Hooray, Miami finally completed their ballpark. I understand from watching Jon Oliver’s show that it has fishtanks in the walls behind homeplate (something to do with the team being the Marlins apparently).
Oh, my error. Apparently this has something to do with ideal orgs.
And it seems, in spite of the headline, they didn’t actually complete raising the “ballpark figure” — a euphemism for some interim step they can announce as a “completion” — because after a LOOONG time “Mighty Miami” is still not capable of getting and completing an ideal org building. In fact, they constantly tout their “Promise to Ron” (see latest promo piece at the bottom) — but at what point do you actually admit you are never going to fulfill your promise? Let’s see, they made the “promise to Ron” back in the mid-70’s. That is 40 YEARS. Isn’t it time to admit to yourselves and others, that despite having the ONLY tech to salvage mankind, and the ONLY workable administrative technology, and the top 1% of the top 10% of the people on earth and homo novi and OT’s, you are simply never going to make it?
BUT, one mystery is solved. Remember the “1.2 million miles flown” I mentioned in an earlier post?
Apparently, “miles” is now a code word for dollars. Sort of like “energy.”
They really think they are sounding less crass by substituting a different word?
The “promise to Ron” they are never going to keep, but keep talking about.
If you did not see John Oliver’s brilliant piece about televangelists last night, take the time to watch it now.
The parallels between these people and Scientology are impossible to ignore. The technique is the same, it’s just the words that are different. (Even the hair is pretty much uniform)…
It’s scary. And this piece was biting social satire at its very best. It also points out the inadequacy of the IRS in dealing with “churches” — of course, the IRS “recognition” is what scientology relies upon to give it legitimacy.
John Oliver’s segment was great! However, 5Scientology’s disconnection policy takes their church a giant step up in asshole-ness. “Send us your seed or you’ll never see your children again.”
John Oliver is on a mission. He set up a church that meets all of the IRS requirements, but he expects the IRS to reject his application for exemption. The end result should be explosive and effective as his millions of viewers slam congress and the IRS for allowing the biggest con-artists in history to live like kings on tax exempt dollars. You can be sure that Miscavige’s scams and lifestyle will not be ignored.
Scientology is big on pointing out similarities and differences. See if you can spot the similarities here:
“If you outflow your $ to us (COS), then you will inflow”
“If you send us your seed $, then god will see to it that you reap riches”
So the question is, “in what way is Scntlgy like a scumbag preacher”?
And….”in what way does DM’s lifestyle mirror that lifestyle”?
After the very recent death of a dear friend … who was to the end a “true believer” (who never went to study, never kept stats and drove his seniors bat shit crazy — spent years on the RPF and more years going to pioneer areas) although he left the Sea Org over 15 years ago, with nothing. Except a declare and a wife still IN (who remains in to the best of my knowledge) and a daughter who he hasn’t seen since she was 14 (now close to 30 more or less) …
I realized that NOTHING but nothing made sense to me anymore. Sure I could still pour myself a bowl of cereal but WAS IT REAL???? What WAS “reality” — who the F*** knows for CERTAIN. I’ve decided to make like the popular kids movie from a few years ago and just “let it go” … everything that “defined” me …
This was a poem my yoga instructor read today at the end of class:
You might see an angel anytime
and anywhere. Of course you have
to open your eyes to a kind of
second level, but it’s not really
hard. The whole business of
what’s reality and what isn’t has
never been solved and probably
never will be. So I don’t care to
be too definite about anything.
I have a lot of edges called Perhaps
and almost nothing you can call
Certainty. For myself, but not
for other people. That’s a place
you just can’t get into, not
entirely anyway, other people’s
I’ll just leave you with this.
I don’t care how many angels can
dance on the head of a pin. It’s
enough to know that for some people
they exist, and they can dance.
Mary Olver (from the collection of poems Blue Horses)
I wish you all well —-
Hi Windhorsegallery,A beautiful post.I wish you all you desire and keep posting.XO Ann.
Hi Windhorsegallery, I forgot to post,I am very sorry for the loss of your friend.I think you know how I feel about spirit,so I wish him fair winds & calm seas following after.XOAnn B.
Hi OSD,You and your wife will have a ball designing your 15,000 sq ft gated mansion on acres of lush landscaping.Going to need a long landing strip and hanger for the jet…wait where to moor the darn yacht?XO Ann B.
Yes, Ann, that is a problem currently. Although 15,0000 sq ft. is a little small for my liking. 25,000 sq ft would be much more inviting. With 3 swimming pools, A tennis court. Three guest homes on the property. A long landing strip and hanger for my private (just like Tom Cruise!) jet. All of this in Newport Beach (currently the wealthiest city in America). Newport Beach has tons of places we can moor the 200 ft yacht. Yes, yes indeed! It’s all coming together! Good thing I live just north of Newport as that will make it an easy move!
Hi OSD,Yes I see Cindy Lou2 is going full steam on your plans and 25,000 sq ft great for the main house Neort Beach perfect for Cali jet setting and the yacht.Now how about a second retreat do you want winter mountains Hawaii or somewhere really private as in your own island.You’ll need to escape your adoring flock and offshore banking for all your cash Caymans or Liechtenstein or I’m sure you have lots of contacts in this matter.Themove should be a breeze and soon you will speak to the World and all the still ins will rush to be blessed by you.Oh Happy Day.XO Ann B.
You’re talking my language, Ann B!
OSD and Ann B, Hey, I better get busy on all this and round up some celebrities to put some Glitz and Glamour into the fold!
Hi Cindy Lou2, Oh yes please we need celebs.Round them up & let them know OSD is the experience of many lifetimes,they would not want to miss out.XO Ann B.
Everyone! I have an announcement to make. I am now the Pastor of the Church of What’s Happening Now! We dance, we sing, and we charge a small fortune to be a member. What are our core beliefs? We don’t get you! In fact, you have to guess! But, rest assured, you money goes to doing good deeds!
John Oliver, you are one funny motor scooter!
Old Surfer Dude aka Pastor of the church of “What’s Happening Now” will you need a 65 million dollar jet? I think you will!
You see, Cindy, this is why I have you on my staff! PLEASE start the fundraising ASAP. Oh, and, throw in a Benz too while you’re at it.
You deserve it and perhaps you can pick up about to be ex- Scientologists, I know 1 who wants out right now in Cincinnati – please leave!!!
I think we need a bike as in a Harley! Maybe borrow one from the tiny dude or his friend, just for a short time though as we would certainly not want to STEAL
By the power vested in simply because I’m not only a Pastor, but an Old Surfer Dude too, I COMMAND you, friend of Cindy’s, to leave this vile cult TODAY! Run! Run away as fast as you can! Once out, I promise you you’ll have a fantastic life! Leave! Leave and NEVER look back as you might turn to stone! Do it! Do it right away and let Cindy know you’ve seen the light, my boy!
Those laws about religious freedom were made about 300 yeas ago in Europe and the USA. The purpose of those laws were to halt the fights among the different christian sects and that they can be able to live next to each other without any discrimination and fights among themselves.
Those laws are used today by many religious organisations to justify destructive Actions on People and families and also to construct nearly criminal money making schemes.
Not only the COS uses those “freedoms” but many other organisations too..In the history of mankind at any time the temples of the priests were filled up with gold. Just look at the Vatican or Mecca. They swim in Money as Isis does too.
This is a big Problem for humanity and it seems that it will take Long time until People and the politicians will realize what’s going on.
Those laws have to be adapted to modern times so that it becomes impossible for any religious organisation to amass fortunes and to suppress and discriminate against People , .There is nearly no Religion that doesn’t do this.
As a politician in Basel helplessly stated:
” If we do something against Scientology they will go to court. On the other side alone in the City of Basel we have 150 religious organisations that are profiting fom those freedoms. ”
This Shows exactly what’s going on. Only if such an Organisation becomes totally criminal one can do something about them.
Imagine the USA auditing the finances of those 350 000 churches they have …..
This is the root cause of the Problem and I don’t know of any politician or Organisation that want to tackle the problem.
It’s about time that humanity evolves more on the subject of Religion and some reason is injected into it.
Roger From Switzerland Thought , that isn’t why the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution was made…
Mike, I saw the John Oliver last night and couldn’t stop from comparing his piece with the Cof$. Was waiting to see if he brings the Cof$ into the same bundle. So spot on! So many reges and FSM’s push the “seed” button to empty accounts of many, and instead praying for God to “grow the seeds”, they use “postulates” and other “tricks” to get the $$$, instead of using the conditions and policies to help. How about “don’t spend what you don’t have”, and many more. The analogy could not be any better. The “churches” in John Oliver report could learn few tricks from “The Mother Cof$”.
Right! Seed money for Ideal Orgs. There is NO people in them but who cares, because now you have done something amazing; you have contributed to the sprouting up of buildings – with your seed money.
It’s like the people pointed out in John Oliver’s satire who buy the evangelists TWO jets and applaud as he’s asking for the second one.
Excellent John Oliver video! So true and sad but, LMAO!
The Oliver video is brilliantly funny and exceedingly sad. Tens of millions are fleeced daily by these disgusting charlatans. People who want to desperately believe in something beyond themselves, huckstered into turning over money, which many can’t afford, for empty promises. The only difference between these abominable mega-churches and the cult of Scientology, is that Hubbard fixed his target on making “the able more able” in other words – the “able” most likely would have more money. What a pathetic sham these “churches” are, and what a pathetic sham the IRS is in enabling them.
I don’t know if there was a promise to Ron. However, Ron would not be impressed with a big empty building even if it did have a “bust” of him inside, and an office for him with an empty chair. He would rather see people being audited in a rundown shanty. At least services would be delivered, and there would be some exchange.
Actually Beryl, El Con was only really impressed by how many $ an org sent to “upper management”. Per policies HE wrote and what he released for delivery, operated at an exchange level of criminal.
And I think you’re being kind to him, John. He set the whole criminal empire in motion. Just think of all the shit people have had to deal with in the cult for all these decades.
You are right, I have read the books about Ron and the shoeboxes of money. I know his story well. I was just saying that Ron did want people to be audited and trained, to at least get something for their money, even if he took way too much of it for himself. I also know that the “Bridge to Spiritual Freedom” did not really make people spiritually free, but at least a lot of people did get some case gain in exchange for their money, now they get nothing but perhaps a plaque or a certificate.
The video by John Oliver was fantastic. Such a shame there are so many gullible people being taken for rides in the name of being saved. Obviously a hot button.
The churches he refers to call it “seeds”; now the cofs is calling it “miles.”
My disconnected “friend” from Miami complained to me 8 years ago about being tapped for 150K. She made it clear that she and her husband were highly pressured for the money. No doubt that amount is higher by this point.
So fortunate I worked my way off of the treadmill and will surely never again be apart of any such “religion.”
I’ve sent in my seed money to John Oliver.
His segment is brilliant.
Hallelujah sister. May your seeds multiply in the name of the almighty tax exemption….
Hey, I want to be tax exempt! I’ve been in several churches. The Church of Negativity. We all sat around doing nothing but complaining and smoking pot. Next, Our Lady of the Gross Assumption. Never really got a lot of parishioners but we did get drunk on wine every single. The I joined a Synagog. Temple of the Benign Loop Hole. I never really understood what they were saying but they did have some really hot Jewish girls there. And finally, Our Lady of the Rude Awakening. That’s when I found out what religion was all about. Finally in my quest for spiritual knowledge, I joined the People’s Temple in San Francisco. Now, the pastor, Jim Jones, did seem a bit….how I put this, a bit strange, but, what the hell. When he made us move to Guyana, I balked at first, but then got stoned and gladly got on the plane. Jonestown was ok, guess. However, one day I went to the bar to get a drink. All they had was this damn Kool-Aid. I mean, the food was ok, but the Kool-Aid was to die for.
Oh stop groaning!
Hey Mary! I thought you were going to send your ‘seed’ to me! What’s up with that?
Ha! Remember how I posted Friday that the Stevens Creek Ideal Org has been listed by California as Franchise Tax Board Suspended for over a year?
And how someone said my post was probably the first that Miscavige had heard of it, and that somebody was going to get a reaming?
You called it. Today their status has been fixed up.
LMAO RMycroft. Isn’t OSA US supposed to oversee those “org ruds”? I say you send DM a letter demanding a salary.
Thank you for scorching John Oliver segment
I’ve lived in Miami all my life. The funding for the new Marlin’s stadium, at tax payers’ expense, was a big deal in Miami. At no time was there ever any mention of Scientology fund raising or contributing to the stadium. But it is possible their check is in the mail……
Just watched the video, it is hilarious. Thanks for posting it Mike. So freaking true.
Hi Newcomer,A great post.Thank you so much.Oasis is this Blog,after slogging in the SO/COS desert.XO Ann.
A small group of otherwise morose people have whipped themselves up into a happiness frenzy in order to create the illusion of enthusiasm for something that in truth depresses the hell out of them. This is a ship of fools in the truest possible way.
Did anyone see the Grant Cardone video on Facebook of him in his home…what an ego centric creep.
I’m glad you mentioned Cardone……surely Cardone and Duggan, with their mighty Miami skills, Cardone’s ability to sell ice to an Eskimo, Duggans’s experience with LRH admin tech (because of course Duggan used the tech in his Big Pharma business) ……surely they could make Miami ideal!
Why, just between the two of them, they could donate enough……hmmmmmm, wonder why Grant and Bob don’t put up the money.
This is a bit off thread and I apologize, but just today in the Weekly magazine they had a bit that Tom Cruise wants to leave the church because they won’t let him see Suri, his daughter, because they declared his wife, Katie, an SP and Suri is connected to Katie. The article says Tom is thinking of leaving the church so that he can see Suri and that he even went to Lisa Marie Presley for advice on how to do this and that Lisa Marie said that if they tried to publish dirty on Tom for leaving, that she would step up and spill all the beans she knows about the church.
Don’t believe everything you read in the press. Or even most things when they are about this topic.
Hi Mike,I agree 100%.I always thought the mission of any news gathering organization is to sell as much of it as they can,by any means necessary,like the cos also.When it comes to headlines I wait for the glare to subside before believing anything,especially when it involves Tom & David.Older and I hope wiser about this now.Ann B.
I myself am wondering where is Trish Duggan? Why is she letting her husband make such an ass of himself? Is Bob having a mid or late life crisis? Hanging with the Cardone’s is pathetic and he is rapidly losing any and all repute. Has Trish been disappeared like the rejected children?
I think they’ve both put up millions.
I remember one time after a huge donation and the church wanted more, telling them I didn’t have and that I had already donated way more in proportion to my income than I’m sure Tom Cruise had donated in proportion to his income. Alfonso (MAA) came down on me like a ton of bricks. Almost sent me to sec checking for saying such a thing.
Cardone is such a transparent hucksters and snake oil salesmen..and dripping with condescension and smarminess. Reading the FB posts re. his one man show video shocks…Kool Aid drinker born every minute. I would not buy water from this guy if I was dying of thirst walking in the desert. He is about as authentic as an oasis.
I assume you mean mirage Cobra, the oasis is real! It’s here, it’s now and its this blog! 🙂
See the UPDATE to the post with the video from John Oliver’s show last night….
I am a huge John Oliver fan and hope one day he will do something more on the cult. But he has done some great digs already. As in the episode linked below:
It’s on the scandal of FIFA. But the part on the cult is at 3:11 to 3:31.
Yeah, it’s becoming pretty common these days. Bill Maher took a dig in his show on Friday night too — when he was talking about ISIS and how many members they have. he said they were just like scientologists. Tells how well regarded the claims by scientology about their membership and expansion etc are. Everyone knows that are bs.
“Isn’t it time to admit to yourselves and others, that despite having the ONLY tech to salvage mankind, and the ONLY workable administrative technology, and the top 1% of the top 10% of the people on earth and homo novi and OT’s,”
Mike, don’t be silly. El con created such a perfect tek that ordinary beings cannot apply it correctly. Hisself included… So, don’t go blaming El Con’s tek. Everyone who tries it is just an incompetent whiner. (according to some Ron Bots I’ve run into)
Just the tragic irony of the line “Promise to Ron” is too great in itself.
An the Promise to Ron is like ‘limited’? Just a few people will have the earth shaking experience to be one of the very, very, few blind people that fell for the scam. A “Hell’s Honor”
All I can say is “bloody pathetic”, Promise to Ron? how about a promise to your family and yourself to get out and get back to sanity.
Hi Mike,Wow these little lapel pins are making the rounds over & over.The old 40+ year promise to Ron is ringing hollow.All the years & years & years of The Free Work and what is there no show for it? Lavish empty cold dead real estate a mangled beyond belief bridge & those still in lost in the haze of David’s immense glow that really really is Illusion,he can grab the money- honey about as fast as Ron though.And the miles substitute for money raised? Get me the word clearers! I can’t forget The Moneywinds either how that old girl still floats is an OT EP,however the small amount I know about boats etc you won’t catch me on or near her! Always Ann B.
You can find some of those outfits in the encyclopedia under Trainwreck, Can’t stop staring at. Eyes. Hurt. The religion of the almighty dollar continues to prove that you can’t buy class.
On the one hand it is fun to see these ideal org projects consistently failing to get finished, on the other the projects give them hope and something to work toward, once they do get finished they can at last see for themselves the myth of the ideal org being the solution to planetary clearing.
Miami’s “Promise to Ron”? More like Miami’s donation to COP…
Ron with his ass looking like a pincusion from all the injections of the anti-psychotic medication vistaril has been dead going on 30 years…
Wake up Miami!
It has already been pointed out by Mike Rinder that the Vistaril found in his system was likely prescribed for the acute pancreatitis he was suffering from. I wish people would drop this Vistaril jibe.
I was given Vistrial for mild anxiety, it is a second generation antihistamine, like benedryl.
LRH was a scumbag con-man, most likely insane no doubt, but yea the Vis as an ANTI-PSYCHOTIC rap is silly and disingenuous and prolly needs to stop being pointed to.
What’s the biggest being, the guy who left his body voluntarily to continue his “research,” the most Oatyest oaty, doing with pancreatitis?