Clearly scientology is worried that Mark Bunker is proving to be a viable candidate for the Clearwater City Council. They are now resorting to one of their tried and true tactics against those who worry them the most (see below in this blogpost for earlier examples of the same playbook).
Following is a series of short videos of a recent candidates forum. Scientology sent along a gaggle of hecklers to disrupt Mark’s statements — pursuant to the policies of L. Ron Hubbard. Unfortunately, there is no video showing their faces — perhaps next time when both Aaron Smith-Levin and I are not out of town we will be able to identify the perpetrators and let the world know who they are. In these clips we can only hear them.
Here is the start of their antics, trying to shout down Mark:
The next clip covers some of the statements of Eliseo Santana, who has become a surrogate for scientology, making snide comments about “reality TV.” This seems to be a reference to the fact that Mark appeared on Scientology and the Aftermath. Obviously this guy is making a play to collect whatever votes he thinks scientology may be able to direct his way. It is important for Clearwater that he NOT be elected and become a scientology tool on the City Council — regardless of whether Mark Bunker wins. He has now officially assume the mantle of “scientology candidate” for Seat 2.
It would appear Eliseo has been supplied with a copy of the 20 year old injunction scientology is still trying to enforce against Mark Bunker (see the episode of Scientology and the Aftermath where we discuss the craziness of this with the Clearwater PD — who subsequently announced they would not be attempting to enforce this) and he even brought it to the meeting. What a limp scientology sock-puppet he turns out to be.
The hecklers get louder, and Santana begins his attack on Mark Bunker for having “hate in his heart”… Now he is simply mimicking scientology talking-points, almost as if he has coordinated with the hecklers beforehand.
Bunker responds — “I’m not a shrinking violet and I don’t have hate in my heart”…
And finally Bunker makes a pitch for reforming scientology. The screaming scientologist sounds a lot like the infamous Mary DeMoss.
This is not a random cross-section of “concerned citizens” — these are scientologists sent to disrupt and “confront” Mark Bunker by the Office of Special Affairs.
You don’t need to believe me — you can read Hubbard’s writings on how to deal with critics of scientology.
Believe me, no scientologist would dare make a scene like this that might end up in the Tampa Bay Times — generating bad PR — without being directed by the Office of Special Affairs.
Apparently these are two of the culprits.
Loudest screeching lady:
And this is the guy who shouts that the injunction was “not from scientology, it was from the 6th judicial circuit court” — obviously palsy with Eliseo:
Here is an earlier example of the screeching scientologists (including the infamous Mary DeMoss) sent to deal with Bunker and the Lisa McPherson Trust.
And here is another example of the tactic: David Miscavige’s personal attack-bitch Jenny Linson at LAX “confronting” Marty Rathbun back in the days when he was exposing the abuses in scientology and needed to be stopped.
They sent people to disrupt and heckle Sara Goldberg and me when we did a screening of Going Clear. Mark Bunker took a video of this and it was put up on Tony Ortega’s site.
You can hear attack-bitch Jenny Linson and 6 others (including Dave Bloomberg from the video above) approaching me in the secluded parking lot of a doctor while I waited for my wife:
(For a transcript of this incident, see this article Mike Rinder: “Lady Killer”)
This is precisely why it is so important to elect Mark Bunker. Scientology believes they can bully anyone they don’t like in Clearwater and get away with it. For too long they have and nobody has said anything. They continue to thumb their nose at the city and the citizens of Clearwater. Miscavige summons the city officials to meetings and they obey, only for him to tell him he doesn’t know anything about the properties being purchased… They send people with the express purpose of disrupting candidate forums because they don’t like the fact that Mark Bunker is not intimidated by their tactics and threats.
If you care about the future of Clearwater, please help elect the one person running for office who will never back down or bend to the will of scientology.
Go to his website and donate to his election or volunteer your time. Spread the word.
First of all the phrase “attack-bitch” is probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen so thank you for that. Secondly I have a question as I am someone who wants to be involved in the complete and utter destruction of the COS. I kinda feel like if I can’t donate, (which would be hard living check to check on a good week) that maybe there isn’t much else I could do other than join a FB group. I’m not saying that in a bad way I just honestly feel this way. If anyone has any information on becoming involved I’ll gladly hear it.
People in a town neighboring Clearwater were attacking a local whistle-blower and they were using a very similar MO. The person who was exposing possible corruption of elected officials was bullied heavily online during the initial exposure and accused of, “having hate in her heart.” There was a Tampa Bay Times article about the reports on local social media, it talked about the issues at play which involved the Pelican Golf Club and suspicious real estate deals with government officials. City staff members at the time were also using the local site in violation of the rules in order to report the information exposed – they were able to get a lot of it removed before there own accounts were reported! Please don’t forget about areas near to Clearwater. If the organization wants to make money these days they are going to be investing in places outside the ghost town they’ve created in Downtown Clearwater. Mark Bunker knows about the forgoing but I don’t know if he realizes it’s all connected. Thank you!
From our President on down, it is now OK to bully and shout down those with whom we disagree. Forget civil debate, forget arguing on the merits, allowing the other side to have their say, that’s old hat. Want to win? Just drown them out, repeat the same thing over and over. The loudest and most repetitive voice wins.
Also if you want to win, make up any lie, throw out any insult that will stick and tickle and delight those who are on your side and infuriate those who aren’t. That’s what winning an argument means nowaday. Whoever shouts the loudest and makes up the catchiest schoolyard insulting nickname to be repeated and shared widely wins the argument. God help us all. End of rant.
The more they attack, the more they show the character of Scientology.
I was a member of $cientology for 30 years.
In 1979, we moved to the Clearwater area.
I was asked by an Executive, Milt Wolfe, to
“Handle” Richard Tenny….who was the City
Commissioner, running for Mayor.
Part of their “program” was to go to meetings
Like this and distract & show Tenny was not qualified
To be Clearwater’s Mayor.
He was voted out and $cientology paid me
$22,000 in their “Training Awards”. Scientology is doing
The same, in 2020, to Mark Bunker.
It is VITAL those who run these meetings understand
The depths this phony “church”is going to and make sure these
Manipulators/scientologists are escorted out. Listen to Mark
Bunker….he cares about your city.
(P.S. When they now try to slime *me*….ask them why in
20 years they refuse to talk with me!)
I live about as far away from Clearwater as humanly possible in the contiguous US. But would support his campaign in a heartbeat if I could. Watching all of the video clips from the CoS people shouting down Mark and you Mike after the Going Clear screening is atrocious behavior for any human being. I was never in CoS but almost bought Diabetics when they had the big media push back in the mid to late 1980s. I was at a low point in my life and was, as many are when in that situation, looking for somewhere to call “home”. I am so fortunate I never went to Waldenbooks to get a copy.
I think that is the CoS playbook now. They look for people who are obviously an outcast, lonely or at a low point in their lives and promising the world (as long as they have a large enough bank account and good credit). I am fortunate to be able to call Chris Shelton a friend now and have learned a lot about CoS from him Aaron Smith-Levin, Marc Headley, Ron Miscavige and others. I have been blocked by CoS on just about every social media platform just because I uoted things from them and Tony Ortega. I was going to go to the local “church” in Seattle to see what I could get through audio recordings of the promises but I have a feeling they have my face in their SP books and could possibly be recognized. I never hide my face in my accounts.
Tom. You can support Bunkers campaign from outside Clearwater by making a donation…
Tom, I’ve watched all of the older videos and am so happy to see you made it out. I was always hoping you were hearing some of it. I wish you health and happiness in your life
I understand that Scientologists believe that LRH knew everything about everything, but can’t they just exteriorize for one minute and see themselves as we see them? They just look so foolish. As for Mr. Santana, he should know that the majority of scientologists in Clearwater (to my understanding anyway) are foreigners and not able to vote.
Does anyone know if the Tampa Bay Times and/or other local outlets have endorsed Mark Bunker?
It’s a treat to see him handle the unfortunately ineffective missives sent by AppleBox Boy: with ARCU and TRS – two principles one can find in a great many philosophical studies throughout the ages – so no one needs to rip them apart simply because I used this particular nomenclature.
The majority of the remaining members of scientology cannot think for themselves and therefore need constant direction out of fear. These are people to be pitied, but addressed firmly for their crimes against their brethern who tried to handle outpoints or stand up themselves and got their families ripped part for their trouble. Tiny Fists is the one who needs to to go to jail.
Wow, those outbursts look so bad for scientology.
Everyone is aware of their childish shenanigans, and it was nice to hear the applause of non-scientologists.
Good luck, Mark Bunker, and godspeed the silent, outraged voters in Clearwater in sticking it to Miscavige.
As I listened to the candidate forum, I thought Screech was Jenny Linson. But now we know it is Sherry von Screechengem. An OT8. Is this what $cio elite has become – hecklers? Did she learn nothing on the ship?! Does she not know she is now what she knows she is not?? Sheesh.
And, hey Jenny Linson – hope you are not still busy slapping people standing in trash cans.
You’re making that name up, right? “Sherry von Screechengem” – that’s a joke, right? No kidding, tell me that’s a joke. I have to be sure.
the b word is a bit inflammatory, likely intentional, but for the politically correct non-scieno public, perhaps not a good choice. Maybe attack-dog? It put me off.
Mary deMoss mentioned above in the blog was coaching, billed and drilled to act like this.
See the similarities with heckling Mark Bunker ?
Scientology Inc Personal Insults ~ Attack Attack Attack Push buttons
Even Mary deMoss as devoted to the cult as she was, fled the cult and no longer participates in any of it.
She lives in Colorado and has no interest in discussing her Scientology past.
Her behavior while under the cult INFLUENCE speaks for itself.
In Colorado, she is happily raising her teenage son and working as an environmental consultant.
Whenever I see Mary Demoss’s name (or Panton, or whatever) I always think of the very enjoyable video Mark did of her:
Can’t find the posting Mark did himself
Mark Bunker has better “TR’s” than the Scientologist.
The horrible scream fest at the airport launched at German Scientology protester Ursula Cambert also comes to mind in their hall of fame of idiotic yelling.
If Elisio Santana is elected, kiss Ckearwatre goodbye.
I do hope the turnout at this election is massive. What a rebuke that would be to Miscavige. DM would then retire to his secret base, next to a volcano, where he could pet his fluffy white Angora cat and plan his vengeance.
There a lot of issues that the city has to deal with, I hope they are being covered properly. $cientology is not the only issue that Clearwater has to deal with.
And not only Clearwater, but there’s nothing to stop the cult from setting its real estate sights on some other distressed US town and taking it over via property ownership as they did in CW. Deep pockets. Big money talks. Plenty of opportunity in flyover country or even some ailing ex-mill town in New England. Plenty of ex-factory towns in Pennsyvania and the Rust Belt. Endless possibilities in the Southern United States. Plenty of cheap land and people really hurting for money. The good news is that the cult will NEVER get a strong, NEW foothold in any well populated “upstat” areas because property values are high and the sellers, although tempted by the “all cash” SOP of the cult are unlikely to sell to them in any significant volume. Once the cult has bought up Clearwater it may start looking for Clearwater II.
Clearwater won’t be safe until every single Scientologist is run out of town!!
These robot-people have no right to live here!!!
Horribly over the top, out of touch with reality comment.
It doesn’t seem like this was meant as sarcasm. Round ’em all up and ship them out.
Sometimes, those against $ci can be even more craven than $ci itself. I find it sad that those who are have a humane interest in dismantling this awful organization can sometimes be so inhumane.
Thank you Glen!
Knowing there are people like you in the world makes me feel better 🙂
If this is a debate aren’t there people who control these things, a moderator? Security? That can remove disruptive people? Why are they allowed to heckle at will?
They were unprepared and new to this. One Clearwater police Officer tried to calm things down while her backup was rolling because she was outnumbered. I’m disappointed hecklers were not escorted out after 4 or more officers were onsite. But it was actually very funny to watch Mark stay calm cool and collected while Scieno’s screamed. This proved his point more than anything he could say. It also exposed the two face tool Eliseo Santana is and why nobody who cares about humanity or just Clearwater should vote for him.
They were unprepared and new to this. One Clearwater police Officer tried to calm things down while her backup was rolling because she was outnumbered. I’m disappointed hecklers were not escorted out after 4 or more officers were onsite. But it was actually very funny to watch Mark stay calm cool and collected while Scieno’s screamed. This proved his point more than anything he could say. It also exposed the two face tool Eliseo Santana is and why nobody who cares about humanity or just Clearwater should vote for him. Rise up clearwater
The ONE thing about which we can be thankful is that scientology will repeat mistakes time and again. Citizens of Clearwater are fed up, by all accounts. And this perfect example of the co$ being unable/unwilling to follow even simple rules, let alone common decorum within the debate forum is the perfect example for how they handle everything – however they are told, rules/law be damned.
DM thinks he can reply (as an organization) to these things as, “These are just very passionate citizens acting on their own convictions…” but that no longer works, the people are aware the emperor has no clothes. This perfectly frames why co$ cannot be trusted to abide by guidelines or rules, let alone balance their plans with what’s best for all of CW – their own scripture places the aims of co$ above the law, family, friends and even one’s health. They have consistently proven they will lie, obfuscate, manipulate and even outright defy any commitments they’ve made or guidelines set. MARK BUNKER UNDERSTANDS WHAT CLEARWATER TRULY CONTENDS WITH!!!
Vote Mark Bunker 4Clearwater City Council!
You have our votes in Clearwater.
Mark Bunker for for Clearwater City Council.
Trump for President 2020.
They both have integrity and stand up for the truth!
Well, you got one out of two right. Mark Bunker for Clearwater City Council.
My brother is a Republican *sigh* But when I asked him if he was going to vote for Trump, he said “I have daughters – so of course not.”
There is a significant difference between integrity and bravado.
What do you know A voter who casts his vote consistent with his own values. That is encouraging, Briget. Thanks for sharing it.
“Mark Bunker has integrity and will stick up for the truth.”
Fixed it for ‘ya.
Edit: “…STAND up for the truth.”
You have a strange interpretation of the word integrity, a word which refers to honesty and high principles. It’s certainly not a word I’d use to describe a man who is a serial liar and was caught boasting about grabbing women on the pussy. Narcissistic, unprincipled, crass and unhinged are some that I’d use to describe Trump. You can’t use integrity in the same sentence as Trump unless you are talking about his complete lack of that particular quality.
Oh, no, Bill! He’s VERY honest! He “tells it like it is”.
“My daughter, you know, she’s hot”…”She’s really beautiful, that one. And I helped create her”.. ” If she weren’t my daughter I’d probably be dating her..”.If I weren’t her father…”
-Donald Trump to Howard Stern, New York Magazine and together with his daughter Ivanka sitting with him on The View.
“Your daughter is a piece of ass…Is it Ok with you if I call her a piece of ass?
– Stern
“You can call her that”
– Trump.
See, Bill? See how honest he is? This is a plain-speaking man!
And may I TOTALLY conclude by saying “God Bless America and our President!” 🙂
Unfortunately, bullies exist.
The DNC used these tactics during the last national election. The solution was for the candidates to hold in private auditorium where all were allowed to attend but security could physically enforce trespass laws on paid troublemakers. One tase and thrown down the front steps as they resisted arrest w/violence. Worked wonders.
The Fascist Party used to use castor oil.
I believe sitting behind the female referred to as the loudest is Louise Cornoyer, who was on Tampa staff for decades, and may still be, in particular in dissemination role.
Yes,that looks like Louise Cornoyer, besides being on staff she is a local realtor. She sold me my house.
These screamers are just so…ugly.
” Loudest screaming lady ” is Sherry Van Hootegem.
Any relation to Tommy’s ex-wife Nadine?
“Hootegem”. Aptly named.
A man who wants to be elected so much that he condones this kind of behavior is not someone you want representing you (at any level, city, county, state, federal or even an HOA board)! I’m not local but Mark has my support and I hope the citizens of Clearwater make an educated and rational decision when they vote.
I hope you don’t think Mark condones the hecklers’ behavior. The shills for the cherch were playing a clever game instilled in them by Hubbard long ago. They wanted a response, especially an angry response, so they could twist Mark’s words, and make him look bad.
Scientology tries to put people on the defensive, often by defamation, or by wild claims, or just by shouting nonsense. In most cases the tactics are designed to interfere with the orderly progression of a conversation or an event. On this day, they wanted to interfere with Mark’s ability to make a contribution to the scheduled debate on his own terms. They simply were noisy attack dogs barking, barking, and barking some more, hoping to get an angry response from Mark. Oh, boo hoo hoo, they would then cry, Mark can’t take a little mild criticism without getting angry and losing his cool, so how can he be qualified to run for city office?
The best response to Scientology attack dogs is to just let them run. Sooner or later they will trip over themselves, or in Miscavige parlance, shoot themselves in the foot.
Ammo –
She was referring to the scio-front candidate supporting the hecklers and offers her support for Mark just after. Good points by you both – rather powerful to see this guys pretending he’s Mr. Affable, “lets all have love in our hearts,” sitting there smirking as all hell broke loose around him.
Makes a pretty powerful point about who truly had hate in their heart(s) at that meeting.