To my friends who join in the discussions and contribute meaningfully to this blog, and to all those who follow without commenting but are a silent force of support — I wish each and every one of you a wonderful holiday filled with joy.
Cherish the family and friends you are with. They are truly the most valuable things in life. Sometimes that only hits home when you no longer have them.
Enjoy your day, wherever you may be or whatever you may be doing or whoever you may be doing it with. Forget the bad and spend a day focusing on the good and happy.
Dear Mike,, is there anyway you could get Katie Holmes in a Interview????? Michael
That’s a great idea, also Nicole Kidman
Merry (belated) Christmas and Happy (early) New Year, Mike and family! 🙂 I love, love, love the show you and Leah are doing and cannot get enough of it. I have all of the shows saved on my DVR and am going to go back and watch them again; I am truly enthralled and appalled at what this cult has done to people and families.
Leah and you are wondering how you can get the message out to folks; I thought of a couple of ways. First, encourage more people to write books and ask the publisher to donate a few to all public libraries nationwide, placing them next to all of the scientology books. Second, ask A&E to put the show on DVD and Blu Ray and, again, ask them to donate copies of it to public libraries nationwide, placing it next to all of the scientology DVD/Blu Ray sets.
I had a brush with scientology in 1994 when stationed in Pearl Harbor, HI. I had just gotten there and filled out a card at a grocery store and sent it in; nowhere on the card did it say Scientology. I got a call from a woman and went in to talk to her, thinking she was a counselor and/or someone who could relate to how I was feeling at the time…a bit lonely, a bit depressed…all normal with military transfers to new duty stations. As we are sitting there talking, it finally comes out…Dianetics, L.Ron Hubbard, etc. (I realized after watching the last week’s show that I had purchased the book with the volcano on it which is what prompted me to find your blog and say hello.) Anyways, this woman starts telling me there was going to be a HUGE rally in Honolulu that coming weekend and she just kept repeating that it was going to be ‘explosive’. I didn’t go because I don’t like driving in traffic and when I checked the newspapers and news there was no mention of it. That was a huge red flag for me.
I went back for I think one more class and, if I remember correctly, I just really wasn’t that impressed with what I hearing so I never went back. I never read the book either and it finally went in the trash after years of it sitting on my shelf. That woman I saw a couple of years later at the flea market selling women’s clothing; I avoided her.
Fast forward to around 2014 and I get this phone call at home in Riverview, FL. This person asks for Deeanna Kaiser; I ask who is this; the person finally relents and says the church of scientology; I reply there is no one here by that name; had to say it twice. They called me back a couple of weeks later and I again said there is no one here by that name and do not call my house again. Kaiser was my married name when I was in Pearl Harbor and it was the name I used to fill out that card at the grocery store. I haven’t used that name since 1994 after my divorce was finalized. It is easy to track people down nowadays. Even so, there was no way in hell I was going to let that cult in my house.
As I watch each week and listen to the stories, it has become clear even more so that it is nothing but a cult and a very dangerous one. I liken scientology to the following: Hitler, an abusive spouse, Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Jim and Tammy Fay Bakker….all mean, all cults, all manipulators and con artists.
Ms Martin. You nailed that. It’s a cult.
Hope You and Your wonderful, supportive Family had a Fantastic Christmas and the New Year will be your best ever.
Thank you for speaking up and taking a stand against evil, your supporters are here to help…just ask!
Thank you for all you are doing to expose the Cult.
Fabulous entry Ms. P. : )
I’m so thankful that you got out Mike. I hope the rest of your first family will as well. Thank you for having the strength and courage to tell your story. I’m sickened and disgusted by the truth. I’ll support all of you by contacting representatives, congressman, everyone I can. Bless you and your family! Very powerful article!
I need to include Leah for having such courage! You’ve no idea how many people this documentary has helped!
I feel very badly that all theses things happened to you Mike. Thank God you got out safely..this scientology sounds very reminiscent of Jones Town..scary. Merry Christmas, healthy, happy, prosperous new year 2017
May your year be filled with peace, love and joy. May you enjoy success and endure failures with grace. And may you live long enough to witness the demise of Scientology.
Ps after COS falls maybe you can give him some helpful hints on survival…….lol.
Merry Christmas Mike and to your wonderful family. Leah hope you are reading this, Merry Christmas, thanks for walking out, it is thanks to you three years ago that I ended up here and on Ortega after 30 plus years in the cult. Keep doing what you’re doing and there will be more like me here soon.
Merry Christmas, Mike I ran across this A&E series by a Devine occurrence. I am blessed to know that my imature brain that believed LRH’s teachings back in the late ’70s, my parents more mature, wiser minds saved me from a lifetime of major mistakes. I can see how the teachings can trap someone in because the premise of IAS is initally presented as a good, and moral way of life. Keep up the work you are doing and we all can write to the powers that be to expose the”religion” for the Cult that it is. I am sorry that you have lost so much, and I will continue to pray for you, Leah and your families. Bless you!
Thanks Mike, Merry Christmas to you and yours and all on this blog.
Merry Christmas Mike! This is my first Christmas in 25 years that didn’t involve studying! Last year I was so newly out that I didn’t have much of a holiday but this year….BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!!!!! I’m so grateful that you and Leah were here for me when I decided to “look”. Love you both and every single person that comments on this blog!
Merry Christmas Mike! Thank you for speaking up! I’m learning so much! My eyes are opened! I’ve been following Leah’s show. Take care & God bless!
A very merry Christmas to the Rinder family and all supporters of the blog!
Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and your beautiful family. I wish you the best in the new year, and I want to tell you how brave you are, along with Leah and all the other former Scientologists, who are speaking out about this cult. We love you all, and support you all the way. Keep fighting!
What a wonderful Christmas gift from A&E. Four hours of exposure of Leah Remini : A Scientology and the Aftermath 6-9 PM. NICE present!
Merry Christmas! I like this time of year because it commemorates the birth of Jesus. (I hate Easter.)
“Forget the bad and spend a day focusing on the good and happy.”
One fine day in a timeless Eternity, all lapses of responsibility will be understood and forgotten, God willing. All pain and suffering will be healed, and forgotten. May it someday come to be so for all!
Merry Christmas and a Very REMINI New Year!!
Love you all for helping expose the atrocities and crimes by the Church of Scientology.
Please – continue.
Mike, Merry Christmas to you and your family. And thank you for bringing hours of thought provoking reading and enlightening articles.
Nothing beats love…. nothing!
May all former COS who had the guts to escape the smothering effects of this cult be truly Blessed. You are now free to live your lives the way you chose to and believe what you chose to believe. For the family members who remain willing locked in, they’ve been brainwashed and have my pity. They know not what they do, nor do they realize how much their choice to “disconnect” hurts those who love them.
Always keep our mind and hearts open, one day they may come to their sense & return to their families who love them so much and wish them well.
My deepest respect for all the spokespersons who have had the COURAGE to come forward with their own horrific life stories of life on “the inside of COS’……it’s be very enlightening and informative. God Bless all of you and your families.
We can only hope and pray that our Government can sees this COS fiasco for what it is and for the abuse they meter out to those who challenge them.
There has to be SOMEONE in Washington DC who will care enough……if you are listening Washington DC….please do something!
God Bless all of us who stay in touch & are trying to get something done….
Hello 2017. Thus begins a new chapter in the Fall of the House of Usher. Um, I mean the House of Dave.
By the way, it’s been over a year since I awakened from my hypnotic trance and left, and I am doing better than ever.
I hope everyone else is doing Ok without their connection to “The only way out”. HaHaHA. I suspect the answer to this question is, “hell YES”
Tom…the day you left, was the day you got your old life back! I did the same thing in Hawai’i. I walked out and went surfing at Waikiki….. never to return. Congrats, my friend! And…Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!
Hi Tom…I am also just over a year out. I am doing very well. In one year I have improved more than 25 years as a public. Glad you’re out!! Merry Christmas and here’s to new year of freedom!!!!
Thank you, agreed and Merry Christmas!
Thank you Mike and a very merry Christmas to you and Christie as well. May the day come soon that we all reunite with our loved ones.
Merry Christmas to you, Mike, Christie, and kids! What a ride.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, Mike and your Family. Thank you for what you are doing for the people who left the church and can find a new new home with your blog and other major activities!
Love and Peace and Re-connection in 2017.
Merry Christmas to the clan Rinder. I appreciate insight that I get on here and value FB friendship. I pray to my Heavenly Father many blessings and many laughs and the best health in 2017.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. I pray that this year will bring closure and healing. But most of all, it is my prayer that your dedication to exposing the COS manipulation, abuse, and coercion to light, will be the truth that will be the its demise.
Happy holidays everyone!
I expect that Leah Remini and the A&E show are to Scientology as the iceberg was to the Titanic.
Yo Dave,
You’re goin down good buddy. Recovery is not an option this time and the water is getting colder by the minute.
Better turn out the lights fellas …………. the party is over. You do have a couple of choices though; find a lifeboat (and don’t be pushin the women and kids out of the way to get there) or …… start swimmin! You guys are good at treading water while Dave is in the room but I’d get a move on if I were in your shoes.
Newcomer – Merry Christmas – I love your posts here, you crack me up each time. Best wishes.
Merry Christmas to you Mike, your lovely wife & wonderful sons. I am a retired nurse & have just signed anew to your blog after watching the series. I admire you all for the strength & courage you carry with yourselves. I pray for goodness be with you all. Blessings.
Hi Mike: I first saw you when you were expressively saying “Never happened! It never happened!” or something to that effect to John Sweeny on his Panorama show about Scientology years ago (in reference to DM beating people). You’ve come a long way since then. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!
What a beautiful, message for all those you and Leah are trying to help. I was not a Sci person or would never hope to be. I had already ready a couple of books (Leah’s and Ron M’s) before I saw the ads for Leah’s show. I’m watching and learning. As a person out here wanting to learn more about this “cult religion”, and how people get trapped in it I really appreciate what you both are doing, and enjoy this blog very much. Keep up the great work, I know that with people like you and Leah, you will be able to help others “in” see there is a way out. thank you both for what you are doing. Stay strong.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I thank you for the work your doing exposing this sham of an organization, I’m sorry that you have lost so much in doing so, but perhaps your experience will help others to come forward and to help others from becoming involved.
Silence is complicity……your voice is being heard!
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Mike.
Best wishes that 2017 will be the best year yet of your very eventful life.
Les and Anita
Ah, yes. The Christmas Rundown! My favorite rundown! You sit around with friends and family. Your family, all of them, at home. Maybe someone says, “Wow! Freedom never felt so good!” Or, “Wow, we could never do that in Scientology!” You might think back to the time you were in. And now you think, “Free at last, free at last! Thank God almighty, we’re free at last!” You might even feel for those still in. But, your family is whole again. The most important thing. Nothing much more matters.
Wishing all of you a very blessed Christmas & New Year’s. May 2017 be your best year yet. And we’ll wait for the others who are still in, to leave, and experience what the Christmas Rundown can do for them. I’m thinking they’ll blown out…
“…they’ll BE blown out.” It’s that damn eggnog! Someone keeps spiking it…
It’s a chicken conspiracy, they are ones that spike the eggs.
Dear Mike and Leah,
Merry Christmas to you and your family. I am praying daily for your protection and for Scientologists worldwide to “get out of this thing”. I also sent a Chistmas gift to the $cn org in the form of letters to my congressmen to Put pressure on the IRS to open up a REAL investigation of this cherch and revoke its tax exempt status. And to pursue federal charges against their illegal acts concerning immigrants and children. MY wish is for everyone to take a time to do this and flood Congress with letters so that action against $nc shuts them down. Keep up the excellent work. You are reaching people both inside and out.
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Mike, and to Leah and her family – thank you for all you guys are doing to bring an end to the madness! May next Christmas see the reunification of your family and many others.
Merry Christmas to you and yours Mike! Thank you for all you are doing here on the blog and on TV. And you’re right. We try to let go of the bad feelings and love the one we’re with and hope our loved ones come back to us soon.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thanks for all that you’ve done and all that you continue to do in order to ensure that no more families are destroyed by the cherch’s vile policy of coerced disconnection and that no more individuals are harmed by the cult’s criminal practice of Fair Game…those are the kind of year-round presents to us all that we’re particularly thankful for at this otherwise awful year’s end.
All the best to you and yours (clink, clink) in this holiday season. I’m looking forward to an even bigger year in the fight to end the cherch’s many abuses and in the effort to reconnect and heal many more of the families torn apart by this conniving and compassionless criminal cult, Xenu willing 😉
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays Mike and to all your wonderful readers. May the Force continue to be with you. I love what you do and provide.
Merry Christmas to you Mike and your family. I’m so happy for you and all families to be together.
For those who have lost ones, like myself, memories can be heart warming for the holidays or not, just know you loved and are loved always.
Mike, thanks for all that you do! Merry Christmas to you and yours; looking forward to seeing this vile cult’s demise in 2017!
Merry Christmas, Mike. Thanks for what you are doing. I’m a never in, but have been following Scientology since Tom Cruise jumped on the couch, and have protested all over, including many times at Gold Base. So glad that you and Leah are doing this fantastic show. I am sure it is making a difference.
Merry Christmas.
Happy Holidays.
A joyous New Year to everyone.
My wish is for all families to reconnect.
Merry Christmas to you Mike and your family. Praying for success with the documentary on A&E and that people wake up to what is going on. You are doing the Lord’s work, you are a missionary, a missionary that is very brave to go where other missionaries will not. I am also praying that your children, still trapped under their influence, will awaken and you will be reunited with them.
Merry Christmas, Mike!
Someday I will do for Mormons what you do for Scientologists. Keep up the gest work!
*great work*
Well, I’ve already failed (I’m watching the talking heads this morning, which never makes me happy,) but i plan to put it behind me & enjoy the rest of the day 🙂 Merry Christmas, Mike, to you and your family. And blessings to all those that you do this for <3
Merry Christmas Everyone.
And thank you Mike for the time and effort you put into keeping this blog going.
Thank you, Mike Rinder. Merry Christmas- you are working hard all year to bring families together. My wish is for you and your family to be together, may your truth and work bring this about; for all who are suffering displacement and distance from ones they love….
Hi Mike! Best wishes for a happy holiday season! I absolutely love the show, Leah is awesome! I was involved for about a year , everything was great for a while but it got to be a little intense. Anyway I’m glad things r going so well for u & Leah. Sending much love & hugs from Long Island !
Merry Christmas and may all you EX- S.O. have a happy Pirate’s party. HO HO HO!!!
Arrrrrrrgggggg……did someone say, pirate??? As a Celt, I’m always up for a pirate party! Just let me know what I can bring!
Merry Christmas and Blessings for this holiday season. There are rewards everlasting for the good and righteous.
Thank you for all you are doing. Merry Xmas!
Nicely said Mike.
I am very happy to be able to list you and Christie as my friends.
Enjoy the day.
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Mike. You’ve been a port in the storm for me and I’m sure for many others. Thank you for all you do.
Mike,Leah and families…I wish you every happiness one could ever ask for. Even on your darkest days please remember all that you are helping. The strongest among us can also be filled with the most pain. I applaud all that you are doing and think of you guys often during my days. I pray your able to embrace inner peace and all the good will come back ten fold. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays please please please let there be peace on earth.
Merry Christmas Mike and best wishes to you and your family.
Postulating a high tone level day to all terminals across the dynamics.
Arrrrgggggg… a pirate, me tone level is always high…
Merry Christmas to Mike and his family and to everyone else here who read his posts and make comments. Hopefully 2017 will bring many of us reunification with our lost family members. Peace and Happiness to all. Love from Gary (ClearlyPissedOff) and Lois
This blog is part of my daily routine, it’s my support group and a great source of laughter as well as tears. I love everyone who contributes here. Have a happy Christmas.
Merry Xmas
A friend of a friend inside and high up in the Church described effect of Leah’s Aftermath as a single word on the current Church of Scientology: DEVISTATING
Awesome! If you would email me about this Robert, I’d love to hear more.
Thank you Robert.Your news is another great gift to open under our tree of Hero SPs!Very,very enlightening.?❤️
ZIPPITY DO DA!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!
Did you read that OSA. We all know what a terrible day you guys are having even without Hurricane Leah! Now you have to figure out who the hell Robert is talking about. When are you going to get sick of this shit and just walk through the OUT doors. It’s way better out here.
I, on the other hand, am going to go take a nap because I drank a little too much last night and got up early to celebrate Christmas with my amazing son, husband and friends. Now we’re all tuckered out. Later we’re going to go to a movie, but maybe not; we might just choose to hang out all day doing nothing but watching a little football.
Wishing a great day and a Merry Christmas to everyone here who is here because they are FREE OF THEM.
Yep, Mary! That’s what you do when you get your old life back! Woo! HOO!
I’m in my backyard catching some rays and waiting for our kids and grandson to arrive. Nothing like the beach for up toneness! And I am so uptone!
Any chance of getting the gory deets? (licking my chops)
Great news Robert!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all that are involved with this blog. I can’t remember a Christmas that is as uplifting as this one.
Right there with you, Coop! This is really starting to get fun!
Merry Christmas to you and your family, both in and out.
And a very Happy Christmas to you, and your wife and boys, Mike!
Merry Christmas to you and all those who follow and contribute to this blog as well. I want to give thanks and appreciation for your voices this past year and going forward.
And I want to give greetings to those still caught up in the church. I hope you find the courage this year to take back the sovereignty of your own mind. I hope you find the courage to LOOK. You can find more support and love out here than you’ve ever been permitted to believe.
Thank you Mike for all you do to help people wake up to the truth about Scientology. Merry Christmas to you and your family. My Christmas wish is that this year Scientology’s evil practice of “disconnection” ends and those of us who have lost our loved ones are reunited.
Like. ??
I’ll ride the swing 4 times, but, I can do without the FN…
Merry Christmas, Mike! You and Christie have created a beautiful family which we’ve been fortunate to know and love. Here’s to lots and lots of fun around your Christmas tree today. Big hugs to you all. x.x.x.x.
Merry christmas mike. You and leah are amazing. God bless. Maybe next year youll spend christmas with you kids.
Mike, you and Leah are doing such a wonderful job shedding light on Scientology. My cousins daughter is in it and now I understand her family’s reaction to it. Last year she was on her way from CA to MA for Thanksgiving, but somehow ended up in Clearwater doing OT VIII. She proudly posted the picture on Facebook after she broke her mother’s heart by not showing up. She was raised a Catholic her whole life, so it’s really hard on her family because they understand its a cult like made up religion.
Caren if it’s any consolation four your cousin please let her know a good number of those on OT VIII up and leave. Likely it won’t be long.
As the Sun rises and sets on Christmas 2016 & New Years 2017 time fades away when surrounded by love.Mike,Christie and those two handsome,kind and sweet boys,you are always surrounded by love and care.Waves and waves sent to you all from me.May dreams and hopes come on silent angel wings to give you Peace.As you give me.????
Merry Christmas!! Enjoy your day…every moment is precious and I wish you all the very best!!!
Mr. Rinder. I want to wish you a happy holiday and hope that you’ve found some peace today.
All the very best from Canada
Your supporter
Good on you Mike. Merry Christmas.
Feliz Navidad amigo Mike and your lovely family.
A Merry Christmas to the Rinder Family!
And holiday wishes to the denizens of this blog, my extended family.
Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family and thank you once more for all the good work.
Mike, it’s great to see you doing so well as the co-host of Leah’s show. Merry Xmas to you too. I hope you see your kids from your first marriage again. So many people are leaving CoS that there’s a good chance they will too.
Merry Christmas to you, Christie and your boys! Thank you for all you are doing for so many!
And a very merry Xmas to you Mike.
Thank you and have yourself and your beautiful
family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thank you for your part in spreading the word about poison cult. Merry Christmas.
My father died Dec. 20.
Back in the day when I was in the cult I would have disconnected from him, no problem. And I did. Not officially. He was often found to be my “PTS” source. He was kind of a dick. OK, he was a major DICK, but he was also a stand up guy, and ultimately we became great friends, after I LEFT Scientology.
We healed our relationship WITHOUT the help of Scientology, really in spite of Scientology. Scientology sucks. Thanks Mike for all you do. If my dad were here right now he would hug me. He would say I love you my gay son, now let’s go kick us some L. Ron Hubbard and some David Miscavige ass! (OK, I am exaggerating there,that would not happen exactly like that).
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Good for you and your Dad, Michael! Party on!
To me, Christmas is not necessarily religion but it means a time to celebrate loved ones, both friends and family as well.
This year was a rough one. Last year for Christmas we celebrated my brother’s wife coming home after a successful stem cell transplant. She died in September. I’ve lost several other close loved ones as well this year.
There’s only so much sand in the hourglass. Petty quarrels are not worth the pain you cause yourself and others. I agree, Mike, cherish what you have in your life. Tomorrow is not promised.
Merry Christmas to all. And a special Merry Christmas to Mike and Christie and the boys and heartfelt thanks to Mike for offering a safe place to comment.
Merry Christmas to you! Hold those you love close.
I had a loved one hold me close once. She nearly squeezed the oxygen out of me.
Merry Christmas to you and all you love Mike. Your efforts exposing the horrors of what you thought to be true for so many years will pay great dividends in your future. Honorable action, integrity and conviction are qualities you already posses, know your doing great deeds!
Lovely Christmas wishes, Mike. The same to you and yours. <3
I don’t understand how people get drawn into this cult. It is insane, especially giving them so much money. Please keep on doing what you are doing with Leah.
Merry Christmas Mike! And Warmest Wishes for you and your family in the New Year.
Merry Christmas to you and Christie and the boys. <3
Cheers… and may 2017 be a real cracker of a year. Peace & happiness to you all.
What a sweet message, 🙂 All the best to you and yours.
Thanks, Mike, for all you do here and – especially – in your intentions for all you do! May every day be a Christmas for you and your family.
Merry Christmas T.J.One of the first I met here and still one of the sweetest.Hugs Always.??
Much love to you too, dear Ann B. 🙂 Wishing you happy holidays and happy every day of the year. <3
Same to you and your family, Mike!
Merry Christmas, Happy Everything Mike!
Love and good wishes to the family.
Love to you all.
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Mike.
And have a Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas to your commenters and supporters too.
Thank you for that Mike sometimes we need to be reminded of the wonderful things in life …. our family and friends
Thank you, and back atcha! 😉
I’m reading a lot of Scientology info in addition to the bios of those of you who have been a part of this demoralizing religion.
I also watch Leah Remini’s great weekly show.
I am so behind you all and your needed mission to reveal the endless family heartaches involved for those members who have left.
Additionally, kudos for your work educating the public about the inhuman and abusive treatment that so many have suffered for years behind an enticing facade of enlightenment, that is “opposite” of what a religion “should” be about.
Bless you all.
Carolyn D. M.
Thanks Mike, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family as well and to Leah and her family.
May peace be with you all.
Yes, Merry Xmas Mike and to everyone else too.
Mike Moretti
I’m glad you put your name down twice, Mike. I’m not the sharpest knife in the chandelier. Tough being me….
Mike u have great Christmas with your family ,one day those who are lost will have that moment of clarity and find their way home ☺
Very well said! It is the time of year for healing and miracles
Merry Christmas to you and yours Mike. I admire the tireless work you are doing to expose the Church of Scientology and appreciate you sharing with us.
Thank you Mike! Wishing you and yours (and all the readers of this blog) a terrific holiday and a peaceful 2017. Thank you for all you do!
Love you Mike.
Merry Christmas to you and Christie your beautiful boys.
My wish for your 2017 is that you find you have no need to run this blog because Something Was Done About It and It’s Done.
Merry Christmas Mike! I hope you have a beautiful year filled with success, health, happiness.
Merry Christmas, Mike. Make the most of this wonderful holiday and be close with the ones you treasure!
Thanks for what you have continue to do on Scientology awareness and speaking up against it. Just don’t drive your wife crazy doing it… okay? LOL.
I’m happy you’re happy, Mike. All the best for a happy, healthy new year.
Thanks for the Christmas wishes Mike!! I hope you are with people that care about you and that you truly enjoy your day !! Sometimes we get to pick our families ?? Keep up the good fight ?