If anyone in the Clearwater community does not believe scientology is determined to own their city, let this be another warning.
This woman apparently doesn’t have enough to do in Venezuela (everything is going along so well there) so she is in Clearwater delivering seminars (in Spanish ?) “in alignment with our purpose of making Clearwater an ideal city.” For those who don’t know, “ideal” in scientology means “fully in accordance with the dictates of L. Ron Hubbard.”
Scientologists are learning and “drilling” to infiltrate the community. They are proud of this effort and want every scientologist in Clearwater to follow their lead. And note, this is what “Volunteer Ministers” are expected to do — take over territory for scientology, NOT “relief work.”
The election on 15 March — less than a week away now — is important.
If scientology’s designs on total control and subjugation of Clearwater are to be curbed, it will only happen when city officials understand what it is they are doing, what motivates them and how to respond. It requires people well versed in the teachings and ways of scientology. The opportunity to elect Aaron Smith-Levin and have him join Mark Bunker on the 5 man City Council must not be missed. It is an effective step in combating the ever-spreading cancer that is intent upon turning Clearwater into the first scientology city.
“attendees learned how to make simple questions to find out what people need and thus their buttons”
Well, doesn’t that tell you everything you need to know about Scientology! So the only reason to find out what they need is to “find their buttons”?
Yes, surveyed and assessed so they can be manipulated. Notice it’s not what they want or need that’s taken into account, but what they react to or are vulnerable to.
That’s the way scammers and criminals size up victims. Psychopathic behavior on display.
I also have a dream. In fact I had it last night. Ten years after leaving scientology I still have nightmares about it. Last night’s one was that all my current friends had joined scientology. Every time I got together with one they would try to sell me a package to do the objectives. One can never run fast enough to outdistance a dream.
45 years after “landing” in Clearwater, you’d think that with all the Tech, downtown would be a bustling, thriving city with the citizens extolling the virtues of Scientology.
Well, it’s completely 180 degrees from that, a testament to the uselessness of the tech, the incompetence of management, the gullibility of Scientologists and the dishonesty of Miscavige.
Real estate wise, I hear you loud and clear on your point about Scientology taking over Clearwater. There’s no doubt that the cult is on track to LITERALLY own nearly all of this town. Miscavige is ready, willing and more than able to gobble up whatever property he can in Clearwater. OK.
But here’s my thought:
What is he really going to GET out of owning most if not all of the land in Clearwater? I mean, aside from the ego thrill of it all, what actual, tangible benefit? Aside from being able to boast to his Celebs and Whales that Scientology owns and runs everything in this little burg no disrespect intended? Oh, and whoopee, the cult will pay almost no property taxes of course. He can feel good and brag about that too, sure.
But again, aside from all of the above what tangible benefits accrue?
The Scientology religion as an organization is in its death throes. There are no new public coming in. Most of the long term die hard Scientologists are senior citizens with new blood except for their born-in kids and grandkids. Flag, it would appear, is so desperate for public it is delivering basic courses and the Lower Bridge, stealing much needed public from the Class V orgs.
Many Scientologists have attempted to start businesses in Clearwater; most of them fail. There are Scn consulting businesses, chiropractors of course, but what about retail? One cannot have a thriving town without retail. What about drug stores, delis, fruit and vegetable markets, butchers, fish markets; what about boutiques and cinemas and – Ok, you get the idea.
So Miscavige can and possibly will own (literally) the town of Clearwater. It can be his own little fiefdom, effectively. He can own all the land. He can build on it or just keep it vacant. He can summon the police and they will appear instantly because he’s by far the largest landowner in the town and he is their employer when they moonlight as security guards in their off hours. And of course his influence on the City Council will be enormous because of this.
Respectfully, though, we’re talking about a small town, and a poor one.
With the cult’s property aquisitions CW’s tax base will shrink even more. The more property Miscavige buys, the poorer the town will be.
Given the population demographics who inhabit CW, given they’re largely Sea Org members and OT7s visiting once every 6 months for their check ups; given that there aren’t many middle income local Scientologists and only a few Whales with homes in the area – isn’t it true that even if he ends up owning every acre of land in Clearwater, what he will actually HAVE and fully control will be effectively a large religious retreat/compound with very little about the place resembling an actual TOWN.
Very astute, Aquamarine. You are spot-on.
Wow! 15 people attended, what were the other 9,999,985 $camologists doing?
Jere @5.07 pm.
Don’t forget that as we get older we shrink so that means Diminutive Miniman may well need 30 centimetre (12 inchs) lifts just to be able to make to 1.524 metres (5 feet) in 10 years or so.
I’ve wasted years “thinking strategically” within the bounds Hubbard wrote and left for the guidelines to the two “strategic” level upper tier “top management” groups, Watchdog Committee, and Executive Strata.
Hubbard left the two groups some guideline “marching orders” for their whole future.
So many problems to what Hubbard left for the top management groups, to use to solve the movement’s strategic future, needs a short book to lay out and describe.
The history of the Hubbard management setups, and then, Hubbard’s own fateful dismal self admissions at the very end of his life, that he’d failed, to top it all off.
It’s a huge losing proposition. But so many Hubbard backlashing causing policies and directions, which the result is today, the two top management councils don’t even seem to be around, for decades now.
Since Shelly tried to get these top councils posted, which was the job that the Watchdog Committee was to enforce upon the CMO International top unit to get “top management” even manned up.
Shelly, as Asst to Miscavige, in RTC, ended up doing the “hat” that was CMO Int’s “hat” which was to post “top management” councils Watchdog Committee and Exec Strata (which is Scientology’s “think tank” is how Hubbard succinctly worded what Exec Strata was to be to the movement staffs internationally, be their think tank to offer programs and point the way to their expansion).
It’s never happened, Miscavige hasn’t allowed the posting of the top councils in several decades now, and it’s a forgotten, but still on the books, in the policies, written by Hubbard, in his final years of life.
Miscavige is in huge non compliance.
But I sympathise with all non compliance to all things L. Ron Hubbard.
Since Scientology is quackery. So strategic solutions in the best policies of Hubbard to fix it all, won’t end up doing anything but selling the quackery to some unsuspecting and uninformed and wishful thinking newbies, who it is just a matter of time, days months or years, until they realize the Scientology promises are bogus, and it’s a long drawn out false promising scam.
(My own “failed purpose” goal as a lifelong Sea Org member, was to be a helper to Exec Strata, the “think tank” and be in effect one of the “think tank” helpers.). The movement is so grossly undeserving of anyone’s efforts to try to make this Hubbard operation “work.” Tread water fooling new dupes for a short time, till the new dupes wise up and realise it’s a futile operation.
(All the nastiness of Scientology, that’s a given, all true, and worse; if those reasons are enough to warn anyone off Scientology, good, be warned and never join. But if you still were trying deeper to find truth and spiritual theory in Scientology that somehow transcends and really shows the cosmos as it “really is”, then just look up the exorcism levels of Scientology, learn the Xenu story, and see if high volume exorcism seems like the way to go for yourself, as that is what OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of upper secret Scientology will have you doing, for years, to rid yourself of your infestation of the “body thetans” (BODY THAY TONS) that Xenu deposited on earth, which infest all humans today. No amount of administrative postings of the top needful councils to run the movement, can change this massive amount of exorcism required of one and all who are part of the stepladder of the Hubbard quackery and exorcism practices.)
Like each of his other “ideal” projects, taking over Clearwater more than he already has will fail. His intentions have been long-predicted and broadcast widely. every one of his actions have depend the damage to the city, and scientology, ultimately.
Yes, I wonder what term there is for the opposite of “The Midas Touch” or the opposite of an alchemist. Although there are some scientologists that think tiny guy has been better than LRH. (eyeroll)
Succinctly asked, what is the name for someone who destroys everything they touch? Is there a word or phrase?
Mary, I think the word you might be looking for is vandal. Or possibly senior (as opposed to juvenile) delinquent.
Truly, I can’t think of a word that adequately expresses my contempt for Scamology and all their works.
“What is the name for someone who destroys everything they touch? Is there a word or phrase?”
Jere, DM can take over Clearwater physically, but the political conquest ambitions will fail, in part because Scientology’s membership is so rapidly shrinking – they do appear to be trying to concentrate in the city recently, but it’s probably too little too late. You’re unfortunately right, though, that they can do a lot of damage, as they already have, especially if you compare the downtowns to others nearby that have been revitalized in recent decades.
I think Aqua gets into it pretty thoroughly in a longer piece up above.
I’d like to see a comprehensive list of CofS policies that clearly show intent to subvert democracy and take over Clearwater in particular, which are quite explicit and scary. For starters, there’s this:
“Somebody some day will say ‘this is illegal’. By then be sure the orgs say what is legal or not.” HCO PL 2 Nov 1970, “The Theory of Scientology …
And let’s not forget that Scientology’s plan for Clearwater was named Project, Normandy, after the invasion:
“In 1977, an FBI raid on Scientology headquarters uncovered internal Church of Scientology documents marked “Top Secret”, that referred to their secret operation to take over Clearwater, as “Project Normandy”. The document itself states its purpose is “to obtain enough data on the Clearwater area to be able to determine what groups and individuals B1 will need to penetrate and handle in order to establish area control”. The document says its “Major Target” is “To fully investigate the Clearwater city and county area so we can distinguish our friends from our enemies and handle as needed”.[2]
On November 3, 1979, the Clearwater Sun ran an article with the headline “Scientologists plot city takeover” and later stories claimed that the Scientologists also had international plans to take over the world.[3] The St. Petersburg Times won a Pulitzer Prize for one of their stories that exposed some of the criminal wrongdoings of the Church of Scientology.[1] Cazares also noted that he found it odd that a religious group would resort to using code names for a project to take control of a town, and called the project a “paramilitary operation by a terrorist group”.[4]”
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Normandy
You nailed it.
Cataloguing Hubbard’s misuse of language, starting with calling Scientology a “religion” that is the initial false claim that is the grossest.
What do you expect of someone who was a prolific self mentally conditioned pulp writer hack, who unqualifiedly writes a “modern science of mental health” that morphs into past lives trauma therapy, from quackery therapy to spiritual quackery, and then in the late 1960s Hubbard began exorcism in earnest, and today OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps of Scientology are off the charts crackpottery.
Hubbard made dire rules not allowing anyone publicly even discuss the five secret extensive exorcism levels, yet how can anyone properly define the subject, if the bulk of the “top” secret levels are not allowed to be summarized.
It’s a massive load of quackery exorcism in store for the followers, who stick it out, pay the huge price in money and their lives, to be trained like seals to flap their flippers and smile and do all their years of exorcism?!
The definition of Scientology, to me, is crackpot pseudo-therapy and crackpot huge high volume exorcism of literally tens of thousands of surplus souls that Hubbard believed infest the human body and cause us spiritual travail.
Biggest saddest joke, also grossest omission, is Hubbard’s admitting superficial failure at the end of his life, and that word from Hubbard, that admission, ought to be told to the members.
But instead, the members are not allowed to read “Going Clear….” final pages of that book where Hubbard’s admission of failure is revealed.
Sad thing is. I doubt that the average citizen knows the harm this could do to their community.
Their goals and aspirations have little foundation in reality. They remind me of the Rajneesh group in Oregon years back (early 80’s). They finally pushed the locals too far and quite the conflict ensued.
All you have to do is look at the history of Mormonism to see a parallel to what’s happening in Clearwater right now. Look at the towns Joseph Smith tried to take over; Kirtland, Ohio. Independence, Missouri. He almost succeeded in Nauvoo, Illinois had he not ordered the trashing of a printers shop that was publishing a newspaper revealing things he didn’t want people to know about.
Jim, I was thinking the exact some thing. Watched the recent documentary Searching for Sheela and couldn’t help but see similarities. Let’s hope the residents of Clearwater stand up and protect their freedom and rights.
Just had the thought:
Back in the day they had “Mr. Smith Goes To Washington”.
Today we have “Mr. Smith-Levin Goes To Clearwater”.
Yo Aaron – you go, guy!
Give’m hell!
You can do it.
But Scientology is supposed to cure Cancer. Isn’t it?
To: otherles
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: Scientology cures cancer
Yes, Scientology cures cancer! It does because I say so! So I insist that you stop creating doubt in people’s minds about the workability of LRH materials!
You have been warned!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: you and your warnings.
If I had a nickel for every time you warn somebody not to cross you, I could buy your whole religion outright!
You have been owned!
No love at all,
Sure Scientology has the tech to cure cancer but only so long as the ill Scientologists take personal responsibility and stay in ethics by smoking more cigarettes. A pack a day habit would be the absolute minimum* And if a Scientologist never smoked and came down with cancer anyway, then starting to smoke would be wise, and building up to a 2 pack a day habit, just to be on the safe side, would make up for all those years of never imbibing any tar or nicotine.
*Sorry for the verbal data.
Mike, you are not at all exaggerating the none stop persistance of these Scientologists. They are like the most virulent cancer that continues to metastasize until it overwhelms its victim. Electing Aaron is not just important, it’s vital for the actual residents of Clearwater. I donated to Aaron’s campaign. Well worth doing.
Absolutely right. I am donating to Aaron’s campaign with pleasure.
Yes, worthwhile.
Is it the promise of money to the city that makes people believe it’s a good idea to let Scientology take over the place?
I don’t understand how they haven’t been run out of town already.
Why can’t people see scientology for what it really is? It’s a cult with really strong corporate structure and tax exemptions.
Keep up the good work, Mike!
Yes, I truly believe that david miscavige is circling the wagons around Clearwater. It’ll be his last stand (I believe.)
Only Aaron Smith-Levin knows who and what the city is dealing with and how to stand up to it. It might be too late to change the course of history for Clearwater, but Aaron might actually pull off turning it around.
I have a dream. I have a picture of downtown Clearwater as a vibrant boutique area of Clearwater with restaurants and shops and jet skis parking at the docks, and people coming in and out of the area to join in the festivities going on in downtown. It’ll take a while but Aaron can get the ball rolling in that direction. Dreams can come true.
Let’s all Vote!
OH! He’s standing!? With Dwarfenführer, it’s tough to tell, since he only stands 4’12-3/4″ in his lift-shoes. Thus, it’s tough to SEE him taking a “last stand”. He’s hardly as tall as my 12 year-old neighbor.
He is a shorty, and he never grew much after he was 16. I played volleyball during “exercise time” when the CMO CW was on one team, and us in the training org were the other team. First time I was near him.
Years later, in the elevator at the complex, stood next to him, and also finally in around 1994 or 1995 passed him in the hallway.
He’s not grown and he’s likely in the 5′ 2” to 5’3″ range, at best.
Also, on the RPF out at the Int Ranch, we RPFers sanded and repainted the special podiums specially built for him, and they are ridiculously small, and any normal person looks like a giant standing behind them.
So, his height, rather than embrace it, he’s been seriously changing the world to adjust to his height, and not the other more healthier way around.
I imagine those moments he wishes to strike someone taller than him, in the head, he has to really choose his moments, so they don’t just duck backwards and his little fists can’t reach their heads. Such a dismal bunch of violence cult upper ranks history, I am glad I didn’t witness, but those who did watch him choose his moments to strike others physically, he had to choose consciously to strike when he could reach.
I never saw him loose his temper violently, so I have no idea how to characterise it, and I’ve not read detailed descriptions of those moments when he lashed out and struck people, and how his height played a part.
I should have declared a SP for the Dead Prophet sketch.
Mary! Before reading any of the comments I just posted my own above. I just read yours. We are tracking!
I was envisioning Clearwater as an actual, thriving, vibrant TOWN while at the same time, as Miscavige continues to gobble up property for sale, all with the goal, it would appear, of turning the town of CW into his own personal, inviolate fiefdom, effectively his own large religious compound wherein he rules absolutely.
Anyway, in your comment above you described my mental picture of the “Ideal” (if you’ll pardon the term) Clearwater.
I join you in wanting it made manifest. Dreams can come true. They do come true.