The latest video from scientology attempting to ‘dead agent” me is quite amusing. Though, if I was David Miscavige I would be screaming bloody murder claiming I was the subject of terrorist threats and hate crimes because they frame me in “scope sights.” This is especially concerning after David “Let Him Die” Miscavige hired PI’s with an arsenal including assault rifles with silencers to tail his own father. If anyone put up this sort of video with David Miscavige framed in armament sights it would take about 3 minutes for the stuck pig squealing to begin.
Tony Ortega covered some aspects of this video in his blog post yesterday, but there were a few thoughts I wanted to have in one place, so that those looking for the “dead agent” of the ‘dead agent” could find it easily.
The most striking thing about their video is that the collection of people they have snarking about me are almost exclusively NOT the people I worked most closely with during my 34 years in the Sea Org. Only Sue Wilhere and Mike Sutter could fit into that category for certain periods of time, though for the last 5 years or so I was at Int Mike Sutter was putting CD’s into boxes. His post was “Box Stuffer IC Gold.” Sue Wilhere had been kicked out of RTC and was in the Hole.
All of the stars of this video are Sea Org members (except Jason Bennick, who now runs a car repair place in Clearwater yet somehow remains a competitor in the DM brown-nosing derby even outside the SO) and can be commanded to do whatever they are told. This was not a volunteer assignment. Refusal to participate would be tantamount to consorting with the enemy and having “mutual out ruds” with the biggest SP on the planet. So, no doubt, people clamored for the opportunity to demonstrate their loyalty to Dear Leader. I am depicted to them as being dedicated to the personal destruction of “COB” and he rails about how “nobody is doing anything to stand up for him” constantly. So this was no doubt presented as an opportunity to “deliver an effective blow” and “show your support for COB.”
But, if you are going to bother with a video like this, why not include the people I DID work closely with? Here is a list of them:
Kurt Weiland the former CO OSA Int and WDC OSA, last seen in the Hole.
Linda Hamel, the current CO OSA Int. But a total ghost and kept out of sight due to her GO Intel background.
Guillaume Lesevre, former ED Int last seen in the Hole.
Marc Yager, former CO CMO Int last seen at the airport with Marty Rathbun, let out of the Hole for a special “confrontation.”
Ray Mithoff, former Snr CS Int last seen in the Hole.
Mark Ingber, former CO CMO Int last seen in the Hole.
Heber Jentzsch, former President CSI last seen in the Hole.
David Bloomberg, former ASI Reg and Marketing Exec Int, last seen on leash out of the Hole to video Jenny Linson “confronting” Marty Rathbun at LAX.
Karin Pouw, scientology spokespuppet who has not spoke to the media in years.
Lisa Schroer former CO Gold, last seen as Laundry IC Gold, now apparently out of the Sea Org.
Greg Wilhere, former Inspector General and Tom Cruise girlfriend procurer, last seen in the Hole.
Angie Blankenship, no longer in the SO, living in Clearwater. Paid for her silence.
Jenny Linson, Miscavige pet, didn’t make the cut on my video for some reason?
And most notably absent, as he is in ALL public statements — David Miscavige.
And of course, his “wife” Shelly (not seen in public since 2007).
And then there are Marty Rathbun, Tom DeVocht, Amy Scobee, Jeff Hawkins. They are missing for obvious reasons.
These ARE the people I worked with. So, why use low level or disrelated people that I just didn’t have a lot of contact with? Because the list above consists of people who have been “disappeared” and even a cause as vital as saying bad things about me isn’t worth the risk of reminding the public that these people are no longer around…. A few of them have cameos in the other Alex Gibney video, but they are not identified by name, just seen walking past the camera in staged shots of their valiant efforts to speak to Alex Gibney (though not ON camera, they just wanted to “tell him how he had it wrong.”)
But perhaps the most inescapable fact is this:
I was the international spokesperson for scientology for 25+ years. And I was on the board of directors of church of scientology international from its inception in 1983 until the day I walked out the door. I was never “dismissed,” in scientology parlance I “blew.” They used to say I “left without authorization” until they realized it made them out as liars when they said “dismissed for malfeasance”.
Now, I will certainly acknowledge that my personality in the Sea Org was not something of which I am proud. The environment at the top echelons of scientology is not noted for its compassion and caring… those are not traits that keep you alive. Though I would like to think I maintained some sense of humor and wasn’t just nasty to everyone. But if I was such an incompetent and horrendous example of scientology then what were they doing having ME as the media liaison and spokesperson for all of scientology? Why was I the head of the Office of Special Affairs, or at some point CO CMO Int and WDC Chairman?
The other answer is that maybe this WAS the personality that best represented scientology and that is why I was selected to be its public face?
Either answer is not good for scientology. And in their desperation to get anything out, they seem to lose sight of the obvious.
It is unfortunate for David Miscavige that he cannot deny that I WAS the international spokesperson. So, instead he just pretends it never happened. But my last act in that capacity is documented in Going Clear and that was just days before I walked out the door, never to return.
The only thing this video really proves is that scientologists will lie at any opportunity if they think it advances their position or the position of the church (or at least, if they are told it does). And Sea Org members in particular will lie on command. When it was politically correct to brown-nose me, these same people you see in the video wrote numerous “commendations” about what a great guy I was. Of course, if I ever asked for my “ethics file” the first response from the church would be that it was “protected” and that it was against their firmly held religious beliefs to turn over such material (though not to publicly use it against me as they have already done). If they were ever forced by a court order to turn them over, any positive statements would be “disappeared” just like Shelly and the executive structure of scientology have been.
As Tony Ortega said, this is really weak sauce.
If the best they have is to find some people who hardly knew me to tell stories about how I didn’t talk to them, and was reduced to “bringing the coffee” (said by someone who had the POST of spokesperson but never was allowed to speak on behalf of the church because Miscavige didn’t trust her, and I was the coffee waiter?), then I would venture an opinion that they have really hit bottom. In fact, here is Linda Hight, still listed on the media contact page as “Media Relations.” How come, after holding this position for 29 years, nobody has EVER seen her? And why isn’t she willing to appear on any shows that I have been on, but only in a staged video? I will gladly debate her one on one on any legitimate media outlet…
One last thought.
I must say, the make-up and lighting in the video was high quality — proving how little they need ANOTHER studio facility when they have makeup, cameras, studios, editing facilities and everything else obviously not being used for anything important because it could be spared to put together this dreck.
Another scientology “milestone” fail.
I knew Claire Edwards very well. Her face now indicates a person full of hate and resentment. She worsened a lot. I would never want to be like her.
Go Mike!!!!
Georgina Tweedie – walk out, drive to Vegas, get on a plane, get out. We love you. You won’t lose your eternity (everything’s being delivered in the field by LRH trained Class VIII/OT 8s) and you deserve better than demotions for no reason. You are so logical. Look and see.
I know you’ve seen what’s on the internet, especially Debbie Cook’s letter and court footage. What if it’s true? What if you and your husband are at risk? Get out now before Miscavige sees this post and it misses his withhold.
You know how they work…use only cash, etc. etc. See you out here. We are here, thousands of us. Happy, going up the Bridge. Free.
Dear God, these people look like dead-eyed robots. Like they haven’t slept in years. Like homeless people that were given some ill fitting new clothes straight off the rack and told to sit down in this chair and read some cue cards. I guess that’s the most convincing acting they can muster out of their dead souls.
Aye Aye
I was in the FLO during the time Mike was on post in OSA. He had a very difficult post and was under a lot of pressure all the time. That being the case, I never remember him being nasty or rude to the people he worked with or other people in the building. Staff members tend to get a reputation for treating the people they work with in a very toxic way and Mike never had that reputation. Many staff members did, notably his ex wife Kathy Rinder who had a horrible reputation and treated everyone in a very disrespectful and demeaning way.
l think they could have been made a more realistic video with statements that were closer to things that Mike did while he was on staff : “Known for insisting his hair looked perfect, taking lots of time on that when he should have been producing” or “I was very suspicious of that Australian accent, so perfect and he hadn’t been in Australia in years.” Or “he tended to smile a lot and that bothered me knowing he usually got four to five hours of sleep per night.” “Too damn good looking for his own good.”
Seriuosly, I wonder who they think this video is going to reach since Scn’s are not allowed to search Scn on the internet and Sea Org members don’t even have access to a computer.
Scientology needs to spend some of their war chest on hiring less inept proof readers be fore they roll out another one of their maligning Rinder videos.
First the narrator says Mike Rinder suddenly left the church. Later on the narrator states that Mike was expelled for certain behaviors?! Which is it?
What kind of “public relations” product is this? A video of the upper echelon of the Church’s finest, ser facing and nattering. This is public relations? It CLEARY evidences claims that the Church is willing to destroy families and turn children against their parents. Mikes kids work for the Church! You know Dave,most Scientologists are familiar with the grade chart. The awareness characteristic of OBLIVIOUS.
Ser facs and natter. This is a product to handle public relations? All the while you envision yourselves and promote yourselves as “spiritually supreme”, the rest of the world can see the you are unhandled cases full of evil purposes. Bent, damaged, perverted, oblivious, blind, unkind, dysfunctional and ungrateful. That is the P.R. product value of this video.
Your observations are very astute! I’m apart of “the rest of the world”, having no CoS connections… and there is no doubt in my mind that this is an international criminal organization. No matter what self-help or world wide benefits the processes provide others, it is completely zero’d out by the barbarism and civil right violations that harm so many including our most vulnerable citizens, children.
And now my OP-ED on Scientology: The “reactive mind” is NOT a new discovery of the brain by LRH. Rather it is God himself who reveals what a reactive mind is as Moses tells us in Genesis 1. Who do you think the serpent represents? It is our SELF-TALK that states ‘we know better than God’. Thinking that eating the fruit of the tree gives us the special godly knowledge of good and bad. Mankind fell out of fellowship with God because we impugned God’s character and holy attributes by believing our self talk, lies that God is keeping something from us and withholding special knowledge. But our souls are too immature and our understanding is limited to handle that knowledge. As a result of our desires, EVIL exists. Mankind chooses it over and over. Truth, spoken with love is what changes hearts and minds and gives people a vision and purpose to live in harmony with one another. And that love and truth is begotten in Jesus, not made by man. I pray you all have the eyes and ears to receive this message. Christ will set you free, He loves you without fail. As the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in perfect relationship to one another, YOU are invited into the CENTER of that love. Be well.
Thank you for your kind acknowledgement, and your sincere interest and care for others.
Grace24/7, your assertions about God and Jesus will have to be put to the same test that scientology is put to. Both belief systems claim to have transformative powers. We have seen time and time again both personally as well as in the scandal sheets of the media how both systems have utterly failed to transform people into their own respective ideals. Let me suggest to you that a blog populated by former scientologists probably isn’t the most fertile ground to advance historically volatile beliefs for which no sound arguments can be made.
Roger, INCORRECT. I’ve seen nothing in the Bible that makes claims for gaining on Earth, here & now superhuman, OBJECTIVE powers over matter ,time, space & energy as Scn does. Cult members keep forgetting that it was those lies told by El Con that was the MAIN engine of membership and money for the Scn cult.
You are engaging in what is known as a logical fallacy argument.
John the argument you’re accusing me of is the “straw man” argument. I’m not making such an argument. YOU are making that argument by misrepresenting what I said then criticizing the misrepresentation. I stand by my comment although I consider it was unnecessary to make and sounded rather unfriendly. Thank you John for giving me the opportunity to say that.
I understand the expressed objections. The Christian religion has committed atrocities, the pedophile priests are recent crimes that grieve the Holy Spirit as well as laity. If you read New Testament stories, Jesus expresses anger to the religious leaders of the day. His anger addresses how they lord and wield their power and position over their people and cause undue suffering.
Jesus was well aware of the temptation for power to corrupt even the most pious of leaders. But men still turn away from His truth and commit sins in the name of God. As laity we are accountable to hold our leaders responsible as well as ourselves.
Regarding transformative power, Christians do not have supernatural powers nor an ability to transform ourselves. We believe those powers belong solely to God. God only allows us to operate in our human domain. We are limited beings. Not able to live outside of time and space. To believe otherwise is to worship false idols.
Back to the Garden of Eden story, eating the apple of the forbidden tree, believing it would give us god like powers, represents the fall, falling out of integrity with God.
My belief is God is restoring us now. He is near and longs to be in relationship to mankind as our parent, counselor, lover of our souls. Not out of his need, he had no unmet needs, but out of his generous hospitality and love.
If you so choose, pray the scriptures to Him and verify for yourself. Take any scripture in the bible and ask Him to reveal it’s meaning and to write it onto your heart. Peace be with you. John 3:16
Mike is out here, he has two young children to provide for and the Church is declaring this volunteer of over 30 years unemployable. They don’t give two f&^%s about those children or how this will effect them. David’s purposes to harm attack and suppress are so focused he doesn’t give two shits about two little kids who are going to suffer. This ios exactly why that man should be in charge of a nail salon.
David Miscavige has something terribly wrong with him with the criminality. While he has Mike’s children working for him for pennies an hour, he puts this video up about their father. Absolutely NO CONSIDERATION for those children, none! How insensitive can another human being be? Mike has two children with him and the Church doesn’t give two shits about those kids seeing this video. This is a covert form of child abuse and everyone who contributed to it if a f&%*^$g S.P.. When people run all over children like they aren’t worth a damn that is as selfish and criminal as it gets. I’m sick of seeing the children used to harm their parents and people dragging kids into theater. That is unholy. It is bullying CHILDREN. Whatever people did exploring Scientology and however it turned out,this covert fair gaming of people’s children is NOT going to take you to a better place. Willful blindness does not make your karma any better. We live in a society that just celebrated a child getting face beaten on the street by his mother. A blogger gets celebrated for fair gaming kids and dragging them onto his blog to be ridiculed, and a “Church” puts up a video fair gaming a former VOLUNTEER (according to the Church when they are in court) who’s children are still employed there. Some people really do need to come to their senses.
All the ex Scientology guys are total foxy babes. Everyone in the church is a brain washed bafoon. The ex wives sounds like parrots. Saying what they’ve been told “I know every inch of him” “I know every inch of him”. Blah blah blah the guys in the church are total disgusting creepers. Say goodbye to your career tom cruise. I’m boycotting every movie that even has a scientologist playing a supporting role. Churches are not vindictive. Cults are creepy. LRH was a nut job and a not very good fictional writer.
I just want to say that if I had to choose between the Manson family or Scientology to raise my kids, I’d go with the Manson’s. At least they like children. They are both kooky cults. Glad you are out and speaking out for those still in. Praying the Scientology cult is decimated before the end of the year. Xo
So much attention paid to a mere coffee server who’s sleeping on the job all the time.
It’s so easy to see through the lies, and all of those people in that video know exactly what they are doing: following orders, demonstrating loyalty, protecting the Scientology / the church. You can’t expect much else from a true blue cult member.
The sleepy coffee server was obviously once very important to them.
Hello, I have no connections to CoS, (no coursework nor contacts) just fascinated, saddened and shocked at the brain damage this organization has inflicted upon so many people through out the world. Reviewed the “Freedom” video and believe there are numerous tell-tale signs of lying via the micro-expressions on their faces and how scripted the messages were from person to person. Appears over rehearsed. Could see several reading cue cards as their eyes darted. False smiles flashed quickly and tightly, lips curled up exaggerated when they spoke their accusations. Similar pattern of speech person to person with a distinct pause between a long spoken sentence. And their eyes, the blank gaze that didn’t’ match the facial expressions. It’s hard to lie convincingly when the physical body provides subtle clues. (For what it’s worth from an outsider’s perspective)
the century dictionary 1914, Websters II New Riverside University plus some of my own short conclusions for now. I have a much longer write up but have not yet figured out how to post it here.
Thanks for the query.
I’m curious where you get your information. In medical parlance “psychopathy” is usually a broad category of anti-social behaviors that includes sociopathy. A sociopath has no concern for other peoples’ feelings. Apparently there have always been such people just as there have always been people born with a physical irregularity. So in that sense yes, psychopathy is “whole track”. There are three observable characteristics in such people: They will BOLDLY assert lies as truth. They will do mean things to people repeatedly without remorse. They often don’t bother to control their impulses. I agree with you there is valuable education in getting to witness these behaviors sufficiently to know them anywhere.
Well said both of you. And to add to your post about psychopathy, besides reading what LRH said about SP’s, read Martha Stout’s book, “The Sociopath Next Door.” It’s a must read and you’ll see many people in there that you know who are sociopaths in every sense of the word. And as for David Miscavige, “let him die,” a rose by any other name would smell the same. Any way you label him, it’s all the same: evil.
Roger Hornaday, In the OED it lists:
(ps-, saɪˈkɒpəθɪ)
[f. Gr. ψῡχο- psycho- + -πάθεια from πάθος suffering: hence sense 1 is etymologically correct; sense 2 follows homœopathy, hydropathy, etc.: see -pathy.]
1.1 Mental disease or disorder; In mod. use, personality disorder that lacks a physiological basis, characterized by markedly impulsive, egocentric, irresponsible, and ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOUR, and an inability to form normal relationships with others, sometimes accompanied by aggressiveness or charm and manifested at all levels of intelligence; the state of such a disorder.
sexual psychopathy, mental disease connected with sexual disorders.
By the way … the people on this video are … how shall I put this … very CRITICAL of Mike. … hmmm …. just sayin’
Well … at least they didn’t all claim to know every inch of your body, Mike.
So want to share this Mike R:
“Your enemy might be strong, but he’s not as strong as ‘ you’ think he is.”
Fighting words Mike. Replay it in ur head. You’ll get it… And you’ll see that the playing field is actually level.
So what David Miscavige is telling the world, in this message, is that Hubbard’s administrative technology does not work. Hubbatd took on and David inherited, a man in the Sea org for more than 30 years that had no statistics and was of no value to the organization, at the highest ranks. Well thank you for that severe reality adjustment David.
Psychopathy 101. back in the seventies hardly anybody knew what SPs (psychopaths) were or the difference between them and sociopaths. But then LRH comes along and points out some characteristics that I have found to be valid. I Am of the opinion that psychopaths are whole track, cold, calculating and lack emotions but will pretend to be angry or amused if it is a means to and end whereas a current lifetime sociopath will wildly dramatize uncontrollably and justify it as well. Creating special effects so to speak.
Having said that I want to thank LRH for the data and providing us with real live examples of both so that we may know better (one would think by now) and not become the effect.
We’re really lucky to have such an opportunity to study them in real time so that we may better understand them.
You just can’t get this kind of training in a regular college. For example you can see and experience the actual progression of the personalities involved in the cult-ural devolution of the participants. The tuition does seem a little high though. I got a lot smarter in the process and reached the (EP), they can’t take that away from me.
There was a “rumor” going around when I was still a bot that dm had done the PTS/SP course like 15 times or some such. This was apparently said in hushed tones that made dm a real bad ass. Well as I pointed out when I first saw the Truth Rundown and it still holds true now, if he was so good at spotting SP’s how could he have been surrounded by all of these “bad hats”, “liars”, and “good for nothings” and not have spotted it earlier. I realize everyone( in my mind ) who dedicated their entire life to helping people are all pretty good in the first place…BUT, if dm thought all of the disgruntled apostates were so bad, why did it take him so long to do anything about it?? I mean NONE of their explanations make any sense. Any excuses they utter can be torn to shreds. You just have to be willing to use your critical thinking skills and most bots have had that skill thoroughly beat out of them.
Someone said that men never do evil so completely as when they do it from religious convictions. So be scientology.
On the other hand, no one in my worldview has said this better, as in John 8:32 — “The truth shall make you free.” Mike, you understand this now.
Yes, its just amazing, Mike, how awful you were at your job year in – year out – and, still, they kept you there, at the top of the org board, in full charge of OSA, all those many many years – just amazing.
Obviously David Miscavige is just too full of the milk of human kindness to run things.
No wonder the Church of Scientology is shrinking so rapidly.
No wonder there are so many Under The Radar Scientologists now. Its David Miscavige’s fault.
He is just too soft and worker-oriented to be in charge, that’s all. Keeping people in high level executive positions when they should be contributing by serving coffee!
Case in point: you, Mike. Even when it was obvious that being a waiter was your true life vocation, and the best way for you to fulfill your pledge to get Ethics In On The Planet, Captain Miscavige STILL felt compelled to keep reposting you to head of OSA.
He did that for you, to make you feel better. He only did that because, well, he just liked you, that’s all.
Well, the Sea Org is obviously doomed as its being run by Captain Miscavige who is a softie, a totally worker-oriented exec who propitiates his staff.
Thanks, FeeToBeDumb.
Mike, you look really handsome in that photo.
Videos, like all of the videos at the Freedumb Magazine site, basically show how vengeful, and spiteful this organization really is. The mentality is like…. “I’m rubber, you’re glue, everything you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.” These hate videos clearly demonstrate to any sane person who sees them, how psychotic this type of mentality really is. Every one of these videos is just another foot bullet. If Scientology were smart, they’d take the entire Freedumb site down. So, it will probably stay up for quite a while.
Its really disturbing how people within the CoS lie so easily.
We humans are social animals who care about relationships and being liked, valued, and respected.
When someone attacks those basic needs, it can smart. But I learned long ago that what matters most is not whether you are liked or not, but who opposes you and why.
It is good to disliked by Kool-Aid drinkers, fascists, bullies. Being valued for rational and honest discourse by people such as on this blog is what is important.
So, nice video! Scientologists, like fundamentalist Islamists, are quite willing to lie for the cause — the perceived greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics in the one case or the imposition of a worldwide caliphate under sharia law in the other.
Ultimately, no group can be a pretender to the Throne of Truth and thereby liberation when its path is paved with lies.
Thirty plus years in the Sea Org and they attest he “never contributed”. If this isn’t enough to convince even the most dense not to join the Sea Org, I don’t know what is.
If he was so unimportant and everyone was so happy to bid good riddance, why the hell is the Church producing a documentary about him? How 1.1 were his “co workers” to work along side of him with these attitudes?
This makes Int Management look worse than the documentary that appeared on HBO.
“Just ask the people who know him best – his former colleagues – and you will get a whiff of the stench he left behind when he was expelled from the Church nearly a decade ago.”
Boy, that is classic Dave. If COB RTC Mr. David Miscavige didn’t write the whole script Himself, I’d say He has managed to clone Himself somehow… Oh, man, that’s an ugly thought.
It seems his “colleagues” were all very 1.1. Who knew all of those staff harbored so much unexpressed resentment? It would seem the tone level of the Int Base is 1.1 at best.
I distinctly recall you and the other Int Execs serving coffee, hors d’oeuvres and other refreshments to the Engineers on the Freewinds while we played cards and smoked cigars.
Mike, I am proud of you and others like you for the courage it takes to weather the onslaught of smear tactics that CO$ throws at you —- and you retorted it masterfully, pointing out people by name as those who can honestly speak of your character….
Remember this, Mike — DM and CO$ are like Sandpaper: they can scratch and rub on you relentlessly with their Lies, but in the end, you emerge polished and smooth, while they look worn out and torn.
Prayer and best wishes to you and your family —- Keep up the Fight!
Hi Bruce, Thank you for this post.My prayers,hopes dreams & Intentions for Mike & his family also.He @ all the brave souls that are letting our voices finally be heard on blogs.Thank you always for helping me each time I read the posts.Of course I may not agree with all posts,trolls especially, but I love y’all Take Care. Ann B.
I love how the video opens and closes with sound and static similar to HBO
Marc Yager, former CO CMO Int last seen at the airport with Marty Rathbun, let out of the Hole for a special “confrontation.” — LIKELY BACK IN THE HOLE.
Guillaume Lesevre, former ED Int last seen in the Hole. — Poor bastard.
Heber Jentzsch, former President CSI last seen in the Hole. — Is he even still alive? Jesus. Damn.
To highlight a couple. Poor souls lost. Perhaps one day they will epitomize PTS.
Thanks for what you have done recent years and are continuing now doing Mike. I’ll sign your liability formula, and Marty’s too. (snark) But seriously, thanks.
The self destruction of these imbeciles is fascinating. What a treat to have a front row to the sinking of the SS shit-show. Don’t let em beat you down Mike, its only a matter of time now. The Internet laughs at propaganda and they have the world’s worst decision makers in history punching themselves in the face.
May they all rot in hell.
“Mike Rinder: A Vicious Liar to Be Avoided” After reading the opening paragraph from this article in the Freedom magazine all I can say is that the desperation levels of Vibrator for Elephants Miscavige (I reckon that when he gets angry his whole body shakes with suppressed rage and being pocket sized for a frustrated elephant…well you can guess the rest) are getting higher and he’s just compounding his mistakes almost daily. But being the sociopath he is nothing will never be his fault. I’m not even going to watch the video, the lies in those few sentences were enough to turn me right off.
To the Cult of Scientology and to its ecclesiastical leader Mr Miscavige in particular I would like to say an old truth: in order to be able to lie, one has to know the truth.
As the outpourings of the Cult of Scientology are almost nothing but lies (about former staff, about their ‘enemies, about their products) I must conclude that Mr Miscavige really knows the thruth. He is probably the only one in the cult that knows the truth and nothing but the whole truth. Therefore lies are needed to ‘protect’ the world from the truth.
Unceasing attention from Dee Emm ? …… Feel Flattered Mike! … Delusions of Magnitude! Not everyone garners such importance in the bulging eyes of his Eminence. 😉
It is so patently obvious that these “co-workers” are lying that it is hysterical. They either sound as if they are making it up on the spot or are remembering points in a script. I’ve been watching actors for almost 50 years and these people are atrocious. But they couldn’t hire real actors to make it believable could they? Miscavige has gone beyond, beyond the pale. The poor saps in the church that buy this video will have reach a new high in sappiness.
Is that Vicki Shantz narrating? Sounds like her voice.
This may be incredibly obvious, but why would the church invest hundreds of man hours and thousands of dollars in video production costs to discredit a coffee waiter?
The word desperation comes to mind.
Statpush you pose such a telling question! Why does the church go to the trouble to make a smear Mike Rinder video? It looks like this is really a private beef David Miscavige has with Mike. David Miscavige is not radioactive with hate for a coffee waiter!
Who is David Miscavige? David Miscavige is the man who stands before thousands of thunderously applauding people with Tom Cruise saluting him. That’s who David Miscavige is. He is the man who stands on top looking down at all those people looking up at him. Nobody dares to contradict him and nobody fails to laugh at his jokes. He is a king, a ruler of an empire that the world fears and doesn’t mess with. That is who David Miscavige is.
David Miscavige is NOT a punchline to a daily parade of jokes told by Mike Rinder PUBLICLY every single day. David Miscavige is NOT a ridiculous cartoon of a little hysterical man. David Miscavige is the man who gives beatings he is NOT the man who RECEIVES them. Correction: he is NOW. And Mike Rinder is there to report it in colorful detail to the worst possible enemies the CoS could have: former members. Mike Rinder must be punished therefore a Natter Video is made and presented in a forum which nobody who is anybody takes seriously. Now guess what? As usual David Miscavige’s ferocious swipe becomes the punchline du jour! Again the angry man shoots himself in the foot. It has to take a lot of scotch to live with that kind of rage.
Wow! Very good, Roger!
I wish I had my own dead agent video from the Church of Scientology.
Lucky bastard.
Make it go right, Alanzo.
At the rate of the Co$, i.e. DM serving up the most ludicrous material about you there will never be a lack
of blog subjects here.
Man, I hate those people who take the last cup and never start another pot! Especially the ones who carefully leave a dribble of coffee as their excuse for not making more.
So, how often does Miscavige make the coffee?
A popular TV show at the moment is called “Elementary”, which is a modern Sherlock Holmes story.
How many of the thousands of daily readers here saw the recent episode “A Stitch in Time” I wonder?
How many scientologists saw that episode I wonder?
Because it was watched by 7.5 million people.
And it shows really clearly the general public perception of Scientology as a manipulative cult.
Here is a review from TV Fanatic: which notes that the episode includes a “Scientology-like Church”.
I wish I could include screen captures because the depiction of the “Church of Modern Atomcism” looked like a direct clip from one of the 90s motif scientology videos. Complete with “Mind” “and “Body” fliers in transparent plastic holders.
It was hilarous to see the modern Sherlock Holmes stalking through something that looked exactly like a Golden Era Productions set, all the while firing off comments about cults and their manipulative ways.
And then showcasing the way that scientology stalks their detractors as they discover all the cult surveillance of a detractor.
And this shows exactly how effective the drool, dribble and blather really is.
Total fail.
The world knows who David Miscavige is and what he is doing.
Public opinion is overwhelmingly negative.
Any association with Scientology is immediately repulsive.
The freedumb effort is too little, too late and a total creep out.
How many religions have hate websites with long lists of “discredited sources” and hit videos on all of them, including major Hollywood figures? Just one. The church of sleazology.
Right now, Freebum is making a desperate effort to paint itself with credibility by publishing socially correct articles in addition to reams of sleazy mud slinging.
But it can do Google ads for the next 20 years and not reach as many people as one episode on CBS which shows a Scientology-like church in the raw – as a creepy, manipulative cult.
If you really knew Mike, you would know that he serves up one mean cup of tea.
I triple dog dare them to to debate you on any straight up media outlet!
Hot damn, that would be a hell of a ticket! A question about disconnection, coerced abortions, Sea-Org deprivations or anything and they would answer with some character assassination. That crap would be slapped down with disgust and followed with a pointed follow up.
Mike, Little Nero could never chance it, but that would be AWESOME!
Another bizarre video. Your last line says it all – “I’d be willing to debate any of them…”
You DO show up on legitimate broadcasts. THEY DON’T. That simple.
The fact the church does not have a spokesperson defending itself is quite telling.
They only have John Travlota re-enforcing the insanity by suggesting it would be a personal crime
to watch Going Clear.
I feel it is important to be apprised of both sides of a controversy that you are interested in.
I even watched the cherch’s snark video on my own wife – which resulting in further convincing me of
what side I wanted to be on.
Watching the videos of Mike had the same result.
When I was in the cherch and read the FreeDumb responses to the Truth Rundown – I was embarrassed to be associated with them.
Also, their choice of narrator was a HUGE mistake.
The narrator sounbds like someone’s Xwife in speaking in divorce court. Repelling.
Zero ARC one big ser facing whining complaining 1.1 drone on and on……….. The narrator sounds evil!
The EVIL PURPOSE to unmock someone, spill from all of them including the narrator. It is all evil purposes documented by the top people serving the Church! They are actually being used for evil purposes! This is a procust of the Church under David Miscavige, and he thinks it is serving some beneficial purpose!
Meant “product” not procust, need a new keyboard. Keys sticking ………
Honestly, there is a such a HATRED in that organization towards attractive people. Someone had to say it. It’s true.
It is not these people on the video knew Mike or worked with him. It is just that they have to find to find people for the video that are not totally repelling and this was the cream of crop.
And they still look DB’s! Lying snotty judgmental “mean girls” right out of a Hollywood chick flick. The Church is legendary for keeping people awake for DAYS and NIGHTS on work schedules that are equivalent to torture and all they can bitch about is the Mike fell asleep? They think this low ARC video of staff SER FACing all over the place is good P.R.? BARF!
David is begging you to sue Mike. Begging. Just when your career takes off as public speaker, here you are getting standing ovations at Sundance and propped up on National Television prime time, the Church “produces” this kind of slander with the message you are unemployable. Get a lawyer and put his f*%&#$g ethics in!
Or, at least get a restraining order on him. That would make two. Unreal the way this guys believes people are obligated to suck up his abuse. What a looney on the fringes! A total liability to the Church and to Scientologists everywhere!
Aleah Chisolm? Henning Bendork? Cathy O’Gorman? Maybe Cathy O. but the others? Hey, the most impressive thing in the entire video to me were the steamer trunks (the word “bags” doesn’t do them justice) under Gail Armstrong’s eyes. When was the last time that woman slept. I, too, wondered where the Black Widow herself was in this attempted takedown but it could be that she is too out PR after the LAX fiasco. The other thing that really stood out for me was how much this entire production was for an audience of ONE person and one person only. What a weird, weird expenditure of tax-exempt money.
“…with the biggest SP on the planet…”
Now that Robert Minton is dead. 🙁
I find it hilarious that the COB runt has to expend as much energy as he does to get these hit pieces produced. And it’s fun to imagine him running around, bat shit apoplectic at all the PR disasters hitting him.
You can see his little mind cranking away – “Wait till you CICS’s see the piece I’m doing on RINDER!! THAT’LL show you.”
I hope he doesn’t think he has an audience with non-scientology public, because we stopped reading or watching anything produced by his cult a long time ago – it’s all so nauseatingly pathetic. Any rebuttals they write that this blog and other good ones like Tony Ortega’s address, we just pass over as they are all the same and we want to get to the interesting stuff in the blog. We’re WISE to yous guys – haven’t you figured that out yet?
This shit is hilarious! HOW do they not see what transparent propaganda that video is. It’s so over the top. Scientologists don’t begin to appreciate the value of nuance, subtlety, or balance. I suppose this is how they think “Tone 40” applies to public relations initiatives. Bwaahaa!
Bless their hearts.
Over the past couple of weeks, we have witnessed actions that prove once and for all that key “stable data” of Scientology have overstayed their welcome and become ineffective. Body routing doesn’t work anymore, not with the Internet at people’s fingertips at all times. Planetary Dissemination techniques restricted to those that would have been known and approved by Hubbard are ridiculously out of date. Facebook is not a neighborhood newsletter, and their numbers cannot be manipulated without someone figuring it out. Books don’t make booms, not when book chains are going bust. Central Files…fill in your own joke there, since there are so many to be made.
And now Dead Agenting joins them. Dead Agenting used to work when the victim didn’t have a voice that could be broadcast at a high enough level to be heard above the sound of exploding bullshit. But in the age of blogs and YouTube? We can hear you loud and clear, Mike. We can hear every victim of this outdated policy loud and clear. And so Dead Agenting has moved from something to be feared to something to be laughed at.
Will OSA recognize this and stop wasting their effort? No. That’s because their boss, Let Him Die, still thinks things like Dead Agenting or Body Routing or books or Central Files works. The day that David Miscavige realizes that Green On White and the OSA policy letters are a complete failure is the day that we lose one of our greatest allies in the fight against the cult. Keep doing what you’re doing, Davey. We get good laughs out of your Keystone Kops antics.
I didn’t catch all of your e-mail on my wood fired old machine. Perhaps you could telex it to me.
Mike, did they get your permission to use your name and picture? Scientology
doesn’t like it when people use someone’s name and photo without their consent.
That whole thing reminds me of the ‘confession’ films done by Eastern European Communists when charged with being a CIA agent in the late 40’s and early 50’s. Alan Dulles was the boggy man in those films. Now its your turn in the clam bake.
Barbara Streisand called, she wants her effect back. While the attack vid will have its desired effect in the clam fields. everyone else will just ignore it or blame Tom Cruise for it. Blaming Tom is a good idea. He and Travolta don’t need to ‘read a book’, they have seen it all. Spanky Taylor has attested to that.
All these attack vids and stories do in the end is ratchet up the cognitive dissonance in the loyal minions. After a while, even the most loyal minion starts asking questions. Questions that they know they can’t talk to any clam about. So they go to the internet and eventually find confirmation of their fears. The door only needs to be ajar to let some one out.
Mike, take credit for 5 to 10 more minions escaping. That is what each ‘confession’ video actually does.
As a newbie, all I can say is thank god for the internet. For Mike to have access to shine the light on anything that piece of shit David Miscavige says is powerful. I like the “Dear Leader” quote, yes the connection to the North Korean dictator is appropriate.
And thank you to all the commenters. Sorry for me calling DM a “piece of shit”. I know I don’t own it like you former members. But it’s not hard to discern what kind of person Miscavige is without having to experience the brunt of his tyrannical rants.
Why can’t these violently insane Scientology criminals get Tom Cruise to star in one of these insane movies? If the crooks could get one of their few remaining *actual* celebrities to star in one, people might actually watch the lunacy — not that they would believe a word of it, of course.
I think it was Alanzo who said it was best to just film scientologists being scientologists. Now they are even filming themselves being scientologists, and putting it up for all the world to see.
At this juncture, what could be better?
One thing that is very obvious to people in general, but not to scientologists still in the fold, is that these personal attack videos have a very corrosive effect on the trust and cohesiveness of the Scn group itself.
Minimally, these videos create more cognitive dissonance (“how can Mike Rinder have been so high up…”, etc) but they also create feelings of fear, or anger and hate. Not so much fun and not too “churchy”.
And of course the implied threat that no one dares articulate: “Get too noisy and you’re next.”
Every new video created, particularly those that are, as you point out, well-lit and highly produced, is another container of acid poured directly onto the very bonds of trust and affinity that holds scientology together.
Interesting side observation btw…I’ve been watching another local community group implode. It is not Scn related at all, but the similarities are evident, of what it is doing to destroy itself and fight back hard against good intentioned efforts to get it turned around, just as scientology is doing to itself.
Watching the behavior of the woman at the top of that local group has brought me to this conclusion:
David Miscavige is really tired of trying to keep scientology going. He really just wants to go off and do fun things with rich and famous people, those he considers his peers.
I think he’s felt this way since GAT 1 failed to revive the declining church, if not earlier.
But he can’t just walk away. His wealth and influence is directly tied to him continuing to be “COB”.
So the only solution is to get the Scn to fail, so he can be done with the whole mess. This could be deliberate or reactively hidden even to himself.
I can’t help but continue to stand in disbelief as David Miscavige carries on with this bizarre behavior against a former member of a *church*. Everything,and I mean EVERYTHING that comes out of the Church of Scientology can and will be used someday as a real study of how Scientology went from a fringe cult in the 60’s to a be bizarre fully spun out of control paramilitaristic fundamentalist hate group.
When Bubble Folk are corralled into the studio to participate in a videotaped NATTER about somebody they probably find a way to convince themselves they are doing their part to help the church, the planet and this sector of the galaxy. Mostly they’re hoping this will translate into some respect from David Miscavige and maybe a little gratitude. You have to have a heart of stone to not laugh at this.
Mike..We only met a couple of times as I was CMO PAC (remember in ’78 when I was insurance missionaire on an LRH run mission that took over all of Flag but FSO and failed?)…anyway…if I had gone to Int, which I almost did, DM would have thrown me in the hole too….and there’s a chance I’d still be there……the insanity of those days and today cannot be overstated….those still in are,, as I was for years, INSANE…I would have done anything (including breaking any law) to clear the planet and carry out LRH intention….its hard for me to be too critical of those doing the same today as I was no better and (except for some fortunate events) could be on that video today…I guess the point is the insanity…its real and its dangerous.
Hi John Warnes, Read your post & completely agree with your quote,” the insanity of those days and today cannot be overstated ” & ” I would have done anything (including breaking any law) to clear the planet & carry out Ron’s Intention”.Over all the years & tears I have found it isn’t how many years one was SO GO or my favorite group of “we are really your friend ” the GOI, but how all of us public or staff or SO have had intertwining threads of the same but with different details for each being, how we all in some form were hurt, bullied, lied to & put in positions of danger because ” As a SO member I could get myself out of any situation @ if I got hit across the face hard that was my o/w I made that happen to me.Amazing when the Kool Aid switch flips to,pure spring water what a difference.This blog all of you & Mike & Marty Tony all these wonderful spirits allow me to feel able to read your posts @ share my journey.When my mind hits those dark places from the past I go here @ feel less alone.Thank you always. Take Care Ann B Watson.
I watched the video…Who does that sneering, slimy, condescending voice of the narrator. Yuck, I need a shower just listening to that disgusting voice…
Of course this is what they always say: So and so worked for the Church…they did all manner of the most horrible, despicable things, beatings, complete incompetence, they were the WORST possible person and did EVERYTHING wrong…but we promoted them to the very top of the Org Board and it took us 30 years before we “expelled” them… what sort of stupid idiot cannot see through this bullshit???
Having the church make such video’s about you is a Badge of Honor! Mike is Primus Sp-us Invictus!
“…what sort of stupid idiot cannot see through this bullshit???”
Well, Andy, there are obviously a few of that sort of stupid idiot out there. And these are exactly the type of people Mr. “let him die” Miscavige and company wish to appeal to.
Oh well. Best of luck on that.
Those still-in are presented with this type of historical revisionism all the time. I know I was. I resisted it and pointed it out to my MAA:
If Marty was such as shitbag, and sabotaged the IRS victory (as detailed in his SP Declare), then why does COB acknowledge him in the War is Over video? Hell, they went as far as to say the Marty NEVER held a management position in Scn!
Or that Mike Rinder was a real fuck-up and cost the church millions and millions in bungled legal cycles. And he managed to get away with this for decades! Amazing. Then why have him speak at international events? Or to high profile media reporters?
I told my MAA that none of this made any sense, and just made International Management look unbelievably incompetent. In the end I told her to go to hell.
But, this is a critical juncture for those still-in. When they are presented with unbelievable “facts” (read lies) what are they going to do? Are they going to cower and sacrifice their personal integrity? Or are they going to muster up the courage and call it like it is? This is a horrible situation still-ins find themselves. Because it’s not as simple as standing up to the MAA. It’s the real possibility of getting declared and that nasty disconnection policy.
This becomes the litmus test for the church. Those who buy the bullshit are truly controllable robots. Those who don’t get to graduate from Scientology.
By the way I noticed you wrote this particular clause this way:
his “wife” Shelly
Maybe you’ve heard the same rumor I heard about a year ago?
Spill it! Quiet quickie divorce?
Those “witness” are all hatefull, it’s incredible. They look all totalitrian SP. They are looking nazis. Really. It has been an Miscavige infection in their blood, like there was an Hitler infection on the blood of the German.
Keep Strong.. you got backup!!
Where would Tommy Davis fit in this? He’s not in the film but as your successor; one would have thought he’d have something to say. Or was he someone you worked closely with and thus not qualified to be in the film (like your list)?
Obviously he is out and about and not in the hole.
It is probably my round about way of asking what you think Tommy’s story is these days and how he got there.
“He’s not in the film but as your successor one would have thought…” (Sorry for typo)
I have no information, but Tony Ortega’s site has indicated that Davis is basically out of Scientology, working as a real estate investor in Texas. It has been confirmed that he is on “leave” from the Sea Org at the very least.
Chris – but wasn’t he in the front row at the helicopter event just last year?
Wow, thank god I finally got to see this video on the Scientology website “Freedom”. Now that I know the truth, I’m not going to read/follow mike’s “not a nice person” blog anymore. Truly a bad person. Fortunately for Co$, after +29 years of being in the top leadership roles of sci., they got rid of him. It’s kind of amazing that so many ex-scientologists turn out to be really awful people.
Roger – Love your comment on the free dumb truth about Rinder. I originally thought Mike was OK and then when I heard the contrast between him versus 6 or 7 truly enlightened sci-beings in the parking lot in Clearwater it became clear as water the guy was nuts. Because of that I now limit my viewing of his blog to once or twice a day. I don’t give a click to freedom as once you heard one of these hate videos you’ve seen ’em all. And they are all the products if a deranged mind.
Substitute the name David Miscavige for Mike Rinder in the video and it will be the undeniable truth.
Is it just me, or is anyone else having difficulty getting the video to play?
I didn’t try. No desire to add views (clicks) to the cults hate crimes.
Stupid move Miss Cabbage. The lady doth protest too much, methinks. And every journalist out there will recognize that phenomenon in this hit piece…
Well , I must say I really despised you Mike, when I saw John Sweeney’s first documentary. I felt you were the embodiment of evil. Even after the second Panorama video, I still wasn’t too keen on you.
Now after going clear and knowing the rest of the story all I can say is, boy was I wrong. It’s taught me a valuable lesson, that even though you can be sure you think you know what’s going on, it can be totally different than what you believe.
I admire you and think you are doing the still in’s and the world a huge favor in confronting this evil dictator and his cult. It’s obvious he’s lost it and he is self destructing.
I was struck when watching it that if you didn’t listen to the beginning they could be talking about “Let him die” and not you. How many enemies is he going to pile onto that site. Surely they must have doubts. Going to be another group going up when Louis’ docu. premieres. Just pathetic, my 10 year old could make better videos.
Dave, I don’t think you get it yet. You are not on the offensive anymore. You are playing defense because you are seen for who you are by the whole world.
You are deluded by your imagined OT super powers and because of that are inaccurate in understanding what is happening.
You think you are the most powerful man in the world. You are totally unprepared for what is coming your way.
It is now totally bad PR, here in wog world, as professional, to be identified with Scientology.
You have lost Hollywood. Your hack celebrity billboards are seen with contempt by the media.
The mystery is out. We know who you are and know what you are doing.
The more you discredit and harass honest caring citizens who dare to criticize, the more we see you as a power crazed idiot.
The more Scientology is in the news world wide, the more people understand the dangers of Scientology.
If you stay out of the news you loose. If you stay in the news you loose.
That IS your situation. It will only get worse. That is because you and your minions are fighting the old shadows of L Ron Hubbard’s unbalanced mind.
The more you strike at make believe, the more foolish you look.
Ron is source.
Dave, the first time Ron instructed you to punch, spit and beat up people, and then you got a big ack from him, making you feel alive and important, IS………………
basic basic on your continued justified immoral and violent behavior.
You think you are saving the universe and simply see your violent actions as necessary to bring about a Scientology planet.
As a child messenger Dave, you learned from Ron, that violence works to get things done. You studied Bolivar and concluded that harming others to keep power was a good thing.
But what he did not teach you Dave is that the universe is built on laws. Laws of nature and behavior.
The burden you carry Dave, is all the broken families and all the suffering you have caused.
You may say, ” I am OT. I make my own rules. I do not agree with karma. So karma is an implant and control mechanism from implanted R6 religions.”
If you are above the laws of life Dave……………………. why don’t you stop eating and use you OT powers to survive.
Just because you do not understand karma. or have a wrong understanding of it because Ron did not understand it, does not keep you safe from suffering consequences.
L Ron Hubbard taught you that karma is “synthetic”. Meaning a made up false doctrine. The mathematic exactitude of karma does not need any individual to agree or disagree with it.
We wake up in the morning experiencing the causes of the day before.
You carry within yourself the seeds of your own self punishment. Just recollect all the suffering you have engendered in others.
And when you can be honest with yourself, you will cognize what your future has for you. When you plant a seed you get a plant.
The seeds you have planted are starting to sprout. Your silent thoughts at night, when you drink alone, the concerns you have and stresses, are the beginnings of your own self styled retribution against yourself in order to compensate for all the broken hearts and families.
Your inner world is boiling with anger and thwarted desires. There is no exercise equipment, healthy foods or entertainment that can stave off the stress you create in your own body by being a violent person.
Each and every time you loose control and become a crazed violent person, you electrocute your central nervous system with toxins and negative hate thoughts.
Your personal opinions of not being affected by what I am telling you will not help you. The laws of life do not need your agreement to operate.
L Ron Hubbard was a bad influence on you. You are suffering the same fate he did. You know what I am talking about.
WOW- well said!
Mike – awesome job on dead agenting the Church of Scientology and David Micscavige. The tech does really work when told with the truth!
Thanks for posting this – more proof of the failure and flap of Captain “Blackheart” David Miscavige’s flunked leadership skills!
Very Well Done!
Oh – and FUCK YOU OSA!
As International Spokesperson, you were clearly orders of magnitude better than Davis, or Miscavige’s disastrous appearance with Koppel, let alone Paow(sp?). After torturing you and other execs, he is now having you smeared because you called him out on abuse.
Unfortunately, rather than take responsibility and change when challenged on their bad behavior, some twisted personalities merely retaliate against those who expose their abuse by making those exposing wrong doing out to be the bad guys.
This is referred to as “DARVO”: Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender.
One of the things I noticed in Scientology was the pin the blame on the donkey game. If someone left their post, all mistakes and problems were because of them. It was so bad that people dreaded taking their leave because when they came back, they would find they were found responsible for a number of sins. Regardless of how well you did your post, there would be hell to pay when you returned in 3 weeks because the jackals would have time to pick through your area and find you lacking or worse. Many would find themselves demoted, under comm ev, or some other lower condition. It was many times a better choice to stay on post to protect your back.
FWIW, I always thought highly of you when you were a senior exec and my respect has only grown. You are a good man, Mike Rinder.
As the man says, “the absent are always wrong.”
How could they let such an awful person fetch their coffee? All my coffee fetchers are fine, upstanding citizens.
Even if that’s a joke (honestly I’m not sure), it has serious implications. You really *do* put trust in those who handle your food…
Has CoB hired a food taster yet?
Mike, I am not familiar with US relevant laws, but I am curious – I don’t think you can be categorized as a so-called public figure, so are you sure that you have to tolerate this sort of malicious character assassination attempts? Is it even legal to publish and use this sort of photos e.g. you sleeping on the job (which I am sure was the direct result of the extreme sleep deprivation you were subjected to) withour your permission? You must have some sort of right to your own image and privacy.
Peter, Mike is a “public figure” by US slander/libel law standards. Therefore he would have to be able to PROVE damages in order to really “go legal”. Of course those Fed Laws are unconstitutional because of the XIV the Amendment…
When I saw the earlier video (that came out with the documentary) showing you young and sleeping at a desk, with the church claiming you’d never had anything but a lowly position, it made me really angry. Not just because they were slandering you, and I know and like you personally – although there is that, too. 🙂
But also because I remember when I was on staff — watching you, and Marty, and Ray Mithoff, and Heber, and Guillaume, etc. You all were the Rat Pack of Scn in the late 80’s and through the 90’s. Man, me and all my fellow staff and the public at our org thought all you guys were the shiznit! Besides events, there were all the videos that came out that staff had to watch in “off” hours where one of you talked about various programs, etc. You were all the team at the top! We watched you, Mike, in TV spots where you decimated anybody who tried to come after Scn. And cheered! We all looked up to you fiercely!
Granted, not everything was what we thought it was, blah, blah, ad nauseum. But my point is it pissed me off for the church to try to pass you off as some lame pencil pusher/coffee boy. Anybody around in the 90’s who can watch these “Freedom” videos and say they believe them is just so obviously full of crap andor blind beyond reason.
One of the things that got me looking at the church with a more discerning eye was the disappearance of all of you as the years went on, and the increased appearance of Dave “let him die” Miscavige and the effete biographer.
Even though I know the church is full of Big Fat Liars, I can still be shocked by the degree to which they lie. And change history. And never recant or look inward. And never apply the fire extinguisher to their flaming pants. Talk about “swapped terminals”!!
Not only are they lying, but they are trying to “make nothing” of you and Marty, etc, and everything you did for the church when you were in.
Seriously, you all who are still in and were in during the 90’s, compare these ridiculous videos the church is making to the points made in PAB “On Human Behavior.” You’ve probably done the PTS/SP course 4 or 5 times by now. So you should have it memorized.
Thanks for being continually brave enough to dig out and confront both your own personal truth about all this, and the church’s, Mike. I think you’re awesome!
Ok, stepping off my soap box now. 🙂
I concur XclassVstaff. As Class V org staff during the 80s and 90s, our respect and admiration for Marty, Mike, Heber, Ray and Guillaume was at an all time high. There is no way anyone who lived through that period can now believe these guys were a bunch of incompetent boobs.
Since Mike and Marty have left and have spoken out, the respect and admiration has reached a whole new plateau. I’m sure this drives the dwarf crazy.
If any of the still-ins actually believe this bullshit being served up by the church, they probably deserve Dave’s brand of Scientology.
The ‘speakers’ are so blind that they will do what the leader ordered them either to not end at the hole, or to ‘prove him’ he is admired and supported. This gives the appearance/delusion that the leader is still at control and has supporters.
I wonder who is the blindest – the leader or the cowed followers? Whatever the answer we know who is the one that won’t stand up and speak for himself; he has to put others in from of him as a parapet as, if something goes wrong, it was their fault and had nothing to do with him.
It does really suck to be in DM’s condition.
Just the simple fact that they flew you to London to ‘serve coffee’ to John Sweeney proves they needed your media expertise (because Tommy Davis was not up to the task).
Either that or they are so short staffed that there is no one else able to ‘serve coffee’ in England.
They make themselves look ridiculous with all these lies. I would love to hear the response of any of these ‘coworkers’ as to why you were flown to London if you were so unimportant.
Nothing wrong with carrying concealed. I’ve done it for a very long time, have never needed it, don’t *want* to need it..but prepared. And, during that time, no one has ever known I was carrying. So what’s the fuss? I imagine, though, that Davey Dildo is *always* in fear that someone is about to “get him”. I truly can understand that. However, no one considers him dangerous enough to need that kind of response. Words, alone, suffice to wound him over and over.
” . Only Sue Wilhere and Mike Sutter could fit into that category for certain periods of time, though for the last 5 years or so I was at Int Mike Sutter was putting CD’s into boxes. His post was “Box Stuffer IC Gold.”
Well by 2010 Mike Sutter had been pulled out of his stuffed box and set in motion to ‘hammer out dissent’ in the hinterlands. He managed to travel to Sonora along with Marion Pouw, my daughter, and a few others to quell the nattering potential apostates and generally disinfect the area. I have to say that despite the events of the day, Mike Sutter came across to me as a pretty decent fellow and I did perceive that he really cared about what was happening. Marion not so much!
Yo Mr. Sutter,
I suggest you consider locating your ripcord. Remember that book you were reading back then, ‘Hot, Flat and Crowded’? It’s time to find that rope and pull hard Mike. And if you wouldn’t mind, swing by the HGB and pick up Haley on your way out. As for the rest of your entourage, I say leave em, they will be in good company with Dave.
Yeah, the Mother Lode Country is a great place to de-stimulate,especially after decades in the desert.
Sonora Pass Road. Much as I love where I live, wish I was there right now.
Sonora pass…hmmm, you are in luck this year, it opens next Friday! That is one of the
earliest openings due to low snow pack.
Yes, Zephyr. To me it rivals the mighty Tioga Pass.
Mike, As someone who knew you in the Sea Org, I couldn’t agree with your write up more. The video was pathetic and comes across as a bunch of people making generalized statements about their co workers who did not interact with them and were somehow offended. They also neglect the fact that you were involved in almost every major legal and PR story involving Scientology for so many years, and all they can say is that you were not important at all = heads in the sand at best. Liars is more appropriate.
What struck me too as I mentioned on Tony O’s blog is this: if these speakers were such shrewd judges of character – and it must be said they spoke surprisingly coherently, albeit sneeringly, especially in the case of Claire Gaiman – but if they are so sharp at spotting personality flaws and character defects then how come they can’t spot that their own fearless leader is a raving loon; a psychopathic, narcissistic nut-job who is easily identifiable by their own {faulty} parameters as contained in SOS, the Tone Scale and the 10 characteristics of an SP? Maybe they should all re-do the Basics! Or maybe they are so far disappeared down the rabbit hole of delusion, mind control and paranoia that up really does equal down and black is white after all – we’re all just too woggy to get it.
It’s “too horrible to confront” Martin.
PS: When you got a minute Mike, mine’s a skinny decaf mocha.
Coming right up Sir…
Ok. For you scientology students out there training to be auditors, Watch Going Clear. Then Watch this video on Rinder. Good. Now tell me, who needs to be sec checked for their O/W’s and why?
+1 Beautiful, McCarran. Exactly.
And I know a lot of people in that video, too. Good people most of ’em. Some not. But imagine the blowback on their own personal integrity when they lay awake and think “That wasn’t really true, what I said about Mike” and they have no way to retract it. Hell. No matter how much they justify it, it’s an overt on Mike and, maybe more importantly, an overt on their own, core self.
Get out, OSA girl. Walk out, take a car, to Vegas or Phoenix, get on a plane from there and fly home. Join Mike.
indie8, you mentioned something that I failed to appreciate. It’s about the video participants lying awake at night as they reflect on their bearing false witness against Mike. The vast majority of people can’t do such a thing without it eating away at them. It’s called “shame” and it has a lot of stay-power. More than a few people have reversed their lives because of it so they could, once again, whistle a happy tune.
Hi Mike,Up early & wanted to tell u how brave, strong,& fearless you are.The hornet’s nest has been bashed hard & those stingers are out in full force!! Be careful out there, it seems here in BR, everyone is packing concealed guns.Everyone except us.”The pen is mightier than the sword,but one still has to watch out for the blade!We love you & yours Thank you.ff Ann B.
The lies are SOOOOO obvious to everyone but Miscavige. Every effort made to counter the truth just makes Miscavige and his merry band of morons look that much worse. I hope Gold and Miscavige work on this garbage full time.
Wow. You must have been a real shitbag 😉
🙂 🙂 🙂
Mike, you are loved.
And now, do not forget crime cult leader gets another class action, guess shere? Why? For the fraudulous scientology part called “Narconon”. It’s in north California, near the Madonna Mount, in a part called “Santa Cruz”.
Too bad Cruise lost his Cruz who preferred the cross…
Mike, can you please teach me how to be lazy and a brutalizer and fall a sleep all the time and be vicious ruthless demanding boss, while having no real job, and a liar and a con man and run and get coffee all the time? I need me some of them simultaneous high action, completely diverse multi tasking skills!
Mike, I know every single person in that video. I have no idea how in their own integrity that they can lie, outright . I guess they are doing the “good cause” to get out of liability by delivering an effective blow…. It’s pure insanity & shows the amount of brainwashing. Maybe MY, GL, Kurt etc are not on the video, cause they actually agree with you!! 🙂
Could be many reasons they are not in the video but
I doubt they could even think of agreeing with
Mike. That would be highly treasonous. No, I
wouldn’t be surprised if the missing people are just that,
missing! Either gone (and paid off handsomely) or so
deep in the “hole” that nobody are allowed to touch
them with a 10 foot pole or god forbid maybe they are
extremely sick (last I saw Kurt he really needed to go
to the doctor, in my opinion) and just would come off
very badly in a video and with David Miscavige’s
propensity to lie, cheat, steal and hide vital data maybe
they are dead.
If anyone is helping mankind to make this a better place,
it is Mike.
Such caring, decent people. “Good riddance.” Made the bully happy, the way they read their lines.