This is a recent email from Dave Kushin who we have been hearing a lot from recently.
For some reason (actually, it’s for financial reasons – somehow he is making something out of this) he is promoting a seminar from the Chan Man.
According to this promotion, this is about “aging” and how Mr. Chan only sleeps 2 hours a night and never has a bad day even though he is 60. The implication is that he has found, within the “tech” the answers to aging and not sleeping. Nobody else seems to have figured this out, yet they all have the same “tech” as Chan Man does. I guess he is just smarter than everyone else. At least he is better at convincing people he is smarter…
Dave Kushin is clearly a “KSW” kind of guy. Meaning he is wholly delusory.
This is scientology in its essence. Offer incredible things, pretend they are attainable, and sell, sell, sell people on them. They seem too good to be true. And they are.
From: Dave Kushin
Sent: Jul 7, 2020
Subject: HAVING ENERGY Michael Chan Thursday
I use pot to sleep. It has to be Indica. Preferably from a legal dispensary. They can help you buy the right product. There are now tinctures, pills, flowers, edibles among other forms of it. Been helping my life long insomnia for years now.
Todd, it just goes to show that MANY still believe in magickal remedies enough to pay good (or bad) money to grifters, such as LRH, and now the mighty Dwarfenführer!
Wouldn’t the claim that you only get two hours of sleep a night get a KR about Mikey Chan? I mean, when I was on course I was told to literally go into the next room and nap until I was fully rested before I could start a session. Literally, go lay on some ‘chairs’ and pretend to nap until I either got bored and fell asleep or faked that I was no longer tired. And this guy is being praised for breaking the rules?
There is no way his body can function on two hours of sleep. It’s a lie, it’s all a lie.
I met this guy about 10 yrs ago. I went to thank him for an event he did . As I walked up to him he stepped backwards as if I was going to cause him harm. He was afraid!!!
The big pussy!!!
Strictly anecdotal:
Years ago a bunch of us in my neighb hung out in the same place every night. Small pub, sawdust on the floor, that sort of thing. The owner was 39 years old when he bought the place. He had been a waiter; he had very little money. He operated the place on a shoe-string for 8 years, doing everything himself except cooking the burgers. We were his “regular crowd” He worked 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. Always there. Knew everyone’s name. Never forgot a name. He knew what each of us drank and how much we drank and he had a phenomenal memory for the little unimportant things we would share about ourselves. Never took a day off. We marveled at his ability to leave work every night at 2AM and be back at 10AM the next morning to receive the deliveries, set up the kitchen, the bar, etc. He told us many times that he only needed 4 or 5 hours of sleep. We were all in awe of him for this. Total workaholic, totally nice, friendly, man of all work pub owner. Long story short; after 8 years his small place finally took off and became a real hot spot. Jam packed all the time. Shortly after the place took off and he had lot of his family working there, waiting on tables, bartending, managing, etc., he had a heart attack and died, suddenly. One heart attack. No warning. No history of heart trouble. Tremendous energy, stamina. Didn’t smoke as I recall. Didn’t drink either, maybe a short beer per night. And he wasn’t overweight either. Not tall, slender, wiry. But one heart attack, out of the blue, and poof, he was gone. 47 years old. I think he wasn’t getting enough sleep and it put too much of a strain on his heart.
Parachute realized:
“It’s a lie, it’s all a lie.”
it’s scientology. What else would you expect?
Point well taken.
If you want to know who this mystery person is, I would follow the money.
The only reason I can see why anyone who is wealthy and clever would be donating money to this ruin is if they are getting tips on NFL games with which they make a lot more money than they throw down the toilet.
That sounds SO like the claims of people who swore they were living on a diet of … AIR & water. Turns out when they were monitored properly, their claims were bogus —just as I expect the Chan-man’s claims will be found to be. ‘Course, in scientology, it doesn’t matter; it’s ALL bogus claims from start to finish.
The real proof of the pudding is noting when Chan’s body gives up the ghost and dies on him. Judging from his claims and that pic, it will be all-too-soon, now, poor thing.
Jere, Research shows that people who sleep less don’t live as long – particularly if subject to actual sleep deprivation (like in the Sea Org). For example:
Human longevity is associated with regular sleep patterns, maintenance of slow wave sleep….
That’s the sort of trickery that appealed to me in my late teens when I was reading nothing but science fiction. That’s what hooked me into scn. Such a scam. So gullible. But for every scammer there is another sucker. That’s how we learn I guess.
ALL ABOARD THE INSANE TRAIN! Disembark at the appointed box where you will live within the four walls with no exit. Be prepared to sign over your rights to think for yourself which, of course, is for the greater good of DM.
I just cannot believe you would dare to speak against this wonderful phenom!
Just consider. Just for a sec. Suppose this man has really discovered some “hidden meaning” in all of those wonderful texts that were written by that wonderful man. Suppose that man actually was on to something and he came from a hugely advanced race of people from a hugely advanced planet.
Maybe there was just some tiny misunderstanding so they never fully understood our langauge and we never fully understood their language. Can you see where this is going?
Just suppose this man from another planet really knew the truth about how to live forever and his planet has been trying to communicate that with our planet for say … about 50 years now?
Can you guess what the implications might be?
Suppose these advanced peoples report back to the head cult leader on that other planet and they tell that Dear Leader,
“Oh Dear Leader. Oh woe is me! I thought that when you said “woe” you meant we should be sorry. But none of us ever understood that you meant “whoa” instead and you wanted us to stop.
Oh Glory be to thee Glorious Leader. We just fucked up! We are so sorry. Can you find it within your hearts (the truly advanced are bound to have multiple hearts) to forgive us and let us escape your might wrath? Could you maybe cut us some slack, Dear One? Maybe a little mercy? You know that “mercy” thing in “The Bible”? We’ve heard so much about that. But none of us really ever understood what it meant. Please do not tell my spouse. But I still just don’t get it.
If we fuck up a big law, don’t that mean we deserve the big penalty? What does mercy have to do with that? We have truly been puzzled by that for such a long time now.
Please explain if you are of a mind. We are preparing the big Neutron thing – even as we speak. We really want to dish out that supreme punishment to this awful planet. They really are a bunch of rats down here and most of the good guys you sent (you know … the ones without those penuts), they really want use the Neut to Nuke these rats.
By the way, if you get a sec, can you explain the laws about peanuts? I’ve never really understood that. How does urinating out of a peanut mean someone is automatically a “bad guy”?
We know you are right and you are always right. But this peanut thing just confuses me something awful. Thanks ever so much in advance.
Your humble servant – the Donkey Man!
Sounds like a new Sect of Scientology is forming. The Order of the Post-Human, who will worship Mikey Chan as the ‘Post-Man’. He will empart his guru-like abilities on his most deep-pocketed adherents. His unique approach to Scientology will create an army of Falun Gong like ‘Post-People’ to etch out a new quadrent of clear on this miserable planet.
Sounds like I have a narrative for a new comic book going. Everyone here is free to elaborate on the ongoing adventures of ”Mikey Chan©”.
Skyler, if Chan-man has found the solution to aging, he SURE hasn’t shared it with “The Kid” at he top of the cult, who looked in his 70s when he was approaching 60 a little while back.
heavy is the back of the guy shouldering ALL of the work to keep the international criminal enterprise seem to be still alive and somewhat functional.
Perhaps the early characters in the Bible had the secrets. Didn’t Noah and others live more than 900 years? Quite possibly early man had those secrets AND the knowledge to shape & lift the massive stones of the pyramids, Machu Pichu, Gobeckli Tepi, and so on more than 12,000 years ago. Certainly Hubbard didn’t spill the beans on those and other ancient mysteries, though I’m sure he would have thought up SOME sort of tall tale to explain those things, had he been presented with them. Guy always came up with SOME sort of an explanation for ANYthing, ESPECIALLY his failures.
A very small number of people naturally sleep very little. It’s typical false attribution for Chan to credit that to Scientology – but “success stories” and other mechanisms to give undue credit to the CofS for positive things that happen in members’ lives, are a classic part of group or cult indoctrination that Scientology has refined to an art.
But of course, in typical doublethink, bad things that happen, are the members’ fault for failing, “pulling it in” – or being connected to an SP – and are never the responsibility of Scientology.
There is more to Michael Chan than meets the eye
Little i, I am only sleeping 4 hrs a night when I’m lucky. lnsomnia. Driving me crazy. j Can you tell me what meds you take and I”ll get them?
Same here Cindy….add to that I am a very light sleeper, any sound, any light including too cold or hot a room & I can’t sleep. Add to that my husband is a super restless sleep, including having “vivid dreams”….where he tosses & turns & yells out at night! Amazingly, but he can sleep like “the dead”. 99% of the time he’s watching TV downstairs where he falls asleep.
I’ve tried over the counter meds, Advil PM did help but not that great. I really feel for you & understand what you’re going through.
Including one or two “scripts”…of course the Drs don’t want you to “get hooked” so you’ll get enough for two weeks to a month….no worries, they didn’t work either. After several days of very little sleep, eventually there WILL be a night I might sleep through.
I hope we both find a solution to this. Thanks for your advice. I think I”m going to research serotonin and oxytocin also.
There are many nights I am up walking around trying to tire myself out. My mind sometimes goes a million miles a minute & I am unable to shut it down! I will take 1 Advil PM, sometimes two as recommended. I don’t want to take too many because the risk of dependency increases & then it won’t work anymore…along with possible damage to my liver etc.
I have used meditation, that does help with relaxation….but since I am a very light sleeper, I hear cars drive past the house all night long….and since we live on a corner, I hear traffic drive past in front of the house & on the street on the side of our house along with wind, rain, that keeps me up too. I’ve tried one of those “white noise machines”…THAT kept me up even more!
Hope you find some relief too Cindy
Ballet Lady, Here is something that is supposed to help with turning off a racing mind and racing thoughts when you want an empty mind to go to sleep: A natural supplement called Astragalus. OR Astragulus. Dr Mercola sells it.
Cindy, a good round of sex has always worked for me – – and my partner(s). The natural sleep aid.
Hey there
If you want to try something natural which works for me, try a sauna before bed. Slightly longer than the usual but not some rediculous 4 hour session. For added benefit after your done with the sauna try some hot milk and honey and avoid stimulants.
Sauna has helped me in a variety of ways including noticeably better sleep.
May be worth doing a blood test to see if you are deficient in any vitamins and minerals.
Hope this helps.
The bags under his eyes betray his OT sleep powers. I’ve observed that years of practicing TRs creates a rigid looking person. For all of the promises of spiritual lightness from Hubbard, he certainly created a zombie army of solid looking people.
The TR stare is so machine-like.
Mr Chan looks tired and solid.
I think Hubbard got it wrong with the practice of “being there” as essential to real and authentic communication. I think being a free individual who is comfortably themselves should be sought before you stick that person “there.”
There question is,”who is being there?”
If you are a jerk than a jerk is being there. There is no self knowledge in Scientology. There is only Hubbard Sci Fi clones “being there” in a land of make believe, bleating OT wins like sheep…. baa! baa!
You just took it out off my mouth.
Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister 1979-1990, famously only had 4 hours sleep a night. During her political party’s convention in Brighton in 1984 she emerging unscathed from an IRA bomb in the hotel. Apparently she was awake and working at 3am when the bomb exploded.
She lived to 87 – role model, anyone?
There certainly is no shortage of fraudulent offers: Get rich by Wednesday with zero effort. Lose all your excess weight with no lifestyle change by following one simple trick. Grow your member to epic proportions by this afternoon.
What they all have in common is that we KNOW that they can’t be true. And yet, enough of us hope against hope anyway, and fall for the con.
Watch out for the disclaimers! That’s where the fraud is often couched in terms that make the criminal get away with it. “According to Michael…” “Michael has said…”, “it is usual for him…” In other words, NOTHING is being offered explicitly other than the assurance that Chan holds a certain opinion. For lack of access to his head, we’ll have to take his word for it.
For the mother of all disclaimers, turn to “the science of mental.” And yes, they DO print it in “fine print.” It goes: “This book […] is part of L Ron Hubbard’s religious literature”–while the fat golden all-caps print on the cover (and many other places) screams “SCIENCE”
“[It] is not a statement of claims made by the author, publisher, or any Church of Scientology.” How does an author write ANY book about ANYTHING without making any claims? Particularly, in the name of “science!”
And these are just a couple of the disclaimers. There are more. As is so often the case, the fraud is buried in the fine print!
Years ago, when I was on the RPF at Int, we were on a particularly grueling schedule.
The reason was because we had to get Hubbard’s residence ready for his return, but factually, it was just another emergency in a group that was perpetually on a crisis footing. And Hubbard never moved in, maybe spent a few hours there.
During this project, I endured countless 24 and 48 hour “shifts” with no sleep. But my record for the longest “workday” was 92 hours.
92 hours is 2.25 work WEEKS in the real world.
Working this way was dangerous and unbelievably inefficient with people found standing in closets asleep, etc. People were hallucinating. Just crazy.
That is when I achieved the End Phenomenon of The Sleep Deprivation Rundown: the person has the realization, “Fuck this! This is wrong, stupid, and dangerous.”
John, that was a true horror show. They asked us to do the impossible and we tried to do it. Out of devotion to Ron, supposedly. All to “make it possible for Ron to return to the Int Base”.
We used to say “We have done so much with so little for so long that now we can do anything. With nothing at all!”
But the joke was on us, as we are finding out from the writings of folks who were at higher levels and later escaped.
Dave Miscavige’s main job as “Special Projects Operations In-Charge” was to get the legal all-clear for Ron to emerge from hiding. To clear up his issues with the IRS and the law.
He never got that done, mainly because that was impossible too. But to cover up for his incompetence he invented piles of renovations projects that “had to be done before Ron returns”. Just so he could report progress instead of failure.
Bonny View House. The Music Studio. The 12-Mic recording studio (with Hubbard’s cat-scratching post mounted with 12 microphones on goose-necks so every sylvan syllable that drops from his lips is captured faithfully. All in a true anechoic chamber. The “Gym” (film studio that we lied to the county supervisors about, saying it was an exercise gym. With a 20 foot ceiling and 18 foot sliding doors. Upper “Ron’s Audio Visual” office with Jon Horwich’s amazing sound system. Lower RAV with Hubbard’s old Neve recording console and Stephens 16 track recorder.
On and on. Has to be done now or sooner. Never count the cost.
I think I was on that 5 day bender you mention. It was supposed to be to finish the 12-mic, so Hubbard could record another Ron’s Journal in there. Before that, for a few days after I arrived from the PAC RPF, we were on a “normal schedule”. Going home to Happy Valley every night. But I happened to glance at some of the student points graphs and noticed they hadn’t been updated for a while. Then one day we all headed down to the bus to go home and there was the RPF Bosun. Not saying a word. Just shaking his head and pointing back up the hill.
You were literally not supposed to sleep at all, but I figured out later that lots of folks figured out ways to sneak in cat-naps. Literally collapsing in a closet or “doing a project” in the attic.
Not me. After they finally gave up and sent us home, I slept for about 9 hours on the floor and then woke up with excruciating leg cramps. My legs were never the same after that, eventually developing skin ulcers 2 inches wide.
Or maybe it was BV House. One night after Midnight Rations (Mid-Rats) we ran back up to the house and were given our project for the night. This is after a full day and evening of work in the hot desert sun. They told our 5-man and woman RPF unit that the project for the night was to remove the floor of a two-bedroom house. The house was up on blocks. Here is a sledge hammer. Start!
If it has to be said again, so be it.
Scientology is not good for children and other living things. Unsafe at any speed.
It is not even really good for Dave Miscavige, though he does get to throw his minimal weight around and go on elaborate free vacations. He gets to sleep too. But all those rage hormones and alcohol abuses eventually take their toll.
Oh yes Bruce, you do bring back memories!
I think this one was for Bonnie view. Sometime around day three or day four, I was walking up the hill carrying something and I noticed that Len, the tool guy, was pushing his cart up the hill but he had stopped. As I passed him, I could see he was sound asleep leaning on the handle, the car propping him up and him leaning on the cart to prevent it from rolling down the hill.
I just walked past. Didn’t have the energy or hard to wake him up.
In the SO, all nighters and multi all nighters were the norm. There were always phony flaps and catastrophes afoot. The whole operation was managed by making everything into an emergency (which was made-up BS), then using various mechanisms of duress to force staff to wear themselves down meeting artificial “TMs” and random emergencies, either imagined or self-caused. This basis of “management” has worsened over the years as Miscavige gathered more and more dictatorial power and wielded it in evermore irrational ways. That literally is Scientology management in a nutshell. It goes far past the boundary of efficency through inefficiency and down into the realm of the psychotic.
Indeed, they were the norm. Insane!
What prompted me to finally blow the int base was after being promised that when we finished Bonnie view, that we were going to go on full-time study to make up for all the all nighters and no study. Well it lasted about three weeks or so—and it wasn’t full time, just 5 hours a night.
Then suddenly, there was a new emergency to finish this recording studio and there we were, up all night again.
I knew that at that rate, I was never going to get off the RPF, and on top of it, the sleep deprivation was going to drive me insane. I prepared for it and then blew a day or two later.
Seriously, it took me about five years after leaving the SO to get over the giddy feeling whenever Friday came around and I knew I had two days off and could sleep in as long as I wanted!
OMG, the nightmare that was the recording studio build. Steve? and Andre wielding the whip on the RPFers. I think that was when Horwich was on the RPF and Diana was always busy so Roanne often was plopped by her nanny in my somewhat large office at a spare typewriter to play. It just struck me what a strange childhood she had.
Sleep deprivation is also used as a torture method.
Long-term sleep deprivation can also lead to damaging effects on the health of a person like e.g. a weakened immune system. It was frequently administered in the Sea Orgs.
“10 Effects of Long-Term Sleep Deprivation
An ongoing lack of sleep has been closely associated with hypertension, heart attacks and strokes, obesity, diabetes, depression and anxiety, decreased brain function, memory loss, weakened immune system, lower fertility rates and psychiatric disorders.”
Margaret Thatcher only needed 2 hours sleep a night does this mean that she was a secret Scientologist. I don’t think so, she was far too grounded to have any of that nonsense.
What a load of horseshit. Only sleeps two hours a night? Never has a bad day? 30 seconds maximum of “bad”?? Umm… does he start timing himself as soon as that “bad” happens?
Totally ridiculous on every level.
I talked about aging and sleeping only a few hours a night in the Free Zone. I welcome Michael Chan to the Free Zone and wish him continued expansion across the 12 dynamics.
Be careful Captain Bill. It would be better to eliminate sleeping altogether. Must keep watch all night. Even just a few hours is all the Marcabians need to stage a successful invasion. Everything is at stake.
Ai! Pedrito!
I actually met Captain Bill briefly back in the early 80s.
Never actually witnessed him going to the top of the Big Blue to watch for the attack of the Marcab Confederacy but I believe those who said he did. Guy was seriously off his rocker.
I saw OT8’s that looked like crap. Then the motto was “The body is not important”.
Michael certainly has bags under his eyes for his 2 hrs of sleep a night.
“Meaning he is wholly delusory.” Well , if you’re going to have delusions, they might as well be good ones. But sleeping only 2 hours a night is not possible. Not unless you have a 6 hour ‘nap’ during the day. Anything else will make you crazy and you might believe in stupid things. Oh… I see what happened there.
Now, where is Gavin Potter? He is one of the other heads on Cerberus.
I thought the Sea Org had long ago mastered 2 hours or less of sleep a night . Next Chan will be selling us all on how to reduce the huge bags clearly visible under his eyes. Which must be a side effect of his 2 hour a nite sleep routine.
Queen B:
Actually, the under-eye bags are from sleeping TOO MUCH, don’cha know?
Michael Chan was making 6 figures on Wall St when he was in his early 20’s before he was a Scientologist. I knew Michael well when I was in the cult. I had many long conversations with him at his house. My take on him then was that he probably has an IQ of 160. Michael is a smart guy, a hard worker, and a very likable guy. That’s why he is so successful,unfortunately like all Scientologist ,every successful action he has is credited to ” the Tech”, and ‘LRH”. Its so pathetic to hear this from Scientologist.
RIGHT, Christopher:
All his “wins” are Ron’s doings, all his setbacks are from his overts many, many lifetimes ago. NONE of it is from what he’s doing.
First of all … and we always have to start with this … We KNOW the message from Kushin is simply a lie. Again … a LIE. That’s standard operating procedure. Chan Man no more exists on two hours sleep a night than I’m still 39 (I’m almost 70). Truth is I’m worn out a lot with creaky joints and all sorts of aches and pains, but I’m still traveling the world and having sex every now and then as well. The “secret” that Chan probably reveals is something on the order of deciding to create energy and despite how you feel, going ahead ANYWAY and then you often DO feel energetic (for the required task or time). And honestly, that does work for me. Whether it still will in five years? We’ll see.
And … Keep going up the bridge ,let me help you remove any barriers so that I can take your money today, and oh, yeah, what’s your IAS status? … there’s more than one dynamic, you know …
*other than the since removed short YouTube clip, I’ve never heard the guy. Anyone got any video of audio of him they can post?
He probably is not aware that he falls asleep for naps in front of the tv.
Heck, anyone can get the No Sleep Rundown for free! Just join the Sea Borg.
I’m nearly 60. I sleep three or four hours a night. But I drink a lot of Coke Zero. What can I say? It sucks.
Turn it around, such as, Zero Coke? It can’t hurt!
I used to consume Diet Coke.
Stop doing that!!! It’s not good for you!!!
I think that’s called insomnia, hon. Coke Zero doesn’t have caffeine in it, does it? My insomnia let me sleep between 0-4 hours a night, until I started taking meds for it, not sleeping pills, cos those have side effects, but anxiety meds. Anyway, you might want to look into it.
As far as the article goes, you can function on only 2 hours a night, after a time your body, like, becomes used to it, but I wouldn’t recommend it, or say that it’s healthy.
Right! At 68, I only sleep 4 hours a night. I don’t really NEED the 6-hour naps from after lunch ’til Happy Hour – – my time to cuddle with my lovely lady ; – ) CUDDLE time is inviolable!
Michael Chan is just a front man for the money-grubbers. Looks like this one is for donations to the I-rotten-Deal Orgs, but he is often on the road for the Flag Land Base, the Freewinds, anybody who needs a little green to keep the lights on.
It is very puzzling that he gets away with pretending to knowledge that is either not from Hubbard or somehow hidden in Hubbard’s massive mountain of meandering mouthings.
Didn’t the Dave release all of Hubbard’s works in the so-called Golden Age of Knowledge? The GAaacK? Isn’t every good Scientologist supposed to have read and listened to it all more than once? How could there be hidden nuggets of OT powers (making your postulates stick) or hints of physiological breakthroughs that allow one to live forever on two hours of sleep a night?
It sort of made a tiny bit of sense before all the lectures were released. You could almost believe that maybe the Chan Man listened to a lecture that is not well known and discovered some Hubbard nuggets to hawk.
Now it is just insanity squared. Everybody is supposed to know everything in all the lectures and books. Nobody in Scientology is supposed to come up with stuff on their own. But here is Michael Chan, pushing his own version with apparent impunity. Even the sacred honor of the Hubbard is not a barrier if there is a buck to be made. They do it all for the dollars these days.
If he’s not aging, why does he look 30 years older in the first photo (and in the videos of him on YouTube) than he does in the promotional photo on the flyer?
Ah, the magic of Photoshop. That difference occurred to me too.
First of all the ad. I got shivers. The usual marketing crap. To enforce the “miracle’ they put also a box that is a ‘trompe l’oeil’ (optical illusion). Pathetic bunch of scammer.
Second. It’s just genetic stuff. My wife’s mother lives in Sardinia. She is precisely 90 years old. She looks like and behave body-wise like a 70 years old person. No joke.
Sardinia and South of Japan are being studied since decades for this genetic particularity where a lot of people reach even 100 years and are still in shape.
Chan ‘boy’ got nothing out of Scn in terms of aging. It is obviously genetic.
Personally I am since some years above 50s but many think I could be 10 years younger. So? I have been in 15 years and never done any step on the bridge except ‘purif’.
They are really (sorry in advance) ‘prostitutes’ jumping in anything that can make money. Now is ‘aging’.
About not sleeping there are miles of medical researches that say that this can go for a while but later you start having problems. And I mean serious one.
Now an average of 2 hours can work only in some periods of time where the persone sleeps every few hours for some time during the day (and not just 2 hours in a day, come on Chan!) .
But this also has a period of duration. After this period the thing called ‘brain’ (so unfriendly to scn) becomes a milkshake.
Hey Chan do a favor to all of us: please, could you really go to straight hell?
Just this morning I saw a video about “fatal familial insomnia “, a genetic condition when you get increasingly worse insomnia and then die in a few months. It didn’t sound like fun.
Cre8tivewmn. Correct. If what Chan “boy” said about sleeping 2 hours is somehow true however we are missing still to know since how long he does it.
There is something I read about people sleeping 2/3 hours per night but they take a lot of short sleeping times during the day. But still isn’t healthy to me it is a stress to the body.
O/T. A bit of an update on Mirit Hendrickson and her role as Vice President of Scientology front-group United for Human Rights Florida.
Hendrickson says:
“Maybe if we change the name of the White House people will stop being so racist towards white people!”
ESMB Redux post:
I wonder how Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad and the rest of the Nation of Islam feel about this?
Mreet has no idea what racism means. How could she? She lives in a white (mostly) bubble with very little contact with the real world. Much of the ability to have empathy for others has been brainwashed out of her. She lives in a bizarro world where a childish seascape is worth a thousand or more dollars as a ‘work of art’, when in fact it would not have won a mention in a second grade art competition.
She would know racism if she had ever been pulled over for driving while white, or shot because of jogging through the wrong neighborhood, or arrested because she looks like a white shoplifter (and you can’t tell those white women apart.)
She is making a prejudiced statement using the White House to represent all white people. I doubt she knows that it wasn’t “The White House” until named so by Teddy Roosevelt in 1901. I doubt she knows that building and several other DC governmental buildings were initially built using a lot of black laborers, including many black slaves. “The House That Blacks Built” would be an accurate name for it.
Oh well, ignorance is bliss, or so the saying goes, and Mreet seems to present herself as a blissful ignoramus.
Sure does not sound very standard and adhered to KSW, but who cares, as long as income is generated you can go ahead with anything inside Scientology. Ask Miscavige if you don’t believe me.
‘maybe a bad 30 seconds maximum’ Not a minute, not 31 seconds, but 30 seconds maximum. Life in the bubble is just full of humorous anecdotes.
2 hours a night huh, it’s called insomnia. And if he never has a bad day it is more likely because he is not living in the real world – he is a full-time, card carrying bubble dweller.
HEY!!! I live in a bubble too! Soooooo, that makes me a bubble dweller too!!! Man, this is exciting!!!
Hey OSD! We are here me and Skyler just outside the bubble we are going to the beach bar for a disco night. We are gonna dwell on all night long. Wear your best t-shirt, we are outside!