site. ESMB would love to welcome you too. Real nice bunch of folks over there, chat to you all day about the wonders of scientology – check it out, you’ll get that warm and fuzzy feeling from ever word.
Hi IYawnalot,Love this post that line about I always love to hear non Sci’s talk about us… what bs.Notice how it does not say X Sci that would be all of us SPs & and bitter & defrocked apostates I love saying that!Always Ann B.
Indeed Ann. It’s quite high on my weirdo-a-meter that the modern RCS adherent is actually the ex-scientologist when you logically look at them. I’m not for a moment extolling any tech here except to say that “you become what you resist” does have a degree of merit.
From the good intentioned aspect of a human’s wish to go free and help others do the same to the withdrawal of observation, financial slavery, the stalwart “us verses them” use of disconnection and the adoption of a mind set that absolutely refuses to accept any evidence there may actually be declining statistics and ineffectualness in their application of their religion. The RCSs insistence of the dramatization of stupidity and doing exactly the opposite of what the founder of their “religion” says to do, such as value exchange, answer questions and reach out and communicate, make friends. The code of a scientologist is non existent in the RCS and is actively discouraged by its own ethics officers. The auditor’s code is violated not only by auditors but enforced to be disregarded by case supervisors. Sec checks are not auditing remember, so no auditing actually occurs for a great deal of the time spent in the chair, resulting in the PC being introverted as a standard operating procedure. NOTs and Solo NOTs were never endorsed by Hubbard, not one word on tape or video can be found voiced by Hubbard referring to NOTs, it’s unverified as what they revere the most – source! (it was introduced to the world by David Mayo) Yet it’s the holy grail of the church! and what a cash cow it is… fantastic money is generated by it. Go figure hey? Per their own written logic in their own texts – they are NOT scientologists but Ex scientologists. (I was kind just then – they are the SPs of the religious world of mind control).
Just sayin…
Just entered the word “apostate” into Google today…it came up with definitions of “traitor” and “backslider,” which is ridiculous, but it also listed the etomology from anceint Greek, where it means “runaway slave.” In the case of Scientology, that is remarkably appropriate.
“I have never been so close to COB in an event! I love his smiles and sense of humor! ”
Okay, this is getting downright creepy. Talk about a Cult of Personality.
“I just love his immaculate bouffant, the whiteness of his teeth and that perfect tan. Very pleasing on the eye (and I’m a guy!). Sooo much better than tubby LRH.”
Hi Statpush, Really creepy the Cult of Personality takes to the open seas! Give me a life boat! I love where the OT Ambassadors love dressing up in costume so David may extend his golden hand & give them a tap! Horrors! Actually he is recycling the days of crossing the mind recalls a long ODDS sent to Asho SO about the Apollo crossing the Equator & the hi jinx ceremonies that occurred then.Oh my tubby or thin both those two deserve each other.Always Ann B.
You could replace DM with “Stalin” and DM’s cronies with the cronies of the Supreme Soviet and your statement would sound about the same. That frightens me, a never-in, for the well being of the still-ins and UTR!
I would love it if FFT suffered a stroke and his sycophants stood around him, as he slumps upon a sofa, waiting for him to finally die…just like Stalin! (And Tubby would fill in for Lenin, too: Stalin was rumored to have caused his death!)
Maiden Voyage: your wallet’s Titantic.
English speakers can easily access truth about Scientology on the Internet.
I found myself wondering if Scientology’s penetration into Taiwan, Russia, Eastern Europe, and the Spanish-speaking world is made possible in part by lack of information in people’s native languages or in some areas even lack of Internet access.
I did find the Anonymous message in Spanish, and browsers will let you translate pages if you ask, but I suspect most people will just search in the native tongues.
FOTF2012, I have similar thoughts re: language as you:
Non English speakers have a temporary disadvantage and that is why there is a relative increase in “foreigners” in RCS. But, this increase is only because stats have crashed so bad in English speaking countries.
English speaking countries now provide nearly zero “new people” into Scientology. Only 2nd generation bubble dwellers are joining. The result is an apparent increase in “foreigners” but this is only because of their temporary language disadvantage and the declining English speaking numbers. This is temporary because sooner or later the internet gets to nearly everyone.. No secrets anymore…
The internal operations of RCS are being ripped to shreds because of “no new people” in English speaking countries. The obvious omen is: you are dead. So, they should wake up and smell the formaldehyde!! HA
It is only the outer shell of Scientology that remains. Like North Korea, they exist, but clearly outside normal society as we know it… a shadow of a shadow…they claim to be potentially harmful and powerful, but they beg society (tax free relief) and wealthy parishioners to support them because they are starving… North Korea and RCS have a lot in common.
You want to know what’s going on with the cult in Russia and other countries? Go there and see for yourself. I did and found where the org in St. Petersburg cannot be so outgoing as to even have a sign outside declaring it is sciontology. They occupy a part of one level of an office building where one must pass through the equivalent of “airport security” to get inside. Its existence is so covert and hidden it seemed to be hiding from everyone and everything. There wasn’t a sign anywhere and the place looked like the commercial operation it truly is. Once you’re inside it is just like all other cult operations around the world. All departments are plainly identified and labeled and the few staff that are there are eager to attract your business. Friendly for sure but WTF they’re out to get you money so that’s to be expected. I left after a short visit and was very glad to do so. The most impressive aspect was the fact the operation was being run so covertly. Almost like when the cult moved into Clearwater back in 1975.
These people sound like love-struck teenage groupies. It’s embarrassing .
That’s exactly what I thought!
A couple of things stand out.
Not a single mention here of Radio Free Teegeack, or Scientology Media Productions, or whatever they’re calling the shiny new beast in the old KCET studios. Could it be that after a year of frenzied hype and fund-begging, Dave is finally facing up to the fact that he’s got no strategy, no plan for doing anything at all with this new facility that he hasn’t been doing already with Gold (which is not much)? In any case, the utter silence is striking.
Point two: still with the Ideal Orgs. Even though so few new Ideal Orgs are opening that there’s nothing really to talk about, we’re still talking about Ideal Orgs because **Dave has got nothing else.** So we’re reduced to blathering about “buildings being found, planning done, documents done – it’s very impressive.” Sure it is.
Who would have guessed that the Scientology end-game would turn out to be such a lame, lackluster affair?
“This is how it ends: not with a bang, but with derp and lulz.”
Sometimes one doesn’t know if one is going to laugh, or barf.
I only learnt what true gushing was when I became a scientologist! NO one does it better than a scientologist.
Is it sad or what that many of these people actually believe this bullshit? Or are they so hysterical, they’re hallucinating?
It’s been cancelled. No explanation. Hmmmmmm.
As for the MV, “cast aside any amount of personal pride or dignity” was the most telling thing I’ve ever heard from the blinded. Der Leader must have been delighted to see that his tricks are working well.