This stuff rolls in the door daily from Special Correspondents and there is just too much of it to publish.
Much of it is same old, same old.
These three came in just now and each has something a little special about it, particularly the last one. So I figured I would spread the word from Loony Tunes land.
The Biggest Global Impact Ever Event
Date: Sat, 17 May 2014
From: Joel Morris <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: [OTC-Mail] FW: from Sara- Save the Date
Dear OTCers,
Join us on Friday, May 30th for “The Biggest Global Impact Ever Event”!
Now that we have the Golden Age of Tech, Phase Two, Super Power, Cause Resurgence, Div 6 Intro Routes and Ideal Orgs
Management will brief you on what is coming next, and it is HUGE!!!!
You will be briefed on major upcoming dissemination strategies that are about to roll out:
* Data about the new TV & Radio Broadcast Studio that you have never heard
* Recent statistics & successes from our internet marketing campaigns
* Upcoming campaigns that are designed to flood public into the orgs in a way never before imagined
The event starts at 7pm!
Let me know that you will be there!
[email protected]
OK, the “Media Center” is now “The Biggest Global Impact Ever Since The Last Announcement And Until The Next Thing.”
It is now being positioned above GAG II and Ideal Orgs and Super Power and even the Running Program.
Now THIS is truly going to make planetary clearing a reality and FLOOD PUBLIC INTO THE ORGS.
How exciting is this OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clive Rabey’s Coming To Town (Again?) With An “Important Launch”
But, wait for it, there’s more. Claire Taylor is on the loose again, begging for people to show up to hear Clive Rabey.
Date: Sun, 18 May 2014
From: “Claire Taylor” <[email protected]>
Subject: I have only seen 2 replies. Help! Please read and click reply.
One Week From Now
Saturday May 24th 4:30 PM
ALL OT VIIs and VIIIs requested by Mr. Rabey to attend an Important Launch that has everything to do with you as an OT VII or VII.
AOLA Atrium
1 Hour
Click reply to confirm!
Now THIS is an “important launch. ” Really? what the hell would Clive Rabey ever “launch”? Maybe it’s the 6,400 onto Solo NOTs before I get RPFed game?
But things are really smoking because she has TWO responses. Not even two CONFIRMEDS.
Prediction — Claire is going to become increasingly frantic as the day approaches. She does not want to let Mr. Rabey down.
COB Is The Most Important Man On Earth — This Is Not A Joke
But this last one really takes the cake. The transition is complete. “COB” has now ascended to his true place in the world, no longer second fiddle to LRH. He is THE MAN.
Date: Mon, 19 May 2014
From: Sacramento OT Committee <[email protected]>
Reply-To: Kay Daly <[email protected]>
Subject: The IAS in a nutshell – from the Hechtmans
From our viewpoint, COB is the most important man on earth: he is driving the expansion of Scientology, the only hope this planet has.
He has pulled off miracle after miracle for Scientology: handling the IRS, restoring the Basics to the original LRH and releasing them, recovering all of the congresses, all of the ACCs, getting them translated into many different languages, planning and executing the Ideal Org campaign, developing and releasing GAT 2, etc., etc., etc.
Every six weeks or so, Sacramento comes together for a couple of hours to generate energy for COB’s programs. That is the simplicity.
I am thinking that “COB” probably loves this most disgusting of brown-nosing, but isn’t too excited about the positioning that the IAS is “generating energy” for “COB’s programs.” Take a look at Tony Ortega’s blog today if you havent already seen it. COB is being sucked into the vortex of Narconon flushing itself down the toilet. He will desperately try to distance himself from anything to do with Narconon, but it really makes it hard for him to deny that he is in fact the driving force that is driving them over the cliff when statements like this appear.
It sucks to be the most important man on earth.
“… an Important Launch that has everything to do with you as an OTVII or VII”
Is that a Hubbardian slip, or is it because people now have to do the bridge over and over again?
I spoke with one recently who’s been in for almost 50 years. He buys it all.
By the way Mike, I really dig seeing these type of comms. Maybe they make me right or something, but I find it fascinating to see where these folks are at. Sunday Funnies are by far my favorite of Tony’s stuff. Love to hear any “inside news ” too from any LA org, SF area orgs, NYC, etc. As all my former friends in the CoS have disconnected from me, I don ‘t know what the folks inside are thinking. Anyone out there know what “inside” old timers really think about this stuff?
I can fill you in Joe. A KA drinking friend who is so off lines that she doesn’t yet know I”m declared, called me all upset and scared sounding. She had been visited by the church registrars at her house, always a lovely thing. They leaned on her heavily to route on to the Survival R/D. She is OT and she doesn’t want to re do her Objs. She sounded like a man walking to the electric chair. I could tell she didn’t want to do it and didn’t like being forced to do so. She asked me if I would twin with her on the Objs on SRD. I gave her some good seeds to chew on in my answer as to why I would not be doing SRD. So any of you UTR’s, please use every possibility to plant the seeds of truth in your people so that maybe they will LOOK. I do this with the few that are still connected to me out of ignorance of my Special Person status. But it was hard for me to have hearing the fear and dread in her voice at having to be dragged to re-do her Objs as an OT who got stellar wins on them the first time. The overrun beef up was already apparent in her just at the thought of re-doing her Objs as an OT.
Here are my observations–They justify it by thinking the processes were flawed before so they will have additional wins with the new Purif and SRD. They are totally in support of GAT2. They are happy that the tech is finally pure. They are happy to redo whatever is necessary in order to get to do OTVIII or SuperPower.
When I got into Scientology 44 years ago, I guess I’d have to say that one statement I never, EVER anticipated coming from the CoS would be:
Whatever he had at heart, he managed to collect a great deal of highly useful and practical information. For instance, where else have you ever seen the definition of a communication cycle? I am in the communication business and have been for decades. I’ve never seen it anywhere else. That little bit of information influenced me and my earnings enormously. As well, I’ve seen some terrific results from that course, alone, in may people over the years.
And while I’m not a huge fan of LRH, I refuse to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The tech, properly applied, can be seen to work for many, many people. That’s a fact, no matter what your belief in LRH happens to be.
You also don’t see her name on the list of “humanitarians” or “platinum maximus dingbat with knobs on”…
When I read that I butst out laughing so hard the people I was working with thought I’d finally lost it completely
Ohhh The Looney Tunes…
When we feel “human” and don’t have access to the LOONEY TUNES Cartoons we can always get a good laugh from this little clip…
Especially at 1:45 and 2:10 🙂 WATCH VERRRYYYY CAREFULY!
Hahahaha!! Everybody was looking for OT Powers in action… and there they are!!!!
A moving MEST object with no physical interference.
Right in front of all of our noses!
Might that be the reason, why all the OT’s had to re-do the objectives and do Book-and-Bottle again?
They didn’t notice the differences when studying THE BASICS?
You see… DM had no other choice. :-O
That’s what your donations buy – State of the Art A/V and CGI Tech. 🙂
Just our 2 cents…
PS: May we call James Randi and cash in that one million $ ??? 😉
Nothing to be proud of- being called a leader form individuals that have lost the power of observation, judgment and choice is denigrating actually and, like you spotted it already, these e-mails are just revealing how involved he is in running the church, contrary to his minions claims that he doesn’t.
Lies, sooner or later, bite you back.
PERSON walks into an Ideal Org:
PERSON: I heard about the Golden Age of Tech II. I’ve read about the opening of the Super Power Building. It didn’t seem enough… But this.. THIS has truly drawn me towards your org… Towards starting my journey up the bridge! Where do I start?
STAFFER: Alright! Well–
SUPPRESSIVE PERSON: Nope. Only fucking with you. You’re being lied to. Goodbye.
SUPPRESSIVE PERSON walks out of an Ideal Org.
These emails show the complete fantasy level that these folks are operating on. It’s like believing that “World of Warcraft” is real. They are just so far removed from the truth. I’m trying to remember back if I was ever this bad… and the answer is “probably” – it’s just been so damn long ago that it seems like it was someone else.
Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige as the most important person leading to applauding DM for “handling” the IRS leading to the IAS meeting to “generate energy for COB’s programs.”
What more does the authorities need? The IAS is there to receive tax exempt donations (brought about by DM) to spend on DM “programs.” (Yeah, such as interior decoration, holidays, private jets, a personal staff…)
Mike, the factual history of how Scientology was born, the TRUE facts of the life and times of LRH, the people, wives, children who bore witness to the sham and scam religion he supposedly invented, there is only one rational conclusion = EVIL PERSONIFIED! David Miscav-ugh, is just following what he was so well taught. I am a never in, but have family members in: very ill, lost everything, no credit, all family relationships broken, and her friends are all in the same boat she is. This is a possibly sane, healthy, planet saving religion at one time? He really had humanity best interests at heart and that inspired this insidious belief system? Makes the fanatics in Islam look rational and reasonable.
I had some very positive life changing wins from auditing and training, so I’ll credit Ron with the tremendous work he did. And I was in for over 35 years. LRH was, like many people, a good man who wasn’t able to recognize his own blind spots (as highly ironic as that is) . Scientology doesn’t achieve all that LRH promised it would …… but that doesn’t mean it didn’t offer some of the true “secrets” of spiritual awareness.
+ 1
They can market all they want but since the tech is squirreled and there are few tech staff anymore, it will be a short journey to nowhere. I guess they could wander around the ideal empty buildings.
“…designed to flood public into the orgs in a way never before imagined…”
Christ, I’ve been hearing that for 20 years! And still they are morgues.
He deserves a statue – maybe of him beating some hapless junior, or maybe with the copper rods….
COB Is The Most Important Man On Earth?
Well he is certainely one of the shortest.
These sick people are probably on 10% commission in the IAS fiddle.
I really don’t think “Clubbed Seals” describes these lunatics any more Mike.
You going to have to come up with something a lot more apt.
I am pretty sure these people were not actually in Scientology before 1982 so can have no idea what LRH technology was for nor how it is supposed to be used.
It would be funny if it was not so disgusting.
From Day 1 LRH’s sham “technology” had two purposes: making money for LRH and turning people into minions of LRH.
These sort of sweeping generalities are unconvincing on either side of this argument. Some proclaim everything LRH wrote or said is gospel and he was a virtual saint sent to this earth to save every man, woman and child on it. Others say everything he did was evilly intended and he had no desire to help anyone other than himself.
The truth lies in between.
You are not going to make any converts to your way of seeing things with this sort of assertion, and it only makes you look like a hater, just as the other side look like duped fools.
A little more rationality would serve you well.
I see some sort of progression here. A comment a year or so ago by Larry Byrnes (of the very influential Scientology group called “KSWBaboons” – or was it “KSWCockroaches” – I can’t remember exactly) was:
“I would die for current management”.
Translate it to:
“I would die for David Miscavige”, and then go on from there to “I would give up my eternity for David Miscavige” and then go on from there to :I HAVE given up my eternity for David Miscavige”.
Just some thoughts.
Are you implying that people who weren’t in Scientology before 1982 don’t know what Scientology is or how its supposed to be used? Seriously?
Sorry if I don’t meet your standards because I wasn’t “actually in Scientology before 1982.”
Isn’t there a certain C.O.B. who essentially runs the same thing on people by making them do Bridge actions over and over again because they did it this time or that time, so therefore they didn’t really understand it or make the gains that they were supposed to? I recall lots of that sort of inval while I was in the CoS.
Please reconsider whatever it is that 1982 means to you in relation to your fellows. Thank you.
That was for hiatus57.
Hurry, hurry, hurry, step right up! the greatest most incredible, mind blowing event
that as ever been and will be. Now!! and forever!!! The order of magnitude ?
Universal Clearing is now with-in our grasp!!!! This event David will prove that
he is really God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!
Dear Good Old Boy,
Go back to the original 1st edition books and re-study the definition of “The Dynamics”
Every person IS ALL the Dynamics! Read carefully – it says “IS”
So of course DM is God – at least God in his personal universe.
It IS him as his 8th dynamic.
He is as much A God as YOU and everyone else is! Nice, ehh? 😉
But before reaching the fullest sense of the 8th… well there is the 7th dynamic also…
And PLEEEASE restudy carefully that definition as well – and pay attention, if it is SINGULAR or PLURAL…
Maybe that’s then the real definition of OT IX & X?? “Orders of MAGNITUDE”…. just sayin.
You might as well look up the HCOB “Nature of a Being” …. it says what it says.
Just 2 cents.
PS: Have a good day! 🙂
Wow, a TV and radio station, with shows even! I guess their YouTube channels were too overloaded with subscribers. This is another example of a scam that is a day late and a dollar short. Check out some of the 20 somethings and media shows on YouTube getting millions of viewers-without spending a dime. I can predict what is next, “we need millions to create the ideal tv station and ideal radio station so we can reach every house on the planet.” Will they then replay the shows on the Internet? Will they bring lawsuits to keep it off YouTube?
“we need millions to create the ideal TV station and ideal radio station so we can reach every house on the planet.”
Yep. Exactly.
But every two bit “religion” or evangelist has a TV show or station. A $cientology TV station would provide enormous amounts of lulz and material for spoofs and critics.
It’s interesting how trailing edge the $cientology Kult is technology-wise. Pumping out cassette tapes for ten years after they’re obsolete. Same with CD’s in the Mp3 download age. The serial ports or whatever the cock-up was on the Super-Duper-Magic Mark8 e-meter. Now a TV station in an Internet Age? It’s so 1950’s or 1960’s.
Every evangelist worth his “Prayz de Lawd” has a TV channel or show. It’s among the first things they do after cracking the cash flow problem. But Fearless Leader is just NOW getting around to it?
Trailing edge.
Anyway, who would watch the $cientology Channel after the first month or two and the novelty has worn off for the public at large? The clubbed seals?
The Diminuitive One issues a new PL and TV watching would now be OK? Hmm, maybe sell them a $cientology TV. $7,000 and it has only one channel.
OMG. He really IS stuck back in the 70s and 80s.
Actually, the most important person in the world is whomever runs the day-to-day affairs of the Church.
I see what you did there. 🙂
But seriously: “Sacramento comes together for a couple of hours to generate energy for COB’s programs.” Generating energy? Like a common New Age drum circle or Tantra practictioners or Wiccans meditating? I have noticed that a lot of indie Scn practitioners go “New Age” once they let themselves let go of LRH; but the point is that I’m pretty sure stuff like that has absolutely nothing to do with LRH at all, any more than Slappy’s copper grounding rods.
>>but the point is that I’m pretty sure stuff like that has absolutely nothing
>>to do with LRH at all, any more than Slappy’s copper grounding rods.
Really? Sorry to disappoint you…
Take a look for yourself towards the end of page 3 of this handwritten LRH note…
“… One is reduction of charge by grounding. …”
And pleeeasse do not forget LRH’s “special E-Meter” that Steve ‘Sarge’ Pfauth had built for him.
Mark ‘Marty’ Rathbun has details on that as well.
PS: “The PC in front of us, just dramatizes, what he is stuck in.”
Just my two cents
…forgot the links to LRH’s “Special E-Meter”.
PS: “The PC in front of us, just dramatizes, what he is stuck in.”
My two cents
Generating energy is a nice euphemism for “give us all your money!”
Clive Rabey is all smoke and mirrors, super whimp
David Miscavige digs his personal hole deeper by the second
The two put together would not make a pimple on a Marines ass
No but the Miscarriage could still create an itchy rash!
Those concerned have to write he is the most important man on earth or they are wiped out stripped of everything they own Its sick and giving time and energy to this madness is a utter Joke./Deperation Deperation
“I am the most important person on earth.” Isn’t that narcissism?
Does this mean I’m not the most important person on earth?? Dammit!!!!
“Isn’t that narcissm?” No, it’s insanity.
I wonder what Kirstie thinks
of all this Narconon stuff. Isn’t
she or wasn’t she the poster girl
for them? I know she credits NN
for helping her kick a drug problem.
She is an impressionable girl on
the subject of Scientology.
Wasn’t ever hard to form her point
of view if she considered the person
swaying that point of view to have
altitude in the Church.
But with DM being pulled into the Narconon mess
I hope she is secretly wondering
what the hell is going on.
She might have to give Leah a call,
apologize, then ask her what the hell
to do.
Kirstie is STILL addicted… that is why she is so fat. She switched her addiction from cocaine to food. As Orsen Welles said about his weight… it was an addiction that he couldn’t hide. So much for curing addictions.
What’s next? COB giving advice to God? This is some really sick shit! But, at the same time, it certainly is a lot of fun watching the cult implode. The topping would be the tiny dwarf going to prison. With a large cell mate named Bubba saying to the dickwad, “You my little puppy now!” And little Davy replying, “Arf.”
Sweet dreams, everyone!
Old Surfer Dude! “Sweet dreams …” made me think of that great Annie Lennox song, which fits so well with Scientology:
Amazing, the most important man on earth doesn’t have the balls to be seen in public. Why not give Greta Von S. a scoop and sit for a softball interview on Fox? She probably doesn’t want to do that.
What is up with Greta anyway? I used to watch her show until I found out she was a Sciloon. Any respect I had for her went out the window. I can’t understand how a seemingly intelligent woman could read the legal complaints filed against the Co$ (like the one posted today on and not question things. Anyone out there know her personally and care to comment?
As an aside, I have also wondered the same about Tom Cruise’s mother. She must have been at least 50 before getting involved in the cult. You would think that by the time a person reaches 50 she would have known the Co$ was a con and a cult. I can understand TC getting roped in since he was a relatively young man when that happened, but a grown ass woman?
Well, condemning someone ONLY because they are a scientologist is pretty discriminatory.
A legal complaint filed — especially to a lawyer which she is — does not mean the claims are true. Lawyers see legal complaints all the time. They don’t mean anything to them other than potential billable hours…
And I have no idea what magic occurs when one turns 50?
Very strange comment all in all…
Sorry Mike, let me clarify a few points. Lawyers (I am one) are trained to anticipate the counter-argument, regardless of what they may personally believe. My statement about Greta in connection with the recent Narconon case has more to do with her (seemingly) cognitive dissonance. Greta is a smart woman. I am sure she is aware of the recent woes of Narconon. One would think she would put on her lawyer hat and pause to ask “is there any possible truth to these allegations?”. Even asking that one question could open Greta’s eyes. It’s not as if she can avoid the news……I am sure she was aware (and maybe even watched) of Anderson Cooper’s report. You don’t have to be a lawyer to figure out that the former wives were clearly all coached to say the same thing. As far as discriminating against Greta for solely being a member of the Co$ by no longer watching her show, I don’t support any business if I know it is in any way connected to a member of the Co$, from not going to TC movies (though, to be honest, he has made that a very easy choice in recent years) to not using Jenny Craig products. For the same reason, I went out of my way to vote in support of Leah Remini when she was on DWTS. I suppose one could argue that is discriminatory, but I prefer to think of it as protesting. Greta can believe in whatever she wants, truly, but I have a very difficult time taking her seriously as any kind of analyst, when she has chosen to ignore very serious allegations of abuse and criminal behavior of a group to which she belongs. Again, I am not speaking of the average member of the Co$, who may not read the news lest they be enturbulated. I am speaking of a woman whose livelihood depends about being informed on current events.
And, since I have not yet reached that magic milestone of 50, I will have wait to see what happens…..I have no idea how old TC’s mother was when she got sucked into all the nonsense. My point was that it is unusual for a more mature and life experienced person to get drawn in to all the madness of the Co$. From everything I have read, it seems the Co$ goes after the young and the vulnerable. Not middle aged women whose sons are new movie stars. And it’s not as if there was no negative press about the Co$ 20 years ago. Granted, it is much easier today to find out the truth, but you would think that someone who was a little older and presumably a little wiser would pause before joining up. Who knows, maybe she did ask questions, but was so overwhelmed by the star treatment, she looked the other way. We’ll probably never know.
I meant no offense to anyone by my statements, but I guess i am now left wondering if one can discriminate against a criminal, fraudulent abusive organization. Unless you are arguing that not all members of the Co$ are criminals, fraudsters or abusers. I would agree with that statement as of now, but if things keep going the way they are going and crimes and abuses are continued and ignored by the members, then are the members truly innocent? Kind of like the old joke about mob wives….they don’t want to know where the fur coats came from, but they sure are willing to wear them.
Thanks for clarifying.
I suspect Greta isn’t too enthused about any overt connection to or support of the church of scientology.
You don’t see her attending the SP building opening with the other “big celebs” or making any statements about. You also don’t see her name on the list of “humanitarians” or “platinum maximus dingbat with knobs on”…
On the other hand, you are correct. she has an added responsibility BECAUSE of her position to find out about and put an end to abuses.
As for TC’s mother. she is a sweet woman who raised 4 children as a single mother. She was woo’ed and treated with kid gloves and the best possible service.
Chee – I can’t speak for Greta but I will say that Tom Cruise’s mom, Mary Lee, got in Scn well before the Internet, at a time when info about Scn was not exposed as it is today. Also, celebrities are given the best care in Scientology and this extends to their family members as well. Especially anyone closely connected to Tom Cruise.
I recall reading in an article (about Tom), that Mary Lee said she was a devout Catholic when she became a Scientologist and believed that Jesus wanted her to know about and be in Scientology, that it was a part of her spiritual journey willed by God. I actually understand her viewpoint and to some degree, I believe that my time spent in Scientology was supposed to be a part of my own spiritual path as well.
Religious/Spiritual beliefs are so personal and unique to each individual. Obviously, Mary Lee was still searching at that stage in her life and I’m sure her love for, and connection to her son also played a large part in her getting into Scientology.
My hat is definitely off to any woman who can raise 4 kids on her own. I have 4 and am not raising them alone and most days want to rip my hair out. A quote from my favorite TV show, ‘Bob’s Burgers’ summed up my feelings perfectly: “you kids are a two-adult, two-bottles-of-wine-a-night job”. I may get a tattoo of that.
It just makes me sad to see an entire family consumed into that nightmare, though I am sure that family has it a million times easier than most other Co$ families.
One last note….in law school it is drummed into your head that, as an officer of the court, there is a higher duty placed upon you. You can be disbarred for your behavior, even if not illegal (example: continuing drunkeness), which is why Greta’s blind eye to the abuse and criminal actions is disgusting.
Have a good day!
Greta has certainly avoided ANY public connection to the czerch and completely ignored the media stories. I, too, ceased watching her once I noted her duplicity. I guess her income at Fox depends on her public image which would surely be negatively affected if it came out big time. So even in her case, it might be “it’s all about the money”?
“…restoring the Basics to the original LRH and releasing them…”
It is a remarkable achievement indeed to edit and re-release books by an author that has been dead for more than two decades so they are “closer to his original intention” as opposed to the way he actually wrote and issued them the first time when he was still alive.
Not that it matters one way or another, but B.S. is B.S.
Yes, I agree. And how do you know what his “original intention” was when you are doing all this changing decades after his death? Did he reach beyond the grave and Intend his wishes to DM?
Help me out here people, as a never-in I don’t understand this. Wouldn’t a Scientologist find the “COB is the most important man” statement offensive or wrong on any level? Or is the Kool-Aid drunk inside the bubble that strong?
So potent, in fact, that it turns ‘people’ — into ‘sheeple’, completely ‘fleece’-able ones’ at that. 🙂
Hey NolaGal, Yes….the koolaid is that strong. And if someone were to think about it as possibly wrong, they would be questioned about their loyalty etc.
I wonder how long it will be before the giant pictures of LRH are replaced with pictures of the Wee One? Can’t be too far off.
NolaGal, in the Scientology magazines that are sent out, he has taken over most of those pictures. Hubbard images MAY appear in the background. It is only a matter of time before they are totally replaced with only the captain in the pic.
He doesn’t need to remove Hubbard’s pictures. Not suggesting that Christianity and Scientology are remotely alike, but Jesus hangs in virtually every catholic church and we still talk way more about the pope.
Well … at least they are short emails.
And sooo mysterious … oh dear suspense is killing me… But then again, curiosity killed the cat (or in their case – bank accounts).
The club of eternal and limitless optimism I’d say.
But I still got the gag reflex thou…
How exciting is this OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is the most important dwarf tyrant of all dwarf tyrants.
COB dispensenses a lot of poo down the lines
Mike wrote:
“COB is being sucked into the vortex of Narconon flushing itself down the toilet. He will desperately try to distance himself from anything to do with Narconon, but it really makes it hard for him to deny that he is in fact the driving force that is driving them over the cliff when statements like this appear.”
Is he driving a Clown Car?
Oh my god that is funny…..
It sucketh indeed. Heheh.