Mark Bunker was sworn in to the Clearwater City Council seat 2 on Monday. There is a public ceremony being held in City Hall on Thursday evening.
This is his new desk.
And his first visitor.
Mark tells me Bobblerinder will be a permanent fixture at his desk. It is quite an honor.
unelectedfloofgoofer says
A very tough month ahead for Clearwater and elsewhere.
Take Em Down says
The Mike Rinder booble head looks cool. Maybe someone can make one of DM that comes with a set of pins….
jere Lull (39 years recovering) says
The bobblerinder is VERY cool! AFAICT, voodoo dolls, for sticking pins in, don’t necessarily LOOK like the victims; It’s more your INTENTION directs the pain to the miscreant. At nearly 60 years old, he just might not NOTICE a few extra aches and pains unless they’re very specific. Then, if he’s had too few scotches, he might not feel ANY pain … until tomorrow morning, when he wouldn’t necessarily recognize a slightly more painful head or eyeball sockets. Other parts of his anatomy might be too TINY FOR a pin-stick to “hit”. All-in-all, I’m not sure a few pins in an effigy will cause him as much pain as he experiences every time Hurricanes Mike and Leah have taken aim on his minuscule fiefdom.
Phillip says
While I join everyone in reveling in Mark’s victory, I think I need to limit my expectations.
As an elected official he will not be able to “go after” $ci and it’s bubble-people.
What he can do (because of his experience with the cult) is
– see through their BS when they make empty promises
– limit their bait and switch tactics in trying to manipulate the zoning in areas of downtown
– instead of acceding to their grandiose long range plans, he can ensure that small short-term steps that benefit the town are 1st met, with escape clauses to the city’s benefit if they are not
– have people banished (maybe arrested?) from council meetings when they try to disrupt and shout-down the discussions
– advise the Police Chief on how to not be a $ci puppet
– possibly tap into State and Federal funds to set up a “Human Trafficking and Abuse” escape center in a highly visible location near a place where these things are happening.
I’m sure there are other things a learned man with facial hair will be able to do, even if he can’t go in and make people stop being stupid with their time and money.
There will surely be frustrations along the way, but I’m wishing Mark the best of luck and increased wisdom and insight as he leads his city.
jere Lull (39 years recovering) says
I like the idea of getting them to DELIVER on some (small) promises before giving them anything as a reaction to one of their grandiose empty promises. IF they first deliver, they’ll get their PR “win”, and maybe a concession from the city council. They aren’t going to continue to be flagrantly “out-exchange” by receiving something of value to them before they deliver something other than false promises, or their statements which SOUND like promises but are just word games signifying nothing at the final accounting. The key point is to examine each of their statements, looking for how they’ll weasel out when they decide to (once again) do Clearwater a disservice.
jere Lull (39 years recovering) says
And remember:”If it ain’t in writing, it never was said.
ISNOINews says
Florida’s statewide stay-at-home order allows churches and followers to gather –
It supersedes “any conflicting official action or order issued by local officials in response to COVID-19.”
RK says
People will die.
jere Lull (39 years recovering) says
RK observed:
“People will die.”
Ah …, that’s a DUH!
I forget whether it was here or in the Bunker a couple of days ago where someone posted an article about a religious cult gathering creating a massive spike in illness and deaths in their region; IIRC, it was in South Korea. Meanwhile both my wife and I have normal-for-us temps & no symptoms as I stay here and take pot-shots at Dwarfenführer’s tiny little cult of clapping clams, expecting it and him to garner national coverage as the science unbelievers who have qualified themselves for Darwin awards.
Yesterday, Pat’s best friend, a pharmacist, stopped by with some needed supplies. An hour ago, the oil company topped up our furnace’s fuel tank.
Remember folks, we’re “safer at home”. I’d much rather be ANYWHERE else, raising a ruckus, but this will have to do.
BTW…. Anyone heard from the infectious incubator M/V, Fleece-winds? I;m pretty sure they got through the measles quarantine, but have’t heard whether they or any other scn enterprise has dodged COVID-19 -— or NOT.
Last I heard, a major portion of the active clapping clams are Italian, putting a little more pressure on Flog, “Fleecewinds” & the AOs in UK, EU, Australia, & S. Africa. I suppose we’ll hear by about Easter from Dwarfenführer™ that his brilliant plan saved all scn from CATASTROPHE and only a handful of scns PTS to *us* were ultimately lost for the next 21 years. Of course, they’ll never admit that they’re ALL PTS to the Twit™, never mind that “PTS” is a “wrong why” — a VIRUS is the real WHY, but Tubby didn’t believe in science-based medicine, so they “discount” all medicine’s evidence in favor of his assertions offered with no evidence and counter to all science’s evidence. And he CLAIMED to be a scientist, engineer, and student of psychology; all claims as false as pretty much anything ELSE he said about himself. It’s a shame we didn’t have the Internet and information about scn unfiltered by scn’s propaganda machine 45-50 years ago, but good that it –and we– exist here and now — —to help vaccinate others against the deadly cult, long may its punching pontiff suffer from his karmic imbalance.
ISNOINews says
Via Chris Owen: Scientology is good to go in Texas also. Religious services classified as essential in Texas.
Take Em Down says
Religious services are essential AFTER a person contracts the coronavirus…
jere Lull (39 years recovering) says
For SOME, religious services are slightly more important than their immediate lives. Those who are a little more aware of reality will practice “social separation” even if they DO go to services. The smart preachers will have services in big outdoor spaces, perhaps in drive-in theaters to achieve separation. Some of the larger congregations already have video services, on TV or Internet, or whatever. scientology COULD run courses via video-link, the course Supervisor checking for students’ indicators on a rotating basis, JUST like in-person, except that the student could aim his camera too high or low to to be useful. and/or turn their audio off, so they can’t hear the Sup. Might as well just do home-study then, of course. If *I* were doing scn courses again, it’d only be home study except for practical drills, of course. Then again, scientology has NOTHING useful to me. YMMV
Wasn’t there a way to audit over the Internet some years back?
Aquamarine says
“Religious services classified as essential in Texas.”
My cousins in Georgia should move to Texas.
Do these devout Christian Texans know or care that Jesus Christ said it was just fine to pray outside and/or anywhere? That you didn’t need a building in order to commune with God?
Well, they’ll get sick then. What can you do. You can’t fix stupid.
jere Lull (39 years recovering) says
Aqua observed:
“You can’t fix stupid”
Nature takes care of it automatically. Darwin observed the process about 150 years ago.
jere Lull (39 years recovering) says
Aqua: You don’t like your cousins in Georgia?
Aquamarine says
Its complicated. They’re good people. Decent, in their own way. Kind, in their own way. But – and this is hard to explain but I’ll try – they’re sort of FROZEN, mentally. Jesus this, Jesus that. God sent Donald Trump to be president. Obama is a minion of the devil. Hillary IS the devil. And its not just politics. There’s only ONE way; the rest of us are DOOMED if we don’t wash ourselves in the blood of the lamb or whatever. They pity me because they really believe I’m doomed. I pity them because they’re idiots. But because they’re related to me, because they’re the children of my father’s sister, their idiocy and ignorance get on my nerves. Government is evil but they have no idea how dependent upon government they actually are. Without Social Security and Medicare they’d be out in the street. I could go on. Suffice to say they get on my nerves, just the idea that they’re my FAMILY and related to me and so unlike the intelligent, open minded family I once had, and lost. Clearly do I see why my late father avoided this particular sister and her husband and kids whenever possible. I suppose I love them because I know they’re fundamentally good and decent, but I don’t like them, and frankly, don’t respect them. I consider them foreign to me. I’m glad I don’t live near them and I’m sure they feel exactly the same way about me. As I said – complicated 🙂
George Patton says
Congratulations Mark and Mike.
Hey Captain Misfit what do ya know. Two of your BFF’s settling in to put the hurt on ye. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. By the way how’s Thursday at 2 lookin’?
jere Lull (39 years recovering) says
George Patton quipped:
“By the way how’s Thursday at 2 lookin’?”
Pretty much same-old, same-old. Coronavirus pandemic didn’t ruffle the bubble at all.
ISNOINews says
Under the new Florida state-wide stay at home order attending religious services are “essential activities” allowed under the order.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issues statewide stay-at-home order
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Essential activities allowed by the order include attending religious services, recreational activities like biking, running, fishing or hunting (if following social distancing guidelines), taking care of a pet or caring for a loved one or friend.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Take Em Down says
If Sci is an essential service, then they are a business, not a religion. The gov has no grounds to stand on. Sci is advertising on Craigslist for customers…they are a business..New York, Tampa Bay, Los Angeles and Albuquerque , all on Craigslist, maybe more.
ISNOINews says
I agree with Chris Owen’s assessment.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Scientology just got the green light to ignore the Florida lockdown.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Aquamarine says
Sad, really. These people are in denial. They’re going to get sick, and spread it to others, and eventually the whole state will have to lock down. More and more am I convinced that a significant portion of the American population has a real death wish.
Rip Van Winkle says
Makes my day.
Such a happy thing.
Mine’s normally hidden… Gonna break him out and find some nice spots.
Skyler says
You know that preacher who was charged for violating the social distancing laws by telling his congregation to come to church any way? Here is an interesting follow up. Damn!
“Louisiana church packed for services again despite charges against pastor amid pandemic.”
Rose Marie says
Now we Batman or Robin in office? Lol. ConyMark. I love that bobble head. I think you should super glue it onto a piece of cement too heavy to carry. Lol.
Chee Chalker says
How long before an “organic” Scientology effort to remove Bobblehead Mike starts up?
I’m hoping for a petition so there will be a
list of registered Clearwater Scientologists.
Expecting names like “Seymour Butts” and “Heywood Jablomi” to show up
Balletlady says
I had a “burner phone” my friend left here that she purchased when she temporarily lost track of her business iPhone….anyway there were a few minutes on it so she said “use them up”.
A lovely lady answered the phone & when I asked about them being opened what with the Virus & all…she said they were “temporarily closed”….she then asked for my name so I gave her this one:
Nevha Will Joynyah……
Wish we could ALL be there to give Mark Bunker & thunderous standing OVATION! Congrats Mark…give them Hell…
Aquamarine says
“Nevha Will Joynah…” That’s very cute, Balletlady 🙂 Well done on that phone call! Still laughing!
The Moose says
Sue Pressive
Nott Oatee
Imin Acult
Lord Xenu
Scientology_411 says
That’s so awesome and congratulations again to Mark!
Zee Moo says
The Rinder Bobblehead may keep evil spirits away. But the $cienos will complain about ‘discrimination’ and Mark’s ‘evil intentions’. And then the Clams will buy up more buildings. The hew owners will have to pay taxes until the buildings become the ‘Holy Hot Yoga Studio’.
Karen pressley says
I would love to be a fly on the wall to see the first time David Miscavige and local OSA goons see Councilmember Bunker’s name plate on the door. Then they open the door, and are greeted by Bobblehead Mike on the desk, and SP Mark Bunker, who they’ve been suppressing with a restraining order for years. OMG this is sweet.
Aquamarine says
Everything that Karen just said!
Bobblehead Mike right on Councilman Bunker’s desk…right ON!
PickAnotherID says
Mark better superglue BobbleRinder to the desk or it’s liable to disappear when he’s not looking.
He also might want to suggest the Council have the Pinellas County Department of Enviromental Health check out ‘Flag’, to verify those claims Ben Shaw has been making. And maybe bring a County Sheriff along in case they decide to be uncooperative.
PeaceMaker says
They should also have the Florida Department of Elder Affairs come along and see how adults 60 and over are being treated and cared for, and if there is anything that might constitute elder abuse or endangerment.
Skyler says
What an excellent suggestion! Well done PeaceMaker.
Peter Blood says
Still have my Rinder bobblehead too in my own office aka man cave. It represents the coming end of a certain cult that can’t come too soon.
Aquamarine says
I have BobbleRinder prominently displayed on a shelf in my living room. I had a small dinner party once, just 4 of us, and I made a center piece for the table with Mike in the middle of a little circlet of daisies and leaves. It was so cute! None of them were or had ever been Scientologists.
“Who is Mike Rinder? Who is this guy?”
“Can’t tell you now.”
“C’mon, who is he?”
“Can’t. You’ll just have to Google him after we eat.”
They were too polite to whip out their phones at the table and I drove them crazy refusing to explain until we were all seated in the living room with coffee and cake but by then they were whipping out their phones anyway. A spirited discussion ensued 🙂
Thanks for making my dinner party a success, Mike 🙂
ISNOINews says
More on why Scientology coronavirus screening protocols are inadequate and dangerous.
Infected but Feeling Fine: The Unwitting Coronavirus Spreaders
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
As many as 25 percent of people infected with the new coronavirus may not show symptoms, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns — a startlingly high number that complicates efforts to predict the pandemic’s course and strategies to mitigate its spread.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Mark R. Bunker says
In one of those cosmic coincidences, YouTube’s auto generated url for this video ends up with the word WOG:
George M White says
I don’t believe in coincidences. WOG as a name was destined to end the video url.
You are destined to shut down Flag.
Congratulations Mark. Good Luck.
Vlad says
As in your old ARS handle “Dr. Benjamin Wog”?
Old Surfer Dude says
I’m so very happy that you won! Onward and upward!
otherles says
I have to say congratulations.
Loosing My Religion says
Complimenti Mark. The views of this video are moving up
I Yawnalot says
Good luck Mark.
Imaberrated says
Glad to have you on board!
Eh=Eh says
You have a place of prominence on the desk Mike. Better sweep Mr Bobblehead daily for OSA bugs though. It would be the ideal spot….😁😜
Skyler says
I would also be careful of any new “friends” who show up and want to help you in your position. Remember how scamatology sent some lady private investigator to become Miss Lovely’s new best friend?
As Mike says, they never fail to disappoint to do stupid shit. So even though this technique is well known, they are likely to try it again. It would be wonderful if you could feed any so-called “new friend” some counter-intelligence designed to show up these crooks for who and what they are.
Miss Dutch says
I’m so glad WBM has you there every moment for council and advice!
Cece says
As HE sizzles in his head screaming at the thermometer to go up.
Please cancell all disconections and send our children home.
Mat Pesch says
Hey Mike Rinder, I think you would be an excellent Mayor. Just saying… If you ever want to run, I will move to Clearwater to help with your campaign.
Mike Rinder says
Thanks Mat. Might be worth the effort just to get you and Amy closer!
Mat Pesch says
Don’t be surprised to see us move to your neck of the woods in the next year or two. Amy is always looking at homes in Florida with enclosed pools and sunny weather.
Cece says
Oh what wonderfull thoughts that gives me.
Amy 😘🤗
Mat Pesch says
I told Amy of your reply. Watch out Florida. Maybe Clearwater can be the first SP city city in the world!!
Andrea "i-Betty" Garner says
I’m in the UK so I’ll have a little further to move, but count me in! That’s one campaign I’d be glad to get behind. Permission to bring the British sunshine with me to Florida? Ahem. 🙂
Mat Pesch says
Briget says
Love it!!!
Joe Pendleton says
Mark and Mike!
Clearwater’s Batman and Robin!
Aquamarine says
Yes! What a team!
ISNOINews says
OT. ANOTHER reason why Scientology’s rejection of Social Distancing is so dangerous. If you wait for someone to be symptomatic to distance, it is too late.
Iceland lab’s testing suggests 50% of coronavirus cases have no symptoms
Loosing My Religion says
You are so right. Thank you.
jere Lull (39 years recovering) says
There are OTHER current studies showing that carriers, even “super-carriers” might be asymptomatic.
This “bug” is scary.
The only saving grace is that it seems not to be mutating very quickly. I again don’t wish it upon them, but the SO at Flog, PAC and the “Fleecewinds” are living petri dishes for the spread of this disease. AND we won’t know the numbers other than some Coroners’ “educated guesses” after the fact. THAT will be hampered by scientology’s “religious prohibition” against autopsies AND their “religious requirement” for *immediate* cremation, all designed to hide the truth from ALL.