Mike, I read your book this weekend – couldn’t put it down! Next I’m going to get a few of the other books on your recommended list. I watched the entire Aftermath series and look forward to any further shows that might provide an update on what’s currently happening in the “church.” I do have a question; is there a plan in place for when Miscavige sheds his body and follows LRH into space? Is there an “heir apparent” that is next in line to take over? Best wishes to you and your beautiful family. Thank you for the work you do.
I think two of the best comments explaining the reasons why it’s important to let people know the truth about Tom Cruise were made by Leah Remini and Claire Hedley and they can be found at the following link: http://www.indy100.com/celebrities/tom-cruise-scientology-leah-remini
This link attributes the following statements to Leah Remini:
“she also alleged that Cruise is “very aware of the abuses that go on in Scientology” and alleged, “he’s been part of it”.
Within the post, she called Cruise’s actions “crimes against humanity”.
This link attributes the following statements to Claire Hedley:
“Glad all you Top Gun fans are enjoying the movie.”
“Personally, recent posts about this new movie only serve to remind me of Tom Cruise and his crimes against humanity.”
“Extreme, you may think?”
“Destroying families is a crime against humanity. My Opinion”
I have had to excerpt portions of this link because for some reason I cannot copy and paste her entire comments. If anyone questions whether these two ladies actually said this, please visit the link at the to of this post.”
IMHO, it is very important for anyone who opposes this cult to speak out against Tom Cruise because he does not deserve a pass for supporting this cult. He knows full well all of the human rights abuses that are committed by this cult and he currently may very well be the single largest financial contributor to this cult.
I just heard your interview with Rachel Bernstein and picked up your book today.
I am very interested in several things you mentioned regarding your history and how Scientology affected you and your journey from devoted follower to a non believer regarding the organization and ultimately your disillusionment with Hubbard himself and the technology of Dianetics and Scientology. I followed a similar route.
Many people have left Scientology and eventually discovered that Hubbard was a fraud and committed thousands of evil acts and that the technology is fraudulent and harmful rather than beneficial and transcendent.
But it often comes in stages and sadly many people don’t get out of the prison of the mind completely and wonder if they commit overts when bad things happen or wonder if they have enough auditing if it will free them until the day they die.
These confusions aren’t harmless idiosyncrasies as they keep people entangled in Hubbard’s web of lies and these contradictions trap them emotionally and are detrimental to clear thinking as long as they are present.
I incidentally several years ago wrote my own unauthorized autobiography A Million Years In Hell and it has no connection to Mike’s book.
It’s just amusing that the names are similar.
My story is entitled A Million Years In Hell as Scientology promises immortality and delivers in a perverse way, as twenty five years in Scientology can feel like a million years in hell.
Very disappointing that you failed to explain how the cult is raking in multi-millions of dollars from Tom Cruise’s latest movie.
The money they make from that movie is close to all the money they make from all other sources put together.
When you tried to explain how they are still making tons of money, why didn’t you explain how much they get from the back end of that movie?
That movie has earned more than a billion dollars and Tom Cruise has donated all of his share (in the hundreds of millions of dollars) to this cult. If you had explained that, perhaps it would have deterred some people from paying to see that movie.
Many people have said they will never pay any more money to see any of his movies. That may not make a huge difference. But it certainly would have been good for all the people who need to know where that money goes.
IMHO, all right-thinking people should boycott anything to do with Tom Cruise.
I don’t know what information you have on this? Nobody in scientology is allowed to reg Mr Cruise. Do you have some inside information you would like to share? For some reason you start out accusative as if there’s some data I have withheld?
I saw a podcast one or two days ago that I got to from this site.
I’m sorry that I forget who it was that explained this. But someone explained that Tom Cruise had promised all the money he was to earn from the back end of his most recent movie to the cult.
That figures to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars and his contributions are so large that it can be said Cruise is single-handedly funding the continuation of this cult. I will try to find the exact podcast and post a link to it.
But I was quite certain that you would have known about this. I was quite certain that you were a participant in that podcast – or perhaps it was from one of your recent media appearances? I am sorry that I didn’t post the exact link. It just never crossed my mind that you would not know about the financial contributions Cruise is making to the cult or how many millions of dollars he figures to make from this movie and then gives all that money to the cult.
Regarding the video I saw that spoke about Tom Cruise and how much money he has earned from the back end of that movie, I may have found that video by linking from Tony Ortega’s site.
This site (mikerindersblog.org) and Tony’s site (TonyOrtega.org) are the only two cult sites I have visited during the past few days. I’m almost certain I found that video by linking from one of these two sites.
There is one other thing I remember from that video. Part of it discussed Suri and why Cruise does not see her at all anymore.
Unfortunately, so far I have only found the following link that claims Tom Cruise made over $100 million from the movie Top Gun 2022. But it does not say that he has made arrangements to give all of the back end money to the cult. I’m certain that I did see that on one video file, but I can’t find that now. I will continue to search for it.
I should explain what I understand “back end” to mean. Cruise got a salary for making the movie. But he also gets a percentage of all the profits once the movie has been shown. I suppose it’s called “back end” because no one can know how much money that will be until the movie has finally been withdrawn from theaters and is no longer earning any more money.
When a movie makes more than a billion dollars in total, the back end money figures to be a lot more than all of the other money he made from this movie.
As I said, in the past day or two, I saw a video in which it was stated as a fact that Cruise had promised to give all of his back end money to the cult.
I have to believe that someone reading this would know where that video can be found.
There is absolutely no reliable main stream media source stating that Cruise is donating anything from Top Gun to $ci. In the Hypebeast link there is nothing in the main article stating he’s donating anything to $ci. It is only in the comment section where some random anonymous commenter said he was donating 50mil to $ci. Clickbait. I did a google search and found nothing except the same Hypebeast article which shows up because of the comment.
The biggest donators to $ci are Bob Duggan and ex-wife Trish Duggan. The Duggans made a foundation and piled it full of AbbVie stock just so it could make money for $ci yearly. Miscavige though likes his money quick it seems so they sold the stock to the tune of around $48mil and handed it over. That’s just one donation. You can read about it here:
Trish Duggan has donated so much she has a ‘status’ made up just for her. Her ex Bob has stated openly that he has donated hundreds of millions.
Scientology doesn’t necessarily want money from Cruise (although I’m sure they wouldn’t turn any down). Cruise makes money for $ci by just being Cruise. His name alone used to bring people in off of the street. I guess they are those ‘Curious’ people Miscavige talks about. $ci wants Cruise to be happy. That way he presents a good face for Scientology and that alone brings people in…or it used to. Now that there’s shows like ‘Aftermath’ and blogs like Mikes and Ortega’s most people can easily find info about Scientology on the net and avoid it.
Richard Farnsworth, you seem to be very critical of Mike — maybe you can post a link to the interviews YOU have done so we can see how it should be done.
Jefferson, my sentiments are that people should know how much money Tom Cruise gives to the cult so that they can decide whether they will pay to watch his movies. My motive is to reduce the amount of money the cult collects in order to reduce the many harms they do.
I have read some of your other writings and always found them to be very informative and accurate with the goal of reducing the abuses committed by this cult.
But your post above is not at all helpful. You are just taking a shot at me and you seem to think it is funny or useful. How would you feel if I posted some critical remarks about your appearance? That would just be a ridiculous thing to do and it would not be the least bit helpful or valid.
I have to ask you, “Are you feeling OK?” I ask because your post above is not at all like any other of your writing. I have to believe it was either written by an imposter or there is some other explanation. The Jefferson Hawkins I know would never just take an empty shot at someone that did not have any useful purpose.
Richard, I apologize if I offended you. I understand where you are coming from and the intention behind your post. The only thing I object to is sniping at Mike Rinder in any way. As for Tom Cruise movies, I understand if people want to boycott these because of his Scientology connection. I am not sure how effective a boycott is. 1.4 billion people saw the movie, so a few dozen anti-Scientologists may not make that much of a difference. In addition, there are thousands of people involved in a film like that — just look at the end credits. Those people have nothing to do with Scientology. I prefer to go directly after Scientology, and destroy their public repute and word of mouth so their public inflow is cut off — and much progress has been made in that direction. No hard feelings I hope — I am sure your heart is in the right place.
I have no doubt that you are well-intentioned in your outrage about the cult’s practices. But it appears to me that you are directing it at the wrong target, Mike. I have read thousands of books, articles and documents related to the cult. And I have never found any evidence that they disproportionally depend on TC for their finances, not even once (and it’s not for lack of trying as that would make for juicy click bait). Let alone that he is their largest source of support. Other names come to mind there (such as the Duggans, and NUMEROUS others). TC is not even featured in the regularly released status (financial giving) lists. And I am saying this not to defend him; I can’t stand the smug SOB.
It’s well documented that the cult’s mouthpieces lie whenever their lips move. But cult critics (especially prominent ones, such as Mike, Leah or Tony Ortega) absolutely must distinguish themselves from this approach by showing restraint and sticking to demonstrable facts. Despite being the compulsive liars that they are, the cult will exploit any impropriety or hyperbole that they can find in their critics.
Having said that, my personal belief is that the likes of TC are under no obligation (or even pressure) to distinguish themselves by consuming copious amounts of services or giving a dime more than they wish to. We do know that the cult has even made financial investments of their tax-exempt loot to keep TC in the fold. In fact, I think that Miscavige would put TC on the cult payroll any time if TC were to ask for that and renumerate him generously, just for being their top celeb in a pop culture where they have become the laughing stock.
I’m very sorry I cannot find the link to the video I saw so that I could better explain why they made the point that this cult now does indeed disproportionately relies on Tom Cruise for their funding.
Many informed critics of the cult (including Mike) have made the point that they are no longer taking in new members and must now rely on existing members to give more money.
The recent Tom Cruise movie is the first film he’s ever made where he is likely to earn more than $100 million. If he has indeed promised all of his back end money to the cult, it seems evident to me that this cult most certainly does disproportionately rely on him for their income.
Keeping the pressure firmly applied. Don’t know how or where you get the energy Mike. If you ever find a way of bottling it, I’ll take a couple of cases.
The systematic and criminal methodology of Scientology has been exposed, your book indisputable evidence, topping off all the exposures of those hardy souls who stood up before you. I guess now it’s catch up time against the many who are implicated by being taken in by the near perfect scam, enticingly entrapped by the spiritual nature of human existence by what Scientology lies about the most – their alleged technology of the attainment of spiritual freedom. I guess at one point in history it looked pretty damned good, but the sheer brutality of the church’s policy and the criminal idiocy of Miscavige put that well and truly into a Capone type enterprise, but it has now catching up with them. Actual evidence of any of Scientology’s claims have never been forthcoming. Hubbard may have tried but his lies and delusions of grandeur were simply too astounding.
The political and legal frame work upon which religious shenanigans like this can be perpetrated is a dark and spellbinding blight upon the intelligence of humanity.
The demise of Scientology can’t come quickly enough.
With the combination of Leah’s book, the Aftermath show and your book and now the Danny Masterson trial. We are seeing the beginning of the end of Scientology and the horrible David Miscavage. I am so happy for you and all former Scientologists. You guys deserve this. I will be here to support however I can. And I love your book. Thank you for sharing your story.
Unfortunately, if you listen to this podcast, you will see that it’s just not true.
This cult may not be growing. But it will still be around for many years and it still will be engaging in all of the terrible human rights abuses.
This cult is nowhere close to disappearing. The only way to make it disappear is the way the Viet Nam war was ended. People have to embarrass the US Govt to revoke its ridiculous TES (Tax Exempt Status). That won’t happen until large crowds of protesters take to the D.C. streets like they did to end the Viet Nam war. Unfortunately, it is extremely unlikely that will ever happen.
My goodness! For someone who puts forth an air of knowing so much, I’m wondering what you’ve done with all this knowledge besides come here to grace us? Perhaps your superior knowledge could be used, by you, to do what you seem to believe others are failing to do?
I’m listening to your audiobook for the third time. It’s a lot of information for a wog to absorb. I’ve also listened to Leah’s audiobook several times; but that’s just because she’s a hoot and a half.
If DM COB could just take a few hours away from his demanding schedule of purely ecclesaistical activities he could go on the air and set the records straight about Scientology’s unprecedented expansion that he envisions in his mind. Unfortunately his mental schedule of C/Sing the tens of thousands on or above OT?, administering to the administrative needs of tens of thousands of ideal orgs, training the tens of thousands to ideal auditor standards, and smashing LRon Hubbard’s name across the tens of thousands of political and legal systems across this and other universes means he has little time for us.
And they are using 5 G phone to show their Super powers and reading Harry Porter seies to find what is missing in their life ..like broom, cap , wand etc etc
In their spare time learning how to milk cow and feed chicken….poultry and dairy farming are ultimate frontiers for them , after 2025.
It’s not me, it’s written on the wall. I am just a messenger🤓.
Laughter! Right! Punching Pontiff is so busy – so very, very busy! No time to take responsibility for Scientology’s PR stats circling the drain…wait – did I say “circling”? Change that to “down” the drain. So its already too late. Oh, well, back to “getting in Ethics on the planet”, one bloodied Sea Org member at a time. And then there’s Tom. Tom always understands.
I think he’s more terrified of being hauled up (special baby very high chair will be required so he can be seen) in front of the people, court and media that he reviles and having to answer questions that would reveal the real Deviant Monstrosity.
Mike, I read your book this weekend – couldn’t put it down! Next I’m going to get a few of the other books on your recommended list. I watched the entire Aftermath series and look forward to any further shows that might provide an update on what’s currently happening in the “church.” I do have a question; is there a plan in place for when Miscavige sheds his body and follows LRH into space? Is there an “heir apparent” that is next in line to take over? Best wishes to you and your beautiful family. Thank you for the work you do.
Your Rachel Bernstein interview was as good as your book Mike. Some of your long answers to her questions were just incredible.
She’s an incredible therapist and understanding person to listen to.
Thanks so much Chuck
I think two of the best comments explaining the reasons why it’s important to let people know the truth about Tom Cruise were made by Leah Remini and Claire Hedley and they can be found at the following link: http://www.indy100.com/celebrities/tom-cruise-scientology-leah-remini
This link attributes the following statements to Leah Remini:
“she also alleged that Cruise is “very aware of the abuses that go on in Scientology” and alleged, “he’s been part of it”.
Within the post, she called Cruise’s actions “crimes against humanity”.
This link attributes the following statements to Claire Hedley:
“Glad all you Top Gun fans are enjoying the movie.”
“Personally, recent posts about this new movie only serve to remind me of Tom Cruise and his crimes against humanity.”
“Extreme, you may think?”
“Destroying families is a crime against humanity. My Opinion”
I have had to excerpt portions of this link because for some reason I cannot copy and paste her entire comments. If anyone questions whether these two ladies actually said this, please visit the link at the to of this post.”
IMHO, it is very important for anyone who opposes this cult to speak out against Tom Cruise because he does not deserve a pass for supporting this cult. He knows full well all of the human rights abuses that are committed by this cult and he currently may very well be the single largest financial contributor to this cult.
I just heard your interview with Rachel Bernstein and picked up your book today.
I am very interested in several things you mentioned regarding your history and how Scientology affected you and your journey from devoted follower to a non believer regarding the organization and ultimately your disillusionment with Hubbard himself and the technology of Dianetics and Scientology. I followed a similar route.
Many people have left Scientology and eventually discovered that Hubbard was a fraud and committed thousands of evil acts and that the technology is fraudulent and harmful rather than beneficial and transcendent.
But it often comes in stages and sadly many people don’t get out of the prison of the mind completely and wonder if they commit overts when bad things happen or wonder if they have enough auditing if it will free them until the day they die.
These confusions aren’t harmless idiosyncrasies as they keep people entangled in Hubbard’s web of lies and these contradictions trap them emotionally and are detrimental to clear thinking as long as they are present.
I incidentally several years ago wrote my own unauthorized autobiography A Million Years In Hell and it has no connection to Mike’s book.
It’s just amusing that the names are similar.
My story is entitled A Million Years In Hell as Scientology promises immortality and delivers in a perverse way, as twenty five years in Scientology can feel like a million years in hell.
Very disappointing that you failed to explain how the cult is raking in multi-millions of dollars from Tom Cruise’s latest movie.
The money they make from that movie is close to all the money they make from all other sources put together.
When you tried to explain how they are still making tons of money, why didn’t you explain how much they get from the back end of that movie?
That movie has earned more than a billion dollars and Tom Cruise has donated all of his share (in the hundreds of millions of dollars) to this cult. If you had explained that, perhaps it would have deterred some people from paying to see that movie.
Many people have said they will never pay any more money to see any of his movies. That may not make a huge difference. But it certainly would have been good for all the people who need to know where that money goes.
IMHO, all right-thinking people should boycott anything to do with Tom Cruise.
I don’t know what information you have on this? Nobody in scientology is allowed to reg Mr Cruise. Do you have some inside information you would like to share? For some reason you start out accusative as if there’s some data I have withheld?
I saw a podcast one or two days ago that I got to from this site.
I’m sorry that I forget who it was that explained this. But someone explained that Tom Cruise had promised all the money he was to earn from the back end of his most recent movie to the cult.
That figures to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars and his contributions are so large that it can be said Cruise is single-handedly funding the continuation of this cult. I will try to find the exact podcast and post a link to it.
But I was quite certain that you would have known about this. I was quite certain that you were a participant in that podcast – or perhaps it was from one of your recent media appearances? I am sorry that I didn’t post the exact link. It just never crossed my mind that you would not know about the financial contributions Cruise is making to the cult or how many millions of dollars he figures to make from this movie and then gives all that money to the cult.
Regarding the video I saw that spoke about Tom Cruise and how much money he has earned from the back end of that movie, I may have found that video by linking from Tony Ortega’s site.
This site (mikerindersblog.org) and Tony’s site (TonyOrtega.org) are the only two cult sites I have visited during the past few days. I’m almost certain I found that video by linking from one of these two sites.
There is one other thing I remember from that video. Part of it discussed Suri and why Cruise does not see her at all anymore.
Unfortunately, so far I have only found the following link that claims Tom Cruise made over $100 million from the movie Top Gun 2022. But it does not say that he has made arrangements to give all of the back end money to the cult. I’m certain that I did see that on one video file, but I can’t find that now. I will continue to search for it.
I should explain what I understand “back end” to mean. Cruise got a salary for making the movie. But he also gets a percentage of all the profits once the movie has been shown. I suppose it’s called “back end” because no one can know how much money that will be until the movie has finally been withdrawn from theaters and is no longer earning any more money.
When a movie makes more than a billion dollars in total, the back end money figures to be a lot more than all of the other money he made from this movie.
Here is the link:
It’s no secret he has big back end deals on his movies. He was one of the first stars to get that…
How much of that ends up with scientology is unclear. But somehow that was the focus of your comment?
As I said, in the past day or two, I saw a video in which it was stated as a fact that Cruise had promised to give all of his back end money to the cult.
I have to believe that someone reading this would know where that video can be found.
If such a video exists it is someone who has no clue what they are talking about and are just blowing smoke…
There is absolutely no reliable main stream media source stating that Cruise is donating anything from Top Gun to $ci. In the Hypebeast link there is nothing in the main article stating he’s donating anything to $ci. It is only in the comment section where some random anonymous commenter said he was donating 50mil to $ci. Clickbait. I did a google search and found nothing except the same Hypebeast article which shows up because of the comment.
The biggest donators to $ci are Bob Duggan and ex-wife Trish Duggan. The Duggans made a foundation and piled it full of AbbVie stock just so it could make money for $ci yearly. Miscavige though likes his money quick it seems so they sold the stock to the tune of around $48mil and handed it over. That’s just one donation. You can read about it here:
Trish Duggan has donated so much she has a ‘status’ made up just for her. Her ex Bob has stated openly that he has donated hundreds of millions.
Scientology doesn’t necessarily want money from Cruise (although I’m sure they wouldn’t turn any down). Cruise makes money for $ci by just being Cruise. His name alone used to bring people in off of the street. I guess they are those ‘Curious’ people Miscavige talks about. $ci wants Cruise to be happy. That way he presents a good face for Scientology and that alone brings people in…or it used to. Now that there’s shows like ‘Aftermath’ and blogs like Mikes and Ortega’s most people can easily find info about Scientology on the net and avoid it.
Richard Farnsworth, you seem to be very critical of Mike — maybe you can post a link to the interviews YOU have done so we can see how it should be done.
Jefferson, my sentiments are that people should know how much money Tom Cruise gives to the cult so that they can decide whether they will pay to watch his movies. My motive is to reduce the amount of money the cult collects in order to reduce the many harms they do.
I have read some of your other writings and always found them to be very informative and accurate with the goal of reducing the abuses committed by this cult.
But your post above is not at all helpful. You are just taking a shot at me and you seem to think it is funny or useful. How would you feel if I posted some critical remarks about your appearance? That would just be a ridiculous thing to do and it would not be the least bit helpful or valid.
I have to ask you, “Are you feeling OK?” I ask because your post above is not at all like any other of your writing. I have to believe it was either written by an imposter or there is some other explanation. The Jefferson Hawkins I know would never just take an empty shot at someone that did not have any useful purpose.
Richard, I apologize if I offended you. I understand where you are coming from and the intention behind your post. The only thing I object to is sniping at Mike Rinder in any way. As for Tom Cruise movies, I understand if people want to boycott these because of his Scientology connection. I am not sure how effective a boycott is. 1.4 billion people saw the movie, so a few dozen anti-Scientologists may not make that much of a difference. In addition, there are thousands of people involved in a film like that — just look at the end credits. Those people have nothing to do with Scientology. I prefer to go directly after Scientology, and destroy their public repute and word of mouth so their public inflow is cut off — and much progress has been made in that direction. No hard feelings I hope — I am sure your heart is in the right place.
Thank you Jefferson. Please accept my best wishes and please say hello to your beautiful fabulous wife. I have long admired both of you.
Who do you think he is married to????
Richard, thank you for your good wishes. Unfortunately, my beautiful fabulous wife is still shilling for Scientology at the Int Base!!
I have no doubt that you are well-intentioned in your outrage about the cult’s practices. But it appears to me that you are directing it at the wrong target, Mike. I have read thousands of books, articles and documents related to the cult. And I have never found any evidence that they disproportionally depend on TC for their finances, not even once (and it’s not for lack of trying as that would make for juicy click bait). Let alone that he is their largest source of support. Other names come to mind there (such as the Duggans, and NUMEROUS others). TC is not even featured in the regularly released status (financial giving) lists. And I am saying this not to defend him; I can’t stand the smug SOB.
It’s well documented that the cult’s mouthpieces lie whenever their lips move. But cult critics (especially prominent ones, such as Mike, Leah or Tony Ortega) absolutely must distinguish themselves from this approach by showing restraint and sticking to demonstrable facts. Despite being the compulsive liars that they are, the cult will exploit any impropriety or hyperbole that they can find in their critics.
Having said that, my personal belief is that the likes of TC are under no obligation (or even pressure) to distinguish themselves by consuming copious amounts of services or giving a dime more than they wish to. We do know that the cult has even made financial investments of their tax-exempt loot to keep TC in the fold. In fact, I think that Miscavige would put TC on the cult payroll any time if TC were to ask for that and renumerate him generously, just for being their top celeb in a pop culture where they have become the laughing stock.
I’m very sorry I cannot find the link to the video I saw so that I could better explain why they made the point that this cult now does indeed disproportionately relies on Tom Cruise for their funding.
Many informed critics of the cult (including Mike) have made the point that they are no longer taking in new members and must now rely on existing members to give more money.
The recent Tom Cruise movie is the first film he’s ever made where he is likely to earn more than $100 million. If he has indeed promised all of his back end money to the cult, it seems evident to me that this cult most certainly does disproportionately rely on him for their income.
They still have a lot of donors.
Have forgotten how much they get from the Duggans for example.
I have almost finished reading A BILLION YEARS and a copy of your audio book arrived — just in time.
Keeping the pressure firmly applied. Don’t know how or where you get the energy Mike. If you ever find a way of bottling it, I’ll take a couple of cases.
The systematic and criminal methodology of Scientology has been exposed, your book indisputable evidence, topping off all the exposures of those hardy souls who stood up before you. I guess now it’s catch up time against the many who are implicated by being taken in by the near perfect scam, enticingly entrapped by the spiritual nature of human existence by what Scientology lies about the most – their alleged technology of the attainment of spiritual freedom. I guess at one point in history it looked pretty damned good, but the sheer brutality of the church’s policy and the criminal idiocy of Miscavige put that well and truly into a Capone type enterprise, but it has now catching up with them. Actual evidence of any of Scientology’s claims have never been forthcoming. Hubbard may have tried but his lies and delusions of grandeur were simply too astounding.
The political and legal frame work upon which religious shenanigans like this can be perpetrated is a dark and spellbinding blight upon the intelligence of humanity.
The demise of Scientology can’t come quickly enough.
With the combination of Leah’s book, the Aftermath show and your book and now the Danny Masterson trial. We are seeing the beginning of the end of Scientology and the horrible David Miscavage. I am so happy for you and all former Scientologists. You guys deserve this. I will be here to support however I can. And I love your book. Thank you for sharing your story.
Hear hear!
You express very noble sentiments.
Unfortunately, if you listen to this podcast, you will see that it’s just not true.
This cult may not be growing. But it will still be around for many years and it still will be engaging in all of the terrible human rights abuses.
This cult is nowhere close to disappearing. The only way to make it disappear is the way the Viet Nam war was ended. People have to embarrass the US Govt to revoke its ridiculous TES (Tax Exempt Status). That won’t happen until large crowds of protesters take to the D.C. streets like they did to end the Viet Nam war. Unfortunately, it is extremely unlikely that will ever happen.
My goodness! For someone who puts forth an air of knowing so much, I’m wondering what you’ve done with all this knowledge besides come here to grace us? Perhaps your superior knowledge could be used, by you, to do what you seem to believe others are failing to do?
I’m listening to your audiobook for the third time. It’s a lot of information for a wog to absorb. I’ve also listened to Leah’s audiobook several times; but that’s just because she’s a hoot and a half.
Thank you for writing your book.
Fantastic book and excellent interviews.
Thank you again Mike!
👊🏻 💥💫
DM should be doing several facepalms by now.
If DM COB could just take a few hours away from his demanding schedule of purely ecclesaistical activities he could go on the air and set the records straight about Scientology’s unprecedented expansion that he envisions in his mind. Unfortunately his mental schedule of C/Sing the tens of thousands on or above OT?, administering to the administrative needs of tens of thousands of ideal orgs, training the tens of thousands to ideal auditor standards, and smashing LRon Hubbard’s name across the tens of thousands of political and legal systems across this and other universes means he has little time for us.
Oh well, our loss.
And they are using 5 G phone to show their Super powers and reading Harry Porter seies to find what is missing in their life ..like broom, cap , wand etc etc
In their spare time learning how to milk cow and feed chicken….poultry and dairy farming are ultimate frontiers for them , after 2025.
It’s not me, it’s written on the wall. I am just a messenger🤓.
Laughter! Right! Punching Pontiff is so busy – so very, very busy! No time to take responsibility for Scientology’s PR stats circling the drain…wait – did I say “circling”? Change that to “down” the drain. So its already too late. Oh, well, back to “getting in Ethics on the planet”, one bloodied Sea Org member at a time. And then there’s Tom. Tom always understands.
I think he’s more terrified of being hauled up (special baby very high chair will be required so he can be seen) in front of the people, court and media that he reviles and having to answer questions that would reveal the real Deviant Monstrosity.