There is really nothing else to say about this other than “Shame on you scientology.”
We often mention the concept of big thetans in small bodies, but this is a despicable low. A modern day Oliver Twist with the IAS Reg at Kyalami Castle adopting the role of Fagin.
And it seems to be business as usual….
Should be no surprise. El Con Tubbolard has ALWAYS been about child abuse and exploitation. Read his “Book One” (Dianetics)
Speaking of children, how is the girl, Wyn? Doing OK I hope.
Hi Aqua, doing well. Spending lots of time swimming and playing in the pool. And I take her to little local islands with nice beaches to play in the water.
Parents are the owners of their childrens they can do whatever they like with or are children operating thetans running cults?
Not a new low unfortunately – Pomerantz brought his daughter over on one of his ‘sacrificial’ trips to the UK (must have been the early noughties so she would have have been about 8 or 9 at the time) and had her get up on stage at one point for her spot in the limelight, the object being to shame those who hadn’t yet ponied up. Nothing subtle about it either. Proud dad and his girl were seen the next day heading off to Knightsbridge to spend some of their hard-earned slice. No shame whatsoever. In scientology that’s called being upstat.
Cult members see NOTHING wrong with this because it’s all about the tech. The tech says, children are old souls in children’s bodies . To the outsider looking in can see how they use adorable children to get members to fork over their $$$. Who’s going to turn down a cute kid?
“I swear this should be illegal,” she said, without the slightest hint of irony.
What’s next ….someone playing an accordion while a monkey takes your Money ?
Do you ‘ave a lah-sawnce?
A what?
A lah-sawnce. For your minkey, a lah-sawnce.
My what?
Or there’s the classic –
Is this n example of David Miscavige pimping?
Scott Schmidt is so inured to cult practices that he doesn’t see anything wrong with children asking him for money at an event.
Ha ha … A fool and his money are soon separated … The only thing that will wake up some of these “dedicated” folks is complete bankruptcy … The IAS and the Ideal Org schemes are blood sucking cash cows and I say … Let the milking continue!!!! … Always makes me feel good when I see these posts, that I got out after 35 years in with me moolah still in the bank …
“Complete bankruptcy” will wake them up, Joe? You think? I’d like to believe that, but I don’t, because when I was in I personally knew of a dozen people who had declared bankruptcy and were still solidly. There’s no stigma to bankruptcy in the cult. I always thought it was dreadful but when in believed myself to be the “only one” with this opinion so I kept my mouth shut.
Edit: “…still solidly IN.”
“There’s no stigma to bankruptcy in the cult”. It’s also okay to get financial and medical aid from the government after one leaves the sea ogre with no money. Seen this run right alongside bankruptcies. And the members remained “in” and continued down the rabbit hole to nowhere and I am CERTAIN were never told by Ethics they had to repay the American people for their help.
Aquamarine, my experiences on this subject are similar to yours. I’ve seen folks lose their homes after borrowing heavily against them for IAS and Scientology donations. Most of them are getting up in years so will have to live on social security and/or welfare.
One thing cults have in common: Their members are completely oblivious as to the cause of their woes, financial or otherwise. When the end justifies the means, no sacrifice is too great.
The first & absolute rule for financial peace and solvency: Spend less than you make. If you can’t do that, any further financial principles matter very little.
Frequent divorce fine, severing all connection with a cult-targeted family member no matter how close the relationship, fine; wrecking one’s credit with irresponsible spending, fine: declaring bankruptcy fine: one’s home being foreclosed on, fine; going on public assistance due to one’s own financial irresponsibility fine,: not seeking professional help for serious medical conditions, fine, eventually going to a free medical clinic due to gross financial irresponsibility and willful negligence of a know condition, fine;, fine; dropping out of high school at 16, fine…I think this covers all…forgive me if I’ve overlooked any ethics outpoints, there are so many…
But now, ladies and gentlemen, with no further introduction, may I present to you:
The Church of Scientology!
Mankind’s Only Hope!
Give them a big hand, ladies and gentlemen!
You forgot “Abort your babies @ “free” (government paid) abortion clinics so the pregnancy doesn’t ruin your stats…”
Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.
They’re always worse, than they seem.
Choosing children for
Humanitarian dreams
DM yells…
“What do you mean??”
These kids are important
For my Homo Novis dream
We take cash, we take credit
Why must the Homo Sapiens scream
You are no one to us
We are extreme
Instead of “homo sapiens, substitute Homo SAPS, which is what Mustsavage considers them.
Oh, that’s disgusting!
I Yawnalot, exactly my reaction. So twisted and perverse. Only makes sense in an end-justifies-the-means reality. Outside of that reality, it looks perversely insane.
I immediately thought of this song. For those of you not up to speed on your musical theater, this is an altered version of “Food Glorious Food” from the musical “Oliver.”
Cash glorious cash
Bundles of legal tender
Hand over your stash
Give up and surrender
Gold, silver, and platinum
Stacks of coins freshly minted
Mutual funds and some blue chip stocks
All freshly printed
Cash glorious cash
We’re determined to get some
Though we may seem brash
We’re perfectly wholesome
Once we get to your bank account
It’ll be gone in a flash
Yes, cash, (marvelous) cash (wonderful)
Cash, (magical) cash, (fabulous)
Cash, beautiful cash,
Glorious cash!
I look at her and think, there’s a kid who will probably never go to college, and fulfill whatever potential she might really have had.
She may even toil from her teens until the end of an unnecessarily short life, doing menial work for Scientology every waking hour, every day.
Scientology kids face a future of the bleak sort, that real churches raise money to try to prevent.
I’ve always wondered why victims of cults do not organise to support such poor kids to go to university when they snap out of their conditioning.
Or maybe they do and I’m not aware of it?
There’s a kid who’s a human, cult version of an attack dog, still in training. In a dozen years she’ll be perfectly capable of disconnecting from anyone, if, and/or when she is given the order by the cult to do so.
Maybe a zombie in training is more accurate.
And her parents are right there reinforcing that training, and making sure it sticks.
And one day it will, and it just might be them who gets disposed of “quietly and without sorrow”.
Suffer the little children.
Could people pay her off in lollipops?
Maybe one lollipop for doing a good job and two lollipops for doing a great job?
Maybe a whole box of lollipops for saying “No way!!! Let me out of here!”
What will 10 lollipops get me?
A trip to the dentist.
Rotten souls and yes, it should be illegal.
So small a child being taught to take money for nothing in return, basically, steal it.
Basically training a child to be a criminal. For what else could be getting something for nothing? Oh wait! That’s EXACTLY what the cult is all about!
Exactly right, Glenn. Training her to believe that the cult is all important and that she must obey the cult’s orders, and that anyone who questions or objects to what the cult wants is an enemy – both the cult’s enemy and HER enemy.
She’s also being trained to be a completely materialistic BOT.
Ethics, reason, love, duty, loyalty, compassion, fairness, justice be damned.
“Who is buttering my bread? Where is the money coming from?”
That’s all the little monster in training should need or want to know.
This mindset is unnatural to a child. The child has to be carefully taught. Occurrences of disconnection didn’t get created out of one or two communication cycles.
Trying to sound real relevant with that hashtag, game of Tones. Maybe he should pick one more relevant to the cult. Allow me to propose Game of Loans.
The complete lack of insight into how the world will see this is no longer surprising. They are so cut off from reality that they no longer have the ability to see reality. Someone really needs to shut this cult down before more kids are born into it.
I’d guess that has to be a by-product of demanding that everyone view the world in the way they did in the 1950s. By rejecting absolutely anything developed after the 1970s or 1980s, all they have in common with the modern world now are a few archaic concepts and technologies.
It would be hilarious if it weren’t so tragic. But thank goodness they are demolishing their scam with their own insistence to lock themselves into the past.
When I was a dedicated Scn, I was on one of the Scn Face Book groups. One day I simply asked,” Does anyone know how many Scientologists there are in the world ? “. This duechbag, Scott Scmidt , verbaly attacked me. He said something like “There are millions, it changes every day. Why do you need to know? “
Me thinks he protests too much. Me thinks.
Jews talk about how many Jews there are in the world, and even worry about it. Except in our case there actually are millions.
“I swear this should be illegal.” Welcome to the party, Scott.
Oh how cute, a little girl shaking down the staff and public at a brand new mOrg. Just what mankind needs, someone training to be a ‘charity’ telemarketer!
Hymn of the Humanitarian:
Davy boy
Oh my little Davy boy
I’ll be true to you
Hubbard was my first love
But you’ll be my last love
Nothing that I wouldn’t do
I’ll be true to you
In the whole world
I’ll stamp out suppressive squirrels
Nothing I cannot endure
I’ll be true to you
Wherever you go
My money follows
I’ll serve you so
I’ll be true to you
Take my Amex card
To any port or foreign shore
Even though you made me poor
I’ll be true to you
Davy boy
Oh my little Davy boy
I’ll be true to you!