There is a lot of shrinkage in scientology these days, and now Maiden Voyage is added to the list. (Yes I know the graph is meaningless, it’s how scientology always presents their “expansion” so it seemed appropriate…)
For decades there have been 5 main events and a Seminar for every Maiden Voyage:
“Opening Night” — a summary of the “accomplishments” of the “OT Ambassadors”
“Org Night” — an update on Ideal Orgs
“Source Night” — the Sherminator with a veritable avalanche of hagiographic mumblings
“Special Night” — either something from Author Services or CST or WISE
“IAS Night” — including presenting the latest “statuses”
Now, the promotion for this year makes it clear there are only 3 “nights” — “Opening”, “Source” and “IAS.”
Apparently Miscavige does not have a lot to talk about. 60% of previous years. Less is not more.
This can now be added to the list of evidence of unabated shrinkage:
Fewer scientology Missions than at any time in the last 40 years
Fewer “new” “ideal orgs” opening each year
Fewer public at Flag
Fewer public at the Advanced Orgs (though there are more of them)…
Fewer public in every org on earth
No new orgs opening anywhere.
Fewer Narconons than any time in the last 20 years
On the other hand, there IS more “entheta media”.
Scientology HAS settled more lawsuits in the last 5 years to avoid horrendous jury trials.
And there are more people, MANY more people speaking out about the abuses of scientology.
To borrow from L. Ron Hubbard: The world is going up while scientology is going down.
I recall when there were 5 Maiden Voyage Events, back in the early 90s – one each week in the month of July. It was wrack-the-brain time for plausible excuses to not attend ALL of them. OMG, the phone calls, the phone calls, the phone calls, the phone calls to confirm, reconfirm, re-re-confirm…insane. I don’t know how I tolerated it. Actually, I didn’t. Tolerate it, that is. That’s when I had 2 separate cell phones and numbers – one for the org, the other for everything and everyone else. In my business I live on the phone. Well, now its way more email and text than phone but back then I was on the phone. The org people – not only my org but other orgs – were calling constantly after 9/11. It was well worth the $50 a month to have that altogether separate phone. If I’d allowed it I’d have been on the phone all day with no one except staff or Sea Org. INSANE! So glad I’m out – thank you God, thank you! Fun fact: by the time I got Whisper Declared they were down to 4 events. And now there are 3 – Yippee!
HUGE LAWSUIT just filed against Scientology &miscavige in LA!!!
What I would give to be a fly on DM’s wall right now….
Ok, honestly I would give much lol, but would still love a first hand look at DM’s reaction.
*would NOT give much
Felt the need to clarify that. Lol
Kat, can you please post a link, or else the name of the person suing so that I can Google this? Dynig to find out more!
Tony Ortega’s site yesterday afternoon! Woot! She’s lawyere’d up big time!
Read it, thanks! FABULOSA!
I got very excited about the lawsuit. But then my happiness died when I remember the history of all the other lawsuits that came before it. In every case the church quickly settled, some before it even came to court, all in an effort to hush up the scandal, to prevent their dear leader from having to be cross examined on the stand. And along with the large to huge settlements came the gag order where DM demands that the person only get the money if they sign and agree not to talk about Scn or him anymore. And in Debbie Cook’s case she was banished to a remote island away from Scientologistsfor a period of time. So DM loves to settle with oodles of money that isn’t his, so it’s no skin off his nose. It is the money he fleeced from his flock with no exchange for it. I hope this case goes differently than history.
I love seeing the actual hard proof that it is failing and circling the drain. I get that it is still very much alive and kicking, but very slip down a rung is less likely to be regained. They can’t go up after slipping down because there are no more marks out there (or very few). They are slowly sinking into the sludge- it won’t be a fast sinking like the titanic, but it will eventually capsize and sink!
*trying for a nautical flavor due to the subject!!
I recently watched an interview that Leah gave. It concerned several issues. One of them where celebrities and she had a lot to say about TC.
Leah said the reason he behaves the way he does is primarily about all the things that members of the cult to for him. She talked about how TC has a huge labor force that works for him for free and will do everything he wants. His slightest whim is their command and they are never permitted to dissent about anything. Their facial expressions must never betray any doubt or any unhappiness. They must always act as if anything TC wants – no matter how ridiculous or impossible it may be – is their greatest joy to perform.
I tried to imagine how I would feel if I had a huge number of slaves that would do anything and everything I desired. Those of you who may have read many of my posts can probably imagine how my mind would gravitate directly towards having some nice ladies perform some physical or sexual acts for me that would satisfy my desires.
I was able to realize just how unappealing all that would become after a short time. However, having all these slaves who would always agree with me and treat me like their King would be very difficult to turn down.
Still, how would you all feel about becoming known as a slave master? Personally, I think the idea would definitely become repulsive after a short while. It may feel like it would be appealing. But I know that I’d just get tired of it before too long and I would definitely feel like shit in knowing that all my moments of pleasure were derived from the pain and humiliation of others and I know that I would never be able to support that kind of “dream” for more than just a few days.
Only a true monster would feel happy at being put in that position. Remind you of anyone?
I’m sure he feels “entitled” to the perquisites as part and parcel of being such a “big being” and being so close to DM. He has been a star for a long time, and has likely been surrounded by “yes men” for the majority of his life, so it’s probably not even a blip on his radar. From what I have read, he seems very self absorbed and clueless as to how most people look at his legion of robots. It’s also something that Scientology fosters- he is a “great being” who has special powers and is above all of us mere mortal “wogs”. It’s a true measure of greatness when someone is blessed with wealth as to what they do with the excess. We all know how DM operates: more, more, more- no one deserves any help! I am NOT going to share. They act like spoiled two year olds who refuse to share their toys even when they have so many they can’t play with them all. They probably don’t even see a problem with it, and definitely don’t give a second thought to how they have the power to change lives for the better.
Kat I think you have totally grasped TC’s brain! Lol. It took me awhile.
What I find so ridiculous is how someone like Tom Cruise, can’t see anything .
I get it he s not allowed to loook , see, question, ask, talk about, watch or listen t o anything negative regarding his wonderful organization but man… c’mon wake up!
Robert, respectfully, how is anyone supposed to “wake up” if they’re not allowed to “look, see, question, ask, talk about, watch or listen to” anything negative about Scientology.
Answer: its not possible.
To “wake up”, one must DISOBEY.
Any feral Scientologists get near me with their fucking body snatching Insanity I will tase their asses. 🤣🤪🤡 This is some of the scariest freaky shit I’ve ever been exposed to my life. Who the hell was this maniac L Ron Hubbard? Anyone seen those photos and film clips of him with those disgusting rotten teeth wearing some kind of dumb Gillians island captains hat? What a whack job.
I was just over at Tony Ortega’s website looking at a recent fundraising poster for a Toronto scientology org and — looking at all the participants — it’s crystal clear they are all looney tunes coo coo for Cocoa Puffs NUTS.
I got regged to hell on the Freewinds years ago before I got smart and got out. As a way of saying thank you I managed to quickly but thoroughly wipe down David Miscavige’s silverware at a dinner table set for him one night with some nicely used toilet paper. I did the same with his cabin door handle. So now you know, Mr Miscavige, why you got so sick on that trip.
Paybacks are hell.
Hilarious! Very Well Done Poo Master. Very well done indeed. You are not alone in your revenge getting back tat David Miscavige.
I had some friends who worked where Miscavige’s meals were prepared over the years. Many of them HATED him.
Miscavige got a little something “extra” in his food.
Heh Slappy Dwarf Miscavige – Watch “The Help”. You will totally duplicate with conceptual understanding. People HATE you so you better watch your food. Enjoy partner.
That’s hilarious, OTPM! Whether its true or not, thanks for the laugh!
By the way, these anecdotes point up why I’m always carefully polite and respectful to servers and take out people in any establishment that’s preparing my food, even if some of them are rude or whatever to me. I don’t want some angry person spitting in my pizza! I am SUPER nice to all of them. When I was a kid I was a server and I KNOW this goes on. And no, I never did it myself, (cross my heart, honest injun, never ever)- but I saw it done – twice.
That’s why it’s a good policy to never send a meal back to the chef in any restaurant.
1. Push the meal away
2. Pay the bill
3. Never tip
4. Leave
5. Never go back
6. What’s left behind is the message.
I – M – P – L – O – S – I – O – N
That sweet, sweet event, orchestrated by none other than COB himself.
Well done, sir!
It has been almost 50 years since I entered Scientology in New York. As a declared suppressive, out of the movement since 1988, I look back on one of the biggest cons of the last two centuries. I remember thousands of Scientologists in the early 1980’s flowing like ants in the streets of Clearwater. Hubbard was able to sell us on the hope that he had developed something substantial. My experience on the Freewinds in 1988 on OT VIII was supposed to be the ultimate in spiritual development. It turned out that I realized that Hubbard’s e-meter auditing was the opposite of spiritual development. It was only a technique that he copied from Blavatsky. Hubbard tried to unify all religion on earth with his array of implants taken from his imagination. After doing OT VIII and running every one of his implants to total “flatness”, one gets to realize that Hubbard was on the wrong path. His conceptual narratives like the Xenu story do not lead to liberation. Miscavige took over Scientology and failed. One of the reasons I did not throw him into the Bay in 1988 and claim Scientology as my own.
The most prophetic thing Hubbard uttered was in the PDC lectures when he said (words to the effect) that it’s all pretend.
Yep, he was definitely “taking the piss” throughout those lectures; all of that shit about games, games-makers, players, pieces…High on pills and alcohol, the narcissistic, venal twit repeatedly revealed his true intentions…
Scientology, the only game where everyone sins.
It’s all make believe. Nothing real. Now you know why members never get “case” gain.
Yes, I also noticed that Hubbard was on drugs during a few of his 1950’s lectures. He tended to slip up at times.
George – Last year you mentioned you were writing another book about scientology. Is that still in progress? Your thoughts about scientology and the Occult would be an interesting read even if it’s just a opinion piece.
My health needs attention at present so I have stopped writing. But I can give you some information. I have been linking Hubbard to Blavatsky for about a year now on the blogs. I have very specific research which links him even closer. Like I have a few citations very close to plagiarism. Many people write to me and say so what he developed all of these original techniques. This is true but you can really see the twisted nature of Hubbard’s mind. Hope to be back in full health soon.
Take care of yourself! We need you here!
George, wishing you renewed health and healing.
Time for a bit of “occult” music. “Ghost” – “Year Zero (Censored)”
“Crestfallen Kings and Queens
Comforting in their faith
Unbeknownst to them
Is the Presence of the Wraith
IAS night at MV and the annual IAS events were always nightmares for OSA staff has relevant PR and Legal staff would be harangued endlessly for weeks to submit legal and PR wins to be used in the event presentation. Most of the legal wins used were NOT financially supported by IAS grants, but instead of local org or CSI FPs. That’s just another way the IAS would rip off the public, but falsely taking credit for legal and PR results they had nothing to do with, except perhaps having refused to financially support.
so do they spend 2+ weeks on the ship for ‘Maiden Voyage’??
One week
Win first prize: a free week on the Freewinds!
Win second prize: two weeks on the Freewinds!
I know: it’s not a fresh joke, so no LMAOs expected.
I believe first prize is getting your passport back.
That’s what they say. But…
I have a good friend who does not know I am out. She just went on the Freewinds. She said the trip just sucked and covertly complained about how she hated it. She was in the propaganda photo shoots for Scientology PR. She is OT and even figured out the ruse. She had to write up wins from her trip and then was told to post on social media all the FUN she had. Here is the Scientologist LYING again.
She said they are trying to get attendance up because so many members complained that the Freakwinds was a bait and switch. The Regges for the Failwinds tell people they will be on a spiritual retreat and vacation. They were told they would be able to snorkel and have fun traveling around the Caribbean islands. Many of you know this is a LIE. The Freewinds experience is nothing but a prison of captivity on a boat where Registrars can rape you financially and you are only allowed to do Scientology courses (courses you could do at home). No fun ever. Scientology had a bunch of photos taken at various locations to play at the propaganda events. Be on the lookout and post everywhere warning lurkers of the fake propaganda postings. I will never step foot on the Freewinds again. I hate Scientology
What happens to people who refuse to give the Reges any money when they are on that ship?
Are they forcibly confined and prohibited from leaving the ship?
If so, why don’t people file police reports when they get off and tell the truth about how they were forced to lie?
I visited the Freewinds once. I wasn’t over-regged to the extent it ruined my trip, so I sometimes wonder about all these comments. Mind you, I have no back-off walking past a reg and ignoring them. I was never hounded to my berth – nothing. However, I HAD been expecting to genuinely have a Caribbean sea voyage and it’s the main reason I went. We never left port. We were told the sea was too rough – though there was scarcely a ripple on the ocean. I also went to learn about social media – and they never so much as had adequate bandwidth to do practicals. Another gross outpoint. It was a complete waste of time – but I think claims of over-regging are exaggerated (or were 10 years ago).
Very interesting intel, FotF!
An “Ideal Europe”???
Let’s redefine “Ideal Europe “: No scientology. Families reunited. Crimes exposed and publicized. The cult bankrupted by huge awards from victims winning civil suits. Warrants issued in the EU for Miscavige’s arrest.
Most businesses would lower prices significantly if demand fell this badly. Consumer interest in scientology is so low I’d wager the only possible way to even have a chance of filling the orgs is to move the decimal point hard to the left on the cost of all their services. Even then they’d have to dramatically alter the customer experience to ensure satisfaction.
There is arguably still a market for self actualisation, new age hokum, peak experiences and self delusion. Yet few consumers will pay for luxury woo if it means going without the basic necessities of life – especially when delivered by a group with such a notoriously poor record of customer service. And as a religious community, if the majority of members can’t afford to have children then what hope is there for expansion?
I had long thought DM was a smart, switched-on kinda guy. A cruel, tyrannical loon, sure. But a wily one, none the less. Now, I’m not so sure. His continued ignorance/rejection of basic economics suggests he’s a numbnuts.
I think Scientology could hardly be given away at this point. After all, once again we have only to look to independent Scientology for a reality check – even they can’t get any significant public interest at lower prices, much less get many former CofS members to continue doing services.
Scientology is what is sometimes called a captive market.
Yeah, the indies are a strange bunch. It all seemed rather promising back when Marty was having his Martin Luther moment. Odd that it all fell apart as soon as he dared question Hubbard and certain aspects of the tech. All that’s seemingly left are a handful of old duffers, too fanatical, too set in their ways to adapt to modern consumer preferences/trends.
The FZers, specifically those who added to or altered Hub’s work, come across as batshit crazy for the most part. Not a great advert.
And the “new” indies, the KSWers, seem just as arrogant and absolutist as the church they now despise. Certainly their heavily moderated blogs are as sterile and humourless as any of the CoS’.
Companies such as IBM, Shell, Apple, Nintendo, Lego, et al., reinvented their once dying brands into something new, different and highly profitable. They didn’t endlessly polish the same turd – which is what Dani Lemberger appears to be doing with his new “Life Power” project (although kudos to him for trying).
Studying Hubbard is clearly unpopular. People don’t want to spend their free time ploughing through endless drivel in the hope of a hidden gem. (And then find, years later, said gem was false/unimportant/outdated/”as serious as sneezes”/an implant). Strip it down. Streamline it. Update the whole subject as Hubbard himself suggested. And focus on the practical. Clearing out much of the sci-fi will also help limit the conditioning/guided imagery triggered during therapy. And if that means offering a more “secular” path through the upper levels, so be it.
The CoS could be utilising the power of the internet – especially with the arrival of 5G. If people don’t want to go into the orgs then they could take the orgs to the people – service them online, via skype, apps, etc.
Everyone’s bumming meditation at the moment – where are all the OT TR0 drop-in sessions?
Don’t f**k about with crappy personality tests, a shitty video and a hard sell. If someone walks in off the street, get them straight onto the TRs or a life repair session. For free.
If “stress tests” aren’t working, get a group of bullbaiters on the high street and let the public join in. Way more fun and a great way to draw a crowd.
Does VR or AI have a future purpose in scientology? The CoS should be all over this stuff. Instead it’s still flogging CDs and bragging about a TV channel and a new book publishing facility.
If persistence requires alter-is, then why do they remain static? They have options yet choose to do nothing. It’s baffling.
Independent Scientology has been failing as long as Scientology has been around. The first offshoots of Dianetics were started within the first year – and at least one, the California Association of Dianetic Auditors (CADA, so old that it has grandfathered-in rights to use the term Dianetics) was still around last I knew.
Many of the early bright lights of Scientology, people who contributed to the “tech” much more than they were credited with, like Jack Horner, left and had a try at somehow doing it better. John Galusha’s Book One Movement turned into Idenics when he partnered with Mike Goldstein, who is still continuing on with it last I heard. Dr. Serge Gerbode tried to evolve Metapsychology, and ended up validating TIR as just a moderately effective therapy by modern standards.
It’s all been tried – and tried, and tried, and tried again. Nothing has ever worked. Miscavige is doing the only thing left, absent the unique circumstances that allowed Hubbard to start selling blue sky: keeping the remaining faithful of the CofS together as much as possible through as many lies as can be propagated without becoming completely farcical, and as much force as can be applied while just barely skirting the law.
The simple answer to why the CofS doesn’t modernize might be that it’s run by David Miscavige. Other than perfecting a religious con does he have any creative insights and the managerial skills to modernize his organization? Does he even have any desire to do so?
Even the goofball in Washington state claiming to be Returned Ron is investigating digital ways to “do Scientology”.
Returned Ron has a new “process”. Verbal data alert – He says an ancient or original race of giant spiders communicated with various clicking sounds. He lists about twenty of these sounds which are run on the e-meter. Something like that. Guaranteed massive case gain!
The guy’s original website was called “lronhubbardrising”. Disregarding his claim to be returned Ron, on that website he had a few worthwhile suggestions. For example, he said the cost for an hour of auditing could be the same as what the person earns at their regular job. The high income earners would balance out the lower income earners so a group could survive and prosper. He was getting some interest in the freezone but this latest woo probably puts him at the top of squirreldom and even blown Scientologists would avoid him.
P.S. I realize “Returned Ron” has nothing to do with the CofS but since he’s a part of scientology history as yet another squirrel and I’ve done a bit of follow up on him I decided to write a few sentences about it. Factually other than using Hubbard’s name and an e-meter what he’s offering has little to nothing in common with Hubbard’s scientology.
Better yet, don’t fuck about with crappy scientology at all; there is nothing in that colossal turd to “salvage” ; auditing, training routines, and the rest have nothing to do with improving communication or making people more intelligent or helping people to understand their emotionsl upsets.
Frankly, it’s bat-shit crazy to insist that scientology is useful or helpful.
“. . . when Marty was having his Martin Luther moment.” Laughter
I started reading his blog in 2015 after watching “Going Clear”. His “Deconstructing Scientology” posts in 2014/2015 and the comments which followed were interesting and informative. For awhile the blog was interesting with people sharing their experiences with other practices and subjects they had engaged in after leaving Scientology. That’s when George White began his investigation into Scientology and the Occult. It was fun while it lasted.
I’m thinking that no matter what anyone tries, the entire premise will always fail. Except for the lunatic fringe who will always jump blindly, the availability of information makes it unlikely that anyone will just blindly join and never even google the cult (even if they didn’t already know about the craziness). Second, the Cost associated with everything is such a deterrent- even if the prices were “slashed”, many people cannot afford to spend money on non necessities.
Finally, the preposterous beliefs- that seemed so cutting edge back in the 50’s and 60’s is so outdated and cumbersome, it’s actually humorous. How many people do you know today who would even know where to get a turkey feather duster or even know what it is…
Maybe they couldn’t give it away, but they could pay people to do Scientology, and that would be a good use of reserves. Grease the skids, you know.
I’ll go along with the numbnuts appellation. The whole Shelly affair was something he could have easily avoided. When he sent her to “prison” in a fit of anger, he should have just let her out in a few weeks, and she’d still have been his loyal lap dog. But, no, he was too stupid for that. Now he can’t let her out – ever – because she might “talk,” which would likely destroy him. Let’s just say he’s a bull who carries around his own china shop.
Oh, VERY good analogy, Bixntram!
I wonder if WHEN the little leprechaun “drops his meat suit” and IF (hopefully) Shelly is still alive, whoever’s “watching” over her will release her?
Hopefully that happens one day.
There is a new video out from the guy who was declared bankrupt (can’t remember his name, but he’s closely tied to Miscavige) is him acting crazy and yelling that Miscavige is “protecting his wife” like a good husband would do. He doesn’t say why she needs to be protected 24-7 by being locked in a remote area and never allowed to go outside, and he doesn’t say who or what he’s “protecting” her from, but it’s obvious that is what Miscavige is telling those close to him. It’s very bizarre. It’s up on YouTube and it’s a little scary.
This should lighten things up for you Kat:
Lol! Thanks scribe!
Shrinkage indeed, and the water wasn’t that cold.
The very visible loss of public and staff is really showing up now. I love that. Will the last one in the building please turn off the lights?
Zee, when the last Fool is in the building clearing their words, there will be no lights to turn off. The power utility will have already done that due to unpaid bills. As the old saying goes, “a fool and his flashlight aren’t easily parted”. And, one can always do clay demos in the dark.
I think the thing will last for.years and years. As a real estate holding company sea.orgers working for room and board will keep the doors open and building maintenance is an expected expense. The sea orgers can stay busy keeping things dusted.
Lol @ “Shrinkage indeed, and the water wasn’t that cold.” 😂
Hubbard perfected the art of delusion. Miscavige unwittingly helps to expose the lies by repackaging them as slick videos.
Miscavige failed. The only thing keeping Scientology going are a few wealthy people with tax exemptions.
Hopefully, these will leave as well.
Are those wealthy people able to use their so-called “donations” to the cult and write off income from other sources? If so, I would think that is pretty clear evidence of a serious crime.
Unfortunately, I’m not expert in these matters. But it sure smells like a crime to me. If true, then these few wealthy people would have a solid financial incentive to keep donating money to the cult.
If true, that would really make me sick.
George, those few wealthy people have more than money. They have a seat on the front porch of eternity. They sit there on their stools with their dunce caps on pulled down over their eyes. If they just adjusted those dunce caps a bit so that they covered their ears instead of their eyes they would be able to follow Hubbard’s advice to LOOK, DON’T LISTEN. At that point they could step off the mythical porch and still have some coin in their purses to get on with their tainted lives.
Didn’t the Great Blue Whale Himself, Bob Duggan, finally blow a couple years ago?
I would love to hear from Duggan himself what his stance with the cult is these days. But, I think the chances of that are about as good as hearing from Shelly. The cult has possession of his confidential confessional (blackmail) folders and wouldn’t hesitate to “leak” information about Bob’s ‘whole track’ crimes and peccadilloes. Even though ‘fair game’ has been canceled, it has been canceled in name only. What a lovely “church”.
Words cannot express just how much I would love to have a recording of a jury trial.
Especially one where the monster has to take the stand and answer questions or go to prison for, “Contempt of Court”.
And wouldn’t it be just great if the judge had some first hand experience with the horrors of this putrid cult?
Words cannot expreess. So, I guess that I better stop trying.
So happy you are out. Sending hugs to you Mary.
I often wonder how long they can keep up this exhausting facade of enthusiasm for clearing the planet, and all these “exciting” and “new” events and information. No stats. No validation of auditors. Only fundraising for IAS or new buildings. I feel exhausted thinking about how they have to fake it until they make it…but they never make it. Ouch
Thank you for lessening
I con just for you
And others hearing this may find
New members there are few
I do not sing what I believe
I only give them fat
If they believe quite otherwise
They all can kiss my ass
But truth is truth and if they then
Expose all of my lies
That’s their concern, not mine my friend
I’m free to fantasize
Your eternal freedom rests in my hands
Hence you must follow my commands
Surrender your assets
And pick up the cans
Don’t hedge your bets
Comply with demands
With a boom and a zap and whoosh and a clang!
You will squeal with glee as I sink in my fang
Freedom is slavery and suffering is bliss
It’s a demeaning game ya just can’t miss
Spout jargon and lose your mind
Seek a state you’ll never find
Read meaningless tomes, shit is their gist
And give your bankrupt ass a goodbye kiss!
Hip, hip, fucking hooray! These cases of Macallan don’t pay for
themselves, you CICS!😎
Brilliant, Mark! Obviously, when you were “in” there was a poet waiting to come out. And now it’s out, praise Xenu.
Bix, thanks😁
Iso enjoy your comments Mark! 😎
Ann, thank you👍
Love Scribe’s posts, too!
Scribe: I always enjoy your posts here and at The Bunker.
Keep doing that word thing you do!😁👍
Thanks Mark. I enjoy your below the belt humor at the expense of our favorite dwarf and his fairy godfather.
Gee, 3 hootenannies and 2 shindigs. Or, 5 money bilking events. All the same I guess.
What, no pirates?? A scientology hootenanny; I’ll bet that’s almost as good as a scientology hip hop display.
Mary Kahn is right, these events were also a nightmare for the Orgs. At FSO, instead of Graduation, the videos were shown and those Fridays it meant staying late, chasing the poor public for donations (rip offs) for the IAS. Heaven forbid if the ‘targets’ were not met.
Now, per the Calendar the events are one a week. Does this mean the public will have to stay for 3 weeks at the Ship to attend them all?
On the other hand this will bring less public as who will be staying for 3 weeks at the microscopic boat? Maybe someone that is already insane, I guess.
No these are the video replays in each org of the events that took place on the Freewinds last week
The maiden is now an old lady with her teeth falling out.
May all your teeth fall out except for one – so you can have a toothache.
(Said to be an old Jewish “well wish”)
Hey!!! That’s my grandmother you’re talking about!! Geez, no respect.
You and Rodney Dangerfield OSD. A tleast you are in awesome company.
Thanks again. Love this and I can’t wait for the going downhill graphs to finally show gone!
COB(Chairman Of the Blind) is furiously and unreasonably applying KSW(Keep Scientology Withering).
I hope some of the still-in second generation will open up their eyes, come to present time and rejoin the families they disconnected from.
Scientology is done.Stick a fork in it.
“The world is going up while scientology is going down.”
Yay! Down is good.
Down and out is better. Can’t wait.
L’il Dave is throwing up while the world has turned him down.
IAS night is the worst. When these become events at Flag or other orgs around the world, THAT is the one to stay away from – at your own risk. I wonder if names are taken of people who don’t show up.
As a somewhat interesting note, when I was still in, around 2011, a friend who is an OT Ambassador who was committed to going to the ship for Maiden Voyage, noted to me that fewer and fewer Americans were going, that the people on the ship for these events were more and more from other countries.
I personally made it a point to NOT be an OT Ambassador; once an OT of any caliber went to the ship for Maiden Voyage, that OT became an automatic OT Ambassador and once an OT Ambassador you were “required” to go to Maiden Voyage and be part of the OT Ambassadors’ Program, a blue on blue set of targets for them to accomplish in the coming year. I had one friend from Chicago take these so seriously I thought she was going to have a nervous breakdown trying to meet her requirements. This “ex” friend of mine is currently Under The Radar, another shining testimony of how david miscavige drives people away with his stupid ideas and requirements of how scientologists have/need to “help.”
So happy you are out. Sending hugs to you Mary.
Thank you:))))
Me too.
Mary, I’m curious- as a public O.T. ambassador and forced to go to the Fleecewinds for duties, did your friend have to pay for your passage aboard the asbestos bucket? I’m guessing yes, knowing how cheap the tiny tyrant is. But being that she would be present for Scamology buisness, and not for dis-services, how did the cult justify making the O.T. Ambassadors pay?
Wow, Mary – hats off to you for having been OT and refusing to wear the OT Ambassador Hat! That’s no small feat. Don’t know how you managed it, but it certainly was OT of you 🙂
This is wonderful! Thanks to you, the programs and blogs you have been brave enough to provide, and the survivors and witnesses who have helped so many with their stories of escape from Scientology.
Minor grammatical correction: all those “less”es should be “fewer”s. 😊
No to mention the typo: “BUILING an OT civilization”
Maybe it was supposed to be “boiling an OT civilization”? 😉
Probably BILLING an OT civilization …
Or maybe “billing”?
OT syphilisation.
Good one Scribe.
And no requirement that everyone be vaccinated for measles?
MDs are suppressive – they promote the pharmaceutical companies, who along with the twelve men who run the world, are responsible for the Holocaust and all wars to date, even the Crusades. Our only hope for this planet is your continued support of the IAS to turn around the dwindling spiral where Dave, er, Man is free to rise to greater heights. Them’s the facts Jack.
Scribe, you may be sure that the Head Dingbat will NEVER rise to greater heights. The current lifts in his shoes are as high as they go. 🙂
Not if he stands on Tom’s shoulders. No wait, he already has! Well, there’s always Photoshop.
An OT syphilisation is the logical outcome of YSCOHB.
Talk about ” havingness “…😁😁😁
You just said a mouthful! 😉😁😂