The scientology world is going nuts with the “super-mega OMG!! announcement” that “everyone has been waiting for.” It is BIG BIG BIG news.
Because it’s so monumental, it’s going to be made at the next Graduation (since when was this a thing?)
I haven’t seen a frenzy like this for some time — probably not since Super Power/Running Pgm.
I would bet it has to do with the OEC training program Miscavige has been running. Only something he is personally involved in (and is taking credit for of course) could get this sort of attention. Probably some “lost tech” of how to get people on the Bridge that was discovered in the course of the “OEC research” is being hyped. Or maybe he is creating an “Admin Bridge” to parallel the training and auditing Bridge and the map of books and lectures…
Whatever it is, it will simply be same old same old, presented as “new” and what will NOW “make planetary clearing a reality.” Just like GAT, GAT II, Super Power, Ideal Orgs, SuMP, Golden Age of Knowledge blah blah blah…
Whatever the “next big thing” is, it will soon be replaced by the next next big thing.
But they are trying to get everyone excited to come in and hear the “news.”
Even the AO’s get a “wider Bridge” — some alternate route OT levels for those who don’t get the body thetans??
Dublin is having a “big reveal” though perhaps they should focus on their focus — that is WAY blurry. Maybe some more Dianetics is in order?
Of course, you have to “confirm” because it’s “seating is limited”….
Even the foreign speaking orgs are doing it….
Finally, even COB would love the news.
And that my friends is the highest praise one can heap on anything in scientology these days. Not even “Ron would love it.”
If COB would love it, who are you to disagree. Or not attend?
One possible explaination is this is David Miscavage capitalizing on the general national desire to re-enter public spaces and not be so isolated after quarantine. Blitz style marketing is cheezy but unforunatley often effective. I also thought it might be the first time and/or a great excuse for Scientology to throw one of their gala type events and “fundraise” (I feel like that word has far to much association with charitable or philanthropic cause events to be applied to vampirically sucking your parishioners dry). Yet another reason why both State and Federal government should care about the operations of Scientology. Having high banckrupcy rates and fighting with creditors for money in probate court to recoup any funds Medicaid might have paid out in the medical care of that parishioner.
I have often wondered while listening to your podcast: Does Scientology look down on or disallow their parishioners, staff members, and Sea Org members to apply for and receive any State assistance? Examples of this would be Medicaid, Food Stamps (SNAP), Other supplemental nutrition programs specifically for young children, mothers, and families (WIC), and cash assistance for needy families (TANF), State or Federal disability pay…ect.
If so, there is an argument that Scientology not only doesn’t pay the massive taxes that they would owe to the State and Federal governments through their bullshit tax exempt status, but goes one step further as to place a burden on the State by not compensating or allowing parishioners to hold jobs in certain professions, for certain people/employers, that render individuals and families impoverished and in need of government assistance to survive.
No one wants to grow old on State and Federal subsidy alone, the government is not that much more generous than Scientology and the quality of life they afford the most needy and vulnerable in society is sparse and a constance struggle. Covert abuse is not addressed almost at all in mainstream and political culture, and it is the most insidious type of abuse because it is so subtle and designed to make the abuser also your savior. The emotional wreckage that leaves behind is devistating and infuriating to think about, especially when it is for no fucking reason other than the personal gain of a few completeling intolerant and ignorant meglomaniacs. Crazy to think how much of our lives are controlled by so few people. The old addage is true, “it only takes a few bad apples to ruin the bunch” LOLS.
Suppose this event is happening at every org’s end-of-week graduation. What if at many of these orgs there’s nobody there who is actually graduating since their academy is empty? Wouldn’t that be embarrassing?
The first thought that popped into my head was that a “wider” bridge means another WAY to get people into Scientology, namely via the admin tech. Usually people have gone into Scientology for the auditing and training. But now there’s Admin tech to disseminate, admin tech to get people in. That was my first thought.
My second thought was, “Hey, but isn’t that what WISE is for? Disseminating Admin tech to raw public to make Scientologists of them?”
But no matter, whatever it is, or how expensive it is, and/or how obviously re-packaged same-ole same ole it is, the sheeple will buy it, literally and figuratively. And I pity them. I pity anyone who persists in being deluded. Which brings me to my third thought:
IMO, Miscavige isn’t that smart. He’s amazingly successful in his various grifts but its not because he’s smart. Anyone with half a brain with the most pedestrian of memories, paying even halfway attention would see thru him easily and reject his scams. No, he’s successful not because his grifts are clever. He doesn’t have to be smart. He’s successful in conning them out of their money – every time – because his marks are stupid. Yes, they are. I’m sorry, they are.
Breaking news from inside The Bubble:
The massive announcement is going to be that you are no longer required to wear masks in orgs and that they can deliver the Purif again.
This earth-shattering news has been hyped like the release of OT IX and X. How short of good news are they that this is a big deal?
LOLOL, thanks, Mike. Not entirely 100% sure if this info is sarcasm or not! Taking it at face value it is certainly underwhelming 🙂
NOT sarcasm.
This is what the “big” announcement is going to be…
Amazing! Thank you for clarifying, Mike. These poor sheeple!
Not only are they being mentally extorted to attend just to find out what this no-big-deal bullshit is, but once t there will have to pretend how vast enthusiasm for how incredible and astounding, etc. it is, while being hit up for money, money, money.
Shelly’s coming home..!
Oh, barf…
Your brevity is delicious.
Thank you.
That last promo is just weird. Wouldn’t you expect cob to already know about and presumably love something he’s having such a fuss made about?
The way it is worded is so strange. “even COB would love the news being shared…”
With membership at an all time low, maybe they are cancelling all SP Declares thereby widening the Bridge with ex members recounted as members. It’s all about stats and bumping the numbers, not matter what………. Confronting an SP has them flummoxed….
“COB has discovered through great study that everything you have studied is wrong. Therefore no one is clear anymore. You are all back to a muddled state and must start the bridge over from the beginning. COB, himself, is the only one left who is truly clear. He made the bridge wider so more people could be traveling on it at one time. So, get out you wallets, checkbooks, and credit cards and someone will be by shortly to take any money you have or any money you will ever have. Thank you in advance,
PS, COB is not in the US any longer so no one can serve him with any legal documents.”
OMG, safetyguy – “…You are all back to a muddled state…any money you have or any money you will ever have…”
Much laughter!
Glad I could make you laugh.
A “wider” bridge to distract from the fact it is not getting any longer, it certainly isn’t getting cheaper, and it has very few people walking past the early steps.
I could definitely see their major announcement being that masks and gloves are no longer required, couched in terms like “Pass! You’ve made it through the planetary bullbait.”
Someone else mentioned Purif delivery possibly being restored at the org level. Given toxification of all their spaces for the past year plus, they’ll probably come up with some PR way of saying everyone has to do/redo it to cleanse themselves. (I wonder if any are ignorant enough to think a Purif could cleanse them after vaccinations.)
I find it kind of sad, really. Because I know that the rank-and-file fish wits are going to once again fall for more inane propaganda. Excuse me while I take a breath and shake my head. So sad.
Yes, sad. They never stop falling for the latest lie, the latest scam. How do they do it? How CAN they keep doing it? I don’t believe I’ll ever understand.
This looks just like the end-of-the-year surplus inventory blowout at your friendly neighborhood car lot. Very ecclesiastical!
The only problem is that the product has built a track record for the last 70 years that’s underwhelming to say the least. The customer base is in steady decline. The sales organization has been revealed as (not always just) borderline criminal in their business practices. The online reviews have been consistently dreadful to the point where no one is allowed to look at them. And even the most devoted culties harbor no illusions that the “widening” of the “bridge” entails any price breaks.
So go ahead, reserve one of those hard-to-get seats and feel like a complete chump when you’re attending a vacant event.
So the new buzz word is “wider.”
Scientology’s ground hog day has a new term to play with. I guess ‘Ideal’ was wearing a bit thin.
I have a suggestion. Accept as a fact that LRH isn’t coming back. Create your own doctrine. (I know the OSA Goons are reading this.)
I would have thought that it’s only fair, since we are really sort of an “advisory committee” for OSA that we should be recognized. You know; put on the payroll or at the very least be issued a nicely framed & DM signed “esteemed apostate” certificate. Maybe even given a yellow T shirt with ‘Rinder’s Raiders’ on it?
It worked for Marty…
One thing that won’t be announced any time soon…is the opening of Manchester’s “ideal org.” Still rotting away after its purchase 16 years ago.
A local lad who explores old, derelict buildings jumped the gate a couple of weeks back:
Pics: (via Facebook)
Yeah, they’ve been going crazy for this event. My guess is that they are dropping mask/gloves and allowing orgs to deliver Purif/SRD again. I’ve heard they were opening Purif/SRD again soon, I think this is it.
All in all, I don’t really think this is that big of an announcement, no new program, release, etc. Just dropping restrictions. For a long time orgs have been able to point to Covid and the restrictions and say well of course we’re empty and of course our stats suck. If the restrictions really do drop I’m sure they are going to be under massive pressure to get everyone they can back in the org and on service. It will be interesting to see how much ground they can regain.
Ah yes, you could be right.
The “wider” bridge is just the same old bridge before they made it narrower…
For Wogs it sounds like Store Closing Sale .
Every thing on discount, Buy one get one free , bulk discount etc etc
Seems now they seen The End coming sooooooon..
Move along, nothing to see here. Same old, same old.
The only way C of S could present “a wider Bridge” is to make auditing affordable and—from all I can tell reading and listening to those who did OT levels—stop at “Clear.” Just make all those prior-to-Clear grade chart actions affordable and, when people are in the building, back off from the steady traumatic fundraising. Be a welcoming and a calm environment, as people THINK they are funding when they donate to “Ideal Org.” (That is part of what you are sold on, that a TRUE ideal org is not non-stop pestering people with rege-ing and fundraising.)
The “lower level” preclear actions: Many of us can state, having done them, these actions bring understanding and relief. Nothing about space opera, frozen beings in volcanos. Simply auditing out life upsets, family disruptions, relationship and workplace confusions. Those grade chart actions are stabilizing and useful. They are however cost-prohibitive for most—plus, once you set foot in an org, somehow, the staff there is going to make sure that you end up with debilitating debt.
I know what I propose here won’t happen because it is against LRH Policy* sadly, but a kid can dream. (*Make money and make EVEN MORE MONEY as the primary goal)
The desired potency of auditing’s placebo effect requires, at least in part, a premium price tag. As costs fall, so too would expectation. Without expectation (aka faith), scientology is therapeutically ineffective.
Agreed mwesten. Any benefits from auditing, either short or long term, can mostly be attributed to the placebo effect. The vast majority of people don’t get the promised results or anything close to it. Right from the git go, back in the 40’s when Hubbard was dreaming up dianetics, there was ZERO research to back up any of his ‘tech’. He was pulling it out of his ass as he went. Pretty hard to establish a valid science of the mind with no research. It was a scam from the start and it continues to this day. Snake oil salesmanship at its best.
I didn’t know that Scientologists believed in a God.
In West this happens during “near death experience ”
The tunnel , bright light ,white beam , the bridge , angels etc etc etc
You mean like the Bob Fosse character experienced in “All That Jazz”?
On My Gradechart!
Oh Many Gravestones!
Only Maximum Grifting!
They use the word “special” sooooo many times.
It just has to be some SUPER-special!!!! 😉
Of COURSE seating is limited — to the number of bodies they can drag in.
Yo Div 6ers:
“Attendance and seating will be limited”
There you go, Cult.
Fixed it for ‘ya.
You’re welcome.
Much Love,
I hope Davey Boy attends and gets served a summons to appear in the Masterson case.
Watching that happen would be MONUMENTAL and make the event very much worth attending.
Davey is imprisoned by his own O/Ws and can’t return to America until the legal troubles are completely over, a REAL “all clear” that he failed to accomplish in Ron’s lifetime.
I don’t know why no one wonders in the bubble why for over 30 with all the golden ages of tech and reviews made then they continue to bring out new things that had escaped before even if everything had been viewed with an electronic microscope.
At this point it should seem incredible even to the most stunned.
It’s the same MO as their “source”. He was always making or on the cusp of making that final breakthrough that would let all cases be run standardly and achieve miraculous results.
Those in the bubble are carefully curated on what they ‘remember’. Totally good if you remember your overts to write them down, totally good if you’re backtracking into and relating past life sexual deviance, not okay to remember who was holding a post two weeks ago if they blew.
(It’s a very “1984” like process. If the newest news says the opposite of the previous news, only the newest can be right and the previous is something you’re remembering wrong.)
That’s 1984 combined with the “Mandela effect” — or gaslighting, take your pick.
I know the process servers won’t be able to get into the Flag Auditorium for graduation but it could be another documented try.
My guess (going out on a limb) is that david miscavige will be there and like with other “new and improved” AGE of something, he will march out all the (graveyard shift) outer org and sea org trainees as the ones that are now going to jump start this-is-it-now-for-real-this-time “clearing the planet.” It will all be filmed with much CGI and booming and exploding and all 20,000 active scientologists will be required to watch it – several times.
It makes me sicker and sicker that anyone is still in this obviously fraudulent “religion.” They must stay in it for the perks.
Mary: it is too bad that the process servers will not get into the Flag autitorium. I have been there at least a hundred times and I am an SP,: just like you,!
I apologise if I deminished your status any, Mary. As public fork out big bucks hoping one day to achieve the status of ” Patron of Valor,” like Tom Cruise,; I relish the status of ” Corpse of Valor”should DM find a jail cell before I die.
“SP” label is a badge of honor.
20,000 scns!? More like 2,000 — all in the Clearwater area, most stockpiled in crew’s quarters.
Yes. I personally think 20,000 active scientologists is too high but even that number is so anemic that it barely qualifies as a religious group.
The typical marketing of scn
“Finally we have it !!! Now everything’s gonna change …. Yeah!”
This has been going on since 1950.
Then the peremptory order that everyone must come to the org – or there will be serious trouble.
Another huge wave of uselessness is about to hit the shaky orgs.