The Clearwater City Council campaign season officially starts on September 19th! In advance of the 19th, there are two things we’d like some help with.
We are still looking to nail down someone to be the CAMPAIGN MANAGER who has previous experience running a campaign. This is a PAID POSITION.
The challenge has been finding someone with prior experience who is ALSO willing to put themselves in the cross-hairs of the Church of Scientology.
We don’t have to have a “proper” campaign manager in order to move forward and we certainly will move forward regardless, but it sure would make life easier.
The only position a campaign must have filled is Treasurer and we already have that taken care of.
Lastly, we need help getting an appropriate campaign website set up that can accept donations in accordance with local campaign finance rules. Any offers of help to get this done would be greatly appreciated.
For offers of help I can be reached through Facebook and also at [email protected]
No doubt some OSA goons will try to infitrate the campaign.
I think that Marc definitely needs to document/video/record any and all harassment by the Church – and also show evidence of the harassment and tactics used by the Morfopoulis bloke earlier and that Marc is actually currently banned from his shop -but I think also it would be an error to make his run all anti-Scientology – as it was beginning to sound after reading all the posts.
I so dislike the “bashing” campaigns politicians get into – take the high road of what you can do for the city – and document and reveal the Scientology harassment techniques as they happen – for sure have those reported and printed in the paper and revealed on the news if possible. The very fact that he has been banned from that shop for his beliefs is huge – and would not cast Morfopoulis in a good light at all.
I wonder if Mark has made a public statement about his intention in seeking a position as a public official. I have little knowledge of how local politics works. I guess it’s primary function is to “keep things running”. The small city in which I live has had ” revitalization” programs proposed but they stall out.
Five years ago my city had a proposition to spend a million dollars to install lights so the high school football team could play football on Friday nights. If the lights last 50 years that’s $20,000/year for five nights per year of Friday night football. I was happy to play high school football on Saturday afternoons and thought it was a waste of money and voted “No”. They did it anyhow. Oh well
It wouldn’t cast him in a good light with voters who study the issues but apparently lots of voters vote their emotions.
My hats off to you for your continual steadfastness in the face of opposition and the crazy attacks you’ve experienced with Scientology over the years. I’m rooting for you all the way. Rock on Wise Beard Man!
I already posted but I wanted to share something as well- my fellow billboard babes and I (Michelle and Stef) have been working on a follow up- we are currently having removable bumper stickers made to blanket the Clearwater area- they will be free to people in Clearwater. We will also come up with something for Mark to help get the word out- my partners in crime are going to ask Mark if he’s ok with it before we do anything, but it’s in the works!
We hope that people will put these on their cars (that’s why we are doing the easily removable kind) so that they will be a clear message to the people coming into Clearwater to take courses at Flag or members of the Sea Org- and maybe get them to start asking the hard questions.
Good luck Mark! We will help if we can! I’m too far away and would be an abysmal campaign manager, but I am sure you will find someone who is more than willing to take on the cult!
Old Surfer Dude, do you have any experience with being a campaign manager? You would be a huge asset and not back down from the cult.
Best of luck with your campaign, Mark. Make sure those canvassing – door to door knocking – go in pairs, one doing the talking one observing. In that Clearwater environment two people a must at all times.
I recommend Squarespace for the website. You can collect money through your site:
Check on with the League of Women Voters??? I’d place a local ad. GET REGISTERED CLEARWATER!
Good luck, Mark! Make sure you have recordings of all incidents that occur with Scientology.
I also say “good luck” and record ANY incident with scn/scns, or MIGHT later turn out to be scns. Don’t give the B*******s a chance. As I typed that, I thought that you should do a documentary & be videoed any time you’re near the public. Could be a plain-jane “What’s it like to run for office in a sleepy little backwater town” or could be “Mark vs. Goliath, the movie, take 2.” I believe you’ve got some good footage for the prequel, “take One”, already.
Wish I could be down there with you to confuse the clams with ANOTHER guy walking around town with a snow-white beard. Give them another target to shadow. HEY! Why don’t we have a bearded-guy ‘reunion’ to REALLY stress them out? I’d be the first on-site except that I’m not very mobile these days.
Mark should definitely make sure that his social media presence documents the tidal wave of harassment that he and anyone who works from him will experience from Scientology. Let the whole world know. Post pictures and videos of the actual people doing the harassment. Make it easy for individuals and media outlets to zero in on it. Make it easy for Leah and Mike and others to retweet it and share it, and spread the news. Make the election a referendum on their Fair Game tactics.
“Make the election a referendum on their Fair Game tactics.”
This is a great idea. Scientology has mastered the art of making enemies, and it would be nice to see them lose an election due to it. I suspect that Mark would have to get some of the more egregious incidents onto local TV news for it to really make a difference though.
I’m thinking of things like all the video that exists of the Fair Gaming of the Lisa McPherson Trust and – well, everyone else. Put their creepy and psychotic tactics out there for the world to see. “Take Clearwater back for Clearwater families” “Make Clearwater work for everyone” “Tell Scientology that they don’t own Clearwater” ETC!
It’d be GREAT if Mark could do two things at once: 1) Run for office, and 2) Attack scn’s bad behavior at the same time. I suspect #1 will be challenging enough. Perhaps it might be better to get on the board first, THEN think about making scn’s crimes better-known locally. I wouldn’t be surprised if the locals really don’t know anything about them other than them being the creepy people downtown sometimes seen in sweaty, out-of-place uniforms. Let scn take the opening shot and hold your position as the local resident running for office who they’re out to ‘get’ for no good reason. BUT that will require solid hard evidence that doesn’t sound like a ‘conspiracy theory’ even if it IS a conspiracy orchestrated by OSA. Lock down the people and their employers before you start your counter-attacks. Nothing not rock-solid will be useable and unassailable by their bevy of lawyers.
May the force be with you Mark! I’ll do what I can, which is only crossing my fingers, tossing the nickle I found this morning into the well (will have to settle for a bucket), wish upon a star. Vaya con Dios
And may the Farce be with you, Mr. Dwarf.
It already is in spades.
This is a video of Mark Bunker at a meeting of the Downtown Development Board in Clearwater last night. The YouTube page link also has instructive comments.
This is actually pretty chilling. The Downtown Development Board is dominated by scientologists. The President of the Board, Paris Morfopoulos, the bearded guy running the meeting apparently has banned Mark Bunker from the store he owns, The One Stoppe Shoppe, because he is “an enemy.” There is a archival segment of video edited into this piece at 3:08 that shows Mr. Morfopoulos in action many years ago at a protest. He is so ugly here with the fair game, what is your crimes narrative. Among his bon mots are the line of reasoning that Mark is fat and can’t control his eating and therefore, can’t control his sexual appetites. He goes on to ask and imply that Mark has a predilection for bestiality and pedophilia, I’m always impressed about Mark’s ability to stay calm in the face of such repulsive fair game banter.
At 6:24, one of the other scientologist board members (didn’t catch his name) addresses some of Mark’s statements. The initial part refers to Mark’s reference to an earlier statement by Mr. Morfopoulos that they don’t want to make downtown Clearwater too attractive for the homeless, “a Disneyland for the homeless.” The second part of the board member’s statement is suppose to be a counter to Mark citing an older poll that indicates that most people avoid downtown because of the scientologists.
“I am a scientologist and also a Christian. Most scientologists are Christian.” He goes on to speak about the duplex they donated for free to help the homeless.
“Secondly, I believe in 2019 you’ll find a very big difference from 2000, a very big difference in people’s views. I’ve been here for 38 years and it’s amazingly different. People really like scientology and they’re curious about it and they ask me very often, “tell me about scientology.” That didn’t happen in 2000. It is happening in 2019.”
The video that Glen posted says so much about Scientology and their practices. That man confronting Mark has no moral right to be on any board, in any capacity, in any government post representing others. I’m in shock. That board should look at the video and demand his resignation. They should be embarrassed by his behavior. I’m angry and they should be as angry as I am.
Is it legal for a store owner to bar someone from his store because of his religious beliefs? Mark Bunker is an activist against Co$. What if, instead of the abuses perpetrated by Scientology, what if he were known as protesting pedophilia in the Roman Catholic religion? Would it be legal for a Roman Catholic American store owner to bar Mark Bunker from his establishment on such grounds? I’m obviously missing SOMETHING, somewhere with regard to this!
Freedom of association is a human right Aqua. Some states do try to violate that right. Remember, “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone”. It isn’t a public place but a private business.
Got it. Thanks, Wyn. You’re teaching me something. Didn’t know that “freedom of association” applied that way. Now, not at all to cavil with you about this, but because I’m curious: what about a store owner who refuses service to minorities? Or an African American who refuses to serve or sell to white people? I’m thinking such reasons would need to be PROVEN as being discriminatory with regard to race, color, nationality, religion, etc., and not directed against the individual himself or herself, which latter would come under the general heading of refusing service to an individual. Am I missing something, and why am I even asking that?
Under the constitution the gov’t has ZERO authority to force private associations. The constitution is a list of MAXIMUM gov powers. The role of the gov’t under our constitution is to ensure human rights of Liberty, property and right to life. The US is completely unique in that regard. NO other country’s constitution was designed thus. ALL other constitution are designed so that the national legislature, on its own can decide what rights the people have. Which f course NEVER works. Look at Spain. When people in Barcelona tried to simply cast a ballot asking about opinions of a separate state the gov’t sent armed police into the streets to shoot anyone trying to merely vote.
If the gov’t can force a private person to sell something to a private person then the gov’t can force a private person to make a purchase FROM a private party
In most of Europe (and now the UK) Parliments have passed laws against voicing certain opinions. Doing so gets you jailed. I’m NOT talking about making ANY type of threat of violence.
Of course those governments feels comfortable doing such criminal acts because the people allowed themselves to be disarmed. Silly sheeple. Freedom is for those that can enforce it AGAINST a psycho gov’t. All others put your chains on.
Proprietors have chosen to be in the business of serving the public. If they belonged to a white identity church, should they then be able to refuse service to blacks and others? A serious Aryan believer wouldn’t want to serve the inferior Slavic race either, which would including Poles – i.e., people with “ski” at the end of their names.
And what would prevent a group from buying up enough key businesses in an area that they can virtually force people they disagree with to move by denial of essential services – exactly what was done under racial segregation? That’s what the FLDS cult did in Utah and Arizona, turning towns into virtual small-scale theocracies – and there are reports of shades of that in downtown Clearwater, where they can make it hard for an outsider to live or run a business.
Wrong dipshit. Opening a business is NOT public service.
“Public service is a service purporting to serve all members of a community. It is usually provided by government to people living within its jurisdiction, either directly (through the public sector) or by financing provision of services.”
It is a PRIVATE ACTIVITY. A lemon aid stand owner does NOT OWN ANYTHING TO ANYONE THAT WALKS UP. The person who walks up to the stand owns NOTHING to the stand owner. They CAN decide to EXCHANGE something each values for something to the other has.
Because I decide to open a business do I now OWE you anything? I doon’t OWE you shit.
Anger issues here…
Yes Francois. Advocating gov’t enforced slavery makes ANY sane person angry. Only sociopaths remain blasé while that is advocated.
Thanks for piping up.
Iam in Maine , but wishing you the best of luck. We need the devils moved from Clearwater florida. This way we can live in gods words.
Not the devils chamber!!!
A campaign rally for Mark Bunker in the Scientology “Public Park” would be interesting. (thinking ahead)
Even if Mark isn’t elected, just being on the ballot gives him the opportunity to make “campaign statements”. Hopefully there is nothing preventing him from appearing on the ballot.
Mark, you are absolutely the person we need RIGHT NOW!
I cannot be a campaign manager or an IT person for the election. However, I do live about thirty five miles away. I could hit Clearwater and help spread the good word.
Now that’s a great idea, George! Go get ’em!
We are all behind you Mark! You have my prayers for success and safety.
Throw some water in that Witch, melt that societal tumor!
I don’t know anyone for the position but I have a way of possibly finding a good local person. If you know of any local politicians past or present that have opposed the church contact them and try to get a prospect name.
I am praying you Win Mark Bunker!
Mark, I think you would be great!! Good luck! Be safe.
Francis, I second that . . . . . Best Wishes, Mark
God bless you and your campaign. I hope you win so you have more power to take down Scientology
I admire your activism, Mark. You’ve been courageous and tactful. Good luck with your campaign!