Ok, so my name is Ian Lee. Back on August 15th I wrote an article for Mike’s blog.
At the time I was in good standing and wanted to voice my opinions of some things that are happening within Scientology.
You can and should read that article here before you continue.
The specific reason I wrote it was that a friend of mine had posted a voicemail of a mutual friend of ours “disconnecting” from her. The practice which the church of Scientology denies exists.
So I decided to put that assertion to a test. I was in good standing. I’m free to communicate. I’ll say some stuff and see what happens.
So I wrote an article “anonymously”, meaning I left my name out but wrote details about myself that only people who are in the church would know. My purpose was to sort of set the trap. If the church acted on my post, then all this talk about the fringe people would obviously be proven wrong. The church read every word. They obviously investigate every post written on all blogs and then employ their covert tactics or whispering campaigns and counter espionage and attempt to discredit the people making claims against them blah blah blah. No surprises to most of you here.
So the result of this is that apparently about 3 weeks after I made that post, I was declared a suppressive person by the international justice chief. Not by Chicago where I spent years on staff or San Francisco where I trained in 2009-2011 to ClassV. IJC Almighty.
Now, in my article I basically dared OSA or IJC to fuck with me. I did this to really drive the point home that in my opinion they actually have absolutely zero power over me or you or anyone else. I was truthfully anticipating a phone call or better yet a visit.
But I guess I’m only a VIP in the real world. Nothing happened. Or so I thought.
I went on tour. Played sold out shows. Painted. Kite surfed. My usual fun life. Made other people happy. Told dirty jokes….
The week of GAT2 release I got a bunch of calls from SF org to come to the event. I saved the voicemails. No big deal. These guys used to be my bros, but hadn’t reached out to me in over 2 years. No worries.
Then out of nowhere on December 18th I get a message on Facebook from my old roommate, one of my best friends asking me if I got my SP declare? I thought he was fuckin with me. They were just inviting me to an event a couple of weeks before? He had it right beside him. I asked him to send it to me, which you can see here.
He went on to tell me that he thought I was an idiot for not keeping my mouth shut ( I never had before, why would I start now?)
I asked him if he was going to disconnect from me and we went back and forth.
His main assertion was that he was 100% certain that the tech had been fully restored. He said that the tech was in the best hands. It sounded like he was reading a GAT2 postcard, but I digress.
I came up with the best solution to all of this, but I’m going to save it to the end.
We sort of left it at an ” agree to disagree for now ” Since I had been anticipating the knock on the door from OSA, I was a bit caught off guard by having my friend come after me. I checked 2 other of my best friends and found they had silently un friended me on the Facebook machine. That was 3 of the 4 people I truly love and consider dear friends disconnecting from me. I was bummed about it for a bit. But then I remembered that I really did set it all in motion. I did open my big mouth and decided to fight for the big justice of this Scientology saga.
I demanded Miscavige resign. So, I repeat. “Step down or meet me in the alley you little pussy”
Full disclosure, I’ve never hit another human being. But I’m a drummer and I could totally kick his ass. Again, no power.
So, when I realized that I had caused it, I was no longer bummed.
My friends are still people I love and I know with all my heart that they’ll come around. There’s no choice. You can’t stay connected to a non survival group. They’ll figure it out.
So, now I just want to say a couple of things I find funny about my actual SP declare.
Point #1. You’ll notice that at no point in either of my articles have I ever resigned from Scientology. So point #1 is a lie. I love Scientology. I just recognize it for what it is. It’s a subject. It’s words on paper. It’s a tool kit if you want to extend it a bit. And, I love the subject. It’s helped me. I’ve helped others using those tools. I won’t defend a single other point on that declare except to say that it’s all awesome bullshit.
What I will point out as I head to the finish line here is that an SP declare is supposed to be the high point of Scientology justice.
And one of the main points of Scientology justice is to blow charge for the group.
You find out through investigation who the SP is and if it’s true, everybody kind of breathes a sigh of relief. So, if you feel relief reading my declare. Sorry.
Here’s an article I wrote for my website about a recent experience I had. http://thebestdrummerintheworld.com/what-is-the-best/ Do me a favor and read it and then determine if it was written by an anti-social personality. If you decide I am. Don’t come see my band and you’ll be safe.
As for my exchange with my roommate. This is the best.
As I realized that his basic viewpoint was that Scientology was safe because Miscavige was in charge and everything was now fixed, I figured out the best solution. I offered him a plea bargain. Since we all know the mantra of KSW that “if it’s standard it’ll expand” I told him that if the GAT2 is really the handling for all our woes, then I’ll happily admit I was wrong. (I’ve actually had my service facs run and have no desire to be right on any of it). He liked that and encouraged me to do A-E. I agreed. On one condition. Since it’s all about KSW and expansion, I made the following deal.
Send me the main GDSs of the org 6 months from now and if they’re in normal or above on trend, I will do A-E.
Pretty sweet right?
I think anyone reading this can offer the simple challenge to any and all of your friends inside the bubble. Maybe we’re all wrong. Maybe Scientology was something different than I thought. Maybe the church is bursting at the seams.
I put the disconnection PR line to the test and that was bullshit.
Obviously they are telling my friends to disconnect from me now that I’m a big bad wolf.
But I’ll give it all the benefit of the doubt. Let’s see those stats baby.
Since I’m now a known guy, feel free to say hey [email protected]
And I didn’t publicly resign, I just opened my mouth.
As always
We are leaving today for a week of fun in the snow with the Headley family.
I have enlisted the help of a trusted poster to assist with moderating in my absence. Not always good connections on the ski slopes or snowmobile trails!
I will be checking in and there are a number of postings prepared that will be forthcoming over the next week. I won’t be totally out of touch, but probably not as many comments from me, though the moderation of your comments may even be faster with someone else on the job :).
Good job on Special Person status Ian! Being there and communicating is soooo naughty!
Rinders and Headleys, have a wonderful trip in the snow. Enjoy!
Missed your earlier article in August – read it just now and the follow up. Nicely said and written. Kudos to you for speaking your mind – although neither one of us was ever very good at keeping opinions to ourselves.
Been a long time. Much bad blood. How about some free tickets to a show? 😉 Seriously, give me a ring sometime soon. We should catch up.
I just read Rhonda Byrne’s, “The Magic”. Its similar to The Secret. The essential point of The Magic is to live with true gratitude (book says, “You have to FEEL it”) for what one already has so that one becomes a “magnet” for any amount of abundance of what one wants or needs.
I’ve been practicing this and acknowledging and being and feeling grateful for all that I have, and it is certainly a happier and more peaceful way for me to operate and it has been atrengthening me in confronting certain things and getting certain things done. Its all postulates, anyway. Use whatever nomenclature you like, the words don’t matter.
Anyway, one of the things I’ve been consciously grateful for is what Mike Rinder is doing for me with this blog,and what Marty Rathbun did before that, and what Monique is doing with her lawsuit, and what we are all doing here for each other, sharing the truth, without fear, our data, our truths, our opininions. Well, I could go on and on but you get the idea. There really is a lot of help out there. I am grateful to everyone helping in this vital cause, sincerely so.
Thank you Aquamarine. Beautiful post. I am also thankful for Mike and all he is doing as well as everyone out here who helps.
I hope you enjoy your vacation, Mike.
You rock around the clock, OK? Welcome, thank you, and Very, VERY well done for not shutting that mouth. Don’t EVER shut it. “A being is as alive as he can communicate”. LRH
Mike & Family + Marc & Family, have a refreshing, relaxing, invigorating and altogether wonderful VaCay.
In lieu of my own comment I’m copying something Jeff Hawkins wrote on disconnection a few years back.
I don’t know how to post a link so I’m just copying it.
“How to avoid being declared by the Church of Miscavology”
1) Try not to notice policy and tech alterations or violations. If you should notice them, try not to think about them.
2) If you’re told to redo a course or a level, or get more Sec Checking, at your own expense, just do it. Don’t ask questions, and never object.
3) If you’re told to buy new editions of books or lectures you already own, and trash your old copies, don’t ask questions. In particular, don’t ask why LRH’s words are getting changed.
4) Never, never ask for an LRH reference that justifies what you are being told to do.
5) Don’t write Knowledge Reports. If you must write a KR, write it on another field Scientologist or a lower-level staff member. Never, never write a KR on a senior executive or David Miscavige.
6) Never question or challenge David Miscavige. If you are told something is an order from Miscavige, just smile nervously and mutter, “brilliant…brilliant”.
7) Show up for all events without fail. Smile and clap at all the appropriate points.
8) Believe everything you are told at events and in Scientology magazines. Never question the “expansion statistics” they give, and never,NEVER independently fact-check anything you are told.
9) If the Church tells you to buy something, buy it.
10) If the Church asks you for money, give it to them.
11) If the Church tells you to disconnect from someone, disconnect, even if its your spouse, your parents or your children.
12) If your underage children are recruited into the Sea Org behind your back, never make any objection or complain about it. Just smile and nod as you waive goodbye to your child.
13) Don’t ask questions like THESE (another link: “Seven questions every Scientologist has the right to ask” – July 30, 2009).
14) Avoid internet searches wherever possible. If you have to search on the internet, make sure you never, never go on any site the Church doesn’t want you to. Like this one.
15) If the Church tells you not to read something, don’t read it.
16) Always answer the door if Church staff come to see you, no matter the time of day or night. Invite them in, listen to them, and give them whatever they ask for.
17) Always answer the phone if the org calls. Listen to them and do whatever they say.
18) If you are called in to the Org, go immediately. Put everything else on hold.
19) If a friend leaves the Church, disconnect from them immediately. Be very careful never to ask them why or listen to their story. Ideally, clamp your hands over your ears and go, “na-na-na-na-na! I can’t hear you!”.
20) If someone tries to tell you about staff abuse, policy violations, tech alterations, crimes or anything else the Church doesn’t want you to hear, just get up and run out of the room, like Tommy Davis did on ABC’s Nightline.
21) Donate every cent you have to the IAS and Ideal Orgs. Go deeply into debt.
22) Do what you are told.
23) Read what you are told.
24) Go where you are told.
25 Think what you are told.
If you do all of these things, try to blend in, keep a low profile, and avoid eye contact, maybe, just maybe, you can avoid being declared by the Church of Miscavology.
– Jefferson Hawkins, January 8, 2010.
Beautiful! Thank you, Jefferson!
The Oracle, I LOVE how you are always looking around the corners.
Your auditing is doing you well. What a wonderful example of expansion across the dynamics.
Dude, thanks for standing up and speaking out. This is one more step to hopefully get more Chiacagoans to figure it out.
Fagen wedding of 2003:
Bride – Declared
Groom – Declared
Maid of Honor – Declared by default
And this just in:
Best man – Declared
Next, the wedding party? Charlie, Dan, Eric, Ryan, Dave’s brothers (who never were Scientologists)?
Coach reading from GAT drill binder: “You have just been informed that your friend and former auditor has been declared.
Student’s answer: “Um, get in good communication with him, get both sides of the story and make a self-determined decision as to whether or not true justice was done, whether or not he really is an SP and whether or not he really committed suppressive acts.”
Coach: “Flunk….Flunk!…..FA-LU-U-U-U-U-U-U-UNK!!!!!!!” (Sound familiar, Dan Koon?) “Here’s the answer, read it.”
Student reading answer to drill question from drill book: “Call him an idiot for opening his big mouth, disconnect from him immediately and tell everyone on facebook to disconnect from him as well.”
Student to coach: “Got it.”
ha ha ha. Dave, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at your truth disguised as a jest. I decided to laugh.
YES, I was right. It IS you Ian. I met you back in 01 and was married to Tina at the time. You, Rita Tina and I went to a Middle Eastern restaurant with belly dancers. You and I had a great time flexing our smart ass muscles and I distinctly remember one line you said and I use it all the time, “I will permanently stop your time track mother fucker!”
If you come to Dallas, you got a place to stay.
Thanks for never shutting your mouth. I am guilty of the same thing.
I will permanently stop your time track mother fucker!” Lol… I love that one.
Ian, excellent job!! Check your hushmail.
I absolutely concur, Ian. The stats will tell the tale. Here is something I posted recently on MileStoneTwo.org which approximates your viewpoint.
I am posting this anonymously as I, along with my family, are planning our exit from CSI (note – NOT from Scientology, as we are all died-in-the-wool standard tech lovers).
I have been a Scientologist since shortly after I could walk and talk, roughly 40 years give or take a few. I was in the Sea Org for over a decade and was upstat on almost every post I ever held. I am a Clear with a substantial amount of admin and tech training. I am not going to give specifics on the posts I held or the reasons or circumstances of my departure from the Sea Org at this time, but I will include them in my official announcement when the time comes.
I come from a long line of old-time Scientologists, Sea Org members, and OTs. Again, I won’t go into too many specifics, but my parents and step-parents are all OT, some were at Saint Hill and on the Apollo, and some were close to LRH and Mary Sue.
I remember looking at photos of Old Saint Hill, the jam-packed course rooms, the VGIs students and PCs. I remember my parents telling me about the early days when the Academies and co-audits were so full they had to audit on the lawn or in the bathroom and they were happy to do it. This was a time when word of mouth brought people in, not crush-sell phone campaigns and glossy trifold mailers, glutting up the mailboxes. PCs were having wins all over the place. Auditors were being made in abundance. Tech was being delivered. I remember my mother’s face when she finished OT III – a total change of beingness. A new civilization was being created.
What happened? So many bright and well-trained Scientologists have already posted answers to that to that question. But to summarize, arbitraries, hidden data lines, tech and policy alterations all disguised under the banner of “bright ideas” from David Miscavige; “the three swing FN,” “The Materials grade chart,” (isn’t there only one Grade Chart?), revision after revision of the Scientology basic books, alteration of LRH approved checksheets for Scientology auditor training, OT VII re-dos which never end, millions upon millions of dollars to buy and renovate buildings which will remain empty and lifeless.
And the end result of all this “tech correction” is failing orgs, and failing OTs. How many of you know of OT VIIs and VIIIs who have died of cancer in recent years? In my family alone, we have had two deaths, one suffering from a chronic degenerative disease, two bankruptcies and a home in foreclosure. All OT VIIs or VIIIs. My mother died mid OT VII, never able to realize her goal of going free. Is this representative of the “homo novis” that LRH describes in Dianetics? Does it even remotely come close to the definition of OT? “knowing and willing cause over life, thought, matter, energy, space and time” ? Hardly.
How many of you can look around your org or mission and see anything that resembles the course rooms and co-audits in photos and stories of old Saint Hill? How many of you feel absolutely free in disseminating without reservation to anyone you meet knowing that they will enjoy the full benefits of the tech. Not too many, I bet.
Why is this? Suppression. Pure and simple suppression of the tech of Scientology and Dianetics. Orgs and missions are there to make auditors and get PCs to clear and OT. That’s it. They do not exist to sell “new releases,” or renovate buildings, or get people to come to events.
I have long observed these outpoints without really understanding the Why and Who. I, as many others have, complied with the unwritten policy that we must never read or watch anything “anti-Scientology” on the internet. I recently decided to take off the blindfold and see for myself.
What I discovered was horrifying and heart-breaking (torture and criminal activity at the highest ecclesiastical levels of Scientology). Interestingly, my mind had been in a continual justification loop trying to rationalize all the other outpoints that I’ve mentioned above (and this not even touching on the heavy ethics, wholesale declares of upstat staff members, OTs and trained auditors or the heinous misapplication of disconnection policy that has ripped families apart for years). But, when I discovered that Debbie Cook, 30 year Scientologist, Class IX, tech lover, Ron lover, died-in-the-wool Scientologist, publicly spoke out against David Miscavige (NOT Scientology, mind you, let’s keep that straight). Debbie Cook, who I know and have worked with personally. She has no reason to falsely accuse DM of crimes against humanity, torture, kidnapping. I’m not going to get into Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun’s testimonies as they’re well trained liars, and have lied to the press for years on behalf of CSI.
Then I added up all the outpoints I have noticed along the years, looked at the Chart of Human Evaluation, High Crimes policy, traits of a suppressive person, and I realized that David Miscavige is a suppressive person who is destroying the legacy that Ron has left us. At the release of the Golden Age of Tech, David Miscaviage claimed to have finally achieved KSW point number 1, having the technology. LRH himself said it was accomplished long ago. So, who’s right?
I say LRH.
When I envision “a civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to rise to greater heights,” I do not imagine an organization which disseminates squirrel tech and which uses torture to enforce compliance.
This is not my church. This is not the Church of Scientology.
CSI has become a squirrel group, a suppressive group.
So, it is for all of the reasons above, and all of the details that I have not yet revealed, that I am severing ties with CSI. I am and will always be a practicing Scientologist.
When it is safe and practical for my family, I will be giving more details and identities.
Lots of great points AnonIndie, Just one point I have to correct. I have at various periods had pretty extensive dealings with both Mike and Marty since their departure from the SO and they are now painfully honest- far more so that most who walk this earth. And Mike Rinder came clean and spoke out when he was needed, not when was convenient for him, and he lost his entire family because of it. No time for “planning his departure” there. Both these people put their real names on the line and have been the subject of an OSA harrassment and intimidation campaigns ever since. They are the people who made enormous personal sacrifices to start a movement that has come so far and is actually the only hope that the Scientology religion might survive DMs rape and plunder. Mike spends many hours a day running this blog to keep the truth flowing and to help people who are being hurt by the scientology machine. So I would say the “liar” comment was pretty harsh. It is also the line that DM uses to invalidate their devastating revalations about the David Miscavige management style of financial extravagance, beatings and abuse. “they admitted to lying in the past so they must be lying now”,So keep that in mind when you are tossing it around.
I have to second Roy’s comment here. Well said Roy.
I’m glad that you are waking up Annon Indie. Welcome.
Roy, I think that you mis-duplicated that point about liars.
Roy, I appreciate your comments and support of Marty and Mike. I think they are doing a superb job. They have come out from the valance of the church and are courageously doing what they can to put things right. And they are putting themselves into the front of the charge against Co$ and thereby making themselves a target for Fair Game. They could have taken the easy way out… made it safe for them and their families and then quietly disappeared.
I applaud both men for standing strong when they are getting hit by both Co$ and other Indies who might criticize them. Without them, where would this movement be?
AnonIndie… would you like to take over for Marty or Mike in leading the charge here? Are you ready for that? Will you ever be?
Thank you, AnonIndie. What you’ve written is such a validation of my own personal knowingness as well.
You’re welcome, Aquamarine! Isn’t it great news that there are wonderful, indie tech terminals practicing in the field so that we still have the potential to go free? I’m planning on getting onto my OT levels early next year. I’m very excited.
Well done for making that life-changing decision to LOOK DON’T LISTEN as LRH told us to do. And may you never be the same from your courageous decision. Welcome to the Indie world. Standard Tech can be found here and you Bridge awaits you here.
Ian, keep on rocking brother!
Ian, kudos to you for adhering to your ‘Code of Honor’ then and now.
As far as those so called “friends” of yours, yeah ok it hurts, it’s a new season a new year and time to move on. We will see 6 months from now the ‘stat’ report from your friend. Can’t wait, please keep us posted.
For those of you lurking here, still on the fence, wake up. Time to get out.
Have a great fantastic theta trip.
Ian Lee… you are the man. I too agree to do A to E, the same as you said …
“Send me the main GDSs of the org 6 months from now and if they’re in normal or above on trend, I will do A-E.”
I will get on that bandwagon any day, anytime any where…
Awesome, Ian! What a coup. Welcome to the elite corps of the SPs…LOL… You have proven that “disconnection” exists in no uncertain terms.
It’s true that your friends will think about what you’ve done. It has jogged something loose in their minds. The one guy even said you should’ve kept your mouth shut. He obviously knows there is stuff to keep your mouth shut about. They will realize there is shallowness on there end regarding your friendship. You have great integrity. Love the bad-ass attitude. Grrr.
Happy trails to you Mike. Enjoy the vacation.
By Rudyard Kipling
(‘Brother Square-Toes’—Rewards and Fairies)
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
Share this text …?
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Source: A Choice of Kipling’s Verse (1943)
This is just so perfect. Thanks for posting, Tony.
Beautiful Tony, thanks!
Enjoy the Va Ca Mike!
The Charges:
Publicly resigning is a crime, but publicly throwing you out and branding you an evil psychotic is not. No, that isn’t suppressive at all. Cough!
Engaging in malicious rumor mongering? In the backdrop of all the Church’s hate web sites? What the hell is an S.P. declare if not engaging in malicious rumor mongering? ALL of them I have ever seen!
Public disavowal? Isn’t that EXACTLY what an S.P. declare is?
Public statements? Isn’t that EXACTLY what an S.P. declare is?
Leaving is now a suppressive act?
Continued adherence to a suppressive group? The suppressive group is the CofS.
Violation of K.S.W.? What the hell is GAOT?
That is how ass backwards it has gone!
Plus 1,000 Oracle!
Rinders & Headleys …… have a fantastic and tremendously enjoyable time … and that includes all the kids too of course!
Ian, I’m surprised they let your friend have a copy to send to you. Some of my acquaintances were shown a copy of mine just long enough to read my name but not the particulars. However, that was enough to get the whispering campaign started and have ‘friends’ of decades disconnect from me. Not that the particulars would have any basis in reality, but I’d like to know what was said, just for grins.
By the way, I doubt if OSA has anything in their arsenal that could hold up against the sheer insouciance that shows through in your post.
My exact thoughts!
Hey Ian,
World class post! Loved your words, “they have no power over me”. Just perfect. Your points are all excellent and many more will follow. I’m starting to think that more people have been declared than are left in the church. I saw a list last week on some site, possibly ESMB and I was actually declared twice. At least my name was on their twice. So stupid.
Mr. Rinder,
Have an absolutely lovely time in the snow with your family and friends! You so rock!
San Francisco is such a disaster Org.
Do check on stats in 6 months.
They had 10 stats of emergency in 13 months which
ended in Confusion.De Dinlging, Financial Police,
Fake red on White about Clears.
The Financial Police rented stretch limos to arrive and beat up the staff.
I packed up and left on a leaving the Org routing form, never went back.
A taste of North Korea in California besides Hemet.
You handled that well Ian. VERY well. Best of luck to you!
Mike, have a great vacation with the Headley family!
Ian that was badass on so many levels I can’t enumerate them all. I seriously laughed out loud about three times while reading this.
I would put my money on you winning the bet. But even if the stats did go up I wouldn’t do A-E. Not because I have ser facs but because there are so many other things I protest against in that group. I couldn’t do it.
I know what you are doing though and think it’s excellent.
I started to drum about 7 months ago and really enjoy it. I am sure you could whip the cob ( sorry that doesn’t sound good does it? ) I am 55 and drumming is hard physical work. Thanks again for that, it made my day!!
Great post Ian. Though I hope you are just joking about determining ANY life action you take (much less the odious A-E) based on the stats of the San Francisco org fercryinoutoud. My own opinion is that it is an error in judgement for ANYONE to participate in the Scientology “justice” system, wherein probably 80% of the listed “suppressive acts” are designed to control and inhibit one’s right to simply communicate. The whole system is largely a disgusting dramatization of the worst aspects of Earth religion and “justice” and it is best not to validate it by recognizing that it has any validity at all among free beings.
Congratulations! It is so good to see another person get free from the tentacles of the Church of $cientology. You are in good company my friend.
Wow. This was incredibly enjoyable reading. I somehow missed the August post, so read that too. Had many LFBD and aha moments. Love your style. And attitude.
I was explicitly told by an OSA rep to remove Debbie Cook from my Facebook friends “or else.” The rep compared her to a member of Al-Q (don’t want to use the full name here). It was wild! Scientology police state in action!
I think that’s what they’re doing now, comparing the people who get declared to Al-Q. I had a similar experience. Unbelievable.
So disgusting. Who is the suppressive here? Down with The Little Man!
Well done Ian,
Nice way to tackle ‘the Beast’ and getting your friend involved!
May your decompression be short. I bet you will be auditing again in no time, for real, if not busy as a drummer…
Thanks Mike for linking to the earlier excellent “SP survey”.
Congratulations on your declare, Ian! I’m still waiting for mine.
Yes, we love the subject of Scientology and want it to be used to help people. These days most of the genuine Scientologists are outside the RCS.
P.S. Didn’t even bother reading the Goldenrod. Like mine, I’m sure it has nothing to do with justice and hasn’t had for a few decades now. So well done on your golden badge of honor.
Now that’s what I call “spirit of play”. Rock on!
Pics please, Mike! I am off to the States soon for a winter road trip from Chicago to Vegas via Yellowstone. Snowmobile shenanigans imminent! Can’t frikkin’ wait!
“He went on to tell me that he thought I was an idiot for not keeping my mouth shut.”
Yes, of course, we must not let our mouths share what our eyes have seen.
“That was 3 of the 4 people I truly love and consider dear friends disconnecting from me.”
It has been pointed out over and over that Dave really knows how to set folks up for a loss. This church will exchange in abundance with you when it comes to losses.
Thanks for sharing Ian and have fun in the Rockies, nothing like a foot of fresh powder to lighten ones heart.
And OSA stay home, you’ll just look stupid hanging around taking photos out of a van like you did out in Morrison, Colorado.
Missed Scavenger has sucked all the love out of Scientology while selfishly inhaling all of the profit.
Down with The Little Man!
Well, Ian, I for one AM relieved to see your Declare. Relieved that (a) you’re a certified Special Person; (b) you can say who you are now; (c) you’re free of them and they have no power over you. Loved your write-up here and the one you did before in August. You have so many new friends here. None of US are robots! 🙂
“Knowingly missing withholds on pcs.” Two things are required to have missed a w/h on a pc, 1. The question read on the meter and 2., the pc considers you’ve missed a wh. I was comm eved once for missing w/hs on two pcs. Neither where in session, both out of session, no meter even in use. At that time I didn’t know what constituted missing a wh.
I bet here they’re making it up, you looked at the EO wrong or something.
Enjoy your freedom!
“Point #1. You’ll notice that at no point in either of my articles have I ever resigned from Scientology. So point #1 is a lie.”
Ian. Want to create more headaches over the non-existing disonnection issue? Then consider suing IJC and CSI for libel or slander as they have no documented evidence that you resigned yet they are spreading this to people close to you. I.E. the friend who had received a copy of that Declare and then disconnects.
“To prove that the material was defamatory, the plaintiff must show that at least one other person who saw or heard it understood it as having defamatory meaning. It is necessary to show not that all who heard or read the statement understood it to be defamatory, but only that one person other than the plaintiff did so. Therefore, even if the defendant contends that the communication was a joke, if one person other than the plaintiff took it seriously, the communication is considered defamatory.”
That’s exactly why the “church” stopped sending out Declares. A guy saw a Declare for a friend of his at Flag and told him about it. The “friend” was a lawyer and got a copy, then instituted slander *and* libel proceedings against the church for spreading lies about him.
Hence, the dearth of actual written Declares.
Cowards! And off policy, as well. However, unless one is actually an attorney themselves, I’d never bother spending money and time other than if I were undergoing the kinds of harassment that the Rathbuns have been subjected to.
Good for you for putting them to the test.
I wish someone would send me my SP declare. I tried to get the MAA at CC to read it to me over the phone but he said that he couldn’t do that. I guess it was too long or something!
IF anyone out there can snag a copy and email it to me I will gladly pass on my email address.
My name, for those of you who AREN’T OSA operatives, is Nora Crest. I would really just like to see what they are showing everyone that has disconnected from me.
They don’t let them out because they end up on the internet. You could have recorded the call, and typed it up and posted it.
Mike, have a great vacation, and a well-earned rest! I hope 2014 is off to a splendid start for you and yours.
Ian, sorry for your recent troubles, but congratulations for having the courage to think independently. First, I will take a guess right now that your friend won’t even be speaking to you in 6 months, but that is beside the point…….do you think that any stats your friend will show you will be accurate? You may be surprised to find out that virtually 100% of Miscavige’s claims are false. Take for example todays public laugh at Miscavige’s claim of reduction of crime in Ireland……completely false.
Good luck! I think you will find lots of interesting information over at The Underground Bunker!
I would like to see more discussion of the Auditor. The Auditor via my experience is a Psycho-therapist attempting to relive post traumatic/ingrained mental issues. These to me these are forms of Eastern philosophies of enlightenment in this form of therapy.
However I would be hesitant to offer this or any form of counseling without some form of educational background. I do not doubt that an Auditor truly cares about the well being of an individual. Or that for some this form of therapy might be helpful to some however where is the foundation or educational background based for these counselors?
This to me is part or it may be the whole of Scientology which to me is really just an introspective look into the psyche of the individual looking for answers for enlightenment and educational tools.
Via a series of processes/questioning the Auditor is just there to help the PC work through their own issues. Am I wrong?
I’m afraid so. You say “via my experience”. But your questions indicate you haven’t had any Scientology auditing.
You may have had the experience in normal life of telling someone about a problem or upset and felt great relief in doing so. There was no “working out” involved. Just communication of the problem is sufficient to get relief. And that is what Scientology auditing is about.
Of course a person will then move forward and work out his own solutions to the issues confronting him. But auditing doesn’t go there.
Like most people, you will also most likely have had the experience of telling someone your issue and not experiencing relief. In Scientology this was found to occur because certain errors were made in the communication. Scientology outlines how to achieve appropriate communication so relief is always achieved. It highlights the major errors and how to avoid them.
Incidentally, one of those errors is attempting to “work it out” instead of simply looking and describing what is.
I haven’t audited for a long time, but I’ll give it a shot. It’s not like other types of “talk therapy”. It can start very simple and two high school drop-outs or anyone can achieve remarkable results in short time.. It’s governed by “The Auditors Code” and the Laws of Communication. The e-meter comes into it,too. It used to be you learned to be an auditor in a few weeks and start getting results. At higher levels, it becomes a very skilled activity and takes years to master
Trying to discuss Auditing on blog forum is difficult. For example, the auditors code is a simple list of rules, and seem common sense but you get into things like “evaluation” and “invalidation” These are technical terms as far as auditing is concerned. (Evaluation: telling someone what to think, Invalidation: making less of someone.). These two concepts are violated by by almost every type of talk therapy. And you see it when its violated. It’s not something auditors do.
Words and their meanings are very important to scientologists and even more so in auditing. So just yaking away on a blog on is difficult. You got to define everything.
I’m sure on this forum are some expert auditors who have audited thousands of hours and could explain this better than I can. In the old days I’d says just down to the local church and ask them to give you session. Don’t do that now. First of all they probably don’t have anyone who could audit you, second they will probably try to sign you up for a crappy intro course (whatever happened to the old comm course?) and finally you’ll get swarmed by the IAS and invited to the weekly IAS event. Or they might try to sign you up for Dianetic Co-Audit course which wouldn’t be too bad (I’ve never done it but it seems OK)
Marty Rathburn’s (The Apostate of Apostates) book “What is Wrong with Scientology” describes and explains auditing very well. (His description of the grades is so good Is sure it will be plagiarized by the church.)I’d recommend that book. I think it might answer your questions.
The last auditing I did was a year or so ago. I audited “Modern Ojectives” on a guy. Oh my goodness! Can you say overrun? It was in a course room and the sups determined if you got an EP or not. Of couse they never got an F/N. Hours and hours of touching the walls. Oh Lord, we just kept going and going and going. And I’d never seen an objective table before with all their EPs. The poor PC. Hell, the poor auditor. I did that for about a month straight full time. At least we broke it up with a tough assist once in while. . .
“We can go the route of just letting if all fall apart waiting for someone else to fix it, or we can ban together as a group and demand he step down and then figure out what to do.”
Bravo, bravo!! It is about time someone had the balls to do what you did. I read the post in August, now going to read the one here.
In the meantime, I vote for Band Together Now.
So the compromise is to let your friends email you privately if they want too. This way everyone wins. You get to get out, they get to stay in for now. Good idea.
This Little Man whom some call David Miscavige has no power anymore. The buildings are emptying out. The videos are ridiculed on national TV. The compassionate celebrities have flown the coop.
Life is all about love. That is all. The Little Man has forced into all about him and it is time for everyone to work together and demand he step down. No one else is going to make this happen. Not the government. Not the police. Not the FBI. We the people are the ones.
Start a forum Ian. WWP and ESMB are great. Why not a new forum for blog commenters at the Bunker, BackInComm, Rinder and Marty’s Place.
Let’s bring The Little Man down.
It seems to me that The Misk is doing a brilliant job of that all by himself. LOL
Hey, Ian, nice to see you shooting off your mouth again. Sorry I missed you last November. Hope the tour went well. Dan
Ian, their favorite tactic is to discredit you to your friends, and have it get back to you via rumours. A knock on the door would be too direct for these weasel criminals. They’d rather have “friends” rattle and embarrass you.
Congratulations on officially making it to “Special Person”. Lots of fun out here, not pretending.
As wise SPs told me, “Better to have real enemies than fake friends.”
“their favorite tactic is to discredit you to your friends, and have it get back to you via rumours. A knock on the door would be too direct for these weasel criminals. They’d rather have “friends” rattle and embarrass you. ”
Making the “church” of Scientology Inc the ultimate Third Party.
Ian: Good job. Your story verifies that “disconnection” exists, and that Declares are just the usual pack of Scientolo-lies. But mostly, you can continue your journey to a life that is free of Miscavology and the “church” of Scientology Inc.
Also, your story is a textbook example of how the “church” of Scientology Inc MAKES ITS OWN ENEMIES.
Great article Ian! You da man! Welcome. We are enriched by your addition to the group and your truth well spoken.
Even if the GDS stats are released in six months, compare with reality before buying them wholesale.
To Mike and family, happy holidays!
GAT2 has given quite a few people hope – particularly those who were offlines anyway. The awakening won’t be quite as rude for them, as some may not have had a new e-meter since the Mark 6, and not done any major bridge action in the last 20 years. I think the primary purpose behind GAT2 besides wringing blood from a stone was to rekindle a flagging hope.
If you were on staff for the basics release, or in a new ideal org, it was the same thing. However, it didn’t turn into actual stats. There are still the same amount of people training (there still are to this day, years later after going ideal!). And now reading a book is considered a course, because you answer questions. But that’s not auditors being trained, which is what LRH is talking about.
Have you ever noticed in an S.P. declare, they never mention WHO was suppressed? Even in any trial or dispute in the community, before charges can be pressed, there has to be someone complaining some dis service was done to them.
If many people were declared because of some victim, wouldn’t it behoove the Church to get the victim constantly suppressed through PTS rundown.
How can you declare someone a suppressive person if there is never a mention of one person that was suppressed by them?
I would like to know WHO, had ever been mentioned as a suppressed victim in an S.P. declare? This guy is a suppressive person? Name ONE PERSON who was suppressed by him? WHO is being suppressed here? The guy that the declare was issued on!
And, am I the only one to notice the new Super Power Building is painted a light shade of Goldenrod?
Just because YOU are suppressed David, doesn’t make the person suppressing you a person fixated as suppressor.
You DESERVE to be suppressed! Sanity is aiding that which aids survival and inhibiting that which inhibits survival! Per Hubbard!
YOU inhibit survival David! It is suppressive NOT to suppress you!
Witch Hunts, wrong items and wrong indications on the CUSTOMERS of your business? How sane is that???????????????
Good point about the goldenrod paintwork, now that you point it out. There’s an old principle that all authority is based on the ability to punish – like the old Roman Republic whose symbol was an axe (for capital punishment) and a bundle of sticks (for corporal punishment). So Miscavige is just reminding parishioners of the gun he holds at their backs.
Nah! Anyone who lives in Florida can tell you that there are literally tens of thousands of buildings, particularly the large condos and hotels, painted that colour. Probably because it lasts for such a long time.
Good on you Ian. Very smart way of making a deal. Those stats will no doubt be in the basement 6 days from now. 6 months from now they might not even be able to afford the paper to print the stats on.
P.S. OSA & RTC To save you the time of snooping around, we are staying at a place in the Rocky Mountains. That is where all the snow usually ends up. No need to follow us, we can just meet there. We will be skiing and tubing and doing winter resort types of stuff. This is what the REAL SPs do after they leave the Int Base. They enjoy themselves.
Marc – have a great trip and enjoy yourselves!
Sounds a brilliant way to “suffer” from being declared. LOL May you all have a wondrous vacation. I will, however, leave all the snow to you!
As for Ian, I delighted in the whole show. Declared by the International Justice Chief? And no comm ev? OFF POLICY! Off to the Hole with him/her. Wait. I forgot. The higher ups get a free pass.
Careful. If you end up near Park City Utah, that’s where all the local Whales are. Bring a harpoon.
I had the distinct pleasure of meeting this loud mouth in 2000 at the IAS delegates convention in Copenhagen Denmark during which we raised hell. Funnily enough we bumped into Marty while out on the town one night. A stand up guy and someone I’d gladly go to war with. And that after knowing him for just 3 days.
The almighty declare. How far you have fallen. I remember you when you scary and dangerous. Kinda like a action movie star of the 80s showing up in 2014. Really? You still trying?
Ryan, yours is a very funny and apt characterization of the SP Declare: “Kinda like a action movie star of the 80s showing up in 2014. Really? You still trying?”
The fact is that OSA is no longer sufficiently terrifying, and, OSA sometimes ventures into wanton misadventures that serve to actually harm the Church.
When I think of OSA, I think of a group of bitter old depraved people who, out of a sense of misguided loyalty, soldier on in futility for a destructive psychopath who is actively working to destroy the Church.
I see OSA as like that old Hollywood saw: a Japanese soldier from WWII stranded on some island somewhere with no clue the war ended, totally out of touch with reality. Also with no clue that Japan since took over the world with Panasonic, Toyota, Honda and Sony.
Shame, poor OSA. Here, have a crust of bread. I can at least spare you that.
Wow, well done Ian. Well done for integrity, well done for courage, well done for honesty and being straight. The guys still drinking the kool aide are really something. They must know that their church denies having a policy of disconnection. Yet they see nothing strange in that or having to disconnect from close friends. Anyhow Ian- you left the dark side of the force and joined the rebellion. Welcome!! You will find hundreds of kindred spirits- people who hate the pretension and lies and like straight shooters. So you will be at home here. And by the way, my personal experience of audiitng in the Indy field started by finding someone who had been auditing successfully as a field auditor for 30 years and the quality of auditing I got was sensational. There is so much crap and tension in Radical Church of Scientology auditing. Both pc and auditor are all tensed up. The pc is afraid of being sent to the MAA or routed off service or getting declared or ordered to more sec checking or failing to FN and thus being routed to the MAA or sec checking etc etc.. But if the auditor does not wait for the full three swing FN, he/she is facing all the same horrors! Both people in the session are tense and wound up. If anything goes wrong there are dire consequences. Auditing without all that tension and fear is heavenly. So fluid, so freeing. You have lots to look forward to!!
“…failing to FN and thus being routed to the MAA or sec checking etc… ”
WHAT?? A pc not FNing gets routed to an MAA? Holy shit. I honestly don’t recall reading that one anywhere yet. So many blogs…so little time…..
In the circumstances you describe above how can an auditor possibly get by without false reporting on his worksheets? It is inevitable that if you try to audit or receive auditing you WILL end up at the MAA, routed there to cough up more money time and time again. What a total scam.
I have been sent to Ethics for not being able to run New Era Dianetics. One session. Could not see a picture. Thats it, no asking, no correction list, straight to Ethics. This had been 1979. Later I told in session that I might be clear. Had been ordered on Objectives after that statement. I did protest in session. Sent to Ethics. Sent home with an SP declare, as I am a „no case gain“. This had been in 1982. The pre David Miscavige world was also not very much perfect. The only perfection there was and still is, is to prevent someone going up the bridge. With one exception: if you have money to give or donate.
Wow–unbelievable. In no way was that your fault–but you sound like you already know that. Your ability to run a process at a certain point on the grade chart is up to the C/S. The C/S has to get you through each level properly so that when it comes to the next step it sails along. The auditor is charged with running the processes correctly.
Without really looking at your folder to see what happened it’s really hard to say. Maybe someone on tech lines really did have it out for pcs an wanted to dramatize stopping them. Or it could be something as simple as a false read and nothing to run but the auditor wrongly badgered you to find an answer. It’s totally squirrel to have that happen in a session and not do a correction list right off the bat. I don’t even want to know which org that was!
If you are not trained and had some goals originally, you should train at an indie location on the early checksheets that they have recovered. The training could very well answer for you what happened and you can co-audit, and it won’t cost you an arm and a leg and your first born.
Anyway, hearing these stories, from no matter what year, make me mad mainly in that the things the person wanted to accomplish then never happen. (I’m assuming that you were stopped in your tracks with the declare and didn’t go any farther.)
Sorry this was so wordy but this probably applies to others too and if I can do anything to raise awareness about errors on people’s cases it was time well spent.
I think you did the right thing. The important thing is that you don’t let the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology dictate how you feel about your friends. One day, many of them will feel the same, I hope. Meanwhile you don’t have to toe the line, and that’s gotta be a good thing 🙂
Good handling, direct, no BS, to the point and clearly described Ian. Lets see what your friend finds in 6 months, maybe he will see the light.
Mike have fun on your trip.
Ian noted in his original post his Scientology creds:
I am a Class V Auditor. Interned Class IV. I’m a trained Div 6 Course Supervisor, a Purif I/C and C/S Lots of specialist courses, HRD, DRD auditor. I did this training in San Francisco. I was on staff in Chicago for over 10 years and held the posts of PES, D/ED and Exec Esto. I got good products on all those posts.
I was responsible for establishing scientology at Ground Zero on 9/11 I drove straight to NYC, went to CLO EUS and got 2 Sea Org member executive friends of mine (both who are out of Scientology as far as I can tell) and the 3 of us went down to the site and I took charge.
Pretty Impressive. Also impressive how closely they fit the Profile of a Golden Age SP – trained, staff experience, active and productive, yup, that will be one of Miscaviges SPs – https://www.mikerindersblog.org/scientology-golden-age-of-sp-declares/
It is false to say that we in IJC are operating based upon a secret policy from COB to locate and declare upstats.
There is no such policy. However, it just so happens to work out that way in practice.
COB has studied this matter and has isolated the exact why.
COB’s research has shown that bright, shiny, intelligent, ethical, and upstat Scientology parishioners get themselves declared SP’s for one reason only: They read entheta online, become enturbulated, and then begin to Q&A, natter, and then cross the line by communicating with bitter defrocked apostates.
Whereupon, COB has decreed that from this date forward that anyone caught reading internet entheta will receive an Insta-Declare.
The new Insta-Declare system will streamline IJC actions by doing away with messy ethics handlings, Comm-Ev’s, and such.
What COB is doing in PT is conducting a purge of all persons who read entheta online.
This purge will result in a better, brighter, and happier ideal scene inside the Church of Scientology. There will be no more natter, entheta, enturbulative anti-GAT II attacks on COB, criminal J&D falsely called humor, or the endless Facebook problems that drive OSA to distraction.
I wonder whether COB got the idea to isolate these Internet renegades from his co-religionists in the Taliban and Al Shabaab, or…did HE give the idea to them?
To understand COB, one has to put themselves in the “evil villain’ mindset. Imagine a scenario where you are extorting money from people on the premise that you are helping them with a tech that doesn’t deliver what is promised. The problem COB has when people are looking at the facts, using logic and communicating with him about doing the right thing, is that he HAS NO LOGICAL JUSTIFICATION FOR HIS ACTIONS. So… all he can do is have such people removed. What else is an evil villain to do??