One of our Special Correspondents sent in this report:
It’s all true. Following is an excerpt of a message I received from a Field Auditor. He has one of the biggest field auditing groups in our area. He is OT VIII who remains with the Church because of his family of Kool Aid drinkers. But maybe this will change the scene. “They have revived the Survival RD and the BTB about short grades and said that they really were from LRH. “Everything needs to be redone from Student Hat. You have to do it once and then M4 and then once more. Then Pro Trs because they say Clay Table Processes are unflat on everybody. Then you have to re-do metering with a Mark 8 Ultrameter (4,800 euros), then academy levels at 12,000 euros. “Objectives are now called Survival Rundown and are given all the time to OT 7s and OT 8s, actually specifically on them. “This year I have audited xxxx auditing hours. Technically and as an individual I was in the future, now I am shit. Monday I’ll have to find a job. I am perplexed. Maybe this whole thing is ok for new people. But for me it is like Waterloo. I don’t know what to do.”
I really feel with that field auditor! In 2009 and 2010 we Div-6-field auditors had to redo DMSMH, Co-Audit-C., HDA, HQS-Co-Audit (~ 500 hrs of auditing time), retrain of Div.-6-course-sup-course, retrain of PE-delivery… – else you were not allowed to deliver! It was already bad, heart-breaking and financially ruining, but now it´s even a lot worse and meets even the meter-trained auditors. And this already for the 2nd time (GAT 1 already cut down nearly all auditing production.)
Dear Field Auditor, get out and continue the good work you´ve done!! Out here we can need you, too!
The world would be better off with no religious bigotry.
Les, wouldn’t he have to actually DO his M-1 and his SHSBC and his internships and his CS courses and his objectives, etc. before he could RE-do them?
If your intention is to diminish faith in a good purpose, then you can go take a WIS.
I am tempted to address you as Joe Schmuck……Ok, I will.
Joe, you have a lot of negative things to say about the viewpoints of people who find Scientology valuable to themselves in their life. I have to wonder what your purpose and intention in doing so is. Do people who find value in things that you do not find value in threaten you in some way? If you find no value in Scientology why do you even care? Do you think that anyone who says that they have experienced good things from Scientology is lying in order to hurt others? Or are you just acting like a schmuck?
I hope that you have found or will find something positive to enhance your own life.
Anyone who supports Scientology supports the lies they tell in order to recruit people into their ‘religion’ regardless of their own personal experiences in the cult.
DM’s whole modus operandi is “unusual solution”. It started in late 81 with all the Declares and smashing of the field and missions. This was “the wave of evil” that came over the Church that others have commented on. He has to keep applying more and more unusual solutions because he dare not admit that when he started out that what he did was a criminal and unusual and suppressive solution. Of particular note was the “order” to lean on staff (and maybe public) until they either went with the (off-policy and out-tech) flow or broke (and thus left), meaning that he was left with only the dregs that would follow orders without complaining of off-policy or out-tech. Anyone in their right mind can see that all of his actions are based on unusual solutions. Well, nearly all the people who comment here can see it anyway. As to those left in the Church after all these years of ravaging they are quite frankly in abject Treason to the subject and LRH and are, one can bluntly state – getting their just rewards by having their lives smashed, case-wise, financially and morally. The man is a worse disaster for this universe than the perpetrator of OTIII ever was.
Hello Jane,
I also know a highly classed and well established field auditor and this auditor also appears to embrace GAT II and is planning to continue to audit as usual and do High Crimes. I just hope the PC’s will be protected and not taken off in the middle of their programs to go do something else.
This is EXACTLY what happened when GAT 1 came out…..everyone had to redo! Now they’re having to do it AGAIN?????? My God! I left when they made me start over on my checksheet using GAT….good thing I did! What a failed purpose these people must be having! Its frigin evil as it gets…..RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
I’m thinking Gag II may well be the crowning jewel for Miscavige. I don’t see many old timers putting up with this second round of horseshit for long… unless… his plan is all new bodies molded after his holy-ness and oily likeness to rid himself of the real squirrels, the last remaining Scientologists. Even then its predictable his tent of virgins like so many naive SO members before them will blow in a couple three years. What a self fulfilling disaster in full blown dramatization.
Truly embarrassing.
Waterloo! We know how that story ends – with the final defeat of a short narcissistic dictator (who was so sure he would claim the victory) by a much larger group of allied forces, ending the years of turmoil he caused wherever he went. Works for me.
Well, most of the field auditors will go into the independant field if they don’t want to starve.
Survival RD was organised by David Mayo. Miscavige didn’t know what to do and found an old pack… it’s objective processing, that’s it. And he is delivering to OT7 and 8 because he doesn’t have any OT9 and above… And the kool aid are still believing, it’s so painful to look…
That’s good ol’ Double Standard Tech again.
The SRD was canceled because it was allegedly developed by Mayo ( actually it was compiled by him but they probably thought why confuse the public with facts when a lie would serve as well) and they didn’t ever want Mayo’s mentioned again in relation to anything. Just like Mary Sue (who wrote a damn good PL on PTS Handling) who like Mayo was made an unperson and anything salutary they may have done was either assigned to RTRC or buried deep in the archives somewhere which is probably where Miscavige claims he found this little jewel that has been hiding in plain sight for so many years.
Actually the SRD is a nice little action if done right which I doubt they’ll do because it has objectives straight from Creation of Human ability including Remedy of Laughter which I’m sure most of these dour sour puritanical morons who call themselves “Scientologists”( except maybe for Craig Jensen who always has an idiotic grin on his face) these days could use. Plus a few others that involve the spirit of play. Something that has totally been lost again on most “Scientologists” who by the IRS’ revised definition of one.
More than likely though the above objectives have been removed from the course. Probably because they were so much fun to do and I mean who wants people having fun in Scientology these days?
Any confusions expressed above are based on the misunderstanding that Miscavige’s goal with regard to Scientology has anything whatsoever to do with helping people.
His only interests are to maintain his position, his power, his access to unlimited luxury, his access to Tom Cruise’s company, and the admiration and fear that corporate Scientologists express for him.
He is a dictator with zero checks and balances on his decisions. His psychological rewards come from his omnipotence, omniscience and comforts.
The game is his. It’s about him and his rewards. And nothing else.
The simplicity of this truly allows for such a broad universe to unfold and in this universe the dimension points of our gaming spiritually heavy friend march steadily towards zero. In the Universe of Theta it is already so. 🙂
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Mark Twain
From inside (on FB):
A “friend” of mine from earlier training was at Flag for training, posted a very positive gung-ho, kool-aid driven post to a group of 300 people. Facebook tracks “likes” and “views” in this group.
Five people commented supportive messages. Five.
20 people “liked” his post. Some of those I know are just fringers – going with the flow to seem “in line”.
There were over 120 “views”. Of the group, most are active on FB (I’d say 250 or so). This is a good indication (from all indications) of the statistics I’ve encountered in the real world, as well.
Basically, about 2% of the people are gung-ho rabid “retraining everything is awesome!”
Less than 10% are “toeing the line” or seeming in-step (supportive or appearing to seem supportive).
40% of the people in the group read it, but couldn’t even be bothered to click the “like” button. Or are flat-out sick of things.
60% of the group don’t even bother to read this shit anymore.
While this is a microcosm, this is pretty indicative of the conversations I’ve had in person and over the phone with Scientologists I personally know.
now what did Hubbard say about the 2%? LOL
So the PC’s who were expecting to get auditing can’t get it now because all the auditors are suddenly unqualified? Sounds like an idiotic manufactured problem. I’m sure the solution will be pay more and go to the Org or to Flag to get the auditing.
I guess we shouldn’t be surprised, It’s not like Miscavige hasn’t already worked hard to destroy field auditors. I guess we won’t be seeing them being active again until they rise from the ashes of the current torching.
I’ve seen this self doubt in other Field Auditors with the first installment of GAT . Some act on it while others go along to get along.
Personally I wondering what the Hochmans think about all of this. I mean they are pretty well connected and audit those PCs and Pre OTs who are “unqualified” for Org services for one reason or another yet have or have contributed a lot of money to such things as the IAS, “Ideal Orgs”, “Super Power” etc. etc. who are currently on IJC petition lines.
Others who either know people or know people who know people or are family of various “elite” or more accurately elitists within the Organization.
That’s one Field Group I’ve had a personal association with that is “well connected”. I’m sure there are other Field Groups and Auditors who are just as well connected.
In my opinion. The reason they didn’t have an outright revolt in the Field was because GAT was enforced gradually. First the demand was that all Orgs auditors had to complete GAT which ironically caused an exodus of PCs and Pre OTs to the Field then in ’03 Taz Kember (some of you may remember the name son of Jane Kember Former G who I suspect was working for MI6 in her spare time passing intel on about the CIA’s RV program to her other masters while running the covert op that eventually brought done the GO and sent Mary Sue to prison… but enough conspiracy theory for now..anyhoo but enough speculation and on to documented facts ) Taz, Jane’s son who held the post of “Auditor Activation Chief” an oxymoron for sure since he personally deactivated more auditors than he activated by issuing a blanket cancelation of all Field Auditor certificates disguised as an ultimatum to do GAT or else which pretty much killed the Field off with a few exceptions.
Not as dramatically as the Mission Holders’ Conference of ’82 since there was no conference with some pint sized twerp shouting out verbal declares( I’m sure Miscavige loved doing that) but pretty close and like the slow realization that the Mission Holders Conference had basically destroyed the Mission Network. This little edict from Taz took a while to take effect but as you can see it is having its effect.
What you are seeing now is the final blow or coup de grace of the whole operation.
I’d just like to add that from my own observation the objective or goal of a suppressive ( I’m writing about actual suppressives here not the falsely labeled ones who I call friends 😉 ) groups like the one that currently goes by the name of the “Church of Scientology” is total control. Basically a monopoly.
This is why IMHO Ron reached out to independent practitioners in the field of mental and physical healing with Operation Psychiatry( at one time we had Psychiatrists who were Scientologists who could have saved Lisa McPherson’s life who we used to send people that went “type III” to) followed by the RED on Medical Doctors ( all fine Doctors that I had access to as a Qual terminal) because he probably knew what they knew was that the AMA and APA wanted a total monopoly on mental and physical healing and that there were many practitioners who objected to their onerous and incessant efforts to micromanage them.
Probably the same feeling that many Field Auditors have right now.
I just find it funny as in ironic that the Orgs have gone into the valance of what they call the “enemy”.
Like that old line from Pogo they have found the enemy and it is them.
Interesting how during this terrible economic downturn, Miscavige raises prices, and how, at a time when the church is fast losing members, Miscavige is alienating the most experienced and dedicated auditors. I doubt that these are deliberate efforts to destroy the church. John P correctly called it over the weekend: Miscavige has no business sense, he makes atrocious business decisions because he can and because he still believes that there is an infinite number of potential new members out there.
The only reason the church has survived under Miscavige, until now, is because he has been using up the capital (in terms of members) that he inherited in 1986 and because he has operated the church the same way the Nazis operated factories during WWII. The slave-workers were fed little, paid nothing, and when one died, or was used up, he/she was easily replaced. This type of cannibalization only works if there is a steady supply of bodies who cannot leave. In the 1970s and early 80s, the church had a large number of members, but the numbers have been going downhill since then. Without “replacement” bodies, Miscavige’s economic model fails. Without an ability to replace fleeing younger members, or ailing elderly members, Miscavige has been forced to reveal the large number of empty chairs, both figuratively and literally. How will the church survive without new bodies? Miscavige has already started recruiting young people from poorer countries, but these people often just want a ticket to the U.S. It is only matter of time before one of these kids screams that they have been held against their will, and Miscavige has to sign some sort of agreement with immigration enforcement promising that he will śtop holding visa’d immigrants against their will. Miscavige only knows one trick–how to run a slave organization, so how will Miscavige do this if he can’t find a limitless pool of young, slave labor in the western industrialized countries, and can’t legally import them from the 3rd world? If the mountain won’t come to him…….
If/when Miscavige moves his operation to a country with weak labor laws, and no extradition treaty with the US, the most committed Kool Aid drinkers will probably go with him. These drinkers will probably be the senior citizens who have no where else to go and no life outside the church. I doubt that Miscavige will go the Jim Jones route, he’s too narcissistic and there is always another gourmet meal or wallet to strip bare. Notwithstanding, those who follow Miscavige to that third world nation, where he can compete with the drug lords for the biggest estate and the most bodyguards, will be in danger when they can no longer provide money or their own slave labor. These people will be “useless eaters” to Miscavige and he will deal with them according to Hubbard’s guidance on how to ruthlessly deal with those who stand in his way. Accordingly, if the committed Kool Aid drinkers don’t wake up soon, they may find themselves abandoned (at best) or as “pink legs” at the bottom of a pile of Miscavige’s victims.
I suspect that you are mistaken here. If someone keeps saying the “same” thing, keeps doing “different” things and keeps getting the same result, then it is reasonable to conclude that that was the purpose all along.
I you look at what Davie has been up to all along, maybe there is a method to his madness, and he is getting the desired result. I agree that it is difficult to confront, but it might be worth doing the exercise. He is effectively killing the subject (the church and the field).
I agree 1984.One or two mistakes and you can call it stupidity but if you add up all the miscavige implementations then it presents way too much evidence of an orchestrated activity aimed at making the subject unworkable, except in the smallest degree to keep some hanging on because they feel a bit better.
I’m thinking along these lines, too, to an extent. But I think this is a deliberate attempt to downsize/transform the operation rather than completely destroy it. Here’s an edited version of something I posted earlier this month:
…..DM has plans to keep the scam going……in a new and easier-to-manage form. He will continue to purge the long-term members, and rely increasingly on the younger ones who don’t know how out-tech he really is….Once they are in and isolated from the world, he can tell them anything he wants about the tech without much fear that they will know the difference. The church will become smaller and less public….. His bank accounts and the money he can get from selling orgs are enough to keep him in clover for the rest of his life. He doesn’t need all that many slaves to keep it going…a couple thousand would do.
My prediction (although I’d rather see him dragged away of handcuffs) is that we’ll see a transformation from a worldwide scam into a smaller and more localized one, and DM will remain the cruel ruler of a small but less vulnerable empire.
After hearing about GAT II, I’m even more convinced. The new/old meters, the redoing of everything, the cancelling of all previous gains all seems calculated to drive out the current membership. I certainly hope he’s wrong in his thinking that he can attract enough new victims to keep things afloat, but I think that’s the plan.
Here’s what I think:
David Miscavige is simply selling whatever he can sell to whoever is around and willing to buy, and that’s what he’s going to keep on doing.
Anyone who doesn’t like it, who disagrees with him, who won’t buy whatever he’s currently selling, who won’t redo, who won’t re-study, who won’t obey, who questions too much for his liking, can just leave.
That his public is dwindling and will continue to do so is something he has accepted. Let them go. Unless the leave-taking is high profile and public, he cares not.
He’ll continue to sell whatever his current thing happens to be, to whoever is around, while his public gets smaller and smaller, but he expects that, he has already factored that in to his plan,
He covers up the losses with glorious false PR and anyone who even questions its veracity is considered borderline suppressive and shunned, someone with one foot out the door anyway.
Questioning and or disagreeing with David Miscavige = Disaffected/On Enemy Lines/Suppressive/ = You’re Expendable. .
He has the strong agreement of everyone still in that if programs don’t work it is their out-ethics and unhattedness, never his.
If his programs don’t work it gives him the perfect excuse to fix them and sell something else up the track.
His PR rolls out relentlessly, covering up the actual scene with Big Lie Tech.
He is spinning out the rest of his life on this post in this way. He’s hoping he can play this game until his death.
That’s what I think.
Nicely put.
Gerhard Waterkamp,
My sentiments exactly. PC’s auditing in the field are not subjected to the endless regging, make wrong and guilt trips provided by the orgs. And don’t forget about the Sea Org recruitment!
This is a good thing. More people will realize it’s the same circular game and leave it.
Mighty mouse miscavige is just fulfilling his mandate to” MAKE SURE NO -ONE ACTUALLY GOES UP THE BRIDGE” It is sooo obvious. He just takes every thing LRH warned not to do and in fact does it. What pisses me off the most is that I failed to see it for so many years. Under miscavige the C of S is an Implant Restimulation Station .(IRS)
DollarMorgue – Yep, that’s basically what DM is saying in a nut shell. None of us ever made it. We never made it to OT or clear. Never got any of our TR’s. We’re not classed auditors we obviously know only crap. And of course same with LRH.
Someone said it better than me here, he’s basically getting rid of all us ‘old timers’. If you think about it, on his end it’s a brilliant move. Old timers are the only ones that can see through him and know the tech. And those that choose to stay are either too PTS or just plain stupid. But then again it takes A LOT to confront evil. I’m late to this party and I’ve been sitting here since July reading a little every day and as you all know it’s been a hard pill to swallow all of this but it needs to be confronted for what it is.
So I say this to all of you who are still ‘in’ who might be reading these blogs and rolling your eyes – GET THE HELL OUT NOW – if you need a stable datum to grab on to now, review your Code of Honor and then re-review again and again-run while your integrity is still in tact.
Thanks, Mike
Wish we had a like button here. 🙂 LIKE.
Here’s the short answer:
As a child I tried to draw a cartoon version of that painting
The way out is through the door. It’s better out there.
I think to write a book: “The price of freedom”.
Well, that is the intent. These pesky field auditors have a habit of allowing PC’s to get into session without availing themselves first the benefit of talking to the IAS, Super Power and Idle Morgue reges. It is only logically to take them out of business, so their PCs have to go into the org, where they can enjoy the full package. Don’t forget: It is all about the money, – in the CO$.
This is good, maybe some more sheeples will start seeing things.
My thoughts exactly, Gerhard. The field auditors were ABSOLUTELY taking business from the orgs for the very reasons you mention. That’s why I got audited in the field rather than in the org!
Well done DM. Keep this up and you can be the man who bankrupts the official “church” and the field auditors. The world will be better off with no active Hubbard adherents at all.
Seems you, Miscavige, the AMA, APA, Smersh and certain factions of the Government share the same objective.
The world will be better off with no active Hubbard adherents at all.
Maybe all us Scientologists should be burned at the stake or sent to the ‘showers’. Do we get a trial first, or should we just hop in the cattle cars?
Ronnie, your comments are incredibly offensive. There is no comparison between the treatment of Scientologists in this day and age with the experiences of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, etc. during the Holocaust.
Last comment on this subject.
GAT III will handle everything, you’ll see.
But DM was right when he said that SPs were involved in GAT I and GAT II.
It was him and his minions!
Off topic, but I hope interesting enough. Someone on WWP is analyzing the big list of exe COS members who have spoken out to find out more about the speed at which people are leaving:
( List can be found at )
Analysed nearly 100 people now, and the picture emerging is:
1. +- constant exit rate 1978-2003 (drop around 1995)
2. Average exit rate doubles 2003-2007
3. Average exit rate doubles again 2008-2010
-> The ongoing exit wave is at least 4 times more intense than the average of 1978-2003.
Many Anonymous protests post the number from this list so all can seehow many folks have woken up and are leaving loud and proud. More exes should add their names to the list.
Thank you for that data. Do you happen to know off the top of your head if the years 1976-1978 are the start of meaningful numbers leaving? Those are the years LRH withdrew from the church. I would have estimated a bubble around 1980-84 when a number of leading people left or were “declared” and when big changes were made to the original line up of processes. Sheesh – I hadn’t even thought of a source for statistics like these. Some few over on WWP seem a little depressed, wondering if WWP “is relevant” anymore. I hope this confirms for them that they’re invaluable.
From what I know (and I was never in) the number of people leaving and then speaking out is much, much smaller than the number of people silently leaving. Of course the latter should also be counted to get correct statistics.
However, Anonymous has this motto “dox or stfu” 🙂 … (Google that if you wish, lol.)
We can only get stats about the pace at which people are leaving if they are based on a list of people who are well known to be out. So I can only say with Benjamin that more exes should speak out.
I’m not a mod here but I’m quite sure that Mike would welcome posts from exes speaking out. If somehow Anonymous can verify they were once in (e.g. from ) it is only a matter of time that they get included! 🙂
With new data from a total of 185 individuals, a bubble showed up 1981-1984 exactly as you guessed.
First person leaving was 1974, then 2 and 1 in ’76 and ’77.
My $0.02:
NED came out in 1978. Grade chart flipped upside down requiring Grades before Ned. Missions couldn’t teach metered auditing. HSDC co-audits forbidden.
Books “all guaranteed to be on source” and reprinted 1987. SLICs issued, 1988.
New Tech vols came out in 1991.
GAT 1 came out around 1994.
Golden Age of Standardly Suppressive Ethics came out about 2001.
GAT 1 grace period ended around 2004.
GAK 2007.
Marty’s blog started around 2009.
Maybe someone can accurize those dates for me.
So GAGII fixes all the reasons why Davie never got trained or thru OTIII? He’s going in session now, right? He’s been waiting?
“I don’t know what to do”??
Then they are right and your processes are unflat.
I seem to remember that even before I had finished the purif and started the SRD back in the day in I was more than able to spot when I was being taken for a ride.
This may be a natural ability?
Today Scientology seems to be full of people who don’t have the GUTS to walk into their Org and tell them face to face this is not LRH technology and Policy. Its a monetery scam from a suppressive dwarf who is unaccountable and I am not a Borg Drone.
I resign.
I did it and have never looked back, and am doing rather well.
So far I can remember is that the “SURVIVAL RUNDOWN” was canceled around 1981 or 1982 because of not being from LRH but “DAVID MAYO” !
He should work very gently with his family to get them out like Remini did.
I was able to get the whole family out after working on it for some mmonths.
It’s not an impossibility.
I just checked with a long-time active (but already struggling) Church field auditor – what he thought of GAT II, after he had attended the event.
(Note: “High Crimes” in the C of S are checkouts in the Qual division that must be done on any relevant technical bulletins or policy letters before delivering a technical service – its a High Crime not to. In the C of S, as it used to be, if one was already trained to deliver something, and new tech bulletins on it came out, one could study it and get a High Crime checkout on it in Qual and then deliver it, without having to re-train on the whole course )
My friend is hoping that might be the case with GAT II, but I am afraid it’s a forlorn hope:
“… They have a whole new training line up. If I can do the High Crimes and carry on, I’ll be okay. If it’s a mandatory bottom up retrain…I don’t know what I’ll do.”
That last sentence is no doubt quite a common thought this week amongst active field auditors still in the Church – the few that are left!
Not to mention names, but I asked a highly classed and well established field auditor what he thought of GAT II and if he would have to stop auditing while he re-trained on Student Hat and the rest of the lineup. He replied that no, he would continue auditing and would just do his High Crimes as usual. He said that all is calm there. So he appears to be embracing the GAG II.
DM continues to destroy in the name of help. FLB, Orgs,and the field are being purged and put into mothballs, just like Int.
Out of curiosity, what is unflat?
When you’re still willing to do it all again.
“Unflat” means the process or action run was not taken to a good result i.e. PC happy, realizations about things and a floating needle on the Emeter.
A simple example is to run a process until it produces no further change in the individual. That process is then said to be “flat.” “Unflat” would be a process which is still producing change.
The term has come to have diverse uses, including humor such as. “I’m pretty much flat on Tom Cruise.” Which would usually be taken to mean “I just can’t get excited over his movies anymore.” Un-humorous use would be, “Many people here are “unflat” on Miscavige and the Co$.” I guess one could use the term “unflat” in the same sense one would use the slang, “bumpy road” – an “unflat” area is one which still bothers the individual to such an extent it noticeably impairs his function in that area. Very beautiful women, and the way men seem stunned by mere visual contact, unable to move or speak, difficulty breathing, sudden loss of ability to reason and other noticeable phenomena are symptoms of an “unflat” area.
What pisses me off is I was at Flag and was shuttled around
with lies. Purchased two Quantum meters and a truckload of books while
Ultra OT 8 meters were in a warehouse waiting till stocks of Quantum meters were depleted.
Ethic’s (HCO) was all about how much money was squeezed out of you.
GAT 2 does not surprise me, I am shocked about the Kool aid guzzlers who
fall for David Miscavige. I think it has more to do with tone level, birds of a feather flock together,
like that etc.
This is just horrible. I also heard of a similar response from a once wonderful Auditor in the western us. There may be a new definition of SUPPRESSIVE!
Way back when, late 70’s I think, I did the PILOT for the Survival RD. It as an amazing course. I loved it and had tremendous gains co-auditing it. Then some years after completing, I was lining up to do my Solo One Course and was trying to plead the case that I’d already done co-auditing so had completed the auditing pre-req to Solo One Crs…..nope! Can’t do! Had to do HQS as SRD by then had been deep-6’d and had fallen out of favor. I was so pissed! And now it’s baaaaaaack! Most people on lines now are probably unaware that SRD was once offered by the church as one of their, then, new darling courses. Sheesh.
He says “Monday I’ll have to find a job.”
This is very interesting.
Does this mean that he makes good living form auditing now? That he’s… upstat? That not everything in the Corporate Church is so bad?
The fact of the matter is that the Scilons who are still in Scn are there because they have a hope that Scn will actually do what it says it can do and they are willing to part with their hard-earned coin to get it. But deep down, in places where they may not admit it even to themselves, they know that it is a sham technology. Up to know, they have been disappointed by its failure to achieve what it says it will achieve. I mean, just look at the book Dianetics and the god-like powers Hubbard offers there. Eidetic recall, perfect and instantaneous analytical reasoning and computing power, a mind unfettered by any irrationality, etc. None of these things are achieved in any part of Dn and Scn AND THE SCILONS KNOW THAT. But like battered wives, they continue to lie to themselves and tell themselves that tomorrow it will all be better. But it is a dirty secret in that group that they know the technology does not really work. They would never dare say that to each other, (1) because of fear of reprisal but also (2) because they don’t want to be so very wrong about what they have emotionally and financially invested so much of their time and effort in achieving. Who wants to be wrong? No one. So they continue to hope because that is human nature and because it’s easier to just push on another day than give up and die in the dirt, failed and without a future. DAVID MISCAVIGE KNOWS THIS IS TRUE. He preys on this secret knowledge that the Tech doesn’t work. He stands on stage and says as much to his followers, wording in such a way that it’s not their fault, they were right in thinking it was not working and, best of all, he has now solved it all and they just need to pay him some more money to get it. This is how he has now set himself up as Source and all the Scilons are marching in lock step to his tune. They know it’s a sham and he says “Well I fixed it” and they believe him. They have to believe him, otherwise they have no hope and it all goes to hell. And they are now willing to even throw Hubbard under the bus to keep that hope alive. And that, my friends, is why this is working for him and will continue to work for him. Because the gullible followers always need a leader, and he’s it.
Joe, that’s what happened to me. My auditor, from back in the very early 80s, kept nudging me to attest to clear. But, I had always based “Clear” on Book 1: A clear is to a normal person, what a normal person is to the institutionally insane.” Perfect recall, high IQ, never gets sick, etc. So I never attested to Clear. The ED at the time, John Woodruff, didn’t like that. When all the mission holders were slaughtered in ’82 in San Francisco, I began to question things. There was a huge exodus from the OC org. At that point, I started to realize there were no super powers. But, I soooo wanted to believe it. And that’s the hook. Miscavage has now positioned himself as source. And all those people are still waiting for a miracle!
Very good post, Joe. Very enlightening.
No superpowerz, you mean like the Avengers. Getting into a lucrative career of your choice and getting laid are superpowerz to someone living in their parent’s basement.
Scilons….the Tech doesn’t work.
My… A religious slur and a denouncement in the same post. What’s next? Kristallnacht?
If the Jew fits, wear it. And I’ll gladly wear the black shirt if Scientologists keep insisting on the validity of the definition of 1.1 in SoS and keep promoting the Evil Psychs stuff.
Going Godwin’s isn’t going to gain you a lot of sympathy in the real world.
If the Jew fits, wear it.
Unbelievable. You’re actually advocating religious persecution based upon your personal disagreement with other people’s faith. Way to go, Adolph.
This is the last comment on this back and forth name calling.
scientology has nothing to do with faith. both you and Mike Rinder and every scientologist know that.
it is supposed to be a thoroughly scientifically researched “technology”. that’s why it’s called “the tech”, that’s why is called “sScientology”. it is supposed to be FACT and not FAITH per hubbard.
just because it is called a “religion” that does not make this particular religion faith based. it is not and that is a fact.
I dont know what you have been reading. I have said a number of times that Scientology IS faith based. A LOT of Scientology is based on faith, all you have to do is look at what is happening in the church and the blind faith that is on display.
Next, you ask Ronnie? Any of the other elements of disillusion that fill a mind that has lost it’s capacity to appreciate! Or it’s ability to differentiate! Or dare we say it- Create?
All is just brain, man. Take the right chemicals, and we can then be ‘induced’ to believe almost anything, or anyone! Spirit? Soul? No such thing bub! Just wild imaginings of a badly misguided, delusional brain. …. There! Hope you have relished the opportunity to have had a grand tour round the synapses and neurons of the ‘brain’ of the above.
Oh, pardon me, but I neglected to ask, does THAT make you feel better now?
Ronnie Bell – you’re point is what exactly? That I’m a religious bigot and hate monger because I’m calling out Scn tech for what it is – an incoherent babble of nonsense strung together by an authoritarian psychopath? Well, I guess if you say so it must be true.
But let me first point out two things:
A religious slur would only be applicable if I was slurring someone’s actual religion. However, Scientology is not a religion – it is a money-making con which happened to blackmail the IRS into giving it 501(c) tax exemption. That does not make it a religion anymore than TM or Jedi-ism.
In terms of denouncing the “tech”, you are correct that I am denouncing it – loudly and proudly. I suggest you study up some more on Hubbard’s research methodology and how he made his “discoveries” before you call me out for this. The easiest and fastest way to prove me wrong is to show me a Clear as defined in today’s edition of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. Show me one true Clear that meets that definition and I’ll be more than happy to take it back.
I in no way, shape or form have expressed nor condone violence of any kind against Scilons. Your “Kristallnacht” reference is actually a perverse form of argument and indicates to me that you have nothing else worthy in your ammo belt so you’ve lobbed the race/hatred card in hopes of denigrating me. Good luck making that stick.
Joe — I understand you feel you are giving as good as it is being dished out. But you are stepping over the line of what I consider acceptable for this blog. You are not the arbiter of what is or isnt a religion (neither is the IRS). The determination of what is or isnt a religion is in my view up to the individual. What brings someone spiritual happiness/awareness is different from person to person. There are plenty of forums out there where you can trash Scientology beliefs, there are forums to trash every belief system. I try to keep things relatively civil here and things that will help get those still inside the church or sitting on the fence to think.
That’s the reason this blog is biased more towards the “Scientology is good” view than the “Scientology is shit” view. It’s a matter of audience.
Please consider this when writing your posts. I let a lot of stuff through as I believe that commentary from different perspectives is good for everyone. Maybe you will come to understand that because someone calls themselves a Scientologist doesnt make them into a halfwit. Any more than believing that you are eating the body of Jesus at Mass makes catholics somehow idiots.
No problem with that and thank you for the moderation. I took great exception to being associated with a Nazi genocide because I expressed my view that Scn tech does not fulfill the promises it makes. I very much appreciate you allowing my posts to go through. Geir Isene makes the point even more thoroughly today on his blog and I encourage anyone who has any questions about the tech to check it out. It makes my point much more clearly than my ramblings above.
Joe, that was so well written one could think that YOU are David Miscarriage. It wouldn’t surprise me as I am sure he lurks here so he can see the effects of his evil acts.
BTW you are addressing a blog whose primary audience is Scientologists that have experienced gains from the tech. Telling us it doesn’t work is a little lame when we all know to some degree its worked on us.
there’s a big difference between experiencing some gains and actually going clear as LRH defined it in dianetics. I have n doubts at all that yes people do get some positives out of the tech or it would’ve died long ago in all its forms inc independents. you yourself say “we all know to some degree it worked on us” you basically just reinforced his point. Show me a clear as defined by LRH. I suspect we all know no 1s really experienced ALL the things he said you would be able to achieve by going clear! Thats NOT the same as saying the tech is completely useless
. From my vantage point I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. yes ppl get gains and positive things from the tech but no I don’t believe all the wonderful things Hubbard promised you would get being “clear” has ever been proven to occur in anyone. Im not trying to attack anyone who believes in it everyone has the right to believe what they want in the religion area (well in general) and that’s very much a great thing. Essentially I think LRH just exaggerated just how much of a gain could be achieved. Im very curious to hear what people found did work in the tech vs what didn’t work. Like what are the gains/tech that worked on you personally and what attracted you in the 1st place to Scientology? Im not trying to put anyone down Im really interested to hear from real people what worked for them as obviously if nothing at all worked or helped you out you wouldn’t have stayed for long at all and certainly wouldn’t still believe in it now weather ur independent or in corporate church.
I never made clear but with all the auditing I did do I really did have many positive gains. If you consider where I was when I started and where I am now there is no one ever going to tell me that the tech doesn’t work. As for Clears as LRH described them in Dianetics, you have to consider that he wrote that work in the 1950’s and was looking to the future. He was an optimist and much work was yet to be done. I have listened and read many other self help books and lectures from other authors that predict a brighter future and have to some degree or other wishful thinking. Its easy to look at LRH and slam him because you don’t like the current state of affairs in Scientology. I went through hell when I was in the Sea Org. It was my worst nightmare and I still live with those demons to some degree. I don’t blame LRH or the tech for that. You have the most evil man on the planet in charge of what is a brilliant body of work. He’s been chopping that up since 1986. Its no wonder that people now question its validity, its not the tech any more and hasn’t been for many years.
Νο he is not out of work. He just needs to do the obvious. Jump into the Indie field flipping sides. Bye bye Suppressiveness, hello World.
This GAG II scene is beyond sad…The next 90 days should tell us how strong the Kool-Aid is these days. When will is insanity stop?
Covert invalidation of any and all auditors with the final aim to destroy it all plus the maniac greed to make money. Also the resultant invalidation of those who have received services with a question such as: ‘was all I received in auditing out-tech?”
Lets confront the evil, in his last moments he will take all possible actions to destroy it all-declaring very good people in South Africa, ruining the Orgs with his program of “Idle Orgs”, non delivery as you have now to retrain everything and the enormous invalidation of auditor’s valid purpose to help another person to get better, Narconons full of fraud, declaring Celebrities, abuse of staff and the list goes on and on.
As far as your statement of ‘what shall I do”… I propose you should communicate and freely speak up what is on your mind, your comm will be received and understood by many.
I know I’m late to the party with this question, but how did LRH go OT with the old Mark IV, V or VI he must’ve used? Or didn’t he go OT after all?
And what about people he personally C/S’d? Didn’t they make any gains, after all? Has nobody ever really made the grade in Scientology? Now that is some public admission of failure. If the system is so fragile it can’t withstand SP tinkering, it doesn’t deserve to exist.
Good questions. I suppose miscavige was the first to re-do his grades and his academy’s and his student hat and his M-1 and his SHSBC and his internships and his CS courses and his objectives and his…
Boy, are these folks PTS.
That’s pretty much what I wanted to know, too.
More broadly, how did anyone go Clear and OT at all before this.
Nobody did., says DM. Thats the point … Lol
LRH was the real deal. The earlier e meters worked, took some practice and skill.
Scientologist’s built their own meters for a while, I had a supe who built his own.( no kidding)
I listened to a win from a Public who was audited by LRH and went Clear, this cannot be faked.
At Saint Hill things were standard when Ron was around, public had genuine wins and OT’s were made on e meters made of wood. It did not take donkeys years to make an auditor or make a Clear for that matter. LRH never stood on an applebox to give a lecture.
I have a friend with a Mark lV meter. It is in a wooden box, she took good care of it. With the usual adjustments, it works perfectly. I believe in her meter as much as any. I picked up the cans and was able to produce nice big reads. It works fine. Meters, just an excuse. And the PCs that Ron audited often just went off to live better lives. New people showed up and life continued.
And why does he want to re-do the auditing and re-do the training bridge. BECAUSE HE HASN’T GOT NEW PEOPLE TO DO IT ON !!
I’ve got 2 mark IV’s still. I audited a lot of hours on them with great wins. Auditing needs postulates and live communication, not gaudy mest to succeed.
“Now that is some public admission of failure. If the system is so fragile it can’t withstand SP tinkering, it doesn’t deserve to exist.”
Hmm, interesting hypothesis. If a hacker gets into the iPhone coding and calls are randomly made to Albanian, then the iPhone doesn’t deserve to exist?
“Things” are inherently different – one to the next. Alter the design on a hammer and it still drives in nails with no problems. Alter a heart monitor or pace maker – just a smidge and the patient dies. Things are not created equal.
LRH devised A system that worked. I don’t recall him ever calling it THE system. It worked as mapped out. It was tested and it produced consistent results. What SP tinkering does, is change the sequence; remove steps, or adds steps to what was already working just fine.
I simply don’t see it as a test to the workability of a system, to intentionally alter things and then call it a fraud because in it’s current altered state, it’s sputtering and not as effective.
I was fortunate. I got in SCN in 1972 and spent the next two years going up to Grader IV, after joining staff at Narconon. My experience was very different from a lot of people I knew. I got the gains I need to solidify my position early on. This helped me make it through the next chaotic six years, where auditing was more punishment than progress. Then 1979 came around, Dianetic Clear got defined and resolved as an issue and Boom — I’m back to winning again.
I don’t know of anyone who had consistent wins throughout their stay. It was always tempered with losses and bad times and crazy moments of failed purposes and inval. This is such a common pattern within SCN, that I took it to be “The Pattern.”
I guess underlying the above, is my perspective that LRH came up with a workable technology. Not a perfect one and certainly not one imperious to alteration by others. That’s all it is. It works well when applied well. It fails when it’s misapplied.
Hell, there are products in the construction trade that are simple to use and work 100% of the time if… you do it in the right sequence 1-2-3. if you don’t, you end up with a hardened mess instead of a clear-coat finish.
Everything needs a little TLC.
Last week in the Netherlands there was an proud announcement of a auditors-field-group ,who helps peolpe with problems in relations, that they have broadcast-time on a commercial TV-sender at Sunday. To be in that program you must pay a lot of money ( it is a kind of advertising). So Saterday night with the announcement of GAG II I imagine they have a “pretty good” hangover……..
What to do?
Use you middle-finger and leave. You don’t need this church.
Wake up and smell GAT2.
Wow. Does this mean that those auditors who are not trained in newspeak/newacademy have to stop auditing immediately? Is this being enforced so that mission/field auditors have basically lost their job effective immediately, pending months of retraining and buying the new meters at a very steep cost?
Humm…Everyone is unflat on objectives; Nobody every really got the basic books; Everyone is unflat on the Pro TRs clay table; No one ever really got the grades; Everyone at Int Management is an SP; Everyone on OT VII has overts and withholds and needs constant sec checking; No one but ME is doing all they can to clear the planet…
Sure sounds like an awful lot of suppressive generalities to me.
Yes LDW, it is a lot of generalities which SP’s specialize in.
Jane Doe-
I read and appreciate many of your posts.
But I have to comment here.
LOTS of “normal”, healthy people have a tendency to generalize.
In other words, generalizing is not the hallmark of a sociopath.
That’s just a human tendency.
And don’t write it off.
Sometimes we generalize in ways that help.
For instance…
Some of us believe that EVERYONE is worth OUR HELP, and so… we spend a lot of our time (that we could be spending elsewhere) learning about those among us who have been bamboozled, mistreated, ABUSED… and we not only help to shed light upon those horrors in a public manner,but we contribute our own financial resources to help bring it to an end.
I can happily GENERALIZE for you RIGHT NOW.
Would you be happy to call me an “SP” because of that? Or would you rather take a step back… and open UP your eyes.
This is for all of those who have endured the intolerable; who have faith that they will be back with their loved ones someday.
Come up to meet you
Tell you I’m sorry
You don’t know how lovely you are
I had to find you
Tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart
[This –above–is the LOVE BOMBING]
Tell me your secrets
And ask me your questions
Oh let’s go back to the start
Running in circles; coming up tails
Heads on a silence apart
[This–above– is the SEDUCTION and the CRIME]
Nobody said it was easy
It’s such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start
[This is how THEY want to threaten YOU with DISCONNECTION]
I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling your puzzles apart
Questions of science; science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart
Tell me you love me
Come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing our tails
Coming back as we are
Nobody said it was easy
Oh it’s such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I’m going back to the start
“1. He or she speaks only in very broad generalities. “They say …” “Everybody thinks …” “Everyone knows …” and such expressions are in continual use, particularly when imparting rumor. When asked, “Who is everybody . . .” it normally turns out to be one source and from this source the antisocial person has manufactured what he or she pretends is the whole opinion of the whole society.
This is natural to them since to them all society is a large hostile generality, against the antisocial in particular.”
WIS, Thank you for your comments and the song/lyrics. No, I would not call you an SP for a few generalizations. There are 12 Characteristics of an SP per the LRH reference on it. I would look for many of the 12 points before making judgement. I would also apply what I learned from reading Martha Stout’s book, “The Sociopath Next Door.” Ron pegged the SP population at about 2 1/2 percent. Martha says it is more like 4% of the population are SP’s. I am not like DM who imagines “everyone” is an SP or that 80% or more are SP’s. That shows him to be terrified that people are out to do him in. And interestingly enough, the idea that if anyone got any better or stronger, that person would use their power to do in the SP, well that fear and urge to put everyone down, hold them down, squash then, is…. wait for it….. an SP trait!
Sounds like a perfect case dramatization.
Yes, that’s right, Mike. I think this May fly for my friends with ” study bugs” who could never get through student hat anyway, but I can’t see how anyone trained as an auditor (and retrained, some if them, because of GAT 1) is going to let this stand. I have a friend on the BC who has been an active auditor since the ’70s and who has been doing the BC on occasional visits to CA for year – and now she has to start over? I’m really curious about what she does.
I myself did the Student Hat 40 years ago and I got it, thank you. I have family who are trained – and they will not retrain.
God, I really feel for this guy. I’m a never-in but his dismay, disillusionment and ‘overwhelm’ rings right through the words. I hope you can help him see that there IS life after organized Scientology, Mike…and that there is a massive community that cares.
My God for this man there is no stable datum in this confusion, and now he’s ruined. So sad.
This is just horribly sad.
As the gerbil wheel turns, and turns, and turns….
Well, maybe his family of Kool Aid drinkers isn’t as gung ho as he thought because maybe they too were dismayed at the GAG II Waterloo. Great analogy cuz it’s true. Maybe he can start enlightening them from a tech standpoint of the outpoints. And if he brings the family out with him, he can audit in the Indie field and make more money and know that he is being on Source and standard. It’s a hard situation and I don’t know all the ins and outs of it, so ultimately it will be his own judgement and decision on what he does. But I support you no matter what your decision. I am glad that you saw the truth about GAG II. That is the first step. You have friends in the Indie world. Good luck to you.