For those who celebrate Christmas, have a wonderfully enjoyable time with friends and family today and over the weekend. For those who don’t celebrate this occasion, have a wonderful day too. Really, no excuse is needed to have a wonderful day!
And of course, there is always one thing to be joyful about. You are not locked inside the scientology bubble and can think for yourself. The greatest freedom anyone can ever attain.
I will likely leave this post up for a couple of days, and take a break myself this weekend.
Regraded Being will be here with a new classic on Monday.
The only scientologist celebrating “Christmas” is Davey, going HO, HO, HO. on his way to the BANK. Only, with his normal voice, it comes out as a creepy cackle/cackle/….
Thank you Mike for all your hard work. Your website helps me deprogram and heal. My new years resolution is to use my real name for comments.
Fabulous. Welcome Bryon
Merry Christmas. Thank you for your bravery in stepping forward and putting your foot down.
Mike Rinder, I’ve been sent here to tell you that your CSW to take the Christmas weekend off has been disapproved, and you have been ordered to come up with two blog postings, one for Saturday and one for Sunday, to be submitted to your senior for approval before being allowed to post them. Failure to do so will result in lower conditions and severe penalties, where you will be required to make a new post every hour, 24 hours a day, for the next three weeks!
Just kidding, it’s your life, do whatever you want. Merry Christmas.
Thanks Dave. LOL.
Happy holidays to you and Sindy!
Thank you. Happy holidays to you, Christie and the boys. And everyone reading this.
scientology doesn’t recognize Christmas, or Winter Solstice, or whatever. Presents are just validating downstats, don’t you know.๐ง
Merry Christmas Season, Happy Holidays, and a Great New Year to all!
Merry Christmas to all!
May all beings be well, happy, and prosperous.
Happy Happy 2021! Love to the Rinders’ & Big Hugs from me! ๐๐๐๐
Ms. Ann, you’re so slim, I’d be afraid to give you a big hug back, so we gotta make do with virtual ones:
merry christmas mike, you got your wings in my book.
Enjoy your freedom. Merry Christmas.
One of the great things about this site is that it’s not so much about griping about the organization’s past actions, but the future and how much we cherish being free. life is SO much better.
Thanks Mike. Merry Christmas to everybody from Italy.
Buon Natale LMR.
I hope you are not impressed. It is no trick to use Google and enter:
“How do you say Merry Christmas in Italian?”
I will be happy if you find a way to keep your family happy and healthy in this crazy time of our lives.
Skyler thank you! I am just coming back from a Italian family meeting and launch/dinner. Everybody is doing fine. So I wish for you.
Merry Christmas, Buon Natale and Bon Noel mon ami!
Merry Christmas to you too Mike. And to all others who gather here.
We got 4 inches of snow so are enjoying a wonderfully beautiful white Christmas this year.
In the Philly area, we got a bit of snow, about a foot, a few days ago. Christmas was a rain event, a couple of inches
DANG IT! I like snow, though my better two-thirds doesn’t. This time, we had a friendly guy with a big snowblower to dig the driveway out for a very reasonable price, but she still doesn’t like the stuff.
Merry Christmas, Mike.
Beautiful words from Mike & Mary Kahn as well.
To draw in for the first time the fresh clean air of FREEDOM is a wonderful thing indeed.
To NOT have to worry about having enough $$or food to get through a day let along a week, without having to continually give give give $$ to “the cause to Clear The Planet”. To not have to financially support someone else’s upscale lifestyle which everyone ELSE is scrapping pennies together…..just to get by another day.
To be able to hold close to one’s family & draw in the aura of love surrounding you is amazing. My heart wishes that the REST of your family were with you as well.
This year is especially rough for many, we can’t be together with ALL our adult children because they are essential workers & exposed to Covid 19…it was a quiet uneventful day. Didn’t put up a tree this year for the first time n decades….just wasn’t up to it. DID have Facetime with family & friends…hugs and kisses were long distance.
I feel Blessed to have found friends here, to give & receive friendship from people I have never met yet think of often is glorious! I PRAY with all my heart & soul that what was TAKEN from you is returned FULL force….that your children, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents all someday gt their own wakeup call & come to your open loving arms.
Mike, especially for you & Chris….much much love & hugs. I am sure the boys had a wonderful morning & are BLESSED indeed to have such wonderful parents caring for them showing them the TRUE meaning of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Thank you for all you do for so many!
I am saying try to forgive rather than carry that ugly burden of hate & guilt around that eats you from inside outward……YOU ARE FREE NOW!
Wonderful sentiments, Balletlady.
I might add: Don’t wait for a random date on the calendar to remind your loved ones that they are well and truly loved. Not for what they do, but for being what they ARE. All too often, we find ourselves wishing we had.
Reminding them every day would not be too often. IMO.
Merry Christmas to all of you of Good Will. I wish you all the best things of life; Mike names one of them above which goes along with the love of family and friends.
I am grateful for you Mike and all you do to help those stuck in abusive cults and relationships. Merry Christmas. Enjoy you brief holiday.
Merry Christmas to to you and your family Mary. My wonderful spouse and I had a wonderful Christmas Eve with family last evening. We thanked our lucky stars to be rid of the abusive cult and to have so many wonderful friends and family.
I happened to finish Diane Dudas new book about her time in the cult from 2013 to 2018. OMG, just when you think things can’t get any worse I see that it has progressed further into darkness. My heart goes out to our kids in the SO. May they somehow wake up????
At least we know we are here for them if they decide. I hold an eternal wish of well being for them. Cheers for a 2021 we can smile about!
Newcomer, it DOES happen that SO crew can wake up and sense the desperation. A BUNCH of us have done so over the years. Mike’s one sterling example.
We once were facilitators of the scam. No more.
Thank you for this Cooper. I am thrilled for you and and your lovely wife and your “new” life with her. Isn’t it amazing how life has changed so much for the better since we got out.
I am very happy I got to meet you when it was all falling apart (it helped to have a comrade during that difficult time) and now to call you friend when the dust has settled. My best wishes to you always.
Newcomer, As I see it, the best thing you can do for your SO kids is to let them know they’re still loved and welcome at your/their home when they’re ready. Don’t even mention scn as ANY mention of anything scn-related might be interpreted as a slight against the organization, intended or not. They are their own people now, even if they’re in a bubble of unreality, an alternate universe to the real world.